The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, August 04, 1907, Section Two, Page 7, Image 19

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Horses. Vehlckles. Etc
nefs. Cal! Columbia Stables, corner Front
and Columbia.
FINE family horse, together with rubber
ttre1 top buggy, at reasonable price. D 101,
FOR SALE Cneap, work horse, harness and
. waKOn. 102 Ebey at., Montavllla. M 76,
HT'BERT & HALl, 206 4th at., dealers In
horses and vehicles; horse, and vehicles
for rent. .
J4 HORSES for sale cheap: unbroken; good
. condition. Farmers' Stable, aOS, 310 Front
WANTED Very small, gentle pony; give
weight and phone number. C U3, Ore
gonian. 8 MAKES, 3 a-eldlnss. young and sound;
will sell In pairs or single. 100 Milwau
kee st.
YOl.'NO, sound bay horee, broke to drive or
ride. Call at stable. 2d and Main gts ., city.
DRIVING or saddle mare, gentle. 6 years
old; weight H.'iO pounds. Phone Union 2Hi.
FOR SALE Young mare, saddle and bridle.
very gentle, r-uoii .tuuuin.,, j.,-...
FOR SAKE Gentle riding pony. Inquire at
North Bank Hotel, till X. Slat St.
DRIVING horse, years old, new buggy
and harness. Phone East 1S51.
W ANTED To hire heavy team, wagon and
harness. Address T 87, Oregonian.
FOR SALE $''00 Studebaker phaeton, little
used: price $15. Phone East 11S4.
FOR SALE One horse. 1250. sound; one
saddle pony. Phone East 3582.
: FOR SALE '-Good driving mare and colt. 4
months old. Call 44 East Mill.
FRESH cows. 35 and up. E. Z. Bros., LenuJ,
6 blocks south of car station. '
FIN"! bay niara, 1350 pound at barn, 228
; Jefteraoo st. .
f EVEN carloads of San Francisco pianos
diverted to Portland 117 of them choice
and fresh and splendid. We've under
taken to pell them. Must do so within the
next tou days. Profit-making Is out of
the question in such an undertaking, hence
the prices 57c on the dollar. New $200
pinnos now $114, $300 means now $171;
$400 Is $228. Remember, we. guarantee
the price and value of each piano as well
a durability and quality. Terms really
should be all cash, but we'll say half cash
now and balance within a year at 8 per
cent tf more convenient. We'll not spilt
hairs over that part of It. The main
thing is to sell these pianos, to sell them
quickly and with the least lnterferenca
with our regular work. See advertisement
on page 10. section 1, of this paper.
Eilers Piano House. 353 Washington, cor.
A $500 KARWKNER upright cabinet grand
f piano. $150. $10 down and $S a month
payments. 619 Tourny bldg.. 2d and Taylor.
HIGH-GRADE PIANO, taken on mortgage, for
sale cheap: terms If desired. Phone Mr.
Brown. Main 5284; Automatic A 3284.
CHEAP Fine Estey organ. Call at 08
Vnlon ave., cor. Washington, bet. 9 A. M.
and B P. M. Mrs. Thompson.
STEINWAT baby grand, fine tone, almost
new. reasonable; or trade for real estate.
F P4. Oregonian.
12 inch, anv amount, cheap.
loo tons black and galv. flat sheet Iron,
the p.
5 tons boom chains.
1 tons black and galv. wire, cheap.
Large amount of pulleys, shafting,
gears, etc., at very low prices. M. Barde
& Sons, Kth and Gllsan sis. -
SNAP Automobile. 5 passengers. 20 H. P-,
side entrance; Olds touring car. almost
new. new tires cpst $200. searchlight $4.V
liahrlel horn $25. all in perfect order and
- ready for business at only $800; cash or.
bankable paper. Come quick. Address
905 E. Morrison st., or phone Tabor 63.
or B 1803.
Stevens-Durvea touring car, 190T mod
el, at a sacrifice.
National touring car. 20-horse power,
at price that will surprise you.
14th and Yamhill.
60 SLIGHTLY damaged sewing machines
at very low prices; Singer, Wheeler &
Wilson, Domestic, White. Household. Davis
and others; to make room for new stock.
Wheeler & Wilson and Singers. S. S. Slgel,
335 Morrison St., Mmquam bldg. .
MRS. METZGER, of Lentt, Or., is going
East Thursday. August 8; must sell her
fine bred stock at once. Black Minorca.
White Wvanriotte and Rock Island Red,
prize cockerels; aleo 25 white ducks. $1
each. Call or address. Lents. Or.
'. FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard
and pool tables; easy payments; we rent
tables, with privilege of buying; modern
bar fixtures: cheap prices. Brunawlck-Balke-Collender.
40 3d at.
"FIVB-PASSENGBR Olds touring car for sale,
$500; owner going away. Car In good shape,
will trade for real estate. Inquire room 21u.
Chamber of Commerce.- Phone East 2655.
i MOTION pictures and machines for rent;
also bought, sold and exchanged; lareest
stock: lowest prices. See Newman's Mo
tion Picture Co.. 145V4 6th. cor. Alder.
'FOR SALE Lueger pistol. 10-shot. practl
. cally new: cost $2S; will eell for $18. or
exchange for Savage carbine: 38-55 pre
ferred. R. Harrison. Oregon City.
FOR SALE 30-foot gasoline launch: tip-to-,
date model; commodious: 7-horsepower
engine; to sell at a bargain. Inquire J.
C. Harlan, care of Tull & Glbbs.
FOR SALE: Attractive, neatly furnished
houseboat, 4 rooms; store and dark room;
. suitable for Summer home. Phone East
10. H. A. Reynolds. '
MAIX 68B5. 211 FIRST ST.
FIRST-CLASS ehervlng and counter. 35 feet
long, 2 wall cafes, 1 counter, 12 feet; bar
gain. Applv 327 Washington St., between
9 and 12 A. M.
FOR SALE OR TRADE: Full-dress suit,
size 86, worn once, cost $50; a bargain.
Also frock coat and vest, worn twice. W
. 91. Oregonian.
WILL sell my incis six-cylinder, seven-pas-
aenger Thomas touring car at snap price;
first-clans condition; am leaving city. N 86,
A 12-GAUGE. take-down repeating Winches
ter shotgun, never been shot, and case, for
$15. Call Sunday before noon. 410 S)
4tb st.
erm, sawmills, pumps and general machin
ery, by H. C. Albee & Co.. 248 Grand ave.
