THE SUNDAY OREGOyiAX. PORTLAND. AUGUST 18, - 1907. NEW TODAY. SEW TODAY. NEW TODAV. NEW TODAY. NEW TODAY. NEW TODAY. XEW TODAY. Factory Sites Some of the cheapest and most de sirable in the city all with trackage facilities. WEST SIDE $45,000 A block and a fraction. This is the best bargain in town. EAST SIDE $21,000 Two half blocks in Central East Portland, respectively, at the above figure. $32,500 A block and a fraction. Solid ground, excellent foundation for mas sive building; and heavy machinery. Over 400 feet frontage on S. P. By. Any of the above are excellent buys if only for speculation, as they are away below present market values. i Lambert-Whitmer Co. 107 Sherlock' Bldg. 404 E. Alder St. RESIDENCE SITES JURSHAI.L STREET The choicest In the city. Between 3th and 2th. IX1VKJOY STREET Between 21st and 23d: splendid place for . fiats: joining three elegant new houses and the price is only $."S0O, with all im provements in. XORTHl'P STRKET Between 25th and 26th. OVPJRTOX STREET Beautiful lots from S2y to $3.VY. lflnxlfln. corner. J-5"0. beautiful bargain. Similar piece one block away sold for JTrm last week. This will not last long. RALEIGH STREET Splendid quarter block for S;5oT; don't fail to see me about this for it la fine. QUIMBY STREET Snxlfln. sightly, accessible: only three blocks from carline; $1400. worth $1760 easv. THURMAX STREET Fine lot, splendid view; between 28th and "9th. All improvements in. good houses on each side of it; bargain. R. M. WILBUR 110 Second Street. CHOICE NOB HILL LOTS SOilon, KEARNfiV, .Ttxlnu. KKARNF.Y, 10x100. KEARNEY, KHilOO. KEARNEY. tOilOO. N'OKTHl r. WEST OF 2iO..2300 AV EST OF I-.'l). .IK ft ,5 WEST OF 22l..:iflJO AV EST OF 3:tlt. .S5MMI WEST OF 25TH..3130 TWO DAYS ONLY Two Six-Room Houses : $3,200 PATS OVER 14 PER CENT NET. 0E BLOC K FROM NEW T E R M I X A I. r.noins of pohtlanu sai.k.h LINE; $1800 CASH. LAMONTT HARRIS 306-7 Ku rt land Bldg. Suppose You Co L'ld buy a building. 3-storlcs high, built nt a time when structures were erected to utay put. and that couldn't be duplicated at- present prices, for building material for less than $24,500, together with a full lot, on First street not very far from "Washington. WOULD YOU BUY IT? If we only asked $37..vy for it. with $2."oo yearly income now and fully $4i00 a year in aight, when the lease expires. ret u talk to you about It; it's worth ' Investigating. WHITING &ROUNTREE Ki THIRD STREET. Manufacturing and Warehouse Sites With trackage, any size. Either side of the river, t'lose In or far out. north or opth. I can till any reasonable order in this line immediately. See me and save time. R. M. WILBUR, Tib Second Street RANCH ON RIVER 360 acres near Linntou; 19 acres waterfront, $20,000 ..HARTMAN & THOMPSON, Chamber of Commerce. A SNAP A 3-story brick hotel on 1st St., near Burnslde. earning- an income of $245 per month, must be sold before September 1. Lot j0x?5. Corner. Slake an offer. i SHERLOCK & WOERXDLE. 00 Fifth street near Stark. HANFORD 6 BLACKWEL1, CIVIL ENGINEERS. Railroads, Power Plant, Industrial 1101 Alaska Bldg., Seattle, Walk, $15,000 A 'nice piece of business property with guaranteed least for 5 years at a" rental of S1X per month. "4 cash, balance 6 per tent. BOLLAM, GRUSSI & HIGLEY 121 THIRD STREET. IRVINGTON Price $5800 Seven Rooms. Peautiful T-room house and bath, and lot 75xHio. being 660 Schuyler at. Can make terms. MALL & VON B0RSTEL, 104 Second St. and 3K3 Kant Burnslde. WAREHOUSE SITES Several for sale that can be leased sat isfactory if building erected. Give us a call. . JACKSON & DEERING Vhone Main 345. 246 Stark st. OV E.I tor HOMES Building restrictions, and im provements superior to any thing in .Portland. TAKE R-S CAR Every lot within two blocks of car line. AGENTS ON GROUND. A. F. SWENSSON & COMPANY General Agents. 