The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, July 21, 1907, Section Two, Page 9, Image 21

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Vfl HAVE buyers for large or small tim
ber trautn in Washington or Oregon. Call
or Rive full particulars and prlc. In first
letter. Can handle a few relinquishments.
Clarke-Clemson-Dlumauer Co., 301 Couch
bldg., 4ih near Washington.
WANTED Timber land in Pacific County,
Washington, Clotsop, Lincoln, Lane and
Tillamook counties, Oregon, i Small and large
tracts. Hoban & Taggart. 211 Alisky bldg.
TIMBER land -wanted. Cash will be paid
for bargain In gocd timber claims, close
to transportation. Address T 57. Ore-
. gonian.
WE WANT a large, desirable timber tract;
principals only. Consolidated Industry Co.,
i-S6 4 Washington st.
WANTED Two relinquishments; must have
.good timber; will pay accordingly. M 46,
Old established, with or without saloon;
- furnished; newly remodeled; $35 also 7
room house and orchard, $10, and 4 flats,
IS rooms. $ar; all on Wedt Side. C. H.
Plagot t. ow ner, lawyer, 4. 5-v and 6. Mul
key hldg.
PARTY will build modern stores, with 8-ft.
basements and rooms for lodgings or
hotel, to suit lessees. Phone Pacific 1902.
TO LEASE For term of years, a business lot
on Firth St., mar CUy Hall. E. J. Gelser,
ElM1 Morrison st. "
1U KlfiNT i-AKMS.
HOOD RIVER 15 acres, orchard berries, clo
ver, buildings; 3 miles depot. Mercer, Ci5
Front, Portland.
Horses. Vehicles, Etc.
PAIR of bay geldings, 6 and 8 years old,
weight 2430. 16 hands, 2 Inches high. This
is pair of roadsters suitable for private coaeft
team. Pair of dapple brown geldings, 5 and
6 years old, sired by Delmont, 2:04V This
team is sound, stylish, city broke, both drive
single. Must be driven to be appreciated.
Mala 6227.
CHUNKY -built black horse, T year old.
weight Hot), works single or doubie; bay
horse, 9 years old, weight 1800, sound, good
hauler; bargain, 8-year-old buy, suitable for
' work or driving horse, weight 1100; 4-year-old
sorrel mare, broke every way, sired by
Fred Hamilton, weight 1040. 204 Montgom
ery St.
BARGAIN' Nice bay horse, 6 years old,
wetRht 1100; also black mare, 7 years old,
weight 1450; also fine buggy, two seta of
harness1, one covered wagon; they are all
first-class. Stable, 23 N. 14th St., near
Hurnside St.
FAIR of matched bay gildings. 6 and 8 years
old. weight 24X, sound, good pullers with
brand-new harness and 3ij-inch Peter Ehet
ler wagon, with California rack bed. Will
sell separate. 294 Montgomery.
A FINE young team of maH horses, good
workers and city broke, just right for ex
press team or small groery wagon. Will be
- nld very cheap. 470 Flint st., upper Alblna,
near Russell.
Kew grocery, laundry, bakery, milk wagons,
100 second-hald vehicles; single, double
furniture wagons; horses, rlc lented. Torn
llnson & Casalday. 211 Wash. Paclfie 607.
6-Y EAR-OLD black mare, weight 1000
pounds; new rushlon-Ure runabout; good
driver and saddler. Call. East 3148 after
10 o'clock dally and leave address.
FARMERS sale and feed barn, D. M. Rat
cllff. manager, Woodhurn, Or.; fine draft,
express and driving horses in barn and
aleo listed by farmers.
$10"0 Livery and boarding stable; central
location; clears $.'.o per month; stocit
and buggies worth the price; lease; Inves
tigate. -14 13th st.
TEAM of well-matched horses; weight
about 3300 each ; can be seen at Dextr
Mables. For terms see R. W. Schmeer,
No. 75 Third st.
SI'LEDID riding horse, hay. weight 1000 lb.;
handsome animal, perfectly sound and good
traveler ; well-bred, registered. Address F
63. Oregonian.
THE finest family horse in the city, to
gether with rubber-tired and top buggy,
1 year old; a bargain price. T &0, Orego
nian. THERE Is nothing like a stylish horse and
trap after all. inquire 26 S wetland bldg or
telephone Main 356.
FOR SALE A flne 7-year-old driving mare;
stylish and gentle. 600 Kast Madison st.
Phone East 3J70.
FOR SALE A good delivery horse. Call at
grocery store, cor. Union ave. and Fail
ing st.. North. -
FF.KD stables; it alls for rent by week or
month ; new management. Fred Seelow,
3SO Water st.
FUR BALE Almost new steel-tired buggy
and harness at 407 East 33d st., Rich
mond ear.
WANTED A furniture wagon of 8 or 4 ton
ca pact ty, also team and harness. H CO,
Oi egonlan.
HUBERT St HALL, 206 4th st. dealers In
horses and vehicles; horses and vehicles
for rent.
WANT 1150-lb. horso for cash and smaller
one. What have you? Address P 62, Ore
gonian. SIX good work horses for sale. Call Colum
bia Btables, corner Columbia and Front
TWO large teams, 3000 each. Call at 48th and
Hawthorne ave., Sunday or evenings after 6.
ONK riding pony, 7 years old, sorre:, regular
pet. Frank Beix, Barnes road, cKy limits.
ONE-HORSE covered express wagon ; must sell
at once. Call Monday, 211 Washington t.
MARE. $45; 1100; 8 vears; work double,
single. IS. 8011 or 1602. 76 E. 10th st., N.
FOR SALE, or trade for real estate, pair
standaqd-bred roadsters. T 62, Oregonian.
FOR PALE Gentle family horse, rubber-tired
stanhope and harness. T SO, Oregonian.
CHEAP, light Columbus .surrey. Sherlock &
Woerndle, 90 5th St., near Stark.
ONE team of- mules and team of horses. 845
East Stark at. Phone East 5S27.
FOR SALE 4-year-old horse;
1450 E. tith N., Wood lawn.
good driver.
EXTRA fine 6-year-old bay mare, 1350 lbs. 228
Madison. Phone Main 5397.
FOR SALE Cheap, single harness, nearly
new. 850 Belmont st.
A NICE saddle pony, part Shetland. Phone
E. 8582.
FOR SALE Certificate worth $50 on any
piano In Reed-French Piano Company;
will sell for $10. V 57, Oregonian.
6TEINWAY baby grand, almost new; fine
tone, reasonable; or trade for real estate.
H 56, Oregonian.
FOR RENT New Hallet & Davis piano; rea
sonable to careful party.- 452 Morrison, cor.
