THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN. PORTLAND, SEPTEMBER 15, 107. SORE SPOTS LEFT if! TUFT'S IKE -Seattle's Leading Spirits, Po- ". litical and Social, All Wrought Up. EACH SLIGHTED THE OTHER vlVhtle Big Man Smiled, Passed Compliments and Made Many , Friends, His Hosts' Put Salt in Old Wounds. SEATTLE, Wash., Sept. 14. (Spe v cla1.) The coming and going: of Sec retary of War William H. Taft has ' left more heart burnings and more .-political friction than any other social or" political event that has occurred ' here in years. The Impression seems to be out that Secretary Taft will be nominated for President. What may or may not be J done in the East or by any of the -. other states has nothing to do with ' this impression, for it is all based upon .'the enthusiasm with which Taft was greeted here. ;' "Politically there is disappointment j among- the leaders in the Taft move fcment that they were not given greater prominence in his reception and enter "tainment. Socially, all the little so ' clety complications that can arise be- cause one set was overlooked or an- other failed to arrive in time have ' arisen over Mrs. Taft's entertainment during the four days the War Sccre Jf tary's party was in Seattle. .' ; Taft, However, Gains JFr lends. ' If one wanted to look uDon the a. humorous features there Is enough inV ; the Tart visit to make It a. vaudeville J performance, and yet the fact sticks ' out all through it that Taft personally ,' went away vastly stronger than when ,. he came. No one has thought of blam- lng Taft for the social or political ' complications and the big War Seere- tary made an impression by his speeches and receptions In quarters :. that had been hostile to him before. I'nqiiestionably Taft impressed him r self upon the town as a big man and a pleasing Presidential possibility. ITaTt won Seattle without any of the compliments he paid the city or its f people. ( And the War Secretary distributed 'lots of compliments. For instance, he was nt the Rainier Club reception v making a reply; to an Introductory speech that might have been accepted humorously 'or seriously. George H. i Walker told seriously of rumors of Taft's Presidential ambitions, and he wanted -to know about it.' Before he - had concluded his speech. Walker had pledgecr the Rainier Club's support ':, Now, Walker never Joked in his life, I and the crowd took it all seriously. Taft's Keen. Sense of Humor. i' Taft passed off the demand to know - of his ambition, but he "Jollied" the ,crowd by an enthusiastic Indorsement of the city, the possibilities of the t future, and the amiable qualities of . the people, concluding with a declara- tion that if he were a younger man he would come here. Lots of others have Vsaid the same thing, but they went "back East to stay. Just the ame. How k ever, the crowd took It seriously, and so did William Jones, president of ".the Tacoma Chamber of Commerce. ;who was a guest of the club. When Taft concluded, Jones approached the ; War Secretary with a quizzical smile and said: "I guess you did not see me. Mr. Secretary." ; "Oh, yes, I did, Jones," responded 'Taft. "You were right over there all the. time." and Secretary Taft pointed to the corner Jones occupied. . Political and humorous complica tions began with Taft's arrival last Sunday. T. S. Lippy, the former T. M. C. A. secretary, who joined the Klon dike rush in 1897 and made a fortune in the North, presided at a meeting , held in the Grand Opera-House. On . the stage sat all the members of the Washington Congressional delegation; and during the course of . the afternoon '. LJppy referred to the fact that they t were present, but he described Con gressman Jones as "the next Senator from Eastern Washington." Senator Ankeny took it in good part and later congratulated Jones upon his advertising. When that same Sun day meeting was about to conclude . Llppy ordered the contribution boxes passed to raise funds enough to pay for the session. In both Instances, : Taft fully appreciated the humor of ,'the situation. ' Taft Found It Chilly. None the less amusing was an ex perience that befell Mrs. Taft. She was the guest the other day of a women's club that decided to toast the War Secretary's wife. One of the local - club women proposed a toast in . French, another quickly followed with a toast in German, and a third offered a sentiment In Italiun. Mrs. Taft's head was in a whirl trying to follow the