THE .SUNDAY OREGON IAN,- PORTLAND, OCTOBER 20, 1907. RAILROADS El AT REDUCED RATE Nebraska 2-Cent Fare Law Swells Passenger Earnings.' EVERY TRAIN IS CROWDED Actual Average Rate Higher Than Before Reduction on Union Pa cific Traffic Blockade Is Worse Than in 190 6. OMAHA, Oct. lft. (Special.) Instead of Ihe new two-cent railroad fare law leav ing reduced the rates in Kebraska, It has actually Increased the average rate per mile In this state, according to the re port of the Union Pacific Railroad, which has just been filed with the State Rail way Commission. And instead of the rail roads having a fear of the two-cent law, they have been laughing in their sleeves over the diveision they have created by kicking against the passenger rates and drawing attention from the high freight rates charged in the trans-Mississippi country- The annual report of the Union Pacific, which has Just been filed with' the Com mission, proves on examination to be a brief in behalf of the two-cent fare. Since the new law was enacted, the Union Pa cific and other Nebraska railroads are charging full two cents per mile, as per mitted by law. No excursion rates, no reduced fare, no commutation tickets of any kind and in fact nothing less than a straight two-cent fare ticket Is sold An' Nebraska. But the report which has Just been made public show? that last Jear the average passenger traveled in Nebraska at the rate of 1.96 cents :for each mile, a rate actually lower than that which Is now charged by the railroads under the new law. Receipts Actually Increase. And one of the results of this increased rate is that the passenger receipts of the Union Pacific for four months of 1907 are $SO0O per month greater than for the same period of 190 under the previous rate. The Commission believes a thor ough examination of the report will de velop still greater profits - under the hew law and. the rate expert employed by that body is now searching the report for traces of manipulation of the figures In an effort to convince the people that the new law is "confiscatory" and is working a hardship on the railroads. And while the two-cent fare has ' in creased the rate paid by passengers, it has also immensely increased the number of travelers, so that Western railroads have profited both In price and In the volume of, business. More Business Than Can Handle. This volume of business Is the largest in the history of the Western railroads. Despite the calamity and poverty "howls" of Nebraska railroads, every road west of the Missouri In this por tion of the country has more business than it can handle. Every passenger train is filled to the aisles, and freight is congested at every terminal and division point to a degree never before known. Already the freight blockade Is almost as bad as during the worst tie-up of last year and railroads say it is only a question of the time when snow falls before the tie-up will be complete. Since the new rate went into effect, the Union Pacific has added several new trains between Omaha and Ogden, and has under contemplation the addition of et another train both east and west. The local trafflo has Increased to such a point that the great overland trains of the road have been compelled to do local business between Omaha and Cheyenne in order to help out the strictly local trains, which are simply swamped with passengers. Takes Engine From Railroad. The Burlington Is fixed no better than the Union Pacific In the way of being able to care for Its patrons, and Is also demonstrating that the two-cent fare was the best thing that ever happened to the Western railroads. Actually re ceiving more per mile than under former conditions, the Burlington is also having its trains filled as they never were under the old prices. Every" piece of motive power and every coach on which the wheels will turn, and that Is owned by the Burlington, have been placed in com mission. The "graveyard," where broken down locomotives are sent -after their time of service Is over, has been robbed, and old broken-down engines' which were sent to the scrap heap 10 to 15 years ago have been resurrected and rebuilt and are now doing duty hauling passencer and freight trains across the prairies. On down through the 11st, every rail road with a mils of track in Nebraska Is feeling the effect of the "reduced" fare, which Is really a "boosted" fare for the railroads. ' No More Reduced Rates. The