lo THE SUXDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, OCTOBER 27, 1907. LO KEEP THE OLD CREMATORY Republican Civic League Sug gests Improvements on the Present Plant. A MONEY-MAKING SCHEME Estimates Prepared to Show City Might Save Enough in Ten Years to Build Another Incinerator Should It Bo Needed. J That the best solution of the gar bage problem In Portland Is (or the city to retain the present plant, im prove it and take up municipal collec tion of refuse, is the argument that will be made to the special committee of the Council by representatives, of the Oregon Republican Civic League. It is argued that the present Incin erator will burn all the garbage of the city and answer every need for at least 10 years to come. By that time, it is declared, the city will have saved enough from the operation of the plant to replace It with a larger and more modern burner. Estimates of the cost of Improving the present plant together with the cost of operating, Including municipal collection, have been prepared by F. E. Reed, secretary of the league. He says this his organlxation has no In terest in the matter other than to see the city adopt the policy from which greatest benefit will come. The pur-J chase of an expensive site ana tne t erection of a costly Incinerator would be a needless expenditure, he says, be Bides being contrary to the wishes of the residents of any given locality where the burner might be built. The plan that has been outlined is for the city to make more sightly Its present four-and-one-half-acre tract in North Portland by the planting of trees and other Improvements, at a cost of $2000. New barns and sheds should be erected at a cost of $10,000, and in addition to this a roller sys tem of drying garbage should be In stalled at an expense of $15,000. The largest single expenditure would be the purchase of B0 steel-covered wag ons, teams and harness, estimated at $50,000. Revenue and Kxpenses. The monthly returns from the plant are approximated at $22,700. These are divided as follows: 15,000 collections at 80 cents, $12,000; 1000 collections from hotels, saloons, etc., $5000; extra collections, dirt, cinders, trees, etc., $5000; collections of dead animals, $200; sale of paper, cans, etc., $500.- ' On the other hand, the monthly ex penses of operation are estimated at $10,000. These are Itemized as .fol lows: Fifty teams at $4.B0 a day, $6750; operation of crematory, $1250; office rent, help and extra men, $2000. With expenses of only $10,000 and re ceipts of $22,700, it wllf be seen that the net monthly profits to the city would be $12,700. Therefore, if this es timate should prove correct or any where near so, in the 10 years that It Is said the plant would last, the city would make sufficient money to build another crematory and also purchase a site If required. These are the arguments that will , be advanced before the Council com mittee by the league, and Mr. Reed declares that the estimate of expenses as he has outlined them can be sub stantiated. His figures on cost of op eration are much lower .than those of Superintendent Daggett, but he asserts that he Is ready to convince the com mittee that they would be borne out In actual experience. Mr. Reed was at the head of the Portland Sanitary Company, which some time ago ap plied to the city for a franchise to handle the garbage. Xt was on this estimate that his company was plan ning to make a profit operating the crematory, and since the franchise, was not. granted, he is ready to turn the data over to the city. In the estimates that are made the fees for collecting are lower than those now charged by Independent scavengers. At present scavengers charge 50 cents each for collecting small cans and $1 each for large cans. In Mr. Reed's estimate the small cans are Included at 40 cents and the large ones at 75 cents. Instead of $2.50 a load and $1.50 for part loads, it is said that the work can be done for $2 and $1. It Is also said that under mu nicipal supervision the collection can all be done between the hours of 7 P. M and 7 A. M. in the Winter and 9 P. M. and. 7 A. M. in the Summer. Oppose Taxing Residents. The league is opposed to collecting garbage by municipal taxation, as it declares this would be an Injustice to the small householder who would have to pay more than his rightful propor tion to provide scavengers for the restaurants, commission houses and other places where the accumulation of garbage is large. Neither would It be feasible to district the city and sell the privileges. It Is argued, as the scavengers would not pay for the out lying routes where there would be few to collect from. For the purpose of serving suburbs such as Sellwood. Ful- nn Mnnnt Tahnp n n j 1 Xfnntavilla th. league proposes that the city buy sev eral closed steel cars and . carry the refuse to the crematory over the tracks of the street railway company. Cannot Agree on New Site. The league will be represented at the next meeting of the committee, which will probably be held this week. The Council has so far been unable to select any site for a