The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 27, 1907, Page 12, Image 12

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Portland Agents for "Nemo" Corsets Headquarters for "Horse Show'V Apparel Agents for Butterick Patterns and Columbia Yarns
Seasonable Merchandise Low Priced 'tit the Meier. (& Frank Store
1000 New Silk Petticoats
$8.50-$9 Values at $4.95
Another one of our
famous special sales
of Silk Petticoats
for Monday, Tues
day and Wednesday
1000 of them, se
cured from a promi
nent New York man
ufacturer at a price
that falls short of
covering the cost of
material alone
made of. the best
quality taffeta silk;
pleated and tucked
ruffles; deep flounce
with small and large
tucks or three rows
of shirring the col
or assortment in
cludes tans, greens,
pink and black; regular $8.50 and $9.00 Silk Petticoats. A Q C
Your choice while they last at this unusually low price 7 r
All mail orders will receive our prompt and careful attention.
2000 "Surak" Rugs Reduced
In the Carpet Store, Third Floor, we place on sale a great special purchase of 2000
Surak Rugs in all sizes. By far the best rug bargains it has ever been our pleasure
to offer you. Surak Rugs are machine-made, exact copies of the Oriental, in beau
tiful designs and colorings. Copies of Shirvans, Senas, Grudjis, Khivas, and others.
All sizes, grand variety, sensational values, Third Floor. On sale at these prices:
18x36-Inch Surak Rugs $ 1 . 1 7 3 6x36-Inch Surak Rugs $ 2.95
36x63-Inch Surak Rugs $ 5.354 ft. 7 in.x6 it. 7 in. Rugs $ 1 1 .90
5ft.9in.x8ft.3in. Rugs $17.003 feetxS feet 3 in Rugs $10.00
3 feetx9 feet 10 in. Rugs $1 1.85 Let us show yon these bargains
"Harvard Mills" Underwear
For Women and Children
Women's "Harvard Mills" silk and wool
Union Suits, high neck and long sleeves, an
kle length, beautifully made and finished ; me
dium Winter weight, all sizes; Cj'i lO
regular $3.75 values, on sale at.P3 0
Women's "Harvard Mills" fleece-lined Union
Suits; high neck, long sleeves, ankle length;
good Winter weight, sizes 4, 5 ff 1 C
and 6; regular $1.25 values, at.V VIJ
Women's "Harvard Mills" mixed wool Union
Suits; high neck, long sleeves, ankle length;
also low neck and no sleeves; hand-trimmed,
all sizes; best regular $2.25 val- fl? 1 OQ
ues, on sale at this special price.
Women's "Harvard Mills" Vests and Tights
of extra heavy cotton, fleece-lined; high neck
and long sleeves; best regular 75o CQ
values, on sale at this special price. J'C
Women's fine merino wool Vests and Tights,
high neck and long sleeves, ankle-length
tights; hand-trimmed front and neck; hand
somely finished; best $1.50 values, QQ
on sale at this special price, garment."'
Women's "Harvard Mills" light-weight silk
and cotton Vests and Tights; vests in high
neck and long sleeves, low neck with 4
sleeves or no sleeves; ankle and knee-length
tights, all sizes; greatest values in QOf
town, on sale at, special, per garment. "C
Misses' and children's "Harvard Mills" heavy
cotton Vests and Pants, fleece-lined; high
neck, long sleeves, ankle lenerth drawers, for
children 2 to 14 years of age, on sale at, special, garment, 40c, 45c and.. 50
Misses' and children's "Harvard Mills" mixed wool Union Suits, in cream and
natural color; good Winter weight; on sale at, special, garment, $1.25 and $1.50
25c Stationery 12c-Writing Tablets 19c
1000 boxes of fancy box Stationery in linen, plate and bond finishes; the 1
best regular 25c values, on sale at this low price, box take advantage.
