THE SUNDAY OREGOSTAN , PORTLAND, JULY- 14, 1007. RECORD HOP CfiOP Carmichae! Looks for 175,000 Bales in This State. EUROPE'S OUTLOOK BETTER Recent Purchases on Export Account-Expected Advance Occurs In the Sugar Market Changes In Produce Prices Noted. John Carmlchael. of Salem, ths represent-. ilve of Wlgan. Richardson Co.,. of .London, was at the Belveders Hotel yesterday ad mad the statement that. In hie opinion, the Oregon hop crop this year will break all pre vious record. Mr. Carmlchael believes that the yield will be not les than 176.000 bales. While he look for this quantity o be pro duced by the yards of the state, the quantity that Is actually baled will depend largely, upon the weather at picking 'time. If the weather Is favorable, 1 la probable that, -Judging from experiences la the past, the entire crop will be picked. Mr. Carmlchaers cable advices are that the weather has Improved In England and conditions are now favouabls for a good crop there. Crop conditions on the Continent are .also satisfactory. He attributes the liberal export orders In the past two weeks to the low prices at which 'hops are sow offered for sale. The bulk of the buying In this stats since July 1 has been done by Mr. Carmlchael. His latest purchases are the following lots secured In the Mount Angel section: Tr. Webb, 83 bales; F. Schwab. 183 bales; N. Bchnell, 126 bales. The price paid for these lots was 6H cents. BTTTTN'S 2000 IJSCOLW RAMS. Cunningham Sheep Company Makes Bis; Purchase in Canada. One of the largest shipments of Lincoln Tarns ever brought to Oregon will be brought In from Canada some time during .September by the Cunningham Sdneep & Land -Company, says the East Oregonlan. The com pany has already purchased 000 head of these Una rams and will bring them to their ranches on Birch oreek within the next two months. The shipment will consist of ram lambs ex clusively, and the 2000 head will average from 120 to 130 pounds each in weight. They are Uarger than ordinary yearlings, although when ithey reach this country they will be but six or iseven months old. There is a large demand for this breed at isheep and the Cunningham Sheep & Land 'Company will use a large portion of the ship ment with their flock, the remainder of the .shipment to be sold to other sheepmen of Eastern Oregon. The keeping of a few high-grade sheep on farms Is becoming popular in TJma&llla County and Eastern Oregon and as the Un-, cola Is a large and thrifty sheep, shearing a heavy fleece and making a large muttpn. tt is the most profitable breed for the small flock. ADVANCE IN LOCAL HAMS. ln to Stronger Demand and Smaller Supply Available. -The Increase in the consumption ofj smoked meats, especially bam, and the local supply available has had the effeot, of caus ing an advance In this article, whifch will be effective Monday morning. In the new list- of the Union Meat Company, hams of 10 to 12 pounds will be quoted at if cents. 14 to 16 pounds at 18 cents 4.nj. IS to 20 pounds at the same price. Sirjbked beef tongues are raised to 70 oents, alted exports to 13 and smoked to 14 cer)(a he remainder of the list is without Change, These advances are to be exper at tnl. time of year, when the Inquiry ,,r smoked meats becomes larger and th consumption of fresh meats less. PEAR9 MAKE THEIR APTI PEARAJTCB. Two Cars of Cantaloup Ariin In Strong Demand. Two cars of car,,,.. arrived yester day and found a 4tron, demand. A car of watermelons v'A be on hand Monday. Lo ganberries atjy.ii nlentifullv and sener- ally sold yjll. sales being mads as high 8 S.U I . (h. f nrenofin. but m eonsldAra.tlA stock rfiialned In the afternoon, which was offer lower. Among the steamer receipts w fa California pears. - which were quoted A 12.93 per box. North Taklma has begun the shipment of arly peaches to the Bound matets and to Spokane. The local