linguistic congress, when another woman saved the day by proposing a sentiment in English that all the wom en present could understand. ' When the King County Republican Club entertained Taft at a luncheon, tho seating arrangements were made in , a. ..haphazard manner, and It occurred that Senator Levi Ankeny and J. L. Wilson, political enemies of years' "standing, were placed side by side. yV'lien the crowd realized what had happened it howled with delight, but It did not relieve the tension between the two men. Again a luncheon was served at night and two rival news paper owners, who don't speak any more, were placed side by side bv the arrangements committer nn ih. J frigidity of the atmosphere almost made the Secretary shiver in sym pathy, for he was placed alongside one of them. On his other hand sat ex Governor McBrlde, reintroduced to local Politics by Incident. .;; ' Hartman's Flying Leap. : John P. Hartman had something to do with one of the Taft meetings Just what has never been explained save that he had been given a seat of honor at one of the tables but did not arrive in time to enjoy it. Hartman la one of the Fairbanks leaders, but was set down . to accompany Taft on Ms trip to the Grand Opera-house, where he was to deliver an address. On top of misplacing him at the table, the automobile started off without him, and Hartman rushed pellmell through ihe crowd and leaped upon the running board of the auto to ride to the thea ter. Senator riles" friends do not conceal the fact that they are sore because Piles was not given greater recogni tion, in all the arrangements. He pre sided at one of ' the Ts ft meetings and accompanied the War Secretary on most o his trips about the city and to Aber deen. But Piles, the recognized local political leader, was forgotten when arrangements were made for Taft's. stay in town. For that matter, the Taft Club was overlooked and it trailed along as an after consideration, only figuring in. one reception. Broken Hearts In Social Whirl. There are tales told of slights in a social way, but that is society gossip. Most of It is well founded, and there are a lot of sensitive natures that are uneasy over the .visit of the War Sec retary. It may never be possible to explain Just why invitation lists for meetings of a semi-political nature were made up as they were, and even the Taft party knows that leaders in his local light are. disappointed because his friends were not consulted more in the arrangements for his stay. But It won't hurt Taft Presidential possibili ties. It merely serves to create more factional trouble at Seattle. KELSO AVAXTS A SHIP CANAL Movement Begun to Deepen Channel of Cowlitz ltiver. KELSO, Wash., Sept. 14. (Spectel.) This city is again making an effort to bring before the eyes of Washington's representatives In Congress the need of an appropriation for the Improvement of the Cowlitz River, and following an In vitation from the people of Kelso, Rep resentative Cushman and Senator Piles have signified their intention of coming here to view the river end to hear the opinions of the people on the situation. A reception will be tendered them, in the Business Men's Club rooms and an effort will be made to secure their assistance in the matter. Colonel S. W. Roessler, of Portland, and Representative W. L. Jones will be here next week on a trip of inspection and it is more than prob able that after years of patient work on the part of the citizens of this place, im provement of the Cowlitz will soon be gin. Senators Foster, Ankeny and Piles and Representative Jones have already seen the river and all have expressed a belief that ship canal could, at com paratively small expense, be constructed. A survey has already been made by or der of Congress and the next thing, after a recommendation from Colonel Roessler, Is the securing of an appropriation from that body. The plan is to wing-dam the Cowlitz for four miles, below this place, straighten the channel and thus compel the river to deepen itself. - This has been declared a. feasible idea and a number of local engineers have stated that it could be carried out very cheaply. If the idea is carried out it wi! make of this place a city of several thousand people. Every foot of land for fou. miles on either side of the Cowlitz would then be available for manufacturing sites, instead of the few acres which are now procurable for these purposes. The citizens of Kelso are wide-awake