V THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN, PORTLAND, SEPTEMBER 29. 1907- Live Agents Wanted EVERYWHERE FOR THE CAR, OF NATIONAL REPUTATION With a Factory and Distributing Place on the Pacific Coast Durability, Reliability Accessibility Nine Exclusive Models, Ranging in Price From $825 to $3000 Communicate with us at once if you want to secure the agency from the most progressive automobile manufacturers in the world The Maxwell-Briscoe Pacific Co, 505 Golden Gate Ave., San Francisco, Cal. BANDITS ARE IN CANADA V Hexford Robbers Supposed to Have Crossed the Line. SPOKANE, Wash.. Sept. 28. (Special.) Great Northern special agent- claim to have received reliable Information that the men who held up and robbed the Oriental Limited at Rexford a few weeks ago are in the vicinity of Cranbrook, B. C. A number of the- compay's detectives were, sent to Cranbrook today to con tainue the search for the bandits on the Canadian side of the line. 1 Suit was filed in the office of the Clerk of the United States Court this morning by the United States against the Great Northern Railway Company. The Gov ernment sues to recover J700 from the railway company fo alleged violation of the safety appliance act of 1893 as amended. It is alleged that one of the cars loaded with shingles leaving Leaven worth recently was minus an uncoupling lever. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND, Or., Sept. 28. Maximum tem perature, (Ml degrees: minimum, 51. River reading at 8 A. M., 3.S feet; change m last 24 hours, none. Total rainfall 5 P. M. to 5 P. M.) none; total rainfall since September 1, lBor. 1.85 inches: normal rainfall since Sep tember 1. 11)07. 1 tw Inches: deficiency, .01 inch's. Total sunshine, 3 hours, 18 minutes; possible sunshine, 11 hours, 54 minutes. Ba rometer (reduced to sea level), at 5 P. M... 80.04 inches. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. Observations taken at 5 P. M., Pacifla time. 1 ' T T E i J Wind. t to STATIONS. S -S J 2 " o 7 .. 3-o n f ; n a s - ; I S 2 :' Haker City BoUe riureka North Head Portland Red Rluff '.. Roseburg Sacramento 8alt Lake San Francisco.. Spokane Seattle Tatoosh Island. . 5l . bo;o 02 14 NW 00112 NW Cloudy Cloudy Clear Clear rirtir Clear 58 .12il N BOO mo. 74 0 M' , 74'0 7!0 8 0 BS'O 60' 0 56 0. 6 NW UO 4 NW 0! fl'NW 141 H SW on ft w Cloudy -lear Cloudy Clear Pt. cloudy Pt. cloudy Cloudy .C0l 8! SB .0012 W .00 4'N .Ool B!W oo! 8:N FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Sunday, occasional rain; southerly winds. Western Oregon and Western Washington Sunday, occasional rain; south to west winds. Eastern Oregon. Eastern Washington and Idaho Sunday, rain. WEATHER CONDITIONS. The disturbance noted this morning over the middle plateau region has undergone a marked development, the pressure at Its cen ter, at Salt Lake City, having fallen to 29.40 inches thia evening. Except a light rain at Baker City and a trace at Walla Walla, no precipitation has occurred as a result of this storm area. The pressure has riaea along the coast, and the high area about Eureka basbecome more pronounced. Light rains were reported from Eureka, Roseburg, Port Crescent and Kamloops. Clear skies pre vailed throughout California and Nevada. The temperature was decidedly lower over the last-named state, but elsewhere over the Pa- Grand Central Station Time Card SOUTHERN PACIFIC. Leaving Portland Shasta Express 8:15 s-m. Cottage Grove Passengar 4:15 p.m. California Express 7:45 p.m. San Francisco Express 11:30 p. m. West Side Corvallis Passenrer 7:00 a. m. Sheridan Passenger . 