market is drawing its supply mainly from Southern Oregon and The Dalles. TEN-CEirr ADVANCE IX SUGAR. Market Goes TJp, bnt Top May Not Ba Beached. As was expected by the wholesale grocers of this city, the Pacific Coast sugar market . responded to the firmness In the Bast yester day with a 10 per cent advance. All grades were affected, cane and beet, both refineries. The opinion prevails that the top of the market has not yet been reached. The sea son of heaviest consumption la now reaching Its height and will continue for 49 daya more, so It cannot be seen what there Is to pre vent a further advance In prices. The demand Is exceedingly strong and will doubtless foroe quotations higher. The local jobbers ars receiving orders faster than they can take cars of them. EASTERN FLOUB QUOTATION'S STRONG. Local Jobbers Have Been Speculating Heavily. Eastern flour quotations show a stronger tendency on all grades of patents, as well as bakers flour. Local Jobbers have been speculating heavily and some very large sales have been made In the past week. Some of the larger mills have shut down, owning to the scarcity of wheat, bat good stocks are being carried by all the dealers. Prom present appearances, there will be no material changes In prioes before new wheat Is ground TOO MANY TOOK KOOS ON HAND. Strictly. Fresh Stock la Small Supply and Sells Well. The Front-street egg market continues In a more or less demoralised condition, ps oases of the large Quantity of poor stock en offer, wblch explains ths wide range of prises quoted. First-class eggs are asaraa. and for these buyers ars willing to pay the top prise, but they are not taking hold of warm weather stook except at a reduction. Poultry receipts were fairly large, but cleaned VP before the day was ever at un changed prices. NO CKXAPEB CHEESB THIS TEAR. Tendency sf the Market From Nov Oa Will Be Upward. The bottom has been reached ta ths sfassss market for this year, according to local hand- sos, Advtoes from TUlaniook ara4hatsvolJi j6y. lsoj, xoa. a0e$.-Cr:10aO there are about oleaned up. Local dfsUers are receiving more orders from the Ssund than they can take care of. ' The butter market presents n new xea- tures. The undertone on Front street is rather easy and a surplus is oniy prevritru cj anaa Ing on large lots. The city creameries, as V rule, are making about enoivfeh to nil their orders. Some of them have done a little buy ing on the street, while others have all tdiey require. The movement Is iot quite so fc6tlve as it was the first of they month. A '.marked ehortago in cream receipts wul be apparent beflore long and then any trace of weakness In the market will dlnappear. Bask Clearing. Bank clearings at the leadingcities of the Northwest yesterday were: Clar;s. Balancea Portland .......i.,n8,824 A 07.250 Seattle .......'. ,i 2,014,718 Tacoma . 752.8OT 46,52 Spokane .... .. . 1,231,825 87,228 Clearings of Portland, Seattle and Ta ooma for the past vtreek and corresponding week In former year were as follows: Portl'Ad. Seattle.' Tacoma. 1907 1908 1905 1004 1B03 lik'2 ItHJl 8,2lv228 11,450,7&T S4.621.24S 6,1.11. 568 4),11,110 3.733,818 4 -SSB.188 ,Dl0.636 V.PSO.OSS 4.196,722 -...,8.381.404 4JU3.3U6 -..J 3, 165.282 4,185.263 ...yfi.30a.B48 2,804,380 S.413,261 ,000,704 1,736. 14 1,310.709 1,002,77s IOBTXAXD QUOTATIONS. Grain, Flour, Feed, Etc. MIUtSTUFFS Bran, city $17, country $18 p&r ton: middlings. 824.5025.50: shorts. 6ypfir19toU1Ury " Per t0ni CP- 15" WHEAT-Club, 86o: bluestom. 8aats9c: vs.ley, 68c; red 84c . OATS Producers' prices: ' Nov white, 327.60&28; gray, nominal. - FLOCR Patent, 84.80: -straight, $4.25; clears, $4.25: Valley, $JrSo4.40; graham Dour, $44.50; whole , wheat Hour, $4,254? 