FOR PALE cheap, $40 coupon on Reed
French nan- Co. Address 497 East 33d
$.".n Rcrrl & FYanch piano or organ certificate
for $10. J 58. Oregonian. ,
F iR SALE Fine grand piano. Phone Main
111 flTH One fine oak upright folding
with mirror; also Cole's airtight ana
stoves, less than half.
THRBW extra good, larpe. fresh cows for
sale at 7; Harold st. Take Sell wood car.
FOR PALE Cheap, 2 gnpollne marine en-"
nine. 3 and 7 H. P. 2'5 First st.
ICE-CHESTS, gas rnnges and furniture,
cheap, at Western Salvage. R27 Washlngton.
FOR SALE Small . launch. 2 h. p., 16 ft.
, Price $100. Phone Exchange 5. MacKenzie.
FR SALR Marttn repeater in gnod condition.
22-caliber; a bargain. Phone Pacific 671.
$10 NEW. slightly used refrigerator, must
sell quick. Call 240 Park St., cor. Main.
BATH tub. porcelain, gas heater and boiler
cheap. Main M(i,V 210 Falling bldg.
(FOR SALE Roller top office desk. Phone
Enst 1130, or call 453 E. Pine.
SAILBOAT for sale cheap. J. D. Duback,
optician. 173 4th.
SriNn-HAND couch for wile cheap. Phone
East 4559.
CANARY birds for sale, 783 Vaughn at.
23-24 its.
$40 STANDARD eteet range, almost new,
$22 50; good cook stove, $7.50; $45 Jewel gas
range,' with top oven, $12. 5n; oter pas
stoves as low as $5; gas V-ater heater,
$7.50; $o0 hall-tree, $15; hardwood ex
tension table, $5; . folding bed, $20;
mantel folding bed, $7.50; cabinet foloing
bed, $10; genuine blrdseye maple dresser,
$20; $40 white maple suite, $20; hardwood
dresser. $7.50; $100 black walnut bedroom
suite. $27.50; Iron beds from $2 up; white
maple chiffonier. $0; nice three-piece parlor
suite, $12.50; drop-bead Singer sewing ma
chine, good as new, $27. 5o.
Camp furniture for e!e cheap.
Carpets and rugs, all sizes, $2 50 np to
$25. Everything to furnish a house at way
down prices. All sorts of exchanging made
to your satisfaction. Try us.
60 N. 3d st. Main 2087.
200 YARDS red burlap for walls, slightly
used but not faded, worth new IHc per
yard, 7c; 24 majde 4-4 bedsteads, slightly
damaged, regular $6 value, at $2.50; 1
damaged porch chair, $2.25; 1 damaged
arm chair, $1.75; any quantity of second
hand cooking utensils at your own price;
odd dishes at your own price; ru?s made
from carpet remnants as low as 50c eacli ;
6 sina II jardinieres, each 1 nc; 1 second
hand poker tuble, $'.; second-hand carpet;,
and linolnum at very low prices. Bring
In the sixe of your room. Edwards, Com
pany, Ibu-luL First st. "A good place to
20-foot launch, prlco $ 273
18-foot launch, price ...... $ 150
22-foot launch, price $ 600
2-i-foot launch, price $1,000
8 h. p. marine engine -....$ 70
4& h. p. marine engine $ 123
171 Madl30n st.
Phones Main 740S, Home A3367.
FOR SALE 1 Fairbanks-Morse 2-horee sta
tionary gasoline engine, complete.
1 nailing machine, suitable for light
J. email hand printing press.
1 cp-3h register.
1 O'.ijxSH view camera in good condition.
2o4 Ablngton block.
SNAP Automobile. 5 passengers, 20 H. P..
side entrance; Olds touring car, almost
new, new tires cost $2O0, searchlight $45.
Gabriel horn $25, all in perfect order and
ready for business at only $hO0; cash or
hankVble paper. Come quick. Address
005 E. Morrison at,, or phone Tabor 63,
oi B 1863.
FOR SALE Houae furnishings, exquisite
Oriental rugs, 1 blue brusae.s rug, Uxl4,
new; mahogany furniture, bedroom sets,
brass bedt, kitchen utensils, odda and ends,
brown striped pongee drapes, lined with
yellow, at great sacrifice; violin 75 years
old; 1 Luscombe banjo. Apply 1133 Thur
man sL
FOR SALE A few guaranteed young parrots,
very tame; two solid black Angora kittens;
pet monkeys, Australian love birds; all
varieties of fancy pigeons; mockingbirds,
and the rare Mexican Clarinet to; fine
whistlers. Portland Bird Company, 304
3d st. Phone Pacific 2057.
FOR SALE Gasoline launch, with canopy
top, 31 feet, 15 H. V. 4-cylinder engine,
with boattwuse complete ; in fine condi
tion; almost new; can be- seen at Von
der Werth Boathouso, East Side, Morri
son bridge.
FOR SALE Neat roll-top desk, dining table
and chairs, range and coal heater, mission
daveiiDort, kitchen treasure, baby's iron
crib, brussels rug. other furnishings four
rooms. 108 Eaet Thirty-fifth. Phone Tabor
STANDARD publication for sale; $1000 cash
will handle; paid $1200 net profit last six
months; hustling advertising man can treble
this; monthly expense only (150; best of
reasons for selling. Address "Owner." care
Chapman Advertising Co., Portland, 'Or.
FOR 8ALR Single-scst. light touring car
type, Cadiliao automobile; fully equipped;
gas and oil lamps, odometer, top, etc. For
town work and short touring this? car un
excelled. Guaranteed In perfect condition.
Oregon Motor Car Co., 108 7th at.
60 SLIGHTLY damaged sewing machines
at very low prices; Singer, Wheeler &
"Wilson. Domestic, White, Household. Davis
and others; td make room for new stock.
Wheeler & Wilson and Singers. S. S. Sigel,
335 Morrison st., Marquam bldg.
FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard
and pool tables; easy payments; we rent
tables, with privilege of buying; modern
bar fixtures; cheap prices. Brunswick
Baike-Collender, 4t 3d st.
$180 Five automobiles at $180 each. That's
not half their value, but they are In the
way and we have no time to bother with
them. Take your choice. Merrill, 7th and
Oak ste., after 1 P. M.
FOR SALE- $1000, small fore and aft com-
ftound tugboat, about 30 horsepower; Just
nspected for one, year; can be delivered at
additional cost anywhere. Address Box 89$.
lioqulam. Wash.
MAIN 6C55. 211 FIRST ST.
PLANING mill, with sidetrack, dry kiln,
etc., paying 100 per cent annually; own
er's health compels him to quit. M. C.
Davis, 16 Hamilton bldg.
A BARGAIN in Rogers Bros 1847 silver
ware, having bought to engage In hotel
business; will sell at reduction from cost.
, L G4. Oregonian.
