11 THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, JULY' 21, 1907. u y 7 BUSINESS CHANCES. CROWN BUSINESS EXCHANGE. BEST BANK REFERENCE. 2fo office charge. . Commission only. The name sells your business. Midsummer Clearance Sale. On rooming-houses. Now Is the time to buy. Prlers through this list have, been reduced 15 pr cont In the last 30 days. Sfptember will see them. (back to their old price and higher. Rooming-house. 0 ROOMS $2650 17 ROOMS ?800 40 , ROOMS $4800 30 ROOMS $1550 8 ..ROOMS $373 12 ROOJS. $030 35 ROOMS $2750 20 ROOMS $3300 10 ....ROOMS $1100 24. ROOMS $2150 9 ROOMS $650 Housekeeping Apartments. It .ROOMS $550 12 ROOMS $850 10 ROOMS $400 IS ROOMS 950 Boarding-houses. 22 ROOMS $1700 24 ROOMS $2500 12 ROOMS $1000 Hotels. 40 -..- ROOMS $750 60. ...V ROOMS $5000 100 ROOMS $4800 Term, on most of the above. $1800. 13-room apartment-house, new and beautifully furnished ; modern ; excellent location; will build 15 or 20-room addition If desired; rent $3.50 per room; Ions lease. CROWN" BUSINESS EXCHANGE. 3S Raleigh bids;., Oth and Wash, sts. Phone Main 5021. BUSINESS -CHANCES. WE HAVE ANY KIND OF BUSINESS TOU MAY DESIRE. FOLLOWING ARE A FEW OP THH CHOICE ONES FROM OCR IjONG LIST. NEW BRICK Rooming-house in heart of city. f2 rooms; hot and cold water. P years' lease, doing splendid business. Only reason for eellleg. owner leaving city for good; $5000 will handle this; balance 6 per cent. RESTAURANT On 1st st.. clearing $2o0 per month; owner compelled to fell on account of ill health. TRANSFER COMPANY. Old-established. doing splendid business; good reasons for selling; $4000 will handle this, balance 6 per cent. CIGAR STORE. On one of the principal streets, doing good huinsi; 3 years' lease; low rent; will Invoice. GROCERY STORE. On G!Im st., doing good business; owing to sickness- will sacrifice if taken at once. SALOON. On account of leaving city, owner will sell saloon with over 4 years' lease, in corner of 8-story brick building, building sublet so rent cents les than $50 per month; after first year t rnt will be- free; doing average business of $45 per day; 4 blocks from 3d and "Washing ton. COMMERCIAL INVESTMENT COMPANY. 33o, 331. 332. LUMBER EXCHANGE -Second and Stark. TUB RUSTLERS. LARD. SANDEFER & O'CONNOR. Genuine Hotel and Rooming-Hose - Bargains. $600- 35 rooms. 1m cash. $1 200 24 rooms, a dandy. $1250 12 rooms, i cash. $140017 rooms, good location. $lttK 17 rooms, it's a swell buy. . $16oo 40 rooms, very cheap. $trton 38 rooms, 31 furnished. SlOon 36 rooms, well located. $25(10 33 rooms, very central. $ 3 oot) 26 rooms, $ 1 80 p rof i ta. $3ioo 28 rooms, $200 profits. $3000 28 rooms. Hue location.. $ 3.00 3t rooms, good corner. $37oO 40 rooms, $300 profits. $5000 50 rooms, & money-maker. $3.-no 40 rooms. It's a dandy. $6500 70 rooms, a genuine snap. 9oo0 45 rooms; extra swell. $)o(o 65 rooms, & dandy location. $12.000 S3 rooms, a verv arood one. $14,000 70 rooms, the vry best. Clears over 50 per cent profits. $1100 Popcorn route, clears $200 per montn. We also have snaps In farms, lots. houses, flats and other propositions. If we nave naming to sun you, we win rus tle It. 331 Morrison St., room 6. $6000 INTEREST In a well-established saw mill. The party, purchasing must be a good Dusmeps man. Groceries We have 2 or 8 first-class gro- cerls from $1500 to $3000 that will stand cjoj investigation. Harney Countv lands We have several choice pieces Harney County lands, $s.5o per acre. tasy terms. We have a number of first-class business propositions, or can help you to a good loca tion. See what we have lifted. THEt AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY, 204 Abington bldg. BEST buslness'chanee In Vancouver; gener al mercnanoise; nuilding 25 by SO; all lat est Improvements, plate glass front. II v Ins-rooms upstairs; stock will Invoice about $350; price, everything complete. $7000; or will sell fixtures and stock at invoice and rent building: Address Or.- gonian. Agent, Vancouver, wash. TELEGRAPHONE, 10 shares snap. Alaska Pet. & Coal, 2500, 17c. Almeda Con., 000 bargain. Butte Boy. 1 to 5000 highest bidder. Cascadla, 2000, at 26 4c. -United Wireless, 10 shares at $3.50. CATTERLIN &CO.. Main 24S8. I WANT a good business man with some knowledge of the real estate business to join me In establishing a real estat brokerage business in Portland, each to Invest $150; a line opportunity for right party; will not deal through agents. B 60. Oregonlan. WILL buy or loan money on aooroved stocks: I have stock in an Invention that will pay 10iK per cent profit and Income for life. Large or small Investments accepted. Stock exenangeo ior otner property ot value. W. J Curtij? 215 Commercial block. FOR RENT Large new hotel at new R. R. terminal grounds. 12th and Marshall sts.: has 143 rooms, dining-room and kitchen: all modern conveniences; 5-year lease; rent $500 per montn. Appiy 10 i-nn uevurtz, ot Gev urlz & Sens, 173-5 First sU 200 ALTSKY BLDG. 3d and Morrison For $200 will sell cigar, confectionery and stationery store, mciuains; extra lartt peanut roaster, all fixtures, showcases; will invoice $373; rent. $15. Call quick. FOR SA LE Cheap, country newspaper and job offlc-. Including office building; in good Willamette Valley town ; business prosper ous; illness reason for selling; terms on part. A. id res L 48, care Oregonian. IF you have $3500 available at once for a lve, legitimate and very profitable busi- ursi, ann can appreciate an exceptional local business opportunity when you see It. Address P 5S, Oregonlan. 14-ROOM rooming-house; good location ; house filled with good tenants; clearing $7o per month; selling on account of sick ness at a bargain. Call at 4 North 0th at. O F. Anderson. WANT good man with about $3300 to take Interest in new retail proposition In cen ter of city; modern building, long lease; tine, -store and doing good business now. O 37. Orejronian. WANTED Active young man as partner in clean established business; muM have $700 ftr half interest. Address Owner If you mean bushier; no ugents. H 58, Oregonlan. FOR PALE Half interest In established paying business; books speak for them selves: party leaving city; $350 capital required. Martinez, A4890. $2i:0t INTEREST In townrtte on P. A S Ry ready to put on market; will pay tiio per cent; will not keep. Phone Woodlawn 613. FOR SALS 300i 'shares of Almeda Con. Mines Co. stock at 25c share if taken at one. K oft, Oregonlan. FINE investment; business property in Gres ham; will pay 10 per cent interest above taxes and insurance. Greens m Real Estate Company, (irwham, Or. FOR SALE Good plumbing and tinning business in on" f the best towns of the Willamette Valley. Address Lock Box 150, Kewbers, Or. BUSINESS CH ANTES. RaH H Vj!?0thPh bbo. TH AR OT T LNU BARGAINS IN ROOMING-HOUSES. DEVLIN & FIRE HA UG H, 508-500 Swotland Bldg. If you want a rooming-house or have one for sale, you will find it worth your while to call on us. Below we call your attention to a- few of the places listed With us. EXTRA FINE. 40 rooms; beautiful corner location; ele gantly furnished furnace heat, gas and electricity ; high -class trade ; can show a clear profit of $200 monthly: rent $20O, with years' lease; price $4S00; terms. THIS IS A MONEY-MAKER. 