The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, August 25, 1907, Section Two, Page 9, Image 21

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The boss will be here to hire laborers,
rockmen, trackmen, timber-men, axmen,
tiemakers. carpenters, pile driver laborers,
etc.; wages from $.150 to $ a day; board,
$6 a week. Further particulars t my
TON. Free fare, for trackmen, teamsters, la
borers, rockmen, $2.25 to $3. 23 a day ;
East. Northeast, fWest and South. Com
pany and contract work. Good camps,
good work, long jobs. Free fare.
Stationary engineer, sawmill, $W;
woods donkey engineer, $:t.25 ; steam
shovel engineer, for California, $150;
craneman, $100 and board; steam shovel
fireman. $30 and boauj; steam shovel pit
men. Saw filer. $3 and board; saw filer.
$H.25; fallers, $3.7."i; buckerw. $3.50 and
$2.50 and board; swampers, $3; skid road
men. log R. R. laborers.
Tallyman, $2.75; sawmill planer table
hands, off bearers, yard men, $'2. SO. or
2.2,"i. house, wood and water fre for
married men.
Boss carpenter for concrete forms, Gov
ernment Job. $4.40, 8 hours; repair gang
foreman, $4; 1 bridge carpenters, $3-50;
house carpenters, $3.50.
Blacksmiths, boiler-makers, machinists,
car repairers, wheelwright, $4.25; carpen
ters' helpers. '
Cltv laborers, $275; teamsters. $2-50;
2 inside men wholesale house. $60; city
mill hands, $2.25 to 42.73; deck hands,
$4 to $.0 and board;.
Sack sewers. $3.:.0 and board ; harvest
bands, long run, $2.50 and board; milk
ers, $50; general hands, $40 and $45 and
Dinner cooks. broilers, fry cooks,
waiters cltv and country; short order
cooks, kitchen help, $30 to $S5 month.
26 X. 2d st. 250 Burnside st.
A new Job coming In all the time.
Come pick 'em.
LOCAL representative wanted A large Income
assured to any one who will act as our
representative after learning our businss
thoroughly by mail; experience unnecessary;
- all we require ls honesty, ambition and
willingness to learn a lucrative business; no
soliciting or traveling; an exceptional oppor
tunrty for those who desire to better their
conditions and make more money. For full
particulars address Department 7I2 B, any
office. National Co-Operative Realty Co.,
62 Dearborn st.. Chicago; 507 E St., Wash
ington. D. C. ; Phelps bldg.. Scranton, Pa.;
or Delgar bldg.. Ouk'and, Cal.
STEAM SHOVEL engineer. $1.V. board;
craneaman, J 100, board; blacksmith, $',
board; 10 bridge carpenters. $3.50 and $4;
5 Dile dri7- men, $3.50; carpenters, city,
$3.50 and $4: 30 Auetrians, East "Wash
ington. $2.50. pass; laborers. State work,
$2.75, pass: falters, buckers, rigging rust
lers, chasers, snipers, firemen, top wages;
flunkeys. $40; bull cook, $45; baker,
hotel. $75, fare paid; plenty other work.
Canadian Employment Co.. 21 North 2d.
- Main 3074.
6PLBND1D positions open In the Southwest
for capable men. Store and office managers,
clerks, stenographers, bookkeepens, credit
men, bank cashiers, draughtsmen, ad-writers,
traveling salesmen, insurance, real
estate, clerical, executive and technical men.
Fine salaries; prosperous, magnificent coun
try; a land of health and splendld realities,
write for complete free 11M posit lone now
open. Southwestern Reference & Bonding
Co., Dallas, Tex.
CLERK for general store, also bookkeeper,
groceryman, stock boy. dry goods, gas en
gine engineer, experienced man for cannery
work, soldering, etc. 'refrigerating engineer
for cold trtorage and Ice-making, at once.
Clerks' Registration Bureau, 303 AliBky
bldg., 265 Morrison st.
want salesmen for shoes, men's furnish
ings, men's clothing, domestic drapery;
also stockkeepers and bovs over 10; also
Apply Superintendent's office, 8 to 10
A. M.
WANTED Salesman experienced In any line
to sell general tiade In Pacific Coast. Liberal
commission with $o5 per week advance.
One salesman earned $509.01 last month. hL
first experience with us. The Continental
Jewelry Company, Cleveland, O.
LIFE Insurance men. the Conservative Mu
tual Life Insurance Company of America
offers a new agency proposition, the most
. desirable business opportunity afforded in
the irfe insurance field. Offices, 501-620
Swetland bldg., Portland, Or.
SALESMEN who contemplate making change
write us for particulars. Several of our
sahsmen earned from $300 to $000 per
month during June and July. McAlUster
Ooman Company, 356 Dearborn St., Chi
cago. WANTED.
Two millwrights, city, $4; 15 rough car
penters. $3.00 to $4; 2 mill firemen, $2.75;
pianerman. I3.r0 up; others.
Main Office, 3 2 North 2d St.
EXPERIENCED caavatssers for a serial mag
azine, with premium; salary and commis
sion. Apply Sunday, bet. 8 A. M. and 4
P. M., or week days after 4 P. M., 227'
Washington St., room 67.
SALESMAN for Oregon. Experienced traveling
man preferred; line staple for general trade;
position prmanent; $30, weekly advance, with
commissions. Sawyer? Leslie A Co., De
troit. Mich.
CAPABLE salesman to cover Oregon with
staple line. High commissions, with $300
monthly advance. Permanent position to
right man. Jess H. Smith Co.. Detroit,
LIVB salesmen earn $300 monthly with our
specialty staple and quickly establish good
extna income on re-orders. No samples to
lug. Manufacturer, box 1198, St. Loula, Mo.
FIRST-CLAPS salesman: must have extensive
business and social acquaintance In cltv: ner-
manent; splendid inducement and big wages
in rigm man. zio commercial oiocu.
r IN six weeks we educate you In salesmanship,
secure you position as traveling salesman
with rejyponslble firm. Address the Brad
street System, Rochester, N. Y.