6.VAPP 3. 7 and H! P. double cylinder
marine gasoline engines;-also new launch.
22 feet long. 4 H. P. 205 1st. barber shop.
FOR SALE! $18 Quick Meal gas range, has
been In uee only three months, for $10. In
quire at 926 Hancock st.. corner 29th.
GASOLINE launch, 22 feet long. 7-horse.
engine, speed 12 miles hour; fine equip
ment; bargain. Phone East 1S39.
FOR SALE Certificate good for $.w on any
piano or organ at Reed-French Piano Co.;
$15. Address W 94. Oregonian.
FOR SALE $300 new National cash register.
$150 cash, or payments; used 6 months.
G. J. Smith. Franklin Hotel.
NEW roll-top oak desk: will sell or ex
change for small safe or Ifypewriter.
Hynson. 343 Washington st.
PRIVATE party will sell reasonable diamond
ring, half carat, pure white stone. Address
Miss B. Mahtew. Gen. Delivery-
SPECIAL sale of show cases and counters;
also stoves and ranges, at Western Sal
vage Co.. 627 Washington. .
one hair-dryer cheap; as good as new. At
350 Morrison St.. room 52.
31-FOOT gasoline launch: 4-cyltnder, 15 H.
P. engine, with boathouse. In fine condi
tion. W Rg. Oregonian.
3CEW building built for garage, for aale
much less than material Is worth. Phone
Exchange 44, Johnson.
TWO Jersey cows, fresh; one thorough
bred. 917 Belmont St., corner 30th. East
3555. Sunnyslde car.
FOR SALE No. 5 Underwood Typewriter
in perfect condition. $50. Address box
B 95. Oregonian.
PARTY ON IRVING ST., near 21st. has about
a thousand yards of dirt to dispose of.
Phone Mala 6372.
FOR SALE Victor concert phonograph: a
loud, distinct and perfect machine. P 101,
THE Western Salvage Co. can furnish yrur
room or house complete for less. 627
MONKEYS for sale Four Japanese mon
keys for sale. For particulars. E 94, Ore
gonian. FOR SALE. cheap A graphophone and
about 50 records. B 102. care of Ore
gonian. A FIRST-CLASS well drill, mounted, wtth
gasoline engine. Address Watson's Restau
rant. CHorCE Jersey cow. fresh. Opposite reser
voir No. 2, South Mt. Tabor. Phone East
FOR SALE 2 first-class fresh milch cows.
14 SO Macadam St., Fulton. Phone Main
MOVING picture machines, supplies, repairs,
film slides; bargains. Stevens, 105V4 -th.
FOR SALE: Dresser and mantel folding bed,
with mattress. $8.50. Call 414 E. Davis.
NEARLY new automatic time stamp (No. 3).
cheap for cash. 308 Columbia bldg.
FRENCH range and kitchen outfit; will
sell cheap. Inquire 291 Stark-st.
FOX terrier for sale, full blood, cheap;
leaving city. Phone Pacific 945.
FOR SALE Gasoline launches of all kinds.
George Feran. foot of Clay .
SAIL BOAT. A-l condition. Oregon Optical
Co.. apply to 173 4th.
LADY'S ticket to Denver, cheap. F 103. Ore
gonian. 1 DIAMOND, good buy. 173 4th.
BARN for rent. Inquire 584 4th st.
WANTED One rlacksmlth, two cabinet
makers, three bench carpenters, to go to
Coos Bay, good wages: 3 millwrights, city.
$3.50 to $4.50; 5 lumber graders. $2 75; 3
tallymen. $2.75: planer feeders. $2.50 up;
10 lumher pliers, $2.75; 50 mill and yard
men, $2.50 to $3; 2 carriage riders for new
band mill, $2.75; cut-off sawyers for box
factory. $2.75: 5 sash and door factory
men, $3 to $3.50; 3 boys to work In planing
mill. $2: 6 rough carpenters, near city.
$3.50; 2 flunkies. $35 up; 25 loggers, wages
$2.75 to $5; large list of other work.
We furnish transportation to work out
of the city.
Open Sundays.
Main Office. 12 North 2d St.
large Income assured to anyone who will act
as representative after learning our buM
ns thoroughly by mail: experience unneces
sary; all we require la honesty! ambition
and willingness to learn a lucrative busi
ness: no soliciting or traveling; an excep
tional opportunity for those who desire to
better their conditions and make more
money. For full particulars adriresa Dept.
792 B. any office. National Co-operative
Realty Co.. 52 Dearborn m.. Chicago: 507
E et.. Washington. D. C. ; Phelps bids:.,
Scranton, Pa., or Dclgar bldg.. Oakland, Cal.
THREW hooktenders. $5; 6 head fallers. S3.50;
6 second, fallers. $3.25: 5 donkey engineers,
$3.25; one at $3 and board: 10 rigging rus
tlers. $3.25; 4 firemen, $3: 10 buckers, $3.25:
8 chaseie, $3.25; 6 swampers, $3: 5 bridge
carpenters, $3.50; 100 mill hands, $2.50;
man and wife. farm. $50; farm hand. $50;
others, $40 and $45; man and wife, lodging
house $70 and room. Plenty of other work.
5oo Austrlans, Italians or Greeks for Se
attle. $2.50; foremen.. $3.50. board them
selves, free cook and tents, fare paid. See
us. Open Sunday. Canadian Employment
Co., 21 North 26. Main 3074.
Man and wile, cook and helper, logging
camp. $90; man and wife, cook and help
er, small mine. $90. fare paid, boss here
this t Sunday) morning; marine engineer,
$75 and board; block butcher, country
shop, $63 and board; kitchen help, flunk
ies, waiters, dishwashers, others.
TjOggers, woodsmen, logging, railroad
laborers, others, ralilroad work all over.
26 N. 2d St. 250 Burnside St.
want , competent salesmen
In all departments.
Good pay and rapid advancement
for proficient workers.
Apply Superintendent. 8 to 10 A. M.
and 5 to 6 P. M.
Wanted at once, capable men for the
following positions:
Manager for dry goods department,
General merchandise salesman. $900.
Dry goods salesman, $1020.
Bookkeeper, country $1020.
