THE SUXDAY OREGOXIAX, POKTLAXD, OCTOBER 6, 1907. HELP WASTED f AT.F. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE), 26 N. 2d t.. and 200 Burnside St. Main lSufi; A 1526. 2 cooks, survey party. $50. Cook, mining camp, $ up. Cook country hotel, $0. Hotel salad man, $21 week. S flunkeys. $40. 4 Burley drill runner. $3. GO. -4 chuck-tenders, $2. To. 4 S. S. pitmen, $2.75. 10 bridge carpenters. S3. a rough carpenters, $3.50. Donkey fireman, $3. fcujH, placer mine. $150. 2 fallers, $3.25 and $3.50. 1 set fullers, $3.50 and $3.75. 1 set fallen. $3.50 and $4. 2 barkers, $3.25. 2 bucktr. $3 50. Tallyman, $70. Top loader. $3.50- 3 whittle boys, $1 and board. Wood foreman. $4. Mill laborers, $2.50 and $2. .5. BE a money-maker; hard labor Is the slow est road to wealth; a good, honest money-making- plan that others In your vicinity are not working. Is tt quickest road: my book tells how you can make from per we,k up. and the bcok doesn't cost you a cent; Rend for It today. It's different from any proposition you've ever had. Frank B. Welch. Box 1511, Spokane. Wash. CAN you sell goods? City position. Call 69 S. 1st and hear of good position in aA old established business. TWENTY-STAMP mill for sale Complete as constructed by Rladon Iron Works. San Francisco; new; never set up; cost $l.0uO; btg bargain; must realize on this at once. A. J. McCnbe, 630 Chamber of Commerce, Tort land. Or. WANTED Salesmen, all lines: bookkeepers, stenographers and clerical men for posi tions now open, city and country ; salary $y'0 to JlSo0. Call or write Commercial Abstract Co.. Raleigh bid. WANTED Active man as partner to show land, tend office, etc.; $350 required and owner will guarantee the right man at least $125 a month. Particulars 24S Stark street. RELIABLE men wanted to sell household goods on the Installment plan; no exper ience necessary;, liberal commission. Ap ply to J. D. Sherman. 282 Third st. WANTED A good bushelman; must be neat and understand his business: steady posi tion and good 'pay. Apply Monday, East ern Outfitting Co., Wesh. and loth. ALT-AROUND hand for butcher shop; one competent to handle route; experienced In cmting meat; no boys need apply. Call Monday, 1045 Williams ave. GOOD specialty salesman for Portland and vicinity, commission basis. State lines handled and references. V 272, Oregonlun. QOf D pnv to men everywhere, to tack signs, distribute circulars, samples, etc. No canva&sliig. Universal Adv. Co., Chicago. WANTED An experienced, bookkeeper, must write a n.iat hand. Good salary. Address, in own handwriting, W 271. Oregonian. WANTED A first-class tea and coffee sales man for city trade; state age, experience and salary wanted, B 216, Oregonian. WANTED Experienced newspaper solicitors to work In the city. Apply at city clrcula-tor-i desk, butines office, Oregonian, BOY wanted! for wholesale house; igood rhani'o to advance. Apply Munday, 9 A. M.. D. B. McBrlde & Co.. US 5th st. THE MEIEK & FRANK STORE want corn potent drivers and young men to learn the business. Apply to Supt., 8 to 10. EX I' E H I EN CE D stenographer for permanent position in Astoria at $75 per month. Un derwood Typewriter Co., tt8 6th st. DANCING lessons. 25c, waits, two-step, eto. Plot. Wal. Willson's Dancing School. 804 Alisky bldg., 205 Morrison at. THREE salesmen wanted. $18 a week; call ai the Hon v tile's Western Monthly, 225 Marquam bldg., Portland, or. BLACKSMITH. George, you know how much we need you. Come home at once. Aunt Rosa. WANTED Retail furniture salesman; state fully experience, references and salary wanted. N 276, Oregonian. WANTED Competent stenographer for large corporation out of city. Commercial Abstract" Co., Raleigh bldg. CLKRK for general store and grocery, out of town. Clerks Regl.-rtratlon Bureau. 303 Allsky bldg., 265 Morrison. WANTED Young man to buy half Interest In established real estate business; good bargain. 189 4th at. WANTED Bright younr man to work in wall paper store; experienced man pre ferred. Call 128 First. Wanted Bright young man for liquor store. Call Monday morning , ready for work. 10 Sixth street. f M ' .ttrxiim Ejiivjir uniKKiKi . 1117 ira per manent for right man; good wages. Address YO?NG man. wholesale house: opportunity for advancement; Mate age and references. O sttfl. Oregonian. MlDDLFi-AOED man for office work. Apply Willamette Iron ft steel works rounary and York t. THPF.H mandolin school solicitors: pay good pntary or commission. Call afternoon, 325 Mohawk Bldg. Bnv. IK vars old. work in store and d liver pan-els; steady position. Apply 171 Third street. GTRL for general house-work, small family, In flat. Call Monday 591 Davis at. Phone Main 2503. WANTPH Contractor with teams to grade two piorks in Irvlngton. Inquire 449 Sher lock bldg. BILLTNO CLERK, exnerifnr-d. wholesale Itriu'ery: slate age and references. G 265, Oregonian. h , WANTED A man with team to haul some lay. Inquire Siaples. the Jeweler, 162 1st street. WA NTF3D Experienced drug clerk: must be qualified; references. Apply C 272, Orego nian. IIUTG CT.ETIK. registered, city experience; good wages to right man. G 26$, Oregon ian. - . i FIRST-CLASS sartdle and harneasmakers wsntfd. The P. J. Cronln Co., 120 1st st. California Wine Depot, headquarters for cooks and helpers. 148 4th st. Pae. 21 S3, p. Loratl HELP WANTED FEMALE. GIRL at CorvalM for general housework: small family; good wages. Call at 770 Northup. Gl PL to attend dining-room and assist In kitchen; no cooking. 4C2 Morrison, cor. 13 th. WANTED Young la'dv to share expenses. 52 Eat Sixth street, in the rear. Call Sun day. WANTED Salesladies, trimmers. makers and Apprentices. Frake s, 40 Washington. WANTED A girl to osi in light house work. Call at 302 12th st., on Monday. FIRST-CLASS coatma-kcr and waist finish ers. DUrhburn. 4t5 FHedner bldg. G1RI. or elderly woman for light housework; three In family. 