A thoroughly experienced! and competent
"WANTED A man above 22 years of age to
u?nver ana conect : must nave some ex
perience. Call Sunday after 9 A. M., 227 W
BOT In office of wholesale house; must
write fair hand, make neat firures: ex
cellent chance for bright, willing young
man. in ioj, uregonian.
WANTED Intelligent young men to study
telegranhy; positions when competent; day
nu evening classes. tail Oregon (.Xmege,
405 Commonwealth bldg.
WANTED Druggist to take full charge of the
only drugstore in good Valley town: would
like one who could buy part interest. C
163, Oregonian.
WA NTED Man and wife can have good
home with couple who have thf!r own
home by paving half of expense. 74 Ross
st. Union 6031.
WANTED An experienced bookkeeper and
credit man, one who Is acquainted with the
' trade. First-class references required. N
151, Oregonian.
SOLICITORS for best thing on Coast; ex
r erlenced men to teach you the business;
good salary; positions soon. L 164, Ore
gonian.. YOUNO man to fill a clerical position;
salarv $7o per month; give reference and
qualifications in first letter. O 148, Ore
gonian. SALESMAN to work retail grocery trade on
specialty lines for broker. Must be hustler
permanent position. Address M 125, Orego
nian. COMBINED advertiser and salesman to cover
Northwest with established grocerv spec
ialty; liberal proposition. R l4. Oregonian.
MAN to take care of private horses and rigs
must thoroughly understand the work; no
others need apply. 314 Lumber Exchange.
WANTED Fire escape man. wire worker,
and two A No. 1 helpers. Columbia. Wire
& Iron Works. 36S E .Washington st.
WANTED A good bright man as drv goods
clerk, and must understand general mer
chandise. Address E 144, Oregonian.
WANTED A newspaper man who 1 famil
iar with a trade publication. The Timber
man. Union Block. Portland, Or.
DANCING lessons. 25e, waits, two-step, etc.
Prof. Wal. Wlllson's Dancing School, 304
Alisky bidg., 205 Morrison st.
CHANCE to travel, make big monev and see
the world: no experience nor bonus required
but honesty. M 153. Oregonian.
WANTED Boy about 16 years old. of good
family, to work in shoe store; good chance
for promotion. 217 Morrison st.
SALESMAN, covering Coast territory, to han
dle easy selling aide line. The C. A. Grif
fith Co., Bell Ingram. Wash.
' WANTED Experienced man, either single or
with only a wife, to run small dairy near
town. H 153, Oregonian.
WANTED Driver. Oregon Creamery, 106 4th
street. . . .
GOOD advertising solicitor at 147 Front at.
TWO CLERKS who are familiar with dis
bursement work in a large office, muet be
. good penmen and fairly quick and accurate
at figures. Give age, salary expected and
A l so 1 man who can act as clerk and
relief stenographer.
The above positions are with a large of
fice located In the city and pay good salary
to start, and positions are -permanent for
the right kind of men. N 146, Oregonian.
Wanted at once, capable men for the fol
lowing and other positions. v'
Manager, dry goods $1500
General merchandise salesman
Dry good salesman Vfi
Bookkeeper, country ...... 10U)
Adjuster, corporation accounts, city.
Suite 34, Raleigh bldg.. 323 Wash. at.
WANTED Young men with ability to sell
gooas i or posi nous hh h
in various lines; experience unnecessary;
salaries, $100 to $250 a month and ex
penses. Wrtte for particulars today. Ad
dress, V 100, Oregonian.
A. Men and boys to make simple drawing;
devote spare or whole time; experience un
necessary; splendid income. Write for par
ticulars. International Art League, Lock
port, N. Y.
WANTED A big strong boy, to learn polish
ing iraae; gooa was. a'j .v1.u
morning, Oregon Plating Works, 128 Lown
dale st.
WANTED Married man to go on small
place, do clearing and other general farm
work. Miller, 76 3d at.
SHOEMAKERS and two young men wanted
by the J. A. Retd Co. Shoe manufacturers.
No. 13 Union avenue. City.
WAN TDD Man to do general harness repair
ing a nil inano nururiw , mvvm&-o
P. Dodd, Hermiston. Or.
TRAVELING salesman for a line of high-
grade smoked meats; must nave regular
territory. 208 Stark st.
REMUNERATIVE poeltlon. solicitor, energy
ana onaracier. w t duuiouou, 73
ington. Call forenoon.
WANTED An experienced young man, with
reierence. 10 none it unnra wr 5101 j buac.
354 E. 7th St., south.
WANTED Bill clerk in wholesale grocery
business; must be able to use typewriter.
K 146. Oregonian.
WANTED A good bright man as bookkeeper;
must have the best of. references. Address
G 141, Oregonian.
WANTED Slack barrel cooper. Apply West
ern cooperage v. o., room ouo, c Leu.rn 3 oias.,
opposite postofflce.
BOY wanted, over 16. to learn cabinet
maker's trade; good wages while learning. O
149, Oregonian.
A YOUNG man 20 to 25 years of age oan
hear of good position by calling at 69
South 1st st.
EXPERIENCED baker wanted at the Cali
fornia bakery, Salem Or.; good wage for
a good man.
EDISON- motion-picture ' machine and films
for sale cheap. Room 2. 1454 0th near
BRIGHT boy for wholesale grocery. In
quire bet. S and 9, Monday morning. 134
Front st.
EXPERIENCED oyster openers wanted im
mediately. The Toke Point Oyster Co.,
29 2d st.
WANTED First-class machine man to work
on doors. Oregbn Planing Mills, 19th and
WANTED Boy to learn wholesale hard
ware business. State age. C 14S, Ore
gonian. WANTED Young man to learn drug busi
ness. Cottel Drug Co., First and Sherman
WANTED All-round machinist or machine
hand at The Dalles Iron Works, The Dalles,
BARBER wanted at once; good wages
guaranteed. D. O. Taylor, Independence,
"WANTED A capable city shipping clerk In
wholesale grocery house. K 141, Oregonian,
California Wine Depot, headquarters for 000k 9
and helpers. 148 4th st. Pac. 2183. P. Lorati
BOY wanted to ride pony in horse-shoeing
ahop at 204 Salmon St., Monday morning.