Suite 34, Raleigh bldg.. S23H Wash. St.
Wanted Ad experienced and competent
picture framer.
Address, giving experience and salary
wanted. Box M 103. The Oregonian.
WANTED Salesman, experienced in any
line, to sell general trade In Pacific Coast;
liberal commission, with $35 weekly ad
vance; one salesman earned $1289.28 dur
ing last three months, his first work.
The Continental Jewelry Co.. Cleveland,
WANTED Man of all-round business ability
to take charge of office and business In
thriving city; this Is flrt-clas: salary guar
anteed $100: commissions large; expenses;
permanent: references required. Call 212
Swetland bldg.
tel work; must understand use of plumb
ers tools and be good all round repair
man; require references. Apply In per
son at office Monday, 9 A. M. , Hotel
SALESMEN who can sell real estate on easy
pavments will find It to their advantage to
call on the sales manager of the Jaeobs
Stine Co., Achfoon bldg.. 6th st.. opp. Meier
& Frank. Monday, between 1 and 4- P. M.
WANTED Men to take contract for clearing
loo acres or any part of it in Klickitat
County: none but men understanding clear
ing and able to give bond considered. Ap
ply John 8. Beall. 321 Hawthorne ave.
SALESMEN who contemplate making change
write ua for particulars. Several of our
ealestnen earned from $300 to $600 per month
during June and July. MoAlllster-Coman
Company. 356 Dearborn t.. Chicago.
EXCEPTIONAL opportunity for salesmen
wanting to enter the real estate field. Ap
plv sales manager the Jacoha-Stlne Co.,
Acheson bldg., 6th st., opp. Meier & Frank,
Monday, between 1 and 4 P. M.
WANTED A man and wife, county place,
to do cooking and housework; take care
garden, lawn, etc.: good place family
of three; only part of year. A. C. Churchill
Co., 110 2d St.
SALESMAN for Oregon. Experienced travel
ing man preferred: line staple for general
trade. Position permanent. $30 weekly ad
vance wtth commission. Sawyer, Leslie &
Co., Detroit. Mich.
YOU can make money selling real estate for
the Jacob-Stein Co.: if Interested, call on
sales manager. Acheson bldg.. 6th st.. opp.
Meier Frank, Monday, between 1 and 4
P. M.
FOREMAN for box factory, one who thor
oughly understands box shooks. Apply
by letter, giving experience and refer
ences. Raymond Box Co., Raymond,
WANTED Salesman for the latest edition
of Webster's International Dictionary;
schools must have them; salary or commis
sion. Address S 103. Oregonian.
AN energetic young men to learn the real
estate business: we pay. you well while you
learn: give phone address and all details
In first letter. M 102. Oregonian.
PIANO salesmen to take up real estate as a
side line: state how long In the city, age
and all detatls In first letter; give phone
and address. L 103. Oregonian.
WANTED Laundryman who is an exper-
- fenced washer and can look after engine
and boiler. Apply Klamath Falls Steam
laundry. Klamath Falle, Or.
BOY wanted to drive delivery wagon and
do general work In liquor store: one living
with parents preferred. Apply Monday
morning. 230 Washington st.
YOUNG man to take full charge of stationary
department and make himself generally use
ful: give references and state experience.
Address J 105, Oregonian.
HEADER WAGON driver. Inquire 825 Ablng
ton bldg.
TWO experienced clerks for dlsburssment ac
counts in railroad office; must be good pen
men and fairly, quick at figures; state age,
present salary and references. N 93, Ore
gonian. '
SALESMEN who sell direct ' to consumers
to handle our line for made-to-measure
clothes. If you are now selling other
lines, such as groceries. Jewelry, etc., you
should add our line of woolens at once;
It means a brilliant future and good
profits for you. We furnish samples or
woolens In any form. Write quick for
territory desired. Address lock box 256,
Chicago, 111. General Manager, Dept. No.
SUBSCRIPTION solicitors wanted for a
high-class popular magazine. Very liberal
salaries and commissions paid to agents
who devote all their time to the work.
Large commissions and cash prizes for
part-time work. Write at once for par
ticulars to Office Number 17, The Circle,
Funk & Wagnalls Company, New York.
MEN to work on city directory of the prin
cipal cities and all the larger towns In
the States of Oregon, Washington, Idaho,
Utah and British Columbia; no experi
ence; good pay; small cash security. Send
- stamp for application blank. Pacific Di
rectory Co., P. O. station C, San Fran
cisco. Cal.
WANTED Good man to represent us as agent
in a flret-class locality out of town: wagon
equipment and splendid Inducements to se
cure trade furnished free; one experienced In
teas, coffees, etc.. preferred: state reference
and experience. Address Grand Union Tea
Co., 473 Washington st.
The Identical course so widely advertised
and sold for $30 given free of charge to
readers of our Great New Real Estate
' Monthly. Send for free copy at once. Ad
dress, the Model Magazine, Dept. 209, Wash
ington, D. C.
WANTED Stavebolt cutters. $1.50 per cord;
timber yellow Dr. Apply room 309 Stearns
bldg., Portland, Or.
SPECIAL Several young men of common
education and ability to qualify for rail
way mall clerk. A few letter-carrlera to
prepare also. Don't fall to see us at
once. Other positions to be filled this
Fall. Call or write Pacific States Schools,
513 McKay bldg.
WE will teach you to be a traveling sales
man by mall In eight weeks and guar
antee you a position with a reliable firm:
hundreds of good positions now open;
write for particulars today. Address Na
tional Salesman's Training Association,
suite 349 Scarrltt block. Kansas City. Mo.
ALL diseases of men successfully treated;
discharges positively cured in from 3 to
5 days; consultation free and strictly con
fidential; send for our symptom blank.
X-radlum Medical Institute, 3d and Alder
sts.; entrance 253 Alder St.. Portland.
FINE-LOOKING lady, bright, true, honest,
confidentially reliable, 6 years a widow,
40 years of age, would like to meet gentle
man with view to matrimony, a man
with good income to give good, honest,
fine wife a home. C 87, Oregonian.
GOOD men without delav to prepare for
Examination September 4. Applications
must be filed immediately: big salary.
West Coast Schools, Inc., 315 Oregonian
bldg. Open dally and evenings.