253Vb WASHINGTON ST. Phones Main 3055, A 3055. SaveThatRent And Buy a Lot for IN Railway Addition, Montavilla Improved Streets, 5c Carfare Easy Terms $10 Down, $5 Per Month Come out and see these lots. Take Montavilla Car. Get off at Hibbard St., corner of Villa, or call at office. Lambert-Whitmer Co. ' Real Estate Department. 107 6herlock bldff. Cor. Third and Oak Bta. Bo! lam, , Grussi & Higley 128 Third Street Investments $ 9000 $15 000 $26 000 $35 000 $38 000 $50 000 Corner, 100x100, two houses and store, on new Salem carline, good for ware house. Fine business property, guaranteed lease ten years, J100 per month; half cash. Brick corner on 3d St., now paying an Income of 8 per cent; worth 3O,O0O. Fine business corner, pay ing $265 per month. Over 50 feet facing Wash ington and Alder streets, near lGth; only J10.000 cash. 3-story brick on Front St.. cor. Yamhill; income per month. Yt'e have many other good investments. Bollam, Grussi & Higley 128 THIRD ST. RIVERFRONT ACRE AGE AT OAK GROVE FROM $350 to $700 The Dunn-Lawrence CO. No. 149 1-2 First St. $30,000 Three-story' brick, corner, paying $265 per month income; fully worth $37,500. This week only. Bollam, Grussi & Higley 128 Third St. Grand Avenue PRICE $12,000 50x30 on the cast side of Grand ave.. next to the northeast corner E. liurnside and Grand ave. Some improvements, bringing a fair rental. Can make terms at 6 per cent. MALL & VON BORSTEL, 104 Second St. and 392 Eont Burnnide. ONE ACRE tflQCn Buys one acre on Oregon City 0I4.JU carline. half acre In garden, balance fine timber, new four-room bun galow. $100 cash, balance 3 yeara. Lovelv home site. J. F. COMPTON 100 Abington bldg. No Place Like This .56 Acres 25 in cultivation; a good 7-room house, good barn, wagon shed, woodhouse, fruithouse, chicken-house, hoghouse and other outhouses galore; 600 bearing fruit trees, assorted, but principally apples; balance of cleared land in meadow; 31 acres uncleared pasture; 1 good team of. horses, 2 wagons, 1 hack, 1 buggy, 2 sets double harness, 1 set single, 7 cows, 3 calves, 200 to 300 chickens, some hogs 30 to 40 tons of hay, all farming imple ments, all the furniture, carpets, stoves, cooking utensils, dishes (and they are all good), 7 stands of bees, and many other things too numerous to mention. If you want a good place and complete in every detail, this is it. It is located 28 miles from Port land, on the Columbia River, also X. P. R. R., and county road in front of place. Price only $4750. Jordan 6 Garbade 2321-2 Washington St. BARGAINS $2850 8-room new house, Wil lamette st., lot 75x100. Terms. $1400100x102, X. E. cor. 34th and Lincoln. $1250 Lois 1 and 2, Taik Annex to Highland, 9th and Skid more sts. $80050x100, S. E. corner East 38th and Yamhill. $85050x100. X. WT. corner E. 33d and Stevens. $5000 One acre, East 34th and , Grant. Terms. $1200 Four lots, 100x200, at Woodstock, on carline. Tom Word Real Estate Co. Main 4561, A 2561. 9 BRAND NEW WEST SIDE PROPERTY ANNUAL INCOME $1,320 PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY" OF OREGON S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Streets AN IDEAL HOME Thoroughly modern, 10 rooms with in walking distance; lot on corner, 100x100. F. B. H0LBR00K CO. 250 Stark St. Business property in best suburb; paying $60 per month; 10 minutes' ride to. center of citv: th hesr. ami safest paying investment in the city. This is worth easily $8000. Must be sold to settle estate. Bollam, Grussi 6 Higley 128 Third St. Portland Heights TWO CHOICE RESIDENCE SITES. It Pays to See Us. CHAM & HERLOW 332 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Main 1652. East Everett Street PRICE $2750 4!x50 and 6-room modern noose, south west corner 19th and Everett sts.: house No. 674 B. Everett st. Terms 11000 down, balance to suit at 6 per cent. MALL & VON BORSTEL, 104 Second St. and 382 East Bm-nalde. EAST ASH STREET ""HxlOO 6-room house, being No. 731 E. A.