r v. i THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, OCTOBER 13, 1907. FOR BALE REAL ESTATE. SNAPS FOR THE WISE. WHO COME TO US FOR THE BEST BUYS. $R0iK) The grandest place in Irvington. quarter block, 8 rooms, with every mod ern convenience right on Tillamook at. $50uo Swell corner, close in on 2d St., modern 7 -room house. $45ui-Swell 7-room residence, full lot, beautltl. grounds. E. 11th at, 1 $30ow IV -acre lot. with handsome P room house. 5 finished in elegant style, grounds nicely cultivated, good poultry 5 ard and house, free wate; fronts on Oregon City carline. $700 Corner lot. South Portland, apart -mint buildings. $31 per month rent; see what a big luterest income. $16oo : lots, worth $400 each, with neat 5-room cottage; E. Sth st.. Wood lawn. You'll never gvt a better buy. tltiOo o acres, all in bearing fruit; will yield $1000 per acre. $11H0 Corner lot. 5 -room cottage. 1 block from business, Montavilla. 71 ro Quarter block, nice business cor ner. St. John. We respectfully Invite you to see us at our new quarters, no stairs to climb, where you'll get the real bargains. THIS DUNN-LAWRENCE CO., IMS Alder Street. $4.VH Russell-street property per month. $4.000 10-room house, 2 Income $43 lots. South Portland. $4(mo B-room residence, Sherman. $4000 Two 7-roora houses. 11th and 11th and Aim. $4 500--8-room residence on Cherry st. $.5000 6 lots and 7-room house. North Alblna. $0o0 5 -room cottage, 35th and Alder. $4100 7-room house, 34th and Market. GOLDSCHMIDT'S AGENCY. 253 4 Washington. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS Installment homes; only two left of those modern 6 room houses on the south w?t corner of 28th and Savler sts., one block from the carilne; gas. electricity, furnaces, full ce ment basements, fireplaces, porcelain plumb ing, wood-fiber plaster; unequalled neigh borhood, superb view, overlooking" Fores try Park; pries $4000, $4 down, $40 per month. Fidelity Trust Company, owner, 406 Commercial blk. Phones Main 447, A 144.V mm ' - ' ' 1 1 INVESTMENT. $5500 Handles this, paying 10 per cent net on Investment, balance on mortgage, 3 or 6 years, per cent, 12-room residence, corner lot, 55x100, eaht front, east of 23d St., near Northup, leased for 2 years, A-l tenant, $65 per 1 mnnth ; property in best of repair; this is safer than the bank and bet ter Income than bonds. A. H. BIRRELL, 202 McKay Bldg., 3d and Stark sts. WATERFRONT AGE at Astoria, where tho railroad terminals are to be. Is going to make millions for some one in the next few years, Just as it did on the Sound. We have a few good pieces under con tract that can he bought at "ground -floor" prices. If taken up at once. Full particu lars at our office. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. Couch bids:., 100 4th St., near Wash. FOR BALK. 3 acres of land in city, no stumps, no stones; good chicken ranch, for $1700; terms. If you are looking Tor a nice 7-roora house we have one for $2300; terms. 4-room house, with 2 lots, close to car, for $1200; terms. S. FEIGHNER & CO.. 185 Morrison st. . $4100 0-room modern house, fine large Bathroom, full lot. all improvements, streets paved, concrete basement, Cleveland ave., near Sumner it.. Wal nut Park; block to Williams-ave. car line; opportunity to buy home; very cnnicest surroundings. A. H. BIRRELL. 202 McKay Bldg., 3d and Stark. HIGH AND SIGHTLY SUBURBAN HOMK Island station V mile from- Milwaukie 7 rooms, bath, basement, hard finished, all in nne condition, full view of Hock 1st and Club; BO diffarfcnt varieties of fruit and nuts, sire 100x300. only $3700. "LET US TAKE YOU TO IT." LAMONT A HARRIS. 306-7 Swetland bldg ACREAGE Three acres at Mann's Station on Waver- ly-Woodstock carilne: all cleared and well fenced; there is a spring on place flowing unlimited amount of pure water; if sold immediately. $1700; $000 cash. DEVLIN FIREBAUGH. 509-609 Swetland bldg.. cor. 3th and Wash. IRVINGTON. Beautiful new 8-room house, thoroughly mortem, lot 73x100. In Irvington; price si-.uiio; every convenience. 7,1 M MERMAN & VAVOHAN, Room 303. Buchanan Building, 2S6S , Washington Street. $3500 0-room house with choice blork: one of the grandest views on Willam etle Heights; 1 block to carilne; fur nace; open fireplace; the very bent of plumbing; don t miss this opportunity. A. H. BIRRBLL. 202 McKay Bldg., 3d and Stark sts. WE have an interest In a local land syn dlcate for sale at HO cents on the dollar A splendid opportunity for some one with COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. Couch Bldg.. J09 4th st.. near Washington. ONLY $rt0: fine lot on 37th St.. near Ha thorne ave.; cement walks, curbs and mac adamised mm., included In price; lowest price for hem location on East Side. Call Monday. M. E. Lee. room 20 Raleigh bldg. wash. st. 1 acre witn store ana b rooms aoove also modern 5 -room cottage complete; pres- en t rent a 1 soft pe r mon t h ; room for 2 more houses on the lot; $4i00 cash; balance easy terms, bpninx Agency. 803 Stark st. NOTICE fo partita that wnnt to buy West Side income property: I have some choice properties) that might appeal to you. from - $inno to $100,000. M. E. Lee, room 20 Kalelgh hldg.. 3t Wash. st. MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE. On account of sirkness, A-room house. nearly r.ew. $2200; $1300 cash; rents for $20; or will make nice home. 1605 East 13th st. Sellwood 161. 6-ROOM modern house In West Irvington. lot ftOxftO. K. Htli st.. basement, an, electricity etc.; house 1 year old; $3000. 