MEN AT ONCE to qualify for LETTER
POSTOFFICE. , Special examination Au
gust 17. Good salaries, life positions. Call
today. West Coast Schools, 313 Ore
gonian bldg. Open tonight.
WANTED A good solicitor, one that han
dles pictures or coupons preferred, for a
new proposition; salary and commission.
Call after 3 P. M., or Sunday between
9 A. M. and 4 P. M. 227 "A Washlng
. ton St., room 56.
Men and boys wanted to learn plumbing, plas
tering, bricklaying, also sheet metal pattern
draughting; positions secured; day and night
classes; free catalogue; visitors welcome.
Coyne Trade Sch'la, San Fran, and New York
PROTECT yourself for $1 per month against
accident, sickness and death. Write or
call for full information. Northwestern
Health and Accident Association, 108
Sherlock bldg. Agents wanted.
trade in eight weeks; graduates earn from
$15 to $25 weekly; expert instructors; cat
alogue free. Moler System of Colleges. I5
North Fourth street, Portland.
WANTED Bright young man to take
charge office, representing well estab
lished trade papers; prefer one with
newspaper experience: - give full particu
lars. J 71. care Oregonian.
WANTED Salesmen and solicitors for beat
proposition ever made to both agent and
public; $50 to $75 per week easily made;
do not overlook this. Call after 7 P. M.,
New Occidental Hotel, 1st and Morrlaon,
Room 212. P. Kramer.
WANTED Live, energetic specialty salesman,
city; old reliable Eastern manufacturing
concern; salary and commission. Permanent
position right party. Only high-salaried
men need apply. Address G 92, Oregonian.
WANTED First-class marker and assort
er; handle about 900 bundles with helper;
steady place for a sober man; no cigarette
smokers need apply: good pay. Address
R 73, care Oregonian.
WANTED Men and boys to learn plumbing,
sign and cardwrltlng and designing; day and
night classes. Catalogue free. Colorado
School Practical Plumbing. 1645 Arapahoe
St.. Denver, Colo.
WANTED At once, first-class candy maker
for retail store; steady work, good wages
guaranteed to right man- Top Smith
Candy Co., 1140 Pacific ave., Tacoma,
MEN AND WOMEN If you are seeking em
ployment, let us help you. If you are
capable and efficient, we will do the rest.
Clerks" Registration Bureau, 303 Alisky
IX six weeks we educate you In salesman
ship, secure you a position as traveling sales
man, with responsible firm. -Address the
Bradstreet System. Rochester. N. Y.
Men end women to learn watchmaking, engrav
ing, jeweler work, optics, easy terms: posi
tions guaranteed; money made learning.
Watcbmkg-Engvg. Boh'L 1426 4th av. Seattle.
GOOD HOME) for an old man. to work around
suburban home: small wages; must have
good habits: drinking man need not apply.
Address, atating age, etc., H 92, Oregonian.
WANTED One good specialty salesman In
each state. New. high-grade proposition.
Bond and references required. Address
Jobbers. 510 South Gilbert St., Iowa City, la.
ONE good sausage-maker and all-round
butcher; also experienced shop tender; young
men preferred; good wages; .write, stating
experience, to Box 629. Aberdeen, Wash.
YOUNG man In office of wholesale house; no
exporlence necessary; must write fair hand
and be accurate in simple calculation: state
age and references. R 80, Oregonian.
WANTED Married man preferred; will give
a working Interest to right party; good
waes; good house. Address Mt. Pleas
ant Fruit Ranoh, Hood River, Or.
WANTED To solicit and generally useful In
grocery, experienced man preferred, must
understand care of horses. F. P. Shaugh
nessy. Archer Place, opposite station.
WANTED Assistant bookkeeper, experienced;
one who can . take charge of set of books;
reference required; good opening; , local
wholesale house. A 91. Oregonian.
CAPABLE srlesman to cover Oregon with sta
ple line: high commissions with $100 monthly
advance; permanent peettton to right man.
Jess H. Smith Co.. Detroit. .Mtch.
WANTED Working foreman on- dairy farm:
man with agricultural training preferred;
state former positions, experience and ref
eences. T 77. Oregonian.
WANTED Two up-to-date salesmen, who ase
not afraid of work, and can handle one of
the best things sold In the specialty line.
R 95, Oregonian.
WANTED -Court stenographer to fill position
paying $1800 per year: must have had ex
perience. Apply at once. Smith Premier
.. Typewriter Co.
WANTED Live, intelligent men to handle In
surance proposition; excellent opportunity
for good men. Apply 407 Lumber Exchange
SALESMAN to represent Eastern manufac
turing house In city. Permanent position.
Salary and commission. Address K 88. Ore
gonian. CAPABLE local manager to represent manu
facturing corporation; exclusive contract.
W. F. A. Co.. 1605 Gough st.. San Fran
cisco. 600 MEN wanted Free s naves and haircuts.
248 Couch st. Moler Barber College.
WANTED Man to work In our office: must
be able to use typewriter: wages $50 per
month to start with. Lumbermen's Labor
Bureau, 12 North 2d.
JOB printer, $18; pressman, small dally.
$20; other newspaper, printing positions.
Newspaper Brokerage. Goodnough bldg.
BRIGHT young stenographer: $30 to begin,
with advancement; give telephone num
ber: state references. C lol Oregonian.
WANTED Bright office boy in wholesale
house; chance for promotion. Address in
own handwriting. D e-S, Oregonian. f
STRUCTURAL steel salesman, with some
engineering ability; character: references
required. Address P. O. Box 156.
WANTED 25 laborers and concrete men. long
Job to right men; also brick masons. A. F.
Peterson. 52 Lucretia at. Main 5643.
WANTED A young man over 20 in Insurance
biismees: salary $6t to start; must be well
recommended. J 101. Oregonian.
lectlng; must have bicycle and know the
city. Eastern Outfitting Co.
WANTED Porter to make himself useful:
must have experience. Call at Bruno. &
Co.'s. First and Alder.
WANTED Good QlsVJksraltbj. .especially
horseshoer: good wages. James Good
fellow, Gresham. Or.
ERRAND BOY WANTED Call at office up
stairs. 93 Front st. Peaslee Bros. & Chausee,
Commercial printers.
WANTED Drug clerk; registered In Ore
gon: must come recommended. Address
X 703, Oregonian.
TWO good salesmen for city work: expo
rlence unnecessary. 214 Tilford bldg., cor.
