The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 20, 1907, SECTION TWO, Page 8, Image 20

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$.11100 I am Instructed to sell at great
sacrifice new 8-room modern house and
lot; will soon be needed for business pur
poses; this price In far below actual value.
J as. C- Logan, room 20 Raleigh bldg.,
328 44 Washington st.
HAWTHORNS AVE., corner. $1030 only,
60xiM, nne building lot. near 43th St..
lOO feet on Hawthorne, fine homes adjoin
ing;; lowest price corner on the avenue
and one of the best; terms. James C.
Lng&n. room 20, Ralelgn bldg., 323 Vs
Washington street.
Four 5-rooiu flats, thoroughly modern
and desirable In every way. In a clean
sightly and handy location ; paying weU.
217 Ablngton bldg.
FOR SALE By owner, one of the moat beau
tiful new modern homes In Portland; 8 large
rooms, fireplace, plate-(flaps windows, double
floors, furnace, cement basement, built-in
sideboard, wood lift, laundry. Inquire No.
95 East 18th., cor. Washington. 1
r 1
$2800 0-roora house, modern, fine base
ment, furnace, corner lot, 50x100;
south front; E. 11th and Mason sts.;
butlt 1 year, in prfpct condition.
202 McKay bldg., cor. 3d and Stark.
" I
FOR the investor, 18 lots. 50x100. East Hal
sey st. . at acreage price ; 15-mlnu te ear
ride, 0-mlnute car service; price $166 per
lot; must be sold on Monday. Dean Land
A Improvement Co.. K1 Chamber of Com
merce, Portland, Or.
30.000,000 FEET on Columbia River and
50,000.000 ft., river and rail; good mill.
8. 000,000 ft on river; small mill.
300.000,000 ft. A-l flr, Willamette
10OO acres piling and telephone poles,
near railroad, cheap.
Other deals on hand. We solicit your
trade, both buying and selling.
810-311-312 Swetland bldg.
Jl FINE) line of large timber tracts to bona
fide buyers, from $2000 to $3,000,000; 60c to
$2 per M; 2 or 3 large pine tracts; 25,000
acre tract of crown grant In British Co
lumbia;, well located; 2 or 3 fine tie and
mill properties; If you are In the market,
better see me: references.
819 Chamber of Commerce.
PLANING mill In A-l condition, in rapid
growing town of 2000 population and a
college; plant running on orders 2 months
ahead; making good money, but owner
wlhes to retire from business; a bar
gain at $6500; terms. First come, first
served. .See H. W. Strong, attorney-at-law.
823 Abingdon bldg.
I BELL Sawmills and sawmill location; can
secure you timber with mill thrdwn In as
cheap as you can purchase the timber alone
elsewhere ; have detailed descriptions and
reports from reliable cruisers on all propo
sitions. C. C. Shay, 806 Ablngton bldg.
Offices with Columbia River Tie A Lumber
280 ACRES, Douglas? Co.; will cruise 5 mil
lion yellow flr and sugar pine; $3000.
240 acres, Douglas Co.v on Smith River;
five million feet of timber; $3300.
160 acres, mile snd half from Columbia
River, about 6 million feet; $4000.
LA MONT A HARRIS. 806-7 Swetland Bldg.
We have several attractive timber prop
ositions; call and Investigate; timber
lands In Oregon, California and Washing
ton, from 2.000" to 20,000 acres.
Sixth and Washington. . ,
860 ACRES near Beavenon on Tualatin
River and Beaver Creek, with 3.500,000
feet, mostly red flr. balance oak and ash;
all level and good soil; owner leaving state
and wants to make quick sale at $40 per
acre; terms. See us quick about this. H.
W. Lemcke Co., 122 H Sixth street, phone.
TO exchange. Hood River farm for Portland
It pays to see Us.
425 Chamber of Commerce.
Phone Main 1052.
Chicago, New Orleans. Seattle.
629 Chamber of Commerce.
20 ACRES A-l timber near river and saw
mill; will cruise 11,000.000 ft. iflr and
cedar; located in Douglas Co.. Or. Address
J. H. Sailor, care Woodard, Clarke A Co.,
Portland, Or.
61 X Iota in Wood lawn Height, will sell any
or all or exchange for houe and lot. or lot
in Irvlngton, Holladay Park or Willamette
Heights. Frank Lucas, 216 Chamber of
LARGE tract yellow flr (10 per cent cedar),
on Hunter Creek, Curry County, near
ocean; bed-rock price from owner's agent;
8,000.000 ft- to claim. C. 310. car Ore
gonian. FOR SALE About 8,000.000 feet of timber,
convenient to logging-tream. An excellent
opportunity for small logging concern or
small mill. Imus A Stone, Kalama. Wash.
I ,
640 ACRHS of large yellow pine, only $9 per
. acre; Investigate this.
303 Buchanan bid.
"WILL consider offer on H section of pine
and spruce. 12 miles northwest of Lake
view. Call or address Hagemann A
Blanchard, 91 5th st.
TIMBER bargains, large or small tracts, flr
or pine. If you are In the market come
and see us. Sphinx Agency. 305 ft Stark
TIMBER claim estimated at 4.000,000 feet,
will sacrifice for cash or trade for food
Portland property. O 802, Oregon ian.
GOING to California, will exchange Irvlng
ton home for California hnme or acreage,
value $4500. N 306, Oregonlan.
FOR sale or exchange, modern 6-room bunga
low, 4 lots. Improved, for acreage on elec
tric carllne. C S03. Oregonlan.
HOMESTEAD relinquishment; will exchange
for city property; will assume mortgage.
X 257, Oregonlan.
SAWMILL, fine chance; money-making prop
osition ; ready market ; cut 20,000 per day.
8 301, Oregonlan.
TIMBER wanted. Or. or Wash.: large or
small tracts. Sphinx Agency. 3054 Stark.
OREGON TIMBER COn Timber lands
bought and sold. 403-4 McKay bldg.
6000 ACRES yellow flr, well located. C. W-.
Rlddell, 735 Chamber of Commerce.
RELINQUISHMENT of a good homestead,
cheap. L 302, Oregonlan.
EQUITY of $3000 In city home for small
ALL kinds. Including approvel forest re
serve scrip, for surveyed, unsurveyed tim
ber and prairie Government land. H. M.
Hamilton. The Portland. Portland. Or.
LAND script wanted for Oregon timber
lands. Phone A5391. John G. Thomassen,
331 Lumber Exchange.
EASTERNER If you want a farm or ranch,
see G. E. Walling today. Don't buy till
you Investigate. 243 Stark st.
f" - 1
FARM to rent with 10 acre of hope; good
house. Phone East 136 or East 3i6.
WANTED--2 or 3 tracts yellow flr, 10.000,OtM)
to 5O.O00.O0O; cruise and quality guaran
teed; near wafer; owners only. Oregon Tim
ber & Development Co., 624 Chamber of
WANTED To buy a farm of about BO to 100
acres; prefer land on the river or carllne;
give full particulars. L 306, Oregoaion.
A-l VALLEY farm, fruit, buildings. 1 mile
high school, R. R. station, stores, bank,
etc. ; 53 acres; Improvements worth tht
price. G. E. Walling, 243 Stark st.