reduction has been turned into a "boost" by the cutting off of passes and cut and special rates, which were below the rate now fixed by law. Under the new law, the railroads cannot sell tickets to any one passenger at less than two cents without selling to all comers at the same rate, so that practically every pas senger on the Nebraska railroads is pay ing full two cents for each mile traveled. The few passes Issued to employes and their families constitute all the reduced rates in the state, so that with tickets being sold at an advance and the num ber of passengers largely Increased, the Nebraska railroads' cry of poverty and the failure of the two-cent law has proven without foundation. The report of the Union Pacific having proven such a "boost" for the rate laws, the official reports of the Burlington, Northwestern and other Nebraska Jines are awaited with much interest 'by the State Railway Commission. DO NOT GET MORE PAY Law Granting Increased Salaries Does Not Yet Take Effect. OLYMPIA. Oct. 19. (Special.) The State Supreme Court - today decided that members of the State Board of Control cannot receive the $3000 salary authorized by the last Legislature, but must continue to serve for $2000 a year until their terms expire. The decision will also probably prevent the Fish Commissioner, Mine Inspector and La bor Commissioner receiving the In creased salary authorized by the last session. The decision was in the action brought by J. H. Davis, of the board, for a writ of mandamus to compel the State Auditor to Issue salary war rants at the higher rate. The conten tion was that the new law, which doubled the duties of the members of the board, repealed the old law. Under this belief Governor Mead reappointed the old members of the board. The Supreme Court, in its decision, says: The Intent of the constitution Is plain and unmistakable and the whole act convinces us that It was not the Intent of the Legis lature to create a new office or repeal the old law, but simply to amend the law with respect to the amount of salary and with respect to the added duties and powers. The case falls plainly within the Inhibition of the constitution In relation to increasing the salary of public officers and the Auditor was Justified In refusing to issue the war rants. The writ Is dented. JEALOUS MAN KILLS WIFE Fearing; for His Own Safety, He Turns Weapon Upon Himself. ROSLYN, Wash., Oct. 19. (Special.) In a rage of Jealousy. John Schwab, a young Slavonian, of this city, yesterday evening shot and instantly killed his young wife and then turned the weap on upon himself, with the result that he also died In a few hours. The young people had only been married two months and report has it that the hus band was insanely Jealous of his young bride. Owing to her persistence in speaking to old acquaintances they quarreled, apd in his rage he took the 1 1 f o of his companion and, seized with fright for his own safety, turned the weapon upon himself. SPOKANE-INUND REPORT OPERATES 12S MILES OF TRACK AND HAS GOOD SURPLUS. Road Shown to Be Merger Does Good Business During Year Re- .' ports Six Killed, 17 Injured. OLTMPIA. Wash.,-Oct. 19. The Spo kane & Inland Empire Railroad Com' pany has filed its first annual report with the State Railroad Commission covering' the year ending June 30, 1907. The report shows this company was organized January 16, 190S, and is a prac tical merger by reason of its ownership of the entire capital Mock of the follow ing companies: Cuoer d'Alene & Spokane Railway Company, Spokane & Inland Railway Company, Spokane Terminal Company and Spokane Traction Com pany. The total number of stockholders Is 420. The company operates 123V4 miles aside fcora its streetcar lines in Spokane. The company has 20,000,000 capital of which half is preferred stock. The total amount Issued and outstanding Is 49,733,900 common and $4,621,000 preferred, and on the preferred stock a V per cent divi dend was declared during the year. Of an authorized Issue of $16,000,000 mort gage bonds, the company has Issued $418,- 000 of 5 per cent obligations of which $4,216,000 Is now. outstanding. Capital stock represents $99,121.45 and bonds rep resent $31,214.46 or a total of $130,335.90 per mile of line. The total cost of the road to June 30. 