The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, September 01, 1907, Section Two, Page 9, Image 21

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LOCAL representative wanted; a large In
come assured to anyone who will act a
our representative after learning our bus
iness thorouKhly by mail ; experience un
necessary; all we require is honesty, am
bition und willingness to learn a lucra
t Ive business; no sol lei tint or traveling;
an exceptional opportunity for those who
desire to better their conditions and make
more money. For full particulars address
Dept. 792 B. any office. National Co-operative
Realty Co., 5 Dearborn st.. Chi
cago; 307 E at.. Washington. D. C.v
Phelps bide.. Scranton. Pa., or Delgar
bids., Oakland, col. ,
FIREMEN and brakemen on railroads in
Portland and vicinity, to fill vacancies
caused by promotions. Experience unneces
sary. Stute age. height, weight. Firemen,
51" w monthly, become engineers and earn
$2iH. Brakemen, $75, becoming conductors
earn $150. Name position preferred. Kail
way Association. Care Portland Oregonian.
YOU CAN earn from $1000 to $lo.t.loO a year
and expenses as a travellns salesman. We
prepare young men for these positions in
eight weeks-, by mall, and secure them po
sitions with reliable firms. Write for par
ticulars tu.lny. Address, National Sales
men's Training Association, suite 340 Scar
ritt blk., KansHj City, Mo.
SALESMAN traveling on the road, visiting
the dry goods trade, to handle a strong
and complete lino of laces and Jadles
popular priced neckwear and up-to-date
nmeltles on gnod commission basin; state
lefTPnt'-! and what territory covered. J.
M Meyers & Co.. 434-430-418 Broadway,
New York.
WANTED Tfunhpn: Manual training.
JO; Xngllsh and elocution, $son; science,
five posit ions, $; to $ihm; principals. lO
positions, $oim to (ierman and book-
k-eping. $whi; pnminerrla!, $1oK). The
Flsk Teachers Agency, 1200 Williams ave.
Phone Woodlawn 1118.
WA TCH M A K ER and Jewelry repairer; a
splendid opening for a first-class man to
work on his own account; he must be abso
lutely reliable and a first-class workman ;
this Is an opportunity out of the ordinary.
TtMly at rmi-f, with references and exper
ience, to P 14.1. Oregonian.
WANT work? Call at once; bookkeeper,
stenographers, collectors, cashiers, sales
ladies, salesmen, dry goods, general mer
chandise, grocers, hotels. Clerks' Registra
tion Bureau, office 303 Allsky bldg.. 265
Mr-rrinon st.
WANTED At once, 2000 men for railroad
const ruction at Kara Ha, Alaska; laborers,
bridge men, station men, etc.; work will
be continued all Winter. For particulars
apply to 822 Railroad ave., foot Jackson
t., Seattle, Wash.
Filer, competent man, for circular sawn,
one who can hammer his saws; carpenter
for general work; also good mill hands, at
$2.50 per day. Apply West port Lumber Co.,
West port. Or.
WANTED Ptsvebolt cutters. $1.50 per cord;
timber yellow fir. Apply room 806 St earn
bldg.. Portland. Or.
Filer. conietent man, for circular sawn,
one who can hammer his saws; carpenter
for general work; also good mill hands, at
$2.50 per day. Apply Westport Lumber Co.,
A estport. Or.
TRAVELING salesman for Western Oregon to
Hll the best line of rubber boots on the mar
ket Gof-d territory will he assigned to a
go,d man. References required. Address
until September 5. Wm. V. Tascher, care
Oregon Hotel.
A. --Men and boys to make elmplo drawings;
devote spare or whole time; experience un
necessary; splendid Income. Write for par
ticulars. International Art League, Lock
port. N. Y.
WANTED Married man, no children, who
thoroughly understands handling a growing
orchard; must he sober and industrious;
good place for rlht man. Write or see Ed
L. Howe. Mosier. Or.
WANTED A thoroughly competent cook
lor hotel, young or middle-aged, man and
wi,o preferred; good business new house;
persons unable to stand prosperity need
not apply, for particulars address Hotel
Moore. Medford; or.
HA.MMt-A shoe repairer to associate hlm
seir with thn only exclusive hoe store in
a thriving Oregon town of Booo people; an
??rint proposition for a competent man.
K 163. Oregonian.
ALL. diseases of men successfully treated;
discharge positively cured In from 8 to
5 days; consultation free and strictly con
fidential; send for our symptom blank.
A-radlum Medical Institute, 3d and Alder
sts.; entrance 253 Alder st.. Portland.
WANTED An experienced ax-handle man;
one that thoroughly understands the bus
iness and can make patterns, etc.; also a
No. l finisher of handles; also man for
bolter. . Chaw. Hon, mgr., Dallas, Or.
MEN and boys wanted to learn plumbing,
plastering, bricklaying; day and night
classes, free cat.; positions secured; no
book learning. Coyne Trade, School, 230
240 8th t., San Francisco and New York.
SALESMEN who contemplate making a
change write us for particulars; several of
our salesmen earned from $:-iH) to $oo per
month during June and July. McAlllster
Coman Co., 356 Dearborn st. Chicago.
PROTECT yourself for l per month against
accident, sickness and death. Write or
call for full Information. Northwestern
Hep.lth and Accident Association. 100
Sherlock bldg. Agents wanted.
WANTED Detectives; we want good men;
oldest secret service in United States; no
experience needed: we give full Instruc
tions ; write today. American Detective
Association, Indianapolis, Ind.
SALESMEN to take charge of branch office
at Pendleton and linker City; special
contract: lmurauce man preferred; salary
and commission. Apply 10-12 A. M., 3-5
P. M. 520 Swetland bldg.
MEN and women to learn barber trade In
eight weeks; graduates earn from $15 to
$2o weekly; expert instructors; catalogue
free. Moler System of Colleges, 45 North
Fourth st., Portland.
WANTED Salesman: $73 per week and ex
pense.; staple specialty; old-established
house; permanent; high-priced men in
vestigate; references. Frank R. Jennings,
. bales mgr.. Chicugo.
JVE salesmen earn $300 monthly with our
specialty staple and quickly establish
good extra income on re-orders; no sam
ples to lug; manufacturer, box 119S. St.
Louis, Mo.
In men's furnishings, good position for
thoroughly competent and experienced men;
none but first-class salesmen ned apply.
Good position for thoroughly experienced
end competent A-l men.
WANTED A No. 1 salesmen and solicitors
for best proposition ever made to both
agent and public. Call after 7 P. M. New
Occidental Hotel, room 212. P. Kramer.