TWENTY-FIVE acres, mostly cleared; half
of It planted In Winter apples; 10 miles
south city, close to Salem electric line,
living water. Call 288 Morrison.
110 ACRES unimproved land 14 miles S. W.
of Portland; all In heavy flr timber; this is
a snap; will sell In 10 or 20-acre pieces. F.
. T. Berry, 4 N. 6th st.
STOCK and fruit ranch Southern Oregon,
about OH acres In fruit, mostly apples and
pears; $3500, balance easy terms. Owner,
R 313, Oregonlan.
CENTRAL OREGON, good lands cheap, for
sale by van Tassel at uavis. write or can
on them for Information. Madras, Crook
County, Oregon
No. 115. 20 acres, 16 In cultivation, 2
miles from Reedvllle, on Southern Pacific,
Washington County; log house, new 24x40
barn. 90 bearing trees; price. $2200; terms;
would trade for Portland property.
No. 114. 10 acres, all In cultivation,
mile from Beaverton, 7 miles from Port
land: fair 4-room house, good chicken house,
old barn, small orchard ; price $2500; $1500
cash, balance 4 years at 7 per cent.
No. 7. 4H acres, all In cultivation. In
Hillsboro, county seat of Washington
County, 20 miles from Portland; fine 7
roora house, in fine condition, good barn
and outhouses; select orchard; price $2250;
No. 12. 8 acres, S in cultivation, 3 In
pasture; mile from Hllslboro; splendid
orchard of 4 acres, consisting of cherries,
Newton and Spitzenberg apples. pears,
quinces and berries; 7-room house,' in fair
condition, good small barn; price $3000;
No. 16, 152 acres, 100 In cultivation; 3
miles from Carlton, Yamhill County, 37
miles from Portland; good house, 2 medium
sized barns, all implements and some stock
Included ; very rich slightly rolling land ; a
beautiful farm; price $8000; half cash,
balance 4 years at 6 per cent.-
No. 17. 87 acres, 30 In cultivation, 4
miles from Carlton; good 3 '4 -acre orchard,
good 6-room house, barn 30x40; a fine dairy
farm; 8000 cords of oak wood on the place;
finds ready market at the farm; price $3000;
$2000 cash.
No. 23. 10 acres, all In fine cultivation;
town limits of Cornelius, 21 miles from
Portland, 2 blocks to railway station ; fine
modern plastered house, just completed, new
barn, medium size (house and barn cost
$1500 to build); could cut 10 lot on street
of the place and sell for $150 each; price
$3000, all cash, or bankable note; this te a
fine investment.
No. 29. 665 acres. 480 In fine cultiva
tion, 100 acres good timber, balance pas
ture; 85 acres of beaver dam, 20 acres In
hops; splendid buildings, very large bams;
one of the finest farms In Oregon; all mod
ern improvement; railway station on the
glace; 23 miles from Portland; price $62,000.
alf cash; If not sold this week as a whole
will cut In. small places from 5 acres up at
$100 for cleared land; fine for a small
colony; township will build up at station
and Is platted now.
No. 34. 105 acres, all in high state of
cultivation; good 7-room house, large barn
and outhouses, near Glencoe, Washington
County, 3 milM to railway station; 6 acrf
of splendid orchard, all hog-tight fenced,
milk route to place; one of the finest farms
In the country; price $90 per acre, half
No. 36, 380 acres, 100 In cultivation. 150
In pasture, 130 In timber; half rich bottom
land, half slightly rolling; good medium
sized house, 4 big barns and other buildings;
all fenced and cross-fenced; R. F. D. and
telephone; 3 miles to railroad station, Sum
mit, In Benton County; 23 miles from Cor
vallls; a splendid farm, worth 3 times the
money; price $20 per acre, half cash.
These are only a few of our bargains.
Call at our office. We have what you want
at very low figures.
801 McKay bldg., cor. 3d and Stark sts.
22 acres, partly cleared; lies well; beet of
eoll and can be put In first-class condition
for orchard at $30 per acre; 8 miles from
Hood River, convenient to school, store,
etc.; 6-year-old orchard close by recently
sold for $1000 per acre: this place can be
bad at the very low price of $73 per acre;
If Interested In Hood River lands, call at
our office for full Information.
508-509 Swetland bldg., cor. 5th and Wash.
40 acres on the Willamette River; 25
acres in cultivation ; comfortable box house
and good barn: all kinds of small fruit,
with a good family orchard! fine young
team, harness, wagon and farm Imple
ments, 2 good cows, 4 hogs, poultry, house
hold goods ; everything complete on the
farm for $2600; act quick. Alfred A. Baker,
farm specialist, 215-216 Ablngton bldg.,
10616 Third st.
20-ACRE farm. 12 miles from Portland on
the Foster road, nothing bettor In soil ;
all level; neat house and barn;
fine water, good fences. 600 sacks
potatoes,- 1000 heads cabbage, 100 tons
turnips, 9 tons hay, all goes with place at
$3300; $750 cash, balance to suit. This
Is a snap. Better than advertised, owner
leaving for east. H. W. Garland A Co..
101 4th st.
80 ACRES near Corvallls; 4 acres now in al
falfa, and every inch of It alfalfa land;
nice 8-room bouse, good barn and outbuild
ings; plenty of water; one of the most ideal
dairy farms we know of; livestock of all
kinds and plenty of Implements to run te
place; price. Including personal property,
$4&50. We can arrange terms.
THE SPANTON CO., 270 Stark st.
2-FLAT HOT7SE Lower flat, 6 rooms, rents
for $25; upper flat, 5 rooms, rents for $22.50;
corner lot. 66xlO0; East Side, 15-minute
trolley; price $7000, or will trade for im
proved farm near Portland worth the
301 McKay bid., 3d and Startc sts.
160 acres A-l fruit land ; lies well and
easily cleared ; only 6 miles from railroad
stat ion ; we can sell the entire tract for
$4250 and can arrange terms; here- Is your
chance to get In on the ground floor,
S0S-509 Swetland bldg., cor. 5th and Wash.
A GREAT bargain in 30 acres; 10 acres
cleared. 3 acres In hops, lots of fruit; 10
acres more can be easily cleared ; 4-room
house; good bam and outbuildings; two
fine mares; wagons and Implements of all
kinds; owner leaves everything on the place
for $2000; the biggest bargain we know of
In a small country home.
THE SPANTON CO.. 270 Stark st.
FOR SALE OR TRADE 77-acre farm ; 35
acres In cultivation, bal. pasture and tim
ber ; 5-room house, barn, granary, ch Icken
house, etc. ; 7 miles from R. R.. close to
school, church and store ; will pay d i ffer
ence on good property: price only $2300.
193 Morrison st.
Only 700 cash, balance $25 per month;
must sell ; 2 nie 5-room cottages on
sightly corner, 50x100; one to live In and
other rented ; only 20 minutes on East
Side car: 'price $2700: a bargain. Jas. C
Logan, room 20, Kalelgh bldg., 323 ft
Washington st.
10 acres best of soil, lies nice and level, on
county road between Rose City Park and
Montavllla; bargain. Price $4000.