23 rooms; furnished well; furnace heat; within a few blocks of business center; some transient trade; monthly receipts average $250; rent only $100; if you want , a money-maker, better inquire about mis. MODERN BRICK. 23 rooms; centrally located; steam heat, gas and. electricity; all nicely furnished; income $.100 per month ; rent. Including steam heat, $150 per month; good lease; price $2350. APARTMENT HOUSE. 40 rooms; nearly all housekeeping; cor ner brick; centrally locate dand well fur nished; rent only $120, with good long leAsn;; monthly receipts nearly $:t00, leav ing a handsome profit every month; better see this place if you want a money-maker: price $2800; particulars at office only. CORNER BRICK. 24 rooms; all nicely furnished; hot and cold water in every room; rent only $125, including steam heat ; absolutely clearing $150 per month; 2 years' lease; price only $2400. BETTER SEE THIS ONE. 10 rooms; nicely fuonlshed; oniy 4 blocks from postoffice; fine locatirm to rent rooms; rent $45; yours for the low price of $000. NOTE THIS PLACE. 11 rooms; well furnished ; steam heat; fine close-in location; south of Morrison st.; rent $50; income over $100 monthly; price $730. CORNER LOCATION. 17 rooms, all housekeeping; nicely fur nished; fine location in residence district; close in: rent only $65; lease; net profits $70 per month; price $1500. DEVLIN & FIBEBAUGH, 508-509 Swetland Bldg., cor. 5th and Wash, DIETZ-MUELLER CO., R03-.- SWETLAND BLDG.. FIFTH AND WASHINGTON. HEADQUARTERS FOR ROOMING-HOUSE BARGAINS AND QUICK RESULTS. NEW TODAY. 50 rooms, new corner brick; private baths, hot and cold water in every room, steam heat: 4 years' lease; rent $3O0; clearing $450 per month. A little beautly. Elegantly furnirhed. Price $10,000. ANOTHER BEAUTY. ' - 40 robms, new corner brick; hot ana cold water in every room; steam heat; superblv furnished and 3 " years' leaso; rent $250; best location in the city: Posi tively clearing above ajl expenses $300 per month. Price $7500. VERY CHEAP. 24 rooms, new corner brick; hot and cold water in every room; steam heat; nicelv furnished; clearing above all ex penses $130 per -month; 2 years lease; rent, including heat and hot water, $125 per month. Price $240i. JlST LISTED. 20 rooms, steam heat,, hot and cola water tn ail rooms; private baths;. very nicely furnished. Including piano; rent $120; lase; .one block from postoffice; don't fail to see it, for it's a beauty; $3250, part time. ' MONEY-M AKER. 18 rooms, all housekeeping; fine loca tion; nicely furnished; rent $""; clears $80 per month above all expenses and owner occupies best rooms in the house; price $1600; $1000 cash. VERY SWELL. 26 rooms, 4 blocks from Portland Hotel, surrounded by beautifaul homes; hot and cold water in rooms; furnace heat; nicely furnished; cheap rent; good lease and a money-maker. Price $4400. The above are Just a few of our many good buys, and If you are in the market for a rooming-house, hotel or family boarding-house, it is to your most. VITAL INTEREST to see us before buying. -DIETZ -MUELLER CO., 5o3-5 Swetland Bldg., Fifth and Washington. Phones, Main 156. A 1566. RUSTLERS' INVESTMENT REALTY CO. RI'STKKSR CHANCES. $1 100 Business route, takes in $70 per Viviiin nrrwerv takes in $40 per day. SOOO Permanent business, clears $150 per month. HOUSES FOR SALE. $1000 3 rooms and 2 lots. $25no 8 rooms, on West Side. $2800 6 rooms, modern in every respect. $4O0u 10 rooms. 4. flats. $4500 7 rooms, on West Side. FARMS. $2600 40 acres near Eugene. $,i3o0 47 acres, 11 miles out. $rtiKi0 240 acres, & good buy. jHOoO i2o acres in Washington. . . li? -un 72f ncrea In Washington. On the installment plan, 10, 20 and 40- acre tracts from $40 to $110 per acre. WAREHOUSE SITES. One $6000 and one $25,000. ROOMING-HOUSES. tanO 35 rooms, on East Side. $120O 24 rooms; a dandy. iliXO 17 rooms, extra good buy. $3000 28 rooms, location can't be beat. ir;ron 4ft rnmmt: a cood monev-maker. $wH0 70 rooms, a good corner; snap. And several others that are good uus. HOTELS. $5000 50 rooms; a money-maker. J70ti0 40 rooms, easily worth $8000. $1000 45 rooms; it's worth $10,000. $:inoo 05 rooms, well worth the price. '$12.000 85 rooms, this-4a a good buy. $13,00070 room, net profit $ti00 per mo, FLATS. $.VK rooms, good furniture. $rt50 7 rooms; a nobby, good buy. $tViO 9 rooms; a One location. RUSTLERS INVESTMENT REALTY CO. 251 Morrison St., room 6. NEVADA OOLD MINES By special ar rftneements made with the Gordon-Camp hell Trust Co.. Financial Ascents, we invite subscriptions to a part o the promotion w stock at. the Wonder fay master toiu Minima Po. at $5 for each 100 shares. Properties situated in the rich Wonder Mining aistrict, ivev. Applications i" tnifl hock cannoi do iimae ioo em iy, xa. A. Clem & Co., S51 Aiaer st. BUSINESS' at a bargain; owner must sell because of death in ramny; aizou win be required and owner guarantees you $4fi clear over all expenses every week; trial given if wanted; experience not nec essary. .Particulars zoy etar i. PATENT secured or fee returned. Illus trated Gnlde Book and List of Inventions wanted, free to any address. Patents se cured by us advertised free in World's Progress. Sample copy free. Evans, Wril kens & Co., Washington, D. C. ANYONE having a few thousand to invest in a legitimate business that will pay better than 15 per cent, will do well to see me. This will bear the do.est investigation. THOS McCUSKBR. 206 Couch bldg. Phone Main 7646. CONFECTIONERY and Ice cream; Al loca tion; cheap rent; nice- stock; rent in cludes a ' rooms; business of about $25 per day; owner must sell on account of other business; a snap; price $800. Call 165 3d st., room A. . WOOD YARD One of the best; plenty of wood contracted for and plenty of orders; will pav you $300 a month after paying all expenses; partners don't agree, so $2300 gets it If you hurry. Call 248 Stark st. SALOON A bargain, Monday ; partner wanted because owner can't depend on hired help; experience not necessary; no trcuble for you to clear $130 every month; $550 required. Call 248 Stark st. 80-ROOM hotel; finest business location: new ly furnished, modern; clearing $75o month ly; for eele by owner for private reasons. Only principals with means need reply. No agent. G 13, Oregonlan. SUBURBAN 'grocery store, with growing and profitable trade. fr sale. $2000; this in cludes store building, fixtures, wagon, as well as large stock of groceries. Room 323, Lumber Exchange. $85t BUYS an old-established meat market and large trade ; owner retiring ; price Is about half cost of fixtures alone; an excep tional bargain. 