FOR Showman Can furnish animals and
birds for show purposes, wild hogs, apes
nfonkevs, tiger, cats, lynx, etc. Portland
Bird Co.. 804 3d.
FOR SALE One greyhound, male, 8 years
old; $15; one fullblood cocker spaniel, fe
male. 3 years old, $10. Frank Huts, Barnes
road, city limits.
MODERN grocery fixtures; oil tank, scales,
showcases, coffee mill, cheese-cutter, eto.
Call or address H. St tin berg & Son, Van
couver, Wash.
FOR SALE 15 goats. 15 wethers and 13
nannies at $3 a head. For further infor
mation address F. J. Miller. "South Forest
era, sawmills, pumps and general machin
ery, by H. C Albee A. Co., 248 Grand ave.
HOUSE-BOAT Nothing finer on the river;
must be sold quick; reduced $150 for quick
sale. Merrill. 7th and Oak, after 1 P. M.
FOH SALE A good young family cow,
seven-eighths Jersey; gentle, easy milker.
At 422 Brooklyn st. Phone East 4424.
FIRST-CLASS transportation, Portland to
Chicago, for gentleman and lady, cheap.
Telephone Main 8S12. B 48. Oregonian.
FRENCH range, kitchen outfit, silver
ware and tableware for sale rheap if tak
en this week. Inquire 21 Stark st.
86-FOOT gasoline launch, 2l-horsepower en
gine, fully equipped for passenger service;
a bargain. . 402 Commercial bldg.
FOR SALE One automobile, fine passenger.
In fine condition, at a bargain, or will
trade for lot. B 02, Oregonian.
SLID, sole leather trunk, used very short
time; forced to sell; original cost $125.
Address Box B 56, Oregonian.
STANDARD size guitar, Steward make,
good condition, with case and rack, f 5.
554 E. 25th, cor. Ellsworth.
D00 TO 1500 yards of dirt for sale In vicinity
of 19th and Washington; West Side. F. O.
Northrup. 316 Couch bldg. y
SECOND-HAND Smith Premier Typewriter,
excellent condition, for sale cheap for cash.
Address A 57. Oregonian.
FOR SALE Davenport, nearly new; cost
$42; also mantel bed, with mirror, cheap.
Call 40 i;. 14th st.
SIX dining-room chairs, china cabinet, oak,
mahogany table, range and large rug.
Phono East 6071.
BLACKSMITH bellows and vise, good con
dition, for sale or trade. 554 E. 25th,
cor. Ellsworth. ,
JERSEY cow and calf very cheap; parties
going away. 917 Belmont, cor. 30th.
Sunnyslde car.
6-ROOM house. Park St., near Jefferson,
rheap; to be removed. Inquire 213 Ab
lngton bldg.
FOR SALE Olds Runabout, In good con
dition; cheap. v.M. Bromberger. 313 Wash
ington st.
MOVING picturemachlne, $35; 1000 feet film.
$30. Room 2, i45 6th, Marquam Rooming
JTRESH Jersey cow. large milker, gentle,
$50. 440 East 20th st. North; , Irvington
car. ,
A FIRST-CLAPS well drill, mounted, with
gasoline, engine. Address Watson's Restau
rant. Bargains moving pictures, stereopticon, flirn
slides, repairs, fexebange, Stevens, 165 H 4tb
ROLL-TOP desks, showcases and rcimters, all
kinds at Western Salvage, 627 Washington.
WANTED Good solicitor: salary and commis
sion. Apply Sunday from- A. M. till 4
P. M. or week days nfttr 3 P. M.. 227x,a
Washington St., room 57.
FOREMAN, printer. Simplex operator, press
feeders, advertising solicitors, reporters,
X, special edition writer. Newspaper Broker
age, Goodnough bldg.
WANTED A young man and wife, with
practical experience, to work on and
take charge of farm; references required.
X 208, Oregonian.
YOUNG man to learn advertising buslnen and
at same time earn good salary, snust be
hustler, willing to leave city. Address Box
CS2, Chehalls, Wash.
WANTED Wash man, one able to handle
boiler and engine; good wages; atcady Job.
Address Mirror Steam Laundry, Hoqui&m,
OFFTr'IC hnr wanted to learn the real
estate business; must live at home; an- J
swer in own nanuwnuoH. n ui wiiu'
WANTED Steam shovel cranesman; $00
per month and board. Lily man & Renard.
Employment Agents, 33Vi N. 2d st., Port
land. PHYSICIAN wanted; good reliable man, li
censed In Oregon, for office work; good sal
ary; position permanent. J 48, Oregonian.
WHOLESALE grocery house wants man fa
miliar with the line In clerical position : state
experience and reference. T 60, Oregonian.
WINDOW trimmer and sign writer for
clothing store. Apply with references,
salary expected, etc., to A 64. Oregonian.
"WANTED Board for a single "man in fam
ily where tent can be used In Summer 1
reference furnished. L 63, Oregonian.
WANTED "in large whole-ale grocery business,
young man familiar with the line; must be
good at figures. Address G 48, Oregonian.
WATCHMAKER Must be first-class work
man, not later than September 1. Ad
dress L Alva Lewis. Klamath Falls, Or.
PHYSICIAN wanted; good man, licensed in
State of Washington, for office work; good
salary to reliable man. C 46, Oregonian.
WANTED In wholesale grocery house, bill
clerk, who can use typewriter; state ex
perience and detail. R 65, "Oregonian. -
IF YOU are an experienced engineer looking
for good posltioin, address with experiences
and references, J 62, care Oregonian.
WANTED A good all-around laundry man;
permanent position ; wages $20 per week.
Enterpriee Laundry, Wardner, Idaho.
EXPERIENCED wagon man Immediately.
Salary and commission. French Fancy
Garment Cleaning Co., 211 4th st.
6HOWCAGE makers wanted. $3.25 per day
of nine hours. Address Harrild A Sons,
109-11 Pacific ave., Spokane.
$60 PER week to hustler to represent us
in Seattle; must have small capital; no
canvassing. Phone East 6702.
WANTED Experienced blacksmith's helper;
must be good floor hand. Apply 371 N. 17th
st., bet. Savier and Thurman.
WANTED All-around salesman for city, who
will invest In legitimate paying wholesale
business. D 46, Oregonian.
SALESMAN" wanted for line of paints and
varnishes. Ionic Paint Manufacturing Co.,
9.N, Ada St., Chicago, 111.
THREE young men to learn trade that will
pay $15 to $25 weekly after 3 weeks. Room
16, 253 ft Washington.
THE BEVERLY wants experienced Japanese
boy for chamberwork : also Japanese waiter.
Apply Park and Yamhill.
WILL pay $14 for good boy 12 to 14 years old
to asslM lady in the Henderson rooming
house, 209 Mi S. 4th st.