605 Swetland bldg.
80 acres good orchard land In the White
Salmon district that will make some one
good money; price $2On0.
508-509 Swetland bldg., cor. 5th and Wash.
FOR SALE Ranch, 120 acres. In Tillamook
County, near Blaine; homesteaded In 18S8;
owner In Alaska wants money, must sell;
price $1000, half cash, balance on. time.
Swope-Grant Co., 420 Commercial block.
Second and Washington.
$6900 Four 8-room modern apartments.
Income $70 per month, new priced for
quick sale. Jas. C. Logan. room 20.
Raleigh bldg.. 323ft Washington st.
FOR SALE $8.50 per acre buys 40 to 320
acres good agricultural land; some tim
ber. Central Oregon ; terms, half cash,
balance 3 years. Swope-Grant Co., 420
Commercial Blk., Second and Washington.
10 ACRES, with buildings. 5 miles south
west of this city, on carllne. suitable for
poultry, berries, fruit or suburban home;
a good speculation. $2100; terms. Phone
Main 4577. or address T 314. Oregonlan. ,
tracts on favorable termsi-soll volcanic ash:
climate delightful: market, without fall.
Particulars at office, B. Wolverton, 204
25 ACRES fine rih soil, level, under culti
vation: few miles from city; half mile to
electric car; $200 per acre; terms. Seng
stake A Lyman, 90 5th st-, near Stark.
NEW 5-room modern bugalow with fire
place, graded street and sidewalks, one
block from Hawthorne. . $3200; half cash.
Inquire at 1040 Hawthorne.
NEW, modern 5-room bungalow, lot 50x100,
In Terrace Park. Inquire of owner. 103
Klnsel street. M on ta villa. Particulars,
phone Tabor 880.
. 1
230x230 EQUAL to 10 lots, adjoining Rose
City Park. $2000; terms. $S50 cash; fine
for a borne. Purse, 823 Chamber of Com
merce. Main 7309.
$10OO FOR two large Council Crest lots,
fine view, very easy frms. Purse, 823
Chamber of Commerce. Main 7300.
FOR SALE 20 acres. 1ft miles east of
Clackamas Station: all cleared bottom land;
price $2000. Inquire 168 East 6th.
ACREAGE to suit you large or small
tracts any . kind you want. Sphinx
Agency. 305 ft Stark st.
TWO lots In Alberta cheap If taken at
once; also others i owner. T 312, Oregon
lan. $175 PER lot. payable $5 month. Purse, at
Tremont, Mt. Scott line. Why pay rent?
1 " 1
5 ACRES 4 mile from river. West Side,
$100 per acre. 825 Lumber Exchange.
city. Call today. 475 Shaver st.
$30,000 2740 acres on the Southern Pa
cific, station on land, several hundred
acres of rich bottom land in cultivation,
fine lot of timber; 20-room hotel, good
store-house, warehouse, several barns. 3
tenement houses, fine lot of machinery
and stock. It's the Ideal stock and dairy
ranch of the state, and especially adapted
for a colony.
$20.000 320 acres, ' the best farm in
Yamhill County, handsome 12 -room resi
dence, one of the finest barns In the
state, buildings cost over $3000; 260 acres
fine state of cultivation, balance good pas
ture and timber; living water, choice va-
rlety of fruit; nice field of alfalfa that
cuts 3 crops per annum; lays fine for subdividing-
Into nice garden tracts; crops
and machinery go with the place. Would
exchange for good Eastern Oregon or
Washington grain qr stock ranch.
$.1000 220 acres. 1 mlp railway station,
Benton County, nice 7-room residence,
good barn, living water, 110 acres in culti
vation, 00 acres In good timber, balance
choice pasture: schoolhouse on place. An
Ideal farm, can't be equaled anywhere for
1 the money.
$4500 75 acres, on Camas Creek, Clark
County, good 6-room residence, fine large
barn, choice variety fruit, rich soil, Uv
ing water, good roads. 9 miles Vancou
ver. Would exchange for Portland city
real estate.
$3200 300-acre ranch near Blodget
Station, Benton Ccunty comfortable,
choice variety bearing fruit, extraordinary
good fruit belt, soil is rich, crops always
good. No place on earth can beat it.
$1800 40 acres on O. W. P. carllne, 20
miles out, small house, barn and other
buildings, rich soil, living water, an ideal
place for dairy or poultry.
Remember, you'll never get the bargains
until you see us.
248- Alder St.
A very fine stock and dairy- ranch, 12
miles northeast of Vancouver, containing
160 acres. 33 acres in cu! ti vat ion. 6-room
house, barn 20x80, with 14-foot sheds on
each side; running water. This is an ldal
location; plenty of outrange. Price $4500,
half cash.
87 acres at Aurora, 60 acres In cultiva
tion, 6 acres In timber, 2 good sets of build
ings, the making of two good farms. Price,
including stock and implements. $7700
160 acres near BIkhead, Or., 4.000,000 feet
of good saw timber, cattle, goats, hogs,
chickens, furniture; everything for $2000.
235 acres rich valley land near Lebanon,
Or.. $35 an acre.
80 acres, 6 miles east of Washougal, Clark
County, Wash.; well improved; crops, stock
and tools. $2200.
60 acres at Battleground, partly Improved;
20 acres on Base Line road, 8 miles east
of the business center of Portland; $200 an
246 9-16 acres; highly improved farm, 22
mllfs southwest of Portland. Price, in
cluding stock and Implements. $10,000.
Great bargain 40 acres n car Proebstel
Clark County, Washington; $2000.
50-acrn farm, 9 miles southeast of Port
land: this Is well worth the price; $6000.
ALFRED A. BAKER. Farm Specialist.
215-216 Ablngton bldg.. 106ft 3d st. .
123-acre farm on Sandy River, 8 miles
Troutdale. railroad, electric line or boat
landing, on main traveled road road, 5
acres In cultivation and in hay and 20
more almost clear; 90 acres tillable, bal
ance good pasture land, 30 acres fine mer
chantable timber; two springs, can be
piped to house; fine outrange; small hous.
good large barn. This is in an A-l fruit
district or will make a fine stock or dafry
ranch. If sold before my contract ex
pires, only $3500, if after, not less than
$4000 or more. This is a bargain.
222 Washington Street.
FOR sale or trade for country store, 3
acres beautiful Lewis River Valley. 30
acres under cultivation, fine gar
den land, five acres orchard, eight
acres fine timber. creek of liv
ing water running across, county road
running by door, school house across road;
comfortable house, small barn and chicken
houses; 200 pullets just beginning to lay;
8 good cows, 2 hogs. 1 span horses, har
ness, wagon and buggy; 2 Incubators, 5
brooders; a crop of corn, beets, carrots and
potatoes now on dace. Be quick, this
won't last long. Address H. Fallman
w uouiunu, w asn.
OVER $15,000 FROM 40 ACRES.
Why not invest In a few acres of cran
berry marsh while It can bo had at rea
sonable prices, as the price is sure to
double and treble in the next few months
because of the limited quantity of such
lands. Over $15,000 worth of cranberries
were harvested from 40 acres of marsh
adjoining my lands this Fall. Prices of
land range from $40 to $100 per acre at
222 Washington Street.
3 miles from Seappoose, Or., 6-room
house, barn, woodshed, etc.; 300 bearing
fruit trees, spring and running water,
some heavy saw timber, about 15 acres in
cultivation, the best bargain we know of
at $25 per acre.
