The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 27, 1907, SECTION TWO, Page 3, Image 15

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Seattle Medical Board Makes
Appeal for Fund From Gov
ernor Mead.
Dr. Lytons Declares Anti-Temperance
People Xeed Hdve Xo Fear.
Federal Assistance Necessary
to Cope With the Disease.
SEATTLE, Wash., Oct. 26. (Spe
cial.) At a meeting of the State Board
of Health held here today It was de
cided to make a personal appeal to
Governor Mead, on behalf of the medi
cal board, for aid in . combatting the
bubonic plague at every port in this
state. The members of the state
board will go to Olympia tomorrow
to enlist the support of the state gov
ernment and if possible to procure the
expenditure of the special Gubernato
rial fund for the state's protection
against contagious diseases in support
of the anti-plague movement.
No other deaths have occurred that
can be traced to the plague, but the
State Board is convinced that the Os
borne family died of a phase of the bu
bonic disease. So also Is the death of
Charles O. Eddy, the undertaker's as
sistant who handled Osborne's body, as
cribed to the plague.
The King County Medical Association
will take up the plague situation at its
next meeting and Federal authorities
have already been requested to take
charge of the protection of this port
against Asiatic cities.
In the future the rule compelling ves
sels landing at Seattle to remain six feet
from the dock, throw out protective net
tings and guard both lines and gang
plank will be enforced to prevent rats go
ing ashore.
Has Had Experience With Plague.
Dr. Bourns, one of the new members
of the City Health Board, has had ex
tensive experienme with the bubonic
plague in the Philippines, and he will be
given ample authority by the city au
thorities to combat the spread of th
disease. Under his direction Health
Board authorities have sent out special
forces to compel the cleaning up of dif
ferent districts and the eradication of
the rat pest. A price of 10 cents a piece
has been set upon each rat delivered to
the Health Board and the city will im
mediately attend to the detail of ridding
Seattle of that danger.
Thus far the only deaths from' me
plague are directly traceable to the Chi
nese quarters. Leong Sc. g died in the
Chinese Mission and Patrolman E. C.
Osborne was on duty in the Oriental
quarter before he was taken ill. His
two sisters who died after him came
Into direct contact with Osborne, and the
undertaker's assistant who died handle
' his body. Aside from these persons, no
one has ben infected.
Orientals Lend a Hand.
The Oriental colonies have agreed to
support the city in every step taken to
eradicate the disease. The Japanese col
ony has named a special committee, In
cluding two' Japanese physicians, to
spread the news through the Japanese
settlement and to Insist that all sus
picious cases be reported direct to the
City. Health Board. The Cninese colony
has gone farther and agreed to report all
cases of Illness to the Health Beard, ana
In the meantime both districts will be
cleaned up:
What tends to make the fight more
serious Is a report made tonight by
Dr. XV. M. Kellogg, the city bacteriolo
gist, that the Chinese case was a clear
case of bubonic plague, and that accu
mulative evidence indicates the Os
borne family died from a species of the
plague. Their is believed to have been
the pneumatic form, but it is equally
as fatal as that which attacked Leong
Use of LJquor a Preventive.
Dr. J. H. Lyona, president of the
King County Medical Association,
threw out one ray of hope tonight. He
declared that those addicted to the use
of liquors were less l,lkely to become
Infected than the temperate persons,
but this opinion, sustained by other
physicians, has not allayed an alarm
that spreads from the decision of the
State Board of Health that the bubonlo
plague has a foothold here.
Both municipal and state authorities
are demanding that the Government es
tablish the same strict quarantine regu
lations requested for Seattle at all Wash
ington and Oregon ports. It Is pointed
out that the' disease comes from the
Orient and that It 1b likely at any time
to appear in either Washington or Ore
gon ports, and the entire Coast should
turn over the question of protection to
Federal authorities. If placed lln the
hands of Federal authorities, local phy
sicians say the disease can be fought on
a common basis all along the Coast. If
local health boards, restricted by muni
cipal or state laws, have to handle the
cases. It is feared the plague may get a
Taking: No Chances.
Time enough has elapsed since the
majority of deaths here to Indicate the
danger of Infection from them has
passed, but health authorities fear
some new cause will arise for its
fresh spread. That Is why a new
health board headquarters has been es-
tabllshed. with a labratory in the Ori
ental quarters, and why an appeal to
, Federal authorities has been made
' more urgent, despite a reasonable as
surance of future Immunity. Seattle is
not going to take any chances.
