The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 20, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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Hood RiverTaxpayers Oppose
Action of City Council.
Believing Sew Water System Was
Wanted, Council Calls Election,
Only to Learn People Want
to Buy the Old System.
HOOD RIVER, Or., Oect. 19. (Spe
cial.) As the result of a mass meet
Ins of Hood River taxpayers last night
In the Commercial Club rooms to con
elder the election to be held Monday
for the purpose of voting bonds to es
tablish a new water system. Hood
River's Common Council Is placed in
the embarrassing position of apparent
ly going against the wishes of the peo
ple and of being unable to extricate
The meeting was called to discover
the sentiment of the people In regard
to issuing $70,000 in bonds to estab
lish a water system in opposition to
the one now owned by the Hood River
Electric Light, Power & Water Com-,
pany, which has offered to sell its
system to the city for $40,000.
A large number of representative
citizens was present and after much
discussion unanimously voted that the
sentiment of the meeting was against
the city Issuing bonds to "establish a
new system and In favor of voting
bonds to the amount of (40,000 or $50.
000 and purchasing the system now in
However, the election has already
been ordered and the amount of the
proposed bond Issue stated as $70,000
In the legal notices printed.
Water Company Offers to Sell.
The Councllmen state that they are
willing to pay $35,000 for the present
water system. The water company
claims this Is $15,000 less than it is
worth, but has offered to compromise
for $40,000. This offer the Council re
fused and called an election to vote
$70,000 in bonds to build a new sys
tem. The opposition of the taxpayers
to their proposition has caused intense
excitement and the election Monday
will be a warm contest.
The decision of the City Council to
have an election to vote on the water
question Is the outcome of a long
standing desire on the part of many
Hood River taxpayers to have munic
ipal ownership of the water system.
The matter is complicated by the fact
that some of them want to purchase
the present plant and others are in
favor of Issuing bonds to cover the
building of a new system which will
be taken from a spring owned by the
city, several miles from town. An ex
pert secured by the City Council to
make an estimate on the value of the
present water system placed it at $40,
000, the amount now asked for It by
the water company.
Charges Made In Handbills.
The matter . has Involved the most
prominent business and professional
men in the city and has placed the
members of the City Council In a most
uncomfortable position, as. several of
them have stated that they thought
they were following out the desires
of the taxpayers In calling the bond
A feature that Injected considerable
acrimony into the matter was the dis
tribution of handbills on the streets to
day, which were unsigned, making
statements that are said by the water
company to be libelous and which if
says must be retracted or a suit for
Damages will ensue.
Receives Small Package by Mall,
and Dies as If by Poison.
ROSEBURO. Or., Oct. 19. After getting
a small package In the mall from Rose
burg. Thursday morning, the contents of
which were not seen by other members
of the family. Miss Maude Davis, acred
19, of Wilbur, died at her home about 11
o clock that night, under circumstances
pointing to poison.
Miss Davis appeared in her usual
health all day, and was suddenly taken
violently ill at 10 o clock Thursday night.
. She had just come back to the house
after being absent from It a few minutes.
She fell to the floor In a spasm and ex
pired in an hour.
No reason is given by her parents, Mr,
and Mrs. George Davis, why their daugh
ter should wish to destroy herself, and
If she did take the poison Intentionally
It must have been done while she was
momentarily absent from the house, as
no vial of any kind' was found about
the dwelling.
Dr. E. V. Hoover, In company with
Coroner Hammltt, will make an examina
tlon for traces of poison.
Four Robberies Reported, Supposed'
ly Deed of Pair Followers.
WALLA WALLA, Wash., Oct. 19.
(Special.) The police this afternoon made
, public four robberies supposed to have
been committed Thursday and Friday
nights. In which goods to the amount of
several hundred dollars have been stolen,
supposedly Dy tmeves following the fair.
(7. H. Ludeman, of Spokane, at D' Acres
Hotel, had a suit case, with railroad
transportation, baggage checks and per
sonal elects said to De valued at $300,
stolen from the checkroom. Forty pairs
of trousers and two dozen shirts were
stolen from the Bee Hive store. A por
tion of the goods was found near the
Jones-Scott warehouse.