4.75. BARLEY Producers' prices: Feed, $21.50 i?n:' brewing, nominal; rolled. $23.60 & 24.50. , CEREAL FOODS Rolled oats, cream, 00 pound sac, $7; lower, grades, $6.60&8.50: oatmeal, steel-cut, .4Vpound sacks, $S per barrel -K. 9-pound sacks. $4.25 per bale; oat meal (ground), 45-pound sacks, $7.50 per barrel-.' B-poiind saoks, $4 per bale; split peas, per 100 pounds, $4.25 4.80; pearl bar ley, $44.50 per 100 pounds; pastry flour, 10-pound Banks, J2.30 per bale. CORN Whole, $28; cracked, $28 per ton. HAX Valley timothy. No. L $17 18 per ton; Eastern, Oregon timothy, $212S; olover, $D; cb-eat, $8010; grain hay, $910; alfalfa, Hile. Butter, Fggs, Poultry, Etc BUTTER City creameries: Extra erera ery, 27Vo per pound; State creameries: Fancy creamery, 26&27Vc; store butter, l19c. CHBBaE Oregon full cream twins, 16c; Young America, 16o per pound. POULTRY Average old hens, -16o-, mixed chickens, 14o; Spring chickens, 17o; old roosters, lg-12o; dressed chickens, 1617c; tukeys, live 1112c; turkeys, dressed, choice, nominal; gee&e, live, per pound, 10c; ducks, 6a c; pigeons, $USl.B0i squabs. $2 3. BOGS Fresh ranoh, candled, 2S25o per dozen. Groceries, Nnts. Eta, RICE Imperial Japan, No. 1, ot South ern Japan, 6.10c: bead. T44c COFFEE Mocha. 2428c; Jeva, ordinary, 17&20c; Costa Rica, fancy, leg 20c; good, 18 18c; ordinary, 1216o per pound. Columbia roast, cases, 100a, $14.50: 0. $W7B; Ar buckle, $18.50; Lion, $15.75. SALMON Columbia River. 1-pound tails, $1.75 per dos. : 2-pound tails, $2 40; 1-pound flats, $1.10; Alaska. lnk. 1-pound talis, 85c: red, 1-pound talis, $1.25; sockeyes, 1-pound tails, $1.70. ?KGAR Seek, basis. 100 pounds, cube, f?i?; Powdared $6.024; Tranulatl. $6.8714;. extra C, $5.71i; golden C, $5.27; I!' 5.87: berry, $5.87i,; XxX. J.J714. .dvanoe sales over eack basis as follows: barrels, 10c; H barrels, 25c; boxes. 60c per lOOpounds. Terms: On remittances within. 15 days' deduct o per pound; if Jatr Uian 15 ays and within 80 days, de d"0' o; beet sugar, $5,771, per 100 pounds; m'.ple sugar. 15 & 18c per pound. 'NUTS Walnuts, 16fc&20c per pound by ck; Brasll nuts, ISc; flltferts, 16c; pecane. Jumbo a. 2Sc: extra large. 21c; almonds, ISO 20o; chaetnuta. Ohio. 1714c; Italian, 1414 15c; peanuts, raw, 8!so per pound; roasted, 10c; plnenuts, 10 12c; rlckbry nuts, 10c; cocoanuts, 35 90c per dozen. SALT Granulated. $14 per ton; $2 per bale; half ground, 100s, $10.60 per ton; 60s, $11 per ton. m BEANS Small white, 8io; large white, So; pink, 3c; bayou, &c; Lima, 51,01 Mexi cans, red. 4c. HOENY Fancy, $3.25 $3.50 par box. ' Vegetables, Fruits, Etc DOMESTIC FRUITS Cherries, (10a Der pound; apples, 75 $1 per box; storage Spltz enKexgs, $3.50 per box: cantaloupes. $2.50'3.50 yr crate: peaches, 50c&$l per crate; rasp oerrles, $1.251.60; blackberries, 709c per founo; loganoorriea, si-o per crate; prune, 1.601.75 per 'crate: watermelons. 2l3o per Pound; plums, $1.60&l.i5 per box; pears. TROPICAL FRUITS Lemons, $5T per box; oranges, navels, $2.508.50. sweets, $8.255i8.5u, Valencias $3.50 4; grape-fruit, $2.503.50; bananas, 6o per pound, orated 01s c. ROOT VEGETABLES Turnips, $2 per sack; carrots, $2.50 per sack; beets, $2.50 per sack; garlic, 8c per pound. FRESH VEGETABLES Artichokes, 000 60o per dosen; asparagus, lOo per pound; beans, 7010a per pound; cabbage, Ifta per pound; celery, $1 per dosen; corn, S50oOo per dozen; cucumbers, 60cy $1 per box; egg plant, loo pound: let tuce, head, 25o per dozen; lettuce, hothouse, $1.50 per box; onions, 16200 per dozen; parsley, 20c per dozen; peas, 4$ 5c per pound; peppers, bell, 803So per pound; radishes, 20o per dozen; rhubarb, 8140 per pound; splnaoh, 6o per pound; squash, 60d $1 per box; tomatoes, $1.6008 per orate ONIONS California, 814a per pound; Walla Walla, 2S3o per pound. DRIED FRUITS Apples, 88Ho pound; apricots, 1619c; peaches, ll-3o; pears, 1114 0140; Italian prunes, 2 06c; Califor nia figs, white. In sacks, 50 614c per upund; black, 414 05c; bricks. 