YOUNG man to learn the wholesale tinware,
and hardware business. C 154, Oregonian.
WANTED Physleiaa registered In Oregon for
office work. Address M 104, Oregonian.
BOYS to work In paper box factory. Apply
F. C. Stettler, corner 10th and Gllsan.
BOY bandy about the house in return for room
and board. Call Monday, 200H Park.
000 MEN wanted Free shaves and haircuts.
284 Couch at. Moler Barber College.
WANTED Shinglers. Inquire Sunday T96
East 7th North, near Falling.
WANTED Experienced clothing man. Apply
Host on store, 1st ana salmon.
WANTED An experienced cleaner and
pressor. Call at 2.t8 Russell.
BOY or young man wanted for general work
in f u rn l tu re store. 106 First st .
WANTED A book and stationery man, take
part interest, b 14s, oregonian.
WANTED Men's clothing; right pries paid.
60 8d at. Home Phone A 4051.
SHOW CASE and cabinet makers. Jas, I. Mar
shall Mfg. Co., 289 Couch at.
WANTED 10 first-class solicitors. Ad
dress P. O. Box 550. city.
SHOEMAKER wanted at fl8 N. 3d, bet. Davis
H i 1 14 ll Dl l II , gum. nin.
WANTED First-class eofttmakera. Nlcoll,
the Tailor. 108 Third st.
WANTED Short order cook; also dish
washer. 165 West Park.
WANTED Boy to drive -wagon. Henry
Berger Co.. lis 1st st.
BARBER wanted at once, $15 per week. No.
6 9th St., Eugene, Or.
BOY for delivery, wages $6 per week. Lovejoy
& Lincoln, 11.3 1st st.
WANTED Head marker. East Side Laundry
o. rnone .aat otw.
A GOOD Chlne,e cook for a small family.
Apply 100 E. 16th.
WANTED 2 boys to learn trade. 63 Front,
corner jurvis.
WANTED Parlor frame vamlsher 85 Front,
corner Davis.
WANTED Boy to run machine. Apply 310
Davis st.
BOY to drive express wagon. 45 let st.
WANTED Two good dining-room girls, also
upstairs girl, good wages. Nortonia Holtfl,
14th and Washington.
A GIRL for cooking and general housework:
family of two. Apply morning, between 9
and 11. at 449 7th st.
WANTED A stenographer; must be quick
at typewriting. Apply Room S, Worces
ter bldg., Monday.
YOUNG lady or schoolgirl to help In pri
vate family evenings for room and board.
Phone East 5239.
OPERATORS and finishers, also learners on
pants; eteady work, good pay, 2t7 Com
monwealth bldg.
WANTED Elderly lady to take care of
sick lady; German preferred. Call Eabt
JBSl or A-12S9.
A YOUNG girl wanted to help with house
work In email family. Apply at 258 Stout
St., In morning.
GIRL, attending school or working to work for
board and room; easy place; use of piano. B
151. Oregonian.
WANTED Girl for general housework and
cooking: family of 4 grown persons; wages
$;!0. 570 Hoyt.
WANTED Girl for general housework:
small family; no washing: good wages.
252 Kins st.
WANTED A girl or woman to do general
housework: wagea no object. Call today,
31 College -
KENNARD A ADAMS want 2 experienced dry
goods salesladies; permaaent pn.ihnns. 539
William av,.
You Can Telephone Your
'Want Ads to the Oregonian
Z.--." -: - -- " - - - -,- . ;
Readers of The Oregonian who find it inconvenient to bring or send their
"Want Ads," to the business office of The Oregonian can have them inserted
by calling up Main 7070, or Home Phbne A 1670, asking for the "Want. Ad."
The cost of 31 phone ad. is the same as though paid for over the counter. Bill
will be sent you next day and payment expected by return mail. It is always
best to write out the advertisement before you phone, cutting out all unneces
sary words. Read the adi slowly to the clerk, and have him repeat it back to
you, and the chances for mistakes are few. The Oregonian "Want Ad." rate
is 2 cents a word for the first insertion and 1 cent a word for each subsequent
insertion if run consecutively. The minimum charge for an ad. is for 15 words.
"Rooms to Rent" (private families only), and "Situation Wanted" advertise
ments,' 1 cent a word each insertion, but under all other headings the rate is 2
cents for the first time. ' ,
toung ladies
to learn;
Telephone operating; good salary, short
hours, pay while learning; luncheon served
free of charge and lounging and rest rooms
In connection. Apply Chief Operator, Tel
ephone bldg.. West Park and Alder.
Wants Monday.
Stenographer, easy place; housekeepers,
cooks, second girls, nurses, general house
girls, and girls to assist; waitresses,
chambermaids. pantry women, pastry
cooks, camp help, factory and laundry
help- Hundreds of places too numerous
to classify. Good wages and nice places.
All eituations guaranteed.
3434 Washington St., cor. 7th, upstairs.
WANTED Girl 16 years of age as apprentice
in alteration room.
392 Washington.
WANTED Saleswoman for cloak and suit de
392 Washington.
want salesladies for suit, millinery, laces,
neckwear, sewing machines, toys, crock
ery, paper patterns, stationery, notions,
muslin underwear; also office help and
00 cash girla and wrappers. Apply to Jhe
Superintendent, 8 to 10 A. M.
Wanted Thoroughly experienced and com
petent saleswomen in a number of our de
partments. OLDS, WORTMAN A KING.
Applicants for all kinds of work, register
w!tb us, free of charge, so we may locate
you on short notice.
48 H Washington, st.. cor. 7th. upstairs.
WANTED Saleswoman for waist department.
292 Washington,
A FIRST-CLASS solicitor to act a general
agent In this, territory tor the magazine
Good Housekeeping. A big renewal list
and high rnte of commission to proper
person. Address R. H. Mad dan. General
Delivery, Portland.