Second growth, average 10-inch stuff,
near Cazadero carllne, we are making the
. extremely low price of $700 on this for
quick sale. .
105 ft Third St.
$700 cash will handle an ideal little place
of 2ft acres, all in berries, orchard and
garden ; 4-room house, barn, good well and
fences on place: finest kind of soil and lies
well, on the main county road, only two
miles from Hood- River; if you want a
model little place In this beautiful valley
at a bargain, better see this before It is
sold; the price is only $150o.
508-509 Swetland bldg., cor. 5th and Wash.
40 acres of extra choice fruit and berry
land in the White Salmon Valley. It is
5 miles from the Columbia River, and the
White Salmon 'River forme one boundaiy.
It is an Ideal location for Spitzenberg and
yellow J'Jewtons; 15 acres almost ready to
plant to trees and berries. Plenty of
spring water. Price, only $50 per acre.
For full particulars address J. C. Mac
Innes, specialist In fruit land. While
Salmon, Wash.
Eastern owner will sell liij acres N. W.
of Forest Grove, of which 80 acres Is
under plow, 40 acres finest bottom land,
with 1000 bushels of oats, some rye, 29
tons of hay, 200 bushels of potatoes. 2
horses, 4 head of stock. 8 cows giving
milk, 33 hogs. 15 ready for the market;
machinery. 2 houses, one 5-room and one
extra good 8-room, new barn, sheds, etc.,
all for $0500, on very reasonable terms.
Here's a chance, 260 acres known as the
Hclman place, 5 miles from Washougal.
80 acres under cultivation, 6 acres In or
chard. 20 cows, 1 bull. 3 horses. 7 pigs,
wagon, buggy, farm Implements, 7-room
bouse and barn ; owner leaving city and
.Wilt sell at very reasonable terms; $1500
will handle or will take city or country
property In trade. See us quick on this.
Phone M. 550 122 u. Sixth Street.
40 acres improved farm in one of the
best apple or fruit districts In the state
Fltuated on the Sandy, short distance
Mount Hood electric line, on main county
road, near school ; fine spring, good or
chard, all nice and level land; buildings
alone worth more than ask for the place;
only $1100 If sold at once.
222 Washington Street.
It has again been demonstrated that fruit
farming pays better than any other kind
of farming. We have excellent bargains In
fruit farms, and the manager of this com
pany being a practical fruit grower and In
terested In seeelng every man in the busi
ness succeed, will spare no pains In start
ing you right. 411 Buchanan bldg., Port
land, Or.
80 ACRES near M osier, the great apple coun
try; 50 acres good apple land when cleared;
6 acres now cleared.
Here Is a place full of wonderful possi
bilities for an energetic man; house, bam,
livsetock, chickens, everything yoji can
think of for a small place for $1800.
THE SPANTON CO., 270 Stark at.
FINE FARM adjoining Lad (V-Reed farm, at
Reedvllle: 4000 cords wood: mile R. R.
station; house and barn ; 12 -acres genuine
beaver dam; 40 acre slashed; 129 acres .all
told. Will sell at $50 per acre. Lands ad
Jolnlng on all sides selling $150 per acre and
up. K 276. Oregonlan.
FOR LEASE 820 acres, all under cultiva
tion; 10 acres orchard, all well fenced:
9-room modern house, on property, 50
miles from Portland, on railroad; will
lease for. $80 per month; Immediate pos
session. XXX, care of Oregonlan.
6000 SHEEP, $4 per head; 3000 acres land,
$5 per acre; 250 tons new bay, $0 per ton;
four horses, farm implements, $1000;. 150
head cattle, $20 per head. See James
Connolly, Burnot Ranch, Crook County,
ENGLISH WALNUT land in tracts of from
10 to 820 acres: the finest In the Willamette
Valley, near Monmouth and Independence;
also apple, pear, cherry and prune land. J.
H. Moran. Monmouth, Polk Co.. Oregon.
20-ACRES, $150 per acre. 3f4 miles from
postoffice. 325 Lumber Exchange.
$3000 Two cottage houses, 209 and 211 Gibha
st. Sea owner, 841 Front et.
RESENTED. $26O0 On easy terms, for a fine 10-acre
well-improved fruit farm; close to cannery
and Newberg College.
$2300 Nice 30-acre place 12 miles from
Portland; a splendid buy.
$4500 go acres 14 miles from Portland:
good buildings; first-class soil; 30 acres in
timber, with enough cordwood on it to pay
for the place; easy terms given.
$45 per acre for an excellent 400-acre tract
facing two navigable rivers, about 30 miles
from Portland; good buildings; fine soil; a
great bargain; boat landings on place; one
third cash, balance to suit. 5 per cent.
$150 per acre for a splendid 175-acre tract
in high state of cultivation, with first-class
buildings; right on carllne; best place inside
of 9 miles of center of Portland; can be
subdivided into acreage and money trebled;
very easy terms given.
Choice farms and stock ranches of any
size and kind all through the Northwest,
Square deal given everyone.
F. FUCHS, 221 Morrison st.
$4500 100-acre farm, elegantly Improved, ens
mile of railroad station; has 17 acres in
hops; ail smooth land and the making of a
beautiful farm; 20 acres heavy oak timber.
20 acres, only $20 per acre, fine fruit land,
'near Forest Grove: $100 down $10 per
month; oily chance like this you'll ever get.
$3750 80-acre farm near North Yamhill
60 acres cultivated; spring water piped
across the farm; house and barn; one of
the most picturesquely situated home places
In the West; Is offered $10o0 less than real
B. S. COOK & CO.. 251 Alder st. -
IF you are looking for a bargain in farms,
don't fall to see the Home Land Co. 'a list
unimproved from $5 to $100 an acre.
20 acres of choice land, 12 acres in
crops, fine 5-room house, with fireplace,
tool shed, barn, all farm Implements, in
fact everything ready to go to living and
making mony.
145 First.
WHAT have you to trade for elegant residence
and two 8-room cottages In Eastern city of
15,000, 2 hours from Chicago; also finest
gentleman's country seat site of 12 acres, on
, banks of Hudson River, with finest scenery
of mountains, river and cities in the world;
2 hours from N. Y. City, and from 1 to 8
miles from 8 other cities. Owner, O 800.
220 acres corn land in Colorado near
Springfield, value about $2500; will ex
change for rooming-house West Side; must
be Al proposition and from owner direct.
K 303, Oregonlan.
WHAT have you got to exchange for an
equity in 2 choice East Side residence
lots, streets graded, water mains laid and
cement walks all paid for. N 310, Ore
gonlan. 4 BLOCK and buildings in Vancouver, Wash.,
value $0500. Income $120 per month; will
exchange for equal value in Portland prop
arty. 108 2d. Portland, Or.
THRFET new modern houses; rent will pay
7 per cent on $14,000; mortgage $5000; will
consider rooming-house, vacant or country
property. J 807, Oregonlan.
