THE SUNDAY pREGOMAX, FORTLAJTO, JULY 28, 1TO7, FOR SALE Uonet, Vehicle. Etc. $K5 buvs black horse, weight MGo. suitable for farm or dellverv horse; f5 buys sorrel horse, weight ltK. and Kod light spring wagon; $75 buys 8-ear-o!d driving horse; $10u buys 6-year-oM chunky built hrse, sound and works any plute. Main or 204 Mont gomery. 2 SETS new harness, 2 teams of mules, well matched. 2 of them 4 y ars old, 1 6. 1 R years old; well broke, true to pull : - one Can by-to i 2-seat buggy, one a1 waijon. with dump boards, cheap. 7o6 Marlon ave. Mr. James Tamblyn. J'nn SALE Hlack mare 6 years old. weight 14(i); bay more, 7 years old, weight lloO; bay horee, 7 years old. weight 12(o; two grocery wagons, two fine bugairs and 4 seta vf fine harness. Call at 23 N. 14th St., near liurnsidm ft: TEAM .ST E It S, ATTENTION. By driving arnund to the Behnke Waiker Business College you can secure a $2 horse cover for 60 cents, provided you 33ree to use same. THOROI'GHBKKD running horse, broke to harness; grand roadster, very penile; top i u k r y and n e w h a rn e ; ra re opport un ! t y ; renowns We price. Richmond, suite 35, Caiu-mi-t Huiel. Seventh st. Fianua. THESE PIANOS ARK SNAPS Five bar gains In pianos which we have taken In exchange ; a Sherwood & Son. fin con dition, large size upright, oak case, regu larly sold new for $..23, goes now for only 1S5. and on eaulcst kind of payments, too. Another, a beautiful Bailey, iu hand some San Domingo mahogany. with carved panels, made to sell for $350. now onlv A Bltiz cabinet grand, tn ex ceptionally pretty walnut finished case, regular retail value $:i50, to some lucky buvcr f"r onlv $185- A Draper Bros. up right, in quartered oak case, a regular $.12!. Instrument, now only 10, and a large size J. & C Flsoner, uprignc, rt-Ku-la rly sold at $375, to move it at oner, onv SiiiS. These are really the biggest sort of bargains every one of them a mall payment down and your own terms will secure your choice. Ask us about our 1 heral exchange offer, tnrounn wnicn you can trade these used pianos later 'or a new instrument, and w hereby several months use will practically cost you nothing. Hirers Piano House, rne iious of Highest Quality, 353 Washington st. ior. Park. $.-,0 PIANO OR ORGAN CEKT1 F1CATE IF vou contemplate buying crulte a sum can be saved on purchase price by presenting certificate nfter purchasing- Will stiil cheaply. P 71. Oregonlan. T' P11 1 UHT PIANO. STANDARD MAKE, $135; cabinet grand. 619 Tourney Bldg., lid and Taylor sts. FOR SALE cheap, French Piano Co. street. JUO eouoon on Reed Address 4t)7 East 3;id BABY GRAND FIANO, violin (very old) Luscombe banjo. 1133 Thurman st. FOR SALE J:i0 Reed-French piano coupon for $H. T 72. Oregonian. Mlscel 1 s neons. SNAP Automobile. 5 passengers. 20 H. P side entrance; Olds touring car. almost new. new tires cost S200. searchlight fa to Gabriel horn S25. all in perfect order and Tcadv for business at onlv $8O0: cash or bankable paper. Come quick. Address 965 E. Morrison St., or phone Tabor 03, or B 163. FOR SALE Single-sea., light touring ear type. Cadillac automobile: fully equipped gas and oil lamps, odometer, top. etc. For town work and .-short touring this car un excelled. Guaranteed in perfect condition. Oregon Motor Cor Co., 108 itn st. 50 SLIGHT I A' damaged eewing machines at very low prices; Singer, Wheeler & Wilson. Domestic. White, Household, Da'is nd others; to make room for new stock Wheeler & Wilson and Fingers. S. S. bigel, 3uO Morrison st., Marquam bldg. FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables; easy payments; we rent tables, with privilege of buying; modern bar fixtures; cheap prices. Brunswick-Balke-Collender, 49 3d st. FOR SALE FIRST-CLASS COUNTER AND shelving, about 35 feet, 2 wall cases, fancy 5-gallon kees. bargain; must sell quickly. Apply IJ27 Washington st. bet. JO-12 A. M. TOR SALE Pitt bull terrier. 38 lbs.; brlndle and white dng. gocd'ear cut, age 9 months; pedigreed; price $25. L. H. Pinkham, 1200 Mallory ave.. Piedmont, 'hone East 473i. WE PAT MORE FOR FURN1TUR E PORTLAND AUCTION CO., MAIN B655. 211 FIRST ST. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Single-seat licht touring car, model Cadillac automo bile; will exchange 'lor real estate. H. G. Carter, 70 d tit. FOR SALE 2D-H AND ENGINES, BOIL ers, sawmills, niimns and general machin ery, by K. C. Albee & Co., 24S Grand ave. MOTION pictures and machines of all kinds for rnt; also bought, sold and exchanged. Fpeclal low prices. Newman's, 145j 6th. FOR SALE Pedigreed collie dogs. f months old; sable and white. Mrs. Jensen. East S&th and Sandy Road. Phone East 23WJ. PHILIPPINE RELICS. SPEAR. BOLOS. brasses for decoration and dens. Beau ' regard's. 460- Washington st. FRESH Jersev cow, 5 years old; 4t gal. day. Woodstock car Kenllworth Station, south- 2 blocks, field. Phone East R318. SHAKESPEARE, actors' edition, unabridged, elp-nt volumes, leather-bound, practically new; $15. 375 Sixteenth. FOR SALE Body Brussels carpets, 3 rooms, hall and stairs, good as new. 531 East Ankeny, upstairs flat. FOLDING GO-CART; AS GOOD AS NEW. at great reduction. 428 N. 21st st.; phone Uacinc 740. FOR T3AUE Great Dane pup, sired by Dr. Zan's Champion Lief. Apply No.52 Front st. A VICTOR concert phonograph, a loud, dis tinct and perfect machine. Address P SI, Oregonian. DROP-HEAD Singer sewing machine, first class condition. 32 North 11th t.-, cor. Couch. BUY an Orient runabout from $205 up; built for service. Address E. B. Richards, 260 E 23d. A FIRST-CLASS well drill, mounted, with gasoline engine. Address Watson's Restau rant. TWO Jersey cow, cheap; fresh, very gentle; rich milkers. 917 Belmont, cor. 3oth. East 35:-5. FINE HEIFER CALF. BROWN SWISS AND Jersey. Inquire 1561 E. Ash, cor. West ave. FOR SALE Cheap, linoleum, heater, with pipes, kitchen cabinet, etc. 315 Alberta st. FOR SALE $12 EASTMAN KODAK. 4x5, good condition, $J.5u. 728 E. Salmon st. TWO small National Cash registers, second hand: cash or Installment, A iS, Oregonian. MOVING PICTURE machine supplies, repairs, film slide; bargains. Stevens. 165 4th. FOR SALE POINTER PUPS. APPLY F. Boock. 