10th and Morrison. '
YOUNG man. .18 to 20, wholesale house;
state experience, if any, and reference.
N 91, Oregonian.
WANTED Experienced shoe salesman;
steady employment. Baron's Shoe Store,
230 Morrison st.
WANTED Young man as assistant book
keeper; state experience and references.
N 103. Oregonian.
WANTED At once, good sign and card
writer, for dept. store. Apply Chicago Clo.
Co., 09-71 3d st. , -
ASSISTANT bookkeeper; state age, experi
ence, salary expected, references. M 91,
WANTED Old roofs to recover; estimates
furnished. Wltbeck & Wood. Phone Sell
wood 427.
LAWYERS and students wishing to add to
their income will please address box P 74,
WANTED A-l grocery driver: best of
references required. 272 Hall. Call between
9 and 10.
WANTED Commercial traveler between ages
30 to 50; state salary desired. E 104, Ore
gonian. WANTED At the Hill Hotel, an all-around
man as porter and a young man for the
CARPENTER, plasterer, plumber wfto will
trade work for building lot- E 101, Ore
gonian. WANTED Dishwasher and chore man; good
wages. Apply front door, 53 N. 18th, cor.
WANTED "Expert enced marker and sort
ers. Opera-House Laundry, 2d and Ev
erett. CARPENTER wanted who can take pay for
work when ' house la finished. C 104, Ore
gonian. California Wine Depot, headquarters for cook
and helpers. 148 4th st. Pec. 2183. P. Loratl.
SALESMAN wanted. Inquire for Bryant after
11 A. M., S4 3d.
WANTED Salesman, having a knowledge
of photo supplies. B 101, Oregonian.
WANTED To let, plastering on 10-room
house. Phone East 0078. Sedgwick.
MAN wanted to travel with moving-picture
show. Address box P 89, Oregonian.
BOYS wanted. Standard Factory, cor.
Grand ave. and East Taylor sts.
WANTED Good washer in laundry. Address
Rainier Laundry Co., Rainier, Or.
COOK wanted; first-class; good wages to
right party. 434 Washington st.
WANT carpenter with $00; constant work.
Security given. K 103, Oregonian.
WANTED Men's clothing: right price paid.
BOH 3d st. Home Phone A 4951.
WANTED Teamster and ml 11 men for the
country. Apply 183 Madison st.
WANTED Young man In office. Columbia
teel Co., 10th and Johnson.
WANTED Experienced dishwasher at the
Vegetarian Cafe, ,105 6th at.
WANTED Two carriage smith helpers.
Lange Mulr, 228 Salmon st.
SALESMEN Big wages; something positively
new. 215 Commercial block.
WANTED Br-y to work In printing office.
Address R 105, Oregonian.
WA NTED A Jap to assist with housework
and cooking. 215 13th st.
WANTED A practical tinner at once. Long
& Cross, Eugene, Or.
WANTED 2 boys to learn trade. 55 Front,
corner Davis.
WANTED Boy with a wheel. 30ft Stark st.
WANTED A gentlewoman as companion
and help to a refined lady who Is nerv
ous. Husband on railroad construction;
would take wife and companion on trips;
comfortable flat in Portland; will give
f the right kind a comfortable home and
a fair salary. Address K 72, Oregonian.
Applicants for all kind of work, register
wltk us, fre of charge, so we-may locate
you on short notice.
S4SVj Washington at., cor. 7th, upstairs.
EXPERIENCED telephone operators for Kla
math Falls exchange of Midway Tel. & Tel.
Co. Salary 10 with room. Light work
and home-like surroundings. Address Ivan
Daniel, cashier, Midway -Tel. & Tel. Co.,
Klamath Falls, Or.
STENOGRAPHER and office girl. Catho
lic, one who speaks and reads German
and with large city acquaintance pre
ferred; state wages expected. Address
In own handwriting. T P4, Oregonian.
both electric and S.. P. Ry. Owner will
sell cheap. On operation of electrtc line
price will be more. D. W. Hellman,
30ft Ablngton bldg. Main 142.
GOOD home for girl who wants to do gen
eral housework; nice part of city, close
In; good pay, steady place; plain cooking.
Mrs. E. P. Armstrong, 213 North Grand
ave. Phone East 2397. '
Must be firsit-clafs. Apply at ones to
TOT 'NO lady stenographer to act as cash
ier and take few letters for three weeks
during vacation of regular cashier. Apply
to Brownsville Woolen Mill Store, Third
and Stark sis
MEN AND WOMEN If you are seeking em
ployment, let us help you. If you are
capable and efficient, we will do the rest.
Clerks Registration Bureau. 303 Alisky
on shirts and overalls; lessons given to
Inexperienced. Apply Standard Factory,
2 Grand ave. and E. Taylor at.
WANTED Experienced cloak and suit sales
woman, one competent to asfrtst in fitting
and altering. Inquire Bannon &. Co., 3SS
300 E- Morrison st.
LADIES to make Sanitary Belt. Material
all cut ready to sew; $15 per hundred. Par
ticulars stamped envelope. Sanitary Co.,
Dept. 54. Chicago.
ACCOMPLISHED stenographer; good pay
to capable worker- state experience, ref
erences and telephone number. E 103,
EXPERIENCED ladies' clothes Ironers. $2.25
per day: experienced mangle girls, $11 per
week. Write Wallace Laundry Co., Wallace,
$2 and $2.50 per day. Free employment
bureau. Underwood Type'iiter Co., 68 6th
WANTED A middle-aged woman for general
housework; must be good cook; good wages.
Apply at once, 133 East 29th st.
Wants competent sales clerks for the no
tions, linings, millinery, gioves, veilings,
hosiery, laces, cloaks and suits, umbrellas,
ladies' neckwear, crockery, drapery, do
. mestirs, also transfer and complaint clerks
and 50 girls to wrap goods.
A fine opportunity Is offered young girls
of 16 years or over to learn the department
store buslnees; good pay while learning,
with rapid advancement tor ant nuulln Ai-
iy 10 superintendent, to lt A. M. and
io o r. a.
Telephone operating; good salary, short
hours, pay while learning; luncheon served
free of charge and lounging and rest rooms
In connection. Apply Chief Operator, Tel
ephone bldg.. West Park and Alder.