-ih street. PRICE $3150 TERMS MALL & VON BORSTEL, 104 Second St. and 302 East BnrnMde. 500 INVEST lN PORTLAND PROPERTY And DoubleYourMoney ffCfl flflfl Corner, with three-storv jJU,UUU brick building, Front and Yamhill streets. CCfl flflfl Corner, with three-story .pJU,UUU brick building, Front and Alder streets. ffCn flflfl Quarter block, with 3 PJU,UUU story .brick warehouse, which could not be built today for $40,000 ; on railroad track, private switch ; close in. Make your own terms. Rented for $250 per month. C9R fifM Corner Union ave. and .f0,UUU East Ankeny sts.; in come $215. ClCfllin Quarter -block. Union Plu,UUU ave- Income $75; can be doubled. ffOC nnf Four-story briek build 4J,UUU in?; Front st.' Income after January 1 $225 monthly. tQR finn Quarter block, with new P0J,UUU brick, on Sixth st. Cmn finn Half block on Front IUU,UUU st., center of city, ex tending to harbor line; good dockage. C1E flflfl Corner, with two-story 4IJ,UUU building, on Second st. ffOC flflf Two-story brick on j,UUU Front st., near Morrison. flflfl Corner on Fourth street, PJ,UUU eiOS;e i. Income $165 per month. tf EE nnn Quarter block, with 3 4JJ,UUU story brick building, on Front st. Income $40 per month. ffIC finn Quarter block on 12th 4I0,UUU st.; warehouse site. $25 000 0x20 feet on Fifteenth tn nnn Haif bi('k n i5th st- IJU,UUU on cw switch. CQC nfin Brick warehouse on 12th JU,UUU st. Income $225 . per month. RESIDENCES Nice corner, close in, East Side, with modern 8-room , house. 80x100 feet, modern home, East 16th st. Four lots and nice house, Portland Heights. CQORfl 10-room modern house, W. $0ZDU Main st. Corner, with modern home, 5th st., West Side. 10-room house, Hoyt street, near 21st st. CRflfin Modern home, close in, East 4JUUU Madison st. C7flfin Modern 8-room home, cor P'wUU ncr. East 15th st. $12 500 1?legant corner borne on $6500 eautu cornor home on COMMERCIAL INVESTMENT CO. D. B. MACK1E, Manager, 330-331-332 Lumber Exchange Bldg. JACKSON 6 DEERING S58.000 Whole block (10 lots). West Side: good location and trackage; an excellent prop erty. 830.000 115x230 warehouse property or. track, and good location. 88.500 Three lots on 10th street on Great Northern track a bargain and in heart of new warehouse purchases. S14.500 A sightly quarter. 12th and Hall, 4 Koud houses renting Jl.10. This Is a good buy, and hai; cash will handle. 9 5.000 An 8-room srood dwelling. No. 65S Quimby; ground 30x 100. near carlines, and big value. Dwelling could not be b'lilt for the money, and we throw lot in. S l.lOO Two inelde lots near Thomp son School; good neighbor hood; half cash. S 7oO 5 lots on Willis boulevard that are an excellent buy, and half the price of sur rounding lots. Several bunches of lots on Peninsula that are sure- winners. W'e also have various Income properties. JACKSON 6 DEERING Phone Main 345. 246 Stark St. A 15 Income An Apartment House Of 15 apartments and 12 single rooms, only, eight minutes' walk from the center of the city, on the West Side, with a guaranteed lease of $500 per month. $20,000 will swing it. This is a snap, and is a positively safe in vestment. Call on us. Columbia Trust Co. Couch Building. BASIS OF ALL WEALTH City Property and Lands. The EAST SIDE has the GREATEST population. Is growing the most RAP IDLY and the GREATER PORTLAND MUST and WILL be there. In 1906 there were 531 residences built on tho EAST SIDE to 100 on the West