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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1907)
THE SUNDAY OREGOIAX, FOKTXAXD, SEPTEMBER 29, 1907. f , ., , - ' ''r - V :"(gS -'".u oof" faittli 5 mi 9 OOIT 4 TI reason! iror seooiioM om aooirovaii mumuiuiMiiWiaUil iiiiilEyiiiiiJnqMHiito jHBwkEuiuiianmtui itiiiliihfliiiliriHiiFtfiiilin mmjfHflfmmmmr 3 we so thoroughly believe in the superiority of these ranges so strong is our faith in their splendid cooking efficiency and fuel saving qualities that we do not hesitate for an instant in offering to place ,in any home in the city or vicinity a Buck's range for a thorough approval test on the most generous and convincing payment terms ever offered to range purchasers furthermore if it does not do all that we say it will do we will remove it and refund any payment that may have been made on same the ad vantages of Buck's ranges are many we will be pleased to show them to you Our terms are specially interesting ONE DOLLAR IN THIRTY DAYSONE DOLLAR PER WEEK THEREAFTER " Aishowing OUR DISPLAY OF OFFICE FURNITURE THE MOST COMPLETE IN THE WEST WE ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR THE DERBY AND LEOPOLD TJESKS that commands the attention of the gUlaP office pieces that offers everything for satisfac tory selection-the most dependable construction, combined with the best of materials, work manship and finish, and the most modern and valuable features in appointment. The Derby and Leopold Desks represent all that is practical in desk construction there is nothing finer made in these two lines is included every style and grade and the best of quality all im provements that experience has suggested having been added from time to time, with the result that these desks possess the most practical and correct features to meet the demands of any office. Those who intend equipping their offices will appreciate our immense showing of roll-top desks, with high or low backs; flat-top desks, single or double; standing desks in all lengths; typewriter desks of the best drop-center construction; directors' and office tables in any size; chairs for all office purposes. We show most of these pieces in the mahogany and golden oak, in the dull rubbed finish, this being the most practical in the office. We also show a number of designs in the plain white, which we can finish to match. - See our window dis play for this week. UNUSUAL VALUES IN A THREE- DAYS' SALE OF LACE CURTAINS In the Drapery Department for tomorrow, Tuesday and Wednesday a 1 11 r A 1 A V " special selling oi an immense assortment oi lace uurtains ana uurtam f TWa.t.ftTlfl.l PifwhiVh TWolras fimniTi Swiss n-nr "P-non nli To-PFoto TTIvm 11 " ' ; h 3 pairs White Laces, $1.25 values ; per I pair : 75 3 pairs Arabian tint Laces, $1.50 values; per pair .H) 2 pairs Arabian tint Laces, $3.00 values; pair. $1.85 2 pairs Ivory tint Laces, $3.60 values; pair. . .$2.00 1 pair Arabian tint Laces, $4.00 values; pair. $2.50 3 ivory tint- Laces, $5.50 values; pair. .... .$3.00 2 Arabian tint Laces, $5.00 values; pair $3.00 1 pair each Arabian tint Laces, $6.75 'and $7.75 values; per pair $3.50 3 pairs Cluny Laces, $6.50 and $7.50 values; per pair ... v $4.00 1 and 3 pairs Ivory Laces, $6.50 and $7.50 val ues; per pair $4.00 3 pairs White Laces, $7.25 values; pair. .... .$4.50 1 and 2 pairs Brussels Laces; $7.50 values; per pair $4.50 3 pairs Arabian Laces, $7.00 values; pair $4.50 1 pair each Arabian Laces, $7.50 and $8.50 values; per pair , $4.50 2 pairs Ivory Scrim Laces, $8.00 values; pair $5.00 3 pairs White Laces. $2.00 values: uer '' . -..'