Pages 1 to 8 Section Three VOL. XXVI. PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, JULY 21, 1907. NO. 29. Imported Pattern Hats $7.50 rth from $20.00 up, $7.50 Choose now from any Pattern Hat in the house, worth from $20.00 up, for only $7.50. Some of the most beautiful crea tions possible to produce. Many styles, many colorings, many shapes. Choice SMART TAILORED HATS Very chic little affairs, values up to $25.00 each; choice. ...... .$2.49 ALL SAILOR HATS REDUCED NOW Every Sailor Hat in the house goes at a sweeping reduction in price, Many of them a little more than half. Select one as early as possible, for you '11 have many a need for them, and these savings are very unusual on such sterling grades. $5.00 Hats are now only.. $3.98 $2.50 Hats are now only.. $1.98 $4.00 Hats are now only.. $3.19 $1.75 Hats are now only.. $1.00 $3.00 Hats are now only.. $2.49 $1.25 Hats are now only.. 75 Very special, the 75c values sell for Monday at only 39 FIFTH STREET i7S O WASHINGTON STREET SIXTH STREET Ladies' Home Journal Patterns 10c and ISc Play Croquet Now Sunshine, fresh air, exercise and amusement. Take a set with you on your vacation trip. We have them for sale on our 4th Floor in many grades. They are priced Zl .85.c. .$10. 00 Neat Bat h'g Suits We have complete outfits, includ ing caps, shoes, suits and hose. Caps are priced from 15c to $1.75 ; Shoes, 25c to 65o pair, and the Bathing Suits are priced at from .:p $12.00 Ribbons 33c a Yd A very special purchase makes this extra Quality cord edge taffeta rib bon very low priced. It Is 6tt Inches wide and corner either In white or colors. Just right for waists, for hair use, and It la regularly worth 6033c a. yard; special.. .... Notions and Toilet Goods Many Savings Here for Monday On Everyday Needs HAND MIRRORS, ebony or red birch; the regular 65c value; special BIXBY'S "SHOE SATIN.. A fine grade combination shoe polish for black shoes; regular 15c 7 value; the box TALCUM POWDER. Colgate's Vio let or Cashmere Bouquet 7C Talcum Powder; spc'l, can. WITCH HAZEL.. 8-ounce bottle: regular 19c value; special 14 TOILET SOAPS. Lettuce, Cream, Buttermilk or Kirk's Witch Hazel eoaps; value the cake, 6c; 7V special, 3 for Bl'RD'S WRITING TABLETS, bond or linen finished, ruled or unruled, and come in all sizes; ;the JAr 20c value for T. BASTING THREAD, white cotton, 200 yards to the spool; r special,. 3 spools for ." WAX PAPER. 24 sheets in roll; special the roll 4c HAIR FINS, shell or amber; come 6 in box; 10c value; spe clal for. the box - WRITING PAPER. Irish linen, ruled or unruled; value-lBc; special, the box .AV' WRITING PAPER, linen, come in cream, blue or gray; 35c Ort. value; special the box. .... CREPE- PAPER LUNCH SETS. A large assortment of designs. Set consists of one tablecloth, 12 nap kins and 12 doilies. Value Tjr 25c; special, the set.. HAIRPIN CABINETS; 1 arge size: regular 9c value; spc'l MACHINE OIL, finest grade in pat ent oil can; regular , 15c JQc value; special for DRESS SHIELDS, made of silk and are very light-weight. Cool and comfortable shields mat sen reg ularly for 25c the pair special, the pair, for 5c 19c JULY MERCHANDISE SPECIALS Shoe Findings Here We have just opened a most complete department of shoe find ings, containing everything that helps to keep your shoes and feet in order. It is in a thorough, competent and experienced clerk's hands, who is very familiar with shoe troubles, and we shall here after pay special attention to all needs in the finding line. A list of these little shoe notions contains: SHOE SHINERS SHOE POLISHES, ARCH SUPPORTERS INSTEP PADS TREAD-AIR HEEL CUSH IONS CORN PROTECTORS ALLEN'S FOOT EASE FANCY BOWS FOR SLIPPERS AND GARDEN