843 Washington St.. cor. 7th, up fairs.
Wants Monday
Man and wife, camp cooks. $90 and board;
cook for a sanitarium, $60; hotel coon,
city. $o0; family cook for 4, $45, refer
ences; laundry help, factory help, wait
resses, chambermaids, women - to learn
nursing, house girls: waitresses and cham
bermaids' fares paid all over, $30, room
and board.
We have a number of good, permanent
posittons for competent and reliable sales
WANTED Competent girl for general house
work; family of three; wages $30. 37b 31
St., Willamette Heights. Phone Main 6160.
WANTED Refined, capable woman for re
sponsible position, with opportunities for
advancement. Viavl Co.. 10th & Morrison.
GIRL WHO can read and speak German want
ed to do .office work a few evenings each
week for an hour or two. E i2, Oregonian.
WANTED Good, reliable married woman to
do chamber work In email rooming-house for.
use of housekeeping rooms. 490 Morrison.
WANTED A neat housekeeper for young
man; no objection to young widow with one
child. Address Box 62. Vancouver, Wash.
WANTED For general housework, middle
aged women to go to Westport, Or.; four
in family. Inquire 482 Beacon st.
WANTED Operators and girls to learn
shirtmakinj. Apply Standard Factory, 2
Grand ave. and East Tay lor st.
843 Washington st., cor. 7th. upstairs.
Phone Main 2692.
WANTED A little girl, age 12 to 14. to
mind a baby and assist In housework.
487 Clay, bet. 14th and 15th.
HOUSEKEEPERS, cooks, nurses, waitresses,
second girls. -St. Louis Ladies' Agency,
2U4 Yamhill. Main 5413.
WANTED Copyist for Remington machine,
state experience and salary expected. Ad
dress N 90, care Oreeonlan.
NURSES wanted Young ladien to enter train
ing school for nurses. Gray's Harbor Hos
pital, Aberdeen, Wash.
WANTED Good German girl for general
housework. Apply 518 Mississippi ave.,
near Russell at.
LADIES $1 every day at home; stamped
envelope for particulars. Ladles' Aid,
Durham, Conn.
WANTED A cook for boarding-house;
common cooking; will t pay $40. 12U8
Macadam St.
WANTED A gcod girl as cook anti for
light housework; good wages. Call at 770
Northrup st.
LADY canvassers for city and nearby
towns; short hours; pleasant work. H 93,
WANTED Experienced markers and sort
ers. Opera-House Laundry, 2d and Ev
erett. WANTED Young lady to do general house
work; small family. Apply 241 13th, cor.
keeper or competent girl. Apply 891 E.
GIRL for general housework; two In family:
good wages; going to the beach. 661 Kearney
GIRL to assist in general housework; small
family. Apply mornings 792' Lovejoy su
WANTED Schoolgirl to help with house
work: wages. Phone E. 1235. 803 Clackamas.
GIRL for general hou.e-work, must be good
cook: no washing. Apply today, 25 N. 9th.
Factory, 2 Grand ave. and East Taylor st.
TWO experienced girls for pantrj- work. Ap
ply Oregonian Confectionery, 131 6th et.
WANTED Girls to maks Fits-Well ahlrU
and Boss of All overalls. Inquire 75 1st.
WANTED A competent second girl; good
wages. Apply 721 Flanders, cor. 22d.
WANTED Girl over 15 years to pack
trimmed hats. Apply Lowengart & Co.
WANTED at once, good cook. Apply south
side of Jefferson , between 5 and 6.
WANTED Lady who understands tuneing
atrlng Instruments. S 76, Oregonian.
eral housework. Apply 62S 4th st.
WANTED Girl for housework, 3 In family.
Mrs. Hogue, 584 East Taylor st.
LADY wanted to travel with moving picture
show. Address box T 88, Oregonian.
WANTED A reliable lady clerk. Apply to
Andrew Kan Co.. 287 Morrison st.
ARTISTS wanted In all of our departments.
D. M. Averill & Co., 102. N. 5th st.
WANTED First-class waitress at the Ho-bart-Curtls,
14th and Jefferson.
WANTBD Competent stenographer by whole
sale house. V 89. Oreaonian.
WANTED Girl for General housework.
Wages $25. Phone Main 4048.
WANTED Experienced baby nurse; references
required. Call 231 N. 24th.
HOUSEKEEPER for large residence; widow
preferred. J 95, Oregonian.
WANTED Good girl for general house
work. Call 364 Hoyt st.
WANTED Bill clerk, good In figures. Jones'
Book Store, 291 Alder st.
WANTBD Girl to do chamber work. Patton
Home. Phone East 6372.
WOMAN for day work. Mrs. Walling, room
T- Phone Pacific 1496.
EXPERIENCED waitress. Elton - Court.
11th and Yamhill sts.
TWO practical nurses wanted. Apply at
the County Hospital.
AT ONCE Good plain cook; $35 per month.
695 Davis, near 21st.
WANTED First-class waitresses at Hall's
Palace Restaurant.
WANTED Two waitresses at Carleton Ho
tel. 13th and Alder.
WANTED Mllltner apprentice. Mrs. Zeit
fuchs. 386 Wash.
GIRL for second work. The Marlyn, 553
Washington st.
GOOD cook, family of 3; keep second girl.
362 3d st.
GOOD cock, family of 3; keep second girl. 362
Sd st.
LAUNDRESS wanted, .to take laundry home.
54 4th at.
WANTED Experienced woman demon
strator grocers' specialties. Address V 91,
WANTED Girl, for general housework. 253
Ford st.
1 GTRL to Iron shirts and collars and tareh.
$12; 1 girl as body ironer and mangle. $9.5;
2 good A-l shirtwaltt and shirt Ironers. $2
per day: 1 good A-l waih man that can fle
boiler. $15; steady help wanted. Address
Mt. Shasta Stfam Laundry. Dunsmuir, Cal.
Half trantportatton paid.
German and bookkeeping man, f S00.
Electrical engineering, $180o.
Higher grades and music, $700.
Er.irllsh and elocution man, $S00.
Rural $50; grades $50.
12(0 Williams ave.
TALENT wanted for plays; excellent op
portunity: no fee; free instruction. Ad
dress J 102, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED kodak printer or one with
some knowledge of the work. Strong, 163
West Park.
EITHER sex; experience not necessary; must
be ambitious and willing to work. 214
Tilford bldg.