WANTED At once, three young ladies
wanted for carnival company for ten
weeks; saiary $13 and $20 per week and
transportation. Call at 88 North 8th at.,
between 10 A. M. and 4 P. M.
WANTED -Good cook for family at present
in the country, later In Portland. Perma
nent position for the right person; good
wages; no washing or housework. Apply
Immediately, 622 Kearney.
. Women and girls to make simple draw
ings; devote spare or whole time; exper
ience unnecessary; splendid Income. Write
for particulars. International Art League,
Lock port, N. Y.
WHY look for workT Call and see me.
Clerks, stenographers, cashiers, bookkeepers,
timekeepers, collectors, office workers Oierks
Registration Bureau, 205 Morrlaon, cor. ad
St., offices 303.
COMPETENT girl for general housework;
good wages ; modern, gas and electric
ranges in kitchen. 1091 Franklin St.,
Willamette Heights. Phone Main 2824.
on shirts and overalls; lessons glvea to
Inexperienced. Apply at Standard Factory
S Grand ave. and E. Taylor st.
COMPETENT girl for general housework;
family one lady; 6-room cottage, at Hood
River; unusual position for right person.
Address W 148, Oregonian.
WANTED All kinds of laundry help, ma
chine girls, hand Iron era, starchers. mangle
girls, markers and sorters. Opera House
Laundry, 2d and Everett.
WANTED Competent girl for general
housework: :i in family; wages no
laundrv wrftrk- Apply 730 Northrup st.
Phone Main 4747-
MADAME BODIE'B private millinery claw
will begin September 2. For arrangement
call i his week. 208 Tllford bldg., cor.
10th and Morrison.
LADIES to make sanitary belts; material all
cut ready to sew, $15 per 100. Particulars
stamped envelope. Sanitary Co., Dept. 252,
WANTED Millinery apprentices and mak
ers. Call Monday 11 A. M., 208 Tilford
bldg., cor. 10th and Morrison.. Madame
WANTED Refined, capable woman for re
sponsible posit ion, with opportunities for
advance me at. Vlavl Co.. 10th A Morrison.
WANTED Girl or woman for general house
work; steady work; $35 p&r month. 101 East
17th st., cor. Washington. Phone East. 472
WANTED Competent girl for general
housework; good wages; no laundry work.
Apply 730 Northup st. Phone Main 4747.
COMPETENT second girl. 622 Kearney st.
WANTED Girfl 'for general houserwork;
family of three; no washing; wages $30
per month. Apply 783 Flanders st.
WOMEN To mend and - clean clothes, two
good sewers and woman to do general house
work. Call Monday. 38S Morrison.
WANTED Young girl to assist in housework
In family of 3. Call today or Monday, 361
19th, cor Mill. Take Jefferson car.
WANTED Housekeepers, cooks, nurses,
waitresses, second girts. St. Louis Ladles
Agency, 230 Yamhill. Main 5413.
WANTED Operators and girls to learn
shlrtmakins. Apply Standard Factory, 3
Grand ave. and East Taylor st.
STENOGRAPHER wanted for week. See Mr.
Shearman, 42 Concord Bldg., 2d and Stark
streets, after 1 o'clock, Monday.
843 Washington st.. cor. 7th, upstairs.
Phoue Main 2692
WANTED Girl for general housework
and Booking; three In family; good place.
01 N. 21t st., cor. Davis.
SCHOOL teachers for Wash. , Or. . Mont. .
Idaho. C. R. B. Teachers' Agency. 303
Alisky bldg., 265 Morrison st.
WANTED Millinery makers and trimmer.
Apply at Case & Reist Co., wholesale milli
ners, Hazelwood building.
WAIST, skirt and tailor finishers; good
wages Call between 11 and 12:30 at
Room 405, Fleidner bldg.
WANTED Neat housekeeper in bachelor's
home; no ob lection to young widow with one
child. N 139, Oregonian.
WANTED Dining-room $irl ! 225 11th st.
STENOGRAPHER Must be accurate; give
age, experience and reference. D 155,
WANTED Office girl over 20 with slight
knowledge of books and typewriter. K 155,
LADIES $1 every day at home; stamped
envelope for particulars. Ladles Aid Dur
ham, Conn. .
WANTED A nurse g4rl or woman to take
care of baby. Room 16, The Hell, cor. 6th
and Hall.
WANTED Pantry woman and flrst-clasg
waitress at Hobart-Curtls, 14th and Wash
ington. WANTED A refined woman to care for
invalid; housework for two. H 152, Ore
gonian. WANTED Stenographer and assistant book
keeper. Apply at SUverfleld's in the after
noon. WANTED First-class chambermaid; also
housekeeper. 2 N. 7th. Apply after 3
P. M.
WANTED Waist and shirt finishers. Apply
any day between 10 and 12, 315 Tllford
WANTED Apprentice girls In cloak and
suit department. H. B. Litt, 331 Washing
ton st.
GIRL for cooking and general housework;
2 in family; good wages. Call 198 King
A COOK and second girl for country home.
Apply Mrs. F. H. Hopkins, Hotel Portland.
Factory, 2 Grand ave. and East Taylor st.
WANTED Girls to train as nurses. Address
Raymond General Hospital, Raymond, Wash.
2 GIRLS for general kitchen work. Riverside
Hotel, St. Johns. Phone Union 3102 or call.
GOOD girl to assist in general housework
of private boarding-house. 13 8 H 10th st.
GIRL for general housework, good wages, 3
In family. 100 Raleigh st. Phone Main 6209.
WANTED One dinner cook; also good pas
try -cook. ABC Restaurant, 386 Morrison.
WANTED Girls to make Fits-Well shirts
and Boss of All overalls. Inquire 75 1st.
WANTED Pupils on the piano; 25c a lesson;
references if desired, H 148, Oregonian.
WANTED Lady apprentice for dressmaking.
Call or address S74 Ross st. Union 6031.
WANTED Second girl at boarding-house. 1178
Mississippi ave. Phone Wood lawn 416.
WOMAN to do light housework. Apply A;
Klncaid'a store, end of W-W carl in e.