ADVERT IS TNG solicitors, good publications,
liberal commission. Investigation solicited.
003 Goodnough bldg.
A MEAT-CUTTER to take charge of shop in
country town of 5000 population. Call at
Watson's Restaurant.
WANTED Stenographer, young man; R. R.
work; $G5; applicant furnish machine.
W 50, Oregonian.
WANTED Reliable timber cruisers and com
pass men for steady work. Room 209 Lum
ber Exchange bldg.
ASSISTANT cashier, wholesale house; state
age, experience, references, salary" expected.
M 40, Oregonian.
WANTED Solicitors; permanent situation
with advancement to right parties. 400
Oregonian bldg.
WANTED Engineer for gasoline launch and
sail boat on Middle Columbia. Call at Scott
Hotel, Portland.
COMPETENT, wide-awake young salesman to
sell fruits and product in city. Address E
60. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED rond salesman; staple line of
shoes, for Washington. Sano Mercantile
Co., 72 Front st.
WHITE, black or yellow waiter boy, with
references. Apply at Quarters A, Vancou
ver Barracks.
EXPERIENCED male attendant wanted at
private sanitarium. Apply at 606 Mar
" quam bldg.
WANTED Young man for general office
Sork. Address In own handwriting, A 60,
WANTED Photograph operator, aJso printer
for " ar!to, first-class. Cutberth, 801 Le
kum bldg.
WANTED Japanese man and wife fo
cooking and general housework. Phone
Main Z94i.
A GOOD clothing salesman. Apply with
references ami salary expected, A 63, Ore
gonian. CA RPDNTBR9 and concrete work; payment
when house Is complete. Address H 62, Ore
gonian. WANTED Good solicitors for money-making
proposition ; no capital required. 143
Front. -
BUS-PAYING three-chair barber shop in sub
urb: cheap rent; $600. Address D 64, Ore
gonian. HARNESS repair man to do general repair
work. Address H. S. Fender, Prescott,
WANTED First-class grocery porter. State
experience and references. O 56, Orego
nian. H
BARBER SHOP for sale, $275; doing a
-good three-chair business. 22Sa Morri
son. California Wine Depot, heacquarters for cooks
and helpers. 148 4th st. Pac. 2183. P. Loiatl.
WANTED Good delivery boy for grocery.
Address Jos. Roberts & Son, SO N. 23d st.
FIRST-CLASS watchmaker to rent window
cheap; good location. 460 H Washington st.
LOT in exehatiffft for carpentry, concrete. Mas
tering, plumbing. Address K. 64, Oregonian.
WANTED Foundry helpers, 7th and Bel
mont. Hcacock fc Lawrence, Iron Works.
SALESMAN for men's clothing, etc. ; exper
ienced. Lion Clothing Co., 198 Third st.
PHOTOGRAPHER Printer and nnorainr
! Rembrandt Studio, 404 Ablngton bldg.
BOOKKEEPER; must be competent and a
good penman. Address D 63. Oregonian.
WANTED Ten teams to haul dirt. Seaton
Bros.. 205 Lincoln st. Phone' Main Li0.
WANTED Second cook; aljso young man to
learn waiting table. 431 Washington at.
WANTED Competent drug clerk; must be &
good salesman. Apply S 48, Oregonian.
WANTED Good strong boy, steady position;
reference required. S 60, Oregonian.
WANTED Good, strong boy, steady position;
referenoes required. 8 60, Oregonian.
60O MEN wanted Fyee shaves and haircuts.
- 248 Couch st. Moler Barber College.
BOY wanted to work in our greenhouse.
Clarke Bros., florists, 2J Morrison st.
Young Man desiring to better condition- Call
on Employment Dept., Y. M. C. A.
WANTED Good farm hand. 3004 Milwaukle
st. Seilwood car to Gatton'e Grove.
SALESMEN Big Wages; something positively
new, 215 Commercial block. -
WANTE-D Young man to work In German
bakery at Vancouver, Wash.
WANTED F'rsi-c'as all-around baker.
T. Sma.ll, Corvallls, Or.
WANTED Dishwashers;
Washington st.
gcod wages.
BOY wanted. S00 Dekum bldg.
LOCAL representative wanted. A large
income - assured anyone who will act as
our representative after learning our bust
. ness thoroughly by mall; experience un
necessary'; all we require Is honesty, am
bition and willingness to learn a lucrative
business; no soliciting or traveling; an
exceptional opportunity for those who de
sire to better their condition and meke
more money. For full particulars ad
dress either office, National Co-operative
Kealty Co., 792 B, Athenaeum bldg., Chi
cago, or 792 B, Maryland bldg., Wash
ington. B. C.
No scrubs, no would-be solicitors, no $10
15 a week men ; only those capable of
earning $50 to $100 a week need apply. Ap
plicants must be THOROUGHLY EX PER
I KNCED and have A-l references. POSI
TION PERMANENT. Publication second
to none. Apply O 50. Oregonian.
SIDELINE salesmen, making $5 to $10 per
day; most profitable line on market; you
soil dealer $50 worth new high-class pout
cards for $12. $6 revolving stand free;
big commissions paid promptly; our fi-
nanolal standing insures your money; full
line samples nt free to those giving
good rel'irencM Post Curd Man, Kawiu
& Company, Desk 508, 262 Fifth ave., Chi
cago. We are the largest publishers of
post cards in America.
6ALESMEN Big money and pleasant busi
ness selling on honor, new department to
retailers; very profitable and desirable;
nothing like it ever before offered; ex
perience unnecessary; natural qualifica
tions win; only those who can give best
of rferenicejs need apply. Give age,
present and previous business.. WiLmet,
10d Randolph st., Chicago.
FIREMEN and brakemen on railroads In Port
land vicinity, to fill vacancies caused by pro
motions. Experience unnecessary. State
age, height, weight. Firemen. $100 month
ly, become engineer and earn $2u0. Brake
men, $75, become conductors, earn $150.
Name position preferred. Railway Association,-
care Portland Oregonian.
WANTED Salesman, experienced In any
line, to sell general trade Pacific Coastj
liberal commissions with $35 waekly ad
advance; one salesman earned $1289.28
during last three months, his first work.
The Continental Jewelry Co., Cleveland,
A BRIGHT, active, experienced man, with
references, wanted in this -territory to se
cure 'orders for advertising and subscriptions
for New York's oldest financial daily paper.
Liberal commission. Address Manager,
60 New st.. New York City, room 83.
SEVERAL good men to prepare for U. S.
Chinese and Immigration Inspectors im
mediately. Special examination August
12. Starting salary $100 per month; Ufa
positions. See at once. Mgr. West Coast
Schools, 315 Oregonian bldff. Open dally
and evenings.