4:10 p.m. Forest Grove Passer ger 11 :00 a. m. Forest Grove Passenger 5:20 p.m. Arriving Portland , Oregon Express 7:25 a.m. Cottage Grove Passenger 11:30 a.m. Shasta Express 7:30 p.m. Portlsnd Express 1130 p.m. West Side Corvallls Passenger ............ 5:55 p.m. Sheridan Passenger 10:20 a.m. Forest Grove Passenger 8:00 a.m. Forest Grove Passenger 2:50 p. m. NORTHERN PACIFIC. Leaving Portland Taeoma and Seattle Express.... North Coast & Chicago Limited.. Pugee SounJ Limited Orerlsnd Express ............... Arriving Portland North Coast Limited. . Portland Express . . . ., Overland Express .- Puget Sound Limited 8:30 a. m. 2:00 p. m. 4:30 p. m. 11:43 p. m. 7:O0 a. ra. 4:15 p.-tn. 8:15 p. m. 10:50 p. m. OREGON RAILROAD NAVIGATION CO. Leaving- Portland Local Passenger Chicago-Portland Special 8:00 a. m. 8:30 a. m. 7:00 p. m. 7:40 p. m. t-poxant l i.ver Kansas City ft Chicago Express. Arriving Portland Fpokane Flyer Chi.. Kan. City Portland Ex. Chicago-Portland Special Local Passenger 8 :00 a. m. 9:45 a. in. 8:20 p. m. 5:45 p. m. ASTORIA COLUMBIA RIVER. Leaving Portland Astoria & Seaside Express Astoria Express Arriving Portland Astoria A Portland Passenger. Portland Express JeHerson-Street Station SOUTHERN PACIFIC. Leaving Portland Dallas Passenger Lallas Passenger Arriving Portland Dallas Passengey Ctllu Passenger ..... 7:40 a. m. 4:13 p. nv. 10:15 a. m. 0:25 P- m- 8:00 a. m. 6:00 P- m. 12:15 p. m. 10:00 p. m. clflc Coast no marked changes in tempera ture occurred. The indications point to ran over thia forecast district Sunday. I.. LODHOLZ, Acting- District Forecamer. MEETING NOTICES. GFNERAL RELIEF COMMITTEE. I. O. O. F. Members will meet at the Temple, First and Alder streets, at 0:30 A. M., Bcti- day. September 20. for the purpose of con ducting: the funeral of our late fctrotner w. H. Nevers. of Rainier Lodge. No. II. 1. O. O. F.. Tacomi. Wash., and Uolden Rule En campment, of this city. Services at Ericson & Co.'s. undertakers, 409 Alder street, at 10:80 o'clock A. M. Interment at River view Cemetery. All members of the order are invited to attend. IVAN C. ANDERSON, Secretary. . MULTNOMAH CAMP. W. O. W. All members are requested to attend the funeral of our late neighbor, A. J- Beers, to day at 1:30 P. M. from Dun nlng's parlors. East Sixth and East Alder -streets. Interment Lone Fir Cemetery. ED W. L. MINOR. C. C. J. M. WOODWORTH. Clerk. GEORGE WRIHHT RELIEF CORPS The regular meeting of the Relief corps sewing circle will meet at the home of Mrs. Melvlna Worlck. 780 South Fourth street. Tuesday, October 1, from 10 A. M. to 4 P. M. Take s or Fulton car to Hooker street, then west' to Fourth. DELLA G. MICKLEY. Press Correspondent. 2S5 Fifth St., City. MACCABEESir-The funeral of Sir Knight Nevers will take place from Ericson's un dertaking parlors at 10:30 A. M. today. All members are urged to attend. E. M. LANCE, R. K. GOLDEN RULE ENCAMPMENT. NO. 28, I. O. O. F. Members are requested to at tend the funeral of Patriarch W. H. Nevers. Services to be held at Erlcson"s chapel, 409 Alder street at 10:30 A. M. today. S. E. PHELPS, C. P. ROTAL CIRCLE. NO. 528. W. OF W., will give their first series of whist parties at the W. O. W. Hall. 128 11th St.. Wednesday. Oc tober 2.- Whist, refreshments and dancing; good orchestra. Admission 15c. ASTRA CIRCLE Invites you to attend their whist and dancing party, Thursday evening, Oct. 3. W. O. W. Hall, 11th. near Alder. Admieslon, including refreshments 15 cts. COMMITTEE. THE FRATERNAL BROTHERHOOD OF ALBINA will give a dance Wednesday night. October 2. Hills Hall, corner Russell and Williams ave. Good music, good floor. All are welcome. Admission 25c. PIED. NEVERS In this city. September 2B. Wil liam Nevers. aged 56 years, member of the Maccabees and I. O. O. F. Funeral services will be held from Ericson's chapel, 409 Alder St.. today at 10:30 A. M. Friends Invited. Interment Green wood Cemetery. RICHARDS At Qulncy. Cal., Sept. 26, L. F. Richards, son of J. T. Richards. Fu neral notice later. MAGEE In this city. September 27, Laura E. Magee, aged 24 years.. 