'Room 323, Lumber Ex change. REAL ESTATE man with more business than he can attend to alonn wants partner d look after office; half interest for very lit tle money. Room 323, Lumber Exchange. REAL estate business; partner wanted to show land, etc.; owner will guarantee you $150 a month and very little money re quired. Particulars 248 Stark st. $35o BUYS saloon doinj? business $1300 a month; one of best locations in city; long lease, very low rent ; "owner leaving town. Room 323, Lumber Exchange. $5000 Furniture and lease good hotel, money maker established business, well located, all new and clean. C. H. Monroe, 66 Labbe, 227 Washington. GOOD furniture of clean 1 0-room house for sale or exchange for house and lot and pay difference cash and suburban lots. B 57. Oregonian. GENERAL merchandise business netting 50 per cent, near Portland. If you want It, now i your chance. M. C. Davis, 16 Hamil ton bldg. COMMISSION bakery, confectionery, notions, canned goods. Ice cream, etc.; livinsr rooms. Apply at 190 Gibba BUSINESS CHANCES. HjERB we are with a list of very important bargains for you. We guarantee these bar gains as great money-making houses: 9- room house, good location, $650. 10- rtom house, a great money-maker, $700. 10-room house, a swell place, $2500. , 17 -room bouse, a good buy for $30. 20 rooms, very fine location, $125o. 22 rooms, a good, first-class house; steam heat, hot and cold water; new brick; $2700. 28 rooms, well furnished; velvet carpets, etc.; a first-class boarding-house; $5000. 33 rooms, newly furnished; best of loca tion tn city; 7 rooms rented for offices alone clear $15 above the expenses of the place ; Investigate this; price only $2600; half cash, eav terms. 27 rooms, good brick bldg., only $1100. 35 rooms, new brick; running water In every room; a great bargain for $3000. 30 rooms, a good buy; $4000; terms. 46 rooms ; hou.se clears $300 a month ; $4500. 59 rooms; a fine buy for $3000. So-room hotel ; a first-class place; $14,000. $45o0 will handle this. 72 rooms, newly furnished, steam heat, hot and cold water included In the rent; $6500; terms. 73-room hotel, newly furnished; new brick; $15,O0O. lOU-room hotel doing- a No: 1 business, bar Included, for $6500. 1 55-room hotel ; cheap rent, long lease ; clears over $6o0 a month; no better buy can be found in the city; $11,000 caah. 73-room hotel; will trade or sell at $5000. 6-room house and 4 lots, $18o0, or will trade for rooming-house or city property. fcO-acre farm, $3500; will trade for rooming-house or city property. C. S. ARNOLD & CO.. Original Hotel Brokers, 8514 Morrison, room 111. Phone Main 7S1L PARTNER WANTED. Thoroughly reliable and responsible man to take half Interest in one of the best paying real estate and business ex change offices in the city; small amount of cash required. We want, the man more than the money. CROWN BUSINESS EXCHANGE, 3S Raleigh bldg.. 6th and Wash. sts. . I HAVE some first mortgage bond bearing 6 per cent interest, guaranteed by tne very best security, which I will sell in blocks of from $1000 to $50,000. This 1 better than any loan you can make in the city. If you are interested, I can convince you. THOS McCUSKER. 205 Couch Bldg. Phone Main 7646. I HAVE $30,000 ta $30,000 that I want to Invest In timber or timber and sawmill, or will buy one-half interest with good party in timber and sawmill; am acquaint ed with values; don't write unless you have something good; prefer to deal with owners. Address V 60, care Oregonlat. BARBER SHOP, up-to-date In every partic ular, live chairs and baths. Will give buyer a chance to try place out. Good reason for selling. Hotel shop in a city of 15,000 in habitants. Address Arthur E. Peterson, As toria, Or. $15,000 TO $20,000 will purchase & first -class gents rumisnmg estamisninent in tnis city; a good lease at a reasonable rent. Might consider good real estate as part payment. The Ames Mercantile Agency, 204 Abington bldg-. DO you need capital, extend or start busi ness? If so, write me before arranging elsewhere; exceptional facilities placing stocks, bonds quickly. Everett Dufour, corporation attorney, Washington, D. C. TO sell, interest in old established mercan ti le firm, with services. Eastern Oregon ; doing large business; $10,000 or more re quired; one member wishes to retire ac count of health. E 63, Oregonlan. PAYING hardware business In progressive vaiiey town of 1000; about oO miles irom Portland - incorporated for $1200; inven tories $1500; object, other business Yerex Bros. Ce., 302 Gdodnough. $2000 BUYS the best livery busineF for the money in Portland, clears $50O per month; lease, central location, stock and buggies wortn money. This will tand investigation. McGirr, 214 13th st. HARDWARE and Implement business. In Val ley town ; stock and building, about $8000, but cduld reduce the stock $2000 In a very short time; good reason for selftng. Q 91,. Oregonlan. A SNAP Price $2000. First-class res taurant for sale at Marsh field, Oregon; doing good business; reason for selling, proprietor's health is failing. J. W-.Tlu oetts- STOCK, bond offering, mining, electric, ln dustrial or railway company wanted for sale: commission basis. Address, full particulars. Clientele, P. O. Box 208, New York. AGENTS wanted Jh and out of town to handle a high-grade security; big profits to Invest ors, good contracts to agents; - men should make from $25 to $100 weekly. 2o7 Couch bldg. FOR SALE A clean, new stock of keneral hardware and paints; three-year lease, with option ror nve; win invoice about $oo0u. For particulars address N 41, Oregonlan. FOR rent or for sale, hand laundry In pros- perloua town of loOO population, doing good business; sickness reason for selling. Will rent for $15 per month. T 48, Oregonlan. THOS MCCUSKEK, 205 Couch bldg. Phone Main io40. btocks, bonds and real estate ; special attention given to out of town cli ents. If you want to buy or sell, see me. . FOR SALE! Willamette Valley drusr business. well located, prosperous; sworn statement of business furnished; price $2750; terms; sick ness. Addres- u bo, care Oregonian. $8500 BUYS Vt interest In manufacturing plant paying 40 per cent; will bear closest investigation; a rare opportunity. 