TIES BUTTON HOOKS BUNION PROTECTORS HEEL PROTECTORS POLISH DAUBERS OILS AND GREASES ANKLE SUPPORTERS SHOE TREES LACES OF EVERY COLOR SHOE HORNS DYES FOR REOOLORINO LEATHERS COMBINATION POLISH AND CLEANERS CANVAS AND LEATHER CLEANERS IN ALT. COLORS A place where you can get anything that affects your feet. A GREAT SHOE SPECIAL Women 's $5,j$3.19 Your choice of any of our $5.00 High Shoes for women, in tan, brown or champagne ; 12 styles to choose from ; f O 1 Q choice for Monday pJ . J. if ANOTHER SPECIAL Women's white Canvas Oxfords, 2 splen did grades, on special sale for Monday. Here's hot-weather comfort and correct footwear at a special price. Monday the $3.00 Oxfords sell for $1.98, and the $2.00 grades 3Q GOLDEN TAN GARDEN TIES A new shipment just received. . The kind that don't slip at the heel. Come early. Women's Tourist Coats In Silk or Linen Half These swagger garments come in taffeta, pongee and Rajah silk, or in a good quality of linen. The silks are found in such good colors as gray, tan, black, brown, navy and champagne. Mostly in solid colors. They are in either the or -lengths. $10.00 nn $15.00 c- '$18.00 CQ n Coats.. $5. 00 Coats.. $7.50 Coats. $V.OO $20.00 crn nn $22.00 ii nn Coats $10.00 Coats ...... .$1 1.00 Coats. . . ..$12.50 Coats. . ..$17.50 . Linen Coats are reduced in the same proportion. Children9 s Coats Pretty Juvenile Coats in fancy cloth, mixtures or plain colors, for little misses from 8 to 12 years ot age. Regularly worth to $10.00 each. Monday , . '. WOMEN'S SILK COATS Eton and Pony styles. Come in black and champagne; plain or trimmed, and worth from $12.00 to $35.00. Choice Monday. $3.95 12 Tjrr T Pnc Hundreds of yards of the season's choicest WaSn KJQOUS Wasll GoodSj Bheer beautiful fabrics,in all colorings and figures; goods worth 50c, 60e and 75c the yard. Choice 25c LaceCurtainEnds Here's a very special sale of manufacturers' ends of Lace Cur tains. These curtain ends are what the travelers and salesmen have used for samples. They come in Renaissance, Cluny, Brus sels and Irish point. The curtains that these ends are cut from would sell regularly for $5 to $25 a pair. The ends are 1'2 yards long, and are priced at $1.25, $1.00 and 75c Tapestry Samples for Pillow Tops These sample ends are 27 inches square, a good size for splendid pillow tops, and besides being of very good quality, they are un usually striking patterns. In the regular way you'd have to pay $1.50, $2.50, $3.50, $4.00, $5.00 and up to $7.50 the yard for these qualities. There are 500 of them, some of the richest draperies and silks you ever saw. Sale prices Kfk 30, 50S 65S 75tf, $1.00 and pi.UU Take a Hammock with you on Your Va cation Trip and Get All That Is Coming to You of Comfort and Rest. TLAIN HAMMOCKS, open weave, with concealed spreader. A fairly strong- hammock that sells regularly at 66c; ACn special tu. FANCY STRIPE HAMMOCKS, with concealed spreader, pil low and valance. A fine J?C bargain at $1.25; special OJl' ILAIN HAMMOCKS, open weave, concealed spreader and pil low. Regular 75c value; Ef special lC CLOSE - WEAVE HAMMOCKS, full color, concealed spreader, pillow and valance: $1.75 values, special HI. 255 $5.50 values, special ...... $4.25 MEN'S AQ UNDERWEAR tZfC Made of fine combed yarn and made on the Cooper Spring Needle Machine. Shirts and drawers are in derby-ribbed, blue or flesh color. Come in ' all sizes and are silk - faced. They are a splendid yf(Jf 75c grade; special....." MEN'S NEGLIGEE SHIRTS With soft collars and cuffs; come in tan ground, with small figures and are splendid $1.50 quality; spe- $1.05 MEN'S NEGLIGEE SHIRTS With soft collars and cuffs, in cream or tan; small square ef fects; ' regular $2 dJ AQ values pl.ti7 MEN'S MUSLIN NIGHT SHIRTS, fancy trimmed, with out collar; our regular CO. 85c value UZ7C MEN'S LINEN HANDKER CHIEFS, hemstitched, Vx or 12-inch hem; reg. 1 ) 20c values 2 Another Linen Sale Incomparable Values on Unequaled Linens. A sale of extraordinary importance to lovers of fine napery DAMASK TABLE CLOTHS with handsome border. A fine wearing quality: . . 