1907. is given at, for con struction, $12,981,741.69 and fofc equipment, $959,725.18, or a total of $13,941,466.87 or at the rate of $112,886.35 per mile. Gross earnings from operations of the entire line for the year aggregated $478,- 784.08 less operating expenses of $259,604.80, leaving a net Income from pperatlon of $219,179.28. To this was added $189,204.66, net income from the city traction lines $37,864.37. interest received from funds loaned $146,687.24, rent of buildings $4652.96, and there was also added $60 earnings as Interest on bonds owned by the company of the Spokane Country Club. This made a total net Income from all sources of $408,443.84. From this the company paid $7500 In taxes, a dividend aggregating. $91,940, and interest on funded debt of $146,992.89, leaving the surplus for the year, $162,010.95. . A summary of the expenses of the entire line shows $29,461 for maintenance of way and structure, $19,959 for mainten ance of equipment, $176,100 for conducting transportation, and $34,083 for general ex penses, which aggregate 54.22 per cent of the earnings of the entire line. None of the equipment of the company is mortgaged. The entire line employs 182 men at an average compensation of $3.01 per day. The road carried a total of 676.412 passengers, receiving a revenue of $274,781, or a little more than 4)b cents per passenger or about 18 mills per pas senger per mile. It carried 194.683 tons of freight receiving $144,252. This was an aver age of about 72.6 cents per ton, or less than 2 cents per ton per mile. The income of operation of a mile of road was thus $1774. The company added seven locomotives during the year and now has 12 in service, added 22 cars to the passenger service. making 50 in use, added 74 boxcars and 40 fiats to the freight equipment, making 318 freight cars in service, and uses in com pany work one caboose It owns, one officer car, 19 gravel cars and 19 -cabooses owned by other roads. The total cars owned by the company are 396. It has used 2002.3 tons of bituminous coal In its freight locomotives, an average of 85 pounds per mile run, and paid an average of $6 a ton for the fuel. It reports four employes killed and ten Injured, four passengers injured, two other persons killed and three injured during the year. An interesting feature of the report Is that covering the physical characteristics of the portion of the road in this state. This shows that on 102 miles there is an aggregate of 280 curves, 50 ascending grades and 36 descending grades and about 66 miles of absolutely straight track and about 21 miles Is level track. FAMILY TIES MUCH MIXED Gladys Crocket Gouraud Granted a Divorce From Husband. i SAN FRANCISCO, Cal.. Oct. 19. (Spe cial.) A dispatch from Sioux Falls an nounces that a divorce was granted to day to Powers Gouraud from Gladys Crocker Gouraud. The story Involves a long chain of matrimonial incidents in which the world at large and California in particular has taken interest for sev eral years. The fair divorcee is the daughter of Amy Crocker-Ashe-GIlliig-Gouraud . by her first husband. Porter Ashe, of this city, and by her marriage, three years ago, to Powers Gouraud be came sister-in-law to her own mother, who some time earlier--was married to Jackson Gouraud, a brother of Powers. The family and career of Amy Crocker are a part of California history. Mayor Vetoes Ordinances. Mayor Lane yesterday vetoed the ordinance appropriating $1121.72 in payment of a claim of Fralney & Keat ing for the . improvement of Main street between King and Chapman. The Mayor in his veto message sug gests that the controversy over the le gality of this claim be settled by a friendly suit in the courts. Another ordinance, providing for the vacation of a portion of an alley entering into Vaughn street, was also vetoed by Mayor Lane yesterday. In returning this measure to the Council -with his disapproval, the Mayor submitted a message holding that the wholesale vacation of streets, alleys and public property in the Interest of private in dividuals without commensurate re turns accruing to the city is contrary to the best Interests of the municipality. MAKE LOCKS WIDER Radical Change in Canal Plans ' Proposed. TOO NARROW FOR BIG SHIPS Metzger saves you money on .watches. Vessels Already Building Would Crowd Limit and Commissioner Rousseau Recommends Cbange Before Work Goes Too Far. WASHINGTON, Oct. 19. The locks of the projected Panama Canl must be wider than they were originally planned, in the opinion of the naval member of the' Isthmian Canal