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
CLERKS, bookkeepers and stenographers
We can place you at once with high-claps
concerns where your ability to "make
good" will command the highest remune
ration. No delay. Clerks' Registration
Bureau, 303 Alisky bldg.
THOROUGHLY competent bookkeeper, ac
countant, auditor, office organizer and man
ager, age 32 years, desires permanent s'.tvi
ation. Address Accountant, 34 Raleigh
TR ANSITM AN, levelman, draftsman, field
and office experience, railroad mainte
nance, construction, location, open for
engagement. T 104, Oregonian.
BOOKKEEPER and typewriter, thoroughly
posted office man, wants position in small
town. General merchandise and lumber. C
90. Oresronian.
Books opened, closed or balanced. Day
and evening. P. L. Crawford. Main 4504.
WANTED Work in store or wholesale
house that Ms not too heavy, by young
man of good reference. T 105. Oregonian.
BOOKKEEPER, good references, wants
position wtth firm who can pay salary
for competent man. K 103, Oregonian.
FIRST-CLASS stenographer desires position,
lumber business preferred ; 4 years' ex
perience; references. K 74, Oregonian.
WANTED Position as traveling salesman
for good tlrm by young man of ability and
appearance. E 90, Oregonian.
DRAFTSMAN, college graduate, two years
experience, desires position in Portland
or vicinity. S 104, Oregonian.
SITUATION WANTED Boy aged 17 wants
position with good firm; reference furnished.
S 93. Oregonian.
COMPETENT accountant and stenographer
wants position; salary' $100. Address W U2,
WANTBD Position by an experienced gro
cery salesman. Floor or office. F 88, Ore
gonian. WANTED To keep a set of books of eve
ning? for small concern. Address P. O.
Box 483.
POSITION wanted by young man experienced
am bookkeeper and cashier. S 86, Orego
nian. POSITION by young man of good address and
best of city references. B 02, Oregonian,
SET of books to keep evenings. First-class
references. L 102. Oregonian.
WANTED Work by good, all-around hard
ware and stove salrsman and stock keeper;
also shipping and order clerk In implement
houe. Best of Eastern and city references.
F 101, Oregonian.
MEN AND WOMEN Tf you are seeking em
ployment, let us help you. If you ars
capable and efficient, we will do the rest.
Clerks' Registration Bureau, 303 Alisky
AN expert cotton classer would like position
in U. S. or foreign country or instruc
tor. Have had 2o years of the best ex
perience. F 78, Oregonian.
GOOD COLLECTOR, well acquainted with the
city; can give bonds; best of references and
has a horse and buggy, wants a position.
D 93, Oregonian.
NO. 29 THIRD ST. Japanese couple wish
situation, man to take care Kardt-n and
horso and milk cow, wife as cook, and
speak English.
WANTED By a man who has worked at
the butcher" business, a position where he
could finish learning business. Phone
East 17.
YOUNG MAN. 22 years of age, desires posi
tion in wholesale house; have had some
experience In clerical work. V 88, Ore
gonian. YOUNG mar. wishes a good position; has had
fnme experience in collecting; knows rtty
well and understands horses. W 93, Ore
gonian. POSITION wanted as manager of warehouse,
foreman or timekeeper; can give best of
reference and bond. K 89, Oregonian.
YOUNG Japanese boy wants a situation to
do housework at any kind place. Speaks
good English. C 91. Orfronlan.
HOW would It be to employ a Japanese boy
as porter in your store? If you want one,
write to me. E 87, Oregonian.
POSITION as mill foreman or timber In
spector; had 20 1 years' experience In mill
and umber. H 88. Oregonian.
PRACTICAL gardener open to care for
lawn, garden, horses, general work; ref
erences. H 86. Oregonian.
WINDOW cleaning, new dwellings and flats
a specialty. Phone Main 0573, evenings
8 to 10. Thomas Green.
POSITION wanted by yo5ng man having
some experience in the furniture business.
R 89, Oregonian.
EASTERN pharmacist, resist ered in Minne
sota and Wisconsin, wants position. T 102.
SITUATION ns flour miller; capable man;
wide experience; good habits. Address L
04. Oregonian.
A POSITION In an office by a young man
who wants to learn drafting. Address J
93, Oregonian.
WANT position as collector for large com
pany ; can give best of references. A 90.
JAPANESE family cook wants a position
at Summer resort. Pacific 2148. 121 N.
15th st.
PROFESSIONAL male nurse and attendant
open for nervous or mental case. D 76,Oe
gonian. WANTED Contract to clear town lots. Ad
drew A. J., 442 Leo ave.. City View Park.
GOOD Japanese boy wants to do any kind of
work. 264 Davis, city. Phone Main 4797.
POSITION WA NT ED - Experienced draughts
man ; local references. H 95, Oregonian.
YOUNG Japanese boy wants situation to do
housework In family. T 79. Oregonian.
JAPANESE boy Wants situation to do any
kind of work. D 89, care Oregonian. ,
help supplied. Main 4659. 268 Everett.
KALSOMINING and tinting at $3 per room.
135 1st. Main 1334. Call E. Winn.
EXPERIENCED Japanese cook wishes posi
tion in family. K 94. Oregonian.
CORNET and pianist desirous of engagements.
T 103. Oregonian.
Bookkeepers and Stenographers.
CLERICS, bookkeepers and stenographers
We can place you at once with high-class
concerns where your ability to "make
good' will command the highest remune
ration. No delay. Clerks Registration
FOR an experienced stenographer and book
keeper anl good stenographers, phone Ec
lectic Business University. M. 4504.
BOOKKEEPER wants position: Balary mod
erate: can use typewriter. Young Wom
en's Christian Association.
All kinds stenographic work done; substituting.
612 Couch bldg. Phones Main 7355, A 2583.
Bookkeepers and stenographers. "
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper wants position
at $6.",; good references. Toung Women's
Christian Association.
STENOGRAPHER and bookkeeper wants
good position with some reliable firm. P
103. Oregonian. ,
GIKL wishes permanent position as steno
grapher; small wasffl to begin. L 92, Ore
gonian. WA NTED Position as private secretary;
references furnished. S 92. Oregonian. .
GOOD dressmaker wishes more day sow
ing; best of references; prices reason
able. Phone Sell wood 591.