enough to see the possi bilities. They are, therefore, doing their utmost toward securing aid, and that they will succeed there now seems small doubt. LOGS COME DOWN IX PRICE Puget : Sound Dealers Meet Compe tition From Grays, Harbor. SEATTLE, Wash., Sept. 14 (Special.) Puget Sound loggers agreed today to cut log prices $2 a thousand, making them: Flooring, $13; merchantable, $10; No. 2, $6.50. The prices are reduced because British Columbia and Grays Harbor log gers have cut their prices and there was danger that logs from both sections would be dumped into Puget Sound waters in competition with the Washington Logging & Brokerage Company's output. The prices fixed today, which become effective at once, are practically the same as those prevailing on the Columbia River. Another Appeal to Commission. SALEM. Or., Sept. 14. (Special.) Mon tag & Smith and T. Hayden, who are now located at the State Fair Grounds with concessions and exhibits, made an appeal to the Railroad Commission this morning to assist in the facilitation of the movement of , their shipments of goods which were billed from Seaside, freight prepaid, arrived in Portland last Monday, and nothing has been heard of them since. Both complainants represent that they have taken the matter up with the officials of the Southern Pacific, but they have failed to receive any satisfac tion. . - Grouse Plentiful About Hoqulam. HOQUIAM, Wash., Sept. 14. (Special.) Today has been a great one in the woods for the hunters and some very large kills of grouse were brought In by sportsmen. The recent heavy rain of two days has kept the birds under cover, but in today's sunshine they sought the open and fell before the true aim of the hunter. Pheas ant hunting will be .good within a few days. Corpse Hugs "Whisky Jug. NORTH YAKIMA, Wash.. Sept. 14. (Special.) Firewater proved fatal In the case of Francis Tockelt, a Chelan Indian, who came here to pick hops recently. He was found dead In the Bonnie Brae coun try, hugging a nearly empty bottle of whisky. i lf PAY FDR GLASS. IT FOR DIGNITY Japan's' Feelings Will Soothed if Broken Win dows Are Replaced. Be HINDUS OUT IN THE COLD King's Indian Subjects Are Treated Worse Than Cattle Crowded Like Sheep In Tumble Down Shacks. VANCOUVER, B. C, Sept. 14. (Spe cial.) Uttle Japan Is formulating her bill of damages today for the plate glass fronts smashed by rioters last Saturday night. The Dominion gov ernment will pay the bill, which Is not expected to be more than $5000. The bill will consist of a long list of panes of glass smashed in 56 stores and dwellings. So great Is Japan's respect and friendship for. Great Britain that nothing will be asked for' damaged feelings or wounded dignity. The fed eral government mav decide to irlve a cohtraet to a rlazier in Va'ncoffveri to renew all the broken glass, and the Japs will call it square at that. Esti mates of damage claims have been dis counted during the last fejjr days. The, reduction followed receipt of cabled instructions from Tokto that the feel ings of the wounded glass Is tr.e only ground for reparation. After having paid the bill. It Is ex pected that the Domnilon government will call on the city to In turn settle the account. Then will the question be swung from one of immigration to one t)f purely politics. Mayor Bethune, a staunch political enemy of the gov ernment, declares that Vancouver will never pay a cent for damage or repara tion or anything lse. He maintains that with a foreign population of 10,000, the Dominion government should maintain its own police force here, to insure order 'and prevent riots: ' . Treated Worse Than Cattle. ; Hindu leaders complained to the Mayor today that though they are British sub jects, Vancouver was treating them worse than cattle. Landlords refuse to rent them houses heretofore occupied by Chinese and Japanese. They draw the line at Hindus. Tonight a cold rain is falling and there are hundreds of Hindus who have no shelter under which to lie. Many have severe .colds. Last night 150 stayed in one small house. So closely were they packed that only a fraction could lie even on the floor. Another small boarding-house car ried 250 during the night and here there was not room for any to place their blankets on the floor and sleep. "Ranchers would not use their cattle in the way the government and the people use the Hindus," said Interpreter Das this afternoon. "The treatment is in human. Many are sick now and may