1277 Hawthorne ave., cor 43d. FOR SALE A Sfo Blickenf lerfer Typewriter g-Kid as new for $30. P 72, Oregonian. HIGH-BRED pointer pups for sale cheap. If taken at once. 2(5 6th t. M. 25S9. SOLID sole leather trunk, canvas cover, for snl very cheap. 206AIisky bldg. A NO. 1 cow, young, fcentle. N Inquire at 121' Portland Boulevard. Albina ave. : NO. 2 Smith. Premier typewriter, good as new, cheap for cash. T 82. Oregonian. FOR SALE A Buck range, almost new; for quicx saie. $u.Ft. I h-, oregonian. FINE ENGLISH BULL (FEMALE) FOR tale cheap. Phone Scott 821. FOR SALE Bull terrier puppv; pedigreed. 340 Stark st. hiionft Kaeinc 2254. FOR SALE THOROUGHBRED poodles. Phone Scott 4543. ANGORA TWO extra good fresh cows for sale at 70D Harold. St. 1 ake belwood car. FURNITURE for sale at 4T4 Alder. Call 1 P. M. Phone Pacific 1273. DAYTON 2-lb. computing candy for cash. P Oregonian. rale, cheap FOR SALE A Holmes'Ruplnss College schol arship. A i, wregonian. FOR SALE 23 good wooden beds, cheap. Awnanee. iwii n n. FOR SALE Good dairy cow, 5 gallons day $45. Phone E. 271. FOR SALE: No, 9 cook stove, cheap. 24 N, 6th St. FOR sale M lscel laneons. $40 STANDARD steel range, almost new. 'J2.oO; good cook stove, .ou; omer gas stoves as low as $5; gas water heater, ?7.50; $:0 hall-tree. $15; hardwood exten sion table, $5; folding bed, $20; mantel folding bed. $7.5U; cabinet folding bed, $10; genuine birdseye maple dresser. $20; $40 white maple suite, $'20; hardwood dresser. $7. SO; $100 black walnut bedroom suite, $27.50; iron beds from $2 up; white maple chiffonier. $9; nice three-piece par lor suite, $12. '50: drop-head Singer sewing machine, good as new, $27.50. . TENTS FOR RENT. -Camp furniture for sale cheap. Carpets and rugs, all sizes, $2.50 up to $2.. Everything to furnish a house at way down prices. All sorts of exchanging made to your satisfaction. Try us. M. J. MrGRATH FURNITURE CO., 66 N. 3d st. Main 2087. 40 YDS. SECOND-HAND MATTING, 5c; SO pairs damaged lace curtains, 45c; 50 yds. of good drapery goods, worth 75c, at 30c; 6 second-hand carpets, in good condition, at 60c on the dollar-, 45 good rugs, made of carpet miters. 75c each; ion second hand shades. 20c to 50c; 24 white maple beds, slightly damaged. X6.50 value, for $2.50 each; 1 large double oven hotel range, $135 now, second-hand, $65. Ed wards Co., 185-111 1st et. "A Good Place to Trade BLUE brussels, 10x14. brown pongee por tieres and curtains, mahogany chiffonier, mahogany dresser, cheval mirror, uphol stered chairs for parlor, a few Oriental rugs, 1 birdseye. maple chiffonier, brass bed complete, dining-room set mahog any . 4 pairs cluny curtains, 1 Iron bed complete; furniture used, a few months; baby grand piano. 1133 Thurman st. PITT game chickens. 1 2-year-old cock, $3; 1 1-year-old etag, $2.50; 9 5-mos.-old stags, $1 each; all grade firsts, good size and A-l. L. H. Plnkham. 1200 Mallory ave.. Pied mont. Phone East 4739. IOR KENT MISCELLANEOUS. LARGE, new tent upon beautiful quiet private lawn ; furnished for sleeping; west Side; breakfast. Phone Main 7518. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED Single man about 25 years old to drive retail oil wagon on commission; must have gooa reference. Address T 75, Orego nian. WANTED Experienced mill man. one famil iar with cyanide proces; good wages to right party; state experience. B 69, Ore gonlan. WATCHMAKER Must be first-class work man. not later than September 1. Ad dress L. Alva Lewis, Klamath Falls, Or. MOTION pictures and machines of all kinds for rent; alffo bought, sold and exchanged. Special low prices. Newman's, 145Vi 6th. HARNESS and saddle-makers for country I good wages. Chan. L. Mastick & Co., wholesale leather. Front and Oak sts. WANTED Printer; steady work for the right kind of a man. Address or call on William J. Clarke, Gervais, Or. MACHINIST familiar with the adjustment of factory sewing machines. Spokane Dry .Goods Co., Spokane, Wash. YOUNG man wanted as partner to travel; $350 required; will make $50 a week. For particulars address Box 221, city. AMED An experienced .salesman; state age. experience, rererenee and salary ex pected. Address H OS, Oregonian. JAPANESE boy for janitor in wholesale nouse; mint understand English. Apply Lang & Co., First and Ankeny. fail (J v AbK makers wanted, - $3.25 per day I'l hiho iiiurs. Aaaress narnm & sons. jwj-u racinc ave., bpokane. WANTED Partner for nickelodlon; fine proposition ; must have $5ou. Newman's motion Picture co., eth. WANTED Young man living with parents to learn stationery business; references. Address M hi, Oregonian. WANTED All kinds ,of cash and door ma chine hands. Apply Bryant Lumber & Shin gie Co., Seattle, Wash. WANTED Man with team to cut 10 acres of hay. Call milkman, E. 2d St., near .KrooKiyn car snops. WANTED Harnespmaker, general hand; siady work, good wages. Apply John u.ark baddiery (Jo. TALENT wanted for plays; excellent oppor tunity; no fee; free instruction. , Address U HI, Oregonian. LAWYERS and students wishing to add to their income will please address box P oregonian. MOVING picture machine, $35; 1000 feet film, $30. Koora 2, 145Vi 6th, Marquam ftoomniR-nouse. WANTED A shipping clerk; none but ex perienced need apply. Waterhouse & Les ter, tK-iO otn st. MEN of ability to sell stock In a first-class proposition; Dig money to hustlers. Room -o, J-- Va -a at. WANTED Services of cesspool digger who nas necessary equipment. Inquire No. iu oecunu st. YOUNG man to learn s manufacturing business. The J. ave., city. iid Co., 13 Union SALESM-AN for men's clothing, etc.; penencea. Aion jlotmng Co., IGrt 16S 3d st. WANTED Night watchman. Reference. Ho- tei rvortonia, J4tn Washington. Call be iween ii ana iz. HAVE 7 houses to plaster and plumb wan uiuTT, uuiu imc m truae lot. F S3, Ore' Kill on. WANTED Two waiters, $14 week: dish washer, $10 week. Apply 41 3d st. Peerless fraioon. BOY wanted In paper box factory; must be over 10. Appiy stettler, 10th and WANTED Man and wife In hotel, onlv hours" work; good pay. Apply 81 N. 6th 81. California Wine Depot, headquarters for cooks ana neipers. lis tn st. rac. P. Lorstl, FIRST-CLASS watchmaker to rent window cneap, gooa location. 