2x2i3 yds, worth $3.75. . .$3.00 2x3 yds, worth to $4.50. . .$3.60 SCOTCH HOMESPUN, DAMASK TABLECLOTHS,, come in cream color. They will outwear all others at their prices to the last thread. Head these low prices: -2x2 V4 yds. worth $3.50, spc'l. 82.75 2x3 yds. worth $4.00, spc'l.. 83.25 NAPKINS. Richardson's fine satin damask napkins; large dinner size; regularly sold for $5(9 Qff special, the dozen ipo.CTO CROCHET BEDSPREADS, large size, come In Marseille pat fT fie terns; special, each pi.VH HEAVY Hl'CK TOWELS, all white or colored borders, and hemmed; for hotels and rooming houses; 2 lots at, the dozen for Cf $1.25 and pl.OU SATIN DAMASK, bleached and ex tra heavy; 2 yards wide and 12 different patterns from OO which to select; spc'l yd. w. BATH TOWELS, hemmed, and of extra weight and large aize; f C special, each .UC BATH TOWELS, large size, come in white or cream and are of oj heavy double thread; spc'l vC CANTON DRESS LINEN, white. A very fine wearing quality; reg ular value $1.50; for spe- 70. cial. the yard OC COLORED BEDSPREADS, large size; fringed with cut corners, and colors are blue and pink. Fine satin weave. Regularly 0 ne worth $3.50; for. special. . VifO FANCT Hl'CK TOWELS, Jacquard . pattern!. Can be used for fQ bureau scarfs; special, ea 1C HUCK TOWELS, fine quality, and in a good size; with white or col ored borders; they are strong, and the grade is unequaled at JO. this price; special each OC Sterling' Silver & BONBON CipOOnS These souvenir spoons come in various styles, and are regularly worth from $1.50 to 01 1 Q $2.00. Choice pl.A7 STERLING SILVER SCARF PINS in different designs. Val ues from 75c to $1.00, each JC STERLING SILVER BAR PINS, , in the rhinestone setting. Regu lar 25c value, Q special - & CUT BEADS in various colors on sale Monday.. Sold regularly at '65c, special j4Q onlv '.T&C SILK PONGEE BAGS, come in blue, green and rose; $1.25 value, special 7"?r each ' COLLEGE BAGS made of extra quality leather. Regular $1.35 value, special OR. each VOC COIN PURSES, come in 6 differ ent styles. All colors. Regular 65c value each Z7C Bonnet Silks 83c a Yard 83c A Black Silk sale that will rouse enthusiasm among the most conservative. The world famous Bonnett silks are unequaled for wear, style and finish ; at reduced prices, lhese silks are especially adapted for outside wear on account of the rich luster found only in this make. Every yard guafanteed to wear. The regular $1.00 grade for this week, the yard $1.25 grade, the yard 98 The $1.75 grade, special, yd.. $1.42 $1.50 grade, the yard ...$1.23 The $2.00 grade, special, yd.. $1.67 WHITE INDIA AND JAPANESE SILKS, in a few days' sale. Bargainized at just the time when they are most needed. Silks that make the prettiest of Summer waists. Come in 27 and 30-inch widths. Priced as follows: Regular 85c grade, special 72 $1-50 values sell for. ... '. .. .$1.24 Regular $1.00 grade, special. .. .85 $1.75 values sell for....... '.