I WILL trade an equity In a valuable acreage
close in for a good livery stable or live
stock; worth about $3000. Address B. F.
Wag ley. Cascade Hotel.
FOR sale or exchange, 160-acre fruit and stock
farm at White Salmon, Wash... for Port
land property. Address John Leal and Hen
derson, Hood River, Or.
160-A:TRE farm near- Columbia River In
Skamania County, Washington, in ex
change for city property. 620 Marquam
WE have a farmer who wants to exchange a
700-acre ranch for Portland property or
acreage near Portland. Call at 250 Stark
WHAT have you to trade for a lot at Mt.
Tabor? Will give or take a difference.
American School of Music, S23 Wash. st.
WILL sell for cash or trade for bouse and
lot. my grocery, cheap rent. 4 living
rooms; lease; owner. T 31L Oregonlan.
WANTED to exchange. State of Oregon In
valuable patent household necessity for va
cant or equity. X 302, Oregonlan.
WILL exchange equity In two choice resi
dence lots on East Side for furniture or
piano. Call 268 Stark sL. room 32,
WANTED Oregon fruit land: I have half
section of North Dakota wheat land to
exchange, phone A 5C78.
WILL trade first-class talking machine for
house painting. Portland Phonograph,
Agency. 128 7th st.
TO TRADE The furniture of a nice rooming-house
for a small farm; investigate.
F 292. Oregonlan.
A MODERN 7-room house on East Side to
exchange for vacant lots or farm. Address
6 308, Oregonlan.
A $52 Eilers piano certificate for good phono
graph and records. Phone SeTlwood 453.
O 301, Oregonlan.
WILL take $2000 cottage as first payment
on my beautiful 8-room residence. Phone
East 388.
TO EXCHANGE Feed and sale stable, full
of boarders, for acreage. A 3O0. Oregonlan.
8-ROOM bouse near Union avenue. $25O0
for 4 or 5-room cottage. R 808, Oregonlan.
MODERN bouse, will take good vacant
property part payment. N S02, Oregonlan.
OTt SALE: Paying general store and build
ing, coast town, $2500. C 196. Oregonlan.
TOURING car or runabout for modern house
and lot. West Side. H. L. Keats Auto Co.
WANT plasterer or carpenter" who will ex
change work for lot. J 309. Oregonlan.
WILL exchange fine diamond ring for good
horse or buggy. 835 East 28th st.
WILL exchange $50 guitar for guns or fishing
tackle. V 309. Oregonlan.
WET have customers waiting for 6-room mod
ern houses in desirable locations.
We have recently made several good sales
of desirable properties to people from the
East locating in Portland. Let us offer
your property.
ERTIES. 301 McKay bid., 3d and Stark sts.
I DESIRE to purchase a lot 60x100 on Wert
Side, between Everett and Marshall, 16th
to 25th or between Main and Montgom
ery ,) 6th to 14th; mall me your price or
call. Address 631 Chamber of Commerce.
WOULD accept a position In good real es
tate office; well acquainted both with city
and business; commission" or salary; can
furnish references and bonds if required.
F 291. Oregonlan.
customers for real estate, business chances,
stocks, etc. ; write for particulars. -West
Coast Information Co., P. O. box 336, San
Francisco, Cel. .
IF yon have a 6 or 7-room modern house,
walking distance. West Side, south of Madl
,son st.. call Monday; price must be right
and location extra good. Wm. Bailey, 204
Morrison st.
BUYERS waiting for homes from $1500 to
$5000; now Is the time, today; don't wait
for tomorrow. G. -5. Draper, 34 3 H Wash
ington sc. rooms 3 and 4, cor. 7th.
WANTED to purchase 2 to 5 acres on or
near Llnnton road. . West Side, between
Portland and Claremont. Address W S14,
care Oregonlan.
A PARTY wishes to buy 5 or 10 acres from
owner in Washington or Oregon; must be
cheap for cash. 126 N. 12th or phone
Main 4016.
THIS la a call for more property.
LAMONT & HARRIS. 306-J Swetland bldg.
MODERN residence, close In, about $3500, will
pay half cash, balance In well-located lots
on carllne. T 807. Oregonlan.
WANTED A 5 or 7-room house on West
Side, state price. location and terms; no
agent. R 300. Oregonlan.
WANTED 5. 7-room house, yard; must be
bargain; give particulars. Phone number.
A 311, Oregonlan.
WANTED FOR CASH Two lots near Al
berta car line; must be cheap. B 814,
WANT to buy. from 10 to 40 acres. 6 to 10
miles city; no agents. Address 598 AI
blna ave
I WOULD buy good Income property if a
bargain. N 300. Oregonlan.
WANTED All kinds of property.
Garland & Co., 191 4th at.
H. W.
WANT to purchase small cottage
terms. V 806, Oregonlan.
Horses, Vehlckiss. Etc.
ONT) dark gray horse. 6 years old. $110; 1
bay horse, good slxe. $95; 1 light gray. $75;
1 bay, broke double, good chunk, 4 years
old, $75; 1 sorrel mare, $66; 1 gray mare,
$60; matched bay driving horses, city broke,
$190; 1 span of gray mares, suitable for
delivery, 6 and 6 years old, city broke. $180
1 pair sorrels, $110. T. Bright, Lents, 2
blocks from station.
The undersigned will sell at publlo
auctton, at Fashion Stables, Washougal,
Wash., Tuesday, October 29, 8 head young
work horses, almost new lot of buggies
and wagons, several sets of nearly new
harness, saddles and horse -blankets.
MUST SELL AT ONCTE Leaving city, big
oheap work team, one good driving horse,
rubber-tired buggy, 2 sets of harness and
furniture of 4 rooms. 835 E. 26th st. W.
W. car to Kenilworth.
CERTAINLY & bargain; sorrel mare, very
gentle; pacer; weight 1000 pounds; nothing;
like her in city; set new single harness;
$95. 446 Flanders, corner 11th. Call for
Moffett's mare.
ONE nice team of bays, weight 1150i fivs
years old; one brown mare, weight 1000,
eight years old; one team, 1400; one team
1500. Nobby Stables, 12th and Flanders.
RUBBER-TIRE runabout, good as new, $45;
surrey, in good condition, $35; hack, 2 seats,
$20; light wagon, $15; 3 sets of harness
cheap. 294 Montgomery at.
ONB registered Jersey bull, one registered
Shorthorn cow, two registered Berkshire
boars, very cheap. Ask 8. Ban Co., 34 N.
Third st., cor. Couch.
FOR BALE Two teams, 5 and 6 years;
weigh 8000 and 3100 pounds; eound. no
blemishes. W. J. Kelly, Overland Stable,
Fifth and Gllsan.
ONE team of heavy horses, wagon and har
ness for sale. Inquire at Farmers' Stables.
Front and Columbia sts., between 7 ana
10 o'clock.
FOR SALE Light bay horse, about 950;
drive single or double; price $75. Apply
63 Gllham avc. Mt. Tabor. East 6692.
WANTED Cheap farm team, also harness
and light wagon, low, wide-tired wheels
preferred. M 312, Oregonlan..
$100 BUYS 8-year-old bay torse; weighs 1200;
sound and good puller; owner must sell by
Monday. 204 Montgomery.