4uu Washington st BRIGHT boy to learn the printlm? bus! ness. Keystone Press, 202 Second st. GOOD barber for steady job; good pay for ice ngni man. o tnamoer or commerce. GOOD' harness-maker; good wages; steady jno. i. vvagner, ia uranae, or. WANTED Crockery solicitor; none except ex- penencea neea appiy. ja. teener & Co. WANTED Experienced soda bottler. North rup. Sturgls & Co., 6 N. Front st. Young Man desiring to better condition Call on Employment Dept.. x. M. C. A. WANTED Young man to learn the real es tate uinMness. 3 u ADington b:dg. CO MEN wanted. Call 10 A. M., Marquam Grand, stage entrance. Sunday. A PORTER; also a pantryman. Portland Restaurant, 303 Washington st. WANTED A man and his wife to work at J;he Patton Home. Phone Kast H372. WANTED First-class grocery porter. N. E. cor. 1st and Ankeny. Call YOUNG man to learn the drug trade. Cottel Dug Co., lst and Sherman. WANTED A bellboy at the Norton Hotel, 12th and Morrison sts. A MAN wanted to wash dishes at Baumann Hotel, 412 N. 1th st. n WANTED Experienced egg and poultry man. Toft & Co., 101 Front et. SALESMEN Big wages; something positively new. 215 Commercial block. WANTED Young boy to work around fac tory. Lowengart & Co. PHOTOGRAPHER "wanted, dio, 404 Ablngton bldg. Rembrandt Stu- Al TREPPER on ladies jackets tncU-skirts. J. M. Acheson Company. WANT carpen t en s who will t rad e work for lot. F 82. Oregonian. WANTED A flr?t-class carriagesmith. Langs & Muir. Salmon e. WANTED Home for boy dress B 83. Oregonian. 15 on farm. Ad- W A NTE D Good barber ; Parker, Oregon City. steady job. WANTED Short-order cook at 755 Savier st. at once. HEADER WAGON driver. Inquire S25 Abing ton bldg. HELP WANTED MALE. CHANCE FOR PHYSICIAN $1500 buys $$000 practice, complete office outfit, 5-room cot tage with bath, toilet, hot and cold water, barn, centrally "located in Oregon town of 70o population, on K. R., 6o miles from Portland; ro'conipetitlon; collections 75 per cent; office over only drug store in town: physician for Foresters and 6 other beneficiary lodges; local and long-distance phones; will corro borate above by my books; will spend two weeks introducing successor; reason for sell ing want to locate in Portland thfe Fall. Terms $1000 cash, balante to suit. Addresa G 73, Oregonian. $150 per week to a genteel solicitor to rep resent us in Tacoma; product of large Eastern factory to be sold direct to con sumer In quantities. None but first-class man wanted, who can furnish some capi tal and bond. No canvassing. Phone East 5702. SALESMEN -who sell direct to consumers to handle our line for made-to-measure clothes. If you are now selling other lines, such as groceries, jewelry, etc., you should add our line of woolens at once; It means a brilliant future and good profits lor you.- We furnish samples or .woolens In any form. Write quick for territory desired. Address lock box 250, Chicago, 111. General Manager, Dept. No. 30. WANTED Man to renresent large corpora tion handling customers from local omce in each town wltnin loo miles or i-orx land : Eood nav : steady position to hon est person with references ; can use 10 men in connection with each local -office w-iil thoroughly educate each represents tive so success will be assured. A. Alex ander. 201 Metropolitan Life bids-, Min enapolls, Minn. WANTED A miller and warehouse man for a water now or f ed mill connected with an elevator and several warehouses at Starbuck, Wash.; a competent and trustworthy man capable of managing the whole business: the nosltion is steady if the party gives satisfaction; a married man prererred. Apply to Dr. jm. irivv rzclti, Hotel Portland. SUBSCRIPTION solicitors wanted for high-class popular magazine. Very liberal salaries and commissions paid to agents wno devote all their time to tne worK, Large commissions and cash prizes for part-time work. Write at once for par ticulars to Office Number 17, The Circle, Funk & WragnaIIs Company, New York. FIREMEN and brakemen on railroads In Port land vicinity-, to till vacancies caused by pro motions. Experience unnecessary. State age, height, weight. Firemen, $100 month ly, become engineers ahd earn 52u0. Brake- men. $75, become conductors, earn $150. isaine position preferred. Railway Associa tion, cars Portland Oregonian. THE MEIER & FRANK STORE wants com petent salesmen for men's " furnishings, men's clothing, draperies, carpets, toys. boys' clothing, shoes, house furnishings arid wrapping desk; also bright young men 16 to 20 years of age to learn the business. WANTED Bright young man not under 18 ycare tor oriice work: must have good edu cation, write a good hand, and be rapid and accurate at figures; excellent opportunity for advancement to an ambitious young man Apply Kilham Stationery & Printing Co., 210 totarK et. WANTED Stavebolt cutters, $1.50 per cord; timber yellow nr. Apply room 306 fctcarna oiug., fortiana, ur. WANTED Musicians to enlist for the Fourth x icid Artillery Band, now organizing at Van couver Barracks. Wash; positions now open aa non-commissioned officers who are good ptnormers. Apply ;hief Musician, Van couver barracks. Wash. EXCEPTIONAL opportunity for salesmen wanting to enter the real estate field Apply sales manager, the Jacobs-Stine Co. Acneson Ding., otn St., opp. Meier Frank, Monday, between 3 and 4 P. M. ALL diseases of men successfully treated discharges positively cured In from 3 to o aays; consultation free and sjtrictiy con fidential; send for our symptom blank X-radium Medical Institute, 3d and Alder sts.; entrance J.o& Aider St., I'ortiana. SAWMILL WORK A competent millwright, must understand blacksmith work als and must have good set of millwright tools married man preferred; state age and ex pei ience: wages, 100 per month. Address r 7d, care Oregonian. SALESMEN who can sell real estate easy payments will find it to their, advan tage to call on the wales manager of th Jacobs-tlne Co., Acheson bldg., 6th st, opp. Meier & Frank, Monday, between 10 and 12 A. M. WANT work? Call and see me at once; com- wieni geiitiemen ana ladies as bookkeepers, cashier, clerking ; good salaries. Clerks' Registration Bureau, 303 Allsky bldg., 3d and Morrison sts. WANTED By large wholesale house. thorough office man having a knowledge o bookkeeping and modern business 'methods only hrst-class man wanted; state age, ex perience, salary and references. J 73, Ore