Eaton Hurlbut's two-tone Writing Tablets, none better; great values, as follows:
Note size on sale at, special, each, 12 & Letter size, on sale at, special, each, 19
Congress Playing Cards the best gilt-edge card made; a large variety of "Yfi
backs for selection; great special value, at this very low prioe, per pack."C
Cream Wove Envelopes, 5 and 6-inch, best regular 10c values, at, per package.. 6
Fancy Paper Doilies, lee Cream Cups and Favors, for card parties great variety.
Great showing of Halloween Novelties, for parties, dances, etc. Take advantage.
Great October Sale Dinner Sets
Haviland China Dinner Sets, pink
rose decoration, gold on knobs and
bandies; great values, as follows:
60-piece set, special at.. 315. 98
100-piece set, special at.. $21.49
Haviland China Dinner Sets, pink
floral decorations with green bor
der, gold on knobs and handles:
$33.50 value, special at $26.95
$47.75 value, special at $38.95
60 and 100-piece Haviland China
Dinner Sets, purple flower with
green spray decoration, .heavy
gold decoration; great value, set:
$32.75 set, special price, $23.45
$48.00 set, special price, $37.45
60 and 100-piece Haviland Sets at.
special, set, $26.40 and $35.60
German China Dinner Sets, in a
great variety of patterns, the set :
16.30 set, on sale for.. $13.25
23.95 set, on sale for.. $18.45
$19.85 set, on sale for, spedal, $16.00 $28.85 set, on sale for, special, $23.50
60 and 100-piece Semi-Vitreous Dinner Sets, at $6.87, $7.19, $10.62 and $10.75
200 Pairs $6.50 Lace Curtains at $4.95
$3.25 to $6.50 Lace Curtains Half Price
Extraordinary values in the Drapery Department
for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday 3d Floor.
200 pafrs Arabian, Marie Antoinette and leaded
glass design Lace Curtains of the highest grade ;
white or Arabian colors, made on the best French
nets; size 50 inches wide by 2V J4. O
yards long; regular $6.50 vals., pr. P,
Odd lots of high-grade cross-stripe Madras Cur
tains, 2 to 6 pairs of a pattern, both light and
dark grounds, mostly red and yellow stripes;
40 inches wide, 3 yards long; values ranging
from $3.25 to $6.50 a pair, on U PpJp
sale at one-half regular prices.. CC
$4.00 heavy double-faced Velour for Portieres
and Curtains, 50 inches wide; red fl? 1 Oft
and nile green only, at, the yard.M"W
Initial Door Panels, white Irish. Points, f C
30x42-inch; great special value at, each. C
Figured Burlap, suitable for wall covering, cur
tains, box covering, etc.; in floral and 1 Q
Oriental designs, all colors; special, yd.
Custom Drapery Work our specialty third floor.
200 Women's Suits, Browns
Navy Blues, Great Vols. $ 15
Just received by express great
shipments of the popular navy
blue and brown Tailored Suits
to sell at $ 1 5.00, and take our
word for it they are by far the
grandest values ever offered
at this popular price The
styles and qualities are super
ior to the $20.00 to $25.00
values you find elsewhere
200 garments to select from,
made of brown and navy blue
cheviot, the two popular
shades of the season Coats
are short semi-fitting double
breasted effects Skirts are
made pleated with folds New.
Stylish Suits in all sizes Suits
we guarantee you cannot
equal for the money Better
come early if you want one
they won't last long O 1 C
at this low price, ea. y 1 J
Tailored Suits
At $ 28.00 Ea.
Immense new shipments of
Tailored Suits in broadcloths.
cheviots and herringbone
striped serges Blues, blacks
browns, green, purple and mixturesThree-quarter
and me
dium length coats Semi and
tight fitting Skirts full pleated
with bias folds All new up-to-date suits The personal selections
of our cloak chief who returned from the Eastern market last Fri
day AUjtaesVe JlOfl
ceptional values at this popular price Per suit P dSrJtJJ
See them before buying elsewhere Leading Cloak and Suit House
Bargains in Drug Sundries and Jewelry
Eastman 's Perfumes, in violette, white,
rose, lily 'of the valley jockey C
club, helio, etc., at, the package.