new crematory and It has- begun to look as though the present tract In North Portland will be retained. Councilman Beldlng Is the only 'member of that body who has yet recommended that the , present incinerator be used for several years longer. He declares that If the garbage Is dried,' It will be pos sible for the plant to meet every probable demand put on It. CLANS GATHER AT FOSSIL Scotsmen Enjoy Two Days of Sing ing, Dancing and Sports. The Portland delegation to the re union of Scottish Clans held at Fossil, Or., have returned and report that the celebration, lasting two days, was a success In every respect, the crowds being the largest in the history of the town. Scotchmen and their families from Wasco, Umatilla, Sherman, Gilliam, Grant and MuHnomah Counties parti cipated. The reunion Is held annually at some point In Eastern Oregon. The celebration this year was under the auspices of the Fossil Caledonian Club. 1 The following Portlanders were In at tendance: Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Blrrell, Mr. and Mrs. James McDonald, Mrs. B. D. Beavers, John Locknart, Alex ander Smith, Mrs. Charles Pattage, Miss Jessie Pattage, Adrian . Epplng, I Stanton, George E. Shepherd, and Mr. and Mrs. John Robertson. Programmes, consisting of recita tions and Scotch songs and dances, were given on Monday and Tuesday nights, followed by dancing. James McDonald played the hornpipe for the Scotch dances. Adrian Epplng, Mrs. John Robertson and Miss Laulie Stan ton sang several Scotch songs. John Robertson, L. Rennle and Miss Jessie Pottage danced the highland fling. Congressman Ellis delivered an address on the Scotchman, Jiis character and achievements and place in history. Governor Chamberlain's Inability to be present was much regretted. A football match between the Con don school and Fossil school resulted In a score of 6-5 In favor of Fossil. The next reunion is to be held at Antelope In Wasco County. . 0LGA NETHERSOLE COMING Traveling With Train of Six Cars and Will Play in Portland. Louis Nethersole, brother, manager and advance agent for Olga Nethersole," the actress, was In Portland yesterday. He will leave for Seattle this morning, "Miss Nethesole Is now playing the smaller, places of California," he said last night. "She will pass through Portland Monday morning in her special train of six cars, arriving at 7:30 and leaving an APPOINTED STATE GAME AND FORESTRY WARDEN BY GOVERNOR CHAMBERLAIN ' Robert O. Stevenson, a pioneer i ! 'St , Ilobert O. Stevenson, of Wash ington County. The office pays a salary of $100 expenses. hour later. We are carrying all our scenery, with us, and It Is all new. Miss Nethersole plays Vancouver and Victoria, B. C, then jumps back to Portland, where she will appear in the Heillg Fri day night, (November 1, in 'Carmen.' Saturday matinee she gives 'Sapho' and The Awakening' Saturday night. Then she goes to Seattle, and from there to Spokane and East. 'The Awakening' is a new play from the French, by Paul Her vleu, that she played with great success In Paris a year ago. This and 'Carmen' she has never played In Portland. "After this season Miss Nethersole goes to Paris in May, where she plays one month, and then will retire from the stage for a year's rest the first she has had in seven years. She arrives at 2 o'clock in Portland direct from Everett, and while here will live In her private car, located near the Union Station." WILL BE GREAT EVENT Multnomah's Thanksgiving Concert and Ball to Be Big Social Affair. Plans are progressing rapidly for the society features of Multnomah Club's Thanksgiving Day. festivities. Artists of wide fame are being secured who will make a grand success of the Old Ballad Concert, and this feature - alone will prove of interest not only to the club members, but to the public in general. A concert of this kind has not been given In Portland for a long time, and indeed never before on the elaborate scale promised for this one now being arranged. Music lovers never tire of the good old songs, and when the Multnomah Club committee announce their list of singers, they have every reason to believe the event will prove one of the most Impor tant from a musical standpoint that has been undertaken In this city for years. Following the concert will come the big Society Ball, and nothing is being spared to make this concluding feature of the day's festivities a grand and memorable event. Arrangements are being made to accommodate an attendance of not less than 6000 to 6O0O spectators and dancers, and nothing will be omitted which will contribute to the enjoyment of those present. It is expected full and definite an nouncement of the entire Thanksgiving Day programme will be made within the next few days, as all plans are nearly completed. ' ' . LEASE AT $10,000 A YEAR Union Oil Company to Occupy Con crete Building on East Side. It is reported that the Union n Com pany of California Is closing negotiations for a 15-year lease on the new reinforced concrete warehouse that is just being completed by Fisher, Thorsen & Co., at East First and East Salmon streets. The