SPECIAL Strong young men to prepare for
U. 8. Railway Mail Clerks;- special exam
ination August 6; salary to start about
$70; life positions, with gradual promo
tion. See Mgr. West Coast Schools, Open
daily and evenings. 315 Oregonian bldg.
ALL diseases of men successfully treated;
discharges positively cured in from 3 to
6 days; consultation free and strictly con
fidential; send for our symptom blank.
X-radlum Medical Institute, 8d and Alder
sts. ; entrance 253 Alder St., Portland.
WANTED A male stenographer and as
sistant bookkeeper, one raised on a farm
or familiar with Implements. Must be
neat and willing to start with reasonable
salary. Apply 321 Hawthorne ave., Sun
day, bet. 11 A. M. and 1 P. Mt
SALESMEN who contemplate making
change write us for particulars. Several
of our salesmen earned from $300 to $600
per month during May and June. Mc-Allister-Coman
Company, 358 Dearborn
' st., Chicago. ,
BARBER SHOP Up-to-date in every par
ticular, 5 chairs and baths. Will give buy
er a chance to try placo out. Good reason
for selling. Hotel shop in a city of 13,000
Inhabitants. Address Arthur E. Petersen.
Astoria, Or.
WANTED Bright boy, 16 to 13, to learn
banking business In thriving suburb of
Portland ; must be accom pan led by paren t
or guardian; high school graduate preferred.
Call B to 10 A. M. tomorrow, 406 Com
mercial block.
Men and boys wanted to learn plumbing, plas
tering, bricklaying, also sheet metal pattern
draughting; positions secured; day and night
classes: free catalogue; visitors welcome.
Coyne Trade Sch'Ls, San Fran, and New York
TRAVELING salesman, making California,
Nevada or Utah territory, io handle
staple line of furniture for Eastern fac
tory on commission basis; best of goods
and red-hot prices. V-53, Oregonian.
WANTED Steady reliable boys living with
parents, between the ages of 17 and 20, to
learn moldera trade. Must have first-class
reference. Apply Wlllamete Iron & Steel
W7orks Foundry, 23d and York streets.
It AILWAY mall clerks for- Oregon exam
lnation August 6; good salaries and pro
motions. Call or write at once If inter-
esiea in getting a Government position.
Pacific states Schools. McKay bldg.
PROTECT yourself for $1 per month against
accident, sickness and death. Write or
call for full information. Northwestern
Health and Accident Association, lOtf
onenocK Diag. -Agents wanted.
trade In eight weeks; graduates earn from
$15 to $25 weekly; expert Instructors; cat
alogue free. Moler System of Colleges, 23
North Fourth street, Portland.
WANTED Salesman visiting the retail
hardware trade' to sell a large jobbing
specialty line on commission. State ter
ritory you are now covering. A. T. Stew
art A Co., 105 Lake St., Chicago.
WANTED Salesmen and solicitors for best
proposition ever made to both agent and
public; do not overlook this. Call after 7
P. M.. New Occidental Hotel, 1st and Mor
rison, room 212. P. Kramer.
BRIGHT young man to represent one of
largest detective ageneies in this locality;
permanent position; good salary; experi
ence not necessary. Bowen-Post Co., 1205
Broadway, New York City.
SALESMAN for ' Oregon. Experienced trav
eling man preferred ; line staple for gen
eral trade; position permanent; $30 week
ly advance with commission. Sawyer,
Leslie or Co., Detroit, Mich...
WANTED A salesman; will guarantee $20
per week to any man who will werk; will
employ Inexperienced man If a worker; an
experienced salesman Is good tor $100 per
week. T 46, Oregonian.
WANT work? Call and see me at once: com
petent gentlemen and ladies as bookkeepers,
cashiers, clerking; goodw salaries. Clerks
Registration Bureau, 303 Aiiaky bldg., 3d
and Morrison sts.
SALESMEN for gasoline lamps desiring to
get the" best prices offered for standard
goods will find it profitable to write at
once to KnifcUt Light Co., 00 Illinois St.,
Chicago. .
WANTED Bookkeeper and stenographer at
nt good salary as secretary and treasurer
of a corporation doing wholesale busi
ness; must invest $10OO to $2UU0. p 87,
CAPABLE salesman to cover Oregon with
staple line; high commissions with $100
monthly advance; permanent position to
right man. Jess H. Smith Co.. Detroit.
Men and women to learn watchmaking, engrav
ing, jeweler work, ODtlcs. easy turmt: posi
tions guaranteed; money made learning.
Watchmkfc-Engvg. Sch'l. 1426 4th av. Seattle.
IN six weeks we educate you In sales
manship, secure you position as traveling
salesman with responsible firm. Address
The Bradstreet System, Rochester, N. Y.
WANTED Men and boys to learn plumbing;
day and night classes ; special rates; cata
logue free. Colorado School Practical
' Plumbing, 1645 Arapahoe St., Denver, Colo.
WANTED Bright man to travel this terri
tory ; experience not necessary; expenses
advanced and fair salary to start. Mo
Brady & Co., Chicago.
SALESMEN Do you wish to substitute a
live line for one that fs hard and un
profitable? If so, address B. Hiends, 109
Randolph st., Chicago.
WANTED High school graduates or equiv
alent to work through medical, law or
dental college; opportunity to earn way.
v Panpath, Chicago.
MORTAR-MIXER Wanted at once, one first
class mortar-mlxer; come readv to go to
work; steady. Apply Contracting Eng Ca
4th and Oak sts.
WANTED Chef, second cook, 2 kitchen men,
beach; all kinds of help wanted. Phne to
ttay, Seilwood 354, or call Monday, room 8
201 H Alder.
PHYSICIAN wanted to take charge of coun
try practice for four weeks; professional
references required. G 64, care Ore
gonian. WANTED Stave bolt cutter, $1.60 per cord.
Apply 306 Stearns bldg., Portland, Or,
WANTED Toung men between the ago of
18 and 20, who had common school edu
cation and who can write a fairly good
hand, to take positions as Junior clerks In
large office in city; chances of promotion
are excellent and positions will be perma-
a nent. State age and salary expected. W 62,
Eight millwrights, $4; 10 mill carpenters,
$3.50; 6 rough uaxpenters, $3.5U; 5 cabinet
makers, $3.50 up; 2 wood turners, $3.5u up:
8 door stock cutters. $2.75 to $3; eash and
door machine men, $2.00 to $4.00; 2 rip-saw
men, three cutoff men, 2 box shook tier for
box factory In city, wages $2.50 to $2.75;
machinist and blacksmith for sawmill," $4.00;
rachet setters, $3.00 up; carriage -rider, $2.5;
2 boom men, $3.00; mill tallymen, $50. OO;
room and board; planer man, $3.50; feeders,
$2.50 to $2.75; lumber graders. $2.50 up; 25
loggers, top wages; others.
Main office, 12 North Second Street.