Side. Portland is attracting more atten tion than any city on the Coast and is undergoing a MIGHTY TRANSFOR MATION, and In the next ten years will likely make more PROGRESS than it has in Its entire past. HOLLADAY'S ADDITION Is the geographical center of the city, and is the most DESIRABLE residence district and much of this will become BUSINESS property. Do not overlook these facts when making investments, and call and inspect the property; for seeing is believing. The OrpKon Real Estate Co., 8814 Third street (room 4) Portland, Or. FOR SALE BY REED, FIELDS 6 TYNAN COMPANY 102 Second Street Phones, Main 7004, A 3651 $1500 $1800 $2300 $3200 $3750 $3800 100x100, N H. corner E. 32d and Stephens sts. cash. 5- room modern house, located on Alberta carline. $000 down, balance on easy terms. 6- room bungalow, strictly mod ern, on 13th and Mildred. $750 cash, balance on easy terms. Lot 50x50, 7-room house, on E. 15th St., near Ash, 1-3 cash. Vj cash, new house. strictly modern, on 33d and E. Market streets. "i cash, strictlv modern 7-room house, lot 50x100 on the S. E. cor. Tenth and Tillamook sts. (Cnnn 9-room furnished house. No. Ifi6 OJUUU E. 16th st., near Belmont. Rents for $45 per month. $2000 cash; balance on any kind of terms. tR7Rfl !"room strictly modern house. vJlJU on Wasco street, between East 19ih and 21st. CPfinn &exl6 on the N. W. cor. of 2d t?0UlU and Sheridan; two 6-room nuuses, income ou per monm. 9-room modern house, all" kinds of fruit trees, lot 50x100. $6200 07flfln EasY terms; 50xl( on 23d St.. OIUUU near Washington. This is bv far the cheapest lot on the' street. Very desirable for flats or an apartment-house. 10 flflfl Beautiful 12-room hoiise. lot OlU UUU 100x100 In Holladay Addition, near Grand ave. t1K Kflfl a-3 cash- a w- " of ISth V I J JUU and Hoyt street, 4 strictly modem flats. Income $127.50 per month. t1C flflfl 1xl0 on the X. W. cor. of l9 1 0 UUU 23d and Johnson sts. Fine 12-room house; Income $100 per month. Thn ground is well worth the money without the house. t1R finn $SO0O cash, balance 6 per J 1 0 UUU cent. 100x100, with beauti ful 12-room house on the East Side, lo cated on Irvlngton carline, close In. This house Is strictly modern and elegantly furnished. All furniture goes with the house. On nnn Warehouse property. IOOxKO OZU UUU feet, on E. Washington St. and B. Third. All filled and streets im proved. $5000 down, balance 3 years, at Hi per cent. PORTLAND HEIGHTS tCKn WxlflO. on 22d and Elm sU., 9HUUU Portland Heights. FOR RENT 35-room brick hotel. Busi ness for sale, with 5-vear lease, all furni ture and bar fixtures, price $3000. Located In a. thriving railroad town. If you are looking for a hotel proposition this Is a good one. and it will pay you to investi gate it. We can recommend it. TIMBERLA.VD 5000 acres of flrstclass fir timber, lying on river, 16 miles from railroad track. Price 80 cents per 1000. Located in Southern Oregon. ACREAGE $3000 aNr res at Clarnie. on the O. R. of R. R.. i miles east Courthouse. C7fln0 acres. 9 acres in cultivation,' Of UUU consisting of fruit and small henries. Good house, good barn, running water through the land, located on car line. tQfinft cash. 10 acres all in fruit. VdUUU good house, beautiful yard, all kinds of flowers and shrubbery; this prop erty faces on the Base Line Road and the Mount Hood Survey runs through it; only Z miles east of Montavilla. MCI) tQnn We nave several 10 and U IwU OuUU 20-acre tracts of unim proved land east of Montavilla from $150 to $300 per acre. PIEDMONT 7-room house, 100x100, new ' and choice. Price $4700. CONCORD HEIGHTS 7- room house, 50x85, new, and a good buy for .f2000. IRVINGTON 6-room house on a corner 50x100, brand-new and verv fine, $6200. HAWTHORNE