consideration of the lease. It is under stood, is approximately $10,000 a year. Although representatives of both com panies say that the agreement has not been definitely concluded, the Jjnlon O.l Company Is already moving Its posses sions Into the building. Several tanks are also being Installed, and It Is gen erally understood that this warehouse is to be the headquarters of the Union Oil Company In Portland. The building is one of the finest rein forced concrete structures that has been erected in Portland. It covers a full half block and Is two stories in heigh, with basement. The property lies oppo site the storehouses of the Standard O.i Company. It has sidetrack connections with the Southern Pacific trak. The lease is one of the most Important that has been made on the East Side and the consideration of $10,000 a year il lustrates the value of warehouse property In that part of the -city. Several similar structures have been erected In this dis trict during the past year. Pittsburg Exchange Still Closed. PITTSBURG, Oct. 26. There 'was no session of the Pittsburg stock exchange today. If the situation improves the ex change will probably reopen Monday next. RAILROADS MAKE VIGOROUS PROTEST Corporations Demand That County Assessor's Valua tions Be Cut Down. ASSAIL ASSESSMENT ROLL Evidence of Concerted Attempt on Part of Great Public Service Companies to Defeat New Taxation Policy. The validity -of the assessment roll of Multnomah County has been assailed -vigorously . by the large railroad cor porations. In a voluminous protest filed Thursday, the Oregon & Cali fornia Railroad, a Harriman corpora tion, questioned the legality of the farmer residing near Forest Grove, was yesterday appointed State Game and Forestry Warden by Governor Chamberlain to succeed the incumbent, John W. Baker, of Cottage Grove. The appointment of Mr. Stevenson, who , Is the father of John S. , Stevenson, a well - known Port land newspaper man, was' strong ly 'recommended by many of the most prominent Democrats In the state. The appointment becomes effective immediately on the fil ing of the bond for $5000 by the appointee. Mr. Stevenson is a native Ore gonian. having - been born in Yamhill County 55 years ago, the, son of the late Mrs. Ruth T. Scott.' For a number of years he has been living on a fruit farm near Forest Grove, from which point he will direct the duties of his office In policing the state for the protection and propagation of game. Mr. Stevenson announced yesterday that It would be his policy strictly to enforce the game laws of the state. a month, with necessary traveling County Board of Equalization: Yes terday additional and more specific charges affecting the legality of the as sessment roll and the validity of the val uations at which corporate property has been assessed, were filed by the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company, also a Harriman corporation,' the Northern Pacific Terminal Company and the North Pacific Terminal Company. In ad dition to attacking the regularity of the assessment, each of these corporations demands that the. valuations at which property has been listed be reduced In many Instances more than 50 per cent. Since there appears to be a concerted effort on the part of the public service corporations to defeat the work of As sessor Slgler, who has made the most liberal assessment of these properties In the history of the county, the two acting members of the County Board of Equal izationAssessor Sigler and County Clerk Fields have decided not to give these in terests any possible technicality- on which to wage their fight against their assess ments. For that reason the Board will sit all day Monday for the purpose of receiving written complaints from prop erty owners. The law requires that the Board of Equalization shall be in session for one week and on the theory that one week consists of seven days, exclusive of Sunday, the members of the Board have decided to meet Monday. Calls It an Income Tax. In its protest filed yesterday, the Ore gon Railroad & Navigation Company at tacks the assessment of its properties on the ground that the valuations were determined by the .Assessor by computing them from the net earnings of the com pany, according to the sworn statement filed by the officers with the Interstate Commerce Commission. This practice is denounced as the equivalent of levying an -Income tax and not in compliance with the law regulating the assessment of property. Particular exception Is taken by the corporation to the assessment of an item of $16,180,000 of bills receivable and It is demanded that this amount, together with . that of $20,000, for which the com pany's franchise Is assessed, be annulled and expunged from the roll. Material reductions are demanded in the assess ment of the other property of this cor poration in the following amounts: 294.50 acres comprising the Alblna carshops from $818,000 to $500.000: . 