75c$2-25 per box; Smyrna, 1814 0 200 pound; dates, Persian, 614 7c pound. POTATOES New, to per pound. Dressed Meats. VBAL Dressed, 750125 pounds, 681io; 1250150 pounds, 7c; 1500200 pounds. 6o; 200 pounds and up, 614 06c. BEEF Dressed bulls, 314 4e per pound; cows, 60614c: country steers, 614 07c MUTTON Dressed. fancy. 8090 per pound; ordinary, 07o; Spring lambs, &0 14o per pound. PORK Dressed, 1000130 pounds. 80814c; 15O.4J20O pounds, 7 0714c; 200 pounds and up, 6 & 6iia Hops, Wool. Hides, Fte. Ity101"8 6,0,0 Pr poun1, ceordlng .to qual- WOOL Eastern Oregon, average best, 16 22e per pound, according to shrinkage; Val ley, 2tf22c, according to fineness, MOHAIR Choice, 20330c per pound. CASCARA BARK Old, less than car lots. 60514c; car lots, new, 45c pound. BALSAM Oregon fir, $2.25 per gallon. KIDB3 Dry, No. 1, 16 pounds and up, ISO per pound; dry kip. No. 1. 5 to 16 pounds. 15 &19c per pound; dry calf. No. 1, under pounds, 20c; dry salted: Bulls and stags, one thlrl less than dry flint; culis, moth-eaten, badly cut, scored, murrain, halr-ellop-d, weather-beaten or grubby, 2c to 8c per pound less; salted steers, sound, 60 pounds and over, 8o pound; steers, sound, 50 to 60 pounds, 809o yuuuu, steers, eouna, unaer otr pounce, ana cows, wizva pouna; stags ana Dulls, sound, o a c pouna; kip, sound. 15 to 80 pounds. 1 pound; veal, sound, under 10 pounds, 11c; calf, sound, under 10 pounds, ll12e pound; green (unealted), lo pound less; culls, lc pound lees; sheepskins, shearings. No. 1 butchers stock, 2530c eaob; short wool, Nc 1 butch ers' stock, 60060c each; medium wool, No. 1 butchers' stock, $1.2501.50 each; murrain pelts, from 10 to 20 per cent less, or 13 Its pound; borse hides, salted, according to size, $22.50 eachr; hides, dry, according to size, $101.50 each; eolus' hides, 25050c each; goatskins, common, 150 250 each; goatskins. Angora, with wool on, 80ctl.50 each. FURS Bearskins, as to else. No. 1, $6 20 each; cubs, $108 each; badger, prime, 25 (u-oOo each; eat, wild, with head perfect. 800 605o; cat. house. 5020c; fox, common gray, large prime, 60070a each; red, $305 each; cross, $.1016 each; silver and black, $100 800 each: fishers. 5fi8 eaeh: Ivn li nas each; mink, strictly No. 1, acoerdlng to size '..- miu-ivu, uaiH. nursnom, aoooralng to size and color, $10018 eaoh; pale, pine, according to size end color, $2.6004 each muekrat, large, 1216o each; skunk, 80040a each; civet or polecat, 615c each; otter, for large, prime skins, $6010 each; panther with head and elaws perfect, $2 5 each; raecoon. for prime, large, 6075o each; wolf, mountain, with head perfect, $3,600-5 each; prairie (coy ote), 6Oc0$l each: wolverine, $008 each, . Provisions and Canned Meats. BACON Fancy breakfast, 2o pound; stand ard breakfast, lHc; obolcs, 1814a; English, 11 to 14 pounds, 1614o; peach, 15??c HAMS 10 to 11 pounds, 1614a pound; 14 to 16 pounds, 16a; 18 to 20 pounds, 16o; picnics, 12a; cottage, 214o; shoulders, 12l4o; boiUd, 25c. BARRELED GOODS Pork, barrels, $20; half-barrels, $11; beet, barrels, $i0 half, barrels. $5.60. - SAUSAGE Bologna, long, 8ot links. 714c DRY SALT CURED Regular short clears, dry salt, 12c; smoked, 13c; clear backs, dry salt, 12c; smoked 13c: clear bellies. 14 to 17 pounds average, dry salt, none; smoked, noaej Oregon exports, dry salt, 13o; smoked, 14c. LARD Kettle rendered: Tierces, 1214o; tuba, 12o; 50o, 1294c: 20c, 1?4; 10s, J3v;0; 5, ltc; Standard pure: Tierces. 