Life Buoy Soap, antiseptic and n
disinfectant ; special at, the cake . AC
Wisdom 's Robertine, the great O Q
fluid face powder, the bottle, "fw
Newbro's Herpicide, hair tonic fLLf
and grower; $1.00 bottle forOC
Violet Talcum Powder at, the can..9
Fairy Soap, special, dozen cakes. .39
5000 pairs Shears, 6 to 9-inoh sizes,
guaranteed solid steel and per- Q
feet; great speoial value, each.-'C
Radiumite Razor. Strops and Razor,
fully guaranteed, satisfactory ffQn
in every respect; great value at.
600 packages of Playing Cards of good
quality; great special value, on
sale at this low price, package...
Y Iain .Poker Chips, 3 colors to a A
box; special at, per hundred.
Regal Fountain Syringes of red rubber,
2-quart size, absolutely d 1 OQ
guaranteed; $1.50 val. for. P V5r
Hot Water Bottles, good quality, AjCkg
every one guaranteed; special."''
Jergens' long bars of Transparent f
Glycerine Soap, special at, bar.
"Honore Payan," fine French Perfumes,
triple extracts, in new odors; j,Q
best regular 75c values, special.
"Djer Kiss" Perfume, the new creation;
on sale at, special, per ounce. .$1.15
Women's Premium Globe Spray Syringe,
p e i f e ct vaginal syringe ; C 1 AQ
great special value, each.N
"Alpha" Bulb Syringe, our entire as
sortment of continuous flow FQf
syringes; values up to $1.65 for.
Sweet Violet Talcum Powder, 1 Qf
borated and antiseptic, special.
$2.50 Back Combs 98c Ea.
- " 1 - 1 1 !
$1.50 to $9 Brooches ijOff
Great special values in the Jewelry Department.
' Special lot of pretty Back Combs, plain or fancy mount
ings; large assortment to select from; best QQ
regular $2.50 values, on sale at. special, each. 'WC
Special lot of Solid Gold Brooches, dainty patterns,
with or without stone settings; values Cff
ranging from $1.50 to $9 each, special at VH
Gold-filled Beauty Pins, good quality and 1 Q.
catch; large variety; special at this low prioe. v
3-po. Silver Toilet Sets brush, comb and fl C Qft
mirror, engraved pattern; $8.00 values.
Gold-filled Bracelets, plain or etched bands, with secret
lock; ten-year guarantee; regular $4.50 value. $2.98
Misses' and children's Signet Bracelets, each...98
Silks and Dress Goods
Marvelous values in wool Dress Goods 5000 yards secured from
a leading New York commission house at a great concession Plaids ,
Stripes, checks and mixed effects Dress materials other
stores ask 75c for Your choice at thisTow price, yard
Our entire stock of Plaid
Dress Goods, all grades, im
mense assortment of styles
and colorings, at low prices.
Great sale of Winter Cloak
ings, 54-inch, at these prices:
$1.50 Values $1.1 9yd.
$2.00 Values $ 1 .39yd.
500 remnants of black Dress
Materials, in the very best
styles and qualities; 2 to 5
yard lengths, on sale at one-
faf:. Vz Price
Three great special lots of
new plaid silks for waists
and suitings, etc.; very new
est patterns and color com
binations; exceptional ' bar
gains at these special prices.
$1.00 Plaids, the yard:.79
$1.25 Plaids, the yard.. 89
$1.50 Plaids, the yard. .98
Sale Laces and Embroideries
5000 yards of Swiss and nainsook Embroidery and Insertion, 1 to 9 inches 1 Q
wide; very best patterns, values up to 4oc; on sale at this low price, yard.
3000 yards of Swiss and Nainsook Embroidery Flouncing and Insertion, 2 AQf
to 12 inches wide; best regular 85o values, on sale at, special, the yard."