FOR SALE: One team weighing 1450 lbs.,
sound and tame to pull; 8 years old. O.
K. Howtt. Montavilla.
CHEAP One 8-year-old mare, weight about
1100; very good traveler; city broke. 1460
Macadam St., Fulton.
TO RENT Smell horee, work anywhere, sad
dle or harness. 321 East 8th st North.
Phone East 2619.
TWO good .horses for sale, will ride or drive.
Inquire at W. H. Boyd's horseshoeing shop,
49 N. 4th st.
FINE Jersey cow and calf; also beautiful
family horse, harness and buggy. 1627
Peninsula ave.
THREE head good work horses and one
2700 matched team for sale. Phone Ex
change 80.
FOR SALE Cheap if taken at once, 8 good
sound horses. Hoffman, 510 Commercial
Hubert & Hall, 266 4th. dealers in horses
and vehicles; horses and vehicles for rent.
ONE span brown mares, weighing 2000 lbs.
Russell A Gantenbeln ave. Phone East 4804.
FOR SALE Express team, about 1200 lbs.;
wagon and harness. 1184 E. Sherman st.
NOTICE Must be sold; some good horses
at a sacrifice price. 23 N. 14th St.
FOR SALE One horse, four (4) years old;
Hambletonlan stock. 144 E. 2d st. N.
FOR SALE Good work team, very cheap.
182 E. 84th st. Phone East 282.
IN tur exchange piano department we of
fer tomorrow: Stelner, rosewood, $06;
Fischer, medium-size, $117; Barmore, sold
three years ago In St. Paul for $300, case
and action in good order, now $125; a
Steinway upright, fancy mahogany case,
one that usually $550 is asked for, goes for
$255; another titelnway, black case, $212;
a superb colonial designed Kimball, In
fancy mottled walnut case, $265; a Hard
man, largest sise, $172. These prices
should be for spot cash, but easy pay
ment will be arranged for any respon
sible buyer, extending over a period of
two years for the additional simple Inter
est of 8 per cent. Address or call Eilers
Piano House. Exchanged piano depart
ment, 353 Washington st. V Everything we
sell we guarantee money back if not
STEINWAY concert grand, rosewood case; an
exceptionally sweet-toned instrument; was
Paderewskl's tour piano; Just the thing for
a studio or conservatory; In first-class con
dition. Phone Pacifio 3013,
PIANOLA with piano, mahogany; perfect con
dition; $400; cash or terms. 618 Tourny
bldg., 2d ondV Taylor.
STEINWAY upright piano. $160: Decker. $38;
pianola, $125; organ, $12.. Glison blk., 1st
and Ash.
i 4
PONY, gentle for children, cart and harness;
owner leaving town, must sell. 446 Flan
ders st.
PIANO, practically new, at a bargain for
cash, or on payments. Adress E 407 Ore
gonlan. $52 CERTIFICATE, good at Eilers In trade,
for sale cheap. Mrs. Reznor, Llnnton, Or.
NEW piano In perfect condition; price rea
sonable; terms easy. Call 389 Taylor st.
PIANO, upright, good make, nice condition,
$165; cash or terms. P 302 Oregonlan.
FOR, SALE Piano, first-class Emerson, worth
$550, for $250. Apply 312 3d at.
TO RENT A good upright piano. Phone
Main 4415. 555 Yamhill st.
J . 1
PIANOLA In good condition; price $90. G
296, Oregonlan.
FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard
and pool tables; easy payments; we rent
tables, with privilege of buying; modem
bar fixtures; cheap prices. Brunswlck-Balke-Collender,
49 8d st.
MOVING pictures. Illustrated songs, ma
chines rented, bought,-sold and exchanged.
Lowest prices. Newman's Motion Picture
Co.. 333 Ankeny. near 6th.
MUST be sold at once, at your own price,
candy Jars, soda fountain, large coffee
mill, stationary large gas range. 338
Ankeny, near 6th.
FOR SALE Automobiles, one 4-cyllnder
Franklin, in fine, shape, $750; also Olds
mobile touring runabout, $450; a bargain.
K 802, Oregonlan.
HOISTING and logglnr engines for sale or
for rent. Railway Equipment Co., 324
Chamber of Commerce. Phones A 2363,
Main 2363.
TICKETS for Salt Lake; one male, one
female; good until October 81;will sell
$15 each; guaranteed. Address V 815, Ore
gonlan. THOROUGHBRED Scotch collie pups, $10
each; mammoth Pekln ducks, $2 each, $3-50
per pair. Walter Roswurm, Forest Grove,
FOR SALE 1 to 5 Jersey cows, all full blood,
some of which are registered, and all fine
for family use. Crosby & Son, Dundee, Or.
FOR SALE Single-cylinder Csdllllac touring
car, $350; also other seconds-hand- cars.
Auto Garage Co., Lownsdale and Alder.
FOR SALE Second-hand engines, boilers,
sawmills, pumps and general machinery
by H. C. Albee A Co., 248 Grand ave.
A SNAP 10-foot gasoline launch with 8 H.
P. engine, worth $450; will sell for $290.
Inquire Geo. Feran, foot of Market st.
A FTRST-CXASS well drill, gasoline power,
all 'complete. Call at Watson's Restaurant.
THREE family milch cows for sale cheap.
M. S. Brown, Nashville, Mount Scott car.
FOR SALE or lease, double drum hoisting en
gine, perfect condition. 452 Sherlock bldg.
9 PAIRS choice Homer pigeons; a bargain.
J. D. Vance, 615 Gilbert st.. St. John, Or.
EVENING COAT, suits, furs; been worn.
1456 11th at., bet. Morrison and Alder.
30 FEET of good restaurant counter for
about the cost of cartage, at 211 1st st.
Good gas range, almost new. and uprirht oak
folding-bed. cheap. Phone Main 773.
$65 CHARTER OAK steel range, good as new,
$36; Monarch steel range wit ft water connec
tions, $22. 5o ; good cotk stoves. $7. 50 ; hea
ting stoves from $1 up; gas water heater,
$6; gas stoves and ranges from $3.50 up to
$15; $200 black walnut combination desk and
bookcase, $50; block walnut sideboard. $20;
hotel dressers, $3.50; full-ptze dressers,
$7.50; genuine btrdseye maple dresser, $20;
white maple bedroom suite, 3 pieces, $0;
ash bedroom suit. 8 pieces, $16; iron be.ii,
$2.50; chairs, 35c; carpets, rugs, matting,
all sixes, cheap; lace curtains, portieres. In
fact everything In the housefurnlshtng line
at way-down prices; all kinds of exchang
ing allowed; old household goods taken In
exchange for new; we con furnish you with
the best on the market; furniture bought
and best cash prices paid.
66 N. 3d St., bet. Davis and Everett.
Phone Main 2087.
ANY amount of any six 2d-hand pipe, both
black and galvanised, selling at very low
prices to save moving expenses; ateo have
50 tons black and galvanized wire, any
size, cheap.
Largest stock of pulleys, shafting, etc.