Councll Expected to Increase Fund
for Cse of Health Department.
It Is probable that at the next meet
ing of the Portland Council more
' money will be appropriated for the
use of the health department In Its
fight against the Introduction of bu
bonic plague that is now In San Fran
cisco and Seattle.' Two months ago
the Council voted $1000 for this pur
pose and gave Health Officer Pohl to
understand that additional money
would be voted whenever neceesary.
The health authorities are doing
everything possible to protect Port
land against Introduction of the plague
and to clear up the city so that the
scourge could be controlled If it once
got a foothold' here. Not only Is the
war on rats being carried on by offer
ing a 5-cent bounty and preventing the
rodents from landing from ships, but
the waterfront Is being cleaned of
rubbish. Much work of this kind has
already been done, but more money
will be needed . to complete it.
"It . i better for Portland to spend
a few thousand dollars warding off the
plague, than, to wait and spend many
thousands fighting it," declared Dr.
Pohl yesterday. "W shall petition
the Council for more funds and carry
on our efforts to clean up the city until
all danger of plague has passed.
"People should bring to us rats
found dead, jo that they may be ex
amined for evidence of the plague.-So
far we have no reason to believe that
the malady Is among the rata in this
city, and the dead rats that have been
found were poisoned by a man em
ployed for that purpose. The great
est precaution Is necessary, however,
to keep the plague from gaining a
foothold here and everyone should help
us to, kill the rats. and clear away rub
bish wherever it may be found."
Among other precautions that are
being taken ! the extension of sewers
further into the river. Several sewers
that emptied near the shore have al
ready been built out into the current
and this work Is to be continued by
the City Engineer's department.
Orders Issued for Thorough Clean
ing and Dally Inspections Made.
TACOMA, Wash., Oct. 26. (Special.)
Dr. F. J. Schug. marine physician and
surgeon, said today:
"The City Council should take steps
r -4
V '4.
Z t, ' '?,?,
I'z 'fatfY'H'di
It 41
'f , '4
i y at ' I
AV. S. Chandler.
. road, coal mine "interests and
steamboat line were bought by the Southern Pacific a year ago for
11,000,01)5. . .
While he will make his home in San Francisco, Mr. Chandler
will retain his Summer residence in Coos County. He has many bus
iness holdings here, being a stockholder in the First National Bank
the First Trust and Savings Company, and the new Chandler Hotel
which is named for him.
Immediately to exterminate rats and to
clean the city thoroughly, as there is
every possibility that the bubonic plague
may spread to this city. The Health De
partment Is doing: all in its power, but
lacks the support of the city officials,
which It has never had. A bounty should
be given for the killing of a is, as al
lowed in Seattle."
Steps have been taken to prevent any
danger of the plague spreading to Ta
coma. General street and premises clean
ing orders have been issued, and inspec
tions are being, given daily in an effort
to prevent contamination. All steamers
entering the port have been ordered to
use rat lines to prevent rats from leaving
the ships while lying at Tacoma docks.
McMlnnville, Or. Mian Orba. 13-year-old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sltton. of
near Carlton, died in McMlnnville lust night
of appendicitis. She was attending: school m
Seattle, Wash. Theodore E. Bell, grand
worthy president of the Fraternal Order or '
Eagles, was to have arrived in Seattle
from California two days ago. Some appre
hension concerning him Is felt here.
Dayton, Wash. While on hit way home
from a dance last night, about '2 o'clock.
Will Klethly waa held up. robbed, of , his
watch and $130 In greenbacks. The watch
wa a returned and the robbers made their
Hoqulam. Wash. The body of tne man
picked up in the lower bay the latter pari
of the week was Identified as that of Mate
Rudolphson, missing officer of the steamer
Qulniault, and buried at the expense of the
Aberdeen, Wash. Slmonson. the logger
whose body was taken from the water at
the mouth of the Wtshkah River on Tues
day, was drowned accidentally. Evidence
went to show that he was intoxicated when
he fell Into the water.
Central la. Wash. James Ingram, of Grand
Mound, haa made a record for the largest
nill of potatoes raised in this neighborhood.
Altogether 49 potatoes were found in one
hill, 42 of which were marketable. ; Fifteen
of them weighed 1 pounds each.