14S IP. Sumner st. GIRT, wanted In family of two; light work and good home. ISO N. 23d st. GIRL waned t" help in small chophouee; g'od wages. 273 Salmon st. WANTED Ladv to take care of small rooming-house. N 273. Oregonian. GIRL wsnted to hflp In dining-room at Win tor's Restaurant. 230 1st st. W A N T ED A girl to ssl in housework. 701 ij Hoyt; pmall family. WANTED Women and girls. Mt. Hood Shirt Factory. 233 Couch. A WOMAN General housework for two. Apply 427 Main street. W A NTHD Waiire"r. first -class, at Hall's restaurant, 12 4th t. FIRST-CLASS finisher on pants. 848 Yam hill. Pacific 2S10. A OOMPKTEXT vook, some housework. Ap ply 415 W. Park st. WA NTED Dressmakers and apprentice. HoLj 11th m. EX PK R I EN ICED mNltnery makers at 411 Morrison st. HAIRDRESSER and manicure. S08 Wabn Ington st. - WANTED Experienced girl waiter on table. 249 let st. HFT.P WANTED FEMALE. ALTERATION' HELP WANTED. The Meier & Frank Store wants compe tent aewers In their cloak dept. alteration room; best salary and permanent positions to competent people. 1 COOK, restaurant, city. $12 week. 1 cook, restaurant, city, $14 weea. 2 cooks, hotels, city. $45 month. 3 cooks, family, city. $35 to $40 month. S second girls, city, $25 to $30 month. 1 housekeeper, country, $35. 2 housekeepers, country. $20. 2 waitresses, country, $25, fare advanced. 2 waitreae. country, $30, fare advanced. 1 chambermaid, country, $20. 4 chambermaids, city, $20 to $25. 3 salesladies, city, $6 to $7 per week. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY. 343 Washington st. . WANTED YOUNG LADIES' TO LEARN Telephone operating: good salary, short hours, pay while learning; luncheon served free of charge and lounging and rest rooms In connection. Apply Chief Operator, Tel ephone bids.. West Park and Alder. SALESWOMAN. MILLINERY MAKERS. SKIRT AND JACKET HANDS. GIRLS 10 YEARS AND OVER. Good permanent positions with oppor tunity of advancement to competent and reliable people. OLDS, WORT MAX A KING. THE MEIER & FRANK STORE wants sales ladies for the suits, waists and neckwear, millinery, also hatmakers, alteration hands on coats, suits and corsets, and girls 16 years of age to learn the business; also two good experienced glove salesladies. Apply tn Supt., S to 10. ATTENTION. Applicants for all kinds of work, regis ter with us, free of charge, so we may locate you on short notice. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 843 Washington St., Cor. 7th, upstairs. WOMAN for splendid position as cook on highly Improved farm near Marshfleld, on Coos Bay ; permanent posit ion In first-class family; no objection to woman with child; wages $30. Inquire at Brownsville Woolen Milt store, 3d. and Stark sts. r- WOMAN for splendid position as cook on highly Improved farm near Marshfleld, on Coos Bay ; permanent position in first-class family; no objection to woman with child; wages $30. Inquire at Brownsville Woolen Mill Store. Sd and Stark sts. WANT work? Call at once: bookkeeper, stenographers, collectors, cashiers, saiej ladles, salesmen, dry goods, general mer chandise, grocers, hotels. Clerks' Registra tion Bureau, office 303 AUaky bldg.. 265 Morrison st. MILLINERY SALESWOMEN. Competent and experienced saleswomen will find good permanent places. Apply at once. OLDS WORTMAN & KING. MARRIED lady without children can have three furnished housekeeping rooms for car ing for small rooming-house. Apply 384 North 26th. W'illamette Heights cars) to 26th, turn south half block. WANTED A girl to assist in light house work; no objection to a strong schoolgirl; will pay small wages if satisfactory. Call Monday morning, 301 McKay bldg., corner 3d and Stark sta. EXPERIENCED saleswomen, permanent po sltlona. cood salaries: out-of-town appli cants will receive prompt replies. Lenon's uiove ana umbrella store, itoa Morrison. WANTED An elderly ladv as housekeeper for family of 2, have care of child ft years during day. Telephone Woodlawn 342, af ter 7 P. M. Mrs. A. Roe. 706 Kerby st. GIRLg WANTED Operators to work on 0hlrts and overalls; lessons given to In experienced. Apply at Standard Factory, 2 Grand ave. and East Taylor st WOMAN, experienced for alteration depart ment, must understand- fitting and finish ing ladles garments good wages, steady I'isu ion. Appiy 1 ri i nirn street. GOOD cook for small family; good wages; good home to right party. Apply f (ire noons and evenings. 722 Flnndera st., cor ner 22d Main 25D9-; A 25t9. WANTED A housemaid; one willing to wait on table and do recond work; good wages. Apply to Mrs. W. H. Colgate. 320 Montgomery st.. corner Sixth. LADIES to sell skirts, coats and petticoats on installment plan; no experience neces sary; pood money for hustlers. Apply to j. l. wnerman. oz rnira st. LADIES, make sanitary belts. Material cut ready to sew. $12 per hundred. Particulars tamped envelope. Mutual Specialty Co., Dept. W2, Chicago. HOUSEKEEPER wanted; widower, with two boy. 1, 10, wants reliable 5-oung woman; good home and small salary. Call 204 -in si., room . 1O0 ways for women to earn money at home. Complete plans only 10c. Catalogue iree. in jowciry At isuppiy 10., lox Thornton. Wash. SCHOOLGIRL attending business college or mgn bcnooi to assist mornings ana even- iriRa; small private boarding-house. 270, Oregonian. WANTED A young lady from East desires position in office as typewriter or assist ant bookkeeper; best of references. D. 2611. Oregonian. WANTED Young" or middle-aged woman for housework: family of three. Call be fore 31:30 A. M. or after 6:30 P. M., 6S5 - East Alder. LADY, good conversationalist, for pleasant work; references as to integrity required. Apply Council Crest Observatory, Monday forenoon. SCHOOLGIRL to assist in small family for board and room, near Eat?t Side High School. Mrs. Foster. 