The police assert there is absolutely no
clew to the identity of the thieves. Dur
ing the past week some of the worst
crooks In the country have been In the
city and officers have been making an
extra effort to prevent robberies. No
hold-ups have been reported, and only
one or two Instances are known of pick'
pockets being at work.
Surveyors Working Near Olney
Headed for Smith's Point.
ASTORIA. Or., Oct. 19. (Special.) The
Lytle surveyors who are running lines
for a route for a proposed railroad be
tween this city and the Nehalem Valley
via the Youngs and Klaskantne Rivers,
are now working several miles this side
of Olney. They have found an excellent
pass over the divide, the heaviest grades
being 1.6 per cent on the north slope and
1.5 per cent on the south slope. This Is
much better than the grades found on th
route formerly surveyed via the Lewi
and Clark and Humbug Rivers.
As near as can be learned the surveyors
are heading for a point near the east end
of the Astoria & Columbia River Railroad
bridge at Smith's Point, and from there
across Young's Bay to the tract recently
purchased by the company for terminals.
Send Cablegram to Empress Dow
ager Protesting Against Him. .''
ASTORIA Or.. Oct. 19. At a meeting
of the local branch of the Chinese Re
form Association It was decided that
the returning of the former Chinese Min
ister to the United States is not tor tne
best interest of the purposes of the as
sociation, and in carrying out this be
lief a cablegram was sent to the Em
press Dowager at Pekin, protesting
against the appointment and requesting
that she withdraw it. This cablegram
was sent to the representative of the
association at Pekin for delivery, and, al
though In cipher, cost $58. The local
members of the association number about
5C0, and it Is understood that all the dif
ferent associations on the Coast have
sent similar- telegrams to the Queen
Rolls 300 Feet Down Mountain,
Killing Fireman.
VANCOUVER, B. C., Oct. 19. (Special.)
-A work train yesterday Jumped the
track of a trestle on the main line of the
Canadian Pacific Railway at Rogers Pass,
in the Rocky Mountains, and fell a dis
tance of 300 feet. At the bottom the loco
motive and cars rolled over and over,
finally failing into the bed of Beaver
Alexander Johnson, fireman, was killed
and four others were badly Injured. The
train was reduced to scrap iron and splin
Switchmen Go Back to Work.
TACOMA, Wash., Oct. 19. (Special.)
Announcement is made by the of
ficials of the Northern Pacific Rail
road Company that the switchmen's
strike is settled and that the men
have gone back to work. About 50
men were out In the Tacoma yards.
as to whether the switchmen got
their increase of wages asked for has
not been officially announced from the
headquarters of the Railroad Men's
Union at St. Paul, but It Is understood
they have reached a satisfactory agree
ment whereby the strike was adjusted
on a compromise.
Hawaiian Girls at Astoria.
ASTORIA. Or., Oct. 19. (Speclal.)-The
Hawaiian young ladles who are making a
tour of the Pacific Coast visited Astoria
today and were entertained by a commit
tee of ladies appointed by the Chamber
of Commerce. During the afternoon a
reception In honor of the visitors wa"s
given at the residence of Mrs. C. L. Hous
ton, and later in the day they were taken
to various points of Interest about the
city; This evening the party left for Sea
side and will return to Portland tomor
row morning.
Resolutions by W. C. T. U.
EUGENE, Or.. Oct. 19. Soecial.) At
the State Convention W. C. T. U., which
closed here Friday, resolutions were
passed condemning the practice of poly
gamy and calling for a constitutional
amendment urging the elimination of
liquor advertisements in metropolitan
Journals; the securing of men and women
on scnool boards to enforce scientific tem
perance instruction in public schools, and
the employment of teachers and directors
who abstain from the use of tobacco.