1114c, tubs, 11 o; 60s, lllo; 20s. ll,a; 10s, 1214c; os, ic -ompouna: -Tierces, la0 tubs. HOLDS PRICES UP Expectation of Better Showing fay New York Banks. HOPES ARE REALIZED But Activity and Strength of Market . Are Confined to Few leaders. -Findings In Harrlman In quiry Are Discounted. iXBW YORK; July 18. The rectification of last .week's discrepancy In ths cash 4tem of the bank statement conduced to the favorable showing of the clearing house Institutions to- 1 n1 -explained ''' withdrawals the small effect of tns of government deposits from the banks on top of a seeming hnnatlon of surnlus reserves. The cash gain reported today by the 'banks of $4,006,009 compares -with an apparent loss oa toe knows movements of money of upwards of $6,000,000. Last week's statement, contrariwise, reported a loss of $5,000,000 cash whers a gain of $7,000,000 had occurred, according to tno known movements of money. The explanation probably la that .corporations transferred de posits from banks to the security companies on very large deals to street me juu mente, after which these cash holdings havs been transferred back to ths banks. Ths heavy loan contraction of $10,982,400 Is ascribed partly to stock market liquidation, but change In security holdings In connection with the release effected by the surrender of Government deposits may figure also In this Item. An expectation of soma such an anomaly in the bank statement was a factor In keeping up prices In ths dull market. The activity and strength were eon fined to comparatively few stocks. Union Pacifis was the conspicuous leader f the market The pending publica tion of the findings of ths Interstate Com merce Commission on the Harrlman Inquiry was an Influence on this stock. The belief was entertained that ten contents of ths report,- which might be adverse to the Harrl man properties, havs been so ex-pUcltly recog nized that their effect has been felt already In the rtock market. The Hill stocks were affeoted by talk of a maturing plan for the transfer of ths Northern Pacific's equity t ths Burlington to the Great Northern. The closing was strong, with the gains held. Total sales of bonds, par value, $575,000. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Sales. High.' Low. Bid. 140 Adams' Expre A mat. CoDDer 84,100 90 44 881 4o- 9 Am. Car & Foun. 700 do preferred .... Am. Cotton Oil.. 600 do preferred .... 82 8114 82 85 210 . 19 I 68' 10 American Express. ...... Am. aa. A ps American Ice .... 200 69 H Am. Linseed Oil 23 : o preie Am. Locomotive . do preferred . Am. Smelt. & Ret. do preferred . . . Am. Sugar Ref... Am. Tobacco ctfs. Anaconda Min. Co. Atchison do preferred . . . Atl. Coast Line. . Bait. Ohio 400 5814 68 6814 10414 119 10514 122 8514 6814 eoin 9214 96 98 86 68 178 175 84 1114 148 133 6 1214 6814 8214 24 60 48 "if T2 170 460 28 70 m 68 411i 136 141 lVt 7114 2314 71 18 89 25 66 11814 211i 894 1(H 135 7H 84 65 6114 60 113 7514 7514 70 68 " t",266 ""260 200 8,500 8.500 100 100 iis" 86 67 90-4 9314 97 879, "67" 176 "8414 11 Vs 14714 181 122 68 6814 91 9314 97 'h'z'li 176 'is" 14714 13314 1,400 do preferred . . ...... Brook. Rap, Tran, 6,400 Canadian Pacific . 1,800 Central of N. 3 Chea. A Ohio 600 Chi. Gt. Western. 800 Chicago A N. W.. 1,000 C. M. & St. P 8,900 Chi. Ter. & -Tran. . . . do Dref erred .... C C. C st St. L. Colo. Fuel & Iron 600 1,000 200 81 24 601a Colo, et Southern do 1st preferred, do 2d preferred.. Consolidated Gas.. Corn Products do preferred ... Del. & Hudson 200 170 170 Dei-, Lack. & Wee ..... D. & R. Grande.. 800 2814 274 do preferred .. ..... ..... ..... Distillers' Securi.. 600 68 65 . Brie 2,200 65 25 do 1st preferred . . do Si preferred.. 200 4114 41 General Klectrlo 200 13612 18614 Illinois Central.,.. Int. Paper do preferred .... Int. Pump . ....... do preferred .......... Iowa Central . . 800 do preferred 300 K. C. Southern do preferred .... 181, 89 18 89 Louis. & Nash..M Mexican Central Minn. & St. L. M.,St.P. & 6.3. M. do preferred .... Missouri Paclflo ; . Mo., Kan. & Texas do preferred .... National Lead .... Mex. Nat. Ry. pf. N. Y. Cestral N.Y., Ont. Sc Wes. 600 116 11614 2,900 118 112 Norfolk West. do preferred ...... North American..,. 800 6814 68 28 ll Paclflo Mall 100 2a 28 Pennsylvania 6,200 12314 12214 12S People's Gas 700 92 81 82 69 P., C. C. & Bt. L. tressed Steel Car. ... do preferred .... Pullman Pal. Car Reading 41,700 do 1st preferred. 