178 E. lfith st. Phone East 62C&. CAN take one of two children to board, from 4 years up: live in the suburbs; no other cl'dren; $10 a month. T 247, "Ore gonian. WOMAN to help In small bosrding-howe; no objection to child. Call at S64 Strong St.. foot of Portsmouth ave. Take St. John cr. YOUNG lady to earn part tuition in business coliege: good chance fnr faithful girl with good references, T 27$. Oregonian. HOUSEKEEPERS, cooks, nurses, waitresses, Farond girls. St. Louis Ladles' Agency. 2"0i3 Yamhill. Main 5413. WANTED Experienced woman as family cook; first-class private family; wages $40. 230V, Yamhill. Main o413. GIRL about 15 to heln take care of baby. Mrs. Grannis. The MarViorough. 21 st and Flaner. Phone Main 7516. 20 WAITRESSES, city; 2 country; pantry girl, cooks, domestics, chamber, kitchen help. Drakes. 2t1 Washington. WANTED Young girl to wait on tahle over lunch. Call Monday morning, Woman' Exchange. 133 10th. WANTED Millinery apprentice, also er rand girl; good wis. 208 Tllford bids:., 10th and Morrison. WANTED Millinery saleswomen, thoroughly experienced ; good salary ; also experienced makers. Fraleys. VOGUE MILLINERY SCHOOL Girl wajit ed to lenrn millinery. 362 Washington st., room 2. SCHOOLGIRL tn assist in light housework, near Ijdd School. 501 JenVrton. Phone Main 2S. - WANTED Cook at the Argyle. 193 W. Park street. WANTED First-class dinner cook. 165 W. Park. HELP WAVTEO FEMALE, GIRLS with talent for drawing, calntlng and designing; good position to the right party o M- Averill A Co.. 102 N. 5th st. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible posit lea, with opportunities for advancement. Vlavl Co.. loth St Morrison. WANTED An experienced girl for cooking and some housework; small family, good wages. Ill North 22d st. Phone Main 114. EXPERIENCED shirt makers; waist finish ers, also apprentices. Room 27, Hamil ton bldg., 131 3d st. Phone Main 32&2. WANTED Girl IT years old to work for board and room in family of three and go to school. 714 Niles st.. Mo nta villa. WANTED Young lady attending school to help with light housework in exchange for room and board. 6SS Raleigh st. EXPERIENCED woman to take charge of floor in paper box factory. Apply F. C. Statu er, corner 10th and Gllsan Bis. WANTED -Operators and girls to learn snirtrnakmj. Apply bianaara Factory, Grand ave. and East Taylor at. GIRLS WANTED Good wages for compe tent neip; permanent employment. Port land Paer Box Co.. ZOS Oak. SCHOOL teachers for Wash., Or.. 5ont.,' Idabo. J. K. b. Teachers Agency. 30 Allfky bldg., 205 Morrison st. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY. 543 Wa&hington at., cor. 7th, upstairs. Phone Main 23)2. YOUNG girl to help In home; small family; country girl preferred. Phone East 22o4, or call 43U E. 13th st. N. WANTED Schoolgirl to work for room and board ; good nome ; carl are paid. Call be fore noon, SS9 Savler st. . . WANTED Housekeeper for widower with fumllv r-Tl !T1 1 rr -near trtiTTi llo-i-i wnrlr Box 7, Woodburn. Or. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work; good wages, small family. so Tenth St., corner Mill. WANTED Young ladles to learn nursing in country town nospttal. Age 20 to 25. Ad dress -1 ziit ore Roman. MME. HOFMAISTE teaches firat-claes cut ting with Storey's ladies tailor .system. Cail 420 Washington. LADIES to take course Spanish language class ; private lessons. 4vo commonwealth bldg. Phone A3O01. NEAT GIRL wanted tor general housework ana cooKing. ouo zutn sc. cor. . Myrtle, Portland Heights. COMPETENT girl for general housework and cooking; good wages, 704 Irving j. Phones Main and A 1182. WANTED Girls to sew in our alteration room and fur factory. Gllverfield Co., 4th and Morrison. EXPERIENCED cook, four in family, wages -io a monin. Apply mornings.. 143 lutn st. cor. Hoyt. WANTED Girl for general housework and assist with cooking; family of J. 242 North 22d fL FIRST-CLASS Jacket and skirt hands In al teration department. Apply 11. B. Lltt. 351 Washington. LADIES $1 every day at home: stamped en velope for particulars. Ladles' Aid. Dur ham, Conn. CAPABLE woman to manage help !n a fac tory; address with references, X 273, Ore gonian. ' WANTED Helpers and apprentices, for dressmaking. Mrs. Zeltfuchs, 336 W Washing ton st. WANTED Two ladiejs, middle-aged, for can vassing. Apply Monday morning, 250 3d Street. WANTED Reliable girl for general house work: family of three. Apply 123 North 23d st. WANTED Someone to do light laundry for two smau cniiaren. can at 474 East Sher man. WANTED Waitress at New Grand Central Restaurant, corner Third and Flanders, at once. GIRL for general housework; small family; laundry sent out. 643 Myrtle St. Main 3o2S. x WANTED By a widower without children, a housekeeper under 35. R 274, Oregonian. TEACHERS, grade and rural. $45 to $75. Fisk Teachers' Agency, 1200 Wllllama WANTED Reliable mother's helper and nuraery governess. Apply 742 Overton st. GIRL wanted for second work. Applv 732 Flanders street, between 22d and 23d sis. WANTED Girl to do second w:ork. one that understands sewing. Apply 690 Flanders. WANTED Salesladies in clnak department; kuuu Mini y . xi. it. jjin, .ai w asnineton. WANTED A girl to do general housework and cooking. Apply mornings, 225 loth. WANTED Millinery sales ladies, also mak ers. Mrs. Zeitfuchs. 386 Washington st. GIRLS wanted to work in paper box factory. Apply F. C. StetUer, 10th and Gllsan sts. GIRL f.M- general housework in small family of adulta 41 St. Clair, corner Main.. A GIRL wanted to help cook and wait on table; good wages. X 274, Oresonian. A WILLING girl or middle-aged woman to help with light housework at 450 5th. GIRL for general housework; small family; good wages. 658 Broadway, Irvington. GIRL for general housework ; good wages. Phone East fil7. Call 5I5 East Oak. WANTED Girls to make Fits-Well shirts and Boss of All overalls. Inquire 75 1st. JACKET hands in alteration department; best wages H. B. Lltt. 351 Washington. GIRLS for cutting, edging" and pasting. 