GIRLS to work in paper box factory. Apply
F. C. Stettler, corner 10th and Gllsan.
GIRL to do housework, $20 per month.
Call 840 33d st. Phone Scott 3523.
WANTED Woman to do family washing
Monday each week, at 778 ifvlng st.
WANTED A competent stenographer In
wholesale house. R 151, Oregonian.
GIPLS wanted to work in tailor shop. Union
Tailoring Co.. 73 North 6th.
WAITRESS wanted, Moore's Hotel, 615 River
st. Lower Alblna. Take L car.
GOOD millinery maker, also apprentices
wanted. 115 7th st. Chapeau.
WANTED Competent girl for general house
work. Apply S54 10th, cor. Mill.
WANTED A girl for dining-room at 412
N. 19th st. Baumann Hotel.
PIANO-PLAYER to play with orchestra at
hopyard. Phone Main 7502.
EXPERIENCED hairdresser and manlcurer.
Rosenthal Sisters, 109 7th st.
WANTED An experienced cook for family of
four. 474 Market, corner 14th.
COMPETENT girl for general housework. 2S3
North 24th. Phone Main 2717.
James Hotel, 845 First st.
APPRENTICE girl in alteration department
H. B. Lltt, 351 Washington.
YOUNG lady for grocery; 1271 Macadam;
one living near. Main 7822.
APPRENTICE girl wanted, at Miss E. Wol
siefer's Millinery. 109 7th st.
WANTED An apprentice and errand girl
for dressmaking. 141 13th t.
GIRL to assist with housework In small
family. 652 Kearney st. .
WASHWOMAN Monday or Tuesday forenoon.
Phones E 4659 and B 1916.
ELDERLY woman to care for child; good
home. Inquire 180 1st st.
WANTED First-class vestmakers. Nlcoll,
the Tailor, 108 Third st.
COM PETENT girl for general housework.
755 "Irving, corner 23d.
WANTETJ Girl for general housework;
good wagea Main 352.V
WANTED 2 shirtwaist girls. H. B. Lltt,
851 Washington st.
WANTED Houseglrl, German preferred; small
family. 300 Park st.
NEAT girl to wslt on table; no cooking. 452
Morrison, cor. 13th.
GOOD pastry cook : also dining-room girl.
567 Washington st.
WANTED First-olase hairdresser. Frake's,
409 Washington.
CHAMBERMAID at the Grand Central Hotel,
3d and Flanders.
WANTED Girl for general work; good wages.
25i Ford st.
WANTED A girl for second; wages $25. 68
Lucretia st.
WANTED Strong nurse girl. Call at once.
300 Park st.
GIRL or woman wanted for light housework.
453 th st.
EXPERIENCED waitress, Elton Court, at
. once.
GIRL for general housework. Phone Pa-
ciflc 39.
WANTED A first-class waitress. 150 11th st.
WANTED 125 Hop-pickers, also some one to
run boarding-house for hop-pickers camp;
100 acres good hops; long Job. W. R.
McKay. St. Paul, Or.
HOP-PICKERS. 862 Corbett st. Phone Pacific
115; good hops, shacks, fruit; fare 50c. Mrs.
. Knapp.
HOP-PICKERS wanted! at ffi5 Ellsworth, 81st
st.. East Side. Phone East 6451. H. Oster
hol. WANTED A marker and distributor. Apply
at the Pacific Laundry. 231 Arthur st.
WANTED 1000 hop-plrkers to buy 1000
camp stoves at 97c each. 271 First st.
WANTED 1000 hop-pickers to pick 624 acres
of hops; big crop; largest and best equipped
hapyard im Oregon; all on trellis wire; per
fect accommodations; grocery store, bakery,
butcher shop, restaurant, barber shop,
dancing pavilion, 60x160 ft., telephone, phy
sician, beautiful camping ground, 3 acres,
bathing pool, provisions sold at Portland
prices; we pay $1.10 per 100 lbs. Reduced
excursion rates on our special 'train. For
further particulars apply to Krebs Bros.,
272 Stark st., Portland, Or., on or after
Aug. 17. Telephone Main 1320. Home phone
A 8163.
WHO keeps your books and collect your
bills? Do you neglect it or uae the time
you need for other branches of your busi
ness to do it? Let us do thte work for you
and save you time, worry and money. If
you are interested address W 153, Orego
nian. 600 MEN and women wanted for a South
American Co-Operative Company; wages
$7 a day for every kind of work;
healthy and cool climate; free paseage.
Send 10 cts. in 1-cent stamps for book of
full Information. 727 Hayes ' st., San
WANTED Hopplckers for large yards; long
season: fine picking; fine camping grounds,
etc. Groceries at city prices. Apply Andrew
Kan & Co., 287 Morrison st.
HOPPICKERS' excursion to Brooks! Train
leaves about August 29. For further par
ticulars see grower, G. W. Massey, at St.
Charles Hotel after Sunday.
POSITION'S open for capable salesman and
saleslady; permanent and good salary.
203 Fleidner bldg.
10 COOKS (men, women), waitresses, cham
ber, kitchen, family help. See Drake for
wort. jk vvitaiiiugiuu.
$15, $30 PER week commission, earned so
liciting advertising; work when you please.
603 Goodnough bldg.
WANTED Cooks, first-class; no other meed
apply. 68 North 18th corner Davis.
WILL pay big wages to man or woman who
can sen gooos. auo v neaner Diag.
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
CASHIERS, stenographers, bookkeepers, col
lectors, grocer, shipping and bill clerks,
salesladies, salesmen. In f urnlshinc aoods.
shoes, etc ; reference as to character and
experience furnished and ready to go to
work on the Instant. Clerks' Registration
Bureau, 266 Morrison. Entrance nice mm.
PERMANENT situation desired with oppor
tunity for advancement. Good penman
and typewriter; some Knowieage oi dook
keeDlnir. Married man; excellent habits.
Reference and bond if required. B 150,
THOROUGHLY competent bookkeeper, ac
countant, auditor, office organlrer and man
ager, aare 82 years, desires permanent situa
tion. For interview, address Accountant, 34
Raleigh bldg.