Eugent, Or. The Eugene Board of Edu
cation has let a contract for the erection of
a one-room portable public school building
to house the pupils who are unable to gain
admittance to the other schools. The build
ing will, be located on the Geary school
Hoqulam, Wash. That this city will soon
be advanced to a city of the second class
seems now to be assured, as the required
number to advance has been secured oy the
census enumerators, with some to spare.
Ten thousand three hundred names nave,
been listed so far, with 500 or 60U to b
Weston. Or. The Woman's Club of Weston
has elected the following offlcrns for the en
suing year: Mrs. G. V. Proebstel, president ;
Mrs. D. C. Lazier, vice-president; Mrs. J. E.
Mr Daniel, secretary; Mrs. F. D. Hasbrouck.
treasurer. The club has begun its regular
meetings for the Winter and is growing in
membership and influence.
Pendleton, Or. The County Teachers in
stitute, which closed this evening, was tn
most successful affair of its kind ever heia
here. The principal outside speakers have
been Rev. J. W. Brougher, of Portland;- W.
K. Newell, president of the State Board or
Horticulture; State School Superintendent J.
H Ackerman and Dr. W. J. Kerr.
Centralla. Wash. William C. Brown, eldest
ion of Chandler Brown, of thle city, was
examined this week on a charge of Insanity
by Drs. Primmer and Knlskern and was or
dered sent to the Stetlacoom Asylum by
Court Commissioner B. H Rhodes. Brown is
2 years of age and was bom in Centralis
He was constantly talking about some im
aginary love affwlr.
Seattle Jury Compromises in Case
of Man Who Kills Relatives.
SEATTLE, Wash., Oct. 26. (Special.)
Tbe Jury trying Dow Smith for the
murder of' his divorced wife. Annie,
and his mother-in-law, Mrs. Sarah Gill,
returned a verdict of murder in the sec
ond degree tonight. As the verdict was
read, Mrs. Mamie Coughlln, of Everett,
a daughter of Smith, threw herself into
his arms, sobbing wildly.
"It's all right, little girl. It's all
right," Smith soothed ' his . daughter,
neglecting court formalities and his
own predicament as his daughter clung
to him for sympathy.
Smith and his friends claimed his
mother-in-law and her family sepa
rated hlro from his wife, and a num
ber of neighbors testified Smith was
temporarily insane when he killed the
two women. The Jury compromised.
Scenic Photos. 248 Alder street.
Keep the liver and kidneys in order.
Hood's Sarsaparilla is the remedy to
regulate these organs.
Gets an Injunction at Dead of Night,
Restraining Son From Proceed
ing With Funeral Commenced.
BELLINGHAM, Wash., Oct. 26. (Spe
cial.) Observing the order of Judge
Netterer, C. H. Barrett, who was made de
fendant in a suit started by his mother
in the Superior Court, delivered the body
of his late father, Charles Barrett, and
the funeral was held this morning , at
The defendant was commanded to re
lease the corpse or appear in court this
morning and show cause why he should
not be compelled to do so. In the com
plaint filed Thursday night, the widow
of the dead man stated that her son had
threatened violence if she persevered in
trying to remove the body of his father
from his premises. It was his desire that
the remains be interred at Ferndale. His'
mother was not satisfied with this, but
insisted on choosing Blaine, where he re
sided. The deceased was at the home of his son
MARSHFIELD. Or., Oct. 26.
(Special.) W. S. Chandler, rep
resentative of the Southern Pa
cific holdings on Coos Bay, and
prominently identified with de
velopment of the coal and rail
road interests of this part of the
state, has tendered his resigna
tion to the railroad company and
will leave soon for San Fran
cisco where he will look after
the Interests of his father, R. D.
Chandler, a wealthy business
man of that city.
Mr. Chandler came to Marsh
field 10 years ago to develop the
Beaver Hill coal mine. The Coos
Bay, Roseberg & Eastern Rail
road fell into the hands of the
Spreckels company, and Mr.
Chandler was made receiver and
general manager. ( Under his
management the entire road was
practically rebuilt, a handsome
depot built at Marshfleld and. an
other at Coqullle; the Beaver
Hill coal mine opened and oper
ated on a big scale and large
coal bunkers erected. The rail-
when he died Wednesday, after a short
illness. "While the body of the dead man
lay at the home of one of his sons, the
widow quarreled with the latter over
where the remains should be buried.