6 months and 2 days. FUNERAL. NOTICES. ' BYRNE In this city, September 28. at the family residence. 395 Eugene street, John J. Byrne, aged 57 years, beloved husband of Mrs. M E. Byrne, father of M. C, H. J., D. O.. W. J. and J. J. Byrne, Jr. and brother of W. J. Byrne. The funeral serv ices will be held at St. Patrick's Church, corner 19th and Savler streets, at 9 A. M. Monday. September 30. Frlenrts invited. Interment St. Mary's Cemetery. Dublin Freeman Journal please copy. COLTON At Wallace, Idaho, September 28, 1907. Patrick J. Colton. formerly employed at Northern Pacific office in Portland, Or. Funeral Tuesday, October 1. from Dunning, McBntee ft Gllbaugh's chapel, at 8:45 A. M.. thence to cathedral at Fifteenth and Davis streets at 9 A. M. Interment at Mount Calvary Cemetery. Friends Invited. BEERS The funeral of Andrew J. Beers. Jr.. will be held today, September 29, at 1 :30 P. M., from F. S. Dunnlng's chapel, corner of East Alder and East 6th su. Friends invited. CONROY The funeral services of Michael J. Conrov, will he held at Flnley's chapel at 10 A. M. today (Sunday). Friends and K. of P.'s Invited. Interment Rivervlew J. P. FINLEY ft SON. Funeral Directors. No. 261 3d St.. cor. Madison. Phone Main . Dunning. McEntee ft Gilbaugh, Funeral Di rectors. 7th ft Pine. Phone M. 430. Lady asst. ERICSON UNDERTAKING CO., 409 Alder St. Lady assistant. Phone Main 6133. EDWARD HOLMAN CO., Funeral Direct ors, 220 3d st. Lady assistant. Phone M. 6Q7. ZEI.I.ER-BYRNES CO.. Funeral Dtrect ors. 273 Russell. East 1088. Lady assistant. F. S. DUNNING. Undertaker, 414 East Alder. Lady assistant. Phone East 52. NEW TODAY. Business x Corner Lot At special price of $26,500 until October 1. Located on 6th St.. bet. Burnside and Union Depot. Owner, phones Main 685 and A 3)42. AGENTS ALWAYS ON THE GROUND TO SHOW YOU THE ADVANTAGES OP OVERLOOK PORTLAND HEIGHTS Beautiful corner. 100x100, all Inmprove ments in, one block from car; f&500. G 256, Oregonian. GEORGE BLACK. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. 118 Worcester Building. .Phone Pacifla 1807. CLASSIFIED AD. RUES (FOR CASH ADVERTISING.) Following rates will be given only when advertising- i--ordered to run consecutive days. Dally and Sunday Issues. The Ore gonian charges first-time rate each insertion for classified advertisinc that is not run on consecutive days. The flrst-timo rats is charged for each insertion In The Weekly Oregonian. "Rooms," "'Rooms and Board, "Housekeeping- Rooms," "Situations Wanted." 15 words or less, 1; cents; 10 to 20 words, 20 cents; il to -25 words, 25 cents, etc No discount for additional Insertions. Matrimonial and clairvoyant ads. one-time rate each insertion. UNDER ALL OTHER HEADS, except "New Today," 30 cents for 15 word or less; 16 to 20 words, 40 cents; 21 to 25 words, 50 cents, etc. first insertion. Each additional Insertion, one-half; no further discount un der one month. "NEW TODAY" (gauge measure agate), IS cents per line, first insertion: 10 cents per line for each additional insertion. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed care The Oregonian. and left at this office, adoulji always be inclosed in sealed envelopes. No stamp is requi--u on such letters. . TELEPHONE ADVERTISEMENTS For the convenlenos of patrons. The OregonLia will accept advertisements for publication in classified columns over the telephone. Bills for such advertising will bs mailed imme diately and payment is expected promptly. Care will be taken to prevent errors, but The Oregonian will not bs responsible for errors in advertisements taken over lbs telephone. Telephone: Main 7070; A 1670. NEW TODAY. Auction Sales By J. T. WILSON AUCTIONEER ' Monday, Wednesday, Friday At 10 A. M. Each Day At Sales Room 208 First St. We will sell on the days mentioned: a fine assortment of parlor and dining room effects, rich pattern body Brussels and Axminster carpets, rugs and ingrain carpets, matting;, linoleum and floor coverings, elegant iron beds, springs and floss mattresses, couches, parlor -chairs, settee. and rockers, parlor lamps, clocks, lace curtains and portieres, a variety of dressers, commodes and tables, side boards, with moneychest; folding beds, kitchen furnishings, steel ranges (good as new), gas ranges, cook stoves and select heating stoves and all other neces sary housekeeping effects. SPECIAL GROCERY SALE Tuesday, Oct. 1st At Sales Room 208 First St. at 10 A. M. Mammoth Sale of $2500 Worth of Staple and Fancy Groceries We will cell In quantities to suit all buyers from this magnificent stock, which comprises everything in the provision and grocery line. This is positively the finest stock of groceries ever offered at Public Auction Sale. We have all the select brands of canned fruits, meats, sauces, preserves, pickles, spices, extracts, fish, oils, cerials, grains, health foods, etc. The fact Is this stock is complete, and must positively be closed out on this date to enable us to satisfy the claims of the receiver. THE FIXTURES Comprising the latest patent Dayton scales, coffee mills, showcases, cheese cutters, counters, oil tanks and other fixtures, etc. Fixtures to be sold at 10 A. M. NOTE Phone Main 1626. A 4243. if you want to dispose of your belongings. We pay cash for anything saleable. J. T. WILSON, Auctioneer. TOMORROW, MONDAY At the Portland Boarding Stables, 230 JEFFERSON ST., a fine TEAM OF HORSES, harness and whip. One is a gelding, 7 years old; the other a mare 5 years old; both sound, free from vice and good in harness. Sale positively at 11 o'clock A. M. BAKER & SON, Auctioneers. ATTRACTIVE AUCTION SALE. PARTIES FURNISHING -.L BE INTERESTED BY ATTENDING THE AUCTION SALE OF THE FINE AP POINTMENTS F A NOB HILL. RESI DENCE REMOVED TO BAKER'S AUCTION HOUSE, corner of Alder and Park sta., for con venience of auction.- ON TUESDAY NEXT OCT. 1st. Comprising mahogany and inlaid Ro man seat, large rockers in polished birch frames and genuine leather seats, parlor desk in quartered oak, library table, com bination bookcase in oak, massive center table with 8-inch glass ball casters, rich velvet rugs 9x12, good patterns Brussels carpets, cable net lace curtains, large oval French plate mirror, oak hall tree with French plate mirror, bric-a-brac, pictures, elegant dining room suite in golden oak. viz: Handsomely designed buffet with French plate mirror, round pillar dining table, set of leather seat chairs, china closet with circular glass ends, dinner ware, glass and china, silver-plated goods, vases, brass and iron bedsteads, elastic felt and all silk floss mattresses, nnme goose feather pillows, large quantity bedding, fine oak dressers and washstands, chiffoniers with cabinet and French plate mirrors, couches, .Mor ris chair in leatherette, rockers, chairs, refrigerators, kitchen safe. Majestic steel range, and the usual kitchen requisites. On view tomorrow -(Monday.) Auction on TUESDAY NEXT at -10 o'clock sharp. BAKER & SON. Practical