510 Bu- c nan an Diag.. so wagmngton. FOR SAIsE Mfp. business, clearing over $150 a montn; easily learned; no competi tlon ; $2000 or will take small ranch in trade tor part, a 4o, oregonlan. GOOD-PAYING business for sale cheap, if taken at once, bakery, confectionery, ci gars, tobacco and ice cream parlor. WTish to go isast. xaoor ooo. $5000 WILL buy hotel netting $3000 pec year: new building, good location; one of best towns on Upper Columbia. 402 Com mercial bldg; ON HI of the nicest hardware and Implement Businesses in tne &tate or uregon at a bargain, $5000 cash will handle It. 206 Alisky bldg. FOR SALE First-ciass grocery store; fine trade; wen locatea ; ravoraoia lease; own er retiring; favorable terms. Lock Box 682. RELIABLE real estate dealer wants part ner to show property; he guarantees you $150 per montn, uoom 7, Jr'lrst st. BLACKSMITH and shoeing shop for sale gnod business and location. Adores S. B. Vinegan, 54 West 8th st. Eugene, Or. FURNISHED lodging-house, 17 rooms, for sale cheap; must sell; d-year lease. In quire 33 Vfr Grand ave. and Pine. PARTNER wanted for a strictly cash gro cery ; $300 required ; will pay you $100 a month, can zsvb DtarK st. Pi kTXEH in nrst-class restaurant. dot air aood business; small investment; call and . Ol'J UllMau airA sea o uk i a.1, -M uhiuj i. FOR SALE Timber lands, sawmill and box factory properties. The Consolidated Indus try Co., 2S6t Washington st. A FINE business opening; about $3000 cash, balance out of the business. Owner; no agents. W 50, Oregonian. for RALE-Tallor shop, located on 3d st. : reasonable rent; must leave on account of sickness. U 4H. oregonian. CONVENIENTLY located rooming-house; 8 blocks from postoffice; for sale cheap,: R 57, Oregonian. FOR SALE First-class cigar fixtures, good location; 2 years' lease; rent au. can 280 Stark st. FOR RENT Hotel In country town doing good business. inquire oecuaa ana jaam Stables. ONE TnULSA.iy tn um ber land for sale. See owner, 16 Hamilton bldg. LAUNDRY One ofthe best in Oregon; must sell. Call XOO Alicn-J muj., u anu Jiuni' son. tt,-m" c t .it- x ndom hotel, cheao! easv termn. arood lease, party leaving , city. " N 45, Ore gonian. A-l MFG. business wants more money; active - mtercst tn rignt paxcy; luvwiisaie. x ico. Oregonlan. $3000. 493 Tacoma ave., Sellwood, after noons. A BARGAIN Hotel fixtures for sale and hotel for rent, uox xio, springneia, ur INTEREST good contracting business. 610 Buchanan bldg.. -oovs wasningmn. WANTED To rent, furnished hotel any' where. F 48. uregoman. $1000 for an interest In a growing business. Address C 65. Oregonlan. ABSTRACT business cheap; beat la ths state. Address K. 47, Oregoniaa, BUSINESS CHANCES. ROOMING-HOUSE HEADQUARTERS. ELLIS. YORK & CO., Rooms 20 and 21, Cambridge bldg., 264 Morrison fit., S. W. cor. 3d st. IF YOU WANT " TO BUY A ROOMING-HOUSE, call at the above address. We have them, all size all styles, all prices from '$250 to $18,0'0. All the desirable ones for sale are on our list. Terms may be arranged on any. RED-HOT PROPOSITION, 65 ROOMS EUROPEAN JiOTEu elegant ly furnished. In tine location, choice of the West Side, steam heat, long lease and ex ceptionally cheap rent for new, modern place. Receipts over $1000 a month, profits fully $500. Owner has other business; will take part or all in good farm or city property. BEST PAYER FOR PRICE. 31 ROOMS Best corner in central busi ness district; furniture an.d carpets extra good; lease 3 years, cheap rent; large tran sient business; can show you the figures for a clear profit of $200 a month. Owner needs money elsewhere and offers this for the small sum of $2750. SOMETHING GOOD. 43 ROOMS Modern apartments. In splen did business location; new brick, with steam heat, hot and cold water in every apartment, several private baths, furnished elegantly and completely; pays $300 a month clear; full, with a waiting list; long lease; cheap rent; price for quick sale, $3250. BETTER NOT WAIT. 12 ROOMS Modern dwelling in bonton residence section, near high school, large yard, shade trees; btrdseye maple and oak furniture, body brussels carpet; owner must sell on account sickness in family, and cuts price to $850; $550 cash, balance, $25 a month. SPLEN'DID PROPOSITION. 75 ROOMS Fine location, well furnished; rent oniy $300, including steam heat,' hot and cold water; lease; Income $1000 a month. Price reduced to $0000; take city real estate as part. GREAT BARGAIN. '"33 ROOMS Furnished swell; best business location, steam heat ; present owner has cleared $200 a month for 2 years. This Is of fered at greatlv reduced price for quick sale only $3700; $2700 cash, balance monthly. NOTHING EQUALS THIS IN" THE CITY, 27 ROOMS In best residence section, run ning hot and cold water in rooms, furnishings the best market affords, cheap rent, long lease. Price $3400. -HERE IS WHERE YOU 'WIN. 17 ROOMS Best Washington-street loca tion; furnished new and good few months ago; rent $75; lease 2 years. You can clear $75 a month here. Price $S00. SNAP RIGHT OFF THE REEL. 18 ROOMS Flat in business block, central. West Side; all housekeeping; rent only $50; lease 3t years; receipts $145. Price cut to $700 for auick sale. CALL BEFORE YOU BUY. And see what we have in PRIVATE ROOMING and BOARDING-HOUSES, EUROPEAN and FAMILY HOTELS. APARTMENT-HOUSES and cheap LODGING-HOUSES. Some of the best are not advertised. DO IT NOW. COAL LANDS 1800 "acres . of bituminous (coking) coal lands, on railroad in operation; no sinking required; only coking 4coal within COO miles; near extensive copper and other mineral deposits that will require large quantities of coke; location gives this field a fuel monouoly of high-grade coal. If taken soon can be had for $2 per acre. B. Fal lows, mining engineer, 634 Chamber of Com merce. SPECIAL offer; limit to individual investment. 10.O00 shares only of strictly choice indus trial stock under state supervision: proba bly the satest and most satisfactory in vestment that you can make. Blocks $.V to $1000. Positively guarantee io per cent on money invested. A 65. Oregonian. GROCERY at invoice, store and flxttfres for rent, trade about $35 per day; invoice about $1100. Another, invoice about $2500; trade $2000 per month. $2000 nice, clean stocn; good flixtures; invoice; trade $50 per day. Foster & Co.,- 632 Union ave N. EASTERN Oregon store, incorporated for sale; excellent incation navlng 18 per cent on in vestment and $500 per month manager's sal- airy; $0,ooo cash, naiance on time. a. Man sen, 313 5th st. Phone Main 1133. LOOK here. $2200 buys 2S-room lodging house on Washington st. : rooms always rented and clears over $100 per month; 4 years lease; cheap rent. E. J. Geiser, 22ji V Morrison st. 20 LARGE, light rooms, corner, rent $50. clearing from SiK) to $125 month: cost $2800: fair time; new; running water; brussels and moquette carpets; piano; for $1500. C 56, Qre- gonian. MAGAZINE and job printing proposition. New plant, splendid opportunity; want outside hustler; experience preferred but not neces sary. Must invest $2o0. Box t&z cnenaiis. w ash. GENERAL merchandise, estab. 