The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 20, 1907, Page 10, Image 10

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Receiver Loses Deposits Made
After Bank Closed.
Fourteen Who Joined In Suit Will
Be Repaid Under Order Made
by the Court in Savings
Bank Case.
Fourteen .depositors of the defunct
Oregon Savings & Trust Company will
get at least part of their deposits back.
Under an order Issued in the State
Circuit Court yesterday afternoon all
depositors who put money in the bank
after 3 P. M. of the last day of busi
ness, August 20, are entitled to re
ceive the full amount of such deposits.
Receiver Devlin accordingly will make
the payments in full.
The receiver did not formally resist
payment of .these claims. After en
deavoring to get the depositors to ac
cept telephone bonds in lieu of cash
and' falling in that undertaking, the
bank's receiver suggested that the case
be taken into court in order to afford
authorization for payment of the
claims. This was done yesterday aft
ernoon when Judge Gantenbein heard
the facts In the case from Max G.
Cohen, attorney for depositors, and
promptly caused the issuance of the
necessary order. The court's order is
as follows:
Upon reading and filing the petition of
1 P. Cud worth; Donnue bankruptcy
account bv W. L. Palmer; Metzger &
Co.; R. Becker: William P. C. Krull;
Henry Kroll; Mrs. J. G. Crombill; Mrs.
M. A. Mclntyre: L. B. French; Frank
Berktold, by J. I.. .Spencer: Oriental Im
porting Company: Mrs. T. Marshall;
Mrs. Rose Wlesenback and Llllie H.
Keep, by Max G. Cohen, attorney for
said petitioners, and It satisfactorily ap
pearing therefrom that Thomas C. Dev
lin has been appointed as receiver there
in by order of this court, and that the
said defendant, Oregon Trust & Savings
Bank, has certain deposits and savings
accepted by It after the suspension of
business of said bank, and that the said
receiver therein has placed such sums of
money so accepted apart from all other
funds as belonslng to the petitioners
herein; Therefore.
It is hereby ordered, that Thomas C.
Divlln, as receiver of the defendant
Oregon Trust & Savings Bank, he au
thorized and directed to pay over to
the petitioners herein the amounts due
each of said petitioners, as set forth in
said petition.
The list of those who will profit by
the order and the amounts each will re
ceive, follow: L. P. Cudworth, J10;
Donnue Bankruptcy Account by W. L.
Palmer, $100; Metzger & Co., 100; R.
Becker, $185.93; William F. C. Krull,
781 Everett street, $63.70; Henry Kroll,
$50: Mrs. J. G. Crombill, $150; Mrs.
M. A. Mclntyre. $3.42; U B. French,
$27.88: Frank Berktold by J. U Spen
cer, $20; Oriental Importing Company,
$37.41; Mrs. T. Marshall, $40; Mrs. Rose
Wlesenback. $140; Llllie H. Kemp, 165
North Fourteenth street, $35.
Ex-Member of Fire Department Con
victed on Statutory Charge.
John Kalkofen, a member of the Port
land Fire Department, was placed on trial
and found guilty before Circuit Judge
Ftazer yesterday afternoon on a charge
of contributing to the delinquency of a
minor child. Kalkofen is the fireman who
was tried on a similar charge a few
weeks ago and released by the jury in
the case. At the time Judge Frazer
scored the jurors. The authorities decided
to take up a fresh count of t ie charge
against the fellow, knowing him to be
guilty. The girl in the new case Is but
15 years old. Her testimony against the
fireman was conclusive.
In arguing the case before the jury.
Deputy District Attorney Moser aid it
was only out of consideration of Kalko
fen's aged mother, his wife and little
baby that a felony charge was not urged
against him. The case was given into
the hands of the Jury late In the after
tDoon and a verdict was returned prompt
ly. The convicted man's ball was at once
Increased from $500 to $1000, and in default
of this he was locked up in the County
Jail, pending sentence.
Sues for Divorce From Wife Whose
Friend He Suspected.
W. O. Stitt, the watchman who ap
plied to the Municipal Court on Thursday
for aij order restraining John Kaichner
from escorting Mrs. Stitt to theaters,
made a second appeal to the law yes
terday, this time for a divorce. While
the dove of peace seemed to have perched
over the Stitt doorway following the Po
lice Court proceedings, the head of the
family must have reconsidered his grant
of forgiveness of Thursday.
The petition for a divorce was filed with
the State Circuit Court yesterday fore
noon. Stitt sets out in his complaint that
his wife has taken to visiting shows on
an average of four times a week and that
she Is neglectful of household duties.
Reference to her fondness for Kaichner is
made, although this is not the basis of
the complaint.
The couple were married May 10, 1893,
: and have three children, for whose
custody Stitt asks.