5100 rah and easy payments on balance. M. C. Davis, 16 Hamilton bldg. 7-ROOM HOUSE. $2800. New. modern 7-room house, cement base ment: flue location, near W.-W. carline; 3 mta. ftoxion. J. J. Oeder. corner Grand ave. and FJ. Ankeny. Pl'Ft'ffPAN home cf 2 nice lots with 2-rom plastered house; grind chicken-house and yard; some fruit; nice garden: will wll for only $soo. Home Land Co.. 14o 1st t. FOR SALE By owner. 6-room house, barn, cuy water, is small fruit trees. lot 50x100 each: this la good and cheap. Call ivj East iith ana Ainsworth ave. BRAND new modern 5-room bungalow In Highland dint riot: cement walks around house; ail lateen conveniences: will give terms. Home i.ana Co., 14& 1st st. $21.000 Business or apartment -house site on iia st.. near jerrerron: lOxino; some in come. Whltten Bryant. 406 Swetland ping, pacific 173. OOOP 4-room house, close to Belmont street, if taken aulck will go for $ltoo, only :tnn down. Staub A Fawtell. corner az. ana neimont sts. FOR PALE BY OWNER .4 LOTS IN BERKELEY. 4 2.1-ml mite car ride; $000, cash or terms. t. oregonian. A (-room bouse, one block from Haw inorne avenue; gas. sewer. improved streets, cement walks, etc.; terms, phone i nuur nr. v r- r s!PK resilience, east front, select nMnhhorhood, full lot, well hullt. -l condition, below value. F 2 PS. Oregonian. tiPtiO Very choice corner on Hawthorne; choice for home or Investment. M E. Lee room 20 Raleigh. 323 14 Warti. st. ' CITY VIEW PARK lOOxtftO corner. S-room house, worth $400. will $;iS30. owner F202. Oregonlan. good take FOR SALE 2 or 4 good lots in Kern Park, by owner, cheap; cash or terms. K 279, care Oregonlan. EASY TERMS One-acre lot at Milwaukie, 3 blocks to carline; snap; $550. 325 Lum ber Exchange. A BAROAIN S quarter blocks. $W0 a quar ter: close In; terms. Room 7. 181 H 1st st. ACREAGE 1. 2 or 4 acres. 5c fare, close in. fruit, cultivated. H 24. Oregonlan. NEW 8-room bungalow on carilne, $2S00; $600 cash, balance terms. D 2i5, Oregonlan. 6-ROOM modern bungalow. 2 lots; $2500. $S00 cash. State Land Co., 133, First sc. grtV'50 Full lot. 4 good flats. Income over 10 -per cent net. 116 Ablngton bldg. FOR SALE Modern 5-room cottage, corner. Apply 174 G rover at. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. t I $3000 50 ac'ei. 30 bottom land, all No.-l 011. iu acres timothy, balance one pas ture; new house and barn, good well, all well fenced; would exchange for city property or $1000 down; time on balance. $5000 53 acres 2 miles from HlUa boro. 4' acres in cultivation, balance pas ture, all bottom land and beet of soil; well fenced, running water, 3 -room house, barn and other outbuildings, R. F. D. and milk route. 10 good cows, 2 horses, 5 hogs, 60 chickens. 80 tons hay, wagon, harness and all farm implements go with place. See this, it Is one of the best dairy ranches in Washington County. 100 acres 32 miles east of Portland, on Barlow road, Mt. Hood Railroad will run close to this place. lays between the big and little Sandy; best fruit, potato and clover land In the world; CO acres In cul tivation, balance pasture, with some good timber, all fenced, several good springs. 5 acres orchard. G-room old house, with lumber for new one. new barn. 48x60, room for 30 cows. R. F. D.. hotel and store at Marmot, mile; price $30 per acre; will take part city property In ex change. A-l ranch of 720 acres, near Dalles for sale cheap, or will trade for city prop erty. One of the best dairy ranches in Wash ington County, 725 acres. $50 per acre; will take part city property. This Is a fine ranch, come In and let us tell you all about it. S2So0 hk block on 24th and Wasco sfca. 50u i lota In Mtlwaukle Park. 2 cor ners. $1300 1 lot 50x100. on Hancock st., between 15th and 10th. $5.100 Strictly modern 8-room house In Irvington; new and up-to-date. $4250 Elegant 6-room house on Clack amas st.; fine lawn and roses, lot 60x123, with alley. $0000 New and modern 6-room house on Multnomah st.; this Is an elegant house. BALL A BROWN. Room 700, Swetland Bldg., 5th and Wash. SOME ATTRACTIVE HOME INVESTMENTS FROM SPASTON'B OFFICE. $1100 I-atory 4 -room cottage; term. $1000 5-room house, plastered, bath, electrlo iignts; just com pie tea; diocks irom car; terms $400 cash, balance $25 monthly. This Is a snan. $2400 6 r room house on Vancouver .ave., one block from car; all ' modern improve ments: lot 50x123: terms to suit. $2S50 6-room cottage on E. Morrison; lot 60 iw: mooern: 7&o win nanaie. $2800 Southeast corner, bungalow of 8 rooms and bath. Just com pieted. piped ior furnace: $600 cash, balance to suit. $3000 2-story. 