18 years, in leading suburb, now doing $2500 per montn. price, invoice $;i20O on terms. Hall, Van Fxldagh & Co., concord bldg, I WILL give $100 or more for permanent position as office manager, secretary or expert accountant; highest credentials given. Address L 60, Oregonlan. I WILL give $100 or more for permanent position as office manager, secretary ur expert accountant; nignest credential! given. Addeess L 59. Oregonian. RELIABLE paying real estate business for sale: owner returned East; only respon slble parties need apply. Call Rooms 3 ana 4, s;s ft vvasnmgton st. $20,000 STOCK general merchandise, 75 cents on dollar cash; Inventory basis nrlor to re . cent heavy advance. Well located Willam ette Valley. E 61, oregonian. WANTED A reliable man to take interest in an old, solid, established real estate office; cannot attend to business alone; small capital required. Call iui 4th st. FOR SALE Restaurant that Is positively clearing? Slo per lay ; exceptionally goca lease: will sell cheap. i3t J. ueiser. 221 Morrison st. S330O will buv eood oaylnir bakerr and con fectionery business in Eastern Oregon town; good reason for selling. T 4i, care Oregonian. DOCTOR, wishing to retire, account' of poor bealtn, win sen property to physician; good nractice, gooa location, tt 46, ure gonlan. QUICK lunch eourtter in first-class business location. 307 star st. FOR SALE Candy and cigar stand at Pled mont Junction. PERSONAL. AMERICAN lady, past 50, some means. wishes to meet gentleman over 60 with home or income, matrimonially inclined. E 58, oregonian. LADIES, your weight can be reduced at your own homes; hair and face massage a specialty. Residence 410 3d st. Phone A 3230. PHRENOLOGY Is not fortunetelling, as Rev. Wilson classifies It. Refuted by Professor Griffith, Museum Hall, 2:30 P. M., 66 North 6th st. GEO. O. ENRIGHT, last heard from at West Fall, Or., in 1905, Is wanted by his father,- George Enright, Denison. Ia. Mme Courtright, skin and scalp- treatments; facial deformities corrected; plastic surgerv. 225 Fleidner bldg. M. 5042. Home A 2u6. A. REINIER, practical furrier; sealskin gar ments redyed said remodeled; expert fitter; estimates given; lowest prices. 563 Wash. DR. J. T. PIERCE cures all nervous, chronic and private diseases, both sexes; office treat ment 60c to $1. Call or write, 181 1st st. MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hair removed. No charge to talk it over. Mrs. M. D Hill, room 330. Fliedner bldg. Pacific 135. A YOUNG lady would like acquaintance with man of means; object matrimony. Address Mls Ross, Postoffice. WANTED To meet honorable ladies and gentlemen of resiKns4ble age; object, matri mony. S 59, Oregonian. 15 PER cent on investment; inside property; sewerage, street and repairs all right. K 63. Oregonian. GENTLEMAN 45, would! like to meet working girl or widow. Object matrimony. Address R 63, Oregonian. MISS ETHIJL WARD, manicurist and chi ropodist, is now in room 16. 3514 Mor rison st. LADY, 35. cash1 and fine farm, would mar ry; confidential. O. M.t Box 35, Toledo, Ohio. - DK- ATWOOD femaie diseases; maternity cases, private hospital. 8 Lewis bl. p. 1753. Recently opened manicuring parlors removed from 351 to 343" Morrison st., room 2. LADY barber sho now open, 4 chairs, no waiting; manicuring taught. 54 4th st. BALM of Figs for all female Diseases. 235 JafiEerson at. Pacinc 2321: A 4434. PERSONAL. t-DIES, one word with you 28 years of suc cessful practice tn Portland in the treatment of disease peculiar to women should be suf ficient guarantee to those seeking the aid of an experienced physician and surgeon. I have aesiPted hundreds of anxious and Buf fering women. I can assist you. If in trouble, no matter from what cause, cail on - old Dr. J. D. Gray, the old reliable special ist; no charge for consultation or advice. 251 Alder St., corner 3d, Portland, Or. Cor respondence sacredly confidential. DR. MARY LANE. Late superintendent of Chicago Women's Hos- filtal. treats diseases of women exclusively; adies wHl consult their beet Interests by coir munica ting with me; no fee for con sultation; correspondence absolutely confi dential; maternity esses given special at tention. Sanitarium and ofticei, 253 Al-ier. corner 3d. Portland, Or. Phone Main 2796. FAT FOLKS. Your weight, double chin, busts, abdomen and Tilns recuced; have lost 41 pounds; no starving, no wrinkles; guaranteed harmless. Call Wednesday or write for booklet free. Mrs. A. O. livers. J037 E. 27th North. Port land. Phone Woodlawn 207; morning -and ' evening. $1 REWARD for the correct address of any of the following persons; Tiw). tJlumst, for merly at 506 Front St.. city: Mrs. Alice -liajns, formerly at 575 E. Salmon st., city; A. L. Mitchell, formerly at Lents, Or., and William Gates, supposed to be around Kelso, Wraeh. C. Miller, 191 1st St.. city. G. F: WRIGHT, 21 years old. 5 feet 9 inches in height, dark brown hair, brown ees. weight about 150 pounds; last seen about a month ago; supposed he went to Pendleton, Or. Any information as to his whereabouts will be greatly appreciated. Address J. H. Wright. Cecil. Oregon. KNOW thy future. Get" a perfect picture of past and present absolutely free, with xorecast lor me year. xe Miieiuen what the stars can tell you. Send birth date and year, with self-addressed afn mnerl onvplnnn trt Veron MgIvh- Svra- SUITS pressed while you wait, 60c. To vis itors) or r-orticnd Hotels ana to puonc at large: Suits pressed at 50c at Gilbert, the tailor's, 1064 6th st., next to Quelle. La dies skirts pressed, 50c. Feathers and boos cleaned and curled. Phone Pacific 20bS. AMERICAN young lady, worth $4000 cash. will also inherit large farming interests, wishes to meet young or middle-aged man with view to matrimony ( poverty no ob jection). Address Miss Hart, Dept. 941, 54 Wabash, Chicago. IS THIS YOUR TROUBLE '! YOUR NERVES twitch, you don't sleep well. Palmo mu lcts will cure you; &Oc a box, 6 for $2.50; guaranteed. Sold by all druggists, or ad dress Brooke Drug Co., 67 North 3d St., Portland, Or. WANTED Information of Patrick McCabe, of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Addres mother, Mrs. P. McCabe, care Ned Swift, Shakespeare. Ontario, Canada, or brother, Dan. 903 Montana ave., Portland. Or., U. S. A. FINE looking business man would like to meet lady with view to matrimony; his in come is $6000 per year, enough for both; no objection to poor maiden or widow: Address Mr. H.,. room 492, Ceylon bids Chicago. ' WHEN YOU DON'T FEEL WELL AND don't know what Is the matter, then Sex Ins Pills will cure you; $1 a box, 6 boxes $5; full guarantee. Address J. A. Clemen eon, druggist, 2d and Yamhill sta., Port land, Or. Swedish trained nurse, Helslngfors graduate. cures rheumatism, nervous disorders, sprains, superfluous fat hand rubbing, steam, sweat and tub baths. 