Bridge carpenters, $3.5o; house carpenters,
helpers, 2 machinists, 1 helper, powderman,
$4.50; grade foreman, $3.50; night watch,
mill, $45 and board.
2 eteara shovel engineers, craneman.
Milkers, farm help, harvesters, $2 a day
and board up; sawmill hands, yardmen,
doggers, carriage hands, H. R. laborers,
teamsters, trackmen, all kinds of work, all
26 X. 2d St. 250 Burnalde st.
Wanted Physician and surgeon, one li
censed in Oregon, as associate in sanita
rium; must be good on obstetrical surgery;
one not afraid to be where printers ink is
used; only a sober, reliable man considered;
good pay to right party. Address, with full
particulars, G 62, Oregonian office.
WANTED Good man, experienced in gro
ceries or teas and coffees, to represent us
as agent ; an opportunity to secure a good
paying permanent position; wagon, equip
ment and splendid inducements to secure
trade furnished free; state reference and
experience. Address Grand Union Tea Co.,
473 Washington st.
WE ARE looking for a good, honest and
reliable Investment representative. Only
those who are experienced and not afraid
of hard work need answer. References
Required. This Is a good opening, for the
right party. Write qualifications to as
sistant secretary, 210 People's Savings
Bank building, Seattle, Wash.
Our business is placing men with ability
In first-class positions, city and coun
try. Call or write. We want salesmen, all
lines, bookkeepers, stenographers and
clerical men.
Raleigh Bldg., 823 H Washington St.
WANTED Youna; man for light office work
and to do some collections; must have
some knowledge bf bookkeeping. Apply
in person Monday, between 8:30 and 11
A. M-. or S and 6:30 F. at room 601,
Oregonian bldg.
1 WANT 2 stenographers, male, to work out
of town, salary $75; young man for grocery
business; bookkeeper out of town Job, $50
and board and room, in shingle mill. Call at
- once. Clerks' Registration Bureau, 303
Alisky bldg.
WANTED Bookkeeper with a thorough
knowledge of keeping books, to start In
local wholesale house as assistant. First
class reference required. Good opening.
E 46, Oregonian.
WANTED Solicitor capable of handling a
high-grade industrial stock. Ask for O'Con
nor alter 2 P. M. today. Rustler's Invest
ment Realty Co., 351 Mprris-on st., room 6.
YOUNG man about 18 years, capable of oper
ating tyipewriter, for office assistant. Muet
be accurate' at figures. State experience,
salary expected. Address S 64, Oregonian.
WANTED Ex -school teacher or bookman to
sell the latest edition of Webster's Diction
ary in Oregon; new territory? good salary or
commissison. B 66, Oregonian.
FARM hand wanted.
Inquire 825 Ablngton
WANTED Girl for cooking and general
housework ; family of four adults; good
wages. 570 Hoyt at.
WANTED Bright, ambitious lady to rep
resent manufacturer; permanent position.
M 56, Oregonian.
LADIES $1 every Oay at home; stamped
envelope for particulars. Ladles' Aid,
Durham, Conn.
WANTED Woman to olean small furnished
flat weekly; apply evenings. 403 loth St.
Flat F."
TWO chambermaids, a pantry woman and a
night waitress at the Beverly, Park and
GIRL for general housework; family of
tour adults; heavy washing given out. 665
Hoyt st.
A WOMAN as helper for housework; sleep
home nights. Phone Main 7224. 149 Lowna
dale. WANTED Today, pantry man or woman;
$35 a month. Phone Seilwood 354. National
GIRL wanted for cooking and housework;
family ot three. Apply 1220 Union ave..
WANTED Competent girl for general house
work. Apply 161 East 16th. Phone JOast
Factory, 2 GrancT ave. and East Taylor st.
WANTED Girls to make Fitz-Well shirts
and Bess of All overalls. Inquire 76 1st.
COMPETENT girl for general housework;
good wages; .family of 3. 128 14th st.
WANTED Girl for general housework; good
wages. 351 82d St., Willamette Heights.
GIRL wanted for general housework; nice
home; two people. Apply 121 N. 23d et.
MILLINER, who has had experience as sales
lady In dry goods store. D 62, Oregonian.
WANTED A good plain woman cook: also
chambermaid. Apply 510 Flanders st.
WANTED A girl to assist with general
housework. Inquire at 52 N. 15th st.
GIRLS wanted to work In paper box factory.
F. C. Stealer, corner 10th and Glisan.
A GOOD girl to assist in general housework
In private boardlughouse. 1684 10th.
WANTED A woman for general housework;
no washing. Apply 253 22d North.
WANTED Nurse to take care of child of 2
every afternoon. Apply 655 Hoyt st.
GIRLS wanted for burning, drawing, paint
ing and lettering. A 27. Oregonian.
WANTED Girl' for housework. 8 In family.
. Mrs. Hogue. 584 East Taylor at.
GIRL for general housework; small family;
good wages. 666 Tillamook st.
WANTED Young girl to asifist with house
work. Phone Wood lawn 1046.
WANTED Actress for first -class road show.
David Clifford, 324 Main st.
WANTED A competent second girl. Apply
341 11th st., mornings.
AN experienced bonbon dipper. Apply at
104 North 5th st.
WANTED Stenographer and bookkeeper.
X 203, Oregonian.
WANTED Girl for general housework. 756
Irving, corner 23d.
WANTED Girl for general housework. Apply
U78 Savler st.
POLISHER wanted at Ineeda Laundry, St.
Johns, Or.
GIRL to work In bakery. Call 816 Third St.,
corner Clay.
GIRL or woman for light housework. 453 4th
WANTED A cork; good wages. 258 Ford
street. -
LADY to solicit; $15 per week. Q 57, Ore
gonian. .
GIRL to wash dishes; good wages. 274 Tay
lor st. ,
WANTED Waitress. 434 Washington st.
I WANT three or four bright, up-to-date
ladies to sell the Acheson Company's stock
which pays 10 per cent guaranteed divi
dends regularly. I want workers and will
pay well for results. Salary and expenses.
I also want two typewriters. Must be ac
curate and fast. Apply after 9 o'clock
Monday morning. J. Whyte Evans, 1
Chamber of Commerce.
1i camp cooks, $50; 4 hotel cooks, $50;
dishwashers, camp waitresses, beach hotel,
city restaurant and hotel waitresses, 3
chambermaids, 3 housekeepers, clerk. 8 a
week and board ; family cooks, house g iris,
second girls, factory and laundry htjlp.
843 Va Washington at., cor. 7th, upstairs.
WANTED Girl for light housework and as
sist In store; no children, no washing, no
Sunday work; must understand a little plain
cooking; small family; sleep at home; hours
6:30 till 7:30; wages to commence $3.50 per
week. 72 6th st."