AVE. 8- room house, just off this beauti ful street, for $4750. Portland Trust Company Of Oregon i S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. Warehouse Property Thirteenth Street PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Streets STOP PAYING RENT We have a lot of brand-new houses from 5 to 8 rooms each. We wiil take from $300 to $500 down and balance in monthly payments to suit you. Let us show you. Bollam, Grussi & Higley 128 THIRD ST. Grand Avenue PRICE $18,500 oOxfio and store buildings, southeast cor ner Grand ave. and E. Ankeny st.: has a very good income. Call us up and we will tell you about it. MALL & VON BORSTEL, 104 Second St. and 392 Kant Burnaldc. 50x100, $2100 ON EAST MAIN STREET FACING- SOUTH, BETWEEN 15TH AND 14TH. CLOSE IN AND GOOD NEIGHBORHOOD. INQUIRE FAIRCHILD,175 E. 15th $32,500 Will buy one of the best business cor ners on Sixth st., if sold this month. Income 1175 per month. H 121, Oregonian. Residence Property $ 500 S1300 $1800 $2000 $2100 $2350 $2500 $2500 $2600 $2500 $3000 $3150 $4000 $4200 $4250 $4300 $5500 $8000 $6000 2-room house and lot. near car line; $200 cash, bal. $15 per mo. 8-room house, on East 17th, near Powell; installments. New 5-room cottage, cor. lot at Creston: $350 cash, balance $20 per month. 5-room cottage on Market st; West Side; cheap. 8-room house on East 11th. near Stark st.; rented for $20 per mo. New 5-room cottage, cor. lot. East 9th St.. Highland; $350 cash, balance $25 per month. Nice 5-room cottage in SUnny side, one block from car. New 5-room cottage, cor. lot. East Irving St., $400 cash, bal. $20 per month. New 8-room house just finished, cor. E. 27th and Clinton: $400 cash, balance $20 per month; a beauty. 3 lots and nice 4-room house, good barn, beautiful view, at Mount Tabor. Brand new. modern. 7-room house on Hawthorne ave.; $; cash, balance terms. Nice 5-room cottage on Quimby, bet. 19th and 20th St.; part cash. Beautiful new 8-room house, lot 67xllS, Hawthorne ave; part cash. A swell home. Xew S-room house, full lot In Irvington, H cash. Good 7-room house, lot 50x106, 2d and Sherman. Modern 8-room house, cor. lot on McMillfn St., near Steel bridge. 8 rooms, full lot, beautiful home on East Burnslde st.. near 22d. New. swell modern 9-ioora house. East JSth and Washing ton : $40C0. cash. Modern 7-room house, and lot; 6th and Grant, West Side. Bollam, Grussi Si Higley 128 Third Street FRONT STREET The Northeast corner of Front and Salmon Sts., facing 100 feet on Front Street, 210 feel on Sal mon Street, 130 feet deep water frontage. The most attractive buy on the street. Wakefield Fries & Co. 229 Stark Street FULL BLOCK $30,000 UNIMPROVED, CLOSE IN. CHEAPEST BUY, EAST SIDE. It Pays to See Us. CHAM & HERLOW S32 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Main 1652. Residence Property CTOnn i:S8x70. East 2?M. between 40UU Jielmont and Morrison sts.; two brand-new 6-room flats are lo cated on this property, with enough spare left for three more houses. Terms. CQORfl 'nrner ' anfl f-rra- bouse, )OZ,iJU jn DPSt cf condition, on car line, West Side. Terms. Sinnott 6 Sinnott 535 Chamber of Commerce. A HOME At Actual Cost Fine two-story, six-room house; corner lot, cement sidewalk and foundation, fireplace in fact, thor oughly modern in every respect. Terms very reasonable. F. B. HOLBROOK CO. 2."0 Stark St. Cheap Corner Lot PRICE 600 TERMS, $100 DOWN Corner lot, 50xl itnatod on the N. B. corner of B. 25th and Pacific sts.: the balance of payments on this can be made on installments of $10 per month or more; interest 6 per cent on deferred pay ments. Mall & VonBorstel 104 Second St. and 392 Kmnt Rurnnlde. Money to Be Made 10 Kflfl block. 