gonlan. SEVERAL MORE GOOD MEN" to prepare for U . S. GO VERNM EN T POS IT IONS ; special examinations ror Fall just announced; lne po sitions; big salaries. West Coast Schools, 315 Oregonian bldg. Open dally and even ings. Men and boys wanted to learn plumbing, plas tering. DricKiaying, also sneet metal patten draughting; positions secured; day and nigh classes: free cataloe-ue: visitors welcome. Coyne Trade Sch'Ls, San Fran, and New York RAILWAY mall clems for Oregon; exam ination August 6; good salaries and pro motions. Call or write at once if Inter ested In getting a Government position. Faciflc States Schools. McKay bldg. PROTECT yourself for t per month against accident, sickness and death. Write or call for full information. Northwestern Health and Accident Association, 109 Sherlock bldg. Agents wanted. MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN BARBER trade in eight weeks; graduates earn from f!5 to $25 weekly; expert instructors; cat alogue free. Moler System of Colleges, US North Fourth street, Portland. PLANING MILL WORK Thorough, compe tent man to take charge of planers; also a good competent grader and good feeder; also common laborers. Apply Westport Lumber Co., Westport, Or. PRINTING, NEWSPAPER HELP WANTED, furnished; plants bought, sold. Northwest Newspaper Brokerage, Goodnougli bldt,.; phone Main ooOS. Established 1SW6; branches, Tacoma, Seattle. YOU can make money selling real estate for the Jacobs-Stlno Co.; if interested call on sales manager, Acheson bldg., 6th st., opp. Meier &, Frank, Monday, between 2 and 3 P. M. AGBNTS wanted In and out of town to handle a high-grade security; big profits to invest ors, good contracts to agents; men should make from $25 to J 100 weekly. 1107 Couch bldg. Men and women to learn watchmaking, engrav ing. Jeweler work, ootlcs. easy terms; posi tions guaranteed; money mude learning. Watchmu?-Engvg. Sch'U 1426 4 to av. Seattle. WANTED A reliable and competent sales man, one with real estate experience pre ferred; right party can form profitable connection. Hart Land Co., 14o 2d st. WANTED Men and boys to learn plumbing; day and night classes; special rates; cata logue free. . Colorado School Practical Plumbing, 1645 Arapahoe St., Denver, Colo. WJNTBD Advertising manager for dally and weekly in small Oregon city. Will be at the Lenox Hotel Sunday morning between 10 and 12. . Inquire of Y. G. Freeman. U. S. INTERNAL Revenue service. Men wanted to qualify for examination September 4. Call today. Information free. West Coast Schools, 315 Oregonian bldg. Open tonight. A PERMANENT pss-ltion with the Monmouth Evaporating & Cannli.g Co., of Monmouth. Or., for a man who understands fruit tfry jnfe and canning. Apply at once. WANTED Professional view photographer; one experienced In copying, bromide enlarg ing. Address Lowman & Hanford Cum panv, Seattle, Wash. WANTED A registered assistant pharma cist, with moderate experience. Apply third floor, Blumauer-Frank Drug Com pany, 144 4th Bt. . WANTED TRAVELING SALESMAN railing on the vehicle dealers to carry a high-grade line of buggies on commission. S 73, Oregonian. WANTED "Boy. not under 16 years, for col lector and other work ; must reside with ' parents and furnish references. Address E 66. Oregonian. WANTED Drug clerk; registered In Ore v gon; must come recommended. Addres- X 703. Oregonian. 600 MEN wanted Free stiaves and haircuts. 243 Couch st. Moler Barber College, HELP WANTED MALE. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICES. Book tender, $0; woods foremen. $150; motive engineer, 3 donkey engineers. $3.25; 3 donkey firemen, $2.75; 1 station ary fireman, $73. 35 bridge carpenters, $3.50. free fare; 15 heperti$2.50 and $2.75; 2 bridge paint ers, $3, free fare; 4 machinists, $3 50. 9 nours; 3 machinists' helpers. 2 black smiths, $3.50; churn drillers, $3.50, 8 Hours; 2 house carpenters, $3.50, 8 hours; dairy hands, milkers. $50; farm hands. $40 and board; harvest hands. $2.50 and uru up; a men ror tie mill, $3 day; f Hilars, buckers. swamoers. nlDer9 knot- ters, rigging slingers, ail kinds of woods men. R. R. men all over; teamsters, laborers, iuimen, tracKmen, extra gang surfacers, steam shovel laborers, top wages free fare. iNorineasi ana s-outn. HANSEN'S' EMPLOYMENT OFFICES 2 N. -fid st. 250 Burnside st. COMMERCIAL ARSRAPT fO Our business ts placing men with ability in first-class -nnitltfons Call rir wi-ft Office and sales manager, machinery. $ IS00 Office manager, wholesale business., lot-0 Clothing salesman, city 15O0 Shipping clerk, city 7J0 Ury goods salesman, country 1020 Gen. merchandise salesman, country. 10-0 We have other positions ooen for siile- mcn, all lines, bookkeepers, btenographer mm cicni-iu men. Sulte 34. Raleigh Bldg., 323 Wrash. St. WANTED. Engineer for small mill, night watchman, three millwrights, six rough carpenter. five bench carpenters and cabinetmakers. iur iumner graders, six tallymen, 10 sash and door factory men, ratchet setters, car nage riders, mill and vardm-n Iww fat. tory men, loggers, etc.; top wages. Large v cry aay. LUMBERMEN'S LABOR BUREAU, Main office. 12 North 2d st. SALESMEN Big money and pleasant busi- . iunjj un nonor new department, te retailers; very profitable and desirable; nothing like It v. h.fn - perience unnecessary; natural qual'tflca- I tions win-; only those who can give best .mcioiiuen neea apply; give age, 1 Jifi80!?1 J"id . Previou business. JVilmet, .- naimuniii ft-, LJUOagO. COLIECTOR. between 25 and 85. for per manent position with chance of advance- mcuk 10 manflffPrh n- 1 1 habits and be able to furnish bond; only experienced installment man need apply; right Party can work up to hiKh salary. r?I H . J1" ROm 30 Healy bldK - M ..;., kj. iwuiriaun, loaay. . . . , AOTiCE An old-eatabUshefl noiesnie House Introduoing a new staple niB two plain, every-day lv,r f.cpun. ro not air or blue sky salesmen need apply. Bond anH ref. erences required. stat experience fully -iTo i . AUVrea3 aaies Manager, Box ;i72, Iowa City. Town. A FEW niK-n-cinsa salesmen f- ott country to travel in the sale of a hiK'h-class Investment, on salarv ar,d omi..T . " must have past experience In sale of stocks: vearlv Cl, ma- 6 ,rom -i00 to 50,' Coo.h km-""" CO.. -M, PORTRAIT agents wanted Enlarged por traits, Jac; pillow tops, 30c, guaranteed; .frames, 15c: large assortment: lowest price- ho 31... . ; m luii uaiaiogue ana samples free. Daniel H. Rltter On. Deo. SO. xauren St., lnicago, ill. WTEr?TSalesmen and solicitors for best proposition ever made to both agent and r io per Week easily made; do not overlook this. Call .fte- t o n"Lidenial HoteI- lst Morrison! Room 212. P. Kramer. TV A XTTTT.r . . . .'