Applicants for all kinds of work, register
with us, free of charge, so & may locate
you on short notice.
343H Washington st., cor. 7th. upstatrae
GIRL or capable woman for housework In
small family; must be neat and gcod plain
cook; wages $30. Call at residence. 600
Tillamook st., in Irvington. or eee J. L.
Bowman, Brownsville Woolen Mills Store.
WANTED Stenographers, experienced and be
ginners, to take our short course in book
keeping, to meet our calls at $50 to $75.
Day or night clae ses. Eclectic Business
University, 68 Third st.
WANTED First-class skirt maker; also
waist finisher; both must be accurate and
speedy; correspondence solicited. Mine. I.
Glonn. Suite 6, Jones bik.. Tacoma, Wash.
on shirts and overalls; lessons given to
inexperienced. Apply at Standard Factory,
2 Grand ave. and E. Taylor st
WANTED Competent girls as bookkeepers,
cashiers, clerking; good salaries. Clerks'
Registration Bureau. 803 Alisky bldg, cor.
8d and Morrison sts.
flannel Ironera and general laundry help
East Side Laundry Co., East Ash and 6ih.
Phone East 809.
arm. for general housework: small family.
spending several months at coast; good
wages it thoroughly compeieiu. u
Thurman st.
MIDDLE-AGED woman or girl for general
housework- 8 adults- work light. Call
mornings. 8 to 11, 480 College st. Phone
Main 4740.
WANTED Girls 16 yearsand over to operate
rmwer mw1ti machines: irood wages. Apply
at once. Ames-Harris-Neville Co., 6th and
Davis sts.
WOMAN as cook In small family Uvlngln
suburban home mil from carline; 2
servants employed. 228 Sherlock mag.
WANTED Refined, canahle woman for re
sponsible position, with opportunities for
advancement. Viavi o., lutn sc morriaon
WANTED Young lady that can sing, by
professional song nnd dance artist. Long
engagement, gooa salary, rtoom xj., "o ou.
WANTED Trained nurse to take charge of
small hospital ut of city. Call or ad
dress 570 E. Salmon or ptione n-st tfu.
WOMAN wanted to care for old lady, light
work, pleasant place. Apply Monday,
Young Women's Christian Association
w A ?CTET Houqekeeners. cooks. nurses,
waitresses, second girls. St. Louis Ladies
Agency, yamnuu aiain oi.
WANTED In wholesale grocery house. bill
clerk, who can use typewriter; state ex
perience and detail. R 65. Oregonian.
TAILORESS understanding busheling, new
work. If satisfactory steady work. Call 48
Selllng-Hlrscft biug., anter o tr. m.
WANTED Catholic girl between 12 and
15 years of age to work for board, clothes
ana schooling, jm. 01. uregomun.
BILL clerk in wholesale grocery business;
one who is familiar with the line and can
use typewriter. M 00, oregonian.
nr a vri?r an1 vlrli tn lonrn
shlrtmakins. Apply Standard Factory, 2
Grand ave. and East Taylor st.
EXPERIENCED glove, hosiery, umbrella
salesladies; permanent positions; goed sal
aries. Lennon s, ao ai or non.
WANTED 10 girls to aell tea cream and
v. ...I V. a., a Hnlra To imrn Cr, m Jh t '
w A a n wnwlr
843 Washington St., cor. 7tn, upstairs
Phone Main. 2692.
WANTED An elderly woman for light
housework. Gooa home lor right party.
Call at 348 Uj 1st St.
WANTED Organizers, either sex, on salary
of $100 a month and expenses, for an up-to-date
association, paying weekly sick
and accident benefits and furnishing free
- medical attendance to all Its members;
ltharal (nntrflPt will he made With DrO-
duoers of business. American Sick and
Accident Association, Buffalo, N. .
WANTED First-class and experienced can
Av h.lnar, r Vi nrn 1 at A and bon bon dip
pers; no others need apply. Steady work
and good wages lor competent wornw.
J, N. Matscnek canay to., zu a"
WANTED Girls, and boys to sell Gem
Bluing; excellent quality, easy to sell;
nanasome premiums. vteiu. nnj. o-r-
Ply JO., 130X O-. dun.
WANTED Clerk and relief stenographer; one
who has had a general business education;
state age and salary expected. . N 2, Ore
WANTED Immediately, dramatic and vaude
ville performers; steady work, good salary.
Newman's Theatrical circuit, leas om.
WAITRESSES, Coast, "Springs," Salem;
woman cook, $46 ("Springs"); chef, $75;
dishwashers. Drake, zoo wasnington.
WANTED Experienced tailor, man or
woman. S. ooiastein, ztf r-vernt m.
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
1 flee workers, clerks. night watchmen,
salesladies and salesmen, collectors, wltn
reference as to character, experience and
ability, furnished in every detail ana
ready to go to work on the instant.
. SOS Alisky Bldg, 3d and Morrison St.
OFFICE man, bookkeeper, credit man ot
40. Al reference ana bona, over u years
with one house as bookkeeper, credit man
and auditor. F 62. Oregonian.
POSITION wanted by competent bookkeeper
and stenographer, experienced In collec
tions and. banking; oest oi reference, to txf,
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and stenographer
desires position with reliable firm; detailed
Information upon application, it , ore
gonian. A COMPETENT bookkeeper and expe
rienced man of business wants responsible
position. Address P 50. Oregonian.
SMALL set of books to keep evenings; $20,
25 per month; rererences. ti. ure
gonlan. Miscellaneous.
MAN and wife desire, work In. camp o
other place; no chliaren. a HJ, oregonian.
WANTED Job on fruit farm; state wages
and length or season, v w. uregonian.
FURNITURHJ salesman wants permanent po
sition ; euy reieicuiev. iw, wi rjunmn.
JAPANESE wants any kind of store work
during the nignt. s tv. oregonian.
help suppled. Main 4(jou. ZkiH Everett.
SALESMAN with ability In many lines wants
position; references. B 47, Oregonian. ,
KALSOMINING and Tinting; $3.00 per room.
135 1st st. Main 1334. Call B. Winn.
JAPANESE cook wants a position at Sum
mer resort. H 64, Oregonian.
MAN and wife wish position cooking n log
ging camp. G 41, Oregonian..
WANTED Position by experienced hoisting"
engineer. J 46, Oregonian.
,1 WISH foremanshlp In logging camp. Call
or write J 44, Oregonian.
MAN and wife wish position on farm; close
In. H 44, Oregonian.
FIREMAN want position in city. 104 11th st.
AN experienced man who has kept books
ana managed store for coat company, aif
cashier and bookkeeper for general mer
cantile house, desires employment as boo k
keeper or office work; city reference. W
64, Oregonian.
