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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1907)
Section Two Pages 1 to 12 VOL. XXVI. PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY 3IORNING, SEPTEMBER 29, 1907. NO. 39. Goods Bought on Monday Will Be Charged on October Account Robinson &. Wells English Tailored Hats Holbein Embroidery H4 11 Extraordinary Clearance Trim'd Model Hats $4.95 Regular $8.00 and $9.00 Dress Hats, Tailored Hats and Ready-to-Wear Hats THIS most extraordinary sale includes scores of Hats that were shown at the opening of the season a month ago, and extreme novelties that have served as models for our milliners. Because they have served their purposes for display and as models, these superb Hats that sold at prices up to $9.00 until Saturday evening will be sold Monday at the lowest sale price ever quoted by any Portland store before the end of the millinery season. These hats are all beautiful in themselves artistic in line, rich and harmonious in coloring. But put them on the head and they leap into even greater beauty. There is a style to suit every face. Stunning Dress Hats, made of the choicest seasonable materials, such as velvet, felts, etc. Also taffeta silk hats, with all sorts of pretty, fancy feathered trimmings. You will see sm all shapes, medium and large hats ; in fact, every new style is included. Colors brown, navy, myrtle, plum, gray, Atlantic and Alice blue, leather and champagne; also black and white. $4.95 Without exception the greatest sale of Millinery we have ever offered. Every woman who has not yet bought her Fall hat should take advantage of this, the greatest opportunity of the year. Be early Monday morning. Regular values ranging as high as $9.00 on sale at the low price of $4.95 65c Plain and Dotted Tuxedo Veilings, 17c Yard 1000 yards of plain and dotted tuxedo veilings in black, brown navy, 1 'r white, pray and raappie. Regularly sold to 65c a yard. Special Monday. Ladies' crossbar embroidered hemstitched handkerchiefs; can be put 1 7 f also to other purposes, as bureau scarfs, etc. Exceptional value Established 1850-FIFTY-SEVEN YEARS IN BUSINESS-Established 1850 Good Merchandise Only Quality Considered Our Price Are Always the Lowest 20c Embr'd Turnover Collars, 12V2C 100 dozen English and French embroidered turnover collars ; regular 1 20c value. Monday special Aw w Ireland Bros', one-clasp New Gibson Gloves in tan, brown and theC AA' russet shades; newest style. Special price, per pair &JJ The Annual Fall Sale New Wool Dress Goods 'SSSfS It's the soft and scintillating finish of the majority of the Fall dress fabrics that makes this showing the finest in the store's history. The fabrics arc softer, lighter and more highly finished. The entire dress goods store glows with soft Autumn colorings. New in every shade and design. Now is the time to enjoy them more thoroughly than later on. We show every late novelty broadcloths, cheviots, serges, striped suit- ' ings, plaids and checks, satin stripe materials all interestingly different. 50c Nunsvelling 39c Yard 50c all-wool French Xnnsveiling, 36 inches wide, for house dresses and waists; in cream, sky, pink, cardinal wine, navy, brown, heliotrope, O H cadet, etc. Sale price $1.25 Plaid Broadcloths 89c $1.25 quality, 52-inoh plaid broadcloths, all wool, in rich Autumn color- OA ings for coat suits. Sale. tJC $1 Imported Plaids , 79c Yd. $1.00 imported silk and wool pRiids, in, brown and green, navy and green, card inal and green, green and gold, Q" etc. Sale price, yard Ol $1.25 Worsted Suitings 85c $1.25 quality, 44-inch worsted suitings in mannish effects, invisible stripes and checks, in all colors. aleOEp" price, yard KJtt 50c 36-inch Plaids 39c Yard 50c 36 - inch plaids, Panama and serge weaves, with silk overplaids, bright col ors for children's wear. Sale fa . 4J7W price $1.75 Cloakings at $1.39 $1.75 quality, 56-inch all-wool English tourist cloakings . in rich dark plaids and stripes. Special sale M . Q PJLC47 price, yard $1.25 French Poplin 98c Yd. $1.25 quality all wool French poplin, 42 inches wide, in a full range of .new Fall colors and black. QOp Sale price, yard OV $2.25 Fr. Broadcloths $1.89 $2.25 quality, 52-inch imported French broadcloths, chiffon . weight, specially adapted for the modish coat suits, all colors and black. Sale OQ price, yard SX.O7 $1.25 Imported Panama 98c ,$1.25 quality, 48-inch imported Panama plaids in real Scotch tartans, "Black Watch," Forbes, Murray, Hob Roy, Campbell, ' etc. Sale price, Q Q yard tJOC $1.50 Cloakings for $1.19 $1.50 quality, 56-inch tourist cloakings, extra heavy quality, in tan, gray and brown mixtures, Sale fljl " Q price, yard . . . . P XXJ7 $3 Bearskin Cloakings $2.25 $3.00 quality, 52-inch bearskin cloak ings, pure mohair, cream, CJ O )C cardinal, brown and gray $1.2 5-$ 1.50 Bl'k Goods 97c $1.25 to $1.50 quality black dress goods imported French voile, silk and wool eolienne, silk and wool crepe de Paris, India twills, storm serges, 50-inch all wool cheviots, all-wool novel ties, etc. Sale price, yard...."XC $6.50 Plaid