CLERK. timekeeper. commissary man.
good at selling rough goods to men; R. R.
or similar work ; best references ; coun
try, Alaska, Mexico. R 138. Oregonian-
POSITION as salesman for commission or
wholesale house by Eastern mart with col
lege education; can furnish A-l recommenda
tions. C 150, Oregonian.
BOOKKEEPER wants position; quick and
accurate; good references 17 years' exper
ience, a 146, oregonian. f
POSITION desired by competent bookkeep
er of long experience, A -J. references.
kj uregonian.
RELIABLE bookkeeper wants position. W
13, uregonian.
WANTED A young man, now In charge of
the accounting department of one of the
largest corporations in tnis city, wnn. m
most modern systems in practice, is de
sirous of making a change. Would en
tertain a proposition in or out of the olty.
and can furnish ample reference as to
qualifications from present employers. X
143, Oregonian.
VINEGAR EXPERT Practical man with
long experience, familiar with up-to-date
methods of manufacturing cider, grape
and spirit vinegar; refining and bottling
of sweet cider, wishes position with
progressive concern, or partner with
money to (start business. Address
uapitoi note i, joise, iaano.
Washington and 10th sts., Portland, has
several intelligent young men wno wisn
employment for a portion of each day.
Persons desiring their service should
write the college.
POSITION wanted First-class all-around
electrician looking- for permanent connec
tion with electric light and power or in
dustrial company; my past work speaks
lor ltseir. u izi, uregonian.
WANTED Position by middle-aged man as
.night watchman, familiar with boilers
and engine ; references and security f ur-
n Lane a. Aaaress iw. uregonian.
MIDDLE-AGED man with lO years' expert
ence in mercantile business, would like
position; no objection to going out of city.
L 151, Oregonian.
HANDY man with tools, willing, - soher and
reliable, wants position as Janitor or
watchman or care lor private resiaence.
P. Q. Box 65. city.
WANTED Position by middle-aged man, good
bookkeeper ana accountant, wun some
knowledge of lumDer accounts, c ioi, ure
gonian. vate house or boarding-house ; very smart.
1 nomas, am v est. rm . rnuntj a hoo.
WINDOW cleaning, private dwellings and
flats a specialty. Main 6573, evenings
8 to 10. Thomas Green, 1Z2 7th st.
NURSE Eight years experience in sick and
Insane hospitals, wishes position, public or
private patients. G 151, Oregonian.
A YOUNG man attending business college
would like place to work for board and
room. L 123, Oregonian.
WANTED A few wood paying side lines by
salesman calling upon the grocery trade. Ad
dress 712 Spencer st.
PRACTICAL airbrake man wishes position
with lumber road or streetcar company.
X 141, Oregonian.
MAN as porter or kitchen help or any kind
of a Job; can also wait at table. W 149,
BITUATION Good hand with horses; can
break colts to drive or work, S 146,
Oregonian "
SALESMAN Position wanted by a thorough
. ly experienced outside salesman. S 150,
. Oregonian.
MAN and wife wants work on farm or pri
vate place; good workers, V 147, Ore
gonian. WANTED Several hours' work, any kind,
day or night, by Japanese. D 151, Ore
gonian. JAPANESE boy wishes position in small
family in city or country. O 13-4. Ore
gonian. KALSOMINING and tinting at $3 per room.
135 First st. Main 1334. Call E. Winn.
WANTED Situation by experienced fireman,
with best of reference. S3 N. 7th.
Book keepers and Stenographer.
CASHIERS, stenograph?, bookkeepers, col
lectors, grocer, shipping and bill clerks,
sa lee ladles, salesmen, la furnishing goods,
shoes, etc. ; reference as to character and
experience furnished and ready to go to
work on the instant. Clerks' Registration
Bureau, 265 Morrison. Entrance office 303.
EXPERIENCED Underwood operator desires
permanent poeltlon, cashier, stenographer.
Asst. bookkeeper; best city reference. Phone
Sunday Pacific 205, A 4o31. Monday, Main
YOUNG lady stenographer of good appearance
and business ability wishes position as pri
vate secretary; no objection to traveling.
Z 153, Oregonian.
j WANTED Position by young lady of 8
yeara' experience on books and as typist
and notary public; excellent references,
j R 14S. Oregonian.
t STENOGRAPHER wishes position; 4 years'
' Atnrlna In whnlAnU hniiRA 1 vBflf IftW
office. Phone East 15S3, Monday. S 14ti,
GIRL WISHES permanent position as sten
ographer; one month s experience. uooa
references. Small wages to begin. W 142,
Oregon lan.
worn, in evenings, coyj nig auMiuus,
14, uregunian.
EXPERT stenographer wants any kind of
copying to do at home; low rates. main
PUBLIC stenographer wishes to do sulxstitute
- work. Phone East 1679.
RELIABLE bookkeeper wants position. A
144, uregonian.
FOR stylish gowns and reasonable prices.
go to the Elite uressmaiung rarioro,
843 H Yamhill st- Phone Pacific 1997.
GOOD drepsmaker would make more en
gagements at aay sewing. ny refer
ences. Phone Sell wood 591.
MRS. V AUG HA N' S dressmaking parlors; good
work and reasonable prices. 392Vi E. Burn
side. Phone East 6217.
FIRST see Angeles Dressmaking Parlors, 242
6th and Main. Pacific 9S2; A 3982.
COMPANION and nurse, by competent young
woman, good reader and singer; no objection
to light housework. Main 6665.
UNDERGRADUATE nurse wants few more
engagements; no objection to little house
work. Phone East 261.
A PRACTICAL nurse would like nursing;
C 104&
WIDOaV, refined, with best references, would
keep house for bachelor or widower of
means. L 142, Oregonian.
WOMAN with little girl 2i years old wants
place to work; cooking or general house
work. O ISO, Oregonian.
WANTED Work. Monday and Friday; ref
erences. East 2059.
