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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1907)
4 12 THE, SUNDAY OREGOXIAN, PORTLAND. SEPTEMBER 29, 1907. Send for New Fall Catalogue Merchandise Purchased on Credit Tomorrow Will Go on Your October Account Butterick Patterns k Store's th 'Anniversary Sales ener TDSeM (&;Fran Groat 50 . Immense Stocks f New FaBS and Winter Merchandise I l A i, 1 October Sale in the Basement Portable Gas Lamps at $2.69 In the big Basement store A great special sale of 100 Gas Portables for the dining room, parlor or library Handsome model, equipped with the celebrated "Lindsay" incandescent light including burner, man tie. elobe. tubing, dome shade, etc.. oil ready to connect to the gas jet Every home wants one Regular $3.50 values your choice while they $2.69 '5 VI It Nickel Bath Supplies Toothbrush Holders, special at this low price.. 12 Toothbrush Holders, special, each, 27c and 99? Paper Holders 8 $1.00 Glass Holders .. 79 Nickel Soap Dishes for bathtub, $1.50 val. .$1.19 Nickel Comb and Brush Holders, $1.10 value.. 87 Nickel Soap Dish for stand, reg. 7."c value.. 59 3-arm Towel Racks, regular $1.7.) values, ea.$1.39 Towel Racks for roll. $1.15 value, for. each...92cs 18-inch Nickel Towel Racks, regular 50c vals..38 24-inch Nickel Towel Racks, regular $1 values. 79 30-ineh Nickel Towel Racks, reg. $1.25 values. .982 Bathtub Seats, reg. 85e values, on sale at, ea..67 Bath Sprays, regular $1.50 values, for, ea..Jj1.19 last at this low price of, ea. Fancy metal bowl Parlor Lamps, with center-draft burner; complete with fancy en graved globe; on sale at, special, ea. r Fancy nickel Chafing Dishes, 3-pint size, ebonized handles, best model; regular $9.00 CL QQ value, on sale at this low price, each.P 4-piece quadruple silver-plated Tea Sets, assorted designs, good quality teapot, sugar bowl, cream pitcher and spoonholder; reg. $13.50 CQ Q set, on sale at this special low price. P $5 quadruple-plated Fruit Bowls, special at . .$3.49 $6.50 8-inch Cut Glass Berry Bowls, each.. $4.49 $7.50 silver-plated Nut Bowls, special, each. .$5.65 Kitchen Furnishing Goods Galvanized Coal Hods, 50c values, on sale at. ;37 Long-handle Fire Shovels, on sale at, special . . 9t Short-handle Fire Shovels, on sale at, special.. 6i Nickel-plated Fire Pokers, on sale special at... 7 "Lindsay" Incandescent Gas Mantles, at, ea. .19t 3-fold Clothes Horse, 90c value, special, each.. 72 Savory Turkey Roasters, regular $1.25. vals. .99 Nickei-plated Lamps, regular $1.50 values. .$1.19 $3.50 Oil Stoves, best quality, medium size. $3.09 "Block" Gas Heaters, attach to any jet; best regu lar 75c values, on sale at this low price, each. 38 Complete stock of Peninsular Stoves, Ranges and Wood Heaters, all grades, at the lowest prices. Store News We call particular attention to our wonderful display of new Leather Goods; imported and domestic novel ties in Handbags, Purses, Card Cases, etc.; special prices. See window show. Radiumite Razor and Strop, the new and successful shaving specialty ; every man his own barber. Guaran teed to do the work quickly and satis factorily. Bring your razors in and the demonstrator will show you what the Radiumite Strop will do. See our Fifth-street animated window dis play tomorrow. Take advantage. Complete new stock of "Perrins" real French Kid Gloves for street and evening wear; also novelties on sale. Magnificent display of new lace, broadcloth, net and spangled Robes, imported models; at Lace Department. New copper and nickel Novelties for the sideboard; useful, ornamental and smokers' articles, specially priced. Exquisite new Table Linens just re ceived from our foreign offices. New shipments of Paris and New York Pattern Hats arriving