Last Thursday night she aroused Judge
Netterer from his slumbers and asked
that an injunction be issued restraining
the son from continuing with the funeral
rites, which had been begun.
Want Stub Run Prom Roseburg
When No. 12 Is One Hour Late.
SALEM, Or., Oct. 26. Speclal. Seven
teen traveling men today filed with the
State Railroad Commission a complaint
alleging that passenger train No. 12
was 44 hours late at Roseburg last
Thursday and that no "stub" train was
put on the run in its place. They ask
that a standing order be made directing
that a stub be run whenever the regular
train Is one hour late at Roseburg. The
present rule calls for a stub when the
regular is two hours late.
An affidavit recently filed by the
Southern shows that the train was late
seven times In 80 days.
The traveling men also complain that
the train crew always runs train 11 200
to 300 yards past the depot at Roseburgi
presumably for the benefit of a certain
hotel, for which the trainmen endeavor to
secure patronage. The traveling men dis
claim any knowledge as to whether the
train crew do this of their own motion
or in pursuance of Instructions from the
company. The signers of the complaint
are: W. H. Barry, F. P. King, W. H. A.
T. Wallace, W. P. Jeffress. A. Betzel. "W.
A. Johnson, T. N. Moorhouse. J. E. Pel
ton, E. R. Hunan. R. H. Kavanaugh, A.
G. Thompson, A, J. Stelnman, H. Gould
stone, James C. Murray, C. B. Torgo,
R. F. Merrit. Fred Marx.
Julius Strauss Succumbs to an At
tack of Apoplexy.
ASTORIA. Or., Oct. 26. (Special.)
Julius Strauss, one of Astoria's most
honored and respected cltlxens, deid at
his residence here this evening of apo
plexy. after a short illness. The deceased
was 62 years of age and a native of Bur-
stadt, onthe-Rhlne, Germany. He came
to America In 1863, remaining for a time
in Montana and Idaho, and moved to
Astoria in 1876, engaging In the stationery
business until a few years ago. when he
retired. The deceased left a wife and one
daughter. Mrs. J. D. Strauss, as well as
two sisters and one brother. The latter
are Mrs. L. H. Lewis, of Portland, and
Mrs. T. L Ayers and Jacob Strauss, of
San Francisco. The remains will be taken
td Portland Monday for Interment.
Mrs. Ellen A. Babler.
OREGON CITY. Or.. Oct. 26. (Special.)
Mrs. Bllen A. Babler died last night at
Gladstone, aged 33 years, 11 months. 15
days. 9he was the wife of Henry Bab
ler, of Logan, and Is survived bv six
children; two sons and four daughters, a
father living at Sellwood, and three
brothers at Logan. Death was due to
consumption, after one year's ilinesj.
Mrs. Babler's maiden name was Gerber.
The funeral will be held tomorrow morn
ing at the Logan Baptist Church.
James Kowe.
GOLD HILL. Qr Oct 26. (Special.)
James Rowe, eldest son of Pate
Hove, one of the prominent farmers of
Sam's Valley, was accidentally shot and
Instantly killed about 4 o'clock Thurs
day afternoon. The young man was
hunting deer with a party of. friends.
After wounding a deer the hunters
surrounded it and in cross-firing young
Rowe was shot.
Mrs. J mo Goss Dye.
VANCOUVER, Wash., Oct. 26. (Spec
ial.) Mrs. Imo Goss Dye, wife of John
B. Dye and daughter of J. T. Gose, of
Vancouver, Wash., died at McMlnnville
yesterday, after a long and painful
illness. She was a sister of Mrs. E. G.
Crawford and Mrs. Minnie Eddings, of
Vancouver. She also leaves a hus
band and one child. The Interment
will take place in the family burial
ground at Vancouver. Notice of the
funeral will appear later.
Charles A. Aldrlch.
FOREST GROVE, Or., Oct. 26.
Charles J. Aldrlch, aged 50, died last
night from Brights disease. He was
born near Buffalo, N. Y., and came to
Forest Grove from Missouri four years
ago. He leaves parents In New York
and a widow and daughter, Miss Hazel,
here. His brother came from Elmo.
Mo., a week ago to see him and started
home a few hours before he died.
J. D. Raney.
OREGON CITY, Or., Oct. 26.-(Special.)