7-room house; lot 80x100; elect rlc II g h ta, bath, etc. ; large man tel ; one block from car; can arrange terms. $3400 Tillamook St., new home, bath, gas, electric lights, furnace; $600 cah. $3500 2oth st.. North; 2-story 6-room house. large lot, good basement, modern; on car line; terms. THE S PANTO N CO., 270 Stark St., ground floor. Our "home" list comprises houses of all prices, from $1000 to $2000. We have cli ents ready to loan you money to help pay for your home at 7 per cent. NEHALEM BAY PARK. - One railroad Is rushing from Portland directly west to the coast as fast as money and men can push it; they say they are compelled to be ready for next season's business. Another Is pushing with all speed down the coast from Seaulde. Nehalem Bay Park Is directly in the Sath of both, no need to tell the smart usiness man or woman how this advent of railroads will effect property values many Portland people will remember their experiences at Seaside 50x 1O0 lots now selling for $2500 in Nehalem Bay Park will sell for four times that amount In less than a year. Remember this and see me at onc and get best selections: terms 4 down, balance $5 per month. Phone Main 3586, or call on WvW. Zol lars. room 32, Washington bldg. APARTMENT HOUSES FOR SALE. $9000 4 apartments on Clay st., close In: all modern, will net 10 per cent on invest ment; ail rented; for further particulars see us. 14 per cent net on $35,000; a handsome No Hill apartment house, modern -In every respect; all rented with waiting list; lot 60x100; the prettiest and safest Investment on tne Portland real estate market. THE 8PANTON CO.. 270 Stark st.. around floor. We have aLso some good business blocks on easy terms. $700 EACH 7 very desirable 50xl00-foot lots; high ground, choice location: E. 22d. E. 23d. Division and Ivon sts.. Henry's Add.. 1 block from Cllnton st. carilne: within short walk of Madison -st. bridge. Just southeast of nne jaua tract now opened up. A. HI.. BIRRELL, 202 McKay Bldg., 3d and Startf sts. 6-ROOM COTTAGE. New, modern 6-room cottage with cor ner lot 100x115. on Mt. Scott carline; 25 minutes' car ride from city; beautiful lawn and garden; barn, chicken-house; lot nicely fenced; price, for immediate sale, $2200. DEVLIN & FIREBAUGH. 608-500 Swetland blds cor. Sth and Wash. TWO SPECIAL SNAPS. Nice Urgn 5-room modern cottage. East itnsan, -Dvry. iot aione worth $1200; Nice 6-room modern hoime. v.t Ttmvi only $2800; lot alone worth $1100; terms. p. uijouis, wasmngton bldg., room 3 IP you want a eplendtdly built, modem and well located home on Irvington carline. we can give you a special bargain. The house it ouiit today would cost you as much as we can deliver the corner lot and house for. pninx Agency, iWft, stark atf $2300 Very desirable 50x100 lot. east front, 21th st Just north of Thurman st.: Vs block to carilne; this price $200 less man aajoining property. A. H. BIRRELL. 202 McKay Bldg., 3d and Stark sts. APPLE LAND for sale In 20, 40 and SO-acre tracts; terms $5 per acre cash, balance 50 ttiiiH per acre per momn. invest a little money in apple land now and In a few years it niu innHK jgu iiiaryeno.eni. -1. ja. Le room 20 Raleigh bldg.. 323 Wash. st. 7-ROOM house, bath, gas and furnace, ce ment basement, lot 50x100, fruit and snane trees, on block from two carllnes. in Alblna; $200. Hatfield & Smith, 165 111 HI, FORCED TO FELL Ho MPT. I am compelled to sell my beautiful home, lot H 10x100, finest view in Richmond; I will tatte H"o tr sold tnts week. $1000 caeh. Inquire of M. C. Davis, 16 Hamilton bldg. SNAPS Cheapest lots In Rose City Park. beautiful lots on carline. only $450. in eluding street graded, cement walk and . Bull Run water; terms. F. Dubois, Wash ington Diag.. room a. $16.(KV) Income property, choice location, West Side: income $1632 per year; improve ments nrst-class ; an Investment von wm be proud of. M. E. Lee, room 20 Raleigh $1100 BUYS 2 fine building lots near STth st.. north of Lincoln ; improvements in on oun m... n can, naiance 10 suit; a . bar gain. M. E. Lee, room 20 Raleigh bldg., $1000 CA3H buys fine 6-room modern house near West Park and College st. ; fine for nome or investment. M. E. Lee, 20. RaJeigh bldg.. 323 H Wash. st. room LOVELY home !n beautiful Piedmont; modem 7-room house, with every modern conven ience; rooms large, finish artistic. $4750. v-. in, jd tiamuion oiag. THO.-!. McCT'SKBR, 20G Couch bldg.; phone Main 7646; real estate, stocks and honrt If you want to sell or buy, I wtl look after your interests promptly. BUSINESS property at sacrifice; compelled to sell, will take $3000 for property leased iiuw ior per momn; terms, owner, a. uregonian. . A GOOD BUY. Two new. nwdern 6-room house; East Side; worth Investigating. R, C. Rose, oi loiumnia oiag. 4 irux rm. in mat-, cm casi yioe, nearly new; must oe soia, -; casn, balance iri per mon to. bpninx Agency. 3oo w tiiara st. $1500 BUYS 6-room house and 8 lots, fenced. small barn, chicken house and fruit trees Hatfield & Smith, 1054 4th st. $4500 6-room modern house. West Side easy terms; might suit you. - M. E. Lee, room v Kftieign dios;.. as wasn. st. $1100 A fine lot 60x100 In best part of Irv tngton, east frontage; t cash, balance easy. Sphinx Agency, 3uoH Stark st. IF vou want to buy a home, it pars to Chapln & Herlow, 425 Cham, of Commerce, 12 NICE, level lots. 50x100 ft., near Alberta canine; a bargain, can ip&e. 17th N. SNAP Fine H. East Stark. $2600; terms. F. Dubois, W ahlngton bldg., room 8. SPHINX AGENCY. S0BH STARK ST.. CAN sell your Dusineas property or resiaenosw 9 ACRES 4 miles from river. West Side. $100 per acre, .n iuniber &xcnange. BY owner, fine corner. 224 and I $1800. Phone B 1881, morning. Couch, 100x100 4 new nuildiafa, IB $8000. FOR BALE REAXi ESTATE. $8000 V-room house, choice location, Wil lamette Heights. overlook ins; fair grounds and harbor, furnace, open fireplace, hardwood floors, fine large rooms. A. H. BIRRELL, 202 McKay Bldg., 3d and Stark. CHOICE residence lot. high and sightly, first-class improvements, including hard surfaced streets, cement curbs andwalks; close In on the East Side; $1000. CALL ON US. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, v Couch bldg.. 4th st., near Washington. $18000 Half cash, good corner. South. 