103 5th st. North. D. M. Averill & Co. WANTED Girl for general housework In small family. Inquire 564 Hoyt st. GIRL for gonerBl housework, family of four. Fhono Main 2217. 612 Clifton st. WANTED Girl for general housework; good pay. Call at 300 Park street. GIRL wanted for general housework; 2 In family; good wages. 6ll Kearney. GIRIS WANTED Apply Standard Factory, 2 Grand ave. and East Taylor st. CHAMBERMAID; one willing to help at amner. ina uzarK, inn st. WANTED Good competent girt for genera housework. Apply 170 N. 22d st. GIRL for general housework; small family. 12S E. 19th st.. near Morrison. WANTED A young girl or school girl to wait on table. Call at 392 Salmon st. LADY canvassers; apply immediately. Arlss, Campbell & Gault. 12 Front st. WANTED Neat girl. $4; good home. Ap ply monings. 34!) Porter st. WAIST hand wanted. Laidson & Fer rey. 141 13th. corner Alder. HOUSEKEEPER wanted for a ranch. In quire 303, Commercial bldg. WANTED Girls to sew on furs. The Sil vcrftcid Co.. 4th and Morrison. WANTED Girl for second work. Ill North 2d st. Phone Main 1214. WANTED Nurse girl to take care of two children. 585 Marshall st. W A NTED Your girl to help. Telephone East 4175. 39 Wheeler. WANTED Expert presser at H. B. Litt'a, 351 Washington street. omnetent recond girl: waees S25- Overton st. WANTED A flrst-class lady's tailor. High wages. 411 Morrison st. WANTED Finlshefe and lady's tailoring 411 Morrison st. CHAMBERMAID Wanted at St. James Ho tel. 345 1st st. WANTED A chambermaid, quiclc. Call 607 Buchanan Bldg. GIRL or woman wanted for light housework. Call 453 4th st. MTLLTXERY maker. Florence Evens, 87 Washington bldg. WANTED Girl for light housework. Arply 348 Columbia st. SALESWOMEN at McAllen & McDonnell's. GOOD advertising solicitor at 1474 Front st. A GIRL for light housekeeping. 469 7th at. GIRL to do housework. 774 Hoyt street. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Good reliable girl for general housework; must he good plain cook; small family. 722 Main st Phone Main 2S9. PRACTICAL nuree to care for lady; must be very etrong and able to life 145 lbs. Call a.t 874 EL Taylor, or phone East 400. WANTED A girt for general housework ror small ramiiy. t. an oetween o ana o'clock A. M.. or phone Pacific 1221. WANTED Immediately, good woman housekeeper, widower on rarm; gooa home, 230 H Yamhill. Main 5413. LADY to care for child of 3 years; must be reliable and give rererence; stay . nome nlghtai 147 10th. Phone Main 5i)o. HELP WANTED MALE OK F EM A LB- DESIRABLE permanent positions for ener getic men and women; reliable firm ex tending Its branches needs capable local and traveling managers to control sales, collections, etc. Experience not essential. 203 Fliedner bldg. Call Sunday also. WANTED Stock people at once; first-class leading man and woman, character man and woman, good heavy and juvenile man, responsible company. Winter engagement. Ad drees 1086 Chemeket St., Salem, Or. TWO profitable and permanent positions for energetic man and woman; -good money made from the very start; promotion rapid. Call 402 Oregonlaoi Bldg. between 9 and 12 A. M. or 2 and 4 P. M. AMATEURS, beginners, former professionals! Join Acme Dramatic Club, take part comedies, dramas; evening rehearsals. Emily Driscoll. president, 406 Couch bldg. ECLECTIC BUSINESS UNIVERSITY The school that makes young people happy with good positions. Day and night classes. 68 Third street. WANTED Experienced alteration hands. Apply at Eastern Outfitting Co.. cor. 10th and Washington- WANTED Good agents; after 6 P. M.. 207 Cth st. big pay. Call SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerka AN advertising -man of big ambitions, who is successful in Chicago, wants to get in connection with a cencern in Portland that will appreciate the services of one who has had a varied experience in the advertising field. He writes live copy and can buy printing and generally plan and conduct advertising campaigns. Address W 265, care Oregonian. A YOUNG man possessing executive ability and holding a responsible official posi tion with the U. S. Government, desires to take an appropriate position with a reliable concern and to locate in the West; first-class accountant. For particular address G. M. Sba, Willlston, N. Dak. CASHIERS, stenograph er. bookkeepers, col lectors, grocer, shipping and bill clerks, salesladies, salesmen In ' funlshlng goods, shoes, etc.; reference as to character and experience furnished and ready to go to work on the Instant:. Clerks' Registration Bureau. 265 Morrison. Entrance office 303. YOUNG man who Is stenographer and- ex perienced In office work desires position with some Jobbing houee where there is chance to be advanced to position of sales man; references from present employer. G 272, Oregonian. THOROUGHLY competent bookkeeper and general office man desires position after October 15; at present in employ of lum ber company; can furnish good references. S 270, Oregonian. MARRIED man 35, acquainted with general merchandise lines, desires position with good established wholesale house, in house, city, or on the road. Best referencea X 277, Oregonian. GOOD abstract and real estate man wants employment with reliable firm ; no com mission or partnership propositions con sidered. S 269, Oregonian. v COMPETENT bookkeeper desire . position with reliable firm: best references, city or country. Phone East 2786, or address O 274, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED traveling salesman, honest, sober and Industrious, desires situation with reliable house; A-l references. T 270, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper, employed dur ing day. would like stt of books to write up evenings; cnarges moderate. 