107 acres In Ca ruthers D. I C. from $310,000 to $125, 000 ; 5.27 acres of land in St. John from $16,000 to $7500 ; 2S0 acres, section 21, T. 1 N., R. 2, E., from $28,000 to $14,000; assess ment of its main line from $44,000 per mile to $20,000; assessment of its St. John branch from $20,000 to $9000. Hill Road's Complaint. Complaining that Its assessment is "ex cessive, unjust, unfair and illegal and is disproportionate to the assessment of other taxable property of the county," the Northern Pacific Railway Company demands that the assessment of $44,000 a mile on its roadbed be reduced to $14, 500 a mile. In filing this protest, the company served notice on the Board that It retained the right to object to the le-' gallty of the assessment and the legality and authority of the Board of Equaliza tion. A similar complaint is made by the North Pacific Terminal Company, which lays particular stress on what It con siders the "excessive and disproportion ate assessment" of Its holdings. In Its protest this corporation represents that the amount for which It Is assessed this year Is 73 per cent greater than that of last year, when It was listed at $1,316,500, which It considers a liberal valuation to be charged against Its possessions. The protest recites that the terminal com pany was Incorporated and is operated solely for the purpose of furnishing terminal facilities for the various rail roads and lines of rail transportation en tering the City of Portland; that no profit arises to it from its operation; that the receipts from the property at no time are In excess of the actual cost of oper ating the system and ' maintaining the property. It Is . further alleged . in the protest that the franchise of the company is not a source of revenue and that the assess ment as made by the Assessor was made and returned without authority of law. . Machinery Put Too High. The Willamette Iron & Steel Works has asked the Board to revise Its. assessment as follows: Reduce the assessment on machinery from $150,000 to $75,000; Increase the assessment of merchandise from $30, 500 to $50,000. The company has no ob jection to the assessment of its notes and accounts, which are listed at $50,000. The local office of the New York Life Insurance Company asks that the as sessment of its personal property be re duced from $1075 to JlfO. The question of double assessment was raised yesterday by the Marshall-Wells Hardware Company, which objected to Its assessment of money, notes and ac counts for $270,000. The company con tends that since the greater part of its accounts represent goods that have been sold to customers, taxes will be charged and collected against theso goods from their present owners.. The company asks that this Item be eliminated from its as sessment. When the Board ended its labors yes terday only 327 written complaints had been filed, as against 527 last year. ADMIRED BY COLLEAGUES Senator Fulton's IVork in Washing ton Well Spoken Of. William B. Turner, printing clerk of the United States Senate, is home from his official duties in Washington and is staying at the Imperial Hotel. Al though he expects to leave the city, possibly today, he will be In and out of Portland until November 16, when he will leave for the National capi tal, where ' he reports for duty No vember 23. "While I am here in Portland, or for that matter in the state, ' I w.ant to say a good word for Senator Fulton." he said last night in the hptel. "Ore gon today has one of the best members In the Senate, and by all means should keep him there. Senator Fulton is not an orator, but a good, keen busi ness man and a statesman. His work as chairman of -the hardest worked committee In Congress, the committee on claims, has made him a reputation In Washington as a first-class, effec tive man. Although a Senator Is sup posed to remain practically silent dur ing the first term, and especially during the early part of that term. Senator Fulton had a peculiar chance to show what was in him by the part he took In the debate on the railroad rate bill. As I am myself from Oregon, I was congratulated by many Sena tors who heard and worked with- Sena tor Fulton on having such an able man to represent this state in the Senate. "I have been on the official staff In Washington for nearly ten years, and during that time I have had a chance to see the Inside of how things are done In Washington. There Is a con stant complaint from, the West that the East has the controlling influence In the Senate. The reason for this-Is-simple. The Eastern states find good men for their Senators and then keep them In office term after term. The Western states,, on the other hand, are, as a rule, constantly changing their Senators and Congressmen. The result Is that a man no sooner learns the Ins and outs of things in Washing ton, and how to get measures through, than he must give way to a green man. The Eastern states, therefore," have trained men matched against compara tively new men from the West. The result Is that the East wins out against the West. "The Western states are slowly learning this fact. Iowa, for example,, has as much influence In the Senate as has Rhode Island or Maine, - and she gets this power by keeping her Senators