WANTED By Virginia girl, position In
Western college or private school (or pri
vately to prepare for college) ; broadly
trained in best Eastern schools; A. M.
graduate Columbia University (N. Y.) and
specially fitted in English and modern lan
guages. Box 156, Martinsville, Va.
Washington and 10th sts., Portland, has
several intelligent young women who
wish employment for a portion of each
day. Persons desiring their service should
write the college.
REFINED woman would like a position to
assist with the work of a small house, where
there are no children, in return for small
salary and home privileges.; references. B
155, Oregonian.
YOUNG lady wants home-like place to
assist and pay or teach music In part for
board and wash; Catholic preferred; ref
erences; by October 1. O 153, Oregonian.
COMPETENT TEACHER (lady) would ex
change music lessons and some duties about
house for room and board. L 141, Oregon
ian. AN experienced lady wishes position as cham
bermaid, or would take full charge of room
ing-house. Apply Z02?a 2d at. , room u.
WANTED Br a colored woman, washing and
Ironing or any kind of day work; experienced
worker.. Phone Main 42u9.
EXPERIENCED music teacher gives two
piano or mandolin lessons for 75 cents. A
io, uregonian.
FIRST-CLASS lady pianist, sight reader,
t wishes position, orchestra or alone. V
114, Oregonian.
FIRST-CLASS lady cook wants position In ho
tel or restaurant; best references. Address
G 149. Oregonian.
YOUNG woman wants day work for Thurs
day and Friday; laundry or sweeping. V
joi, uregonian.
EXPERIENCED lady would like care of
rooming-house for room and board. E 148,
YOUNG- lady wishes a place to work, make It
her home, use of piano; no children. R 154,
A WOMAN wants work by the day. Call
between 11 and 8. Phone Main 2325.
LACE curtains washed and stretched, 40c and
60c per pair. Phone Main, 7014.
CLEANING and housework by the hour.
Phone Main 7959. A 4u8S.
WOMAN wants housework to do by the day.
Phone East 25G9.
WANTED AGENTS, either sex, to handle
va quick-selling, meritorious article that you 100 per cent-profit; an article
that everyone wants, and of which the
majority buy. Our local agents say that it
It Is the easiest selling and mopt pleas
ant line they ever handled. They have made
enormous sales. - What they did you too can
do. This is the opportunity. Send stamp
for full particular. C. W. Stiff & Co., 43
m. j3ijou st., vojoraao springs, uoio.
WANTED Agents to sell our 'high-grade
trees, shrubs, etc. ; outfit furnished free;
commission advanced each week ; good ter
ritory open, a i oan y nurseries, Albany, Or,
AGENTS WANTED Can you sell goods 7 If
so, we neea you; complete outfit free; cash
wKiy. w rite ror cnoice or territory.
Capital City Nursery Co., Salem, Or.
AGENTS wanted to sell our high-grade nur-
Bory hock; Dig commissions ana premiums;
write today, before all territory la taken.
Chlco Nursery Co., Chico. CaL
MEN. $10 daily, sure selling "Mendartp," and
combination hatchet. 8 tools in oner tvrn hitr
profit producers; exclusive territory. Foote
Mfg. Co., Los Angeles. Cal.
AGENTS wanted throughout Oreeon and
Washington to sell Portland lots on In
stallment pian; experience unnecessary.
rue x tttii. uri'Konian.
WANTED Experienced agents, accustomed to
making good money; new proposition. Ca'l
bet. 4 and 8:30 P. M., room 24 Russell
. bldg., 4th and Morrison.
LADY solicitor for Portland School of
Music; cash commissions; at least $6 a
day. Mr. Kennedy, care Reed-French Co.,
6th and Burnside.
WANTED To rent Houses, cottages, flats,
stores, offices, rooming-houses, etc.. Land
lords will do well to call on Portland
Trust Company of Oregon, S. E. cor. 3d
and Oak. Phone Exchange 72.
TWO or three rooms, furnished, for perma
nent housekeeping, not camping; West Side,
for couple; give location and price. R 1&2
WANTED To rent 3 or 4 furnished rooms in
private family, with hath, phone, running
water; references. Phone Main 6873 morn
ings. FIVE room cottage, near carline; must be
modern, rent reasonable; West- Side pre
ferred. X 140, Oregonian.
YOUNG lady wants room and board for one
week with private family in country. State
price. P 150, Oregonian.
WANTED In good location, 2 'unfurnished
rooms or eottatre; give full particulars to
Musicus, 654 East Ash St.
WANTED Furnished cottage In suburbs of
Portland for a few weeks or longer; no chil
dren. M 144, Oregonian.
WANTED 2 furnished rooms, strlctlv mod
ern, light housekeeping; near Park, close
in. T 153. Oregonian.
WANTED iFurnlshed house, suitable for
private boarding-house. West Side, close
in. A 143, Oregonian.
WE have a strictly A-l tenant who desires '
est ito.e rpiaence. 1 1 to 14 rooms, at
least 5 bedrooms on second floor, exclu
sive of two servants' rooms; must be
strictly modern and situated far enough
from other buildings to be well lighted;
not less than SO by 100 feet yard. Wake
field. Fries A Co., 229 Stark st.
37 People called into our office Friday looking
for hounes, flats and apartments. That if
about our daily average. We have a large
waiting list on file now. Lit your houses,
fiats and apartments, either furnished or
unfurnished, with us for quick results.
250 Aider St.
Established 1872.
WANTED About September 5, by man and
wife. 2 or 3 connecting, furnished house
keeping rooms, phone, bath, running wa
ter, lower floor; thoroughly clean; walking
distance; state rent. V 133, Oregonian.
WANTED To rent, first-class modern house
of 9 or 10 rooms. Nob Hill district; wiii
lease if place satisfactory; best of ref
erences given. Address G. W. T.t 417
Falling bldg. Phone Main 6354.
YOUNG gentleman desires room. with
breakfast and dinner, in private family or
very select boarding-house; state full par
ticulars und price. Address O 146, Ore
gonian. BOARD (breakfast and dinner only) and room
wanted by two young men, with private
family; close in; modern accommodation?.
