SECTION THREE Pages 1 to 12 nm ttwlt EDITORIAL and SOCIETY VOL. XXVI. PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 13, 1907. NO. 41. Will Supply the Greater Part of The Smart Things Women Wear at The The style realms of the world have been invaded and their choicest products captured and brought before the discriminating women of Portland in glorious array, fit preparation for this exhibition of well-groomed horses and smartly-gowned wo inn1 rtman 'OTB Show mien, we have sought diligently among the marts of the world for the most distinctive and desirable things in women's dress. The premier millinery artists of Europe as well as the best in New York Hats, Gownaand Costumes illustrated on this page are samples of the garments to be found in our superb Style Salons.- These were sketched from life and are shown and on sale exactly like those illustrated here in every de tail. In no other Portland store can such a matchless assortment be found. SEE THEM We invite Portland women to take advantage of the matchless style facilities afforded by this store.' Avoid the annoyance and delay of having frocks made for the occasion. Come here andT select imported models, but please come early and make your choice that we may have ample time to make necessary alterations. We buy and sell more women's fine apparel than all other Portland stores combined.' 'Strictly new styles always appear first in this store. We are recognized headquarters in the Northwest for all that is best in the garment line We buy, and sell, more in this line than other Pprtland stores com bined. This enables us to make lower prices than our competitors can. have been drawn on to suvdIv an assortment nf -.- . , headwear never equaled in a Portland store. Special attention will be directed this week to a display of Women 's Fashionable Attire for Horse Show Wear.. The Costume Rooms in our style salons will be de voted to the use of those who are bent on the selectionof the most taste ful attire possible to secure. The Millinery Room will give special attention to the sale and display of strikingly exquisite Paris models. The Horse Show is bound to be an event which Portland will remember with pride. Owners of good horse flesh are enthusiastic in their efforts to make the affair a success. Dressmakers are busy modeling elabor ately beautiful gowns, and most important of all: THE OLDS, WORTMAN & KING STORE AUG MENTS ITS ALREADY MAGNIFICENT SHOW- ING OF HANDSOME GOWNS, WRAPS AND MIL- NEW ARRIVALS RUSHED THROUGH BY EXPRESS FROM NEW YORK. OUR MISS BERNARD, WHO IS NOW IN THE EAST, ADVISES US BY WIRE THAT SHE HAS PURCHASED A LARGE NUMBER OF PARIS AND AMERICAN MODELS, WHICH, ADDED TO THOSE ALREADY HERE, COMPRISES A SHOW- ING WHICH SURPASSES EVEN THE MAGNIFI- CENT DISPLAY MADE ON OPENING DAYS. Royal Wor'ster Corsets New Gowns had best be fitted over New Corsets and t.h New Corset should be th$ ROYAL WORCESTER. . Call and let our fitters demonstrate the advantages of the Royal Worcester la either the "Bon Ton" or "Sapphire" grades and you will khvo me problem or what Corset will give the best satisfaction. To those familiar with their merits, the sintrle annoiweemaTit that the new Fall models are here is sufficient; to those who have not become converts, onlv one fitting will be nec.PKSn.rv- Vim nrill find that the majority of the best dressed women in Portland wear saem. wujyusjn lttgUNED TO STOUTNESS SHOULD BE FITTED WITH OUR "ADJUSTO DOWAGER.' ' All Knnn -nA Side steels are double and very durable. It can be made smaller or larger in a moment and reduces the abdomen in the twinkling of an eye. Correct form is assured to the wearers of thl rinrwt. Commence preparing . for Christmas " gifts by startintr your fancy work now. See the Fifth-street window display of Slava, Nordesca and Holbein Embroidery; the latest fad in this work. Lessons free every afternoon on Fifth Floor. PILLOW TOPS, stamped with emblems of the . Multnomah Athletic Club, Portland Draw ing Club, Oregon Yacht Club or Portland High School. The