3 blocks from Mor Ol OUU rison and Grand ave., flue for factory, warehouse or lodging-house. Nothing as cheap around. Kasy terms. OCfl nfin verv easy terms, 120 acres WvJU UUU highly-Improved and. some of it beaver dam, fronting on Willamette, this side of Jenninsrs Lodge. No more beautiful tract between Portland and Ore gon City. If divided into 5 and 10-acre tracts, money can be doubled. J . FUCHS, 221V4 Morrison t. South Portland Bargains Moyer Alley All of lot 10. subd. 3. block 3, , Portland Homestead. Size 3ox 100. Price .."00. Corbett Street Number 1002. nearly new 5-room and basement cottape, lot 36 2-3s 100 feet. A bargain at $2750. Hamilton Avenue 100 feet frontage at southwest corner Kelly st.; high and sight ly location, with tine view. ,2000. Bancroft Avenue Smnll cottage. No. 127, with frac tional lot about 30x150. A bar gain at S750. Macadam Street Kast 130 feet lot 2, block B, size 7bxl30, $1000. Kelly Street Choice building lot, southeast corner Kellv and Abernethy sts. Price only $1800. FACTORY SITES Macadam Street 100x100 feet, N. W. corner Mac adam and Gaines, with trackags facilities. Hood Street 55x200 feet, between Hooker and Porter sts.;' trackage facilities available. WAKEFIELD, FRIES 6 CO. 229 STARK STREET. REMEMBER That you can make the start for a home by paying $5 down in Lorrir ton today. Don't continue to pay rent. but pet a place of your own and keep the rent money. 1 All streets are graded, walks grav eled and water piped to every lot in Ixrrinton. Take W-W car at Third and Yamhill and come out. Agent is on the ground. Moore Realty Co, Rooms 17, 18 and 19 Mallory Bldg., 268 STARK ST. Hood River Bargains $700 Cash handle an little nlnra of 2i acres, all in berries, orchard and garden. 4-room house, barn, good well and fences on place: 2 Inches of water for irrigation. Finest kind of soil, and lies well on the main county road, only 2 miles from liood River. If you want a model little place in this beautiful valler at a bargain, better see this before It is sold. The price is only Jl.Vio. and it wiil go to the llrst party seeing it. Investors, Attention 22 acres of the best apple land In tho Hood River Valley; lies welt and partly clear. Can be put in orchard for SoO per acre. A 20-acre 5-year-old orchard near, this place recently sold for JliO.OfA We can sell this 22 acres" for $75 per acre, and if Is one of the best bargains in orchard, land in this beautiful valley. Ini-estlgate at once, as It will not last long. DELVIN 6FIREBAUGH 50S-50!) SIVETIjAND BI,DG. . Special Farm and Sawmill Proposition 120 acrp5, nearly all level, V acres un der cultivation, 30 acres of timber, j?ood new buildings, 3-arre orchard, on Rood road. Mill consists of 35 horse power en gine, SO horse, power boiler, nil connerted. up; buildings ."xfi. skid road lop way. everything new: capacity 2.1,000 feet per day; about .V.toft.ono feet of timber sur rounding1 plant; this will bear the closest Inspection. Price $l,VK can remain. Will take $1000 worth of lumber as part payment. OTTO, CROCKETT S HARKSQN 133!i FIRST STREET. Tn an excellent location on a full lot. The living room is large and has fire place; the finishing throughout is very fine. Modern In design, with extra large porch and the best quality plumbing; built expressly for a home. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Bts. 10 Per Cent. Net Business bloek on corner, 100x121 ; price .fSOOO; terms, $4500 cash. No telephone calls on this. F. B. HOLBROOK CO. 250 Stark St. EAST ASH STREET PRICE $1900 TERMS $600 DOWN Five-Room Cottage. TyOt 47x72 and beautiful 5-room cottage, being S72 K. Ash st. We can make terms on deferred payments at 6 per cent. Mai! & VonBorstel 104 Second St. and 302 Ent BaraMrie. Bungalow