RANTED Young man for office position,
good chance for advancement if he comes
In determined to stay; others need not
apply Address Box O 102, Oregonian.
WANTED Salesmen to handle first-class
line or paint as side line; highest com
mission paid. Address C. R. Matson,
manager, 9 N. Ada st.. Chicago, III.
FIRST-CLASS salesman: must have extensive
business and social acquaintance In city; per
manent; splendid inducement and big wages
to right man. 215 Commercial block.
WANTED A man with conveyance to carry
kindergarten children every morning for 1
month?. Apply People'a Institute, cor. 4th
and Burnelde, bettween 10 and 12.
SALESMEN for pood line of calendars and
wall pockets; big commissions paid semi
monthly. Specialty Advertising Co., Gov
ernment Place, Cincinnati. O.
YARD FOREMAN Thorough. competent
man to take charge of sawmill yard. look
after getting out orders and handle men. Ad
drfs L 164, care Oregonian.
FIRST-CLASS business-getter can make per
manent business connection with local
casualty and bonding company. 705 Mar
quani bldg. See secretary.
WANTED Roy over 14 years old for office
boy. one with wheel preferred; permanent
position, with good chance for advance
ment. R 161, care Oregonian.
YARD FOREMAN Thorough, competent
man to take charge of sawmill yard, look
after getting out orders and handle men. Ad
d rre s L 1 64, ca re Oregon Ian.
WANTED Two young men, 13 to 20 years old,
with high-school education, to leam hard
ware business. Apply at once, Marshall
Well Hardware Co.
20 boys. 16 to 18 yeans of age. Apply at
once to
GOOD steady shoemaker for Eastern Oregon
town. Apply The Breyman Leather Co., 72
Fifth st.
'California Wine Depot, headquarters for cooks
and helpers, 143 4th at. Pac. 2183. P. Loratl
FARMHAND wanted on Keenan's ranch. 4
miles out Sandy road; take Rose City Park
car to end of line and go y mile north.
WANTED All kinds of loggers, hooktenders,
rigging and rollway men. Apply at camp,
Efufauia, Wash.
EXPERIENCED man for lunch, confec
tionery ana fruit stand; references. G
1(12, Oregonian.
SOLICITOR with ability; permanent situa
tion, with good pay and promotion. 400
Oregon la n bldg.
DRIVER and solicitor for grocery: experience
not necessary. Spauldlng Grocer', Wood
stock. No boys.
PHOTOGRAPHER, operator, one who can re
touch preferred. Rembrandt Studio, 4o4
Ahlngton bldg.
WANTED Salesladies of good address. Ap
ply immediately. Arlss, Campbell A Gault,
12 Front st-
Wants Monday forenoon: Cashier. $T a
week and board; 15 chambermaids, 18
waitresses, 2 - housekeepers. 50 or more
cooks and housegirls for families. everal
hotel cooks, others; cook and general
house girl, no washing, for a family of 4
at Hoqtilam, Wash., fare paid, no office
fee, good wages.
343u Washington St., Cor. 7th, Upstairs.
2 MANGLE girls, $9 per week; 2 ladies'
clothes ironers, $2 to $2.25 per day; 1 body
lroner, gin. $10; 1 shirt machine girl, $13
per week : steady the year round place
and transportation one way. Mt. Shasta
Steam Laundry, Dunsmuir, Cal.
SCHOOLGIRL to work for small wages and
board, near East Side High School and
Hawthorne School, also near five churches.
Call at 24 E. 14th St., bet. Ash and
Pine. Take Ankeny or East Pine st. cars.
WANT work? Call at once; bookkeeper,
stenographers, collectors, cashiers, sales
ladies, salesmen, dry goods, general mer
chandise, grocers, hotels. Clerks' Registra
tion Bureau, office 303 Allsky bldg., 265
Morrison st.
Applicants for all kinds of work, register
wfta us, free of charge, so we may locate
you on abort notice.
S4SH Washington. St.. cor. 7th. upstairs.
NEAT appearing young lady not afraid to
talk, can secure demonstrator's position
In Pure Food Show. Apply Sunday. 2 to
4. or Monday before 10. Exposition Rink,
lth and Washington. W. N. Andrews.
Wanted Thoroughly experienced and com
petent sales-women in a number of our de
partments. OLDS. WORTMAN & KING.
WANTED Ladies to make aprons. $3.50
per dozen; no cost to get Job; trans
portation paid on materials; stamped ad
dressed envelope American Apron Co.,
45iKi Cottage Grove ave., Chicago.
WANTED Experienced sleeve maker on
ladies jackets, alto experienced girl to
help on ladies' jackets; steady work, good
pay, none but experienced. J. K. Stern,
Ladies' Tailor, 429 Washington st.
WANTED Experienced fur finisher and
liner, best of wages paid, steady work;
also two young ladies who want to learn
the fur business; good wages to start
with. A. Reiner. 563 Washington st.
First-class makers wanted; also some
bright young ladles as apprentices; apply
at once to
WANTED Lady for vaudeville production;
must be good linger- - and capable of
handling1 small part. Apply to Captain
Cloud, stage door Grand Theater, be
tween 30 and 12 A. M.
A. Women and girls to make simple draw
ings; devote spare or whole time; exper
ience unnecessary; splendid Income. Write
for particulars. International Art League,
Lock port, N. Y.
ACTIVE, capable lady to collect subscrip
tions; salary and commission $100 month
ly; extraordinary offer; state age. Ad
dress National. 518- Lakeside bldg.. Chi
cago. GIRL for general housework ; no washing;
family of two; fine room, with private
bath ; must be good cook. Address, with
references. Call morning, 1S5 North 25th.
COOKS WHITE. $65: Chinese, $140 crew;
washer, waiters, kitchen, chamber, family,
"springs" help; waitreessect, city. Dallec.
T "mat 11 la. "Drake's." 2U5& Washington.
SOLICITOR If you are looking for employ
ment and possess business qualifications, a
popitlon of opportunity with gt k1 future
awaits you. Addreea C 182, Oregonian.
WANTED Experienced second girl for dining-room
and downtalra work; good wages.
Call In the afternoon at 171 North 20th.
southwest cor. Johnson and 20th sts.
WANTED A young lady to travel and
learn profession; tuition free; extra condi
tion to right party; light person pre
ferred. Address T 163, Oregonian.
PERMANENT employment for capable,
conscientious woman to care for sickness;
one who understands plain sewing. Chil
dren's Home. 887 Corbett street.
on shirts and overalls; lenson given to
Inexperienced. Appiy at Standard Factory.
2 Grand ave. and S. Taylor at.
YOUNG lady or girl to answer phone In real
estate office; must have knowledge of
typewriting and stenography. Apply 114
Third street. 8 A. M. or later.