$1.47 Regular $1.25 grade, special. $1.04 $2.00 values sell for $1.67 Colored Wool SUMMER Dress GoodsHalf Every yard of Colored Wool Dress Goods, in Summer weights, goes at half price. A big sale that lasts three busy days Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Come and pick your choice for just ,.. ... .'2 Sale f J Valenciennes flf C C S A large quantity of Valenciennes Laces, in extremely dainty pat terns, single or double thread, in edges or insertions. They are quite exceptional values at the regular prices. Sold by the dozen yards only, as follows: Regular price $1.00; spe- A O cial, the dozen yards. .. , OC Regular price $1.50; spe- '7Ze cial, the dozen yards...." Reg. price $1.75 and $2; QO special, the dozen yards. vOC Regular price $2.50 ; t yf Q special, dozen yards. tO Regular price $3.00 and $3.50 ; spe cial, the dozen C J QQ yards. pl.ZrO FANCY EMBROIDERED STOCK COLLAR S Unusually pretty Neckwear for Summer wear; reg. 35c, 50c and 75c values; special sale price &JC JAPANESE FANS, with views of Portland and Columbia River. Regular 35c values, spe cial 1Z7C DINNER SETS worth $20 for 14.00 Here's a bargain in decorated German China Dinner Sets. China that anybody would be proud to have on their table ; comes in dainty shapes, and very pretty decorations. Just 28 sets in all, to sell for Monday and Tuesday. Those who come promptly find substantial savings and a good range of choice. 100-Tjiece sets. regu'ly worth fr-tyf f( reguly worth rf7 0 Cf $20; special... plt.UU $18; special. . OU 100-nipfA spts. i n ii Haviland Decorated French China 51-pc. Dinner Set, $ 27.75 value, special. $19.40 100-pc. Dinner set, $ 35.00 value, special. $25.20 100-pc. Dinner Set, $ 37.50 value, special. $30.00 100-pc. Dinner Set, $ 53.75 value, special. $37.50 102-pc. Dinner Set, $ 56.00 value, special. $39 .25 117-pc. Dinner Set, $102.50 value, special. $79.00 Savings of from 1-3 to y on every piece of odd decorated semi-porcelain china. AUTOMATIC REFRIGERATORS, they render an almost perfect circulation of dry cold air. No mixing of odors. Over 20 sizes and styles. All at lowest prices. "TNDOW SCREENS, hardwood and metal frames. . Extra large sizes are nicely finished in specially made screens. Prices all the lowest. GAS HOT PLATES AND BLUE FLAME STOVES. Get one now and have a cool kitchen in which to cook these broiling days. ' Hot Plates ?s1.25 up 2 Burner, blue flame, oil stove, special 25 OVENS, DOUBLE AND TRIPLE SAUCE PANS for gas stoves. - Very low prices. Children' 9s Dresses Worth to $1.15 For 47c A Broken line of Children's Dresses of Wash Materials, in plain or fancy patterns. Made in the neatest possible styles and come plain or very tastefully trimmed. . for little ladies up to 14 years of age, and the prices are as follows : Regularly worth 65c to $1.15 each .... Regularly worth $1.40 to $2.25 each . . . 47c 97c Regularly worth $2.50 l O to $3.75 each . . pl00 Regularly worth $4.25 to $5.50 each . . $2.19 WOMEN BONNETS, GOWNS, ETC. WOMEN'S BONNETS Odd numbers of these tight-fitting Bonnets, of lawn and linen ; . trimmed in embroidery, lace or ribbon, sell for prices abnormally low for Monday. Choice of the 35c to $1.25 values. . .. . .19 Choice of the $1.50 to $2.75 values 48 Choice of any of the regular $3.00 to $5.50 grades, for Monday, at 99 WOMEN'S NAINSOK GOWNS, low, round, slipover neck, elbow sleeves and trimmed in lace and beading. The regular $1.00 value, each 69 WOMEN'S FINE NAINSOOK CORSET COVERS, with two rows of wide lace inser tions -between two rows of beading, with rib bons and lace edging around neck and arm holes. Sell regularly for 65c; special, each...... 46 SHOE OR SLIPPER HOLDERS, made of brown . Holland linen, bound with red tape, and stamped for outlining in an assortment of beautiful designs. The 2-pocket bags, regular price 15c; special, Monday, for 9 NEW SHIPMENT OF KHAKI CLOTH This popular suiting Is here now in plentiful quanti ties. We have had an enormous demand for it for the making of smart suits, and are now prepared to fill all calls. t