THE " SUNDAY' OREGONI AN, TORTL, AND, OCTOBER 27, 1907. 11 BRITISH CRUISERS EXPERIENCED TAILORS It's withij our power to do things in the tailoring -line sufficiently bet ter than does the average tailor, to cause you to come here for correct attire. . - You'll find a tempting variety of seasonable fabrics here both fancy and staple,' and large enough to sat isfy every taste and purse. TROUSERS $6 to $12 SUITS $25 to $SO Satisfaction guaranteed in all case. ' Garments to order In a day If required. Full dress and Tuxedo Suits a specialty. FROM THE "ECLIPSE" OVEN Y GOME HERE Rose Festival Association Re ceives Suggestion for Naval Pageant- TWO FLEETS IN. HARBOR English Warships on Way to Vic toria Will Be Invited to As cend Columbia AVlth the -American Squadron. If a suggestion made to the Rose Festival Association, yesterday, and which will be acted upon, bears fruit, Portland will witness a naval pageant next June the like of which has never been een on the Pacific Coast. The miggesfton ig that in view of the fact that a squadron of British cruisers Is to be ordered to proceed to North Pa cific, waters, some time during the early Spring, and make Victoria, B. C, its headquarters, the British govern ment be requested to have the squadron pay a formal visit to Portland during Festival week. The suggestion came In the form of a letter sent yesterday to the Chamber of Commerce, and It was at once turned over to the Festival Association, for such action as It might see fit to take. The letter follows: Gentlemen: As you contemplate having the United States warships in Port land during the Rose City Carnival, may I ask if your services can obtain permission from the British government Jo have the cruiser squadron come down Vom Victoria, B. C, and take in our Festival? I have heard from good authority that B cruiser squadron is to be dispatched from England to the Pacific, making its aoadquarters at Victoria.. B. C. Portland has never seen the visit of an EngliHh nian-o'-war and I am sure the public will appreciate It very much if your efforts succeed In having them here during our Festival. Yours very truly. ARTHUR B. BONNER. Comes From Englishman. Mr. Bonner, though of English birth, Is an American citizen, a resident of Portland, and since writing the letter lias advised the Association of his wil lingness to do all he can to work out the suggestion. He Is manager of the Scenic Display Company, and his sug gestion Is that if the British eeaflght ers come here'and Admiral Evans' great fleet also Is here, there could be noth ing more attractive or more interest ing to people of this part of the coun try than the international contests that might be held between the "Jackies" of both navies. The executive committee of the Fes tival Association has not had time for formal discussion of the ways and means, pf handling this matter, but it is altogether likely that the Chamber of Commerce will be asked to assume the responsibility of forwarding the official invitation to the British gov ernment to have the squadron sent to Portland. Inasmuch as the officials: of the Chamber have expressed their readi ness to do all In their power to assist the. Festival people, it will probably be left entirely In the hands of this organization. Jut how much red-tape will have to be unwound, whether there will be any perplexing International knots to be untied, to whom the re quest should be made and other de tails, are matters that will have to be taken up by the Chamber of Commerce trustees. That no time may be lOBt In laying plans to have the British ships come here, the executive committee of the Festival Association will hold a special meeting within a day or two and for mally request the Chamber of Com merce to take up the matter. What ever action the Chamber takes will have the approval of the Festival peo ple. Redoubles It Efforts. When the suggestion came tip for discussion at a meeting of the officers of the Festival Association, yesterday afternoon, it was the unanimous opinion that the presence here of the American Navy, during the Festival, would materially assist In securing the, consent of the British Admiralty to ordering the English cruiser squadron here, and for that reason efforts to persuade the powers-that-be at Wash ington to have the 'VTncle Sam" fleet hero In full strength at that time will be redoubled, as will the movement to have President Roosevelt be the city's guest on that occasion. In such case, with the two fleets here, a review by the President of the United "States and a representative ot the-British Admir alty of the monter sea-fighters would be