LADIES to make sanitary belts; material
all cut ready to sew. $15 per hundred;
particulars stamped envelope. Sanitary
Co., Dept. 352. Chicago.
CASHIER wanted at the Creamcrie Restau
rant, 271 Wash, st., an experienced cashier,
one familiar with restaurant work preferred.
R. A. Proudfoot, Prop.
WANTED Experienced millinery saleslady;
must have good taste; no others need apply.
Eastern Outfitting Co., 10th and Waah sis.
Apply Tuesday A. M.
WANTED For a private printing office,
printer who can feed Gordon press; state
salary desired and phone number. Address
M 160, care Oregonian.
MILLINERY HELP Experienced makers;
alt-o apprentice girls at small pay while
learning; good opportunity to advance.
Fraley's 212-214 3d st.
COMPETENT girl for general housework;
no washing; good wages, pleasant room.
1091 Franklin st., Willamette Height..
Phone Main 2S24.
EXPERIENCED second girl In small family;
Jifint worn ; re Terences requirea ; wages
Call 722 Park ave., corner St. Clair. Phon
Main 2903.
WANTED 25 experienced chocolate and
bonbon dippers; also packers. Apply Can
dy Department, Pacific Coast Biscuit Co.,
12th. and Davis.
YOUNG girl for general housework: small
family. Apply Monday morning, between
11 and 12 o'clock, 295, corr. 12th and Co
lumbia sts.
WANTED Two girls who write legible hand
to address envelopes. Apply Monday morn
ing between 8 and 10 at room 534 Hotel
COOK, colored or white, general housework;
. family 2; no heavy work; good place for the
right woman; wages $30 month. C 158, Ore
gonian. WANTED By Sept. 30. good girl for gen
eral housework. Apply to Mrs. Thomas,
cor. Savier and N. 29th st. Phone Pacina
GIRL wanted for general housework iand
care of children; must be cook ; wages
$30. Apply. 624 Gantenbeln; take R-S
PASTRY cook; also dining-room girl. 567
WANTED Experienced salesladies in all
departments. SUverneld's. 4th and Morri
son sts.
CHAMBERMAID wanted; $25, room and
board. 93 N. 6th st.
GIRL for light housework; no washing.
Phone Union 6062.
LAUNDRESS wanted to take laundry home.
54 Fourth st.
- '- -
WANTED A waitress, at 163 12th and Mor
rison. WANTED Skirtmakers. 606 Marquam bldg.
WANTED Girl. 104 N. 8d at
WANTED Refined, capable woman for re
sponsible position, with opportunities for
advancement. Viavl Co., loth & Morrison.
GIRLS with talent for drawing, painting
and designing: good position to the right
party D M. Averill . Co., 102 N. 5th et-
GIRLS and women wanted at cannery of
Oregon Packing Company, East Eighth
and Belmont: good wages; apply at once.
WANTED Girl for general housework;
plain cooking: 3 in family. 490 20th St..
near Myrtle, Portland Height. Main 675.
GOOD strong woman for general house
. work; govd wages to right party. Call
any time. 225 5th at. Phone Pac. 2186.
WESTERN Employment Agency, for ladies;
female help wanted. Main 6297, A 2417.
510 Buchanan bldg., 2S6H Washington.
WANTED Operators and girls to learn
shirtmakin-j. Apply Standard Factory, 2
Grand ave. and East Taylor st.
GIRL wanted to assist with housework.
small house, small family. Apply 052
Kearney st. Phone Main 3940. ,
H Washington st.. cor. 7tn, upstairs.
Phon Main 2692.
SCHOOL teachers for Wash., Or.. Mont.,
Idaho. C. R. B. Teachers Agency, 3"3
AlUky bldg., 265 Morrison st.
YOUNG glr! to wait on table from 11:30
A. M till 2: wages, $10 per month. Wom
an's Exchange. 133 10th st.
WANTED An A-l cloak and suit saleslady;
steady position; salary $iv to $70 per mo.
Write J 16S. care Oregonian. c.
EXPERIENCED cutter and fitter to take
charge of dressmaking shop out of city;
good pay. Call Main 7051.
WAIST, skirt and tailor finishers; good
wages. Call between 11 and 12:30 at
room 405. Fleidner bldg.
WANTT3D Girl about 12 years to take care
of child; good home, $5 a month. 336
Sherman, near 6th st.
WANTED Girl for cooking and general
housework: wages $10-' per week. Call
WOMEN and girls wanted to work In fruit
cannery. Apply Holmes Canning: Co., East
Sth and Division sts.
WANTED Girl to assist with general house
work. Call mornings or after 6 P. M. 321
6th st., corner Clay.
$3 TO $7 daily commission earned soliciting
advertising: names furnished, no collecting.
603 Goodnough bldg.
WANTED Experienced bread and biscuit
baker for demonstrating at pure -food ehow.
Wadhams-Kerr Bros.
WANTED A competent jrir! for cooking;
two In family. Mrs. Clarence Nichols, 434
Market, cor. 12th.
COOK. $40; second girl. $25, to go to Walla
Walla. Mrs. B. F. Stone. Hotel Portland,
before 9:30 A. M.
MILLINER for city, also maker; apply Case
& Ruedt Co., 5th and Oak. Call for Mrs.
Feyler, Monday.
WANTED Girl for general housework;
will pay good wages. Inquire Tuesday,
297 Monroe st.
WANTED Experienced chambermaid and dining-room
girl. Hotel Nortonla, "14th and
f Washington sts.
WANTED Girl for cooking and general
housework. Apply 770 Overton, bet. 23d
and 24th sts.
WANTED Waist and skirt finishers, also er
rand girl. Apply between 10 and 12 at 315
Til ford bldg.
LADIES. $1 every day at home; stamped
envelope for particulars. Ladies' Aid, Dur
ham. Conn.
WANTED An experienced pantry woman;
also experienced waitress. Hobart-Curtis,
265 14th st.
COOK Small family: liberal wages. Call
mornings. 143 N. 19th, cor. Hoyt, or phone
Main 2602.
A GIRL to aslst In general housework, 2 In
family. 660 Flanders, second floor. Call In
WANTED Mangle feeders and troners. Ap
ply Star Laundry Co., Union and East An
keny st.
WANTED Girl for general housework, also
glr for second work; three in family. 381
12th st.
EXPERIENCED lady to take charge of
hotel or large rooming house. W 16t, Ore
gonian. WANTED Apprentice girls In cloak and
suit department. H. B. Lltt. 351 Washing
ton st.
