The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, September 15, 1907, Section Two, Image 13

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    Section Two
Pages 1 to 12
NO. 37.
Cotton Ghallie
2000 yards cotton Challies, 28 in.
wide, for quilt cover , etc. A fine
range of designs, great spc- Op
cial value Vw
Spreads $1.35
175 full-size crochet Bedspreads,
close woven Marseilles designs, ex
tra value at the low CI Q
alteration sale price.
20c Towels 13c
1000 of these good, bleached huc.k
Towels, actual size 40 inches long,
19 inches wide. Regular 19p
20c values for JS
35c Towels 24c
500 bleached bath Towels, estra
heavy weight, size 34x22 inches;
regular 35c values; for
this great alteration sale"
25c Suiting, 15c
An elegant collection of wool finish
suitings in colored plaids similar
to high-priced fabrics, reg- 1
ular 25c value, a yard. ...
25c Cambric 16c
Just 350 yards of this beautiful
white cambric, 36 inches wide, spe
cial finish for fine under- "ifZt
wear. 23c values Awv
See Page 5, 3d Section,
for Lipman-Wolfe's Mil
linery Announcement.
72x00-ineh sheets,
all ready for use,
good material,
splendid values.
Special great val
ues for this great
alteration sale at
the low sale price
45x3SJ,i-inch pil
low cases of
splendid quality
muslin, the kind
of a value you get
only jn a sale like
50c, 36-ineb. new
silk and wool
mixed plaids,
check suitings
and mixtures for
school dresses, at
,$1.00 new black
voiles, eoliennes.
Panamas, s t o rm
serges, tafleta ar
mure, shadow
checks and strines
$1.25 and $1.50
44-inch to 54
inch novelty
cloths, Panamas,
tailor suitings,
in new Fall col
ors, yard
85c corset, covers
and drawers, of
cambric and nain
sook trimmed
with embroidery,
Women's fleeced
vests and pants,
both white and
cream color, 65c
qualities, for only
at 73c
TV o men's fine
grade ri b b ed
merino vests and
tights, both white
and gray, $1.25
value for
"XK Lit ho Pillow
Tops at 2o
50c Lunch Cloths
on Fale, 39
50c bureau Scarfs
sale, 39
35c Glove and
Hand'k'f boxes,
at S7
15c Flannelettes for 10c Yard
1250 yards of new Persian Flannelettes in Persian
stripes, floral and dot designs. Large assortment of
dark, medium and light shades. Regular 15c f fli
values. Alteration Sale price XW
Established 1850-FIFTY-SEVEN YEARS IN BUSINESS-Established 1850
Good Merchandise Only Quality Considered Our Price Are Always the Lowest
30c, 50c, 80c, $1.00 Music, 10c
Three, five, eight and ten standard musical selections bound in one
book, such as Simple Confession. Maiden's Prayer, Mendelssohn's
Wedding March, The Storm, Battle of Waterloo, Little Fairy Waltz,
Dream of Paradise, The Palms, Ave Maria, Faust, etc. "1f.
Great music value ever given, at only
Extraordinary Mob
day A
In Every Dep't
of the Store
For the past few days the Lipman-Wolfe store has been topsy-turvy. Half of the departments on the main floor have been changed and improved. Many departments have
been enlarged. A new and commodious electric elevator has been installed on the Fourth-street side of the store, near the book department, going up to the third floor.
The doors will open Monday morning on a newer and much better arranged store. Here and there, perhaps, carpenters will still be at work or finishing work being done.
But the whole store will present a newer and brighter appearance.
As a special inducement to you to get acquainted with the new locations of departments and to sell extra amounts of goods that the work of arranging the new
departments may be facilitated, we offer Monday this extraordinary ALTERATION SALE, giving many great bargains in every department of the store. Every
corner of this advertisement is filled with news of greater bargains than usual. ' Do not miss a single one.
