THIS 8 UPi DAY OKEGONIAN, PORTLAND, SEPTEMBER 15, 1907. 9 "r4 !-..-:.r9 lW(,-r-''-' ' ::;'aJ, J',' '.-i uf l!rj .a Jl TP- irArfWrtJ?' I, II Ym 'PSfftkA v II W II fV, mm. m m 1 am . m 1:1. : r ji1 - t- 1 -Mi. ml, u 1 1 V V It jr v jf'- ., .J : .V. it ! i i . 1 r ! 1M J I : ft 1 r ill. I, ' hi ' 1 'I'.i, . r- ,' i I'l ! I i :i I I : , i.'1 buIUhWIIiwIiiP "'"'"'""""''"ii'"'"".'H'"M""i""'l"'i""''l''"l;'"" Hi,;. 11 V mniiiiHimiiwiH)imiw.nw'Himn)HT CuiiiiiiiHiiitiiiiiijitiiiiiyiiiiiiiiiii fm Mm. il t dleliveif it vomip Bioinnie a H lyMyjjHBifyjMw- n nai i ummm aiuimi mi urn m a white enameled oven which in sures clean, wholesome food good health is largely dependent upon clean food clean food cannot be prepared in a dirty oven. a sanitary oven is even a greater necessity than a sanitary refrigerator for during the process of baking, chemical changes render contamination doubly easy. why take great care in the preparation of a fine cake, for instance then bake it in an oven, the seams and joints of which are filled with contaminating filth? Buck's white enamel is not a paint but a white glass enamel burned into the pores of the iron and is practically everlasting. Buck's ovens are absolutely clean a reason why you should own one. here is the greatest stove offer ever made. to the buying public of this city. through special arrangements with the Buck's Stove and Range Company we are enabled to deliver to any home in the city or vicinity, a Buck's range fora thirty days' thorough approval test. -if the stove does not perform all its functions prop erly, does not do all that we say it will do, we will cheerfully remove it and refund any payment that may have been made on same. if the range has proven satisfactory in every way, we offer it to you on the liberal time payments men tioned below. this once-in-a-lifetime-offer is based on our faith in these wonderful ranges an opportunity you cannot afford to overlook. ' we will accept your old stove or range in exchange and for which we will give liberal allowance. this duplex grate will reduce your fuel expenses the first cost of a Buck's' range is but a small part of the final cost the range is so long-lived that it eats up many times its original price in fuel. a very small saving of fuel each day, means a tremendous saving during the lifetime of the stove a saving of many times the original cost. this duplex grate saves fuel for it admits oxygen to the burning fuel in such quantities that all its heating power is exhausted and used. and further this grate may be changed in an instant so as to burn either wood or coal and it may be easily removed for cleaning or repairs and without disturbing the water back. this is just one of many reasons why you should own a Buck's. ONE DOLLAR AFTER 30 DAYS' APPROVAL TEST AND ONE DOLLAR PER WEEK THEREAFTER SALE OF IRON BEDS For tomorrow, Tuesday and Wednesday we have select ed and placed on sale at un usual special prices, nine stylish patterns from our line of iron beds all full size- plain and other designs in the latest and most popular colorings. An opportunity to select a high-grade metal bed is offered in this saleT Your credit is, good. Regular $7.50 Bed, in cream and gold special $4.95 Regular $8.00 Bed, in cream, gold and brass special. .$5.85 Regular $11.00 Bed, in Vernis Martin and old gold special : $7.90 Regular $13.00 Bed, in bronze, green and gold spe cial ..$9.00 Regular $13.00 Bed, in Vernis Martin and old gold special $9.00 Regular $15.00 Bed, in bronze green and gold spe cial , $9.75 Regular $15.00 Bed in Vernis Martin and old gold special $9.75 Regular $17.00 Bed. in the Vernis Martin finish special . .$12.75 BUCK'S HEATERS We commence the season with the most complete the most extensive and the hand somest line of heaters ever displayed in this city. The many sizes and styles for both wood and coal represent all that is modern in heater construction embracing such exclusive and scientific features as will enable the heating of your home to be done satisfactorily and economically to say nothing of numerous other advantages. We mention particularly the new line of the famous "Buck's Hot Blast" ---the heater which produces more heat for less money than any other stove in the world. The accompanying cut illustrates one of the many distinctive features of this wonderful heater the hot-blast ring, in which lies the secret of its great economy and heating power. We will be pleased to show you other features of interest that are worthy of consideration when selecting a heater. In the Basement Department we are showing wood and coal heaters in every practical size, and we offer you selection from this most complete line on the liberal payment terms of $1.00 DOWN $1.00 WEEK. SALE OF McDOUGALL KITCHEN CABINETS A three-days' special sale of these most practical and popular kitchen pieces a sale that affords an oppor tunity for every housewife to add to the equipment of her kitchen a piece of furniture that will lessen her labors one-half. Twelve different pat terns are included in this sale, and from this assortment a selection can be made to meet the demands of any home. A number of these displayed in our Seventh-street windows. Your credit is good. $22.00 patterns sp'l, $15.50 $26.00 patterns sp'l, $18.50 $28.00 patterns sp'l, $20.00 $30.00 patterns sp'l, $21.50 $32.50 patterns sp'l, $23.00 $34.00 patterns spl, $25.50 $37-5 patterns sp'l, $27.50 $38.00 patterns sp'l, $28.00 $39.00 patterns sp'l, $28.75 $40.00 patterns spl, $29.75 $41.00 patterns sp'l, $30.00 $46.00 patterns spl, $34.50 Q J7 r Tfc TVT " CDrriAI C2 sixth FLOOR Reg. $3.10 vals. in full-size Blankets fancy stripes ' per pair. . . $1.25 Reg. $2.10 vals. in full-size Comforters all colors $1.25 Reg. $4.50 vals. in full-size Bedspreads heavily fringed in dainty colors of pink, blue and green each. . . .$3.00 yourcrrht lCOMPLETE-H0U5EFURni5HER5 HAKE YOUR I JW TERMS L 100 Piece DINNER SETS SpcL$8.5d Tomorrow and Tuesday only in the Basement Department regular $12.50 vals. in 100-piece "Belle China" Dinner Sets an attractive and serviceable pattern in two floral decora tions pink and gold and blue and gold. Terms spe cial.... $1.00 down 30 week - 1 1 1 2