1 zt, ure gonlan. BOOKKEEFER and stenographer with 10 years experience, beet of references. Phone Home a 2181 or w. zto, uregonian. TRAVELING and city salesman of exper ience; Portland references: familiar with entire Coast. J uregoniau. ttt a vTFii TrttMon hv vouns: man stenog' rapher and experienced In office work. G 'Jiii, uregonian. WANTED By competent bookkeeper, small Ptt of books to keep evenings. Address P 2i5, Oregonian. YOUNG man 21 denlres position as shipper in pome large wholesale house. P 267, Ore gonian. lUUAVi man wnii .--oic . i.v . ... - hand and bookkeeping dceires position. Main RELIABLE bookkeeper wants position. W 145, Oregonian, Miscellaneous. GENTLEMAN of great business experience In large concerns, speamns feverm . lan guages mientiy, ursiti-B f"1"""" M vntn nflTTdtarv 01- traveling . companion; used to traveling In Europe and South Amorica, Address a uregonian. pnKiTinv wanted hv voune man of 2A In general office work; four years' experience in rauroau onice. nut n. i, sitlon; best of references. Call Pacific 3099. Monday evening, between 6 and 9. WANTED By a man who has managed large mercantile interests In Washington on rei?on on out-of-town Job as manager; thoroughly competent and beet of refer ences. O Z6t, uregonian. JA PA NESE, young and nice boy, wants situation as schoolboy, housework, waiter or chamber work (has experience). Give your phone numher. r - uregoiunn. HONEST, reliable man would like a position as grocery clerk, or in grocery ware house, or porter; willing to work, apeak German; age 30. H 200. uregonian. I WILL make a 2 per cent discount on all orders received during next 10 days; fine tailoring, wedding and party gowns a specialty. Phone evenings, a 443. YOUNG man attending Holmes Business College wishes a place to wotk ror nis board and lodging ; strong fellow. not afraid of worK. .rnone aiaw ou. HANDY man with tools, willing and relia ble, wants situation as Janitor or watch man or to care for private residence. J. Schoger. box S3, city. AN INSTALLMENT collector regularly em ployed, wants to collect for a small business 3 or 4 hours a day; salary or commission. N 270, Oregonian. wted Br young man of good character, rtosition with chance of advancement, in dairy supply house; some experience. Phone Woodlawn l'Ji. WANTED Position as caretaker or Janitor for building or hotel: I am a good painter, paper hanger and t inter. AQOiesa w zxn, Oregonian. WANTED To attend to sayeral houses near by; build furnace fires mornings, clean porches, waits ana outer enures. 1 u Oregonian. ' perienced waiter on table, wants a posi- uregonian. STUDENT deeires posltioa at janitor or other salary Jtagar ounuuerg, oiu wi viv.. SALESMAN with thorough experience in general merchandise, open for engage ment. Albert KiCKman, f ore 1 ana, ur. TWO young Japanese boys want situations as automobile drivers, housework, family witer or nurse, w, z3. oregonian. WHOLESALERS, attention! Thoroughly ex perienced man Is open for engagement as city salesman. a. o. uregunian. YOUNG man, attending college, would work before and after sehool hours for board and room. Address 41 Flint st. JAVANESE boy wants position to do any kind of work few hours every evening after 5. P zo, uregonian. WANTED Position as private secretary, by voung man 01 experience, nrsi-ciau ref erences. V 271. Oregonian. WANTED Position with electrical supply perience. Box 204. City. WANTED Contract cUarlng land near Ca ai de ro carilne. .ddre O 248. Oregonian. JAPANESE cook wants position In private family. X uregonian. SITUATION WANTED MALE, Mtecellaneona. COMPETENT man wants housecleanlng. etc.. or other work. 227 Front. Phona Monday, Pacific 1396. WANTED Permanent position by first-class mechanic and engineer; can handle men. D 265. care Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED Middle-aged man wants evening janitor or other light work. R 266, Oregonian. - LOCOMOTIVE engineer, familiar with log ging road and oil burner, wants position. V 278. Oregonian, JAPANESE man and wife want work cook ing on farm, hotel or small restaurant N 262. Oregonian. PAINTER, pap rh anger, works reasonable for owners by day or contract. Meves. 723 Alblna avenue. JAPANESE) boy wants situation as saloon porter; washing dishes or other work. B 264, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED Japanese wants to do house work In family or boarding-house. O 269, Oregonian. SEE Faro about house cleaning and win dow washing; new ones a specialty. Phone Main 8004. A MAN would like odd Jobs; best references. T AnlB -w X W Vn t UnV 1 'if TT aioncaton. A JAPANESE, flrst-clas cook, wants place at hotel or restaurant or family. T 63, Ure gonian. i JAPANESE boy want position as schoolboy in ramiiy; speaks loigiian.. 1 zi-i. ure gonian. BOY attending school wants place to work lor nis board, call uast ouoo Dei ore a P. M. WINDOW and housecleanine. Main 6573. evening B to lu. Tnomae Green, izz itn st. CONTRACTS for grading and seeding lawns; fencea built, lots cleared. A 24, Oregonian. KALSOMTNING done at $3 per room. Main i3o4. 135 First street, can isi. winn. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. CASHIERS, stenographers, bookkeepers, col lectors, erocer. shipping and bill clerks. salesladies, salesmen. In furnishing goods, ehoes. etc: reference as to character and experience furnished and ready to go- to work on tne instant. cierRs Kegistration Bureau, 265 Morrison. Entrance office 303. WANTED Position by experienced book Keeper ana stenograpner, can iurnisn dcbi of references ; can take management of onlCA lr necessary. M. uregonian. WANTED Bv experienced stenOEranher. coDy-worK. abstracts. j.uc a page. Ablngton bldg. Phone Main S00 or A ACCURATE, reliable stenographer must have worK; best city rerexences. can sun a ay, 9 to 10, Pacific 496, A 1856. Room 31. ATTRACTIVE -vouner woman, well educated, wants position as stenograpner; win taae small salary to start, ti Z67, uregonian. STENOGRAPHER not having very much experience, would llKe a position, small salary to start. K. 268, Oregonian. YOUNG lady stenographer wants night work; dictation taken direct on machine; very beat work done. & 266, Oregonian. YOUNG lady stenographer desires a position; can give referencea; experienced and not afraid of work. F 274, oregonian. -t.. 1 - 0O FOR a stenograrpher or bookkeeper, ex perienced or beginner? phone Eclectic Busi ness University, Main 4504. OTC A T-V l.ilv vlehaa nnaflnn O a a sistant DooiKeeper, stenograpner, or casu- ler. Hi Zi4. uregonian. FIRST-CLASS Btenos-raoher. also bookkeeD er. desires position, city or country. R 265, Oregonian. STENOGRAPHIC work called for and de livered. Phone Pacific 123 and A 8723. RELIABLE bookkeeper . wants position. A 144. Oregonian. WANTED Day work. Pacific 2916. 20S Otn at. DrMtnMken. TH E New York ladies tailor can make a few more engagements by she day In fam ilies; no objections to alter and refit garments. Address J zou. uregonian. LADIES may make their own garments under the personal supervision of a flrst- ciass aressmaner. rnone ast CAPA BLE- dressmaker wishes more day rnone eeiiwwa vtri. "EXPERIENCED Dressmaking by the day 524 Durham ave. Phone Woodlawn 1016. Miss Purkerson. SUITS made at moderate prices; fit and workmanship guaranteed. Phone East 27U3. FIRST see Angeles Dressmaking Parlors, 24a Oth ana Aiaia. racizic uaz; a hx. WANTED Plain sewing by the day. H 273, Oregonian. PLAIN sewing of all kinds. 107 E 35th st. WILL do sewing by the day. Phone K. 4125 Housekeepers. POSITION as housekeeper in home in first class locality, where one or more servants are kept; am spending a year in Portland and desire pleasant home; salary not an object. Address Housekeeper, 69 Alfrea st., Detroit, Mich. WIDOW lady of experience, wishes position as housekeeper in widower's home; would like it where there was little girl wishing music lessons; best rererences. v itoo, ure gonlan. EASTERN lady wishes housekeeper's po sition in hotel or rooming-house: thor oughly understands the business and cap able of taking full charge. L 269, Ore gonian. WOMAN, experienced housekeeper., with fine managing ability, wants position in. hotel or first-class rooming-house; would accept position as assistant, vv z 1 , uregonian. WANTED By widow lady with child in school, position as nouseaeeper; no 00 jectlon to children. References given. W 277. Oregonian. POSITION as housekeper for widower or take charge of rooming-house by lady, in or out of city. Address L 270, Oregonian. A COMPETENT woman wishes position as housekeeper for widower or bachelor, or roomlng-nouse. jl -Zt, uregonian. REFINED, capable widow desires position in widower's home, city, country or town. Address L 264, oregonian. RESPECTABLE lady wants position as housepeeker ror gentlemen; reierenoeai ex changed. I'none aam t;v. wrVM AV would like position as housekeep er in rooming-house or In good family. K 200. Oregonian. xnnnw. s-ood housekeeper, desires situation In widower's family. 148 Be 11 wood, L car to Sellwood. Nurse. MTDDI.K-AOEU oractlcal nurse, ten years experience, will take charge children or lnvaiia, general nursiug, -oa Yamhill. Main oij. NURSE would like position to care for nervous or insane paurni. inorougniy fx gonian. EXPERJBNCEJD nurse wants work by day -or week; obstetric cases a specialty. Pnone faciiic z- (o. a N RVPFRIFA'CED nurse wishes nervoui or nervous mental cases. P. O. Box 368, City. REFINED lady wishes a position to care nlnn UNDERGRADUATE nurse wishes few more cases; terms 10 iuiu rnone ioi. A PRACTICAL nurre would like maternity cases. Home pnone c juz. AN EXPERIENCED nurse wishes maternity cases, f. o. Jox dtwt. city. Domestic. WANTED To do light housework and. plain cooking; references, ai fs. ibtn st. WOMAN wants housework to do by .the day. Phone Eafit 2560. WOMAN wants to cook for email camn. R Zli, OracaniaA. SITUATION WANTED FEMALB, Domestic. W A NT ED By middle-aged woman, general housework in family or z adults; no wasu ing. M 2tf6, Oregonian. A M IDDLE-AGED woman would like a ptace to do housework In a smau iam lly. T 265. Oragordan, Miscellaneous. WANTED By an experienced lady Jewelry cierK, thoroughly lamuiar in au n branches; have had experience In some of the largest stores In the East; state salary. S 270, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED collector desires position with one or more firms, on salary or com mission; lived here good number of years; beat of referencea M 26S. Oregonian. A CAPABLE woman of experience wants tne management or a moaern apartment or lodging-house or private sanitarium. Address P. O. Box 258. MARRIED woman wants position as cham- nermam in smaii rooming-nouse. van alter 1 o'clock, room 1. third floor, 67 Sixth street. A NO. 1 laundress washes at -.her own home silk and negligee shirts, cents' underwear, lace curtains done by hand. Phone East 4973. WAXTED A position In doctor's office by i-in:u j aucs married wottuui; uesi of references. E 232. Oregonian. LADY will Instruct ladies in German con- 0 versatlon and grammar; reasonable terms. EXPERIENCED young lady wishes position as casnier in restaurant or candy store. B 272, Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS lady pianist. good sight reaaer, wisnes position, orcnestra or alone. R 215, Oregonian. YOUNG lady gives lessons In grammar mutt Biumes, a rawing ana oerman; rer erences. Main 9183. YOUNG lady would like to be companion to eiceriy iauy; win pay own living expenses. t ;ao, oregonian. EXPERIENCE!!) music teacher gives two piano or manaonn lessons for 75c N 269, uregonian. WANTED Work bv the dav. reliable laun aresa ana cleaning or housework. Phone .cast t-to. REFINED young woman wishes employ ment a -tew hours daily. V 274. Ore gonlan. YOUNG lady wishes a place to work; use 01 piano; no cniiaren. T 279, Oregonian. LADY entertains Invalids, aged, children, by iiu ui, ua. , uiuu lu , references. 