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The accompanying illustration shows the Interior of the machinery erecting shop of the Willamette Iron & Steel Works, one of Portland's largest Industrial goncerns. The shop
scene shows one end of the erecting floor, which is devoted to the building of logging engines. This industry Is naturally a thriving one in this locality, and great progress has
been made In perfecting this type of logging machinery. Among the engines shown in the Illustration is a large 12x14 road engine for Southern California, two engines for New
Zealand, one for Idaho and two for Alaska. This shows the diversity of patronage enjoyed by the Portland concern. During the past few years Eastern competition has been prac
tically eliminated, ' " ,
Canadian Paper Men Object to
Its Export.
Manufacturers Get Pulp In Canada,
Ship to United States, Make It
Into Paper and Sell the Fin
ished Product In Dominion.
OTTAWA, Oct. 19. (Special.) For
some time there has been a strong
movement in Canada In favor of a rad
ical change in the fiscal condition gov
erning the export of pulp wood to the
United States. This movement, which
has for months been growing in force
and intensity, culminated In the de
mand of a deputation from the pulp and
paper manufacturers of the Dominion,
who came to Ottawa and petitioned the
government that the exportation of
pulp -wood from Canada should be pro
hibited. It is maintained not only by those
interested in the manufacture of pulp
and paper in this country, but by im
partial authorities who have studied
the question, that Canada, which has
probably the greatest supply in the
world of spruce for the manufacture
of paper, has made little progress in
that line of industry.
Laws Are to Blame.
It Is alleged that the cause of this
is to be found In the laws that permit
the export of pulp wood to the United
States at a price which enables the
American manufacturer to get h?a raw
material from Canada, turn it into pa
per and then sell the finished product
In Canada to the serious detriment of
the home Industry. This seems amply
to be borne out by the faet that so
far as the production of paper itself
Is concerned, although the quantity has
greatly Increased since 1888, there
were actually fewer mills In operation
In Canada in 1905 than In 1888. In
the United States, however, there were
176 mills in 1900 and over 1200 mills
in 1905. .
Ontario Forbids Export.
It is from the Province of Quebec
that the paper producers of the United
States draw their largest supplies of
the raw material. Ontario already for
bids the export of sawlogs and It has
Just been announced that the govern
ment of this province will hereafter
only grant pulp wood concessions on
Crown lands to such persons as will
agree to manufacture all their pulp
wood into paper within the province.
All the large pulp and paper concerns
in the Eastern part of the United
States are looking to Canada for a
large portion, if not all of their wood
Tom Kelly Missing.
Tom Kelly, whose home is at 814
First street, is reported to the police
as missing since early Friday morn
ing. When he left he said he was
going to work for F. E. Beach & Co.,
but when he failed to return home in
quiry was made and It developed that
ie had not been to that firm's place
of business at all that day. He Is
17 years old. " '
Detective Promptly Unravels Mys
terious Death of Hlllman Citizen.
SEATTLE, Wash.. Oct. 19. (Special.)
Because he couldn't raise the money to
pay for the Icecream, cake and candy
which he had intended to use at a party
at his house last night, given primarily
for several little children. Clay EL Logan,
S3 years old, a resident of Hlllman City,
sought out a lonely place on the road
between Hillman City and Brighton
Beach and shot himself through the
To make it appear that he had been
held up and robbed by a highwayman,
Logan pulled the pockets of his trousers
and vest wrongside out. The weapon
with which Logan committed the deed
was found this morning 40 feet away
from the spot where John W. Grubb. of
Hillman City, stumbled into Logan's
body as Grubb was on his way home
from church. When the case was first
reported to the police, last night after
Logan shot himself, it was believed that
he had been the victim of a highway
man. Not until this morning, when Detective
Tom Ryan found the revolver, was the
suicide theory advanced. Detectives
Frank W. Clark. H. C. Adams and
Charles Phillips were sent to Hillman
City and after interviewing several per
sons obtained evidence that convinced
them that Logan killed himself.
Oregon City Man Declares Father-
in-Law Ordered Him Away.
OREGON CITY, Or., Oct. 19. (Special.)