daily. See the beautiful new Undermus lins we are offering at low prices. Gossard "Lace Front" Corsets are in great favor; let our expert fitter try one on you. On the Second Floor. Custom Drapery Work our special ty. Expert drapers at your service. Great ctolber Sale of aCeS and ftroidenei Starts tomorrow A special sale that never fails to interest the best buyers in the city Laces and embroideries of style and quality at a saving every one appreciates; these values worthy consideration 2000 dozen French Val. Laces and Insertions, y2 to V4. inches wide; very pretty designs, values up to $1.25 dozen 'S yards, at this extraordinarily low price, dozen yards. J"C 1000 dozen round-thread Val. Laces and Insertion, 1 to QQ 3 ins. wide; values up to $3.50, at this low price, doz. Special lot of real Cluny and Fillet Medallions, novelties for waist trimming; beautiful styles, grand bargains, as follows: 60c values at 38 85c values at 59 $1.50 values at 98 New Evening Nets and Chiffons 45-inch flowered and dotted Chiffon for fancy waists and eve ning gowns; magnificent styles and exceptional bar- Q gains; values up to $1.50 the yard, at this low price.' $2.00 flowered and dotted Chiffons on sale at, the yard. .7 2500 yards plain Nets for waists; white, cream and col- (LQf. ored effects; 45 inches wide; vals. up to $1, for, yard."'' See the new Fancy Bands, exquisite novelties for all purposes. 5000 yards Swiss, Nainsook and Cambric Embroidery and Insertion; 1 to 9 inches wide; best designs for all purposes; values to 50c yd 2000 yards of Swiss Embroidery and Insertion, lVo to 18 inches wide ; regular values up to $1.25 a yard, on sale at this low price, the yard. Semi-Made Corset Covers in new desitms of embroiderv. at followine prices: T$1.50 values, on sale at, each $1.19 $2.00 values, on sale at, each. .$1.69 0 rn O P P O W sPec'-l ,ot whit Net Robes, with flounces and insertions of C 9 fiQ lace; best regular $11.00 values, on sale at this special price, ea.? Women's 15c and 20c Handkerchiefs for 9c Each Bargains in Embroideries 19c 49c Great special lot women's Handkerchiefs, 10,000 of them, divided into five lots; regular 15c-20c vals., 0c each. Lot 1 Women's Handkerchiefs, small block Q II Lot 3 All pure linen Handkerchiefs, 4-inch Q initial, -inch hemstitching; 17c value, at.. hemstitching; 20c values, on sale at, each. Lot 2 5000 women's Kimonal Handkerchiefs, Qf Lot 4 Lace-trimmed Handkerchiefs, 20c vals...9 all new patterns; 15c values, on sale at, ea. Lot 5 Soft mercerized crossbar Hdkfs., 20c val..O 200 Tailored Suits at $32.00 Each Portland's Leading Cloak and Suit Store offers for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, a splen did lot of 200 new Tailored Suits, grand special values at $32 a Suit We guarantee them the handsomest, most up-to-date and attractive suits in the city for the money Made in three quarter length and short coats; in semi-fitting and tight-fitting; stripes, checks, and plain colors in cheviots, herringbone-striped serge, fancy Tweeds and broad clothsThe jackets are velvets and fancy braid trimmed; also plain tailored effects with stitched straps Well made, perfect-fitting garments, superior of most $40 -$45 suits Take J J your pick of 200 at p O & Mail Orders will receive prompt and careful attention "Phalanx" Black Taffeta Silk Sale Great October sale of our famous "Phalanx" Black Taffeta Silk the taffeta that wears; 4 widths and qualities; best values, guaranteed: 85c "Phalanx" Black Taffeta, 681 $1-15 Black Taffeta, 89 $1.00 "Phalanx" Black Taffeta, 79? ?l-25 Black Taffeta, $1.09 1000 yards of white Bear Cloth of superior quality, for 1 QO infants' and children's coats, caps, etc.; $2.50 val., yd.N 'U $5 Knit Blouses and Vests $1.95 In the "Waist