Commission, Lieuten ant and .Civil Engineer H. H. Rousseau, who arrived In Washington today direct from the Isthmus. It is presumed that he bore this message from the Commis sion Itself, although that -fact could not be determined owing to the departure of fhe officer from Washington for New Tork only a few hours from the time of his arrival in this city. Just sufficient time here in fact to enable him to lay his message before Secretary Metcalf. Undoubtedly exigencies supplemented by the bulldlwg of the giant Cunarder Lusi tanla were the basis for the projected change of plans, which will Involve the expenditure of many millions of dollars and perhaps the extension of the time estimated for the completion of the canal project. It is also probable that the mere suggestion of such a considerable change of plans as that proposed by Lieutenant Rousseau will precipitate a general de bate In Congress and reopen tne whole issue of sea-level versus lock canal, which was believed to have been finally settled by President Roosevelt and Sec retary Taft when they gave the order for beginning work on the lock canal plan. Point for Sea-Level Argument. The fact Is that, when Congress was so warmly discussing the two plans, project ed about two years ago, the sea-level canal advocates made the point that this was the only plan that would have suf ficlent elasticity to meet the needs of rapidly growing tonnage In marine con struction. Their plans Involved the use f but one lock, merely to offset the tidal difference between the eastern ana west em seas on a comparatively low and in significant lock, which- could be easily widened when required. But they made a strong point of the difficulty, expense and loss of time in the use of the -canal that would allow the attempt to widen the complicated and massive locks re quired for the high-level canal. -Possibly for the purpose of easing the force of that argument, the Canal Commission apparently feels that It would be wise to make the locks of the canal wide enough. In the begin ning to accommodate the giant ships, not only of the navy but of the mer chant marine, that. are sure to be con structed in the near ; future. The three commissions which have dealt with the- detailed plans of the canal have each In turn been Impressed with the necessity for enlarging the capa city of the projected waterway and each commission has not hesitated to Increase' the width of the canal prisms and the siae of the locks from those planned by Its predecessors. Hard Work to Widen Locks. Now, the last commission goes even beyond this by revising Its own plans before they have got beyond that point in execution where it is possible to do so without actual waste of money. For up to this point substantially all of the work that has been done upon the has been on the canal prisms In the p-ren t Ciitahro nf v. - 20-odd miles of lowlands and in the oottom or tne narbors. Only the ground has been cleared and the holes dug for the great flights of locks inci dent to the plan, so that it is merely a mutter of widening these foundations that Is Involved In the last proposition. Fortunatelv. thft canal nrkm Itaalf Jected In the plans now under e-ecu-i nun, win proDaDiy De wide enough at the narrowest point In the Culobra sec tion from Las Cadas to near Paraiso. a distance of 4.7 miles, where the min imum width is 200 feet through rock But. the locks t-hmnlvAa A(tnBii.. planned by this last commission to be ieei wng ana ivv feet wide at Gatun, were subsequently extended by the engineers In their-, plan to a width of 600 feet and a length of 1000 feet. It Is a simple engineering task to in crease the width and depth ef the canal prism nt any time, while the canal is in operation, but the locks cannot be broadened without gcrinimiv trt.ryi with the operation of the canal and a (treat expense, owing to their duplicate character. Ships Already Near Limit. Already the dimensions of these locks are being closely approximated by naval ships actually built or building, and it Is regarded as certain that the Atlantic lines will In the near future build re-eat turbine ships, which could never pass through the locks as heretofore planned, and so would be well-nigh useless as naval auxiliary ships in time of war. The famous British battleship Dreadnaught, now floating, measures 83 feet in the beam, and our own Delaware class, two, ships of which class are buildir will