PRETTY costumes designed and made; 14
years' experience in Cincinnati and Denver;
$3 a day. Phone Main 171K1.
EXPERIENCED dre.maker will make en
gagements in families. Call today or before
8 A. M. Phone Main 4364.
GENTLEMEN'S MENDING, sewing on but
tons, at 288 Main at. Prices reasonable.
GOOD dressmaker wants work. Young
Women's Christian Association.
A GRADUATE nurse wishes position to gq
to Seaside or travel with invalid lady or
gentleman, or would take entire charge
of Infant or child. S 103. Oregonian.
AN ELDERLY NURSE would take charge of
baby out of town; pay not so much as a
good home. B 88. Oregonian.
REFINED, middle-aged woman, experienced
nurse, desires care infant. Invalid, sick.
2304 Yamhill. Main 6413.
THOROUGH experienced nurse wishes slt-
uni""' . -on 1 1 nemeni cases a specialty.
A PROFESSIONAL nurse would take confine
ment cases or other nursing. 286 Caruthera
HOUSEKEEPERS Commit your worries In
the matter of "help to us. We can
quickly provide the kind of help you want,
.f.h tne asurance that their credentials
will prove good.
303 Alisky bldg.
years, would like a place of housekeeping
or caring for rooming-house. Address J
92, Oregonian.
N EAT German woman desires situation,
housekeeper, widower's family; good home.
2i04 Yamhill. Main 5413.
ELDERLY lady, housekeeper In widower's
family; Catholic preferred. N 77 Ors
gonian. Domestics.
Y.K will furnish reliable householders names
of competent Eastern girls and women who
want to secure permanent positions In the
Northwest af cooks or domestics, upon re
ceipt of 10 cents In stamps. Room 730,
Chamber of Commerce. Astoria, Or.
JAPANESE ?lrl wants situation to do house
work and help cooking in a family. R 104.
care Oregonian.
COMPETENT woman wants general house
work; good cook, c li3. Oregonian.
A CAPABLE and experienced saleswoman
and demonstrator in cloaks, suits, waiitta,
furs and general women's apparel, -energetic
and efficient, wishes position with
manufacturing or wholesale corncern sel'
inic to the trade; highest references. H
lol, Oregonian.
SCHOOLGIRL, who understands housekeep
ing, wants home where she can earn her
room and hoard while attending Holmes'
Business College. II 103, Oregonian
REFINED middle-aged German woman de
sires to assist lady alone with home who
would appreciate companionship. 230 W
Yamhill. Main 5413.
MEN AND WOMEN If you are seeking em
ployment, let us help you. If you are
capable anfl efficient, we will do the rest.
Clerks' Registration Bureau, 303 Alisky
EXPERIENCED girl desires situation, walt
. ress. restaurant, ice cream parlors or
confectionery. 230 4 Yamhill. Main 54i3.
WANTED By a lady of education and abil
ity, a position of trust and responsibility.
Address W I04, care of Oregonian.
STRONG, experienced Finn girl desires sit
uation, straight chamberwork; wages $20.
234 Yamhill. Main 5413.
GENTLEMEN'S laundry wanted to- take
heme; leave clothes with your landlady.
Address W 103, Oregonian.
WANTED Position as traveling companion
by young woman; references given. K. 95.
FIRST-CLASS millinery trimmer from ths
East desires position for the Fall, p 78,
WANTED Position as matron by young
woman; references given. p fl'i, Ore
gonian. WANTED Housework, cleaning or sewing by
day or hour. Mrs. Clarke. Phone Pacific
WANTED By young lady, copying for
evenings. Addres 448 East 7th at., city.
LADY entertains Invalids, aged, children,
by hour, day, month; references. Pac. 671
LACE curtains laundered a specialty; best
of work. Phones, Main 3740, A 3740.
LACE curtains and flne underclothes dons
at home- Main 7640. Reasonable.
LA'E curtains washed and stretched, 40)
cents per pair. Phone Main 7014.
WA NTE1T Lady wishes position to work
by day. Address 655 Sherlock ave.
WOMAN wants housework to do by ths
day. Phone East 2569.
WOMAN wishes day work. T 101, . Ore
gonian. LADY wants laundry work by day or half
day. Phone Main 4563.
WOMAN wants day work. Phone Main 2208.
WANTED District managers in Washington
and Oregon to handle agencies for a lead
ing life, health and accident society. Top
contracts. Write at once. Address Royal
Fraternal Union, 313 Elitel bldg., Seattle,
GENTLEMEN and ladles to work for Ameri
can Order of Protection on salary from $7
to $50 per week, in states of Oregon. Wash
ington and California. Call on or address
Manager, 312 Main St., Portland, Or.
IT'S WORTH $4.50 to you; send two refer
ences and receive agent's outfit ; best sea
sonable seller, needed every home, office and
factory. See Filter Co., 164 B Duane St.,
N. Y.
AGENTS WANTED Can you sell goods? It
so, we need you; complete outfit free; cash
weekly. Writ for choice of territory.
Capital City Nursery' Co.. Salem. Or.
AGENTS wanted to sell our high-grade nur
sery stock; big commissions and premiums;
write today, before all territory is taken.
Chlco Nursery Co.. Chlco. Cal.
AGENTS WRITE us for particulars about 30
useful articles. Pell quickly. Large profits.
All ladies' and children's goods. Fair Mfg.
Co., B 78. Racine, Wis.
AGENTS You can know about the profits
made supplying perfumes to families by
addressing Leffler & Company, St. Louis,
WANTED. AGENTS Legitimate subwitute for
slot machine,; patented; sells on sight for
$1. Particulars. Glsha Co.. Anderson, Ind;
MODERN. 6-room house, with barn, if pas
sible; Piedmont or Irvlngton preferred.
Phone Pacific 483.
YOUNG couple will pay good price for 2 rooms
and hoard in private family; satisfactory
. references. C 105. Oregonian.
THREE housekeeping rooms wanted by ma
rted couple, must be good neighborhood. W
87. Oregonian.
WANTED Modern five or six-room flat in
goodf location ; glvo full particulars. O 80,
WANTED Large room and board for couple
without children, close in. M 94. Ore
, gonian.
LIST your rooms with us. We can rent
them. Try us. Suite 32, 268 Stark. Main
YOUNG man from East wishes board and
room with private family. R 101, Oregonian.