In the city. M. Barde & Sons, 8th and
AN 18-lesson mandolin contract with the
Osborne Conservatory off Music, Grand evo.
and E. Morrison; regular price of such
contract now $35; will dispose of above
for half price. $17.50; this Includes a new
Oot-orn Mandolin, value $15. Apply at
Meier & Frank's office.
THREE English bulldog puppies, females, 4
months old; royally bred from imported
prize-winning stock, combining bloodi oC
many noted champions. J. C. Harralson,
East 18th and Mildred sta. Phone Wood
lawn 1361.
60 SLIGHTLY damaged sewing machines at
very low prices; Singer, Wheeler & Wilson,
Domestic, White, Household. .Davis and
others; to make room for new stock.
Wheeler A Wilson and Singers. S. S. Sigel,
836 Morrison St., Marquam bldg.
OFFICE) safe like new; Inside measure 10x1 2x
17 Inches; Encyclopaedia Brltannlca, 28 vol
umes, leather, cheap; dressing-room mirror,
29x102 increo. over frame; new domestic
mangle, saves ironing. 737 El Couch st.
E. 1896.
IF you want a piano, cash register, roll-top
desk, computing scales, cheese cutter, coun
ters, shelving or bakery fixtures, call at
2o8 First st.
DONKEY engine 25 horse power, 800 ft.
-lnch wire rope, 1000 ft. trip line; perfect
condition. D. E. Keasey, 7 Chamber of
SECOND-HAND Pacific Reporter; first 10
volumes Oregon Reports ; Century Digest
and Annuals. Box 92, Marsh field. Or.
NEW Home sewing machine. automobile,
Edison phonograph, cabinet, 45 records. Call
today, 211 J Second st., room 23.
FOR SALE 20 rooms, well furnished for $300.
terms. Inquire at 320 2d and Clay; no
agents. Phone Pacific 1605.
FOR SALE Best cleaning and pressing shop
In city; must sell at once on account of ill
health. W 303. Oregonlan.
GASOLINE launch, 20-foot, in first-class
condition; boathouse thrown in; snap for
quick sale. Phone A 5078.
BUY or sell furniture, stoves and household
goods. Call Main 6374 or A 2327. We want
your trade. The Dollar.
MARINE gasoline engine, a cylinder 20 h. p.
In use 5 months. A-1 condition, reason
able. A 296. Oregonlan.
FOR SALE No. 7 Remington typewriter,
with tabulator; used 4 months; & bargain.
K 301, Oregonlan.
LAUNCH 24 ft., 4 H. P., canopy, curtain,
power whistle; excellent condition; $275.
S 291. Oregonlan.
AIREDALE terrlor Dunnies from the best
strain in the United States. Inquire 4'J2
luast 8th at. N.
FOR SALE Kitchen cabinet, used 4 weeks;
cost $20, will sell for $16. 321 E. 35th,
Mt. Scott line.
100 PANOLA rolls, operatic, classic, popular,
almost new; half price; any quantity. 225
- Failing bldg.
FOR SALE Range, cook stove, carpets. wah
machine, good order. Call after 4 P.
695 Front.
FOR SALE Home-made Jellies and canned
fruits by party intending to go East,
584 Powell.
MOVING picture machine, gas machine, films
and slides, complet outfit, $125. D 300.
COME at once and get a good second-hand
sewing machine from $2 to $5. 312
Main st.
AUTOMOBILES from $150 up at Portlond
Motor Cor Co., 16th and Alder, next to
400 FEET of new 4V4-Inch black pipe at 40
cents per foot. Call at Watson's Restau-
CANARY birds, good singers, $2.50; females
50 cents and $1. 534 Mill. Phone Main
1178. - .
SEALSKIN Jacket, size 40, nearly new, cost
$350. for $150. 826 Multnomah st., morn
ings. CASH WANTED What cash offers for $230
in Oregon Trust A Saving? B 302. Orego
nlan. WANTED Diamond, not particular bout
size; must be cheap. Call Mr. Morey, 105
8d st.
FOR SALE Llfrht, medium lady's first-class
ticket to St. Paul. C 307, Oregonlan.
COMPLETE, up-to-date meat market fix
tures, nearly new. M 282. Oregonlan.
TWO tickets Albert Lea. Minn., cheap; lady
and gent; hurry. K 306, Oregonlan.
600 ISOMER pigeons very cheap; with a stand
ing ready market, 1184 E. Grant.
FOR SALE Fresh ycow and calf, $50. Call
141 E. 44th. Take Mt. Tabor car.
FOR SALE Set of three fine clarionets and
case. Address P 308, Oregontan.
FOR roses, lawns, manure or rich dirt de
livered $2.26. Phone Main 6683.
FOR SALE 6 fresh milch cows, at 1668 East
19th st, near Umatilla, Sell wood.
WHITE steam runabout for sale, reasonable;
Gus Smith. 309 Wells-Fa rgo bldg.
GASOLINE launch and boathouse, perfect
order. $550. M 315. Oregonlan.
COMBINATIONVbed davenport cheap. Inquire
room 8, 4824 Washington st.
FOR SALE? Two male, medium dark, tickets
to Denver. C 309 Oregonlan.
FOR BALE! Cheap, gentleman's ton paddock
overcoat. 606 Flanders at.
FOR SALE 32 Barred Rock pullets, 7 months
old, $25. Phone East 4369.
FOR SALK Cheap. 1 sealskin sack, good as.
new. 369 N. 23d st.
INSTANTANEOUS gas water heater for sale.
321 Hawthorne ave.
FOR sale cheap, 1 bull terrier (female).
Phone Scott 821.
RESTAURANT outfit for sale cheap. Inquire
292 Burnstde st.
FINE) sailboat for sale, very reasonable. H
306, Oregonlan.
FIVE milk cows for sale; good milkers. 646
E. Madison st.
SKY TERRIER pup, 1 year old, cheap. Main
WANTED 4 yard tallymen In city, wages
$2.50 to $2.75.
Main office 12 North 2d st.
SEND ten names of gentlemen who smoke,
and receive free -handsome souvenir; In
close 2c stamp. H. Moss A Co., 866 Page
st., San Francisco, Cal.
LIFE INCOME: for men everywhere. Send
for particulars. National Advertising Bu
reau. 200 Oakland National Bank bldg.,
Chicago, 111.
WANTED Two young men can make part
tuition by doing light work after school
hours. Ore$on College. 406 Common
wealth bldg.
GOOD PAY to men everywhere to tack
signs, distribute circulars, samples, etc.;
no canvassing. Universal Adv. Co.. Chi
cago. REPORTER, small daily, near Portland.
$75: advertising solicitors, city. News
paper Brokerage, Goodnougb. bldg. Main
WANTED A boy over 16 to make himself
useful around bakery and confectionery
store. Inquire at 145 8d et., Monday morn
ing. FIRST-CLASS busheiman, first-class wages;
pressing and repair shop. 413 Morrison st.
LOCAL representative wanted A large In
come assured to anyone who will act as
our representative after learning our busi
ness thoroughly by mall; experience un
necessary; all we require Is honesty, am
bition and willingness to learn a lucrative
business; no soliciting or traveling; an
exceptional oportunlty for those who de
sire to better their conditions and make
more money. For full particulars address
d-'pt 792 B, any office. National Co-operative
Realty Co., 52 Dearborn St., Chi
cago; 6;7 E st., Washington, D. C;
Phelps bldg., Scranton. Pa., or Delgar
bldg., Oakiand, Cal.