Furniture Auctioneers. ON THURSDAY NEXT AT BAKER'S AUCTION HOUSE Chattel mortgage sale of household goods and furniture, the entire outfit of seven-room house, by order of mortgagee. SALE AT 10 O'CLOCK SHARP. BAKER & SON, Auctioneers. S. L. IN. Gilman Auctioneer Gilman Auction 6 Commission Co. Office and Salesrooms No. 411 Wash. St. Regular Sales of. Household Furniture Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, 10 O'clock A. M. Rugs, dressers, chiffoniers, dining room furniture, bedroom and kitchen furniture, including all the furniture of residences. X. B. We buy furniture. Main 2473, A 4750. : S. L. N. GILMANj Auctioneer. NEW TODAY. Portland Auction Co.'s AUCTION S ALfe AT 290 HALSEY ST. Corner of Williams Avenue (Take "U" Car) TOMORROW AT 10 A. M. Mr. SAVAGE of-THE OHEGOMAV STA KK), ' who In KOlna- sooth, dcalrea Tin to SKLL WITHOUT HKSKRVB every article In hln residence, which Is very neatly furnlxlied, as nil the floor IroverlDffa are nearly new. Fine sraa rnna-e, mIho fran water brater and all the other kitchen ajondst excellent dress ers and eomniodes. metal beds, ORKSS MAK ER'S PI Kit MIKROR.laee curtains, portlerea. aliadea. chiffoniers, toilet vrnre, Knstern ote bookcase, massive sideboard, blm-k walnut round exten sion table, rilnlnic rhalrs, - rorkers. eenter tables, eouehen, lawn mower. 73 feet hose, ajarden toola and a few antique pieces. -When we any the fur nishings arc VERY neat you know what that means. The sale In prompt at 10 A. M. tomorrow. COME. FOR OUR REGULAR AUCTION SALES AT211 FIRST ST. TUESDAY, 10 A.M. . THURSDAY, 10 A. M. FRIDAY, 2 P. M. We have plonty of nice goods for everybody. It would be much easier to tell you what we haven't, than to try to list what we have. But one sure thine; is, if you have a place for a STEEL RANGE, of almost any make, a new ALL-BRASS BED, or brass trimmed enameled bed. combination bookcase, sideboard, dresser or mahog any parlor suit chairs, rockers, dinlng tahles. fine carpets, ladles' desks, steel couches, center tables, fur rugs or anything- for a home, come here and see what we have. ANY DAY IN THE WEEK AT 211 FIRST ST. MERCHANTS NOTICE We have for sale the very latest and most expensive NATIONAL CASH' REGISTERS on the .market; also show cases, counters. shelving, tobacco WALL CASES, candymakers' supplies, copper kettles, marble slabs, etc., etc. We have . anything and everything here because ' " WE BUY MOKE,' W E SELL MORE, WE PAY MORE for furniture or merchandise than any other house In the city. Now Don't Forget the Numbers. Main 5655. A. 4121. EXTRA SPECIAL JL van load of furniture arrived too late to list in our regrular ad, but it must he sold. We will only mention the FINE DINING-ROOM SUITE, All the tlnest of QUARTERED FLEM ISH OAK, round pedestal table, leather box-seat chairs, buffet and china closet; also magnificent btrilseye maple bed roo ri suit, solid mahogany library tabl-, ete. C. L. FORD, Auctioneer. THE PORTLAND .AUCTION CO., ail First St. Build Your Home on the River We have several acres of riverfront Just south of Rock Island, on west side of Willamette; water, electricity and fine suburban train service; 80 fare; level and sightly. For high-class residence pur poses only. One or two-acre tracts, prices reasonable. Don't wait until it Is all gone. Sengstake &. Lyman 90 FIFTH ST. (NEAR STARK). Small and Big Snaps CCftn For a beautiful lot. overlooking OOUU the river, on West Side. C7finn Fine Iot 2 blocks from Grand wlUUU ave. and Morrison, with 2 cot tages, great . speculative value. Eesy terms. - .. C10 Cfin O" very easy terms for a MZ OUU block, 2 b.ocks from Grand ave. and Morrison. This