A GENTLEMAN of large business experi
ence and thoroughly reliable wishes an oi
fice or other position where little stand
ing or walking would be required. High
compensation not expected. Address B 49
YOUNG man. Industrious and sober, wants
situation as janitor, or in private place
for generally useful man around house;
care of garden, automobile; best ot refer-
ences. B 65, Oregonian.
WANTED Situation by all-round gardener.
park .ana street tre cuitunsi. American,
married, employed at present as hea;
gardener; references. Address B 01, Ore,
g on lan.
NOTICE I will take contract to clear lot
in any part of th city; will cither slast
or grub thorn. Phono Pacific 1406, or
Call 251 Mi First St. R. T. Elllff.
FIRST-CLASS stenographer, age 23, desires po
sition about August 1. tumner business pre
ferred. Four year's experience. L 40, care
YOUNG man from the South wants posi
tion; have had several years' experience.
In retail lumber business. Address L 40,
WANTED- A position of trust , and respon
sibility; satisfactory references and de
tails with personal interview. B 67, Ore
WANTED Position as sawyer, planer man or
planer teeoer oy man ot long experience m,
business; strictly sober man. A 4b, Ore
gonian. YOUNG man wants position as salesman;1
experienced In hardware, shoes, rurnistunga,
implements and groceries. B 60, Oregonian. i
DRY goods man, with 14 years experience!
wishes Dosltlon as manager, country pre-;
ferred; good references. E 47, Oregonian,.
MAN and wife want positions as first an L
second cooks in mining, logging or R. K..(
camp; references. 190 Clay st., Portland.;
A MAN experienced in fire Insurance busi
ness and office work wants employment II
city reference. E 62, Oregonian.
YOUNG Japanese boy wants situation to d
housework in family, city or country; apeaKSi
good English. O 60, Oregonian.
YOUNG man, with good references, -wishes)
employment part of day; no honest oiler,
refused. N 63, Oregonian.
YOUNG Japanese wants position, any kind;.
8 A. M. to 5 P. M., or after 1 o'clock at,
night. J 67, Oregonian.
A YOUNG Japanese wishes to work In any!
kind storo during the day or night; apeak
well. N 65, Oregonian
WINDOW-CLEANING Dwellings and flats a
snecialty. Phone Main 6573, evening, tt to.
lu. Thomas Green.
YOUNG man of good character desires work,
in somn electric company. Experience. ;
J. 61. Oregonian.
RELIABLE man of intelligence -desires posi
tion as watchman, caretaker or offloe work, i
S 56, Oregonian.
CIVIL engineer, draftsman, open for engage-,
ment. temporary or permanent. P 65,
GOOD Japanese boy wants position. maVe
bens or as waiter and pantry. Address T 64, ,
POSITION wanted" hy a stationary engineer;
can do repairing and plpe-flulng. D 56, Ore
gonian. WANTED Position as watchman by steady,
sober man; don't use tobacco. M 64, Ore
Bookkeepers and Stenographers.
flee workers, clerks, night watchmen, .
salesladies and salesmen, collectors, wlt.v
reference as to character, experience and
ability, furnished in every detail and
readv to go to work on the instant. !
803 Alisky Bldg. 3d and Morrison St.
EXPERIENCED young lady wishes position,!
as assistant in office wotk, lumber nr.
mercantile. References. Permanent or tern- f
porary. G 60, Oregonian. j
A YOUNG lady, quick and aecurate at fig
ures, d eel res position in office; wholesale
House preferred. O 40, oregonian.
STENOGRAPHER, Just flnlsUflng cout,
owning typewriter, offers services gratis
for practice G 56, Oregonian.
TOUNG lady, graduate from High School, de
alms office position; experienced; can give
reference.- vv 5t, Oregonian. ' j
RELIABLE Underwood operator and
cashier desiros place at once. Call morn
ings. Pacific 2050, A 4031.
All kinds stenographic work done; substituting.
612 Coucn bidg. Phones Main 7355, A 2583.
YOUNG lady, first-class bookkeper, wlsnesu
position; references, v. 64, oregonian.
STENOGRAPHER will take public copy work.
227 Marquam bldg.
CAPABLE dressmaker wishes a few more
engagement by the day; $1.50. Home phone
A 4434.
FIRST-CLASS laundress to do at her owa
residence laaies worn., .aaress u oi, jiq i
, gonian. I
EXPERIENCED dressmaker will make a
tow engagements in families. Main 4364. J
Nurses. I
YOUNG woman with hospital training wotMdh
care for Mck, go as companion or lady's ;
maid; experienced In hair dressing, body arnij
face massage. Address Nurse, 181 13th st.
Main 4041.
WANTED Nursing, by experienced nurej
would go to coast or springs. 283
thers st. - j
TRAINED nurse would like charge of Invalid
or elderly couple; reasonable. N 48, Ore- (
NURSE with own home, would like confine-!
ment cases; private, ttl N Park et. !
Housekeepers. '
YOUNG woman from the East, cultured and!
refined, competent in keeping any home, de-i
sires housekeeping In widower's home, where
other help Is kept or laundry is put out;j
very fond of children; good references. Ad-1
dress L 58, Oregonian.
WANTED Ry a middle-aged woman fwlth:
(laughter a position as housekeeper, daugh
ter to care for children or assist with workj i
widower's family preferred. D 69, Ore
gonian. POSITION as housekeeper In a rooming-
house, or would consider leasing a houa
in a fair location. Address Mrs. King,
1505 E. 13th sty Portland. Or.-
COMPETENT woman, with 9-year-old gtrl, j
would like a position as housekeeper. Res.
10 E. Sth si. N. Phone East 286J.
A REFINED Chinese girl wishes place for
light housework or charge ot children at
beach. Apply Y. W. C. A.
RELIABLE woman to do light housekeeping
for one or two; can cook well. P 60, Ore
gonian. Miscellaneous.
CAN take one or two children to board In
the country from 4 years and up; $10 a
month ; no other children, a 32, Ore
gonian. LADY as companion, or will assist with
work for room and board; would go to
seaside or springs. B 64, Oregonian.
LADY takes charge oi, entertains Invalids,
a zed, children, by hour, day, mouth. Refer
ences. Pacific 671.
LADY wants day work, washing and hous
v ork. Home phone 3625 or phone Mala
WANTED Work by day for Monday and Frl- !
day by competent woman; references. East!
2053. '
YOUNG lady would like to go to Seasides
to care for child, phone East 2152. i
, . f
LACE CURTAINS laundered a specialty; best'
of work. Phones Main 3740. A 374u. !
LACE CURTAINS washed and stretched, 40
and 50- cents a pair. Main 7014. a
WANTED Day work by an experienced per!
son. F 6u, Oregon Ian.
LAC9 curtains laundered at home by careful'
hands. Main 7G40. ,j
WOMAN wants housework to do by the day.
Phone East 26y. 1