J. . Raney was found dead In bed this
morning at Boring, where he was em
ployed in a wood camp. Death was due'
to heart disease. Raney was a man of
advanced years and had no family, ex
cept a brother living at Gresham.
Peter J. Haze.
VANCOUVER. Wash., Oct. 26. (Spe
cial.) Peter J. Haze, an old resident of
this city, dropped dead today from heart
failure. Mr. Haze was a native of Hol
land, and was 63 years old.
Great Northern Express Company,
Though, Makes Much Money.
OLYMPIA, Wash., Oct. 26. (Special.)
The Great Northern Express Company
had gross earnings of J1.86S.136 for the
year ending June 30, 1907, according to its
annual report. After paying operating
expenses of $594,589 and $793,207 to rail
roads and transportation companies, this
company had a surplus left Of 480.339, or
more than 48 per cent on its $1,000,000
capital. The company reports that
its year's business exclusively in this
state resulted in a loss of $679, as its
operating expenses In the state. Including
$2676 taxes, aggregated $208,028.
The company operates 933 miles of lines
In this state, of which about 50 miles
were added during the year. It tnnually
pays salaries to employes in this state
aggregating about $80,000.
Feared He Is Lost in Mountains.
WOODBURN. Or.. Oct. 26. (Special.)
It was reparted this morning that S. B.
Olson. Jeweler for H. L. Moore, of this
city, and a great hunter, was lost In the
mountains and possibly had met with
death there. He had gone to the head
forks of the Molalla and was to have ar
rived back home October 15. The last
seen of him was a week ago, when a
Woodburn man saw him starting for the
Dungeon with four day's rations. Fearing
that he had met with some mishap H.
L. Moore, Lot- Harper and Henry
Paquette started for the mountains this
morning In search of him. They learned
at Molalla that he had gone on in' com
pany with a man whom he had met. . If
no further word of him is obtained there
will be a large searching party formed.
Man and Wife Who Don't Speak.
ALBANY, Or., Oct. 26. (Special.) That
her husband would not speak to her for
months at a time, is the contention of
Mrs. Matilda Surrell, in an answer she
filed today to a suit for divorce recently
Instituted here by John F. Surrell. In
his complaint Surrell makes -the same
charge against his wife, so there was
evidently silence in the Surrell family.
By the statements of both it appears
that though they lived under the same
roof, they have been practically sepa
rated for the past four years. The Sur
rells were married in 1887 at Ellensburg,
The OreRon A. M. Earel. Hoopeston; B.
Ij. Ouadette. South Bend; A. Betzel, Luther
Newall, G. M. Whltson, San Francisco; L.
Bryant. Eujrene; 1.. C. Ross, Louisville; W.
A. Rockfellow, New York; A. J. Brown,
St. Louis; D. J. Hanna. Minneapolis; M. A.
O'Lannla and wife. Estacada; A. Draper
and wife. Chicago; Charles J. O'Toole and
wife. Chicago; E. L. Griff ny, C. T. Todds,
Denver: R. S. Shaw and wife. Mill City;
C. E. Relnhart and wife. St. Louis; E. Hoper
and wife. Salem; E. F. Arerll end wife,
Pendleton; Mrs. J. Hlnnelt, Salem; Bertha L.
Broune. city; C. F. Helpers, Berkeley; C.
W. Brown, R. Horner, New York: B. Marvin,
Astoria; T. H. Robinson. New York; S. 13.
Jones. E. B. Durkln and wife. Orangevllle:
NOTE Extra sizes in all garments for unusually large ladies Most liberal credit for
the convenience of our patrons A simple economical plan of $1 a week
New Reds
New Browns
Rollle Watson. Tillamook; F. S. Steward.
KelFO: F. E. Veness, Wlnlock: W. S. Still.
F. Grocoe. Chicago: J. H. Dunlap. Gregory
Macffregory, Cascade Lcks: George W.
Adams. Corvallls; John E. Mlndler. Mlnd
ler; H. Leigh. Eugene; W. W. Fisher and
wife. Astoria; Roswell Shelley and wife.
Carson; W. E. Craven, Independence; Wil
liam Oatrand, Palmer; F. C. Smith. Jr.,
T.. A. Llvesley. Salem; W. J. McCombs. New
York; Will Reed Dunway, Chicago; A. E.