3d st. ; look this up. $425 $150 cash, nice lot. on East Grant street. HILDEBRAND. Room 11. 2534s Washington. ' 8-ROOM cottage In Sunnyslde; lot 50x100; tnia lot is worth what you can buy the house and lot for; rents for $10 per month; $1150 buys it. J. M. CAMERON REALTY CO., Room 412 Commonwealth bldg. 25 WILL hsndle a lot which I can sell for $450, balance $10 a month ; less than 2 blocks from -carilne and only 12 minutes from city; street being graded and cement sidewalks laid. Address J 262, Orego nlan. $1350 For two beautiful corner lots In South rrtiana. commanding - view of river; im provements all in, near carline, close to new railroad; for price and location you cannot beat thi. Phone today Main 4830. SOME one who has $4000 to loan on good fort tan a real estate at 8 per cent will do well to call on us. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. Couch bldg., 109 4th st. near Washington. $6250 West Side, walking distance, fine lo cation ror apartments; lot ooxioo, east front; some Income; north of Mill st. Call Monday. Jas. C. Logan, room 20 Raleigh bldg., 323 V Wash. mt. MUST be sold at once 7-room hose. new. piasierea, toilet, bath, naaement; & nice home; three blocks from carilne; If sold at once, price $27 5a Inquire at room 209 Allsky bldg. $550 BUYS fine building lot near Hawthorne ave. and 3tn mt. ; see me quickly, for this snap; cash, balance to suit you. James C. Logan, room 20 Raleigh bldg., 323 V, Wash. st. - $3500 Modern house, 6 large rooms, hall. oain ana pantry, run basement, tinted walls, gas, bouse extra, fine; easy terms. Lathrop & Lawrence, 204 Lumber Ex change. AM compelled to sell my handsome mod ern home, located In best part of city; will offer bargain if sold quickly; no agents. Address P 285, Oregonlan, at once. . $12,000 A grand home, block of ground, choice shrubbery, an ideal borne; might suit you. M. E. Lee, room 20 Raleigh bldg., 823 H Wash. st. $2300 Lot S3 1-8x100. with new 5-room house; gooa location on uast bide; $300 cash, bal ance $15 per month. Sphinx Agency, 305 H Stark st. BY owner. 7-room house, tot 50x100. suitable 1 or Doaraing-nouse; part casn, balance in stallments. T. T. Barker, St. John. CHOICE new flat property; will easily bring a. per ceni net ; sacrificed ior $ywo. in quire room 40 Washington bldg. $1500 A nice view lot. West Side; good nome sue. m. e. Lee, room 20 Raleigh bldg., 323 H Wash. st. 6-ROOM cottage. B. 8th st.; fruit trees, full lot; $1400. 250 cash, $15 mo. State Land Co.. lfl3H First at. . . . $1250 Choice lot cheap for cash. E. Couch st.. near u. tn st. urea a., strong, 242 Stark at. THE cheapest 7-room house, with bath and gas and full iot, for $4250. 347 Lincoln. SNAP Full lot at Creston. fine view of city: $400 cash, owner. H 296. Oregonlan 8-ROOM house, near Union ave. ; $2250; terms, state Land Co., 133 First st. 3000 Two cottage houses, 209 and 211 Glbbs st. oee owner, i f ront st. 2 LOTS, comer. Highland, $900; terms. 8tate Land Co., 133H First st. A Stylish The But carries a moral for YOU. , A gentleman of means, living on the East Side, found he had to leave town m a hurry. His firm sent him to take charge of their Kansas City branch. He had to move in a week. It was necessary to dispose of everything quickly. He took his household effects with him, but decided to sell his horse and carriage. This is how he did . ' ; The day this ad. appeared he got 39 an swers. The next day he got 28 more, and. sold the outfit at a good price. . , . . . This sort of thing happens every day. Thousands are' turning a pretty penny by reading The Oregonian classified columns. Read them yourself whether you want anything or not. Read them for curiosity's sake "for the fun of it" you never can tell what you may see there. It may mean much to you. It's interesting reading at any rate. Oregonian Want Ads Bring Result FOB SALE REAL ESTATE. EUREKA LAND COMPANY. $5000 A fine improved ranch of 21 acres. only 2 $j miles from Vancouver, Wash.; a good 11 -room house, good Tara and other outbuildings, . all under high state of cultivation, 12 acres in fruit; this place is cheap at $7000. $3000 Ten acres, mostly in fruit; fruit sold for over $700 this Fall; good 3-room house and extra fine barn; barn cost $1000 to build it; cement basement under the whole barn. $4MK 140-acre farm on O. W. P. R. R-. near Barton- 25 acres cleared, 25 more slashed ; small house; 200 bearing fruit trees: also 200 wal nut trees, 2 rears old; barn 2Sx30; creamery near by. $11,000 For a few days only will take lot 5Ox0O on Grand avenue, in business center of East Side. Any one n$ the above bargains cannot help but make quick money for buyer. EUREKA LAND CO.. 411 Buchanan Bldg. Phones, pacific 645 Home. A 3221. - A PRETTY HOME. On Willamette boulevard; 2-story, 7 room house, near Kllllngaworth ave. ; $2000, terms. ANOTHER. Of 8 rooms, strictly modern, a fine view of river; Atlantic st. $2800; terms. TWO LOTS. On Willamette boulevard,. 50x120 each; $300. " A BUNGALOW. Of 8 rooms, strictly modern, electric lights, gas, bath, furnace, etc. ; E. 37th. near Clinton; a fine home; $000 cash and $25 per month. A QUARTER BLOCK. On Missouri ave.. near Revere St.. a fine residence, site, high and a fine -view of the river; look for our sign on lots; tsuo. THE VETERAN LAND COMPANY, 165 hk 3d st. OWN YOUR own home and stop paying rent $2301 6-room modern house, close in, only $250 cash, balance $20 per month. $2200 6-room brand new residence; lot 75x100: river view; terms. $1,"KK Fine new 4-room home, on block from beautiful Hawthorne ave. ; basement, electric lights; easy payments. $1LX0-$1700 New cottages of 5 and 6 rooms each, bath, toilet, electric lights, etc. : verv easv terms. $850 Lot on Belmont, sewer, gas. water on lot; cement sidewalk made and paid ior. $2000 yL block on East Washington, nice neighborhood. Call and see us. F. J. STEINMETZ A CO.. The Homesellers. 