Department, a special lot of women's Knit Blouses and Vests; white, red and navy; splendid styles and qual- C 1 ity; all sizes; values to $5.00, to be cleaned up at, each.1' 3r J Also two special lots of women's Knit Vests, in white and red; good styles, in all sizes, at the following very low prices take advantage : $1.50 Knit Vests, at, each, 78? $2.00 Knit Vests, at, each, $1.18 Complete stock of women's and misses' Sweater Coats in splendid as sortment, all the latest styles and colors, at, each, up to.. $7.50 Our Great Annual October Sale of Blankets Comforters, Pillows, Mattresses, Springs mJjJ 7 1000 pairs of extra large white cot ton Blankets, great T 1 Af special value, at, pr.P HrVl 1000 pairs of light gray Blankets, full size, colored bor- C! 5 A C ders; best $4 vals, pr.S J J 500 pairs of Oregon gray mottled Blankets, the best $6 P C 1 values, at, the pair. P V 500 pairs of white wool Blankets, fancy borders, 10-4 size; the best regular $5.50 values, on sale at, the pair. P 500 pairs 11-4 Oregon white wool Blankets, pink and blue borders; best regular $7 val- T IRQ ues, on sale at, pair.,P'-0 7 200 pairs of extra heavy full size white wool Blankets with fancy borders j regular $8 Cl values, at, the pair. V 200 pairs of white wool Blankets, size 78x86 ins., reg- Q ular $10 values, pair.vO. J V Blanket Department, Fourth Floor. Comforters $10 BLANKETS $8.50 PAIR Special lot of 200 pairs of extra fine white all-wool Blankets, colored bor ders, size 78x86 inches; our best reg ular $10.00 values, on CO CA sale at, special, pair. . .PO Jv $4.50 COMFOKTERS $3.29 Great special lot of 1000 high-grade Comforters, extra heavy sateen cov ering, fancy designs and colorings; best white cotton fill- C5 OO ing; $4.50 value, at, pr.P-'-7 Mail orders will be carefully filled. 50 patterns of Pendleton ff Indian Robes, at, each.M vU Bed Pillows, Springs, Mattresses, Cots, etc., at the lowest prices. SEND FOR A COPY OF OUR HANDSOME NEW FALL AND WINTER CATALOGUE Only $1.17 Each Great October sale of 1000 full-size Comforters, handsome silkoline covered and filled with white lam inated cotton; very best patterns and colorings; the greatest com forter value of the d 1 1 f year, on sale at, ea. P Mail orders will be carefully filled. 500 downaline-filled Comforters, covered with extra fine silkoline; dainty light blue and pink de signs; regular $4.00 values, special, each Full line of Comforters on sale at, special, ea..$6.50 to $30.00 $3.20 Wilton Velvet Carpets 98c In the carpet store for a few days great redactions in Wilton velvet carpets, the styles ond qualities other stores are advertising os $1.60 value and we have the largest assortment of the newest designs and colorings. No extra charge for sewing, laying and lining. $1.60 values on sale at this low price," yard 98c Bigelow Axminster Carpets, 15 patterns we are closing out; 30 to 40-yard lengths; some have borders to match; Oriental and flora! effects, in the very best colorings; sewed, laid and lined at, special, per yard... $1.45 Brenlin Shades 30 Per Cent Off Introductory sale of "Brenlin" Window Shades, the best shade material made in America, is "Brenlin." To those ordering Window Shades of "Brenlin" we allow reduction of lfQ. 30 per cent discount.' O Carpet and Curtain Depart ment on the Third Floor. Groceries at Very Lowest Prices pt 20,000 pounds of Meier & Frank's celebrated Mo cha and Java Coffee, the equal of best 40c grades, Buy all yon want of it at the low price of, per pound 1 8 pounds granulated Su gar for $ 1 .00; best grade and full weight Basem't 23c C. & B. Olive Oil. quarts 70o Fig Prune or PoMum Cereal 20c Blue Label Catsup '-nc 8 Cans Carnation Cream- 860 2-pound Can Chopteck Sliced Pine- apple Joo 2 1-pound Cans Shrtmpa oo Franco-American Soups, pints o Franco-American Soups, to pints.. 