GIRL attending school to assist mornings and
evening, for room and board. B 160, Ore
gonian. ,
WANTED Competent girl for general house
work; 2 In family. Call at 341 E. 12th
mt. N.
HELP WANTED The Spencer Co., ladles
tailors, shirt waists and suits, 125 10th St.,
GIRLS wanted to work In paper box factory.
Apply F. C. Stettler, corner 10th and Gil
WANTED Girls to train as nurses. Address
Raymond General Hospital, Raymond, Wash.
Factory. 2 Grand ave. and East Taylor st.
WANTED Girls to make Fits-Well shlrta
and Boss of AH overalls. Inquire 75 1st.
WOMAN to clean small flat Saturday after
noons. Apply evenings, 403 loth st.. Flat F.
WANTED 2 experienced waitresses and one
chambermaid. Hotel Carlton, 4." Alder st.
WANTED-! Girl that understands cooking;
good wages; family three. 128 14th st.
EXPERIENCED waitress and chambermaid.
Elton Court, 11th and Yamhill, at once.
WANTED An experienced cook, three in
family ; wages $35. 68 Lucretia st.
GOOD girl f or general housework; small fam
ily. 421 Burnside, cor. 10th, Wert Side.
WANTED Girl for general housework; good
wages, jz; Main st. jrnone Mam
NEAT girl for second work In family of
tnree. Apply Marshall, near 2oth.
WANTED Girl or middle-aged woman for
general housework. 324 Jackson st.
WANTED Girl to do general housework.
Phoi East 3202. Thos. G. Farrell.
WANTED Competent girl for general house
work. 1059 Thurman St., cor. 32d.
GIRLS for cutting, pasting and burning.
D. M. Averill & Jo., 102 Sth st. N.
COMPETENT girl for general housework.
233 N. 24th. Phone Main 2717.
WANTED A good lady cook at the Hartman.
426 Alder st. Will pay $50 month.
WANTED An A-l candy saleslady and win
dow trimmer. Apply 145 3d st.
APPRENTICE girl in alteration , department.
H. B. Lltt, 351 Washington. '
GIRL wanted for general housework; fam
ily or tnree. vuz wortnup sc.
GIRL to help with housework for board and
GIRL for general housework: a good home
for right party. 427 Fifth st.
WANTED Girl to assist in housework. 148
N. 18th at. Apply morning.
GOOD girl for housework, small family; good
wages. 354 10th St.. cor Mill.
ELDERLY woman to care for a child: good
home. Inquire 180 First St.
WANTED Experienced chambermaid.
Belvedere, Fourth and Alder.
GIRL for genernl housework; good cook;
good wages. 215 14th st,
COMPETENT girl for general housework. 755
Irving. Phone Pacific 36.
WANTED First-class vestmakers. Nicoll
the Tailor, 108 Third st.
"WANTED A housekeeper at 202 Knott at.
Call Saturday, Aug. 81.
GIRL to asstst with care of children, 295 24th
N. Main 6230. A. 1430.
WANTED 2 shirtwaist girls. H. B. Lltt.
851 Washington st.
GIRt or woman wanted for light house
work. 453 4th st.
WANTED Chambermaid.
Imperial Hotel.
LAUNDRESS Telephone Main 2085. 693 Mar
sha'. 1 st.
GIRL for general housework. 146 N. 17th st.
I GOOD advertising solicitor at 147 Front st.
WANTED Immediately, respectable woman
housekeeper, widower; country; don t oojeci
child. 2.0i Yamhill. Main 5413.
EXPERIENCED talloress to help on coats,
steaay work, good pay. J. K. stern,
Ladles' Tailor, 429 Washington.
URLS WANTED Good wages for compe
tent help ; permanent employment. Port
land Paper Box Co., 208 Oak.
WANTED A young nurse girl to care for
cnua a years old. can nat u, l ne v asn
inyton, 21st and Northrup st.
HOUSEKEEPERS, cooks, nurses, waitresses.
second girls. st. Louis Ladies Agency,
230H Yamhill. Main 5413.
WANTED-. Woman to take washing, family
or tnree. West Side. Inquire 91 North loin
st., or phone Pacific 2454.
BRIGHT young woman to collect and as
sist in stationery store ; mention wages
desired C 184. Oregonian.
WANTHD Girl for light housework, small
family. Call 430 East 10th N., Broadway
car or Phone East 2S28.
WANTED Competent girl for general
nousework and cooking. 161 14th street,
corner of Morrison.
WANTED Quiet Christian woman for light
work: nom- privileges and companionship.
X 182, Oregonian.
WANTED At the Beverly, Park and
Yamhill. 2 experienced chambermaids.
Apply today.
WANTED Experienced salesladies, all depart-
iiir-mci. Jppiy rtooerie r oa., oi ana Mor
rison Sts.
DINING-ROOM srlrl wanted at the Marlyn.
.... asnington, good pay, gooa room ana
WANTED Good reliable womsn as cook.
Apply 300 Jefferson, between 5th and 6th.
APPRENTICES Wanted, young girls for mil
linery; aiso lames' tailoring. 411 Morrison.
HOUSEKEEPER In adult family of 2;
state wages required. N 185, Oregonian.
WA NT ED A cook for a private family.
Apply Mrs. Kurreii. H2H Hawthorne ave.
WANTED A girl for general housework;
small family. Call at 300 Park street.
WANTED Girl for general housework; good
nome. west park st. pacinc :wt.
WANTED A girl for general housework;
JU. Apply mornings. 638 Main st.
YOUNG girl apprentice in dressmaking';
pay while learning. 145 11th st.
WANTED An office girl; mu?t be good pen
man. Inquire 267 Oak St., room 2.
WA NT ED Experienced cook for small
lamily. 474 Market, corner 14th.
WANTED Good second girl, modern house,
good wages. Apply 245 King st.
WANTED One long-hour and one short
hour waitress.- 386 Morrison.
RELIABLE girl for" general housework In flat.
Apply mornings, 603V4 Davis st.
WANTED Girl for general housework; good
wages. 363 6th St., cor Mill.
WANTED Serving girl. 2 in family; good
wages paid. 661 Kearney st.
MANGLE girls and ironers at Independent
Laundry Co.. 266 GUsan st.
WANTED Experienced girl at the Bon
bonlcre. 332 Washington t.
TWO lady barbers wanted right away, or will
teach 2 the trade. 54 4th st.
WAIST-FINISHERS wanted at 218 Flledner
bldg., 10th and Wash. sts.
GIRL to work in 4 -room house, cook for 2.
Call at 506 Chapman at.
WANTED Good, neat cook; also pastry
cook. 3S6 Morrison.