193 Morrison st. 50x120 lot and modern 6-room house on Williams avenue; this property Is worth $550. $45O0 will buy it, part cash. $5150 for an elegant home In Walnut Park, one block from carline; htsl is bargain. . $3500 each. 3 new modern houses just beln finished on improved street. - near carline; good locality. W. W. ZOLLARS. Room 32 Washington Building. Pbona 35S6. MODERN 8-room house, full lot, full base ment; house piped for furnace; hardwood fireplace, gas, electricity, cement floor in basement, wood hoist. In fact all modern conveniences; 1 block from best car service In the city; 15-minute ride; $3000, $500 aown, oaiance fzo. J. M. CAMERON CO.. Room 412 Commercial bldg. BEAUTIFUL IRVINGTON. $3600 TO $7000 Four modern 6 and 8-room house?: complete In every detail; best of plumbing, open fireplaces and fur nace; full lots, 2 of them corners, west or z.ia st.. near uroaaway ana xrving ton carllnes. ' A. H. BIRRELL, 202 McKay Bldg., 3d and Stark sts. . WEST SIDE INSTALLMENT HOMES. Modern 6-room home, with ample grounds. In a splendid neighborhood, with two car lines, for $300 down and $30 per month; price $3750; 388. 300, S92 North 24th st. : buy now, before the rains bepln. "PayL rent to yourself."' Fidelity Trust Co.. owner. 406 Commercial block. Phones Mtln 447. A 1445. A SNAP. Strictly modern 8-room house, close In on E 12th at.; lt Is well built and con veniently arranged; lot 60x100: fine lawn and roses, enly $5000; easy terms; must sell. CALL ON US. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. Couch bldg.. 4th st., near Washington. IF you want to buy a home, it pays to see Chap 1 n & Herlow, 425 Chamber of Commerce. Turnout for, You Story Is Short FOR SALE Gentleman's tay driver; good roadster; 16 hands: any woman can drive. Also new 1907 model trap, perfect running order, good as new. Owner leaving city Thursday. Must make quick Sale. Will sacrifice to party with- cash. Address T 171, Oregonlan. FOB &AIX REAL ESTATE. ACRE AND HALF ACRE TRACTS. We make a specialty of acre tracts, with water mains laid and payments1 of only $10 cash and $10 a month; a much better pur chase for a home or investment than a lot. A. C. CHURCHILL & CO., 110 2d St. $S0OO 10 room house. 770 Marshall st. bet. 23d and 24th : bituin nic street u block from best carilne; beautiful lawn flowers and trees; house In ai condition; bath, separate toilet, lavatories in three rooms; lot 50x100. worth $4500 If vacant; 6-room houfo 50 feet away brought $i0oe last .-ear What should 10-room house this year brln;? MORGAN. SWEET A CHAPMAN. 213 Ablngton bldg. Phone M 2015. si. exsrvFiNa. 7 Tabor He'ghts. end of Mount Tabor and ' Morrlson-st. crjrline. The new, sightly "Broadview Ota from 5jou up. on wnm made easy. Only 2 blocks from carilne: wide streets, Bull Run water, shade and fruit trees; tbe best buy now on the mar ket. We hat a long list of lots, acreage, timber lands and trading pn-perty. Phone Bast 5060, Fare fi cents. HAWTHORNE AVENUE. Magnificent 11-room house, artistically arranged, every modern convenience. lOOx 100 corner, terraced lawn, cement side walk, etc. Can't be beat. Walking dis tance. Price $15,000; worth 20f0o0. ZIMMERMAN & VAUGHAN. Room 303. Buchanan Building, 2S6& Washington Street. VACANT LOT. Woodstock. 100x100 corner, only three blocks from end of carline, and posi tively the cheapest and best buy on WoodJ stock ave.; jrlce $450; must be sold at once. DEVLIN A FIREBAUGH, 608-609 Swetland bldg., cor. 6th and Wash. 2 NEW 6-room bouses, modern improvements; terms to suit. 2 new 5-room cottages, modern; choice location; easy payments. 1 new 8-room house. 2 lots, 50x100 each; fruit trees and roses; nice lawn; terms to suit purchaser. The Portland Real Estate Agency. 268 Stark St.; phone A 5148. WE have on the PENINSULA only 20 lots 1 block from car. 1 block from station ; only $300 per lot; $5 down and $3 month will carry one of these lots; t cheapest lots on the Peninsula tbV close to car. See them at A. C. V? Donald. agent. Get oft of St. John car at Peninsula Station. FOR SALE Modern, 0-room. up-to-date house, newly finished inside and outside. 25 minutes from heart of'city; small pay ment down, balance to suit purchaser, at a bargain If taken at once. Winter's wood all In. B. F. Roynton, Portland Ry., Lt. & Power, room 300. FOR SALE $2400, $900 down, neat 5-room house on East 30th st., near Sunnyslde; Bull Run water and sewer connection; will install gas or electric light fixtures at my own expense, at option of purchaser; best car service In the city. H 287, Oregonlan. FIVE-ACRE tracts near Vancouver. 2H miles from ferry landing, partially cleared. He nice. They are . snaps for $500 each ? terms. CALL ON UB. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. Couch bldg., 4lh st., near Washington. FINE 8-room modern residence, close in, near Hawthorne ave., full lot. automobile garrage. an up-to-date residence; $5000; terma THE CROSSLEY COMPANY. 