1 ac. tin. FIRST-CLASS lady pianist wishes position, LACE curtains washed and stretched, 4j0e l-"3l yia.ll . r JIUllO aiain IVli. WANTED Position as head waitress; best reference, f. u. Box 73 Lents. Or. FIRST-CLASS aJl-around cook wants a place. Address E 265, Oregonian. WANTED Washing to take home. Mrs. onurcite, oi n,ast 14th at. South. A YOUNG lady will give lesions to beginners WANTED AGENTS. A SPLENDID business offer $1200 to $5000 per year conveniently positive for men and women to manage nome or store sales oar lors for the very latest, most attractive and scientifically improved dress shoe known for women and children; 12 new sight-selling original teatures; previous experience un necessary; no risk; possibilities unlimited. Answer today. Marvel Shoe Co., 105 Sum mer st.. .Boston. Mass. . LIBERAL terms to fraternal district organ izer, certmcate pays 4 ror l in 10 years: $10 for $1 death or total disability; $10 weekly sick and accident. Dues $1. Broth- ernooa Endowment Association, Box 865, Denver, joio. AGENTS to sell our cake icings, flavors. soaps, perfumes, toilet goods, etc. Great holiday sellers. Our agents' big success uuo to our nign-ciass gooas. uutnt iree. i. n. tmyaer & co., e-ao is or in st., cin clnnatl, O. SPECIAL agent wanted X75 weeklv and ex penses easily made selling our popular toniuinauon policies ana appointing agents, experience unnecessary, write Oscar iik' man. 813 Eltel bldg.. Seattle, Wash. A HOME company; low premium rates ,and high cash values make the policies of the Columbia Life & Trust Co. easy to sell. Apply to Jesse R. Sharp, ma nager of agents, 4i mraoer xenanpe oiog. PHOTO pillow top agents deal with the manufacturers direct. Big profits. Easy Christmas money. Catalogue free. Berlin a a Ha n . , iept. 31, 15a Lke St.. Chi cago. WANTED-T-Agents to sell our high-grade trees, nnruos, etc. ; outnt lurmshed free commission advanced eeh wnok- tmnA ter ritory open. Albany Nurseries, Albany, Or. AGENTS WANTED Can you sell goodsT If v, w ntiea you: complete outnt iree cash weekly. Write for choice of terrl tory. Capital City Nursery Co.. Salem. Or. IF you aro a security salesman, answer this ad., not otherwise, for time. Is Tirecioti: salesmanship Is appreciated by us and amply rewarded. S 27, Oregonian. WANTED Agents; legitimate substitute for slot machines, patented; sells on sight for f purucuian. uisna co., Anderson. Ind. AGENTS You can know about the profits jtiuuu supplying penumes to zamtltes. Ail cress denier & Co., St. Louis, Mo. WANTED TO KENT. WANTED To rent, by Tountr counle. 2 out. side rooms, bedroom furnished, kitchen unrurnisueo, close in; state terms. T 26 Oregonian. WANTED By careful people with 1 child a 79 years, a lurniened flat of about rooms. Main 4683 or call at CIS Yam- mil st. WANTED Furnished flat or suite of furnished rooms for family of 4; no children; must be on west aiae, close in. M 264. Oregonian. wamjjju ay couple without children, two medium-sized houuekeeping rooms; central location 11 possible, r 216, uregonian. WANTED By widow lady, nicely furnished room, with board, within 5 minutes' walk of Postofflce. S 275, Oregonian. RELIABLE tenant wants 5 or 6-roorn de sirable flat, unfurnished ; West Side pre ferred. Phone Main 0G0O. ABOUT 5-room flat or cottage, not too far out; must be modern; state full particu lars. D 272. Oregonian. WANTED To rent two or three acres Im proved, on East Side, near car line. 43 East Third street. WANTED To take care of furnished house for winter ; furnish best references. S 26$, Oregonian. WANTED A small cottage with bath, near carilne, in University Park. Address J 265, Oregonian. WANTED A furnished apartment, 6 or 6 rooms, for Nov., Dec. Jan.; 8 adulta F 266. Oregonian. YOUNG lady employed wants nicely furnished room and board; private family; central. D 247, Oregonian. WANTED-7-2 or 8 furnished housekeeping rooms, close in; reasonable rats. R 277, Oregonian. WANTED One unfurnished front room and board : call Main 3340 Monday ; references exchanged. FURNISHED house for 8 months by lady and two daughters. Phone after today Main 171. - YOUNG man attending business college wants place to work for room and board. S 161, Oregonian. WANTED By a lady, two small rooms suit able for business. Address N- 268, Ore gonian. SMALL furnished house or housekeeping rooms near Ladd School. P 278, Oregon : lan. WANTED By student, quiet Voom, private family; good location. A 268. Oregonian. WANTED 4 or 5-room cottage with bath unu Eu, muum. uia. w ure(()n lan. WANT a house or flat, 6 room or more. West Side. Address F 271, Oregonian, WANTED Suite of rooms and board for . couple. Terms. X 276, Oregonian, WANTED TO RENT Farm with some good range. Address G. H., Oregon City. LADY employed wants modern room; two me ale. J 271, Oregonian. WANTED 4 or 5-foom flat; sired. Phone Main 5000. West Side de- WANTED TO RENT. GENTLEMAN with 9-year-old daughter de sires room and board in refined private . t home where child can have mother's oari house must be modern and not too far irom ousinfss center; price no object; give phone number and full particulars. R 272, Oregonian. WE want houses to rent; have more appll- canvs men we can place; our faculties are up-to-date. . SMITH'S RENTAL AGENCY, 315 Couch bldg. Main 8126. A 1506. BY young couple, small modern cottage wuw ur uiuro large lots; near oar line; pre fer place with chicken house, also privi lege of buying: state location, price, full particulars, phone number. T 273. Orego nian. WANTED One large furnished or partly fur iimucvt iwm; sieam or lurnace neat. Data? must be light, neat and clean; walkin distance from 7th and Morrison preferred;, single gentleman. V 