WANTED Millinery maker. Mrs. Zeltfuchs,
3K6 Washington.
WANTED 1000 bop-plckera to pick 624 acres
of hops; big crop; largest and best equipped
hapyard in Oregon; all on trellis wire; per
fect accommodations; grocery store, bakery,
butcher shop, restaurant, barber fchop.
dancing pavilion, 60x150 ft., telephone, phy
sician, beautiful camping ground, 3 acres,
bathing pool, provisions sold at Portland
prices; we pay $1.10 per 100 lbs. Reduced
excursion rates on our special train. For
further particulars apply to Krebs Bros.,'
272 Stark st., Portland, Or., on or after
Aug. 17. Telephone Main 1320. Horns phone
A 3153.
500 MEN and women wanted for a South
American Co-Operative Company; wages
$7 a day for every kind of work ;
healthy and cool climate; free passage.
Send 10 cts. in 1-cent stamps for book of
full Information. 727 Hayes St., San
WANTED Amateur vaudeville acts In
Portland: send name and address and
what you can do; you furnish props; if
bad enough or good enough to be used,
will pay for services; no professionals.
D. M. Brodeck. The Oaks.
WANTED A man and wife In small steam
laundry In Alaska; man to do washing
and tun engine; wife to polish with com
bined shirt and collar machine and do
starching; give references. H 160. Ore
gonian WANTED Hoppickers for large yards; long
season ; fine picking; fine camping grounds,
etc. Groceries at city prices. Apply Andrew
Kan & Co., 287 Morrison st.
WANTED 50 hop pickers, starts Wednesday;
close to depot at Hubbard. For particulars,
352 Hassalo St. Phone East 4062.
1000 HOP-PICKERS wanted, also for sale,
1000 camp stoves at 87c each. 271 1st at.
Open from 6 A. M. to 7 P. M.
POSITIONS open for capable salesman and
saleslady; permanent and good salary,
2u3 Flledner blag.
WANTED First-class coat and vest mak
ers and bushelman. K. S. Ervln & Co.
MAN or woman cook wanted at 53 N. 18th
at., corner of Davis.
fell V AT O.N A N 1 K 1 UAL1L
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
WANTED A position as manager. In first
class firm of decorators, by practical man,
having had 12 years experience manag
ing, and at present engaged In business;
best New York references; am thoroughly
acquainted with general decorative busi
ness, including carpets and drapery, or
would entertain proposition to open busi
ness with an honest, energetic party; ref
erences exchanged. Address N. B. DaaL
309 North 11th St., Richmond Va.
CASHIERS, stenographers, bookkeepers, ool
lecto:f(, grocer, shipping and bill clerks,
salesladies, salesmen, in furnishing goods,
shoes, etc.; reference as to character and
experience furnished and ready to go to
work on the Instant. Clerks' Registration
Bureau, 265 Morrison. Entrance office 303.
MALE stenographer, with four years ex-
perlence in legal and miscellaneous sten
oRraphiccl work, admitted to practice, de
sires position ; law of fice preferred. Ad
dress E 152, Oregonian.
OFFICE man, familiar with loan and Invest
ment business, will take suitable position.
Bookkeeper and stenographer; over 11 years
with one corporation. B S. Swengel, St.
John. Or.
THOROUGHLY competent accountant desires
first-class position; must pay good salary;
four years in last position; A-l references.
Address "Upstairs," 575 West Madison St.,
POSITION as assistant manager, cashier or
bookkeeper by young man 25 ; four years
last position. A-l references Address, "Up
stairs," 575 West Madison st., city.
AN efficient all-around office man of many
years' experience in local lumber and oth
er business wants position after Sept. 1.
S 163. Oregonian.
WANTED Experienced bookkeeper famil
iar w ith lumber business for Coast mill.
Apply 4-15 Sherlock bldg.f Monday and
TRAVELING salesman, young man, exper
ienced, best of credentials, open for po
sition, September 1. H 162, Oregonian.
YOUNG man. married, bookkeeper and sten
ographer; equipped to fill any office posi
tion. W 161, Oregonian.
rviv r.r.ri.n nn v jt-ma c&ft?rienve ana
- flrst-claes references open for engagement.
T. Hrecrnti i a n
WANTED One or two good collection ac
counts, on commission. X 167, Oregonian.
WANTED Evening work by a reliable book
keeper; terms moderate. R 185, Oregonian.
COMPETENT stenographer and office man
desires position. X 181. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper wants) one-half
day's work. V 166, Oregonian.
RELIABLE bookkeeper wants position,
145, Oregonian.
M lftcellaneous.
WE WILL be glad to furnish any factory,
mill or logging camp with names of peo
ple who desire to come to Oregon as
soon as they can secure work. We will
also be pleased to furnish any business
house with the names of substantial
ycung men In the East who desire all
kinds of clerical positions In the West,
Stnd addressed stamped envelope for re
ply. Chamber of Commerce, Astoria, Or.
AN honest, sober, industrious young man of
good appearance, experienced salesman,
wishes a position as city salesman or out
side man for reliable firm, or a position as
manufacturer's agent. B 164, Oregonian.
MAN with 12 years' experience as whole
sale salesman wants good position or an
interest in progressive business; best of
reference. N 169. Oregonian.
AN experienced Instrument man or draughts
man desires position; instrument work pre
ferred; will give references. Address F 158,
POSITION wanted by young man 24 years
old as office man or collector; has had 7
years' experience; best reference. F 163,
WANTED Position as manager or head rf
millinery department by woman of six
years' experience in the East. V 163, Or
egonian. POSITION wanted by a thoroughly expe
rienced city salesman, who is conversant
with several lines. O 166, Oregonian.
WANTED Employment for 40 or mors
Greek laborers, in or out of city. In
quire 48 North 4th st. Phone A 5209.
WINDOW cleaning, linoleums and floors re
dressed and polished. Main 6573 evenings 8
to 10. Thomas Green. 122 N. 7th st.
MIDDLE-AGED man wants position as so
licitor or collector for good firm; best of ref
erences. Phone East 1741,
HANDY man with tools, sober and reliable,
wants situation as Janitor or watchman. J.
Sghoger. Box 35, city.
YOUNG man desires position in drug store; 8
years' experience; good reference. Address
D 168. Oregonian.
POSITION wanted by an expert electrician.
15 years experience. D. E. Budd, HO
First street.
BAKER wants position; good on bread and
pastry. Address B 161. Oregonian office.
GOOD Japanese, plain cook and wash dishes,
wants place. P 162, care Oregonian.
INTELLIGENT, respectable married couple
would like position. H 156 Oregonian.
K A LSOMINING and tinting. $3 per room.