A German named Olson, ' residing in
West Oregon City, came across the river
this evening and endeavored to secure
the' arrest of his father-in-law for threat
ening his life. Acording to Olsen's story
he went to the home of his wife's parents
and was met at the door by his assailant,
who displayed a revolver, and, using for
cible language, ordered him off the prem
ises. Olson secured the warrant, but as
Sheriff Beattle is out of the city and his
deputy resides in Willamette, - he was
obliged to go to that suburb In. order
to secure an officer to make the arrest.
Residents of the West Side say that there
is considerable bitterness between the
two men.
Their First Pupils Are Boys.
ALBANY, Or., Oct. 19. (Special.)
Two well-known Albany young wom
en who graduated last year from the
normal department of Albany College
have begun their pedagogical experi
ence under the unusal condition that
practically all of their first pupils are
boys. Miss Vlda Nannel is teaching
her first school in what is known as
the Weazel Flat district, near Lyona,
and as the district is a small one,
seven boys constitute the entire at
tendance at the school thus far. Miss
Mabel Schultz is teaching for the first
time at Miller's Station, five miles
north of Albany, and of the 12 pupils
In her school 11 are boys.
Metzger & Co., Jewelers and Opticians,
$42 Washington Street.
Engineer Mistakes1 Saturday
for Friday Wreck Results.
Trains on Pasco Branch Northern
Pacif ic Crash Head-on With Ter
rific Force Near Pendleton.
Howe's Fatal Blunder.
PENDLETON, Or., Oct 19. (Special.)
Charles Burnett, of EUensburg, the fire
man who was Injured In the disastrous
collision on the Pasco branch of the
Northern Pacific, three miles east of
Pendleton, at 11:30 o'clock this afternoon,
died at St. Anthony's Hospital at 6:30
o'clock this evening.
Both of Burnett's legs were crushed
fiat below the knees and the surgeons
worked heroically In an effort to revive
him sufficiently to amputate the man
gled limbs, but without avail. The body
will be shipped at once to EUensburg.
Engineer G. W. Wise, of Pasco, suf
fered concussion of the brain, but is ex
pected to live. Express Messenger Prln
gle.'of Seattle, was only slightly cut on
the head. The three were the only ones
The collision occurred between a light
engine and the incoming Northern" Pa
cific passenger train from Pasco, on a
curve Just east of the bridge and was the
result of the engineer of the light en
gine, James Howe, mistaking Saturday
"for Friday. Howe had orders to take
engine 1366, left here for repairs, to Pas
co. . He had orders against the passen
ger train, but thinking it was Friday,
started to run to a siding outside of the
city on the passenger train's time.
Fridays the passenger train goes to
Athena and does not arrive here until
12:30, but Saturdays the trip to Athena
is cut out and the time of arrival is
10:30. The passenger was late and this
added to Engineer Howe's confusion of
the time. The collision was of terrific
force. The tender of the passenger en
gine was telescoped into the cab and
over Into the boiler.
Burnett and Wise were caught between
the tender and boiler-head and were res
cued amid the escaping steam with great
difficulty by Conductor G. R. Berthelot
and his crew. None of the passengers
was injured. A relief train was run over
the'. O. R. & N., which parallels the
Northern. Pacific here, to bring back the
There Is talk here of calling an In
quest to determine the responsibility of
Engineer Howe, of the light engine. He
and his fireman escaped Injury.
Valuable Horses Dragged Vndcr the
Water by Heavy Transfer Wagon.
VANCOUVER. Wash., Oct. 19. (Spe
cial.) While driving his valuable team
of horses attached to a transfer wagon
on the scow now doing duty as the
Eleven Beauties Must Find Homes
Surely During the Coming Week
Deposits in Oregon Trust & Savings Bank will Be Accepted for Only Three
Days Longer If Yon Are in Doubt as to the Returns Eventually at the
Bank, Here's Your Chance to Realize Dollar for Dollar, and Effect a Most
Substantial Saving Besides.