Nathan, Leo Shune. New York; E. Grant,
city; F. P. Dillinger, L. F; Foster. Denver;
J. W. Thomas and wife, Spokane; Harry
Bailey, city; Joseph Davles, Tygh Valley:
I.. V. Mendenhall, Denver; Edward C.
Tamm, New York; Ifc J. Johnson, Chicago;
The Perkins J. W. Newby, Hood River;
W. J. McLeod, Seattle; Iver Johnson, Se
attle; W. G. Porkes. Burton; Mrs. A. Merll,
Miss N. Moore. Seattle; L. J. Lively, Morri
son; L. L. Malty. Aberdeen; R. Brtggs, La
Grande; Mrs. S. J. Shlpler, Wlnlock; Mrs.
J. K. Coon, San Francisco: K. R. Kass
berg. Wasco; D. R. Frandberg. Marshland;
J. J. Smelt. The Dalles; William Wheeler.
Hood River; W. J. McGlnnls. city: Ben Gal
loway. Vancouver; S. W. McFurland, Michi
gan; A. E. Tully. Wallowa: Frank Daven
port. Hood River: D. B. Thorp. Vancouvei ;
A. Hardy. Unnton: R. D. White. Seattle;
R. W. White, R. W. Lawrence, Denver; A.
C. Jones. Denver; L. N. Pletner, R. A.
Hazen, city: Ellis Nell. Jesse Neil. Ashland;
I. D. Chapell, Hlllsboro: J. J. McMahon,
Taccma; Miss E. Galloway, Vancouver;
Albert Martin, Seattle; J. H. Shepherd.
North Yamhill: J. W. Tyson. Roseburg: E.
J. Spike and wife. Echo: H. M. Stlne, Perry
dale; Milton Force. Monmouth: A. H. Kauf
man. Eugene; J. C. Parker. Eugene; Gus
Gambel. city; A. L. Stevenson, Corvallls;
Mrs. Ellsworth. Astoria; J. W. Goggln.
Troutdale; James Leahy. Astoria; B. Cramer,
Cascade; W. A. Grover. Spokane; G. E.
Patterson, Caldwell: Thomas Richmond,
Oklahoma: Mrs. Sully. Miss Hope Sully, As
toria: Mrs. A. H. McKinley. P. F. Hamp-
ton, ftapavine; Mrs. Wilson. Livingston; m.
M. Hubbard, Kelso; J. D. Bushnell, Walla
Walla; R. J. Stocklnger. Kansas City. Mo.;
R. F. Cooke, Boise; H. Remington, Minne
apolis; H. E. Ford and wife, Chicago; Mrs.
S. E. Eteen, Springfield; Clyde Kitchen,
Norton; J. G. Flishman, Topeka; J. Moore,
Eugene; James Allison, Lents; George Yo
ran, Eugene; F. A. Morris. Newberg; L. A.
Bundy, Corvallls; D. 8. Burns. Deer Island;
M. J. Haney. city; E. D. Kelsey, J. D.
Henderson, Illinois.
The Imperial E. J. Fraser. Eugene: B.
Weatherford and wife, Albany; M. A. Shaw,
New York; J. B. Hill and wife, Kelso; F. G.
Young. Eugene; D. H. Gllson and wife, San
Francisco; C. W. Cook, F. W. Orr, Forest
Grove; A. D. Stout and wife, Stevenson;
R. a. Starr and wife, Davton; J. A. Stone,
Modesto: Ed Riddle, Dallas; Mat Cooper,
Baker City; J. Cunning. U. of O. : Miss Sadie
Cohen, Albany; M. K. Kendall, Floyd Booth,
Eugene; Dr. J. R. Gray, Osceola; S. N.
6toner, city; Mrs. D. Griggs, Cottage Grove;
W. F. McGregor and family, Astoria; J. R.
Beegle and wife, A. W. Arnold and family,
Ketchikan; Chas. Kuthe, Eugene: J. C. Sange
and wife. Victoria; F. F. Rockwell, San
Francisco; Mrs. Goff and daughter, city: Mrs.
Schambeau and alster, Carson: E. E. Bailey,
city; Thos. Keenan. Oconto, Wis.: A. L. Sut
ton and wife, Norfolk: Mrs. H. W. Thellson,
Hubbard; P. -K. Parkhurat. city; A. Hacke
ney and wife, John Day; H. D. Martin. E. J.