measure 86.8 feet beam. The 25,obo-ton ship which our naval designers are talk ing about submitting to Congress will measure 88 feet In the clear, which would leave only six feet clearance at the sides of the locks under the existing designs. These facta have been laid before Mr. Metcalf. and It will Via fn. 1, 1 . ,. ' ii uituie some recommedatlon to the President in' tne matter, uetalls of yie new plans cannot he obtained at " present, but the change is said to be costly, though of its necessity few naval officers have any doubt. . MARRIED; KNOWS NOT WHY Charles Edward Ruffner Tired ol Being a Wedded Bachelor. SACRAMENTO, Cal., Oct. 19. (Special.ll Charles Edward Ruffner. whose suit for the annulment of nls marriage was called today, is in a predicament. He knows, according to his testimony, that he mar ried Edith Lester in Dayton. Nev., last July, but he does not remember why. He says that a constable . and an uncle of the girl took him to Dayton, while he was intoxicated and told him if he did not marry the girl they would do something, he could not remember Just what, and he consented upon the promise of the wom an that she would get a divorce as soon as possible. The County Clerk had lost his license book and a license was type written, and Ruffner supposed he was married all right. He had never wronged the girl, he says, and since the marriage ha has not seen her and Is tired of being a married bachelor. An effort will be made to locate somebody In Nevada "who knows something of the case. "OU can get almost any overcoat style you want here; Top oat, Overcoat or a Raincoat as shown in the picture, which is really an im portant part of a man's outfit; it fills the place of an overcoat as well as a rain shedder. - We are exclusive agents for Hart, Schaffner & Marx Clothes SUIT OVERCOAT II A I M I II A I W i a a i ii u u a i OTHER GOOD MAKES $12.50 UP Copyright 1907 by Hart Schaffner fc? Marx Sam'l Rosenblatt 6 Co . Corner Third and Morrison Streets MUST TALK TO HIS WIFE COURT ORDERS ADOLF FIELD ER TO MAKE CONVERSATION. Quits Drinking, bnt Refuses to Con verse With Wife Further Than to Utter Unintelligible Grunts. CHICAGO, Oct, 19. (Special.) Adolf Fielder, father . of eleven chll dren, eight fit whom are dead, has de- fied Judge McKenzie Cleland. , ot the Municipal Court, who has let him out on probation. He was recently brought Into court on complaint of his wife, who charged him with excessive drunkenness. The Jiidg'e put him on probation and the man quit drinking, but developed a sullen attitude towards his wife, refusing to speak to her. Yesterday she brought him Into court to make the regular report on his conduct to the Judge. She said her husband had quit drinking, but would not talk to her. Judge Cleland . ordered Fielder to talk pleasantly to his wife for 30 min utes each day, doing the talking all at one time or spreading it over the 24 hours, ar he saw fit Failing in this, the Judge said, he would order him Into court and force him to talk there to -his wife for three hours steady, and if this did not suffice, he would double -the punishment. On the way home Mrs. Fielder endeavored to open conversation, but received no re sponse. . This morning she prepared an appe tizing breakfast and tried to get her husband to talk, but all she got for her pains were unintelligible grunts. Unless he talks for half an hour be fore o'clock tomorrow morning he will be under the ban of the court. "I would almost rather have him drink than be so stingy with his talk." said his wife tonight. "I believe, how. ever.' that I will win both ways. The death of eight of our children de pressed him until he drank, to excess, but he has quit that, and I believe he will soon, begin to talk." PERSONAMWENTION. Hy Eilers returned from San Francisco last night after an absence of two months from Portland. C. H. Hamilton, of the shipping llrra of Shubach &. Hamilton, of Seattle, was a visitor in Portland last week. OREGON CITY, Or., Oct. 19. (Special.) Mr. and Mrs. George A. Harding, who have been making an extensive sojourn in the East, will return home tomorrow night. They left Oregon City in August and have seen nearly all of the principal cities -of the Bast since that time. Assessment Values Trebled. ST. HELENS, Or., Oct. 19. (Special.) 