301 McKay Bldg. 80 ACRES on the Estacada car line, 1200 feet from station, unimproved, price, $30 per acre, one-third cash. KNAPP & MACKEY, 2 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE First-class modem 8-room dwelling, with furniture, centrally located, near collrge; large grounds and fruit trees; price $3500; part on time. Address W. E. Pegg. Forest Grove, Or. - 10-ACRB orchard in apples, cherries, grapes, strawberries, live stream runs through place, 2 acres timber, 8 miles from P. O.; $3000; Includes horse, cow, chickens and tools. 325 Lumber Exchange, 6-room house at 254 East 37th: $3000; cash balance 3 years at 7 per cent. Inquire within. hrimMrrrAii ill "'"iT'lr'ir Vi 11 ifMriiliiiniiiiiiir' s FOB SALE REAJU ESTATE A FEW HOUSES FOR QUICK SALE $2150 E. Morrison near 30th St., a 5 room modern cottage, fireplace; terma $200 E. Hawthorne, near 46th, 5 room modern tottage, let 50x100, a very nice home; terms to suit. $2750 6-room strictly modern bouse, on 34th and Salmon; terms very easy. $27?o An 8-rcxTu modern house, corner lot .90x100, nice enade trees, monthly pay ments; In lvanhoe. $3500 7-room modern house on 24ta and Belmont. . . S5000 On 2th and E. Taylor, T-room strictly modern house, lot 50x100. or loOx too; furnace, fireplace, gas and electricity 1 terms. $3000 E. Burnside. close in, a six-room fine home, full lot. barn, etc.; terms. COAST COMMERCIAL CO.. , Dekum bldg.. Main 7342. JUST listed, modem 6-room iurnlshed houe; well built, fine location, full cement base ment, large attic; 1 block from car, 2-mln-ute service: close In. A cosy home two years old in excellent condition; large bedrooms, electric and gas light, furnace, gas range and water beater; finest of earpets and linoleum; built-in ch ina closet, large bathroom : price $r.9oo ; J2tX0 cash. Fine Investment; would rent readily for $46. THE CROSSLEY COMPANY. 301 McKav "bldg.. cor. 3d and Stark rts. PIEDMONT. PIEDMONT. PIEDMONT. A large, new 6-room modern house, full c.-m,rl hnumAnt furnitPA mtntlonarv tubs. fireplace, window seats, china closets, large pantry, toilet on each floor, very large porch, bathroom and attic; wired and piped and combination fixtures; large lawn ana plenty or nowers; tnis is not omy nice home, but a fine Investment at $4730; $2000 cash and balance very easy terma ntacA worth s.tOO mnr than nrlce asked. but I want a Quick sale. Address box F 2s4. Oregoniaq, PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Beautiful and artistic 5-room bungalow. grand view, every modern conveuienco; aoouu. Exouiaite 0-room bungalow with mag niflcent view, terraced lawn, retaining wall, evervthing complete; $0300. ZIMMERMAN A VAVOHAN. Room 303. Buchanan Building. 86 Washington Stxeet. A SURE-ENOUGH bargain. That's what you'll sav when you see this. 8 room. strictly modern, elegant view, large grounds, located at Woodstock; price 3.V0; H cash. See owner at 386 Haw tncr.e ave. -i PRUNES. PRUNES. 67 acres of fruit, house, barn. etc. ; has 320v prune trees, full bearing. 10 years old; land has scattered oak timber, locatea 7 miles from Salem. In. Red HlJIs; this w owned by non-resident and it ust go; price $60 an acre. I will coneider any rea sonable offer. Railroad short distance. F. O. Northrop, 314-16 Couch bldg., 4th. near Washington. BIGHT-ROOM modem bom. close In, walk ing distance, lot fiOxioo in a section or tne city where the ground Is worth as much as price aeked for house, east frontage, fine shade trees, shrubberv, roses and flowen would cost mere th4 $100 to install; 4 bed rooms, 2 toilets, fine buffet, large closot, no better c:ose-ln home offered ; price 1 do. rnone Heilman. Main or A umz. WEST SIDE. A splendid 8-room house, small corner lot. in South Portland: hanay to car, nice large rooms, bath and toilet; splen did basement, stationary laundry tubs streets well improved. The view Is fine $3300 for a few days 4. HENKLE & HARRISON, . 217 Ablngton Bldg. ACREAGE and lots at Gresham; 14 acres improved. $2800, easy terms ; 1 5 acres partly improved, some fruit, $2200. 5 per cent on deferred navments. 8 acres all under cultivation, close to carline. best of soil. $2400 ; 5 acres, 3 cleared, small house . $75. only $400 down; one business lot rtOx CO. best location In town $750. One business lot. ooo. First, state Hank. Gresnam, ur, 121 PER CENT INCOME. West Sidi apartment-house. Fifteen anartments" twelve single rooma Centrally located, stylish. up-to-dat 4, a sare proposition; sune money-mawer; fu, 00J will swing lt. CALL ON US. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. Couch bldg., 4th, near Washington. FINE HOME FOR SALE. $A5Q0 8-room house. with " reception hall, attic, basement with cement fiooi furnace. ftreDlace: all conveniences. - cludlne fixtures, shades, camels and bll Hard table; choice location on the East 61d.e. Fred n. Strong S4Z Stark st. HERE IS YOUR CHANCE. We have a half -acre tract close to ! cent carline for $300; three-fourths acre for $450 and one acre for $000; easy terms; water piped to each tract. KNAPP & MACKEY. 2 Chamber of Commerce, NOB HILL DISTRICT. Very attractive 7-room house, furnace, full basement, beautiful terraced 50x100 lot on Northup st.. for only si.oo. ZIMMERMAN & VAUGHAN, Room 303, Buchanan Building., 2S6H Washington Street. EJAST SIDE business property, near BumriJ street, iot 50x100; price will be 1-3 more by - Boring. (ood investment, suitable for flat, or business. It soM this week will take $4000: 83000 cash will handle. See Hell man, 806 A bine ton bids;. Main or A 1942. 