-jooo. live man to sell teas, cof- bii.., one experienced th rttlon forXht nrtv" 00.01 pXor- reference Addm. r,..",te,-f ,erlce ,nd 473 Washington s? Lnl0Q Tea Co- SALES.MEX who contemplate making change, write us for particulars. Several nr0J.Lesmen earnel from $.;oo to ?duu per month during May and June. Company, SOS Dearborn t.. --v 1 1 Jiil J ia Ipn tti n n j any iu eu general trade Pacific Co; liberal commissions with $35 weekly ast; vance. during last three months. W. first wor! The continental Jewelry Co., Cleveland. O. ,rDYoung man eeen the age ot -.3 and 27 years, ot good address and ap pearance, as salesman In furniture store; n n L to rignt Part'- Addres ...uwuiig 10 r' fit. oregonian. VV A VTLn . van Z?. ie IOT.-V:?" . 'are ad and ::,V xvviKif on me Columbia River; ih. V" , .i."" :v'"ame".9 v?r- Call at ,,! agency. io. n North 2d st. SALESMEN" WANTprn T mi traveling .specialty salesmen, worth 2.Vi(j ,"'T" permanent: establisned JmrJi WI" lvlne experience; personal interview If satisfactory. M 71. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED tmili iin,. . "T: 117 . our Vr.ii.. 7 D"Bmai advertising 2-?c in V !!" ,sell,ers: samples prepaid - - - i"'-i ai saic amen : write Snot e. wood Specialty Co.. Lexington. Ky. SPECIAL. worV7 about "tan 'Jr2a? "KnaI ""Ice perience required; chance, for advancement" HANSEN, 20 N. 2d St. SAJ?uM? 'or Oregon; experienced trav eling man preferred; line staple for gen- f'ttl ira-ae; position permanent: S::. Leslie l"o rli? iOIrm wSion Sawyer. w , ., ..inn. iciiirian. rough carpenters, sa.sti. nr.. ir ,i'.T" North Second Emly"- Company. 18 TWO men to sell real esi-ntA tiers and gentlemen; big money from the waie now long you have lived in tne cn. ujvb aadresa and phone. H S3, A. FIRST-CLASS city man. capable of han- wi.uB men ana gooa collector; reasonable guarantee and commissions; permanent . position. Call 212 Swetiand bldg. This is IXJ',lx week educate you in salesman- snip, secure you position as traveling salesman with responsible firm. Address j. ue rsraastreet &ystem. Rochester, N. Y. tArABuis salesman to cover Or.nn etaple Line; high commissions with $Iih monthly advance; permanent position to right man. JesB H. . Smith Company De- icu n gn-ci&ss salesmen for city and country; permanent positions; good salary aim expanses. i;an at 412 . Alder St., from WANTED Salesman to carry postcards as o.via mi; iHiga assortment. Faciflc Coast j-ubi vara o-, ivx ixenange bldg.. Seat- WANTED Salesmen to carry postcards as iu! itnv, migv ttMsonmem. J-'aclHc Coast j uat t.nia u., iui rxenange bldg., Stat- I ID. VVUS11. uc-w&nAij agents ana crew managers to vmrn. towns in urcgon; nrst-class propo- cuion. coaay irom to 12. .208 OIHTK SC. BOY to help deliver on milk wagon; chance to go to school. Woodstock car to Kenll worth sration, 2 blocks in field. Phone SOLICITORS for house-to-house canvass- experience not necessary; good proposi tion. Call today from 9 to 12. 20S Stark WANTED Young man 25 years old, single. iw coiit L lui c-mici n imuusnmg concern ; references ana bona required. T 71 Ore- WANTED A registered pharmacist for from 10 to 3 2 days, beginning August 2, to take cnarge or a arugstore. k bo, Orego nian. CARPENTER wanted o do Inside finishing worn, .appiy rorxiana Auction . Co., 211 1st f:. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Girl for housework, family of 2; ilO V UI1II1. -w v. -lot nw. BUTTON HOLE maker wanted. Jacobs Shirt Co., 2la StarK st. WANTED laundry woman to take laundry home. &4 4t n st. GOOD plain, cook for small boarding-house. 41 Ella st. DINING-ROOM girl wanted. Apply 284 Main t. GOOD cook, family of 3; keep second girl. 362 3d st. - WANTED Dining-room girl or cook. 515 Mor rison. WANTED Experienced chambermaid. 33 tn N 6th. GIRL for office work. Sunday 10. 173 4th. WANTED A good cook. Call 245 King. HELP WANTED FEMALE. L1PMAN. WOLFE & CO. Llpman. Wolfe ft Co. reaulro saleswomen for all departments, preferably with ex perience. Apply to Supt., on main floor. - HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY Cook, countrv hotel. SO.".: S family cooks. t boarding-house cooks, 2 experienced laundry women, $12 to $15 a week; pol isher and starcher, lroneis, helpers, 7 chambermaids. $25 to $40; family second girls, nurse girls, house girls, waitresses, city and country; some very fine places. PICK YOUK PLACE MONDAY MORN ING. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. -243H Washington St., cor. 7th, upstairs. THE MEIER & FRANK STORE wants com petent salesladies for gloves, veiling, neckwear, notions, umbrelias. millinery, clonks and suits, laces, domestics, house furnishings and draperies. Also bright girls 16 to 20 years of age to learn the business. SALESWOMEN. We have a number of good, permanent positions for competent and reliable sales women. OLDS, WORTM AN & KING. ATTENTION. Applicants for all kinds of work, register with us, free of charge, so we may locate you on short notice. HANSEN'S LADIES' ACENCT, 8434 Washington st., cor. 7th. upstairs. WANTED A branch office manager 1A every county to represent our line or toi let goods; any lady or gentleman can earn from $25 to $0O per week. Address John G. Hartman, Dallas, Tex. LAT5T who thorouphly understand, mandolin music, need not be expert player, to teaen beginners; good salary and steady position. Call phone Kast a3i8. 12:80 to 2 P. M., 6 to 7:30 P. M. GIRLS TVANTED OPERATORS TO WORK on h:us and overalls; lessons given to Inexperienced. Apply at Standard Factory, 2 Grand ave, and E. Taylor st. - WANTED Competent glrla as bookkeepers. casmers. clerking: good salaries. (JlerkS Registration Bureau. 