property, when properly improved, will net 20 per cent In come. F. FUCHS 221H Morrison- street. MT. TABOR On the west slope facing Belmont street cars, unobstructed view, with building re striction, thus making it the choicest of residence locations. Now on sale in small tracts, suitable for building sites, at very low prices or $600 for 5000 square feet; one-fourth cash; bal. 1, 2 and 3 years; 6 per cent. Don't make a mistake; go and select a nice place while you can. F. W. TORGLER, 106 Sherlock Bldg. Trackage ' Half block on R. R. track; splendidly lo cated; only $20,000. Best buy on the .mar ket. HEALT INVESTMENT CO.. 210-211 Abington Bldg., 106 V, 3d t. Platting Tract Beawtlful tract of 10 acres, near Clover dale Add.; lays nicejy and will plat to advantage. For particulars see HEA17V INVESTMENT CO., 210-214 Abington bldg 106Vi 3d st. KOLLADAY PARK 60x100. on Clackamas St.. next to N. B. cor. of 22nd and Clackamas. Cement walk, all improvements in. Best lot on the street for the price $1350 for short time only. My sign on the lot. A. D. MARSHALL, Owner . 427 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. HANFORD 6 BLACKWELL ' ' CIVIL ENGINEERS. Railroads, Power Plants, Industrial Plants. 1101 Alaska BI.Ir., Seattle, Wash. OVERLOOK FOR FINE HOMES. TWO-STORY BRICK Bearing good revenue in a good busi ness location. East Side; J4600 first pay ment, balance 6 per cent. F. W. TORGLER, 106 Sherlock Bldg. CIV Dflfl 4 Modern', house ready 31V-lx -V 1Y1 for occupanoy, choice location, walking distance. East Side; part cash, part monthly payments, f. W. TORGLER. 106 SUerlock Bid. NEW TODAY. $54,000 Whole block, West Side. on terminal tracks; an ex cellent property, and easy terms. Can divide. Let us tell you about this. $28,500 Three lots, loth street; Great Korthern trackage. The best buy in the North Kn-1, location considered. " $10,000 Splendid apartment site, 68x100, on Everett, close to Washington. $7,500 Full quarter on 25th st. . The best figure in vicinity. $6,500 Fine dwelling and full lot on 21st, near Everett.A. bargain. , " ' $4,750 That fine eight - room dwelling, 608 Quiruby st., between 20th and 21st. See it. as must sell promptly. $1,400 Two lots, southeast cor ner Mason and Kerby; high, sightly, select neigh borhood, near school, and ' two ear lines. $1,100 Choice corner lot, East 26th and Tillamook. Half cash, and a bargain. $120 One lot, Peninsula, near those selling for three times the money. PLATTING ACREAGE Over 7 acres near both Montavilla and Rossmere lines at very satisfac tory figure. 12 acres near Sellwood; lies beau tifully, and must sell quickly. FOR LEASE That new feur-story building; four stores below and 50 rooms over; all modern arid up to date ; located S. W. corner Second and Salmon. JACKSON & DEERING 246 STARK STREET. Phone Main 345. Special Snaps $32,500 A block and a fraction, East Side, 430 feet frontage on S. P. track; solid grounijiexcellent factory site; quite central. Nothing like this left at the price. We can quote a figure on a cen trally located piece of business prop erty, West Side, facing on three streets. The price is very low, and presents a rare opportunity to any conservative investor. . Lambert-Whitnier Co. 107 Sherlock Bldg. 40-1 E. Alder St. Woodbiirn Acreage 20-acre tracts. One-half mile from Salem Electric road. About one mile from Woodburn and one mile from Ger vais. This land is suitable for berries and fruit and any kind of farming. Easy terms and payments. For particu lars call McKinley Mitchel 202 Stark St. $1 275 House and Lot ON EAST 15TH STREET, NEAR ELLSWORTH. GOOD BUY. CAUSEY Land & Investment Co. 506-7 S WETLAND BLDG. - If you want a home, buy a lot in Jonesmore, and we will build 3Tou a home. Call and let us show you. Geo. D. Schalk 264 Stark -St. Phones Main 392, A 2393. 