Kays Contract Was Broken.
The H. W. Lemce Company was made
defendant in a suit to recover $2500 on al
leged breach of contract In the Circuit
Court yesterday afternoon. The com
plainant is J. M.. Healy. who claims the
amount due on an assignment of option
to valuable real property.
Senator Bourne Will Urge Govern
ment to Continue Investigations.
Prominent citizens of Oregon, notably
Governor Chamberlain, Mayor Harry
Lane, W. M. Ladd. F. M. Batchelor, R.
W. Hoyt and others Interested in the de
velopment of Oregon's mining resources,
have requested that the United States
Government continue Its investigations, so
well begun by Profensor Lindgren, of the
United States Geological Survey. It has
been said that these investigations are
to be completed at an early date, for as
Professor Lindgren says in his prelimin
ary report: "Four months is a short time
to examine such an extensive territory,
such a wealth of mineral deposits. . . .
This report is only preliminary, recon-
nuisance work. ... It has not been possi
ble to visit an tne mines and prospects."
The following letter Just received by F.
M. Batchelor indicates that the much
desired report, which will do a great deal
toward? establishing Oregon In her right
ful place among the richest gold produc
ing states, will in tho near future be
ton. D. (J., Oct oner a, lwr. ir. M. Batch
elor, Esq., 215 Couch Building, Portland,
Or., Dear Mr. Batchelor: I have received
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SPOKANE Is not the only town in the
Northwest that can boast of blood
hounds, for Detective Andrew Vaughn
has a pair of young hounds that give
great promise. Seek and Find were bred
in old Kentucky, and although they are
your letter of September 26, and in re
ply will say that I intend to have a per
sonal conference with the Director of the
Geological ' Survey at an early date, and
renew my request that attention be given
the auriferous gravel deposits f Baker
County, when he comes to make up his
programme of work for the coming sea
son. If I find that it is necessary to make a
further showing to him in this matter,
I will communicate with you and point
out wherein you can be of assistance.
Thanking you for again calling this
matter to my attention, I am, very truly
yours, J. BOURNE. Jr.
Open Season Proves Disastrous to
Antlered Herd In Blue Mountains.
GRANITE, Or., Oct. 19. (Special.) The
ripen season for hunting elk,- which has
Just closed, has proved quite successrui
from the sportsman's point of view, but
has been equally disastrous to the elk.
For a number of years 30 elk have been
ranging on the headwaters of the Orand
Ronde and North Fork of the John Day
River, and with the opening of the elk
season hunters flocked to that locality,
each equipped to get the portion allowed
to him by law. At least 10 of the animals
are known to have been killed during the
season. And the others have been scat
tered over the mountains . till scarcely
any trace can be found of them.
Bookkeeper Gone; Cash Short.
TACOMA, Wash.. Oct. 19. (Special.)
L. A. Silverton. a 22-year-old book
keeper for the Naylor Lumber Com
pany, of South Prairie, is missing and
the company checks have been found
to be forged to the amount of $175.
This is all that has been discovered so
far, as the forgeries have been so clev
er as to almost defy deteotlon.
ABERDEEN, Wash., Oct. 19. (Special.) After having traveled to
gether over a great deal of the United States and having met with
many vicissitudes in the- way of change of fortune, Mr. and Mrs.
James C. Smith will on Monday, October 21 celebrate in a neat cot
tage in North Aberdeen the fiftieth anniversary of their marriage,
which took place In Mount Pleasant, Henry County, Iowa, October 31,
1857. Of this union 13 children were born, nine of whom are living,
and there are 23 grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren.
James C. Smith was born In Indiana, April 14, 1836, and Sophia
Jane Evans, his wife. In Vermillion County, Illinois, November 8, 1839.
They have lived plain, unassuming lives, and after having crossed
the plains eight times, twice with ox teams, and paving resided In
various cities, this worthy couple has settled in the- northern section
of this city.
Mr. Smith has been a member of the Masonic fraternity for 31 years.
He rarely smokes and never was Intoxicated. With the exception of a
son who died at the age of 19, all of the children are married and livo
In cities almost at the four corners of the North American continent.
The children are: Mrs. Eva Goffl. San Francisco; Mrs. Gullema Sesh,
Tacoma; Mrs. Bessie Pach, Aberdeen; Mrs. Ida Moss, Los Angeles;
Mrs. Mary Vaughan, Omaha; James Harlan Smith, Odessa, Wash.;
Mrs. Jennie Gerhard, Portland; S. B. Smith. Omaha; B. E. Smith, Aber
deen. The celebration of the golden wedding will be informal. ' Mr. and
Mrs. Smith will receive their Invited friends and neighbors from 8 to 1
o'clock Monday evening, and after the expression of congratulations
refreshments will be served.