803 Alibky bldg, cor. 3d and Morrison sts. GERMAN girl for cooking; small family: party goin? away part of bummer; good wages. Fbona East 449 mornings. ulJO Tillamook. YOUNIJ woman cashier;, must write fair hand, be used to handling money and good at figures; state experience. Address E 85. Oregonian. ' REFINED employment for bright women with leisure afternoon. Call Monday forenoon. Room 34, Russell bldg., cor. 4th and Mor rison. GIRL for second work in private family, near Aieurora; uerman preterrea; ticket rurnlsneo. Apply 622 Kearney St.. or telephone Main 7227. WANTED Refined, capuble woman for re sponsible position, witn opportunities for advancement. Viavl Co., 10th & Morrison. COMPETENT second girl. 622 Kearney st. SOLICITOUS for house-to-house experience not necessary; gooc tion. Call today 9 to 12. 208 6 canvass; good proposl- btark st. LAUNDRY help wanted Hand ironers, ma chine girls. Blare hers and mangle girls. Opera-House Laundry, lid and Everett. COOK for small family. 35. good place; 2d Kin ior smaii ramny, o. tail Aionaa.y Young Women's Christian Association. WANTED Housekeepers, cooks. nurses. waitresses, second gins. St. Louis Ladies Agency, 230 Yamhill. Main 5413. GIRL as stenographer; permanent and good opportunity or working up ror the rignt parW. Address K 81. Oregonian. CHAMBERMAID who can asftist during din ner nour in aming-room; also dinner wait resn. Beverly, Park and Yamhill. WANTED Refined motherly woman, exper ienced in sickness and- light housekeeping; homelike place. C 82. Oregonian. WANTED Operators and girls to learn shirtmaklns. Apply Standard Factory, 2 Grand ave. and East Taylor st. WANTED Girl to cook and do housework: good wages if competent. Mrs. Fred H. Strong, 7ti5 East Burnside at. v HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY, 843 Washington st.. cor. 7tb, upstairs. Phone Main 2692. FREE DESK room to stenographer who wishes to do public work. Call rooms 8-4, 343 Washington st. WANTED Immediately, experienced second girl; first -class private family; wagea S20. lamntll. Main r4l3. W ANTED Young woman with some exper ience as stenographer in a wholesale house. Address V 84, Oregonian. W'ANTE'b Experienced stenographer and in- voice clerk in wholesale agricultural imple ments. is os, oregonian. MILLINERY trimmer and makers. Apply Florence Evans, 3 W ashing ton bldg., 4th and Washington sls. .WANTED Young lady, artistic designer state experience and salary expected. R &'A, Oregonian. LADIE.S $1 every day at home: stamped envelope ior particulars.- iaaies' Ala, Durham, Conn. LADIES of ability to sell stock in flrat-clas proposition ; big money to hustlers. Room 26, 142 Vn 2d U YOUNG lady clerk, insurance office, must be accurate and write good, rast nana, v 74, Oregonian. WANTED An office girl with some knowl edge of typewriter; must be neat. J 74, Oregonian. WANTED By widower, a reliable housekeep er; country, close to town, aox 7, Wood burn, Or. WILL give lady good home and small wages to assist with housework, u oU, Orego nlan. GIRLS WANTED APPLY STANDARD Factory, 2 Grand ave. and East Taylor st. YOUNG GIRL to do general housework. Cail after 4;30 afternoon, 8 N. loth st. DINNER cook, also two dlnir.g-Toom girls. one short and one long hours. jh Morrison. GIRLS wanted to work In paper box factory. Apply Jf. c sietuer, lum ana uiLtan sts. GIRL for general housework, good wages. 474 Broadway, cor. iu. wtn. tnone Jbo WANTED Girls to make Fita-Well shirts) and Boss of AH overalls, inquire 75 lst. COMPETENT girl for general housework; good wages; inree aouits. Appiy ai;ii st. WANTED A good cook, 3 In family; good wagee. 94 21st st. North, cor. r landers. WANTED By family of two, young girl for second work. ie jyortnrup. Main ziuo. WANTED Experienced salesladies. Apply Roberts Bros., ad and -Morrison sts. GOOD girl for kitchen work in private boardlng-house. can zm itn st. WANTED Girl for housework, 3 In family, Mrs. Hogue, 584 East Taylor st. I WANTED Girl to work ice cream Morrison. fruit store, can at m WANTED Girl for general housework small family: aauits. toi woyt st. WANTED Youn girls to do plain sewing. Inquire factory, uowengart & lo. GIRL for general housework, small family, small house, iwi j nurman sc. I WILL tearh a respectable working girl the barber's tnffie. in i, uregonian. GIRL for general hounAwork; small family gOa WRRCB. '-" 'l'"'WR i ATTRACTIVE lady to sell soft drinks at Oaks. Adorees a w, oregonian. WANTED Girl to assist in general house work. Apply Utt ttarru-on st. GIRL for housework to go to beach, morning, 89 E .Ankeny st. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. WANTED Girls and bnya to sell Gem Bluing; excellent quality, eauy to ell bandsome premiums. Gem. Mfg. and Sup ply Co., Box S2 La joiia. cai. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. WANTED Organizers, either sex. on salary of $100 a month and expenses, for an u-to-date association, paying weekly sick and accident benefits and furnishing fiee medical attendance to all its members, liberal contract will be made with pro ducers of business. American Sick ana Accident Association, Buffalo, N. Y. WANTED Immediately. ladlr.g man. Ju venile woman, and other first-class reper toire people; wardrobe and ability essential. Company now playing successful stock en gagement; takes road soon. Address now or call Monday or Tuesday. Chas. O. Lowe. 349 Fargo st. WANTED A teacher for school district No. 11, Wahkiakum County. Wash.; term nine months; wages $40 per month. Apply to J. B. McDonald. Dlst. Clerk. HOTEL dishwasher, $30; others. Cooks, wai tresses, chamber, la.nmy, ia unary, t-niuwo fcelp. "Drake's." 206 Washington. HOP PICKERS wanted at'St. Paul. Or., pay 45 cents or $1 per lOo. Inquire 000 Haight ave., Portland. Phone East 2058. SALESMAN wanted; good offer, either sex; experience not necessary . Call at 2u3 Flicdner bldg. 61TUATIOX WANTED MALE, Bookkeeper and Clerks, STENOGRAPHERS. BOOKKEEPERS, of fice workers, clerks. night watchmen, salesladies tend salesmen, collectors, witn reference as to character, experience and ability, furnished In every detail ana readv to go to work on the Instant. CLERKS' REGISTRATION BUREAU, 303 Allsky Blug. 3d and Morrison St. YOUNG man, good habits, wants position of some kind; experienced In grocery, tngs, shoes, hardware or collecting; speak German and write good