die. We are trying to arrange with the Cana dian Pacific Railway Company for the use of a wharf warehouse for tonight, which is fearfully cold for my country men. Yes, it is true that thousands more Hindus are on the way to Vancouver." Compelled to Educate Chinese. The Dominion Government today gave a ruling that the Victoria School Board is compelled to provide education for Chinese, even when everyone knows that the Chinese are using this attendance at school to evade the law. Canada charges a $500 head tax against Chinese, but provision is1 made that In case the immi grant is a student and for 18 months at tends school after arrival he Is entitled to receive rebate of the total amount of the tax. The Victoria thool Board found that fully-grown Chinese "nen were enter ing the country, becoming scholars In public schools, being educated free of charge and then . having presented to them by the government the $500 tax at the end of 18 months. Immediately thoy received this1 money they" became can nery' workmen or domestic servants. Protest was made to the Dominion Gov ernment, but the Comptroller of Chinese for the Dominion has wired instructions that officially he must agree with what looks like a bunco game.. Sends to Bellingham for Names. BELLINGHAM, Wash.. Sept.. 14. (Special.) Millowners of this city have received a letter from B. Pelly. British Consul at Seattle, requesting the names of the Hindus who were driven from this city by the mob last week. Although the letter does not 6ay so, it is believed the Consul has received orders from his home govern V?" FHlTIT EXHIBIT AT HOITE . y,-: w -ffihffff -ifcnrtwnwiiniiri ment to get the information so that a claim for Indemnity can be made. The millowners will furnish the informa tion asked. BARON ISH1I IS AT OTTAWA Will Confer With Premier Regard ing Japanese Immigration. OTTAWA, Ont., Sept 14. Special En voy Ishii, of Japan, will be here Monday, when the whole subject of Japanese im migration will be thoroughly discussed between the Premier and himself. What ever damages have been caused by the rioters will be paid for by the Dominion government. Vancouver will afterward be charged with the amount. The policy of the Dominion is to reduce Oriental Immigration to the minimum. Deal With Matter on the Spot. OTTAWA, Ont.. Sept. 14. W. D. Scott, Superintendent of Immigration, left today for Vancouver, to look into the whole question of Oriental immi gration. He will deal with the matter on the spot, and deport any that are or are likely to be public charges. This step has been taken in accord ance with Premier Laurier's telegram to the Mayor of Vancouver. GROWS BOLD AND IS TRAPPED Linn County Man Who Jumps $500 Ball Is Again Arrested. ALBANY. Or., Sept. 14. (Special.) Af ter successfully hiding for almost six months in the foothills of Northeastern Linn County, Ed Perdue, wanted for the larceny of a steer, was arrested here to night. Perdue left the country in March while on bail, escaped the officers and made his way back to his home at Mill City, near where he has been hiding. His ball of $500 was forfeited. Emboldened by liberty. Perdue took the train at Mill City today for Albany." on his Way to California, and was arrested at the depot by Deputy Sheriff Stellmacher. CROWDED AUTO HITS CI PARTY OF SEATTLE MEN" SEVERELY INJURED. ARE Rendered' Vnconsclous by Collision, Davis, Vandevanter and Wilson Are Picked lTp for Dead. SEATTLE, Wash., Sept. 14. (Spe cial.) James Wilson, a Youngstown hotelkeeper, la suffering from concus sion of the brain and Internal injuries that may lead to his death. A. Van devanter, president of the King County Fair Association, is severely cut about "the head and bruised. State Senator Link Davis, of Tacoma.'and State Sen ator Fred Eidemiller, of the same place, are cut up and bruised as the result of a collision between an automobile and a streetcar today between George town and the Meadows. Chauffeur L. Bigelow escaped with inconsequential bruises. For a time it was believed others in the- party beside Wilson might be fatally or severely Injured, but tonight the attending physicians eay they will recover. Wilson is at the Seattle gen eral hospital In a critical condition, and physicians are skeptical as to his chances. Senator Davis has a bruised eye, a gash cut In his head behind his ear and a fractured rib. Senator Eidemiller has a gash in his forehead that will probably leave a disfiguring scar. Vandevanter