Main 1334. Call E. Winn, 135 1st st.
A JAPANESE boy wants position to do any
kind work. G 163, Oregonian.
YOUNG man wishes a position as elevator op
erator. G 158. Oregonian.
REFRIGERATING engineer wants good po
sition. R 161. Oregonian.
Fifth ,st.
K. C. Pacific 2916.
Bookkeepers and Stenographers.
CASHIERS, stenographers, bookkeepers, col
lectors, grocer, shipping and bill clerks.
ealeladles, salesmen. In furnishing goods,
shoes, etc. ; reference as to character and
experience furnished and ready to go to
work on the instant. Clerks Registration
Bureau, 265 Morrison. Entrance off lea 303.
A CAPABLE woman of three years' expe
rience In office work and with a knowl
edge of bookkeeping. typewriting and
cashiering, desires position In a private
office or wholesale' house; references if
desired. H 165, Oregonian.
THOROUGHLY capable business woman
wants employment 9 to 5 daily; exper
ienced collector and accustomed - to hand
ling money. S 185. Oregonian.
LADY stenographer and assistant book
hppr, experienced In lumber and box
business. Phone Exchange 80.
POSITION wanted; cashier and bookkeeper,
experienced 7 years grocery and time-payment
house. P. O. Box 167.
EXPERIENCED young lady stenographer de
sires position to work half day ; $30 per
month. R 164, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED Underwood operator desires
permanent position: salary nominal. t to
6, Pacific 2059, A 4031.
BY reliable young ldy, to assist office work
or clerking, jewelry store; references. X
159, Oregonian.
LADY stenographer, 8 years' experience, de
sires permanent position; references. M
15S, Oregonian.
GIRL wants place as stenographer; 2 months'
experience; email salary to begin. X 165,
YOUNG lady, office worker and typist, good
references. W 103. Oregonian.
RELIABLE bookkeeper wants position. A
144. Oregonian.
D ressma kera.
GOOD dressmaker would make mors en
gagements at day sewing; city references.
Phone Sell wood 591.
EXPERIENCED seamstress wishes sewing in
families; $1.50 per day. Phone Pacific 2566.
FIRST see Angeles Dressmaking Parlors, 242
5th and Main. Pacific 92; A 39S2.
DRESSMAKING, $1.60 per day. Phone East
REFINED cultured little widow, under 30,
thoroughly competent and reliable, with
best of references, wishes housekeeping
In widower's home; only those with first
class references and nice home need an
swer. Address E 166, Oregonian.
WANTED Position as housekeeper by refined
middle-aged widow, where son 16 can board
and go to school; country preferred. F 185,
NEAT woman, with girl 14, desires situation,
housekeeper, widower's family. 230 Yam
hill. Main 5413.
MIDDLE-AGED lady desires position as man
aging housekeeper or companion. G 182,
A LADY of refinement wants position - as
housekeeper; state particulars. L 167, Ore
gonian. POSITION an housekeeper for widower or
bachelor. 75 E. Carpenter.
PRACTICAL nur?e. references, desires nurs
ing semi-invalid, aged or sick; can travel
or go out of city. Phone Main 5196.
AN experienced nurse would like confinement
cases. Home phone C 1042 or 183 Holiaday
A COMPETENT nurse would take confinement
cases or entire charge f baby. 2S6 Caruthers
EXPERIENCED credit man and first-class
accountant with 18 years experience, de
sires position about September 10; cap
able of taking charge of large set of books
and general correspondence ; best of ref
erences, and will furnish bond if neces
sary. A 170. Oregonian.
LAST employer said I would make a suc
cess of anything I undertook; what va-.
cancy have you for a live business
woman? E 183. Oregonian.
LADY wishes to keep house for club of
young men. Is good cook and manager;
answer within ten days, g 182, Oregonian.
A LADY will give private Instructions in Ger
man conversation and grammar; reasonable,
terms. Home phone A3o61.
YOUNG lady gives private lessons on gram
mar grade studies. German; best of refer
ences. 632 Flanders.
FIRST-CLASS lady pianist, sight reader,
wishes position with orchestra or alone.
E 170, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED music-teacher gives two
piano or mandolin lessons for 75 cents. L,
168, Oregonian.
AN experienced woman wishes a position as
manager of a flrert-class rooming-house. T
167, Oregonian.
TEACHER will give private lessons to
sdults or-children; terms moderate. Phone
E. 2032.
WANTED Position by young lady as com
panion ; references given. L 162, Or
egonian. COMPETENT cook wishes position In hotel
or restaurant. Answer Monday, F 170, Ore
gonian. YOUNG lady wants place assist for board -Catholic
preferred, by Oct. 1. X 168, Ore
gonian. LACE CURTAINS laundered at home. Main
7640 or A 289. 30c per pair and up.
WILL care- for little girl. 8 to 8 years old.
who ran pay well for good home. Phone
AVoodlawn 1250. Kesidsnve 1055 Cleve
land ave.
MIDDLE-AGED -woman wishes llRht house
work In family. E 185. Oregonian.
LACE curtains washed and stretched, 40c and
50c per pair. Phone Main 7014.
LONE lady wishes house at coast to care
for. G l4. Oregonian.
YOUNG lady wishes to play piano in orches
tra. O 167, Oregonian.
WOMAN wants housework to do by the day.
Phone East 2569.
EXPERIENCED woman wants day work.
Phone Main 6.S57.
AGENTS $300 monthly; send for Mr. Cun
ningham's affidavit of $12 dally profit
selling wonderful seven-piece kitchen set.
consists of articles which must be con
stantly ured In kitchen of every house
hold, made of highest grade material ;
anyone can make $5 to $12 daily; we show
how ; investigate; sami fle out fit free.
Thorns Mfg. Co.. 500 Jeff. St., Dayton, O.
Waist House, require the services of a
good traveling man to cover Northwest
ern territory on commission; headquar
ters in Portland or Seattle preferred. Ad
dress Samuel A. Lerner, 640 Broadway,
New York.
BE A BUSINESS WOMAN Our representa
tives make $25 and upwards a week. We
establish you in a permanent business.
Outfit prepaid. Write today. Women's
Apparei Supply Co., Chicago, 111.
WANTED Agents to sell our high grade
trees, shrubs, etc.; outfit furnished free;,
commission advanced each week; good ter
ritory open. Albany Nurseries. Albany, Or.
MEN and women to sell a quick seller;
large profits; no competition; can sell one
to every home; write today. Iamhert
Snydcr Co., 41 West 24th St.. New York.
AGENTS What do you think of a 25c
seller. 20c profit ? Everybody needs one;
anybody can sell 25 dally. I. c. Mfg. Co..