276. Oregonian. WANTED By two quiet ladies, small cot tage near, out not on canine; or 3 home, like rooms, preferably unfurnished, in home of refined elderly people; references, exchanged. T 260, Oregonian. WANTED To rent House, cottages, flats. stores, 01 rices, rooming-nouses, etc.. Land lord will do well to call on Portland Trust Company of Oregon, S. E. cor. 3d and Oak. Phone Exchange 72. PROFESSIONAL man and wife desire twa well heated, lighted rooma, with break fast; 6 o'clock dinner; good neighborhood) West Side and Arat-claae. E 207, Orego nian. WANTED 8 or 4 furnished rooms for Jlght, housekeeping by family of S; child S years: private family preferred. Phone Ew 6244 Sunday or 1 272, Oregonian. WANTED 2 or 8 furnished or partly fur nished housekeeping rooms In private: family by man and wife; suite price and) location. P 271, Oregoniarf FURNISHED suite of rooms wanted in o ini iHuiuy xor inree aauiis; gentle- man. son and daughter; references ex- changed. Address, stating particulars Ifi' 269. Oregonian. WANTED Furnished house or fnrnlshed downstairs flat, modern conveniences, un til January 1 by couple with child 1 year best references. Phone Main 634. WANTED Two rooms adjoining, with board; ror gentleman, wire ana child in modern home: best location; best of reference re quired. A 264, Oregonian, 1 WANTED To rest small rooming-house fo. tne winter; must be nrst-ciass; good loca- tlon; reasonable; West Side preferred. Ad"' dress T 209, Oregonian. , LADY wants steam-heated) room; two meals a uregonian. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. we pay more for furniture; portland auction co.. main 6655. 211 first bt. WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and anuva- wo also duv nousenoia turnisnmgs, highest price paid. Call at 'the "Fair Deal," 62 N. 3d st. Phone Pacific 1722. WANTED h second-hand 8 or 4 sided planer. vune not iea man exiz. Aaaress enignus Lumber Co., R. F. D., No. 1. Box 42 War ren, Or. ABSOLUTE FACT The Dollar. 232 1st St.. pays highest prices for household goods. Phone Main 6374, A 2327. $$$$$$ WANTE7.) A boat house suitable for a 80 foot launch. Call at Room 307, Stearns bldg., or photie Home X 8284. DESK room wanted in centrally located of fice by Eastern manufacturers' agent. Ad- dress K 270, Oregonian. CASH paid for furniture fixtures and mer chandise. Phone Main 1626. J. T. WU fon, auctioneer. WANTED Amiable little girl between 8 and 6 years of age to care for; referencea G 267, Oregonian. WANTED Second-hand gaa range in good condition: state price. C 263, Oregonian. WANTED Baby girl to care for; will give best of care. Address W 269, Oregonian. WIDOW wishes a child to care for; good home; no other children. Call Main 3255. SPOT cash paid for your furniture, prompt at tention always given. Phone East 1067. 1 t WANTED Stylish family horse, sound about 11 60. Address J 2fi8, Oregonian. WANTED Good rolltop desk, Al condition for cash, today. H 265, Oregonian. I PAY cash for household goods. Savage sk Pennell Fur Ob., 345 1st. Paclflo 860. WANTED To rent typewriter: Underwood preferred. L. P. Stone, 195 10th st. MAN to do tinting in exchange for tailor made clothing. N 274. Oregonian. f WANTED Manure to haul away regularly. No sawdust. K 274, Oregonian. WANTED Choap for cash, small tug. barges. J 267, Oregonian. WANTED Mantel bod. 3 bureaus, bed linen and comforters. Paclflo 2289. WANTED Second-hand cash register. 809 t Larrabee. Phsne East 4476. TEACHiTRt resident or visiting, French, mu lc j66. Oregonian. WANTED to rent or Phone Sellwood 86. buy a houseboat. WANTED A child to hoard. 26, QYegmilan. Address C FOR RENT. Rooms. THE FRANCIS, Morrison, cor. West Park, suites an 4 single, $4 to $7 week; transients, $1 ta $2. Quiet, respectable; no children; three) blocks from Postofflce. FOR RENT 8 unfurnished rooms, close in. East Side; brick bldg. Call at 883 B. Wash, or phone East 3061. Furnished Rooms. NEWLY furnished front room with privets family, close to business center. 456 6tn THE FRANCIS, Morrison St., cor. West Park $4 to $7 week; downtown; quiet, respectable. NICELY furnished front room, walking dis tance. 149 Lownsdale st. Phone Main 7224. HOTEL ROYAL, 108 4th, nice rooms, $2.50 to $5 per week; 50 cents to $1 per night. 361 6TH ST. Nicely furnished rooms, every thing, new and modern. Phone Main 8081. NICELY furnished front room, third floor, $5 per month. ,566 Johnson. Paclflo 22. NICELY furnished room suitable for 1 or I gentlemen. 141 13th, corner Alder at. CLEAN, comfortable room, with bath, gaa and phone; nice location. 433 7th st. MAXWELL HALL Furnished rooms, hot, cold water, all rooms. 207 14th st. LARGE bedroom for 2, heat, light, bath. 407 Jefferson, flat B. Cor. 10th st. LADY has furnished rooms; would share with good girl. W 268, Oregonian. 212 7TH St.. small front room. 2 window; every convenience; gentlemen only. NICELY furnished large room, running wa ter; gentlemen. 223 West Park. FURNISHED front room, suitable for one or two; walking ristance. 542 Sixth. 1 1 - $5.00 Small back room in private family, use of phone and bath. 432 7th. 1 - 4 $2.50 PER WEEK Nice, large room; heat; private residence. 286 12th mt - FURNISHED room, private family, for lady employed. 414 Jefferson St. ONE front room with running water. 474, cor. 14th and Washington. FINE large furnished room; first-class lis every respect. 221 13th st. HYLAND, 490 Morrison; furnished roomi with bath and steam heat. ONE nice front room, bay window. Cor ner Skldmore, 888 7th st. 225 MILL st.. furnished, one large front room, $2.50; one, $2. FOR RENT Front room, bath. 86 16th st. Young men preferred. NICE clean light room. $8 month, for 2. 84T Market, Sd floor. ROOMS in strictly modern new corner flat. 320 Clay South. ROOM for rent to young lady, close in. E2T Main street. 2 NICELY furnished rooms very reasonabha, 864 16th st. 1