in office term after term. Many Eastern states keep their Sena tors In office pracu-..y for life. They put- a good man in and keep him there till he dies. Hence, the most desir able chairmanships and . the best and most important committees 'fall to the Eastern states, for the older and more experienced Senators get them, no mat ter what state they come from. Per sonal influence cuts a great figure in Washington,' Just as It does anywhere else, and new men In any line of ac tion have not the knowledge or the acquaintance of thoroughly seasoned men. The moral Is obvious." AN UNLUCKY FRIDAY, SURE Mlxup of Pianos Causes Four Va cancies at Local Piano-House. Last Friday will be remembered by quite a number of the Eilers Piano House force as an unlucky Friday in deed. A new and overzealous ship ping clerk and a handicapped delivery service were the combination that pre vented the use of her favorite Instru ment, the Weber, by Maud Powell dur ing her splendid concert at the Heillg, Friday afternoon. The big Weber concert grand in tended for this occasion ,had been used the evening before in . a recital at an uptown hall. The new delivery clerk did not deem it necessary to look after its removal to" the Heillg stage until after noon. The regular dray service of the house was then busily employed In delivery work that had piled up owing to the heavy selling during the preceding days. A willing, but as it developed Inexperienced, dray force, was sent to bring In the val uable concert grand. When they saw the job the monster concert grand they simply threw up all hands, and drove off In despair. The time for the concert drew near. No dray appearing with the costly con cert grand, the new assistant shipping clerk waiting at the theater. Inex perienced In the preferences and dis likes of great artists, pounced upon the glorious Chlckering, which was still upon the Heillg stage, and which had delighted and charmed artist and audience at the Maconda recital the evening .before. It would not do, thought he, to have the name appear to a puzzled audience. A shop boy was - telephoned for, who quickly painted lampblack over the name. An "insignificant" matter of this kind In the minds of shopboy and new deliv ery clerk was not deemed important enough to report to the management. Thus It was that the Ellers people were, not Informed. of the complicated situation, and the world's greatest violinist has left Portland without the usual cordial letter of commenAitlon and acknowledgment to the House of Ellers. For, - whisper it gently, the lampblack during the many compli cated passages . under the fingers of the famous Maurice Eisner, Mme. Pow ell's accompanist, came off In liberal quantities, and, it is said, much to the merriment of all concerned". Unfor tunately, however, the affair was con sidered so serious at Ellers headquar ters that four vacancies on 'the staff have been occasioned thereby. - UNDERWEAR SALE. Forest Mills Underwear for women vests, pants and tights, 47c a gar ment. Women's fine non-shrlnkable wool vests and pants, $1.50 grade 97c. Men's all-wool Vicuna underwear, $1.50 grade 83c. - Women's wool finish union suits 50c. All underwear at special prices this week. McAllen & McDon nell, the store noted for best goods at lowest prices. Crushed by Streetcar. H. C. Churchill, 19 years of age, resid ing at 1384 Exeter street, was run over by a . St. John car on Williams avenue near Alberta street, at S o'clock yester- Free Catarrh Cure Bad Breath, K'Eawking and Spit ting Quickly Cured Fill Out Free Coupon Below. rj: jhg Y :p Trained ursp Strongly Rcommend GauftB" Catarrh Cure to AU Sufferer. Th trained nurn is ready for any emer gency, Just as Gauss Is equal to the task of curing you forever from catarrh. Catarrh Is not only dangerous, but It causes bad breath, ulceration, death and decay of bones, loss of thinking and reason ing power, kills ambition and energy, often causes loss of appetite. Indigestion, dyspep sia, raw throat and consumption. It need attention at once. Cure it with Gauss' Ca tarrh Cure. It is a quick, radical, perma nent cure, because it rids the syurem of the poisonous germs that cause catarrh. In order to prove to all who are suffering from this dangerous and loathsome disease that Gauss' Catarrh Cure will actually cure any case of catarrh quickly, no matter how long standing or how bad, I will send a trial package by mall free of all cost. Send us your name and address today and the treat ment will be sent you by return mail. Try it! It will positively cure so that you will be welcomed Instead of shunned by your friends. C E. GAT'SS, 7R4 Main St., Mar shall, Mich. Fill out coupon below. FREE This coupon is good for on. trial pack age or Gauss' Combined Catarrh Cure, mailed ' free in plain package. Simply fill In your name and address .on dotted lines below and mall to C. fc. GAUSS, 784 Main Street.' Marshall. Mich. day. While the trailer attached to the car passed over him, the young man lay in such a position that the wheels did not strike his body. He sustained a crushed foot and a few severe