200 8514 89 160 103T4 79 2814 si 95 85 21 62 80 111 20 67 143 29 i 104 4 80 102 80 2714 84 21 714 do 2d preferred.. ...... Republle Steel ... 400 do preferred ... . 100 Rtek Island Co.. 600 do preferred .... 100 Rubber Goods pf. . ...... St.L. 4 8. F. 2 pf St. L 6outbweet. do preferred .... Southern Pacific. 10,600 do preferred .... 400 Southern Railway. 600 do preferred ...... Tenn. Coal A Iron , Texas & Pacific. ...... Tol.,St. L. West. Toh.St. L. A Wes. do preferred 8014 112:? 202 78 111 20 . 27 27 49 14014 83 108 Union Paclflo do preferred 69,600 140 137 U. 8. Express .... ...... ..... ..... U. 8. Realty U. S. Rubber do preferred ..... U. S. Steel 13,100 87 3(514 do preferred .... 700 10014 8914 Va.-Caro. Chem... do preferred ..... Wabash ...... do preferred .... .... Wells-Fargo Ex 63 88 10014 37H HjO 26 101 24 Westlnghouse ISiso. Western Union . . . Wheel. 4 L. Erie. Wisconsin Central. do preferred . v Northern Pacific . Central Leather n ""266 T7 "fri see.. asssy e m cs-sse , ;666 iii" iisi, 143 77 JO 17 40 129 23 81 6214 138 16 do preferred .... . . ..... Sloes-Rheffteld Gt. Northern pf.. 6.400 13S14 Int. Metal 700 18 do preferred ...... 183 16 4414 Total sales for the day, 416,400 shares. BONDS. NEW YORK. July 18 Closing quotations 1 U.- 8. ref. 2s reg.105 N. T. C. G. 8 lis 80 do coupon. .. .105 North. Pao, 8s.. TO 14 TJ. B. Ss res; iviHWonn. pac 4s..ioo ao coupon. ... j. 'jo soutn. Pao. 4.. e 14 TJ. 8. new 4s reg. 12814 Union Pac 4s do coupon. .. .12814 Wla Cent 4s. Atch, adj. 4s... 68 Japanese 6s... D. & R- G. 4s. . . 88 do 2d series, 99 83 89 80 Stocks In London. LONDON. July 18. Consols for money, 8414: do for account, 84 5-19. Anaconda New Tork Cent. 118 Atchison 82 Norfolk A West. 77 do preferred.. 85 do pref 86 Bait se Ohio. ..lOOli Ontario A West. 2814 Canadian Pao. ..ISO Pennsylvania Chea & Ohio... 86 Rand Mines., Chi. Gt. West.. llReadin- Chi., M. Bt F.136 Southern Ry 62 .. 614 .. 61 .. 20 . . 6 .. 80 ..144 .. 99 .. 87 ..10214 .. 1414 .. 26 De Beers 23 do pref Denv. t R. Q. do preferred. Erie do 1st pref . . . do 2d pref... Grand Trunk . 28 14 Southern Pao. 73 Union Pacific. 25 14 do pref 61 U. 8. Steel.., 42 do pref .... 29 Wabash Illinois Cent.... 145 as prer .... Mo- Kan. 4 T. . 84 Mossy Exrfiseie-e, ISte. NEW TORK. July 18. Money oa can, nomt- J&al. Xlme loans, strong; days. ft. per oeati 700 4114 89 100 104 104 800 "7614 75 9(10 3414 83 100 6514 614 100 62 62 80 days, 605 per cent; six months, 6 per cent. Prime mercantile paper, iVs per cent. Sterling exchange firm, with actual busi ness In bankers' bills at $4.860004.8070 for de mand and at $4.834004.6360 tor 60-djty bills posted rates, $4.83140)4.83. Bar silver 6794 c Mexican dollars 62e. Government and railroad bonds Steady. LONDON, July. 18. Bar sUses sttnsdy. 31 l-16d per ounce. Money 20214 per cent. The rata of discount In the open market for short bills la 81403 per cent; thro months' bills, S 8-1606 per sent. BAN FRANCISCO, July IS. Silver Bars 67c Mexican dollars 62c Drafts Sight, 3 per cent; telegraph, 6 par -cent- Sterling en London. 40 days, 14.63; sight. 4.84T4. Eastern Mining? Stwnlra, BOSTON. July IS. Closing cuotatlonsi Adventure . .$ 2.75 Osceola 13O.00 Alloues 45.00 Parrot ..... 20 50 Amalgamate 89.87 Quiney ......118.50 Atlantio 14.00 Shannon IS-00 Bingham . . . ' 16.00 Tamarack .t. 110.00 Cal. Hecla.83500 "Trinity Ity 24.29 Centennial . 80.75 United Cop. 65.00 48-1214 10.6214 61.50 460 8.W S4.00 25.62 14.00 16.00 25.00 Cop. Range. 81.25 U. S. Mining Daly West... 16.00 U. B. OU.... Franklin ... 15.37 Utah Cranby .123.00 Victoria lBie Royaie. 19.75 Mass Mining $.75 Michigan ... 14.50 Mohawk 83 25 Mont. C. C. 2.75 Old Domia.. 