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only seven months old, they can take a
trail that is several hours old and run
the man to earth.
Detective Vaughn is training the dogs
himself and he Is well pleased with them.
He is just waiting for some crime to be
committed, so that he can make use of
Harriman Hurries His Survey
ors Into Central Oregon.
Party Leaving Shaniko in Automo
biles Will Spy Out Routes and
Hold Strategic Points Against
the Rival Railroad.
Equipped with automobiles for crossing
the stretch of Interior Oregon from
Shaniko to Klamath Falls, a party of en
gineers and surveyors, carrying Held in
struments and camping outfits, were
hustled away on a special train from
Portland last night over the O. R. & N.
by General Manager O'Brien. Their orders
are to cross the state ' from north to
south, with the supposed purpose of
spying out the strategic points and hold
ing them against the Oregon Trunk Line,
the independent railroad that announces
Its intention to build up te Deschutes
River from its mouth to Madras and on
to Lakeview.
Officials of the Harriman interests' are
reticent as to the purposes of the ex
I pedltion, which was kept secret. But the
tr-s ivvs i
his hounds. The other day the hounds
were sent upon a trail four -hours old and
after tracking the man for several miles,
over the hills back of the City Park, the
dogs Anally came to a halt under a tree,
and to Detective Vaughn's surprise, the
man was hiding among the branches.
object of the trip seems to be to run
counter to the Oregon Trunk, the only
railroad that now threatens to enter the
Harriman preserves, as Central Oregon
has come to be known. The Harriman
people contested the right of the Oregon
Trunk to build a railroad up the Des
chutes canyon from the mouth of that
river 100 miles to the big level plain of
Central Oregon. Danger threatened the
Harriman interests wtien the - Oregon
Trunk entered the Deschutes canyon and
the legal department was put in motion
to head off the threatened invasion. This
failed, for the Oregon Trunk is now pos
sessed of rights as far up the Deschutes
as the mouth of White riven a distance
of 45 mile9.
Lest the Oregon Trunk continue its tri
umphant progress through the Btate,
ilans for which are under way, the Harrl-
, lan people apparently feel it necessary to
I ?tay the procession as soon as possible,
This is doubtless the object of the expedi
tion Just sent into the Interior.
From Desciiutes the party will travel
by automobile to Madras and Bend,
and engineers will gro over the Upper
Deschutes Valley, seeking the most
practical route for a railroad and point
ing out the only .feasible line for the
purpose. That these strategic points
will be secured by the Harriman in
terests and that these engineers will
be busy In the interior for some time
is taken for granted.
Although Harriman interests cannot
see their way clear to spend money
in building roads into Central Oregon
(it present, as says Mr. Harriman him-
His Cigar Doesn't
Taste Right
And Yet It Is the Same He Was
Smoking With So Much Relish
After Dinner, Last Night; Out
of the Very Same Box, Too.
Every smoker has experienced this
peculiar condition of the stomach and
liver, the result usually of imperfect
digestion of food. And the blame is
usually put on the cigar and not where
It belongs.
Such men are usually high livers,
hard workers mentally, living under
high pressure and high draught, and it
doesn't take a great deal to disorder
the stomach or render the liver torpid.
They should make It a practice to
use some tried and reliable remedy like
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, that will
aid Nature and not force It and will
take care of the sudden attacks of
acute indigestion.
Tlte use of these tablets is not to be
confounded with the patent medicine
habit. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are
not a patent medicine, but are com
posed of the vary elements which na
ture - provides the healthy stomach to
do the work of digestion pepsin,
diastase, golden seal, etc. There Is no
secret In their preparation they are
absolutely pure and therefore all the
world UBes them. ' 1
No matter how disordered the stom
ach may be, it will right itself if given
the chance. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets
digest food where the stomach can't,
give the abused stomach and Intes
tines a rest, and offer renewed strength
to the worn out glands and muscles.
Brain workers can rely on Stuart's
Dyspepsia Tablets, no matter how tense
the strain. AH druggists carry them
in the fifty cent packages,' or if you
prefer a free trial package can be had
by sending your name and1 address to
day. F. A.- Stuart Company, 160 Stuaft
Building, Marshall, Mich,
self, in view ofthe condition of the
money market, the Oregon managers
apparently have carte blanche when it
comes to blocking other projects into
that territory. This has been dem
onstrated any number of times.
The danger that 'the Oregon Trunk
may become a Hill line at any time
lends inducement to the Harriman'
people to forestall the only live oppo
sition project that openly plans to in
vade Oregon from the north, east or
Juvenile Improvement Association
Also Reviews Work of Year.