Is a former King County Sheriff and has twice been elected to the State Senate. All the members of the automobile party were personal friends of his and were his guests on a trip to the Meadows to see the closing day's racing. The chauffeur attempted south of Georgetown to cross the streetcar track and ran into a car. The front wheels of the automobile were torn off, the ton neau partially wrecked and the passengers hurled Into the street. The wrecked auto mobile caught fire, but the blaze was quickly extinguished. When the passengers were picked up Davis, Vandevanter and Wilson appeared to be severely injured and it was not until night that attending physicians gave out the statement that Vandevanter had no Internal injuries. Vandevanter was taken to bis home near the Meadows and the others sent to local hospitals. Promise Pardon If IIe'3 Good. PENDLETON, Or.. Sept. 14. (Spe cial.) W. B. Atkinson, the printer who forged a check on his employer, D. C. Sanderson, editor of the Freewater Times, was yesterday sentenced by Circuit Judge Bean to serve two years In the ' penitentlaVy. In pronouncing" sentence the Judge stated that if his conduct while in the penitentiary justi fied it,- he would sign a petition for a pardon at the end of one year. Seven-Jewel Elgin watch. 16 size, 20-year case, $9.73 Metzger, 342 Wash. st. x 5 RIVER IX DISTRIAI, FAIR. rr' rX-S Ff?'Wll'l ,'mrrr Why Weakness" Permanently Cured No other ailment yields more rapidly under my treatment than functional "weakness."" No other disorder pecu liar to men so completely baffles or dinary medical effort. When a treat ment cures there Is a reason why It cures, and when a remedy falls there Is also a reason why. My treatment cures because all effort is directed toward the restoration of normal condi tions throughout the organic system, removing all inflammation or over senslttveness of the prostate gland, which is the-sole cause of the func tional derangement. Other forms of treatment fall because they are based upon misunderstanding as to the na ture of the trouble .and are calculated to excite activity by stimulating the . nerve centers. I treat more cases of "weakness" than any other physician, and I obtain perfect results in all In stances. Contracted Disorders Quickly Cured Any one of the ordinary forms of treat ment may cure, or it may only appear to cure, or It may show no results whatever. These diseases are treach erous and demand the most careful and thorough treatment. Many a case that appears practically cured Is all the while developing chronic complications that may cause a lifetime of suffering. The only safety lies in the quickest cure possible, and that means a cure by my. own system of treatment. In half the usual time required, I effect a radi cal cure, cleansing the membranes of every vestige of disease and removing every possibility of chronic develop ments. Varicocele Cured Without Cutting Varicocele can be cured without sur ' gery. I am curing cases every dav by . mild and painless treatment, thus dem onstrating the folly of resorting, to harsh and dangerous methods. But one week at most is required, and seldom is it necessary to even detain the pa tient a single day from his business or occupation. My cures are permanent. There are no relapses or unpleasant after effects. The treatment I employ Is original with myself. There Is no other doctor who treats varicocele as I treat it, or who duplicates my cures. Painless Cure for Stricture Without cutting or dilating, and by mild and absolutely painless treatment, I cure stricture completely. All ob structing tissue is dissolved, all Inflam mation or irritation removed, and every membrane of the system involved is thoroughly cleansed and restored to a healthy state. No failures a perfect cure in every instance. Specific Blood Poison Positively Eradicated Without the use of dangerous drugs, I drive the very last taint of virus from the system, and every symptom of the disease vanlses, to appear no more. I employ harmless blood-cleansing remedies only. If you are afflicted in any way It certainly will be to your best interests to come In and have a friendly talk with me. It will save you a great deal of worry and anxiety. It will not cost you ONE CENT and you will not bind yourself In any way to take treatment from me. I will tell you frankly what your condition -is, and then you can decide for yourself as to whether I shall treat you or not. If you