'The assessed valuation of Columbia County Is J16.788.40. against J5.000.000 last year. All property has been as sessed as nearly as possible at Its full valuation, but the great Increase Is due to the cruising of the timber. The Northern Pacific is assessed at $65,000 per mile, and the Astoria. & Columbia River $30,000 per mile. Hassalo Hits Floating Tog. ASTORIA, Or., Oct. 19. (Special.) early hour this morning the steamer Hassalo struck a floating log. One of the vessel's rudders and half of an other was broken, but her wheel was not injured. While the accident de layed the steamer for several hours, she left during the forenoon for Port land, where she will be repaired. Northwestern People in the East. NEW YORK Oct, 13. (Special.) Northwest people registered at New York hotels:' From Portland W. E. Clark, at the Colllngwood. From Seattle Q. E. Davis, at the Bartholdi; B. E. Kareke, at the Union Square; Mrs. F. Gates, at the Empire; P. Holmes, at the Grand Union. From Tacoma J. F. Murphy and wife, at the Breslln; J. Snyder, at the Earlington. From Walla Walla O. G. Parker and wife, -at the Imperial. From Spokane C. E. Flagg, at the Grand Union. " From Eugene Dr. C. W. Lowe, at the Bartholdi. From Aberdeen Mrs. A.' I. Daven port, at the Murray Hill. Unloads Coal at Astoria. ASTORIA, Or., Oct. 19. (Special.) The French bark Brlzeux completed discharging 600 tons of coal at the Sanborn dock this evening and will probably leave up the river tomorrow. Red Cross shoes for women. Rosenthal's. The Perfect Truss." Old atytfi. allow- "Perfect" tniM, lnir Intestine to - clotting both ou- protrude through ening. Inner opening. Made for Comfort Made. to order, to follow natural lines of the Inguinal Canal ad justable pad Perfect and complete retention of the Hernia. Call, write or 'phone Main 273, A 3916. EINNEVER & WHITTLESEY MFG. CO., No. 4 Sixth St.. Bet Oak and Fine., Portland, Oregon. Pimples Stopped in 5 Days Every Possible Skin Eruption Cured in Marvelously Quick Time by the New Calcium Treatment. Sena for Free Sample Package Today. Boils have been cured in three days, and some of the worst cases of Bkln dis eases have been cured in a week, by the wonderful action of 8tuart's Calcium Wa fers. These wafers contain as their main ingredient the most thorough, quick and effective bloodcleanser known, calcium sulphide. Most treatments for the blood and for skin eruptions are miserably slow In their results, and besides, many of them are poisonous. Stuart's Calcium Wafers con tain no poison or drug of any kind; they are absolutely harmless, and yet do work which cannot fall to surprise you. They are the most powerful blood purifier and skin clearer ever discovered, and they never derange the system. No matter what you suffer from, pim ples, blackheads, acne, red rash, spots, blotches, rash, tetter or any other skin eruption, you can. get rid of them lone before other treatments, can even begin to show results. Don't go around with a humiliating dis gusting mass of pimples and blackheads on your face. A face covered over with these disgusting things makes people turn away from you, and breeds failure In your life work. Stop It. Read what an Iowa man said when he woke up one morning and found he had a new face: By George, I never saw anything like It. There I've been for three years try ing to get rid of pimples and blackheads. and guess I used everything under the sun. I used your Calcium Wafers for just seven days. This morning every blessed pimple is gone and I can't find a blackhead. I" could write you a volume or thanks, I am so grateful to you. You can depend upon this treatment being a never-falling cure. Just send us your name and address In full, today, and we will send you a trial package-of Stuart's Calcium Wafers, free to test. Alter you have tried the sample and been convinced that all we say Is true, you will go to your nearest drug gist and cet a S0-cent box and ha cured of your facial' trouble. They are In tab let rorm, and no trouble whatever to take. You go about your work as usual. and. there you are cured and happy. bend us your name and address today ana we will at once send you by mall a sample package free. Address F. A. Stu art Co.. 175- Stuart Building, Marshall. Mich. .- Welch s for Correct Fall Clothes; Clothes with quality, style and workman ship combined. PRICED TO SUIT YOU to Authorized Agents -for Delcroft $5 Hat The Lee $3 Hat Undergarments The right kind SI to $3.50 College Hats' Just arrived $3.00 IF NOT RIGHT, WELCH MAKES IT RIGHT WASHINGTON Near Fourth St.