49.25 Winona. North Butte Butte Coal.. Nevada Calumet A A Ariz. Com. . NEW YORK. July 13. Closing quotations: Adams Cob XW Little Chief 06 Alice 4.00Ontarlo .....4.00 Bre-eoe 20Ophlr .......... .1.66 Brunswlok Con.. .SPotosl .09 Comatock Tun..,, .26Savage 56 Con. Cal A Vsw. .62 Sierra Nevada.... .30 Horn Silver 1.40SmalI Hopes 80 Iron Sliver . .. ...g.BOStsndsrd ........1.50 Leadvllle Con 85 BANKS SHOW CASH Gl AS TJOTTyPEUXJKlUIYj" FAVORABIjE KETTJKN FOB THE WEEK. Clxang&s Duo to Traoaferrliig of Ponds by Trust Companies to Affect Julj Statements. ' NEW YORK!, July 18. The Financier saym The weekly statement of the Associate Banks was unexpectedly favorable, as had that of the previous week been surprisingly unfavor able, not only so far as concerned the recog ized cash movement, but the result as In dicated In ths surplus reserve. The state ment showed a gain of $4,000,000 cash. Ths previous week's bank returns showed a loss eg- $5,000,000 cash, though the traceable changes In this Item led to expectations of a gain of $8,600,000. It seems probable that In ths wsek f July 6 the surprising exhibit of cash loss was dus to withdrawals team the banks by some of the trust companies In order to make a good showing In their semi-annual reports to the State Bank Superintendents. Assuming that this is ths case, this week's unexpected gain of cash may have been the result of the return to the banks of ths money so withdrawn. It having served ths purpose Intended in the previous fortnight. Because of the above noted gain of cash and ths reduo- tlon la deposits and henoe In reserve require ments, the surplus reserve showed an Imp portent gain Instead of a loss, as was ex pected. Ths statement shows that the banks hold $6,877,060 more than the legal reserve requirements. This is an Increase of $6,020, 800 as compared with last week. Ths state ment follows: Decrease. .$1,104,836,800 $10,982,400 Io an 9 .... . ...... . Deposits 1.070.759.800 7.700.400 Circulation 60,321,700 72,749.000 101,818,000 274.567,000 287,689.960 6.877,050 14,166,650 75,700 1,968,200 2,105,500 4,075,700 1,945,100 6.020,800 6,642,360 Lecal tenders ...... Speole .............. Keeerve Reserve red ui red , Burplus Kx-v. b. deposits... Incre QUOTATIONS AT SAN FRANCISCO. Prices Paid for Products in the Bay City Markets. BAN FRANCISCO, July 18. The following prioes were Quoted In the produce market today: FRUIT Apples, choice, $1.60; common,' 60o; bananas, $103,501 Mexican limes, $4; Califor nia lemons, choice. $4.6005; common, $1,600 1.75; oranges, navel, $1. 2608.60; pineapples, $2.6003. VEGETABLES Cucumbers, 6O08Oo; garllo, 804c 1 green peas, 11408c; string beans, 1140 3c; asparagus, 4011c; tomatoes, 6Oc0$l. EGGS Store, 19023o; fancy ranoh, 2So; Eastern, 18020c POTATOES Sweets, $404.60; Early Rose, $2.4002.60; Oregon Bur banks, $2.76; Eastern $2.2502.60; new potatoes, $3. ONIONS Australian, $404.60; Bermuda, $3 02.26; Young, $806.10. BUTTER Fancy creamery, 19o: sry seconds, 23r; fancy dairy, 26o; dairy sec onds. 23o; pickled, 2214023O. WOOL -Spring Humboldt and Mendocino, 23025o; Eastern Oregon, 2O02o; Nevada, 179 19c. HOPS California, 607o; contracts, 10011a. CHEESB New, 1414c; old, 1814c; Young America, 1414o; Eastern, 12c; Western, 1414c HAT Wheat, $120110; wheat and oats, $9016; alfalfa, $8014; stook, $7.6008; straw, 60090c MILLSTTJFFfl Bran, $18020; middlings, $27 030. . POULTRY Roosters, eld, $4.6006; young, $8.6007.60; broilers, small, $2.6003; large, $S 04; fryers. $4.6006.60; hens, $506; ducks, old, $405: young. $606. . FLOUR California family extras, $?.20-Zf 6.70; bakers' extras, $5.2006.46; Oregon and Washington, $4.9005.20. RECEIPTS Flour,. 6083 Quarter sacks! L wheat, 826 centals; barley, 2196 centals; beans. 860 saoks; potatoes, 1690 sacks; bay, 650 tons; wool, 170 bales; hides, 620. Coffee and Sugar. NEW YORK, July 18. Ths market for coffee futures closed steady, net unchanged. Sales, 20,750 bags. Including, July, 6.6O01 September, 6.66o; December, 6.800 5. 