Give full particulars in reply. A 147, Ore
gonian. YOUNG couple with child would like two or
tnree furnished housekeeping rooms; Eas?t
Side preferred, near 12th and Morrison. Ad
dress 13 E. 7th. Geo. W. Mitchell.
Washington and 10th sts., Portland Or.r
desires to find boarding-places for stu
dents. Answer by letter only.
WANTED Three nice furnished or unfur
nished housekeeping rooms, well out, neas
carline; state price end conveniences; refer
ences. M 141, Oregonian.
WANTED Two furnished rooms for light
nousekeeping, downtown location, by
young Eastern man and wife. Addres
Box 42, Scott's Mills, Or.
WANTED Positively first-class room anJ
board for man and wife; must be closs in;
pleasant surroundings; use of piano. Ad
drees N 147, Oregonian.
WANTED To rent, man and wife, furnish-d
cottage. 6 or 8 rooms, modern, gas rang'3,
close in. East or West Side; references.
L 143, Oregonian.
ROOM and board by man and wife In private?'
family, no other boarders, 15 minutes' walk.
Address 217 Marquam bldg. Phone Mala
5873 mornings.
WANTED By young couple, 2 neatly fur
nished or unfurnished housekeeping rooms
in private family. Address G 148, Ore
WANTED TO RENT Small cottage, base-,
ment and bath on East Side, close In;
statu rent and address. V 146, Oregonian.
ROOM and board with private family by
young married couple, central and mod
erate desired. X 151, Oregonian.
WANTED Room and board by men, wifs
and 2-year-old baby; central; East Port
land. Address F 146, Oregonian.
WANTED To rent Underwood, R. C. Smith
or Fox typewriter. Phone Home 4188, Mala
4188. Address 404 Clay st.
WANTED to rent clean, furnished cottage,
two people ; good care ; state particulars la
letter. N 154-. Oregonian.
SMALL cottage, with fenced yard, walking
distance preferred. Would lease If satis
factory. T 150. Oregonian.
FIVE or 6-room cottage, flat or bungalow,
with fireplace preferred, on 6-cent carline
F. 146, Oregonian.
LADY wishes room and board near Postoffice,
where phe can carry on light business. O
151, Oregonian.
TWO gentlemen wish board, lodging with pri
vate family; references can be given. 391
Harrison st.
WANTED by couple, furnished cottag-e on
East Side. Address, full particulars, 604
East Pine st.
WANTED 3 or 4 furnished housekeeping
rooms or house. Phone, East 4616, or call
576 Kerby st.
WANTED Unfurnished room for lady em
ployed during the day. Rent reasonable. P
154. Oregonian.
WANTED 9-room house, furnace; Irvlngtnn
or Holladay, near carline. D 147, care
WILL pay $30 month for furnished apart
ment, rooms, cottage or flat. M 14 S,
WANTED By Sept. JO, 6 or 7-room mod
ern house or flat. West Side. East 143,
RESPECTABLE young man desires room ami
board on East Side; nice locality. X 15,
WANTED to rent, small farm, near Port
land or boat landing. W. Pettijohn,
LIGHT housekeeping privileges for man
and wife who are out during day. V 140,
WANTED Deskjroom, ith phone; good
party; first or second floor. G 155, Ore
gonian. ROOM and board for man and wife who
are out during day. H 15Q. Oregonian.
WANTED to buy, a launch on the install
ment plan; will pay $40 down, $20 a month,
7 per cent on deferred payments. Address.
W. E. Whitney, care dredge Columbia, Port
of Portland, giving else of launch and
power of engine.
TO houseboat and launch owners A lim
ited number of houseboats and launches
cared for during the Winter. Finest
mooring on the river. Make application
early. Prices reasonable. L. V. Wood
ward, care of Reierson Machinery Co.
MAIN 6665. 211 FIRST ST.
WANTED Men's cast-off clothing an$
shoes; we also buy household furnishings,
highest price paid. Call at the "Fain
Deal." 62 N. 8d. Phone Paclflo 1720. '
TO HIRE Pack horses and man that knows
the business for hunting and cruielr.g;
parti" at 605 Alder st. Phones Main 82ti,
A 4177.
ABSOLUTE FACT The Dollar. 232 1st, pays
higher prices for household goods. Phona "
Main 6374. A 2327. $$$$$$$$
WANTED A copy of B. ft C. Code General
Laws of Oregon. Address, giving conditio a
end price, W. K. Walpole, Irrigon, Or.
WANTED Second-hand horlsontal tubular
boiler, 10 to 15 horse power, for low press
ure. Address E 149, Oregonian.
and merchandise. Phone Mala 1620. J
T. Wilson, auctioneer.
SPOT cash paid for your furniture, etc. ;
prompt attention always given. Phose East
WANTED 2 or 4 ladders, and also opera
chairs, for a shoe store. W 146, Orego
nian. X pay cash for household goods. Savage Ai
Pennell Fur. Co.. 845 1st. Pacific 860.
WANT to buy. good second-hand furniture
for 4 to 7 rooms. P 149, Oregonian.
WANT to buy or rent canoe. State price,
kind and size. E 154, Oregonian.
WE call for dead horses and oattle free oS
cbarce. . Phone East 2233.
I WANT to buy goose-aeck wagon or truck.
Box 187. city.
Room a.
NICELY furnished, also unfurnished room?,
single and ensulte, quiet and very suit
able for single men. Kamm building, 1st
and Pine fits.
UNFURNISHED Flat of 8 rooms, with
water; rent, $6 per month; call after 10
A. M. 871 Kelly ft.. South Portland.
NICELY furnished rooms, brick building,
team heat, free baths and phone. Flat
8, 494 Morrison.
8 UNFURNISHED rooms on two carllnes;
walking distance; price $12. Phone 931.1
362 13th. j
FOR RENT Nicely furnished or unfurnished
rooms, thoroughly modern private house. 4-4
3d st.
Furnished Rooms.
GROUND floor of cottage, 3 large rooms. com-
pie ie iv lurumicu , uiuuera. a i.4tn.