AschofT, Gresham: Fred Barker. Astoria; G.
S. Wright. McMlnnville; W. A. Aitkin.
Medford; Mrs. A. Hicks, San Francisco; C. J.
Espy. G. Bastham. Eugene; Louis C. Proeb
stel, Oklahoma; Probstel. Texas; Henry
Albers. city; J. S. Dellinger. Astoria; J. J.
Farrlsh, Spokane;' J. M. Edmunson. W. L.
De Lano, Eugene; Mrs. T. C. Ellington, Ta
coma. .
The St. Charles G. Dllllnger. San Fran
cisco: Lewis South. A. C. Kruger, Albany;
W. H. Rhude, Tillamook; S. Blackburn,
Oscar Peterson. Emll Peterson, K. Peter
son. S. Peterson. Astoria; I. W. Morning.
St. Helens; T. J. Flippln. Rainier; A. Ml
ron, city: George Brown. Salem; M. M. Hac
tur, Goldendale; Joe Bennett, city; L.
Chany, B. Meyers. San Francisco; Ben Al
vord, Aberdeen; R. G. Templeton. Chicago;
F. I. Nedersham, St. Paul: H. H. Flndley,
Boring; I. W. Bannon, M. Miller, Butte; A.
55. Payton, Woodland; C. W. Baldwin, San
Francisco; R. Harrington, F. Montgomery,
Mlddleton: S. O. Oliver and wife, Sherman;
M. S. Turner, city; Mrs. Gleason, Mrs. Moon.
Woodburn; W. R. Edgar, M. Annlng and
family, Spokane; F. C. Potterson. Seattle;
N. H. McKay. Sauvies: G. M. Daly, C. Done.
Gardiner; Lewis South, Albany: C. M. Hel
geron. city; C. C. Reynolds, Westport; W.
V. Mcintosh, Grants Pass; C. H. Tarn.
Grant; A. Swift. Sightly; F. H. Bayer, Se
attle; I. I. Smith, The Dalles; J. L. Har
ris, Mrs. C. C. Pitman, Forest Grove; O.
Morrison. Dundee; Florence Orey. Salem;
Claussen and wife, Goldendale; P. R. Ralney
and wife. White Salmon; A. S. Kirk. Wasco;
Max Rosin, William Jacobe, J. M. Brown
and wife. Miss Lena McCuIly, Wasco: P. H.
Mest, Seaside; G. Harris, Miss Harris, Mrs
B. Brakke, Grass Valley; Mrs. Slbert, Miss
Slbert. Hagerstown: W. C. Harpush. Cum
berland, Md; I. Dohl. Mergersdale; S. H.
Foster. J. H. Schassen. Arlington: D. Walk
er, Hood River; Minnie Dressing, Coburg;
P. L. Gill. Arlington; E. B. Wlndell. Boring;
J. Peterson, Woodland ; W. R. Thomas, Mrs.
D. C. Hester, Z. Fletcher and wife, Celtic:
A. Miller, Salem: W. S. McCaleb, Corvallls;
I. Burllngham, Mrs. L. Trimble, city; Mrs.
M. D. Williams, Sacramento; O. R. Sher
man. H. W. Churchill, D. D. Budle, G. W.
Budle, F. Blomberg. Drain; A. C. Blayney
and wife. Florin: M. B. Stevenson, city; E. I.
Dodge, Woodburn: R. R. Hill. Dallas. Mrs.
J. Sheddrlck. Bridal Veil; J. K. Jones,
The Lenox George A. Stockder. Meriden;
Mrs. L. V. Sweesy, Berkeley; C. D. Phllllpp,
Paris. III.: H M. Starkpole. William Barker.
and 23d
If . X
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of Highest
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Eugene: Charles Palen' and wife, Dubuque;
A. O. Bailey, Coeur d'Alene; Aletha Berry,
C. B. Burnbam. Mrs. C B. Burnham, Mrs.
G. Parsons. Seattle; Wallace Wlddecombe.
New York; George W. Pelrce, Stamford: J.
f. SnMor. PmtMvllle;
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trails: Mrs. L. Wallace. Seattle; J. H. De
laine and wife, Denver Miss E. H. Rives,
Portland. Me.; Thomas J. Murray, Mrs. Mur
ray. Seattle: H. Clutter, Kalama; S. W.
StefTen and family, city; H. M. Stackpole,
in Town