cannot call, write. Correspondence invariably has my "personal attention and is regarded as strictly confidential. All replies mailed in plain envelopes. Cor. Second and Mor rison, Portland, Or. SHOWS RUE FRUITS Umpqua Valley Earns Title "Italy of Oregon." ROSEBURG FAIR CLOSES Exhibits Declared to Have Been the Best Ever Displayed Stock Pa rade Brings Out Blooded Cattle and Horses. ROSEBUTIG. Or., Sept. 14. .Special.) Today closed the most successful fair ever held in this city. No Buch exhlbl- 11 1 Photo by Grants Pass Art Studio. ture ii Of IR. TAYLOR The Lead inn 8peclallt My title to the term of "leading specialist" in now no well etttablished that H in no long r seriously ques tioned. This fact Is dun to the enviable reputation 1 have made for perfect and permanent cures, and to nothing else. All necessary X-Ray ex aminations are absolutely free to patients. My equip ment for X-Ray work is the finest and most com plete ever produced, and equally perfect results' are not possible with an Infe rior apparatus. . details in each case, I have in connec tion with my offices a private labora tory completely equipped with chemists' apparatus and stocked with the finest assayed and standardized drugs. Every patient, therefore, receives specially prepared remedies, such as my frequent examina tions of his case may indicate. My adherence to this policy of accurate prescribing has had much to do with the success that I have attained. It has cost me time, labor and money, of course, but it has also prompted me to care fully study each case, to make exhaustive researches in order that I might thoroughly understand every case, and has enabled me to ap ply my knowledge to the utmost good of my patients. It has brought cures where others fall, has enabled me to promise much with cer tainty of fulfilling every promise, and has rewarded me with pre eminence in the medical field and with the largest practice of its kind in the West. You do not want ordinary and inaccurate treatment. You want a cure. Knowledge and skill Rnd the facilities for applying them are essential to a quick and thorough cure. These I offer you. You Pay When Cured My Fee in Any Uncomplicated Case . In My Announcements I State Only the Plain, Unvarnished Truth CONSULT ME FREE The DR.TAYLOR Co. tion of general products has ever before been gathered together in the county or district. Every farmer seemed to vie with the other in presenting the very best his field or garden could produce. In all departments It was a question of quality. The Umpqua Valley has been justly called the Italy of Oregon, and the products of the orchards presented certainly confirmed this title. Men from a distance who were absolutely uninterested in the outcome were pro lific in praises and unhestatingly said that a superior quality of fruit was never collected In any county in the state. The stock parade today occurred in the forenoon, when there was a limited attendance, but Its equal has never occurred In the county or district. For years the stockmen of this county have been reaching out for the finest breed of stock. There are no better horses raised than are now being imported into and raised in this county. In the matter of cattle on exhibition the past five years witnessed the most marked change. Formerly there was a leaning toward beef stock. To day it is purely a matter of milk and butter. The ability of a cow to produce butter fat Is the gauge of her value, and to this mainly have been turned all ef forts on cattlemen. This has resulted In a competitive exhibition, the equal of which has never been made In the district. In blooded horses Is the strongest competition. A common stock stallion is .no longer demanded, and to day are found fine blooded horses at Klkton, Drain, Yoncalla, Oakland, Cole's Valley, Camas Valley, Roseburg, Dillard. Myrtle Creek and Riddle. H. D. Deardorff, of Oakland, has three fine .blooded stallions, representing a net value of $10,000: These led In the parade today, and they contrlouted much toward its success. The races today were not up to the standard. .They were in the hands of th Jockeys and poolsellers. Merit played no part. The best horse was back In the rear. One horse that yes terday won a race in 2:21 today was second in a race of 2:3. The judges were sought to put a stop to the dis honest methods, but were powerless to prevent them. MILLER ADMITS HE GAMBLED Pays Klne and Kesents Treatment He Receives in