1000 Pair Short Kid Gloves
Reg. $1.50, $1.75 Vals. 85c
Short kid gloves will be
worn with the new long
sleeves. Monday we offer
special 1000 pairs of su
perb two-clasp kid gloves,
in all sizes, in black, white,
mode, tan, brown, slate
and red. They are made
of carefully selected kid,
tanned by a special pro-,
cess that makes them soft,
elastic and durable, by one of the lead
ing glove makers in France.
is superb value at the regular price of
$1.50. Special for Monday's
sale at only
Every pair Tv
85c WV
Lingerie Waists
$1.75 Vals. 79c
350 women 's lingerie Waists of fine white, lawn,
made with full embroidered panel and trim-
med with clusters of fine pin tucking on yoke;
new -length sleeves with tucked cuffs edged
with Valenciennes lace; sold regularly
at $1.75; special for this sale, only .. d. SjG
$15 New Fall Coats $10.65
For this Alteration Sale only, 50 Ladies'
50-inch Mannish Coats of gray or brown
fancy herringbone mixture; also of black
broadcloth; made with fly front, notched
collar, coat sleeves and half satin lined.
Real value $15.00, special
for this sale, only. . .
$2.50 Heatherbloom
Petticoats for $1.97
New Black Heatherbloom Petticoats,
with deep tucked flounce with a ruffle
shirred through the center, made extra
full, of finest quality black heatherbloom
taffeta. Regularly sold at
$2.50, sale prce
Reg. $1.50 Women's Silk Hose, 95c
Monday we offer 50 dozen pairs of Women's Silk Stockings superb all silk, prime
gauze lisle, high spliced heels and double soles, both black and colors. Every pair
superb value at the regular price of $1.50. Every woman can afford to wear silk
hosiery at this low sale price. We reserve the right to limit the number
of pairs to a customer, at.
5000 yards 85c-$l Colored Taffeta, 69c
$1.25 Black Chiffon Taffeta at 95c yard
5000 yards of 19-inch Colored Taffeta a quality sold at 85c and $1.00 a yard. The colors are
pink, light blue, navy, royal, turquoise, reseda, myrtle, tan, champagne, old rose, silver gray, mode,
lilac, white, ivory and cream. Regularly 85c and $1.00 values, special for this great
Alteration sale. yard.
. r 1 , i-v m rri . , . r . , rr r : ' i - l tf1
1500 yaras 01 rsiacK ijress xaiicia, 24 mcnes wiae, sort enmon iimsn, our icguioi pi.2;
quality, specially reduced for this great Alteration Sale to i?OC
1000 Chiffon Auto Veils
Reg. $3.00 Values, $1.65
A great special purchase of 1000 Chiffon Embroidered Auto
mobile Veils of very fine quality. Give verve to the costume.
Very useful to wear driving, automobiling, etc. Colors navy,
black, white, rose, lavender, pink, light blue, brown, green,
tan and gray. Regularly $3.00 values on sale for 65
Alteration Sale of Eace Curtains
Thousands of pairs of Lace Curtains, the very newest pat
terns of the season, including Cluny, Renaissance, Irish Point,
Battenberg, Marie Antoinette, La Savoie, Bonnez, Lacet, Cable
Nets, Nottinghams, Ruffled Net and Ruffled Swiss Curtains, 2,
3 and 2XA yards long.
Reg. $1.00 Vals.... 79
Reg. $1.25 Vals.... 98i
Reg. $1.50 Vals.. . .$1.12
Reg. $1.75 Vals...'.$i.38
Reg. $2.00 Vals....$ 149
Reg. $2.50 Vals.... $1.89
Reg. $3.00 Vals.... $2T32
Reg. $3.50 Vals.... $2.68
Reg 5.00 Vals. $ 3.95
Reg. $ 6.00 Vals." $ j-79
Reg. $ 7.50 Vals. $ 5.95
Reg.$ 8.50Vals$6.68
Reg. $10.00 Vals. $ 7.95
Reg!$12.50Vals$ 9.95
Reg; $15.00 Vals. $li:45
Reg. $4.00 Vals.... $3.09 Reg. $20.00 Vals. $14.95
Reg. $4.50 Vals. ...$3.59 Reg. $25.00 Vals. $19:85
$6 Trimmed and Ready-to-Wear
Hats on Sale at $3,95
. For this Alteration Sale, at the very be
ginning of the season, too, we place on
sale a very attractive line of Trimmed
and Ready-to-Wear Hats, including exact
reproductions of shapes youH see in high
class pattern hats. Beautiful velvet and
felt shapes; also many fancy braid hats,
tastefully trimmed with ribbons, fancy
feathers, ornaments, etc. A most com-
plete range of colors, also white and
black. Special for this
La Vida, W.B., Nemo, C.B. Corsets
Values to $8.50 for $2.49
Values to $3.75 for $1.39
Special for this Alteration Sale we
offer an assortment of La Vida, W.