1 TRY A. S. Draper's system ot securing; JUST WHAT Y0T7 WANT in 6 to 8-room houses, modern. $500 to $3500. on terms of $lf5n v down, balance as rent: ALL. NEW HOUSES rn all parts of the city. S43H WasbTcton. Rooms 3 and 4, cor. 7th. "FOURTH AND HALL STS." XOT ALONE WORTH THE MONEY." JS7S0 Double house, 9 rooms each, present Income $720; SHOULD BRING MORE. LAMONT & HARRIS, 306-7 Swetland bids; 8-ROOM. new. modern house, electric lights, barn; lot 100x100. 2 blocks from car. Fir land Station; nice suburban home, bound to increase in value; price $2200; terms. THE CROSSLEY COMPANY, 301 McKay Bids;. BEFORE nurchasing- a home it will pay yon to see us.- We have a larse list of houses, ranging; in prices from $2000 up. CHAPIN & HERLOW. 425 Chamber of Commerce. 5-ROOM modern house on carline, 8ot Port land; owner forci to sell at great sacrifice; $1050 caph will buy It if taken at once; act quick. H. W. Lemcke Company, Sixth and Washington sts. f Main 550. MODERN EVEN-ROOM HOUSE On Willamette Heights, full lot, flowers, shrubbery, beautiful view and dellfrhtful neighborhood. Price $7000. Address F 2S5, Oreg-onlan. A MODERN 5-room cottage, with every con venience, near 2 streetcar line; 14 minutes from center of city, for $2000; pay $2o0 down and $25 a month. The Spantoa Co., 270 Stark st. MODERN WEST IRVINGTON HOME. 53500 New 6-room house, FULL LOT. fine neighborhood. LAMONT & HARRIS. 306-7 Swetland bldg BEAUTIFUL SOUTH PORTLAND. $250 Lot 25x85. near car. $300 Corner, 35x85: terms. Tel. Pacific 2125 or Main 3900. $500 Must sell; new 4-room shingle eottago. 5-cnt car fare; on Steame ave., 4 blocks, west of T re mont station. Mt. Ecott cars. some terms may be arranged. 8 LOTS ON PORTLAND HEIGHTS Value $li?00. but must be sold, and will consider reasonable offer. Goldschmldt's Agency, 253 4 Washington, cor 3d. FOR sals by owner, east side of Mount Tabor, on Belmont-st. carline; 8-room, - house, modern, full lot; price $3000; 4 cash. V iSO. Oregonian. FOUR Rose City Park lots, fine corner, on car; far below prevailing price. Must sell before October 15. Pbona after 7:30 P. M., Tabor 340. PORTLAND HEIGHTS For sale by owner, ll5xl0; prsltivelj- the finest view on the Heights; very reasonable. Inquire 444 llth street. $ ACRES on carline; good home place; $300 cash. $37.50 per montn. Purse. 823 Chamber of Commerce. Main 73t9. $3250 BUYS 5-room house, modern im provements, fractional lot, close tn on luth st. 327 Falling bldg. BY owner. $3300 6-room modem hour. West Irvington. 450 East 12ih St., N. Phone East 1546. 1000 New modern bungalow, $300 down, $20 monthly. 3 blocks south Hawthorns and 43d. Dr. Darling. $3500 Solid investment: 7-room house; frac tional lot. Eamt end Steel bridge. 118 Abington bWa- TWO desirable lots, 12th and Going; graded ready for building purposes; terms. Phone East 40S3. glttflO' Jodern cottnge. 5 rooms, East Side, near car and school; terms. Tel. Main 3WK). ... IF vou want to buy a home, lt pays to. sjm Chapln 4t Harlow 425 Cha-obar of Commerce.- FOR AXE REAL ESTATE. ERT desirable new. modern, well-built 7-. room house, lot 50x100; fine location. Hoi laday P-.rU Addition. 2 blocks from Broad- way carline: handsomely finished Interior; ., living and dtnlng-rooma fumed oak, cms j ceilings, plaster panel walls, highly pol- . lshed hardwood floors, with beautiful In laid borders, fine fireplace, tiled kitchen. " built-in china and cooling closet, 3 bed-' ? rooms and den. bathroom, whit enamel; all rooms finished in beet possible manner; Fas. electric lights throughout, fine attic, j vir futi Mnni HAiTnt lfttast beater. with ot water coll. wash trays. In fac't"--" every modern improvement that goes 10 . make a beautiful, desirable home. Pries .," $6150. . - THE CROSSLEY COMPANY. 301 McKay bldg.. 3d and Stark sts. THB finest country place In Oregon, no ex- cepuon; exteneive gTounas, frrovm nwuK. shrubs, etc.. modern house, city water, with 40-acre orchard averaging $1800 per annum net, one mile from best town In valley. 26 miles south of Portland, four dally trains; must and will be sold at much less than cost, A. C. Churchill Co., HO 2d st. ACREAGE. Two acres for sale on Oregon City car line. $200 cash and $25 per month; some--thlng nice. ii-acre lots on Mt. Scott line, on very easy terma 24 acres near Lents, all cleared and a barcaln. at $2000. half cash. Five acres improved, east of Montavilla, for $1800. half cash. 11 acres, on Oregon City car line, near Jennings Lodge, for $40OO. or will trade for house and lot In Portland t A2T27 THORNTON. Main426U 319 Chamber of Commerce. NEW 6-room house for sale at less than It will cost to duplicate it, fireplace, turnace. gas and electric fixtures, imitation tile bath room, special hand rubbed finish In parlor, dining-room and hall, cement cellar floor.. . cement wash tubs, wood lift, good else front j ar.a rear porches, largo cicsei, mm pm-j. . very complete; bouse built with a rem forced frame, double boarded, arttetto, best : r material and best workmanship in the most desirable location of Irvington and Holla- day's Addition. East 15th, between Haisey r ? and Weidler streets. Time or cash terms. y Residence phone East 728. store at 320 East Morrison street; phone East 92. C. L. Boaa - ., ACKEAQE FOR HOMES. ' $350 per acre. 5-acrc tract, at Centr Station. Oregon City line. ."00 caiili. . 