bruises. He was removed to Good Samaritan Hos pital, where he Is being attended by Dr. Sabln, who says Jie will be able to leave the hospital in a day or two. The acci dent was caused by Churchill's attempt to board the car while It was 'moving rapidly. He was unable to. retain his grasp of the handles on the rear of the motor car, and was thrown between that car. and the trailer.. Single Lot Brings $10,000. A single lot, 50x100, on East Washing ton street, between East Second and East Thft-d, has been sold by E. J. Daly and W. B. Streeter for 10,000. There Is a building on the property suitable for manufacturing purposes. The same deal ers have sold the southwest corner of Thirty-second and Thurman streets for $i;50l). Mr. Daly has Just returned from Hood River, where he has ISO acres of apple land that Is just being placed under cultivation. He reports that the fine crop and high prices in Hood River this year are attracting buyers and that higher offers for land are being made than ever before Pimples Stopped in 5 Days Every Possible Skin. Eruption Cured in Marvelously Quick Time by the New Calcium Treatment. Send for Free Sample Package Today. Bolls have been cured In three days, and some of the worst cases of skin dis eases have been cured In a week, by the wonderful action of Stuart's Calcium Wa fers. These wafers contain as their main Ingredient the most thorough, quick and effective bloodcleanser known, calcium sulphide. Most treatments for the. blood and for skin eruptions are miserably slow in their results, and besides, many of them are poisonous. Stuart's Calcium Wafers con tain no poison or drug of any kind; they are absolutely harmless, and yet do work which cannot fail to surprise you. They are the most powerful blood purifier and skin clearer ever discovered, and they never derange the system. No matter what you suffer from; pim ples, blackheads, acne, red rash, spots, blotches, ' rash, tetter or any other skin eruption, you can get rid of them long before other treatments can even begin to show results. Don't go around with a humiliating dis gusting mass of pimples and blackheads on. your face. A face covered over with these disgusting things makes people turn away from you, and breeds failure In your life work. Stop It. Read what an Iowa man said when he woke up one morning and found he had a new face: "By George, I never saw anything like it. There I've been for three years try ing to get rid of pimples and blackheads, and guess I used everything under the sun. I used your Calcium Wafers for lust seven days. This morning every blessed pimple is gone and I can't find a blackhead. I could write you a volume of thanks, I am so grateful to you." You can depend upon this treatment being a never-failing cure. Just send us your name and address In full, today, and we will send you a trial package of Stuart's Calcium Wafers, free to test. After you have tried the sample and been convinced that all we say is true, you will go to your nearest drug gist and get a 50-cent box and be cured of your facial trouble. They are in tab let form, and no trouble whatever to take. You go about your work as usual, and there you are cured and happy. Send us your name and address today and we will at once send you by mall a sample package free. Address F. A. Stu art Co.. 175 Stuart Building, Marshall, Mich. ' 1 Jnie One. Best Chesterfield Guarantee .o 269-271 Morrison Street. This is What We Have Done to The Furniture Trust Do your appreciate our effort In your behalf? The saying: "THE CAT CAME BACK," may prove true in this case also, if you are careless enough to give the old Trust Stores your support. When you are In need of Furniture, Carpets, Stoves and other House Furnishings give us a chance to show you our goods and quote you our prices. You need -not buy from us If we cannot do better by you than the other stores. It will be worth your while to come to our store before you buy elsewhere. Do not be hoodwinked by the large Fake Signs of an other store that would have you believe that It is fighting the Furni ture Trust. A store of that kind is not to be trusted. Come to the only Independent Furniture Store in Portland and that Is the Independent Furniture Co. 104-106 First Street Green Front Building;. Complete House Furnishers Cash or Credit EVERYTHING IN TRUNKS, BAGS AND SUITCASES The PORTLAND MAKERS OF HIGH 54 THIRD ST. Cor. Pine 9 We Want to Rent ' 4000 to 5000 feet floor space in sub stantial building in business district. ' Rent must not exceed $1000 per year. Address S 332, care Oregonian 1 CHESTERFIELD CLOTHES are the one best of all makes of ready-to-wear clothes for the gentleman. CHESTER FIELD SUITS for business, $25 to $55. CHESTERFIELD DRESS and DIN NER SUITS priced $45 to $65. OVER COATS $25 to $75. CRAVENETTES $25 to $50. If the front of Coat of any CHESTER FIELD SUIT sold by us breaks or loses shape in one year's wear, custom er can have a new Suit, free. Pleased to show you how good they are. Gray Between Washington and Stark St. TRUNK MFG. CO. - QUALITY BAUtiAUE TWO STORES 107 SIXTH ST. Near Stark iii mil