B., Nemo and C. B7a la Spirite Cor
sets known all over the world in
odd sizes and broken lines. Made
of black and white batiste and coutil,
regular values to $8.50,
on sale for
Broken lines of La Vida, W. B.,
Nemo, C. B. a la Spirite Corsets,
made of coutil, brocade and batiste.
Values to $3.75. on
sale for only pl.Oi7
35c Military Pad Supporters, 19c
Good strong, straigLt-f ront pad supporters, strong web, good 1Q
clasp, in black, white, blue, pink and red, 35c values, for
15c, 20c and 25c pin-on hose supporters for babies, misses and "fn
ladies, -with clasp that will not tear clothes; sale price JLV
- 65c Supporters, 33c
A special lot of fine silk-frilled elastic hose supporters, with a OOi
good clasp pin on side, all the good colors, limited quantity, at. OOv
$1.75 Muslin Underwear at $1.19
An assortment of 1000 women's gowns, skirts, chem-
ise. drawers and corset covers of fine cambric or
nainsook, daintily trimmed with lace, insertion, etc.,
all new styles, values to $1.75, for Mon
day sale at ......
Net 69c
45 - inch white
Press Net, all de
signs, regular
$1.25 values, on
sale Monday, yd.,
$5 Bath
Men's $5.00 blan
ket robes, made
full and long,
with txord and
tassel, round col
lars, $3.75
Men's $1.00 gray
natural merino
shirts and draw
ers, regular $1.00
values, on sale
Monday at
20c children's
heavy ribbed cot
ton school stock
ings, fast black
dye, double heels
and toes, etc.
Guaranteed alarm
Clocks, American
movement, loud
and long alarm,
guaranteed for
one year
Regular 75c Back
Combs with rose
gold mountings,
some jewel e d,
some plain, sale
price only
$1 Back
Neatest plain
band designs,
some etched rose
finished gold, all
good patterns, $1
values at
$2 Back
$1.50, $1.75, $2.00
Back Combs, all
nobby patterns,
some filigree,
some b r i 1 1 i a nt
white stone bands
20c and 25c sterl
ing silver Thr .
bles, 925-1000 fine
guaranteed, sizes,
2 to 12, good val
ues at only
Umbrellas $1.85
250 union silk Umbrellas, sizes for
ladies and men, best paragon
frames, hundreds of new, up-to
dato handles, at the
special prica
35c Collars, 14c
000 women's stiff embroidered
linen collars in an extraordinary
variety of new and dis- "1A.(
tinctive effects, 35c values.
Bearskin, $2.25
$3.00 bearskin cloakings. in cream,
brown, cardinal and gray. 50
inches wide, pure mo- ffO O (5
hair and very silky..
Tray Cloths 10c
20 dozen half-bleached damask
tray cloths; size 16x24 inches, reg
ularly sold at 20c special " fX
for this sale, at "C
$1.35 Kimonos
Women's short flannelette Kimo
nos of fancy figured flannelette, in
light and dark colorings, long and
short sleeves, sale
Embroidery 29c
Lot 1 Corset Cover Embroidery,
all good widths; regular values
up to $1.00, special sa'e29C
Insertion 12V2C
600 yards of fine Insertion, sold
regularly up to 40c yard, special
for this sale only at, 122C