hand. S 07, Ore gonian. THOROUGHLY competent office man desires a position with a good mercantile house; good penman and very accurate at figures. Address R 81, Oregonian. EXPERT ACCOUNTING. Books opened, closed or balanced. Day and evening. P. L. Crawford. Main 4504. LIVE man with banking references and ex perience would like an active interest in legitimate business. N 84, Oregonian. ACTIVE, well-educated gentleman, with ex cellent business abllUy and experience, desires position. S 81, Oregonian. WANTED By reliable salesman, a side line for Eastern Oregon and Washington; beat of references. -J 72, Oregonian. SITUATION wanted as credit man or book keeper by man of 5 years' experience; age "11. A 12, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED stenographer and office man desires position. Best of references. O 84, Oregonian. ' HOTEL Clerk 6 desires position In or out of town; can zurnl&h references. M 70, Oregonian. SMALL eet of books to keep evenings, $U0 or Jfllo per month. A 81, Oregonian. Miscellaneous. SITUATION WANTED Stranger, first-class packing box-maker, desires steady employ ment in wholesale house; can build up or take down boxes; can take full charge of shook-room. Ad. Stranger, 2H9 Market st. WINDOW cleaning, new dwellings, flats a specialty; fine carpets, runs dressed and renovated. Phone Main 6o"3, evening, 8 to lu. Thomas Green, 32 Seventh at. SITUATION wanted as collector for bank or large commercial house; best of refer ence and security; over 10 years with one firm. E 84, Oregonian. YOUNG married couple desires situation In private place, man as cnaurreur ana who tor housework or upstairs work. L &4, Ore gonian. WANTED by practical carpenter to give you figure on a cottage wniie tne w earner is auitable. M 84, Oregonian. YOUXG Jananese bov wants situation to do noupework in a ramny or notei; apeaKS gooa English. V 85, Oregonian. PRACTICAL gardener wants Job looking after lawn, garden, horses or cow, etc. ; rerer ences. D 72, Oregonian. A TRAVELING man would like a good selling article to sell as a side line on tne roaa. Aa- drets F i4, Oregontan. JAPANESE boy wants a position to do any kind or work ; lew nours in evening alter 6. Et 70, OreKOnian. YOUNG Japanese wants position, any kind. i a. m. o r. m. or arter l o clock nignt. D 79, Oregonian. - YOUNG MAN attending business college wants place to work for room and board. S 09, Oregonian. CHAUFFEUR wants position, strictly L'ber HI, and reliable; can do own repairing. Oregonian. , . A YOUNG man with nine years of experience with lurniture nouses, would like a posi tion. JAPANESE boy wants a position as a gen eral houseworker. C 84, Oregonian. JAPANESE LABOR ASSOCIATION All kinds help supplied. Main 4 .,. 2S Everett. WORK wanted from 11 A. M. to 3 P. dally. Address . O 74, Oregonian. JAPANESE first-class cook wants situation In a family. W 85, Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS cement finisher wants position. V S2, Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. STENOGRAPHERS. BOOKKEEPERS, of fice workers, clerks. night watchmen, salesladies and salesmen, collectors, wit.i reference as to character, experience and ability, furnished In every detail and ready to go to work on the instant. CLERKS' REGISTRATION BUREAU. S03 Alisky Bldg. 3d and MorrUon Ht. SITUATION WANTED Young lady wants position as ofnee assistant ; some knowl edge of stenography. L 74, Oregonian. BXPBRIBNCED young lady wishes position. office assistant, lumber, mercantile, perma nent or temporary. L 83, Oregonian. LADY bookkeeper, six years experience, de sires first-class position in wholesale house. D 75. Oregonian. COMPETENT experienced girl wants work in office. Call Monday, loung w omen s Chris tian Association, YOUNG woman stenographer wishes position ; willing to begin with small salary. Address C 71, Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS lady bookkeeper would like several sets of books to keep. S 71, Oregonian. All kinds stenographic work done; substituting. :355, A 2583. 612 Couch bldg. F nones Main YOUNG lady wishes position as stenographer; small salary to begin. S 74, Oregonian. Dressmakers. GOOD dressmaker wishes more engagements at day sewing; city references; reasonable. Phone Sell wood1 591. DRESSMAKING at your homes: ladies' or children's work. Phone Main 4641. Call for dressmaker. - EXPERIENCED dresfnk"r will make a few engagements in famines. Main 4364. ALL kinds of dressmaking, also repair work. Room 411 Tourney bldg. Pacific 515. YOUNG wiman wants care of child or invalid; ' will leave city. Call Mondav morning, Hotel Perkins, room 330. Phone Main 330. NURSE with own home would like confine ment cases; first-class care. 1 . park st. Housekeepers. CAPABLE' midlde-aged German- woman d tires situation, housekeeper, small family Sdults, or widower 6 family; references -30Vi Yamhill. Main 5413. REFINED jnlddle-aged woman .desires posi tion as managing housekeeper of rooming house. Addrees J 67. Oregonian. LADY would like situation as housekeeper for widower. n city or on ranch. 505 Fifth. WANTED A position as housekeeper at once. W S2, Oregonian. Domestics. TiF. will furnish reliable householders names of competent Eastern girls and women who want to secure permanent positions in the Northwest as cooks or domestics, upon re ceipt of 10 cents in stamps. Room 730, Chamber , of Commerce. Astoria. Or. GIRL wants light housework, small family; South Portland. Call Monday. Young Wom en's Christian Association. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Mlscel lanrous. A FJRPT-CLASS colored chambermuld want position as chambermaid in roorning-houM or hotel ; good reference. Call phone .Pa cine 2244. Home A 114-44. LADY understanding music would like posi tion in music store or attend of lice; would! accept any reliable position in any store., T 7U. Oregonian, CIAN Japanese woman with a child aged T wants a place to do cooking or house worU in small family ; wages small. J Ore gonian. FREE Order help, male, female, any race nationality. Send transportation. '"Drake's,' 25 & Washington. Both telephones. LADIES dramatic and musical club, also chil dren's elocut ion clajM. $-.50 monthly. 