During the coming week we are de
termined to make special efforts to
find eleven well-to-do homes which
can atfford to own the following ex
traordinarily choice and costly pianos
that have come to us of late and are
too expensive to employ In the repular
course of everyday piano selling. These
instruments are masterpieces of the
various makers, have been sent to us
without orders from time to time, and
we want them out of the way quickly
Three superb Buch & Gerts pianos,
the very costliest and most elaborately
hand-carved designs ever seen in Port
land, instruments that usually retail
for $600 never less than $575 will be
sold by Ellers Piano House first thing
this coming week at the price of an
ordinary piano. We could not publish
the cut price it would harm the stand
ing and reputation of this superb
make; we'll not tell you that you can
get one of these beauties for half
price but come and see; we are posi
tive you will be one of the very first
buyers the chance to get so choice
and exclusive a piano at this cut price
will never be presented again.
There is also a most unusually fine
fanciest mahogany HaddorfC piano,
largest specially selected Orchestral
Grand size, and then there is a superb
specially designed exhibition style of
the now far-famed Hobart M. Cable
piano, also In most superb San Do
mingo mahogany case. These two in--struments
also being exhibition pia
nos, and out of the ordinary catalogue
styles, are to go at a tremendous sac
rifice we want them out of the way.
A specially choice 1908 style of the
Kimball piano a sample instrument
sent here for Inspection and criticism
the only one of Us kind west of the
factory, is also included in this cut
price offering.
Then there Is a superb mottled Eng
lish walnut cased Crown piano, also
an exhibition style, that will not ap
pear in regular catalogue. This su
perb instrument also is to go and that
A simply splendid Decker, largest
orchestral upright piano, this also in
superb fancy mottled mahogany case,
will go at a reduotion in price of ex
ferry between the Oregon shore and
this city, the craft was pulled away
from the slip and precipitated F. W.
Anderson and the outfit Into the Co
lumber River this evening.
Anderson endeavored to save the
horses. He loosened two tugs, but was
unable to do more, and the team was
Gross negligence is alleged on the
part of the crew of the tug which was
towing the barge, and Anderson states
that he will endeavor to secure dam
ages. He valued his team at $500.
After the animals had drowned they
were anchored to the piling protecting
the ferry slip being exposed to public
view all the evening.
Judge " Frater Reimbursed.
OLYMPIA. Wash., Oct. 19. When the
Creffield-Mltchell Insanity matter was up
In Judge Frater's court the Prosecuting
Attorney of King County applied to the
actly $225, which isn't very far from
half off.
Then there is a most magnificent
Chlckerlng upright. If ever an upright
piano was worth fully as much as a
baby grand, it certainly Is this instru
ment. In fact, tone quality and vol
ume are fully equal to If not su
perior to that of a modern baby grand,
but the price of this upright has been
reduced a tremendous amount below
its value, say J 1000. If there is a
well-to-do home having the where
withal to own the very choicest of
American piano production, here's the
opportunity in this elegant and unique
Chlckerlng. It Is encased In the very
richest of specially selected mahogany.
A superb bench In the same superb
design as the plan'o itself goes with
this instrument.
We'll accept your deposit.
No matter how gloomy the outlook
as to reorganization may seem we are
still ready to arcept your deposit in
the Oregon Trust & Savings bank at
face, toward payment of one-half of
whatever instrument you may wish to
purchase, whether one of these superb
specially designed uprights or a reg
ular catalogue style, even if costing
but $137. $128, $164 or on a second
hand piano In our exchange rooms, or
toward payment of a talking machine
or whatever else we may have for
sale in this big establishment.
Now, doesn't ft seem a thrifty thing
to apply your savings account toward
securing a musical home?
But there Is one feature of the prop
osition that must not be lost sight of.
This offer Is to be withdrawn after
Wednesday next. Ellers Piano House
are willing to accept only a certain
amount of these savings accounts, and
this amount is being rapidly ap
proached. Furthermore, Just the in
stant that all hope of reorganization is
absolutely made certain, the offer will
also be closed. If you wish to realize
full vaiuo for your money the time to
act Is now tomorrow without another
day's delay. Don't take chances don't
wait until It Is too late, see Filers
Piano House at once. If you live out
of town, write immediately. Call or
address 353 Washington street,, cor
ner of Park, Portland.