2000 2V4 acre at Oak Grove, awU price. ' . ' 1 S900 per acre. S-acre tracts, near FI1 mont. close In: fine for homes. i $7000 11 acres at Lents, good house, plentv fruit; a fine place; part cash. . -J7000 10-acre chicken ranch. 8-room house. 500 chickens, etc. Oregon City, car line. cash. .. . BOLL AM. GFUJSBI & HIOLET. 128 3d st. , "CPW VAR w 1 T.I. LOTS.- ' f:.100 OfilOl). Kearney, vrest of 251 "BUY NOW BEFORE THB ADVANCE.",. -J230C Full lot, 'JMll and Savler. 7 GOOD LOT FOR THE MONET." " $2700 35x100. Kearney, west of 32d. , . . -"ELEGANT FLAT SITE" ' "V $3750 50x100. Kearney, bet. 22d and 2d. . ,. "NO RESTRICTIONS." " .. . "LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH US -J LAMONT & HARRIS. 306-T Swetland bis - MODF7RN 6-ROOM HOUSES We have a few very durable, new. mod ern, up-to-date 6-room housea In Irvington, Hoiladay an.1 other districts, at prices rang ing from $:!500 to $0;.10, everyone a bargain and tenanted by owners who built for a home. Those In the market for choice prop erties should see us. THE CROSSLEY COMPANY, 301 McKay bldg., 3d and Stark t. - WHY PAY $300 OR $600 For a lot 50x100 feet, when we can sell you acre tracts onlv little further out- t tr-t price on monthly payments. h."V tracts of V,-acre to 6 acres, excel lent soil and convenient to carilne. J cents fare. KNAPP ft MACKEY. 2 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE Mt. Tahor, 0 ft. by 117 It, j -Base Line and Central avenue, brk-k. ..x store. 30x00. eight rooms above, finished 1 for living-rooms; also cottage of six , rooms, porcelain bath; present income, $ per month; at expiration of lease. June '03 the property could easily bring .0 ' pct month. Price. $4500; terms. Inquire. 4U0 Mill at. ' '- EAST PORTLAND. ' Nice 5-room modern house, built-in iiin. clopet. full cement basement, ment sidewalk, lot 50x100, lawn, $21100. ZIMMERMAN ft VAl'OHAK Room 303 Buchanan Building, 230'i Washington Street. etc ; - $575 EACH (Uixir.0; 2 choice lots, face north: 4.10 teet east Union ave.. south of Fremont St.: owned by non-resident; on high ground; says sell;. good $700 value - ." A. II. BIRRELL, 202 McKay Bldg.. 8d and Stark sts. ur k bib. ' " - m ns. pantry, I ush.es. etc . 1 est of Tre ; ave, Mt. . I : city; will 'eeonlan. ' 3 ONE lot and houfe of. 6 rooms. oii.Rfit. also woodshed, rose b' for $1050 cash: 2hi blocks west mont Station, on woogbiock (intt mrllnA. . Owner leavinsr sell furniture also. W 260. Oregonlan FINE 5-room house in Hoiladay Park; lot 5xl23. all modern throughout; thre blocks from car; a bargain; only $4300. CALL ON US. ; rni.T'MRIA TRUST COMPANY. Couch bldg.. 4th st.. near Washington. FIVE acres, two miles east of Milwaukie, W on the Portland and Oregon City wagon K road; land cleared ana iencea. running water; price. $1500, $300 down, balanc in three years. See owner on north end of game tract. BEFORE purchasing a home it will pay you to see us. We have a large list of houses, ranging In prices from $2000 up. CHAPIN A. HERLOW, 425 Chamber of Commerce. ppk.tty modern home. $2650. S larger rooms: gas. electricity, best porcelain.,.) plumblnr. cement casement ; ioi owiu, nice lawn : improved street,; terms. rSee towner, 0C0 E. Salmon. 1 - - , 1 THE nicest r.r.d best built house In Haw thorne Park; 6 rooms, hall and bath : lot 50x100. with 300 feet of roe bushes; $5SOO; hailf cash. bal. one and two yeans. Owner, F 279, tregon!an. MODERN 8-room house, close in; good . neighborhood. 50x100 lot. flowers, fruit, lawn; at bargain by owner. Apply on premie. 105 E. 15th, near Alder; cash; or terms. NEW bungalow, modern. 100x200. roses, . garden, lawn, variety berries and fruit,: poultry-houe; bargain, $3500; . will ex change for acreage. Owner, phone Union . 'FINE QUARTER BLOCK e.2000 Corner E. 30th and CoUrh sts.; "IDEAL LOCATION FOR FLATS. LAMONT A HARRIS. 306-7 Swetland bldtf FRONT-STREET CORNER TO LEASE , Near Jefferson for term of years, cheap, 't-an lTiirth.r Tiart iculars. LAMONT A HARRIS. 306-7 Swetland b'.dg NEW 6-room bungalow, modern, and first- class. aown. ubiwicb cm .truu (-nil simdav. 1031 Albina ave. Tske Ln car, off at Humboldt. BIX-ROOM "modern Spanish mission house! and barn. 50x100 lot; nice location, $3500 r,o0 cash, balance easy terms, x-jiodo owner, Woodlawn 197. l- ptba I'T T TfTTT. PORTLAND HEIGHTS' Sightly QUARTER BLOCK, corner Elml end Montgomery st. drive. J LAMONT A HARRIS. 306-7 Swetland bldpl A SNAP Suburban home. 2 lots, chicked J yard, 7-room house, pantry, large sunny j porcn, rruit. torch, an iimiuvcu, w-m Inquire urana ave. a. t',(Hn -ruvk West Side lot. 10 minutes walki from Postoffiee; 7-room "house, not new, ( but comfortable. Look this up. Owner, J 287. Oregonian. oo Ac-ova hlo-hlv Imoroved. fi miles from city, near carline, good house and outbulldirga; snap at $7500; terma 325 Lumber Exchange. t MODERN 7-ROOM house, 4 lots, at item- Park: small payment down, naianes time; $2:00. Owner, Box 422, Arleta. a iiVsYP Vmw. modern 6-room house, corner lot near car; $lfto; $400 cash, balance $2u monthly. 16 Washington block. u-r. ii.R Corner lot. 60x100: must be Bold this week. Bargain seekers., address. B. F. tieorge. -o y g ONE LOT 50rl00. Creeton. Mt. SCott car, v.in.ir from station. $135 cash, balance J $5 per montn. w r.rai. SUNNYSIDE lot, 50xl0. East Yamhill St., 1 between 4inn ana eim. sub. inu.uira i-iu East Yamhill at. - - . NEW 5-room house, some down, balance on ;- cav terms. z.a e-. own jl oiock or. Hawthorne. . 1 10 ACRES. 4 dioks rrom canine, at wonh. I stock; bargain. J- o, wes;uiuau. i V - f A 2u J