Silk Waists, $3.97 THIS is the greatest Waist value ever offered by this or any other Portland store at the very opening of the Fall season. In cluded are hundreds of new Plaid Silk Waists, in red, blue, brown, green and black and white fancy combinations, made in the. newest plaited, tucked and tailor-made styles, with new full-length sleeves and stock collars. You could not buy the. unmade silk at retail for this Monday price. Hundreds of Waists sold regu larly to $6.50; most ex traordinary Monday value at . . . '. SEE BIG CORNER WINDOW DISPLAY $3.97 EXTRAORDINARY OPENING - OF -SEASON SUIT VALUES 75 Fall Suits $2 2.50 Vals. $16.75 Reg. $10 New Voile Skirts $7.75 Special for Monday sale, the "Lipman-Wolfe School of Style" offers 75 new Fall Suits of black, navy and brown, plain and striped cheviot ; also of check broadcloth in brown and navy. The jackets are made in the newest 26-inch Prince Chap style, with velvet collar and satin lining. The skirts are plaited and some trimmed with folds. Selling regularly to $22.50, special for Monday sale.. $16.75 40 new Voile Walking Skirts, in black only, made of best quality all-wool voile in plaited and. box-plaited styles, trimmed with taffeta silk bands. ' Selling regularly at $10.00. Extraordinary opening - of - season values at only $7.75 Trefousse GlovesSole Agents Lipman, Wolfe & Co. are the only Portland agents for Trefousse Glove's. It is rumored that other stores represent their gloves as "Trefousse." Do not be deceived. Look for the "Trefousse" stamp. Trefousse Gloves are the best eloves and the best-known gloves in the world on the Boulevard in Paris, Unter der Linden in Berlin, on the Avenue in New York, and every where else. Sole Portland Agents. Dressmakers' Scissors 75c-$1.35 Values at 68c Dressmakers' scissors and shears of fine quality imported steel ; good, comfortable handles ; 6-inch, 7-inch, 8-inch and 9-inch lengths; usually On sold for 75e, $1.00, $1.25, $1.35. Monday VlOC $2.00- $2.25 Solid Gold Beauty Pins for $1.18Pr. Tba greatest value ever offered. Neatest designs ever shown. They come in rose gold finish, good strong pins. Only a limited quantity, fl1 1 O Sale price, a pair eJJXeAO Sale of Couch Covers Heavy reversible tapestry Couch Covers in Oriental and conventional designs, in a large variety of new patterns; best color combinations of the season;. 3 yards long, 60 inches wide. Regular $ 5.50 Couch Covers, $3.95 Regular 6.50 Couch Covers, 4.98 Regular 7.50 Couch Covers, 5.95 Regular 10.00 Couch Covers, 8.39 Sheets and Pillow Cases Extra quality sheets and pillow cases, ready for use ; big values as follows. : . 72x90-inch sheets, each ..' 85 81x90-inch sheets, , each 90 45x36-inch pillow cases, each 13 l-2 45x36-inch hemstitched cases, each 20 6 The Latest $1.18 Fiction "Daughter of Anderson Crow," by George Barr Mc- Cutcheon. "Champion." by John Colin Dane. "The Younger Set." by Robert V Chambers. "Seroiramls," by Edward Peple. "The Turn of the Balance," by Brand Whltlock. . "The Helpmate," bv May Sinclair. "The Lone Star." by Eugene P. Lyle, Jr. "To Him That Hath." by Leroy Scott. "Brown, of Harvard," by Young and Coleman. "Alice-for-Short." by TVllllam De Morgan. $1.39. "The Measure of the Hours," by Maurice Maeterlinck, $1.40 net. Great Sale of Portieres Tapestry, bordered, corded or fringed effects: $5.oo-$5.50 Portieres,' special for. $3.95 $6.oo-$6.50 Portieres, special for. .... .$4.08 Regular $7.50 Portieres, special for. ...$5.95 Regular $8.50 Portieres, special for $6.79 Regular $10.00 Portieres, special for... $8.39 500 Pr. 16-Button Length Glace Kid Gloves, Tan, Brown, Black Reg. $3.50 Values $2.39 Better Than Those Other Sales Call $4 Values ONDAY we offer the year's greatest sale of Long Kid Gloves every pair full 16-button length, all sizes, all absolutely new and perfect gloves, no "seconds," such as other stores buy for their "special" sales. Every pair of these superb full 16-button length Glace Kid Gloves would be sold regularly over our counters for $3.50. Better than those that other stores represent as $4.00 values. They come in tan, brown and black, and we fit every pair at the counter. Every pair per fect, wide top and all sizes. A special advantageous purchase lt 777. T rt i w r..u 1- u ClldUlCS US iu unci L11C9C OUJJC1 U, ILUl-lClIgUl, MA regular $3.50 gloves for f None C. O'. D. or on approTal. We cannot guarantee sizes ft I to last all day. $7-50 Curt'ns $585 - $550 Curt'ns $3 98 $4 Curt'ns $2 98 - $I50 Curt'ns $119 goo pairs of Marie Antoinette, Renaissance, Lace Arabe and Cluny Lace Curtains, all made on the best quality of French nets, both edging and in serting patterns, white or Arabian color, 2j4 and 3 yards long Regular $7.50 Lace Curtains $5.85 Regular $6.50 Lace Curtains $4.98 Regular $5.50 Lace Curtains $3.98 Regular $4.50 Lace Curtains $3.19 Also 500 pairs of Scotch Lace Curtains, 3 and zVz yards long ; special priced as follows Regular $5.00 Lace Curtains $3.95 Regular $4.00 Lace Curtains $2.98 Regular $3.50 Lace Curtains $2.33 Regular $2.25 Lace Curtains $1.50 Regular $1.50 Lace Curtains $1.19 1