..........$1.35 KSSSX 1 pair Arabian tint Laces, $2.50 values; f.l per pair $1.50 4 vJ1i-lTv-. 2 and 3 pairs Arabian Laces, $7.50 and $8.00 values; per pair , $5.00 14 and 3 pairs Arabian Laces, $9.00 and $9.50 values; per pair $6.00 4 pairs Irish Point Laces, $10.00 values; pair $6.00 1, 2 and 3 pairs Arabian Laces, $10.00 and $12.50 values; per pair $7.50 1 pair Brussels Laces, $15.00. values; pair ..$7.50 4 pairs Irish Point Laces, $10.00 values; pair $6.00 3 pairs Irish Point Laces, $6.50 values; pair $4.00 1 pair Irish Point Laces, $14.00 values; pair $8.00 1 pair Arabian Laces, $17.50 values; pair. .$10.00 1 pair Real Ivory Cluny Laces, $22.50 val. $12.50 4 pairs Arabian Laces, $27.50 values; pair $15.00 2 pairs Arabian Laces, $32.50. values ; pair.. $20.00 2 pairs Brussels Laces, $35.00 values; pair $20.00 6 pairs Real Arabian Laces, $40.00 values $25.00 3 pairs Real Arabian Laces, $55.00 values $30.00 Art Taffeta, Cretonne and Ticking suitable for sleeping-room hangings, bed drapery dress-box coverings, etc. Regular 35c, 40c and 50c values; per yard 25 50-in. silk-finish Tapestry Upholstery Materials regu- II $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00 values per yard- of Scotch lar $1.50 and $1.75 values; per yard $1.00 Madras and Silk Stripe; per yard $1.00 BASEMENT SPECIALS FOR TOMORROW AND TUESDAY For tomorrow's and Tuesday's buying the Basement Depart ment quotes specially attractive prices on several most essen tial household articles. Your credit is good. 75c 85c $1.00 $1.00 $1.10 $1.25 $1.25 $1.50 $4.25 Clothes Basket for. Clothes Basket for. Clothes Basket for. Clothes-Drying Rack Clothes-Drying Rack Clothes-Drying Rack Garbage Can for... Garbage Can for... Ash Can for ,....60 70 .....85 for. .75i 75 ...$1.00 $2.75 $3.25 $3.75 $2.75 $3.25 $3.75 $2.25 $3.25 Round Clothes Round Clothes Round Clothes Square Clothes Square Clothes Square Clothes Ash Can for. . Ash Can for. . Hamper. Hamper. Hamper. Hamper. Hamper, Hamper. $1.75 $2.50 $3.00 $1.75 S2.50 $3.00 $1.75 $2.75 $3.50 OUR CAREFUL AND PROMPT AT TENTION GIVEN IN THE FILLING OF ALL OF OUR MAIL ORDERS LEATHER ROCKERS $17.50 We place on gale for tomor row and Tuesday this handsome Arm Rocker the well-known "Karpen" make a design that will appeal to yon as being ' most comfortable and stylish the covering is of ster ling leather in the black or Spanish frame finished in the mahogany. We offer this reg ular $30.00 value at the above special price. These will not be held for future delivery. T . Tour credit is good. - lip u YOUR CREDIT J THESE OPPORTUNE BAR GAINS IN EXCHANGE DEPT. The values as offered in this department will interest those who desire to make most economical selection of homefur nishings. The following are a few of the many opportune bargains in this department. Wood Beds, up from 75 Iron Beds, up from $1.00 A lot of solid seat Dining Chairs to close out at, each. 90 1 Airtight Heater $1.90 1 Fir Combination Dresser. . .$3.95 1 Fir Mantel Bed $6.00 1 Hall Seat in antique oak...$6.o0 1 Hot Blast Coal Heater $6.75 1 Roll top Desk, in quarter-sawed golden 1 Upholstered Divan, in ma hogany finish $7.00 1 Buck's Coal Heater ....$9.00 1 Combination Bookcase. . . . .$9.75 1 Lady's Desk, in golden oak $9.50 1 Folding Bed, in the elm, with mirror $9.75 1 Buck's Hot Blast Heater, almost new $22.00 oak, paneled ends and back.. $39.00 C0MPLETEH0U5E-FURHI5HER5I hakeyourI WH TERMS j THE NEWLY COMPLETED LADIES' WAITING APARTMENT-BALCONY FREE TELEPHONE, LAVATORY, Etc.