7 East 11th street; take Faet Ankeny car. Phone East. 260. Home B 1803. LIFE IS WORTH LIVING WHEN YOU feel well; Sexlne Pills make you feel well; price $1 a box, 6 for $5; full guarantee. Address or call J. G. Clemenson, druggist, corner 2d and Yamhill sts.. Portland, Or. CHRONIC, nervous and special diseases ot men and women cured by modern scientific methods; electric treatment for diseases of the pr"Btate; consultation free. Dr. W. L Howard, Commonwealth bldg.. Sixth st. LADIES Ask your druggist for Chlches- ters Diamond Brand Pills. For 25 years known as the best, safest. Reliable. Take no other. Chlch esters Diamond Brand Pills. Sold by druggists everywhere. DON'T BE DULL AND FORGETFUL. SEX tne Pills cure all forms of weakness; $1 a box, 6 for $5, with fuli guarantee. Ad dress or call J. A- Clemenson, druggist. 2d and Yamhill sts.. Portland. Or. LOST VITALITY IS QUICKLY KESTOKKD by the use of Sexlne Pills. $1 a box, 6 boxes $5, with full guarantee. Address or call, J. A. Clemenson, druggist, corner 2d and Yam hill sts., Portland. Or. NEAT, intelligent young woman would like to meet a gentleman between 35 and 5o; must have good home or some means; no triners need answer. ODect matrimony, o SUPERFLUOUS HAIR. MOLES, ETC., RE . moved by electric needle; established - 18t4; fihyslclans references, lady operator. Par ors 170 10th St., near Morrlsoo. Phone Main 6267. DRESS suits for rent, all sizes; $1 month keeps your clothes cleaned, pressed, buttons sewed on, rips sewed. Prompt cails and de liveries. Unique Tailoring Co., W'V fat ark st, LADIES Dr. Sanderson's Co-Savin and Cot ton Root Pills are the only sure remedy for female troubles and irregularules; by mall $2 box. Dr. Pierce, 181 1st t., Portland. PORTLAND Matrimonial Club solicits busl ness from reliable people only; line local list ; strictly confidential. Address Mis. H. O. Wilbur,, 406 3d and Harrison; S car. MARRY Wealth and beauty, marriage di rectory free; pay when marriad; entirely new plan; send no money. Address H. A. riorum, Jjept. si, xeKonsna, aiicii. DR. KETCHl'M treats the special diSeas of women, likewise all provate affect ion of. men; correspondence connaentiai. Phone Pa cific 2220. 1703 3d st., cor. Yamhill. LOST powers restored by the great Dr. Lor ens' Nerve Tonic Tablets. 23c a box. Write or call at Eysnel's Pharmacy, 227 Morrison St., bet. 1st and 2d WELL-KNOWN man wants wife, two In family, myself and little boy. Don't write unless you lntena to come., vv. i. jorooKs, Box 5, LalGiaw, or. rerm a V. French. Suanish and other Foreign Dictionaries Text Books and Literature (German books a specialty). A. W. achniaie Co.. 229 First st. HYPNOTIST, with subject, wanted. Oregonlan. - P 57, fDiANCIAL. Moiiey to Loan. CASH on hand for purchase money, mortgages. ootids for deeds or contracts of sale on real eauite, either country or city property. H. E. Noble, Commercial oia., ana vvasnmgton. LOANS on easy payment -plan to salaried peo ple; lowest rates; strictly connacntiai. em ployes' Loan Co., room 716, The Dekum, 3d ana vaso. main 2. MONEY LOANED IN SUMS OF $5 AND up on ail kinds oz security, w. a. nauta. way, room 10. Wash, bldg- Pacific 1832, 15000 OR LESS IN SUMS TO 8UXT ON real estate; charges reasonable. Inquire j. ti. Mia die ton, bit jnatuoer Lommerco. LOANS ON FURNITURE, PIANOS AND other securities; lowest rates, a. vv . King, room 45, Wash. bldg. Phone Mala 6100. MONEY to loan on improved city property or for building purpose. Columbia Lite ot Trust Company. 214 Lumber h-Ttcnangw Diag. MdNEY LOANED IN SMALL OR LAHGR sums on improved ana unimprovea ruai tr tato. W. tx, Nunn. ot2 aneriocK djock. SPECIAL. To loan, at 6 per cent, on choice closo-in business or residence income prop erty. Mi G. Griiiin, "itio fotark. st. WANTED To sell at once, 2000 shares of Cascadla Mining ucveiopment uo. stocK cheap for casii. W 47, oregonlan. $lo00 to $lu,ouu to loan ill sums to suit at & to I per cent on luiiwtru. icajlj. m. vj. ui iij-iu, 266 Stark, opp. Chamber of Commerce. IMMEDIATE LOANS FROM $5 TO $5000 OX all securities, rt. a. urcKerson & to., room a. Washington bldg. Phone Pac. 1831. WANTED Partner with $SO0 In grocery store and services; close investigation solicited. Home Land Co., 145 1st st. TEN thousand dollars of trust funds on im proved city property or modern uweiiinga. Address ou, uregontan. MSJNBY to loan on improved property, 6 and 7 ,per cent; no -commission. 1 40, Oregonlan. State funds loaned, 6 per cu W. E. Thomas, state agt., Multnomah Co. 4O0 C. of Com. MONEY TO LOAN" ON ALL KINDS OF SE curity. Win. Holl, rm. 8 Washington bldg. DON'T BORROW MONEY ON YOUR 8AL ary until you sea Hutton Credit Company. $500,000 TO LOAN AT 5 AND 6 PER CENT. Wm. G. Beck, room 812 Failing bldg. A t for tn asKing, saJary or chattel. um www wum uiui. . FINANCIAL. " Money to Loan. MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY money money mu.n r: 1 money MONEY MONEY MONEY MONET DON'T BE HARD UP. SALARY LOANS TO EVERYONE WORKING LOW HATES EASY PAYMENTS NO MORTGAGE NO IN DOR EH WHAT MOKE COULD I0U ASK I STATE SECURITY CO. 704 DKKUM BLDG. MONEY AlONttY MuNtiY MONEY MONEY MONEY IdONhY MONEY llUNKi MONEY MU.N E Y MON E Y MONEY TO LOAN. On improved "city property or for build ing purposes, for from 3 to lo years' time, with privilege to repay all or part of loan alter two years. Loans approved from plans and money advanced as building progresses: mortgages takeu up and re placed. Fred H. Strong, nuancial agent, - 242 Stark st. LOANS made to salaried people holding per manent positions and responsible nrna, ea payments and Atnctiy coiiiMemlal; aso CHATTEL LOANS on personal property; rooming-houses a spec- NEV7 ERA LOAN" &. MORTGAGE CO.. 205 Abington bldg. THS STAR LOAN COMPANY. Any salaried employe, wag-:arner, caa get on his note, without mortgage (con ndentisi). Month, -mouth. Week. X5o Repay to u. . . or i.66 or 3-36 ilo Repay to us.... 6.65 or $3.20 or $1.65 16 Repay to ua.... 4.U0 or $2.00 or $1.00 210 McKay Bldg., 102 'ihlrd. WE loan on notes to employes of permanency and integrity; tnuse wno can repay whose intentions are to do so can get our money at a rate they can afford to pay. We offer you businesslike treatment and Uiie businesslike niethous only. CRESCENT LOAN CO., A2A Mohawk bldg. Main 204L MONEY LOANED TO SALARIED PEOPLE just on your own name; no otner security necessary; don' t borrow until you sua mt; my system is the best for railroad men, clerks, bookkeepers, streetcar men and ail other employes; business strictly conhdeaU. F. A. Newton, 511 Buchanan Bldg. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLO and others upon their own names witnoui security; cheapest rates, easiest payments; on ices in 60 principal otUes, savw yourself money by getting our terms first. TOLMAN, 223 Abington Bid"., 1064 3d si. WE have ready money on hand to loan in -umb to suit on good residence property at low intures-t. Piggott, Finch & Bigger, at torneys at law. rooms 4, & and 0, Mulkey blcig. Phones Main 7145; A 1240. TO loan $0000 or leps on apartment-house or nats. iJ. u. box n. Loans Wanted. 7000 AT 7 per cent for two years on new income property ; monthly rental $-l; well located. M. G. Griffin, 266 Stark street. WANTED A loan of $15,000 for 3 years at 7 per cent; real estate valued at $42,00O of fered a security. O 57. Oregonlan. WANT loan $'2H from private party, 00 days. 3 per cent per month. Address O 61, Oregonian. WANTED To borrow $300 on good timbe land. M 5S, Oregonian. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. NOTICE. Bids will be received at room 2O0, Oregonlan bldg., until noon, Wednesday, July 24, 10u7, for the cartage and ti-ans-portatlon of The Oregonian and Evening Telegram from August 1. 1W7, to August 1. llteti. to the Postoffice, express offices, trains, streetcars, boats, etc. and otherwise, as may be directed by the superintendent of the mailing room of the respective newspapers. Full Information may be obtained from the superintendent of the mailing room daily from 1 to 5 o'clock P. M. The right to re ject any or all bids is reserved, oregonian Publishing Company. Miscellaneous. SEALED bids for the building of the super structure of the Administration Building tsize o(x238 ft. ; height, three-story ; mate rial?? stone, brick, and fireproof construc tion) for the University nf Idaho, at Mos cow, will be received until 2 P. M. August ' 20, 1907, and will be opened at that time. Separate bids will also be received for the following items: 1st, brick masonry. 2d, cut stoue and terra cotta. 3d, reinforced concrete- flre-prooting. 4th, structural steel. 5th, rooting, tile and sheet metal. 6th, carpentry and superintendence. 7th, plumb ing. Plans and specifications can be hud at the university and at the office of J. 13. TourtellotLe & Co., at Boise. A deposit of $15 will be required to insure their safe re turn. All bidders must enclose a citified check for 2 per cent-of the amount bid, pay able to Mrs. S. II. Hays, secretary, with their bid. trt id send or hand their bid to Mrs. S. H. Hays, secretary of the board of regents, Moscow, Idaho. All checks will be returned to the bidders as soon as contract is closed. The miccessful bidders must sign contracts within lo days and furnlnh bond within 30 days after contract Is award ed or forfeit certified check. Contract con tains clause required by the- State Board of Examiners to protect labor ana material claims and bond must be made by surety or trust company. The building must be com pleted ny septemner 1, JWS. f inancial aon itv and experience will be cunntdered In awarding contract. Bidders must state their individual names and address In full. The board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. MRS. S. H. HAYS. Secretary. Moscow. Idaho, July 17. 1007. IN the United States District Court for the District of Oregon In the matter of Louis Goodman, bankrupt. Notice Is hereby given to the creditors of the said bankrupt Louis Goodman, that the stock of goods belonging tn the estate of the faid bankrupt which is In possession of the Trustee will be sold in bulk at private pale by the Trustee, .1. W. Wright, at his office at Roseburg. r at 10 o'clock A. M. Saturday, July 27. The same to be sold to the highest bidder in cash, upon sealed bids which muft be de posited with the Trustee on or before the said time set for the sale. A certified check equal to 10 per cent of the amount bid must accompany the bid or it will not be regarded. Bids will be opened simultaneously in the presence of bidders. Inventory may be seen at office of R. I. Sabin, 7 First st. Dated this Hth day of July, 1007. ALBERT ABRAHAM, Re feres in Bankruptcy, Portland. Or. PATENTS New book free. This book tells all abount patents and how to obtain them; explains the cost of a patent and our methods of business; Illustrates luO mechanical movements and contains por traits of all the famous American In ventors. Book mailed free to any address. O'Meara & Brock, patent attorneys, 918 F street, Washington, D. C. STOCKHOLDERS M BETING. The annual meeting of the stock holders of The Title Guarantee & Trust Company will be held at the ofilces of the company. No. 240-244 Washington st.. Portland, Or., on Tuesday, July 23, 1907, at 3:30 o'clock P. M. Jno. E. Attch isort. Sec. BIDS for 75 cords good fir wood for Chil dren's Home. 87 Corbett st. Main 57. LOST AND FOUND. REWARD for bald-faced sorrel mare, with white spots on body; brand of wineglass 011 hip. Address 176 Russell st. Phone East 5620. LOST Gentleman's gold watch, chain and locket, between Morrison bridge and Brooklyn postoffice. Reward. Phone Sell wood 57. FOUND Belt with chatelaine. Owner can have same by calling at Oregonlan onMee, paving for this advertisement and proving property. $10 REWARD Stolen or strayed, a white horso; branded anchors; about 11(00 pounds. Finder please notify Andrew.Kan As Co. FOUND Where hair mattresses are renovated, returned Fame day. 228 Front. Main 474. Portland Curled Hair Factory. H. Metzger. LOST Lady's gold watch and pin, Wed nesday evening on Oaks car or Morrison st. ; reward. Main 1771, or Main 2766. FOlt SALE Grocery; old established busi ness on paying basis; line location on cor ner; city. R 62, Oregonlan.' LOST Gentleman's Waltham watch, engrav-d initials J. C. R. ; fob same. Return 609 Swetland bld. Reward. , . LOST Cuff button, mounted Elks tooth with name. Finder please leave at 250 6th st., for reward. LOST Female Spitz dvg In South Portland. Notify A. G. Churchley, 145 hi Third et. Reward. FOUND Brown horse. Owner call 6S3 Johnson st., identify same and pay for this ad. FOUND In Stephens' Addition, a purs, containing money. Apply 367 East 9th st. F MJ Large white femals dog-. Phone Main J ow. LOST AND FOUND. STRAYED or stolen; a setter dog; white nose, black ears, white body flecked with black; should h:ive city tax tag on collar; friendly t everyone; answers to Duke; disappeared from h' 1 th st., North, the night of July 1! or 20th. Reward for whereabouts, or return to above address. F. B. Wine. TWENTY dollars reward wlUl be paid for the roturn of my little whiTo French poo-, dl 3, and no questions asked. Return to The .Spukune, room 2, near 2d and Couch streets. 