one of the drawing cards of the fes tivities. The ways and means committee feels confident that the coming week will witness some splendid contributions to the Festival fund, which, while grad ually mounting upward toward the cov eted mark of 1100,000,. has not much more than reached one-third of that eum as yet. Unrelenting prosecution of the financial campaign is to con tinue this week, chiefly among the large Industrial, commercial and finan cial interests capitalists and corpor ations, from whom it Is anticipated pledges will come easier now that a number of the larger concerns have announced quite liberal subscriptions. It is the present intention to an nounce the names and the amounts pledged, of all of those who have so far given their "mites." big or little to the fund, the last of this wee. or the first part of next, not only to show the public how widespread the Inter est In the Festival already is. but how generously a great many people have been In responding to the appeal for financial support. Following the example of the Whole sale Grocers' Association, which holds Its session ,next Tuesday night, a num ber of other large organizations of the city will meet to decide upon the amount of their pledges to the fund. This plan has been adopted by some concerns and classes of business in place of signing pledges with the com mittees who were sent out to solicit for tiie reason that it will be easier to arrive at a more equitable basis of giving, where all firms in the same line of business can get together and talk the matter over, than to have each one contribute Irrespective of what all the others have given. Another good feature of this system Is that under the canvassing method some concerns were overlooked, while In this way, none will be allowed to "escape." WILLIAM JERREMS SONS. lOS Third Street Supposed Smoke Only Steam. A broken steam pipe in Graves' music tore, on Washington street, between Sixth and Seventh, about 8 o'clock last night, caused a cloud of steam, which escaped from the doors, and Special Po liceman Ed Maher, thinking that the place was on fire, ran to the call box at Sixth and Washington streets and turned in an alarm. Nearly all the apparatus on the West Side responded, but there was no work for the flre-flghteVs when they arrived. A large crowd of people was attracted, and Washington and all surrounding streets were jammed with a curious throng. There was no damage. WOMAN DOCTOR'S ADVICE How Physicians Should Act Towards Patients' Statements. LONDON, Oct. 26. The London press is seeking interviews from members of the medical profession on certain passages in an address recently de livered by Dr. Sarah Gray before the London School ot Medicine for Wom en. The passages upon which comment is made read as follows: "It Is legitimate to pay reasonable attention to the opinion of patients, because the profession exists not, in deed, to please patients, but to serve them. "The patient should, if possible, be heard through, at least at the first visit. No matter how much better we know or believe we know than she does what is wrong, she feels that the most salient facts have been missed if we do not listen. "Do something, if possible. To evince a scientific interest may show learn ing, but the patient and her friends want relief. "If a cheering verdict can be given, never fall to give it, and in plain Eng lish. "Doctors should know where and whom to frighten. Sometimes it is all Important to alarm friends; sometimes almost criminal to do so. "Nothing excuses betrayal of panic on n. doctor's part. For the pa tient's sake a demeanor of calm courage must be assumed in the worst emergencies. . ."We are expected to distinguish with certainty between Teal and Imaginary invalids. -.. "Many mistakes can be made, "but also much valuable work may be done In giving oounsel on the general con duct of life. "Patients are mostly not idiots; and we help . them best when -we respect them." Charcoal Kills Bad Breath Bad Odor of Indigestion, Smoking, Drinking or Eating Can Be Instantly Stopped. Sample Package Mailed Free. Other people notice year bad breath where you would not notice it at all. It la nauseating to other people to stand before them and while you are talking, give them a whiff or two of your bad breath. It usually corner from food fermenting on your stomach. Sometimes you have It in the morning, that awful sour, bilious, bad breath. You can stop that at once by swallowing one or two Stuart Charcoal Lozenges, the most powerful gas and odor absorbers ee prepared. Sometimes your meals will reveal them selves in your breath to those who