(not Inc.), B 4018 Dearborn St., Chicago.
AGENTS WANTED Can you sell goods? If
so, we need you; complete outfit free; cash
weekly. Write for choice of territory.
Capital City Nursery Co.. Salem. Or.
AGENTS wanted to sell our high grade nur-
v sery stock; big commissions and premiums;
write today, before ail territory is tauen.
Chlco Nursery Co., Chico, Cal.
WANTED Agents; legitimate substitute
for slot machines; patented ; sella on
sight for $1 ; particulars. Gisha Co., An
derson. Ind.
A YOUNO couple to be married In November
would like to arrange with some one in
tending to spend the Winter away from
home to care for the house for a small
rental till about May 1. Best of references.
W 167, Oregonian.
WANTED By Sept. 16, for a year, 8 fur
nished rooms, light housekeeping, mod
ern, near St. Helen's Hall or Hill Mili
tary Academy; 3 adults; must be mod
erate. Mrs. E. G. Briggs, Fernlo, B. C,
THREE furnished or partly furnished house
keeping rooms, suitable for three persons
away from home most of day; private family
preferred. Something permanent; West
Side; state price. Address K 168, Orego
nian. WANTED About September 5. by man and
wife, 2 or 3 connecting, furnished house
keeping rooms; phone, bath, running water,
lower floor; thoroughly clean: walking dis
tance; state rent. T 168. Oregonian.
GENTLEMAN with 9-year-old daughter de
sires room and board In refined home.
where child can have mother's care; price
no object : prefer vicinity of Ladd School.
Address B 185, Oregonian.
WANTED To rent Houses, cottages, flnts.
stores, offices, rooming-houses, etc.. Land
lords will do well to rail on Portland
Trust Company of Oregon. S. E. cor. 3d
and Oak. Phone Exchange 72.
WANTED To rent for 6 months or longer,
a modern furnished house, 5 or' 6 rooms,
adults. West Side, best care taken; refer
ences. Call Home phone B 10.;2.
WANTED 2 unfurnished housekeeping rooms
In East Portland for elderly lady; mut be In
quiet neighborhood ; private family pre
ferred, r I'M, Oregonian.
RESPECTABLE young man wants room
and board with private family ; walkltfg
distance Hteel bridge; musical family pre'
f erred. E 162, Oregonian.
WANTED By dental student and wife, 2 or
S furnished or Unfurnished rooms, with pri
vate batn, near ucntai college. Phone Main
3335, Thursday A. M.
YOUNG lady desires room and board, pri
vate family, by September 14, within
walking distance of Shattuck School. N
167. Oregonian.
WANTED Board and room In private family
or small boaruing-nouse by yotmg lady
teacher. Phone E. 24.5 or address D 182,
WANTED At once, roomlng-houe, one floor,
10 to 15 rooms furnished; also 9-room mod
ern furnished house. Address P. O. Box
221, city.
WANTED Three or four unfurnished rooms,
between 6th and 12th and Gllsan and Wash
ington; must be reasonable. P 185, Ore
gonian. RESPECTABLE Hebrew young man wants
a furnished room with or without board in
a respectable Hebrew lamily. T 162, Ore
WANTED Room and board for man and
wife; must be private family; West Side;
Nob Hill preferred. Box X 163, Oregonian.
WANTED TO RENT A cottage, with base
ment and bath, if possible, on East Side;
state rent and address. W 157, Oregonian.
TWO young women want one or two un
furnished rooms within 10 Mocks of- 12th
and Morrison. Address X 166, Oregonian.
MODERN house, 6 or 7 rooms, for long
term ; must be close to car line ; small
family, no children. J 164. Oregonian.
WANTED To rent, by family adults, seven or
eight-room house; must be strictly modern
and on West Side. E 158. Oregonian.
MODERN furnished house in desirable lo
cation; will lease for one year; sma.l
family adults. J 164. Oregonian.
BACHELOR wants a 3 or 4-room furnished
flat within 5 minutes walk from Post
office. Address S 156, Oregonian.
WANTED A furnished room by an elderly
gentleman in a quiet private family near
City Hall. G 1S4. Oregonian.
WANTED 5 or 6-room house or flat within
walking distance East Side High School;
no children. O 1C9, Oregonian.
DRESSMAKER working out wishes light,
inexpensive room with phone permanent,
state terms, n 170, Oregonian.
BY young couple, modern, well-furnished 2 or
3-room apartment; steam or furnace heat
preferred. J 182, Oregonian.
STRICTLY modern house, furnished, 6 to
7 rooms, clone to car line, long lease;
adults. J 16, Oregonian.
WANTED Furnished house or furnished
rooms for two months; Central East Side.
G 168, Oregonian.
WANTED Good-sized light
room: lady employed during
183. Oregonian.
the day. R
YOUNG man attending business college vranfs
place to work for room and board. S 161,
WANTED To rent or buy on easy terms,
5 or 6-room house in Sell wood. S 165, Ore
gonian. WANTED Furnished house or cottage; no ob
jection to distance, by September 1. V 162,
WANTED 9-room house, furnace; Trvlngton
or Holiaday, near carline. D 147, care
Oregon lan.
ABOUT B-room house, barn, chicken yard.
East Side; car; moderate rent. K 170, Ore
gonian. WANTED Furnished 5-room house; no
children; prompt pay. P 163, Oregonian.
WANTH) by September 30. 12 to 20-room
house, close in. Address X 343, Oregonian.
WANT to rent 6 to 10 room hoiwe In the one
mile circle, unfurnished. 200V 4th st.
4 OR 5-ROOM furnished house: must not be
more than $18. B 170, Oregonian.
WANTED To rent, 6-room house; furnace;
two In family. C 164. Oregonian.
BOARD and room wanted by man and two
children. A 185. Oregonian.
BOARD, room, private family, by lady em
ployed. F 181, Oregonian.
WANTED Two young ladles desire room or
suite for light housekeeping; walking dis
tance of high school; reasonable. Box 30,
Washougal, Wash.
WANTED To purchase second-hard flat
tup writing desk, about 48x32 inches, with
drawers and book compartments. Address
with particulars, price, etc., Frank K
Hodgkln. Vancouver. Wash.
MAIN 6655. 211 FIRST ST.
WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and
shoes; we also buy household furnishings,
highest price paid. Call at the "Fair
Deal," 62 N. 3d. Phone Pacific 1722.
WANTED An iron lawn-roller, weight
about 300 pounds; must be In flrst-clas
M 160. Oregonian.
WANTED Stuffed birds, animals, curios!- "
ties and freaks of nature; give particu
lars and prices. Address P. O. Box 384.