Supreme Court for a writ of mandate di
rected against the Judsre. In a statement
made to the Supremo Court, Judge Frater
points out that he was, through no fault
of his own, put to an expense of $63 to de
fend his court In the subsequent proceed
ings, which proceedings resulted in the
Supreme Court sustaining Frater's deci- '
sion. Frater's contention that these ex
penses were properly chargeable asalnst
the state is sustained by order of the Su
preme Court.
Too Many Don't Attend School.
ALBANY. Or., Oct. 19. (Special.)
The startling: information that there
are 146 children in Albany between the
ages of 9 and 16 years who do not at
tend school was made public tod:iy
from reports compiled by school offi
cers. The local School Board today
appointed City Marshal W. A. McOlain
as truant officer, and as all of these
children are amenable to the provi
sions of the new compulsory education
law, they will be forced to go to
school. Of the 146 truant children, 7T
are between the ages of 9 and 14 and
76 are. between tho ages of 14 and 16.
Killed by Fall In. Lumberyard.
ELMA, Wash, Oct. 19. (Special.) Ed
ward Elsenberg, yard foreman and lum
ber Inspector at the White Star Lumber
Company's mill near Elma, died early this
morning from the effects of a 14-foot fall
sustained yesterday from one of the lum
ber docks at the mill. The skuII was
broken Juet above the temple until the
brains oozed forth.
Charcoal Kills
Bad Breath
Bad Odor of Indigestion, Smoking,
Drinking or Eating Can Be
Instantly Stopped.
Sample Package Mailed Free.
Other people notice year bad breath
where you would not notice It at all.
It is nauseating to other people to .stand
before them and while you are talking,
give them a whiff or two of your bad
breath. It usually corner from food
fermenting on your stomach. Sometimes
you have it in the morning, that awful
sour, bilious, bad breath. You cn stop
that at once by swallowing one or two
Stuart Charcoal Lozenges, the most
powerful gas and odor absorbers ever
Sometimes your meals will reveal them
selves in your breath to those who talk
with you. "You've had onions," or
"You've been eating cabbage," and all
of a sudden you belch In the face of
your friend. Charcoal Is a wonderful
absorber of odors, as every one knows.
That Is why Stuart's Charcoal Lozenges
are so quick to stop all gases and odors
of odorous foods, or gas from Indiges
tion. Don't use breath perfumes. They never
conceal the odor, and never absorb the
gas that causes the odor. Besides, the
very fact of using them reveals the rea
son for their use. Stuart's Charcoal
Lozenges in the first place stop for good
all sour brash and belching of gas, and
make your breath pure, fresh and sweet.
Just after you've eaten. Then no one
will turn hia face away from you when
you breathe or talk; your breath will be
pure and fresh, and besides your food will
taste so much better to you at your next
meal. Just try it. ' ,
Charcoal does other wonderful things,
too. It carries away from your stomach
and intestines, all the impurities there
massed together and which causes the
bad breath. Charcoal is a purifier as well
as an absorber.
Charcoal Is now by far the best, most
easy and mild laxative known. A whole
boxful will do no harm; in fact, the
more you take, the better. Stuart's Char
coal Lozenges are made of pure willow
charcoal and mixed with Just a faint
flavor of honey to make them palatable
for you, but not too sweet. You Just
chew them like candy. They are absolute
ly harmless.
Get a new, pure, sweet breath, fresh
en your stomach for your next meal, and
keep the Intestines in good working
order. These two things are the secret
of good health and long life. You can
get all the charcoal necessary to do
these wonderful but simple things by
getting Stuart's Charcoal Lozenges. We
want you to test these little wonder
workers yourself before you buy
them. So send us your full name and
address for a free sample of Stuart's
Charcoal Lozenges. Then after you have
tried the sample, and been convinced, go
to your druggist and get a 25c box of
them. You'll feel better all over, more
comfortable, and "cleaner" inside.
Send us your name and address today
and we will at once send you by mall a
sample package, free. .Address F. A.
Stuart Company, 200 Stuart building.
Marshall, Mich.