talk with you. "You've had onions," or "You've been eating cabbage," and all of a sudden you belch in the face of your friend. Charcoal is a wonderful absorber of odors, as every one knows. That Is why Stuart's Charcoal Lozenges are so quick to atop all gases and odors of odorous foods, or gas from indiges tion. Don't use breath perfumes. They never conceal' the odor, and never absorb the gas that causes the odor. . Besides, the very fact of using them reveals the rea son for their use. Stuart's. Charcoal Lozenges in the first place stop for good all sour brash and belching of gas, and make your breath pure, fresh and sweet, Just after you've eaten. . Then no one will turn tils face away from you when you breathe or talk; your breath will be pure and fresh, and besides your tood will taste so much better to you at your next meal. Just try it. Charcoal does other wonderful things, too. It carries away from your stomach and Intestines, all the impurities there massed togethpr and which causes Jhe bad breath. Charcoal Is a purifier as well as an absorber. - Charcoal Is now by far the best, most easy and mild laxative known. - A. whole boxful will do no harm; in fact, . the more you take the better.' Stuart's Char coal Lozenges are made of pure willow charcoal and mixed with Just ' a faint flavor of honey to make them palatable for you, but not too sweet. You Just chew them like candy. They are absolute ly harmless. Get a new, pure, sweet breath, fresh en your stomach for your next meal, and keep the intestines In good working order. Those two things are the secret of good health and long life. You can get all the charcoal necessary to do these wonderful but simple things by getting Stuart's Charcoal Lozenges. We want you to test these little wonder workers yourself 'before you Jauy them. So send us your full name and address for a free sample of Stuart's Charcoal Lozenges. Then after you have tried the sample, fend been convinced, go to your druggist and get a 25c box' of them. You'll feel better all over, more comfortable, and "cleaner" Inside. Send us your name and address today and w will at once send you by mall a sample- package, free. Address F. A. Stuart Company, 200 Stuart building Marshall. Mich. j 2&d Jl tSi V sggggg5P. MM&iMr -'""" Prepare ow e Day of THanksgiviii; "Eclipse" Ranges Will Prepare 15,000 Thanksgiving Dinners in, Portland THE RANGE OF SUPERIOR QUALITIES Buy an " Eclipse " now before . Thanks giving, and you will be thankful for years and years to come. A written guarantee ex tending over 35 years goes with every range. The world's best" Eclipse." You will more than save this small pay- II Ml i.'-" "il'lrT'"7!.11 . V"'1': jii .in i ni'fttiiii-awT'iiiiiTiiiiiiiiini iirr- -' .TT"'.j- L r The Wonderful "EclipsedThe Stove of Choice, Economy and Satisfaction There are a lot of in ferior heaters on the market that are not worth a stick of wood. There ' s only one "Eclipse," and only one place to buy this popular exponent of economy. 4 ' Eclips e " heaters are built of highest grade cast iron and steel. They $1.00 Week aw VSP-'t. $1 Down $1 Week If. ment on your fuel bill, and you will save it over and over again. NOTE " Eclipse " contest entries are coming in every day. Send us that reason why you prefer the "Eclipse." Three val uable prizes given "free. - are lined with an everlasting circle of castiron (fluted), the best lining "ever put into a stove. Twentv styles "Eclipse" heaters, for wood and for coal, in line for your inspection Ev ery " Eclipse " guaranteed. Ai 1 'TT 5'' Specials for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday $22.50 and $25 Couches . $15.00 $1 Down $1 a Week Wit A sale intended to rouse a lot of interest as always our Monday sales do. The Couches are built of best steel construction im proved spring edge, upholstered in the very best velour; two toned color effects, in greens, browns and reds, and many in pretty floral designs, as well. The very best $22.50 and $25.00 Couches in Portland. A grand three-days' choice. $15.00 An Eventful Sale of Three arid Five - Piece Parlor Sets All $50.00 Values $37.50 All $35.00 Values $22.50 There are just nine sets, and only one of an exact kind, although the woods are all the same, being in the very choice mahogany finish." The uphol stering is of high-grade velour, and presents a desirable variety in pattern , and coloring. The .very best values in Portland of their kind at the regular $35.00 and $50.00 prices. Now for Mtfndav the choice of them all $22.50 and $37.50 Mr Special Reductions on All Pictures See Window Display mi r i i I L1.4 '. Jl 1' ! ,1 1 iL I . . J, J