Sales manager, $4iMK; grocery, clothing,
cigar, whisky, fruit tree, oil, flour, cereal,
shoo, underwear, hardware and Jewelry
salesmen, all salaried and expensed: ad
writer, $1500; department manager. $2000;
superintendent, $1000; correspondent. $000;
general office man, $1X; superintendent
machine shop. $18o0; furniture buyer and
manager, $1500; stenographer, $7S5; 5 book
keepers, from $900 to $13,0. American Reg
istration Co., Detroit, Mich.
WANTED $3000 to $10,000 yearly easily mads
in real estate business, no capital required
We will teach you the business by mail, ap
point you special representative, of leading;
real estate company, list with you readily
salable properties, co-operate with and as
sist you to a permanent success; a thorough
commercial law course free to each repre
sentative. Write for 62-page book free. It
will be sure to interest you. The Cross Co.,
036 Reaper blk., Chicago.
Good inventions are In great demand.
Through associute attorneys in Washing
ton. I can secure you a patent on your
Invention, fully covering every new feat
tire. It costs nothing to consult me and
may mean a fortune to you. A. J. Matter,
51R Commonwealth bide., 0th and An
keny. DO IT NOW.
WANTED Bright young man as stenog
rapher and billing clerk; salary $60 per
month to start. Edward C. Pease Co.,
The Dalles. Or.
WANTED Immediately, young men to pre
pare for postal clerks and letter-carriers.
Special examination coming. Call today.
Short hours, steady Job, good salary. You
must be at least 5 feet 4 Inches high. No
others need apply. Pacific States School,
513 McKay bldg., cor. 3d and Stark sts.
FIREMEN and brakemen on railroads In
Portland vicinity, to fill vacancies caused
by promotions; experience unnecessary;
state age. height, weight; firemen, $100
monthly, become engineers and earn $2o0;
brakeman, $75, becoming conductors earn
$150; name position preferred. Railway
Association, care Oregonlan.
WRITE and we will explain how we pay
any man $85 per month and all traveling
expenses, such as horse hire, railroad far,
hotel bills, etc.. to take orders for the
greatest portrait house in the world; your
salary will be guaranteed and paid week
ly If preferred. Address G. J. Martel,
Dept. 505, Chicago.
WANTED A young or middle-aged married,
experienced newspaper man and all
around printer in a country office, who
wants to buy part or more thereof. Muft
be industrious, steady, no stimulants, and
produce profits. Good town. State age,
experience, references, results. Address
D 300, Oregonlan.
WANTED Successful specialty salesmen to
handle on the side line a high-grade line
that sells to dealers in staple lines in
city and country ; large commission and
re-orders; give references, home address.
Superintendent Salesmen, 115 5th ave.,
SALESMEN Big money and pleasant busi
ness selling new depart mnit to retail
ers; very profitable and desirable; nothing
like It ever before off e red ; only those who
can give best of references need apply.
AddreBs Berner, 608-40 Dearborn St.. Chi
cago. SALESMEN with experience for staple line
in Oregon; we have men whose commis
sions average from $400 to $000 per
month; not just for one month, but every
month. Write for particulars. McAllis-ter-Coman
Co., J56 Dearborn, Chicago.
y 1
ALL dlFeases of mn successfully treated ;
discharges positively cured In from 8 to
6 days; consultation free and etrtctly con
fidential; send for our symptom bfonk.
X-radium Medical Institute, 3d and Aider
sts. ; entrance 253 Alder at., Portland. "
IF YOU'RE the man we want, write right
now; make $70 commission weekly or
start a sideline; well-known staple, sold
by most lines every town; no samples to
lug; season just opening; liberal da tings.
Manufacturer, Box 11 Oh. St. Louis.
WANT work? Call at once; bookkeeper,
stenographers, collectors, cashiers, sales
ladies, salesmen, dry goods, general mer
chandise, grocers, hotels. Cltrks Registra
tion Bureau, office 303 Allsky bldg., 285
Mcrrlson st.
TOUNG man of good appearance; must be
over 5 feet 6 Inches tall, about 21 years
of age, as floorwalker and window trim
mer; state former experience, references
snd salary desired. Address N 1U&, Ore
Wanted Physician, registered In Oregon;
must be good all-round man, one not afraid
of printers Ink; excellent, steady paying
position to right man. Address C 815, Ore
gonlan. MEN and boys wanted to learn plumbing-,
plastering, bricklaying; day and night
classes; free cat. ; positions secured; no
book learning. Coyne Trad School, 230
240 8th st., San Francisco and New York.
WANTED A first-class outdoor salesman to
sell, talking machines. Must be a rustler
and capable of closing sales. Must give
reference. Qood salary and permanent po
sition. Address P. O. Box 245. Boise. Idaho
PROTECT yourself for $1 per month against
acidont, sickness and death. Write or
call for full information. Northwestern
Health and Accident Association. 109
Sherlock bldg. Agents wanted.
WANTED Salesmen all lines; bookkeepers,
stenographers and clerical men for po
sitions now open, city and country; salary
$900 to $1S00. Call or write Commercial
Abstract Co., Raleigh bldg.
SALESMEN for Oregon Experienced trav
eling man preferred; line staple for gen
eral trade; position permanent; $30 week
ly advance with commissions. Sawyer,
Leslie & Co., Detroit, Mich.
WANTED Men and boys to learn plumbing,
sign and card writing and designing; day
and night classes; catalogue free. Colora
do School Practical Plumbing, 1645 Arapa-
noe st.. juenver. Colo.
MEN and women to learn barber trade In
eight weeks; graduates earn from $15 to
$25 weekly; expert instructors; catalogue
free. Moler System of Colleges, 85 North
Fourth st., Portland,
. ., .. .
CAPABLE salesman to cover Oregon with
staple line; high commissions with $100
monthly advance; permanent position to
right man. Jess H. Smith Co., Detroit,
SALESMEN To sell our advertising signs,
calendars, thermometers. fans, leather
goods, etc.; finest side line out. Write for
terms. Mahon Novelty Co., Box 101, Ken
ton, O. .
WANTED Detectives, shrewd, reliable men,
for profitable secret service, to act under
orders; no experlro necessary. Write
H. C. Webster. Indianapolis. Ind.
$20 a week and expanses for men with rigs
to introduce Poultry Compound. Reliable
company. .Experience unnecessary. Impe
rial Co.. Dept. 54. Parsons, Kan.
WANTED Wood choppers, all winter Job;
good timber. Apply 401 Commonwealth
bldg, cor. 6th and Oak sts.
IN SIX weeks we educate you In salesman
ship, secure you position as traveling
salesman with responsible firm. Address
the Bradstreet System, Rochester, N. Y.
WANTED A traveling man to carry our
line as a side line; It takes very little room
and very little time, but good profit. Berg
Medicine Co., Des Moines, Iowa.
WANTED Blacksmith ond helper for csr
work. Apniy Eastern A Western Lumbar
Co., foot 21st.