4 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accordion plaiting. MISS O. GOULD, 5l7 SWETLAND BLDG. Accordlou and knife plaiting and pinking. Accountants. EN f KUT ACCOUNTING. Books opened, clust'd ur balaiu'cd. 'Day and evening. 1. L. Ci aw ford. Mai 4504. GEO. T. M L RT( N. 318 Chamber Commerce. Phone Mu in 30S1. General accounting and auGit.ng busicta. Ansnyere and Analysts. Wells & Proebstei, mining engineers, metal lurgists and aesayerd. -ul'.a Washington. MONTANA Assay Ofrtce. 1S6 Morrison sU Best faculties. Prices reasonable. PAUL BAT; MEL. assay er and analyst, dust bought. 207 Aider st. Gol4 Attorney a-at-Law. S. B. TUGOEN, Atty.-at-law. Proctor in Admiralty and Adjuster of Marino Losses and Claima. 118 Abington Bldg. C lalrvoy auts. X MAY- ANDREWS, card reading, 23c, and clairvoyant. 325 Main et. Phone Mala 754b. Dog and Horse liospltaL Dr. C. E. Brown, D. V. S , D. C- M. Dog. horse hospital. 100 N. 6th at. Union Trans Ca Gasoline engines. Stationary, marine, electric equipments launch . es, accessories, wholesale, retail; engine re pairing. Reierson Machinery Co., 182-4-6 Mar. , Chiropody and Manicuring. WM. DEVENY and Estelle Deveny, the only ecientinc cniropotiists, parlors 203 Drew ' building. 102 2d st. Phone Main 1301. I MADAME VASHTI, chiropodist, scalp and; facial massage. 201 y 3d St., cor. Taylor. Chiropody and Pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill, room ,wu jfiieaner b.ug. Jr-none Racine lao. DR. FLETCHER'S SCHOOL of CHIROPODY. Skillful aud painless treatments. Alisky big, 1 J. LIN DELL, expert chiropodist; all instruct xoents sterilized. 702 Marquam. Main S256.; Cleaning and Dyeing. FEATHERS and feather boas cleaned, curled' dyeu. M. 2375. Work called for and dellv'd. ! Commission Merchants. HERMAN METZGER, purchaser of hides, j pelts, furs. wool, mohair, tahow and rubber and old metal and general commission nier-; chant. Front St., near Main, Portland, Or. , TAYJ-OR. YOUNG & CO.. ship brokers, com mission merchants, Sherlock bldg., Portland. D. C. BURNS CO., grocers and commission merchants, 210 3d st. Dancing, DANCING leswjns. 26c during Summer montns; school open ali year; social, fancy and stage dancing taught daily. Wilson's Dancing School, Alisky bldg., 3d and Morrison sts. Carpenters and Builders. W. L. Buckner. ofTIe, store fixtures, general Jobbing, contracting; 3So Stark. Main EtL Harness uiq Saddles. THE Georsre Lawrence Co., wholesale saddls and harness nif is.. &0-H6 1st. Main 226. Junk, Hide and Pelts. L. SHANK & CO.. purchasers of hides, pelts, wool, furs, tallow, old rubbers, mtiala ana sacks. 312 Front st. Leather and Findings. J. A. STROU BRIDGR LEATHER CO. Es tablished i!vS. Luaiher and findings; Stock ton sole leather and cut stock; full line Eastern Jumbos IbUL Front st, CHAS. L. MASTICK & CO., Front and Oalt sts. Leather and skins of every jescrlptioa for all pur post; cole and tap cutters' find ings. Machinery. B. TRENK M AN & CO., mining, sawmill log ging machinery, hydraulic pipes, castings, all Uuds, repaired. Iu4 N. 4th st. DRT'GLESS PHYSICIAN Dr. F. W. Blohm. 311 Tuurny bldg. Phones Main 6216, A 217ft. Osteopathic Physicians. DR. R. B. NORTH R UP, 41.16-U Dekutn bldg., , Third and Washington sts. Pnone, oflice. Main 340. f 1 Residence, Main- 1503. Residence, East 1023. DR. L. B. SMITH, pioneer osteopath of Ore gon, graduate Kirkvllle, Mo. 4o9 Oregon lam bldg. Main 1242; res. Main 2752. Paints, Oils and Glass. F. E. Beach & Co.. the Pioneer Paint Co, Window glass and glazing. 135 1st. M. 1334. RASMUSSEN A CO., jobbers paints, oils, giais, sash and doors. Cor. 2a and Taylor. Patent "Lawyers. R. C. WRIGHT, domestic and foreign patents; Infringement cases. 004 Dekum. Real Estate. A. B. RICHARDSON. Real Estate, 614 Chamber of Commerce. Rubber Stamps. ALSO sea is, stencils. Tel. Slugs, bar checks etc- Coast Co., 231 Stark. Tel. 1407. P. C. STAMP WORKS. 249 Alder St. Rubber stamps, seals, stencils, checks, brass signs. DIRROLD manganese safes large lines car- . ried. Lock-ouu opened. Jacks. Jails, metal fui niture. Honest prices and good Both phones. J. E. Davis. 6fl 3d. " hhowcases. Bank and Store Fixtures. R. H. BIRDSALL, desik-ner; agent M. Winter Lumber Co., 7 Hamilton bidg. Main 530. THE Lutko Manufacturing Co., cor. 6th and, Hoyu Pfaont. Main 1408. Sign Painting. SIGNS ("That Attract.") Portland Sign Co.. 2b7 Stark. Pac. 1CM. Spiritualists. (ALWAYS -CONSULT THE BEST.) PROF. KHIMO, Greatest living clairvoyant. Readings on all affairs of life. Satisfaction guaranteed. No questions a.sked. FREE CONSULTATION READINGS DURING THE ENTIRE WEEK. DOES ALL OTHERS ADVERTISE TO DO 352"-e Washington. Phone Main 1267. MME. ADWARD, spiritualist medium, can be consulted on business, "lawsuit, love, mat rimony; unites the separated, no matter the dlF.tfa.nce or cause; .'Satisfaction guaranteed ; reading 5o cent!, daily and Sunday. Moved to the Milner, 3501-, Morrison, cor. Park st. Elevator second Hour. Parlors 3 and 4. JOHN SLATER will hold a list seance to- nitfht, 8:13 sharp, W. O. W. Hall, 11th, bet. Washington and Alder; evening de voted to tests, nirHbages and answering (sealed) written qdetions. MRS. SOPHIA SEIP, returned from camp; readings dully; circle nt-xt Tuesday eve ning. 302 Alisky bldg. PROPHETESS. 0 Viola MarehrteM'; spirit medium. 193 4th. Mrs. Wallace, famous psychic; reliable on all affairs of life. 350 Morrison st. Room 72. Storage and Transfer. OLSEN-ROE TRANSFER CO. General trans fer and storage; safes, pianos und furnlturs moved, packed, stored or shipped; oniy first c.ass, careful men employed. Office phones. Main 547. Home A 2247; after office hours. Pacific 1061. Main 5111. Office 2u9 Oak L, . Portland, Or. C 0. PICK, office 88 1st., bet. Stark and Oak. Phone 596. Pianos and furniture moved and picked for shipment ; commodious brics warehouse, with separate iron rooms. Front and Ciay sts. Typewriter. 1 NEW typewriters, all makes, rented, sold, re- 1 paired. Coast Agency. 'Mil Stark. Phona HOT-