Seattle, Wash.
AB30LUTE FACT The Dollar, 232 1M. pr ,
higher prices for household goods- rnons
Main 6374. A 2327. $$$$$$$$
and merchandise. Phon Main 1624. J,
T. Wilson, auctioneer.
WANTED A 'party to bore a deep well
about 2 miles out of town. Apply room
208. Worcester block.
WANTED Land to clear; must he fre
frcm stones and not too near to building.
A 157, Oregonian.
WANT to buy good second-hand gent's bi
cycle: Rive price and description. V
170. Oregonian. r
WANTED Certificates of transfer in any
business college in Portland. K 185, Ore
gonian. WANTED H-horse motor or dynamo. Stats
price and condition it Lf In. i 166, Orego
nian. SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt
attention alwaya given. Phons East
I WISH to buy good tm. with truck or
gooseneck wagon. Address K 184, Oregonian.
WANTED Thoroughbred bulldog or bull
terrier, brindle. Address T 184. Oregonian.
X pay cash for household goods. Bavaga A
Pcnnell Fur. Co.. 845 1st. Pacific 80,
WANTED Steel range In good condition .
stats price. B 183, care Oregonian.
WANTED A ladys diamond ring, valus
about $150. G 156, Oregonian.
WE call for dead horse and cattle tr of
charge. Phone East 2233-
Furnished Rooms.
FOR RENT Very large front parlor, furnished
or unfurnished, in private family, bst lo
cation In city. Use of bath, gas and phone.
Phone Pacific 254 or A 2559.
258 11TH ST. Pleasant front parlor, suit
able for 1 or 2 gentlemen; all conven
iences; also small room on 3d floor suit
able for student.
THREE) fine steam-heated rooms, gas and
electric lights, hot and cold water, tub and
shower bath. 494 Morrison, corner 15th,
flat 9, 3d floor.
"THE- COZY," 195 7th. cor. Taylor, nicely fur
nished rooms, suitable for two gentlemen,
with or without board.
THE GENEVIEVE, 445 Columbia. Just opened,
elegantly furnished rooms; steam heat, baths,
telephone; lO minutes' walk from postotfiee.
NICELY furnished front room; private fam
ily; bath. itas. phone; lO minutes wal'rf
from postoffice. 331 12th St. Main 389.
NICELY furnished rooms, with or without
board ; Scandinavians preferred. 11 North
10th st., between Stark and Burnside.
AN elegant bay window suite, ground floor,
modern : Just decorated; furniture new to-
day. 189 7th st. Phone Main 4068.
vi-t r T.-" V -TV .X'.n-tu fnrntihait fmn t rrtrtm In
beautiful private home; gas, bath, fur
nace. 82 E. 18th st., cor Stark.
NICELY furnL-hed. large front rooms; fres
bath and telephone: fine location, reason
able rent. 482 Washington.
392 COLUMBIA Large rooms, reasonable;
electric light, porcelain hath, furnace
heat; phone close to business.
I HAVE 1 room, newly furnished, steam heat,
bath, modem, central, suitable f'sr young
men. Telephone Main 7724.
LARGE, beautifully furnished room; mod
ern convenience; private home; gentlemen.
2.13 11th st.. cor. Main.
TWO very pleasant rooms; central, modern,
Invely location ; gentlemen preferred. 274
Park, cor. Jefferson.
$10 MONTH, neat front room; heat, bath,
phone, modern, private home; gentleman
preferred. 414 7th.
181 4 FIRST ST.. cor. Yamhill, nicely fur
nished rooms, en suite or single; reasonable;
transient soucuea.
COMFORTABLY furnished alcove room, suit
able for two gentlemen, very central, rea
sonable. 211 12th. '
$8 Bright, newly furnished front room;
porcelain bath gas. B23 12th st. Phone
Pacific 2102.
NEWLY-FURNISHED front rooms: every
convenience; reasonable. 180 17th St., cor
ner Yamhill.
FOR RENT For 1 or 2, bath and phono
B 1294; $0 per month. 64 E. 7th st.
near Oak.
RYAN HOUSE, 269 STH Elegantly fur
nished rooms, en suite or single. Opposite
City Hall.
FURNISHED front room with board: private
family. 210-i 14th, between Taylor and,
5-ROOM house for rent; furniture for sale;
Winter wood included. 40 N. Grand ave,
85 N. 9TH ST. Nicely furnished rooms;
phone, gas, bath, furnace heat; $0 to $10.
NICELY furnished front room In modern
residence; bath and phone. 188 13th st.
PLEASANT, neat room for lady teacher; pri
vate family. 586 E. Ankeny. East 1938.
NEWLY decorated and furnished suites or
single rooms. 189 7th. Phone Main 4968.
ONE nice, clean attic room for woman; $5
per month. 195 N. 15th, cor. Kearney.
331 MILL St., near 7th; nice front room
with bath; suitable for 2. Main 7344.
LARGE front room, nicely furnished, suitable
for one or two; first floor, 214 13th st.
ONE' furnished room for rent for 1 or 2
persons. 32U park st. pacific dju.
rooms, complete for housekeeping.
283 4TH ST. Large front room; suttabtty
for 2; free bath; gas. Pacific 562.
TWO nicely furnished front rooms with'
bay window; close in. 473 Alder.
TWO n - 1 v f.iirntsheri room sitlrnhl tnr 9
gentlemen. Inquire 312 Clay st.
VERY desirable furnished front rooms;
heat, gas, bath. 347 Market st.
FURNISHED rooms suitable for one or
more persons, x-curnsiae st.
NICELY furnished rooms to rent; bath and
free phone. Call 314 Larrabee st.
FOR RENT Large alcove room, suitable for
two. 133 12th St., cor. Alder.
ROOM for rent, $1.50 per week, with
without board. 370 32th st.
FOR RENT Furnished bedroom, walking dts-
430 YAMHILL ST. Nice room for rent; price
$8 per month. Phone 4993.
NICELY furnished rooms, one for $4 month
and one for $T. 3d
NEWLY furnished rooms for rent. 686 Hoyt
st. Phone Main 8091.
NICELY furnished front room; gas, bath,
phone. 468 Clay st.
NICELY furnished rooms, modern flat, cheap
rent. 424 Jefferson.
FURNISHED room In private family; no other"
roomers. 427 3d st.
NICE single room for young man. 335
Main, cor. 7th.
c u n.i.Ti fiLi rooms, Doara opuonao. ov J4tn,
near Jefferson. ,
240 5TH ST. Suite of furnished housekeep
ing rooms.
FOR RENT 2 furnished rooms. ZCdft 4th at-,