054j Eat Ash st., or phone East 14lu. WANTED By competent girl, work id bakery or ice cream parlor; fie experi ence. E 82, Oregonian. W A NT ED S 1 1 uat ion as compan Ion or hous- keeper elderly couple at seashore. Address fc2. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED laundress wishes day work;' fine lingerie a specialty; 25c per hour. Phon Main 1025. WANTED Houjsework by the hour or by day.j from 8 until 4 in the afternoon. Phone SeiM wood 53 1. 3 YOUNG college-bred woman, extensively trav eled, dcelrea position. Address n ow, ur gonian. j AMBITIOUS woman -would like position as . di-monstrat or city saleswoman. J til, Ore-' gonlan. LADY entertains Invalids, aged, children. by hour, day. month: references. Pac. Btl CH1I.PRE.V wanted to rare for at my own home: prrsonal care. 2.U) Columbia et. j EXPERIENCED to do at home. laundress wants laundri TV, I'nlnn H.1.M 1 3 LACK curtains laundered a specialty; best work. Phonts Main 3740. A 374Q. LACK curtains washed and stretched, 40 a.w 50 cents a pair. Main i014. i LACE curtains laundered carefully a.t home reasonalil-. Main 7i4(. a!ij GENTLEMEN'S mending done St.: prices reasonable. It 28S M I TO do ciismberwork or cook, a competent wo man. Phone E. &.i0. WOMAN want housework to do by the dayJ I'hone East 2.ti. WANTED AGENTS. tv & VTPn District men, in Washington,! and Oregon to handle agencies for a lead-i lng life, health and accident society. Ton 'contracts. Write at once. Addre Roval Fraternal Union, 313 Eltel bldt;. Seattle. Wash. WANTED State, county and local agent, for a new invention; patented in Unitetl States and Canada. Call Hotel Leno Sunday morning U to 11, Monday fi to li' and 1 to 4. AGENTS WANTED Can you sell goods T If so, we need you; complete outfit free; cash j weekly. Write for choice of territory, Capital City Nursery Co.. Salem, Or. j AGENTS, are you looking for something' new and easy? Cull and see me tins Sunday between 9 A. M. and 2 P. M. 22. m Washington si., room 07. AGENTS wanted Legitimate substitute for slot machines; patented; sells on sight for $1. Particulars, GIsha Co., Anderson, Did. AGENTS You can know about the profits made supplying perfumes to families by addressing Leffler & Company, St. Louis, Mo. . WANTED TO KENT. WANTED Four or five furnished house keeping rooms or furnished house by fain--ily of 4 adults, within 15 minutes' walK General Electric, foot 21st; strictly pri vate: moderate rent. Address Ozark North Bank Hotel. 21st and Reed. ; BACHELOR wants large clean room or alcov I room, all or partly furnished, with quiet, permanently locatea xatnuy; rtaua" -- ' between Washington. Mill. .Mh and 16th sta State location and price. J S4, Oregonian. I WANT to rent a furnished cottage aj North Beach lor se ltui August. Address j BEN RIESLAND. I Room 18. 20H Stark Et., Portland. Or. J WANTED TO RENT HOUSES. COT tages fiats, stores, ounces, rooming-house-j etc. "Landlords will do well to call oa; Portland Trust Company of Oregon, S. E, j cor. 3d and Oak. Phone Exchange 72. j 9 OR 10-room modern house; good la wn f ) two to five blocks from carline; wsnci same for a year or longer; will pay ?4't to SOO pr month. Address A. B. C, canst of Portland Hotel. BORD wanted on fiirm for few weeks for my wife and 2 boys, aged anti 11. where good cooking and Spring fries are prominent lac tors. Call or address lOd 2d St., Portland. WANTED Board and room In private family by two respectable young American Ingmen; no boarding-houees need answer. Address, stating terms, P 85. Oregonian. YOUNG lady desires room In private homv. close In. nar canine. pnvurBO fat and dinner in evening ; reference. V 73, Oregonian. furnisa MODERN 6 or 7-room cottage, walking dis tance, on west mq; nu- "J dren. Will lease for one or more years. Ad dress C 75, Oregonian. WANTED TO RENT Fully equipped chlekem ranch, for 1 year, wun view ui - carline; owners only; give terms. Address V. Oregonian. ROOM In private family by young profes sional man: location must De eunt-r tun land Heights or Irvington. Address D Oregonian. Ff'KNISHED house wanted for few montna frm first ot August or pwmwi . roundings of rebutment Oregonian, essential. L 39, ON or before September 1. 12 or 14-roomw house, central, either side; modern con-j veniences, yard; reasonable. G 74, ure gonlan. 2 OR 3 furnished housekeeping rooms within !. minutes walk of Postofflce; must have alL conveniences and reasonable. L 81, Ore gonian. WANTED to rent by family of two adult; and boy ot 12 a modern 5 or 6-room, i apartment, unfurnished. S 72, Oregonian., j WANTED 2 connecting rooms with board;! voung couple with small baby; permanent; : references exchanRed. G 81, Oregonian. WANTED Small furnished flat not less than , 3 rooms; modern conveniences; must be rea- t eon able; state price. B 74. Oregonian. j WHERE can I get large well furnished room, i sjso stable for one horne and buggy on Ease j Side, reasonable? T 85, Oregonian. j TWO unfurnished rooms for housekeeping, between Morrison and Jefferson, tith ana 14th sts. B 71. Oregonian. , WANTED 3 or 4 unfurnished rooms, nio j building. West Side; adults; August 1. D ' 83. Oregonian, 3 TO 6-ROOM flat or cottage, unfurnished: ' young married couple; give particulars. i i5, Oregonian. j REFINED young lady wishes board and roonr t in private family; references furnished. Aj 82, Oregonian. j WANTED By young married couple, S! room modern house; state rent. B S4B; Oregonian. i WANTED 4 or 5 furnished housekeeping rooms or furnlehed house; central. K S2, Oregonian. i . WA NTED Room In private family by re- i spec-able young lady; employed. A 83, Ore- i gonlan. j A FURNISHED flat or small house for "three. adults; state particulars. P 75, Ore- gonlan. t 1 BY August lO, small suburban house, witrj place for cow and thickens. P 73. Oro-j gonian. j LADY roomer for company by lady; rent l week Ht;ht person. Address A 85, Oregonian. SLEEPING room wanted ori Council Crest natj carline; reasonable rent. E 72. Oregonian. WANTED Room and board In private fam ily by young lady. T 84. Oregonian. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED KIchen range for family useJ A. A., this office, or phone Main 48ol. WANTED At once, live warted toada. good yi ice will be paid at 687 7th st.