10 1-pound Jar Sliced Beef 25 McLaren's Cheese. 2 lor tje Helm' Catsup, bottle ..XOO "Victor" Flour, none bet ter at any price; r on, sale per sack HmOsJ Ourkee'a Salad Dressing, small 10c; medium. 25c; large ..45c 3 packages Jell-O for 25e Red Ribbon Succotash. 2 for o Malta Vltae, 8 packages for 2 60 1-pound can OhlrardelU's Ground Chocolate 85c 1-pound can Baker's Unsweetened Chocolate 40c Victor Baking Powder (none bet ter), pound .35c Qrape-Nuts. 2 packags ior 25c A Great October Sale of Men's Furnishings, Etc. 50c Four-in-Hand Ties at 25c Sale extraordinary of 400 dozen men's fine silk Four-in-Hand Ties, in plai colored bengaline silks, rep silks and basket weaves; a very large assortment of all the best colors; black, red, pink, light blue, tans, old blue, green, brown, navy, etc) well made, extra long. Best regular 50c values; buy J all you want of them at this exceptionally low price. Men's fine worsted ribbed Underwear in pink, blue and gray, well made and finished, all sizes in shirts and til 1 OfS drawers. Best value on the market at, garment.? tvU Men's pure linen hemstitched Handkerchiefs, Vi nd 2-inch hems; best 25c values, on sale at, special, ea Men's cashmere wool and vicuna wool Sox in black and brown ; all sizes; the best 25c values, your choice, pair, Boys' and young men's worsted ribbed and form-fitting Under wear in natural gray; all sizes shirts and drawers; we"5Or made and finished; matchless values, at, per garment.""" A superior showing of Sweaters for women, men, boys and chil dren; Sweater Coats, Norfolk Jackets, etc.; all colors and all grades, as well as all styles; each, from 3100 to $5.00 See the new Fall and Winter Hats for men and young men. . The very latest blocks in stiff hats and soft felts, at all prices. 17c 18c Ribbons and Kid Gloves Reduced 10,000 yards of heavy all-silk Taffeta Ribbon, 5U inches wide, for millinery purposes, fancy work, hat bows, etc.; black, white, blue, pink, nile, mais, Alice, navy, brown, garnet, cardinal, green, O 1 etc. Best regular 35c values, on sale at this low price, yard. Great special lot of "Fownes" 8-but ton-length Kid Gloves, in black, white, brown and mode; sizes 5 to 6 ; the best regu- fl? flQ lar $2.50 values, on sale at this exceptionally low price. P 1 ' Hemstitched and Drawn Linens 57c In the Art Department, Third Floor, Monday, Tuesday and Wednes day, we place on sale a great special lot of hemstitched and drawn work linens, 30x30-inch, 36x36-inch, 18x45-inch and 18x54-inch; a splendid assortment of patterns; regular $1.25 to $1.75 yf values, your choice at this nnusually low price, ea 3d floor. Mr In the Picture Department, fourth floor, t OC wtaTHneQ a splendid assortment of Stamped Wood stools, placques, circles, photo and sta- WOOtl at dnr tionery boxes, etc.; best designs, Q. -gW regular 75c values, on sale at.OC Sale of Under muslin Women's fine nainsook Corset Covers, yoke styles, made with clusters of lace insertion, beading and ribbon; blouse front ; large assortment ; 85c to 'CQ $1.00 values, on sale at, each. Special lot of women's fine nainsook and cambric Chemise and Combination Gar ments, trimmed in fine torchon and Val. lace; insertions and edgings, headings and ribbons, made with the new French backs; $2.50 to $4.00 val ues; great bargains, each. Special lot. of women's hand-embroidered gowns, made of good quality French percales, high and low-neck styles, long and short sleeves;, beautiful gowns, worth from $5.00 to $6.50 C QQ each; take your choice at.V5-0 Special lot of very fine hand-embroidered Chemise with hand-embroidered eyelets, drawn with ribbon; $2.00 A9 values, on sale at, each. . .P $1.69 u I - .1. x.: c J