Pendleton. PENDLETON. Or., Sept, 14. .Spe cial.) Sam Miller, arrested Thursday night for gambling, when given a chance to plead yesterday morning In the Police Court answered the court's question by saying: "Guilty as a dog." He was fined 50 on each of two counts. This was the first arrest of the kind for Beveral months. Miller being one of the knights of the green cloth captured In the last raid and was fined $100 at that time. He left for Baker City last evening, saying: "They do not know how to treat a man here." fie had spent the greater part of the Spring and Summer in Baker, having returned to Pendleton only a short time ago. . Discharged Crew Recalled. SILVERTON. Or., Sept. 14. (Special.) Several days ago the Sllverton Lumber Company discharged their railroad crew and did n'ot intend to build any more road this season. It is found necessary, however, to extend the road three miles into the timber, and the crew is now at work. This will delay the starting of the mill until about October 15. Metzger & Co., headquarters Brauer'l hand-painted art china, 342 Wash, st An Important Feature My Practice I wish to make special mention of one feature of my practice of which 1 have seldom spoken. It is an Important feature so important - that it marks the difference between scientific and unscientific treatment. There is a deplorable tendency among physicians to rely upon stork or ready - made compounds for the treatment of all cases presenting simi lar symptoms. Success in one Instance prompts the use of the same remedy in another, and little or no regard Is given the minor detuils and characteris tic features of individual cases. The result is inadequate and inaccurate treatment that fails a dozen times where it cures once, and that is prac tically upon a par with the use of patent nostrums. That I may avoid stock mixtures and be able to treat accurately and scien tifically, according to the most minute $10 Private Entrance 234V2 Morrison HALF CENTURY OLD McMinnville College Reaches Fiftieth Milestone. YEAR'S PROSPECTS BRIGHT Friends or Baptist Institution Have Donated $20,000 Within Past Few Months and School Opens 1'nder Favorable Auspices. M'MINNVILLE. Or., Sept. 14. All prep arations have been made fur the opening of the 15th school year of McMinnville College, which event will take place under the most favorable conditions. The con vocation exercises will be held on Wed nesday, September 18. McMinnville College enters upon its semicentennial with the best prospects. Formerly a larse debt menaced the in stitution. But last year the trustees and faculty contributed the sum of $10,000 to a college betterment fund. Later on the business men and citizens of McMinnville and vicinity took the matter up and pledged some $12,623 to the college fund. A jaiOO annuity has since been made. Al together, the citizens, the faculty and the trustees who reside In McMinnville have donated fully $20,000 to the college fund within the past few months. The, Baptists of Oregon, Washington and Idaho have agreed upon McMinnville College as their educational Institution for the territory named, and its financial bet terment, now practically assured, will no doubt be of sufilcient moment at the close of the present school year to warrant the celebration of the semicentennial Jubilee. Although under the supervision of the Baptist denomination, the college is not simply a theological institution, nor in any wise a sectarian school, its curri culum begins with the eighth grade, and embraces six-year classical and scientific courses and a four-year teachers' course. besides a separate business department and a conservatory admitted to be unsur passed in the Northwest. The old college numbers among its alumnus such prominent men as ex-Con- gresBtnan Brents, of Washington; Hon. W. Lair Hill, Hon. Corwin Shank, of Seattle, and Hon. John H. Smith, of Astoria; besides many young men and women holding positions of trust through out this and adjoining states. McMinn ville College also enjoys the honor of a larger number of winnings in the inter collegiate oratorical contests than any other one of the competitors. Jaw Broken In Runaway. ALBANY. Or., Sept. 14. (Special.). John Swatza, a farmer residing seven miles southeast of Albany, sustained serious injuries In a runaway last evening. His Jawbone was broken, one arm badly sprained and his face badly cut. Your credit is good st Metzger' a, jewel ers, 342 Washington st.