10th and E. Davis A FIXE FLAT PROPERTY.. Price $5750 100x100, on the southeast corner of 10th and E. Davis sts. It is a bargain. Mali & Von Borstel 104 Second at. 302 K. Burnside at. STOP PAYING RENT We have a lot of brand-new houses from 5 to 8 rooms each. We will take from $300 to $500 down and balance in monthly payments to suit you. Let us show you. Bollam, Grussi 6 Higley 128 THIRD ST. In . .. ... $3000 TO S7000 HOMES NOW UNDER CON STRUCTION AT OVERLOOK NEW TODAY. SPECIALS FOR INVESTORS AND HOME-BUYERS Jjovely Suburban Bungalow Only one block, from good car line, a half hour's ride from your business; full quarter block of ground, house 6 rooms, new, mod ern, t;ood plumbing, electric lights and "ready to occupy.. Price S2250 8-Room Home , On East Ash street, not far from the corner of 21th st. House is modern and complete, with ce ment basement, furnace and fire place; rooms are large; lot oOx 120. . Price S47SO East Madison Street One of the prettiest little homes in .this fine residence section of the city. It is a bungalow in de sign and is not lacking in any wise. The lot is large, has beau tiful lawn and choice fruit and roses. Price S47SO Favorable Terms Are being offered on a brand-n-w 6-room house in the High land section. Good carline; good school, and convenient to the bus iness center. Small amount of cash down. Price .- SSOOO 11 Per Cent Income One of the finest propositions in new flats that we have ever offered for sale. The location is the best. Each apartment lias hardwood floors, furnace.; extra good plumbing and is well planned It yields $1200 annually. Price Sll.OOO Warehouse Site On 13th St., a corner which Is partly improved with a brick building. It in so situated that it will advance rapidly in value dur ing the next year. We can quote a very close price on this property. West Side Lot On ISth St., not far from Mar shall, a fine lot, 50x100. It is an excellent location for an apartment-house or flats, and will yield a good income on the investment. Price S4000 Hoyt-Sreet Home A fine large home on Hoyt st., near 23d. It is thoroughly well built, -has a full lot 60x105, and at our price is a bargain for any one who needs a large place. Price S7500 Irvington A brand-new modern home, on one of the finest quarter blocks in the section; 9 large rooms, ele gantly finished. We shall not try to describe it; you must see it. Price S9500 PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. BASIS OF ALL WEALTH City Property and Lands. The EAST SIDE has the GREATEST Fopulation, is growing the most RAP DLY and the GREATER PORTLAND MUST and WILL be there. In 1906 there were 531 residences built on the EAST SIDE to 100 on the West Side. Portland is attracting more atten tion than any city on the Coast and is undergoing a- MIGHTY TRANSFOR MATION and in the next ten years will likely make more PROGRESS than it has in its entire past HOLLADAY'S ADDITION Is the geographical center of tbe cltx and is the most DESIRABLE residence district and much of this will become BUSINESS Toporty. Do not overlook these facts when making: investments, and call and Inspect the property; for feeing is believing. The Oresroo Real Estate Co., Stb Third street (room 4) Portland. Or. $17,000 . Investment 15 Net Handsome new building, in exclusive neighborhood. Safe investment, no risk. See us at once. Morgan, Sweet 6 Chapman 213 Abington Bldg., Phone M 2015. Business Corner for Lease Proposals for leasing the corner of Tenth and Burnside (88x90) will be received by G. H. VanHouten, 205 Lumber Exchange. This property may be leased for a long term of years on the ground-rent plan, or the owner would improve if conditions are satisfactory. The Hill depot will make Tenth the best cross street in Portland. House and Lot for $66 We will give an absolute title to a lot 50x150 feet, with a 7-room house thereon, which today cannot be duplicated for less than $1250. and with the lot as it now stands the property is easily worth JloOO. The property is located on the West Side, In Portland proper, on the Oregon Elec tric Railway Hue, and Is one of the choicest pieces on Capitol Hill. Call at the office to inquire about this, do not write, as we shall not answer correspon dence. CLOHESSy-5 SMITH 401 McKay Bldg., Cor. Third and Stark Sta. EVERYTHING GROWS, EVEN MONEY, IN OVERLOOK NEW TODAY. SaveThatRent And Buy a Lot for 600 LOTS 600 in Railway Addition, Montavilla S-Cent Fare EASY TERMS $10 Down,jPer Month Come out and see these lots. Take Montavilla car. Get off at Hibbard st., corner of Villa, or call at office. Agents at tract every day. Lambert-Whitmer Co. Real Estate Department. 107 Sherlock Building, Corner Third and Oak Streets. "RkT 1 IT TI' DISTRICT $15,000 Four new, modern flats, paying ',' 12 1-2 b on Investment $20,000 10-room modern house, corner Everett St. $10,000 odern house st. Nine-room modern house full lot; Love joy, near 24th st. Vanduyn & Walton 515 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE OVERTON STREET 50x110 ft., facing -south, between 2tth and 25th sts.; adjoining lots improved. IRVING STREET 40x100 ft., between 2flth and 21st sts.; an attractive homeslte. TRINITY PLACE S3 1-3x100 ft., just off Washington St. 20th STREET Between Washington and Everett sts.. 50x100 ft., with 8-room residence. Imme diate possession. F. V. ANDREWS 6 CO. HAMILTON BLDG., 131 3D ST. TEL. MAIN 3349.. Twolnvestments BUSINESS PROPERTY With guaranteed income for ,10 years of $100 per month. BUSINESS PROPERTY With lot 100x100, paying 12 per cent net. F.B.Holbrook Co. 250 Stark Street. ' HOME SITES Quarter block, all improvements in, Portland Heights, close in. A. regular snap for short time. Another 75x140, on Heights carline, only J2000. 100x100. near East 22d. and Tillamook, Irvington. Lies fine and is certainly cheap at J26O0. A lot 50x100 nearly, a present for J1100. Lot 50x100, Overton, near 23d, J3250. A fractional corner on 23th st., among the mansions. For a limited time at $3t0. F. O. NORTHRUP 315 COUCH BUILDING. Main 8126. Fourth, near Wash. RESIDENCE SITES $1100 40x100, E. Taylor, near 23tb S3350 132x9.1. S. W. corner Sellwood , and Commercial sts.; high and sightly; streets improved; cement sidewalks and all im provements in. Terms. SINNOTT 6 SINNOTT 535 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. KEW FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE, Price $2500 Terms (700 Down. A new o-room cottagre and lot 46x105, situate on the north side of E. Ash St.. between 28th and 34th sts. This Is a new cottage and has never been occu pied. Jo and see it. We can arrange for the balance of the payments in monthly installments. HALL 6 VON BORSTEL 104 Sd at. and 302 K. Burnside St. Choice Acreage for Sale 40-acre tract adjoining enilworth. per fectly adopted for immediate platting. Easy terms. Price. 1200 an acre. W. K. SMITH, jr:., 202 Washington St. Fine Residence for Sale No. 585 East Taylor st., walking distance from down town, 8 rooms, bath, electric and gar fixtures, modern and located In the exclusive residence district of the Hawthorne tract. Price, J5000; J1000 cash; terms. Phone, East i'J'A.