Novelty Imported Lace- Bands, 5 to 7 inches wide, in cream, ecru, fillet and col
ored effects, for waists, -gowns, etc.; grand value, at the following low prices:
$3.00 values, yd., $1.87 $5.00 values, yd., $3.39 $9.00 values, yd., $5.50
Special lot of Allover Laces in fillet, baby Irish and- Venise, for waists and yokes.
Magnificent designs and great special value, on sale at the following low prices:
Regular $8.00 values, at, yard, $4.98 Regular $10.00 values, at, yard, $7.69
45-inch dotted and figured Embroidered Nets, white and cream ; very 4J 1 PQ
stylish for fancy dress waists; values to $3 yard, on sale at, yard.'
rench and German round-thread Val. Laces and Insertions, 1 to J inches
wide; values up to $3.00 dozen yards, at this special price, dozen yards.
Point de Paris and Piatt Val. Laces and Insertions, iy2 to 6 inches wide; 1 ft
regular values up to 40c the yard, on sale at this special price, the yard.
Great Advance Holiday Sale of
Entire Stock Women's Umbrellas
A great advance sale of women's
high-class Umbrellas Our entire
new stock for your choosing at
prices the lowest ever known in
merchandise of equal style and
quality-AH pure silk and silk and
linen coverings Cold, silver, and
gunmetal handles Your opportun
ity to buy Christmas and birthday
gifts at a saving Take advantage
$ 5.00 vals. $4.37 $15.00 vals. $12.87
$ 6.50 vals. $5.47 $16.50 vals. $13.97
$ 7.50 vals. $5.97 $18.00 vals. $15.47
$ 9.00 vals. $7.67 $20.00 vals. $16.97
$10.00 vals. $8.47 $22.50 vals. $19.47
$12.00 vals. $9.97 Engraving done free.
Women's Driving Gloves Are Low Priced
"Horse Show" sale of Driving and Motoring Gloves for women. Gauntlets in
a variety of styles. Dressed and undressed Kids; in grays, tans and blacks. Sizes
6y? to 8. All grades. A great assortment, on sale at .the following special prices:
$1.25 values, special at, the pair, 98 $1.75 values, special at, the pair, $1.47
$2.00 values, special at, the pair, $1.69 $3.50 values, special at, the pair, $2.97
Mail orders promptly and carefully filled. Take advantage of this special sale.
45c - 50c Ribbons at 31c Yard
65c- 75c Trimmings 47c Yard
In the Ribbon Department, a great three days' sale of 5000 yards of the best quality
soft Messaline Ribbons at a marvelously low price, the yard; black, white and all
the leading solid shades, light and dark; also 2 and 3-blending shades for mil
linery purposes and dress trimming, full 6 inches wide. The best regular 1 "
45c and 50c values, on sale at this phenomenally low price, the yard. C
2000 yards of Persian Dress Trimming fancy braids and appliques, 1 to iy3 inches
wide, all colors; all this season's goods, selling regularly at 65c and 75e A ff
the yard; your choice at this special low price, the yard take advantage."
yards of Persian Trimmings, fancy Braids and Appliques, iy2 to 2yz Q7f
hes wide; large assortment of colors; regular $1.25-$1.50 values, yd." C
Women's "Onyx"
Hosiery Reduced
"Women's black "Onyx" Hosiery of medium weight
cotton; full fashioned, fast black, sizes 8y2 fi
to 10; the best 35c Hose in the world, pair.OC
Women's black Embroidered Hose, famous "Onyx"
brand, beautiful patterns on fine gauze, tQ
lisle or cotton, all sizes; best 50c values, pr.OC
Women's black Novelty Hose, in new checks, stripes
and dots, "Onyx" brand, all sizes; the rt,
.best 75c values, on sale at, special, per pair. JVC
Women's fine Silk Lisle Hose, black and colors; the
greatest Hose on the market at this price, pr.50J
Women's black Embroidery Hose, handsome designs
on fine gauze; full fashioned, assortment, all
sizes; 75c and 85c values, on sale at, the pair. 69