At a meeting of the Juvenile Improve
ment Association, held last night In de
partment No. 1 of the State Circuit Court,
the following officers were elected: Judge
A. L. Frazer, president: Mrs. H. K. Mc-
Arthur, vice-president; Miss E. Norcross,
secretary; Norman Thome, treasurer.
Several matters of Importance in con
nection with the work of the association
were brought before the meeting. Judge
Frazer urged the necessity of having
deputy probation officers in each district.
Also, the advisability of having friends
among the business men of the city for
the boys who are on probation, and the
same course to apply to girls who are
on probation and who need the protec
tion and interest of some woman friend.
The question of an amendment to the
school law permitting school buildings to
be .used for playgrounds, presented by
Mrs. M. R. Trumbull and Miss Dlmmlck
was favorably received and carefully
considered. It was also decided that
members of the association shall use their
best jefforts in enforcing the child-labor
law. by reporting all violations of the act
which come under tbelr observation.
Miss Sallie Beck, of Boston, gave an
Interesting account of the work of the
Vacation Home at the seashore near Bos
ton, which Is maintained for the purpose
of affording vacations to school girls,
factory-workers and servant-girls from
the city.
Lee Ling, Chinese Gambler, Charged
With Wire-Tapping.
Lee Ling, said to be the proprietor of a
Chinese gambling-house at 133 Second
street, was arrested by Deputy Sheriff
Llllis and Policeman Quinton at 10 o'clock
last night and was lodged In the County
Jail. Captain Slover, commanding police
headquarters, refused to book the pris
oner, and for that reason Lee Ling was
turned over to Sheriff Stevens. A charge
of larceny was placed against Lee and
he was not admitted to bail because the
charge is a felony.
Lee Ling Is charged with tapping the
wires of the Portland Railway, Light &
Power Company, which Is a crime, pun
ishable by Imprisonment In the peniten
tiary of from six months to one year. - It
Is said that this crime Is prevalent In
Chinatown, and the company's officials
are determined to put a stop to It.
The Chinese were angry over the ar
rest, and as Policeman Quinton was
Specialist J. J. O'Keefe
324 Goodnough Building
This well-known Cancer Specialist, better known as "PORTLAND'S SUCCESSFUL CANCER CURER,"
who has had such jemarkable success' in treating and absolutely curing the most hopeless forms of can
cer, has obtained permanent quarters in Portland at the above address.
Prof. O'Keefe not only claims to have made many wonderful cures of this dread disease, but has pos
itive proof and evidence of several cases that will convince the most skeptical. For instance, J. E. Lam
born, 1114 Salmon street, who had consulted various specialists in Los Angeles, Chicago and St. Louis,
all giving him up, came to Prof. O'Keefe several months ago, apparently a hopeless case; suffering with
a form of the disease termed as stone cancer of the neck., The patient, as far as the cancer is concerned,
is practically cured, and with the proper care and attention would today be a well man.
i c J f - v " t I,: u vi Q t ,
' S" ., -
I ' i .;i - . -f '
t'tifiwMiitiw ' i -iiii i nn Tiinami'i -i ,,m' mid i nrm" T-TMnmn 1
Any person suffering with any form of cancer' should not neglect to be prompt in having it thor
oughly and properly attended to. There is no other disease known to the medical world where so much
skill and careful attention is demanded.- Prof. O'Keefe 's reputation as a specialist has long been established
and he ,is ever ready to go thoroughly into all the claims of the many fortunate patients he has turned
away as cured.
Don't put off consulting him, even though others may have failed.
pecialist J. J. O'Keefe
For Everyday and Dress Occasions at
Portland's "Greater Store for Men"
Their faultless appearance has popu
larized them; this APPEARANCE of
perfect tailoring and modish new
styles is the result of underlying princi
ples of correctness. It is as evident in
the serviceable long overcoats for con
stant wear as in those for full dress
occasions. It's the sum total of supe
rior materials, expert workmanship, and
style artists' designing. All the season's
buter garments at the lowest prices com
mensurate with quality.
The "Cambridge Correct Clothes"
brand is as popular in business suits as
in overcoats. Every line complete.
Sole Agents for
taking Lee Ling- out to a patrol wagon
through a long, dark hallway an uniden
tified Chinese leaped out and struck the
The smallest bone in the human body is
contained in the drum of the ear.
A Group of Cured Cancer Sufferers
Office Hours: 10 to 12, 2 to 5; Evenings, 7 to 8
Portland's Successful Cancer Curer
324 Goodnough Building
Fifth and Yamhill Streets
Since 1800, when the Grand Army of the
Republic had 409,408 members enrolled. Its
numerical strength has been cut down al
most one-half. There are only about
212.000 comrades now. The losses by death
run up to 9000 or 10,000 a year. There Is
practically no chance to gain recruits.
Third Floor