tops are fine art material, fit ted with plain O backs; price. '.. ..... f C Trimming sand Or ess Accessories Here in wonderful variety are the adjuncts and embellishments to a perfect toi lette, so necessary to the woman of discriminating taste. Exclusive novelties in every line are carried in the fixin's aisle. Decidedly different effects to be found nowhere but here. From so large a collection we can mention only a few of the many articles that will enhance the beauty to a pleasing costume and delight the wearer. Correct neckwear. For tailored and street wear, the embroidered stiff collar with hand-embroidered bows are newest and daintiest. - . Belts in leather, pleated or plain, with metal back piece and buckle to match. Strikingly effective when worn with tan cape gloves. Belts in white kid combined with silk braid. , Belts of colored leather with handsome pearl buckles of same shade. Come in all colors. Very new. . Belts of black seal leather with gunmetal trimmings. Belts of fine elastic studded" with cut steel nail heads. ; Elastic is plain or embossed weaves. Belts of leather heavily encrusted with jewels. Belts of irridescent silk elastic fitted with colored enamel buckle set with Rhinestones. Elastic belt- lengths, plain or embossed weaves, studded with cut steel nail heads. String Four-in-hand and Batwing Ties are also smart for wear with these collars. For dress wear we 've dozens of fluffy, frilly things. Plain linen Collars and Cuffs to match. Collar and Cuff Sets; pique, linen or lace. Evening Scarfs in daintiest colorings, some edged with ostrich, some with maribou. Ostrich and coque feather boas.' Flat or round styles, . in black, whits and many combinations of pastel shades. New Veilings and Hat Drapes Extremely artistic effects distinctly new. Chiffon Hat Drapes with embroidered silk or velvet dots. Chiffon Hat Dranes with adra of nloato fl.j :n. .i.:ti. i - - o- t j-iuicu una. cuu.i.on ana lace. . - Colored Chiffon Veils with heavy Persian border. -Colored Hat Dranos nf not in AnttoA mck.. i . 3 .." silk borders, 2-yard lengths. 3-yard crepe chiffon Auto Veils. Silk net Auto Scarfs with ends of fancy embossed bands. , - WMHE QUAUTY REJGK3" . v "umne prices ire paib" b High-Class Footwear Quality is the distinguishing feature of every pair of Shoes we sell, be the price what it may. Splendid style and perfect fit are assured, to anyone who buys shoes from us. We have the exclusive sale of some of the best brands of shoes manufactured In America. Shoes that appeal hrestihly to people of discern ing Judgment. ' STYLE 124 Women b Shoes for street wear. Pine patent leather vamp with dull kid top, high arch style; straight last with a medium, toe. A shoe that has an individuality found only in high-grade footwear. This eft f ff shoe for pOUU STYLE 104 A Women's Pin gree Gloria shoes. Patent kid toe with dull calf top. Blucher cut, Cuban heeL You will find it hard to duplicate this shoe in style and value at 50c a pair more. d r It sells ior.......pO,OU STYLE 152 Dr. Reed's im- proved cushion sole shoe, made of soft kid, toe with patent tips; has medium heel and medium-weight sole. This is the very latest pattern, out this season only. s,By far the best cushioned shoe ever made. The QlZ fif price. . ... ....... pOJU STYLE B 11 Women's pat ent leather dress shoe made with turn sole, medium high heel and arched last with 4 very low cut vamp. 10-button style, mat kid top, plain toe. . Price per pair. ....... ..$5.00 Portland's Best Glove Store . Women who wear long gloves and desire the better grades and styles would do well to remember that we are exclusive agents for two of the best gloves sold in America, the Malvolio and the Monarch. We have 16-button Suede Gloves in black or white; Chamois Gloves, 16-button length, white and natural color. Maggonoi Gloves, 16-button, light weight, evening shades. Long Silk Gloves, double tips, in black or white. The Cape Gloves, the latest and smartest, to wear with street suits. Cape Gloves in Dent style. r 105 oil