63ci January, 6.70c; March, 6.76 0 6.80c; May, 6.800 6.86c Spot ooffe, steady; Rle Nc T, 6o; Santos No. 4, 814c; mild ootfea quiet; Cordova, 812c Sugar Raw, steady; fair refining, 8.86 0 centrifugal. 86 test, B.880 molasses sugar, 8.OOI401 refined, steady 1 No. 6, 4.60c; No. 7, 4.6SOI No. 8, 4 50ol No. 9, 4.65c; No. -IO, 4.8BOI No, 11. 4.800) Nc 12, 4.2Bo Nc 18. 4.20e; No. Is, 4.1601 confectioners' A. 4.80o; mould A, 5.3501 put loaf, 0.70c orusbed. 6.70o powdered, 6.IO0; granulated, Bcs cube, 6.25c Dried Fruit a New Torts, KBTW YORK, July 18. The market for evaporated apples la quiet and conditions ars unchanged. Fancy are quoted at 6o choice at 804 prime at T07ci poor to fair at 607c Prunes ars quiet -co spot, but prioes are showing no weakness Quotations ars from 4s to 12 for California fruit and from 6o to 8o for Oregon up to 80a-40s. Apricots are quiet and unchanged, with choice quoted at 21e extra choice, 22o; fancy, 22 0 260. Peaches ars mors or less nominal at the moment, with choice quoted at 11 0 lSe extra choice, 12018ot fancy, 180iasl extra fancy. 1401414O. Raisins ars In light demand en spot, with loose Muscatel quoted at 8 0 10o seeded raisins. 114 018c; London layers, $1,600 1.65. Metal Markets. NEW TORK. July 18. Ths metal mar kets were more or less quiet today, trading being dull as usual In the absenos of cables. Tin was quoted at 4O.8O041.26ot copper was nominal, with lake quoted at 21.87 0 2212c; slectrolytlo at 21.6O021.T5o; cast. Ing at 20.50 3 2 lot lead, . 10 3 6. LOo I spelter. 6.1506.20c REPORTS OF DAMAGE One Cent Advance in Wheat Prices at Chicago. MARKET STRONG ALL DAY Situation In the Northwest the Domi nating Factor, Tboneb Short Crop Reports From the Southwest Aid the Upward Movement. CHICAGO, July 18. Crop damage reports from the Northwest caused a 1-cent advance to wheat on the market today. At the dose the' September delivery showed a net gain of o Com was up c Oats were o higher. Provisions were 7V401O14O lower. Throughout the entire session the market continued strong. There were liberal pur chases by shorts and also heavy buying foe Investment by the leading bulls. The situ ation In ths Northwest wss again the dominat ing influence, although the market derived some strength from short crop reports from the Southwest. An advance of mora than 10. in the price of wheat ax Liverpool imparted considerable strength to the local market at the start. Ths smallness of primary receipts was a bull factor late In ths day. Ths mar ket closed strong, September opened 014O higher at 840&414c sold off to 84c and then advanced to e6140O51aO. The close was at 84o. Corn closed steady, September opened 140 o higher, at 6414054o, sold between 64o 04c and closed at 6414c Trading In oats was active. September opened 0o higher, at 8838o and advanced to 40c The close was at 40c Provisions were qnlet and easy. At the dose September pork was off 1O0O214O; lard . was down 714c, and ribs were 701Oo lower. Lending futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. July September $ .81 $ .81 ... .9414 .8614 .... 83 .889 CORN. ... .64 .84 .81 .1414 .87 .eiH -84 .83 December July .43 .64 a .62 .63 .64 .6414 beptemDer ... .64 .54 ... .62 .62 December , May ....6 &, .63 OATS. July September December . ... .4314 ... .302 ... .40 .4214 .4214 .88 .4l .4214 .4414 .40 .41 May .42 'MESS PORK. ...16.35 16.37 LARD. September 16.3214 18.8214 September 6.00 8.02 8.86 S.6 8.00 uctoDer 6H0RT RIBS. September Ootober . 8.67 8.70 8.82 8.50 8. 65 8.67 8.60 8.60 Cash quotations were as follows Flour Steady. Winter patents, $4.2604.4O Spring patents, $4.704.80; Straights, $4,400 4.60; bakers', $2.6003.60. Wheat Nc 2 Spring, $101.01; Nc 8, 84c0 81; No. 2 red, 81091. Corn No. 2, 64.064a; Nc 1 yellow, 64 05414O. Oats No. 2, 44c; Nc S white, 4 To; Ko. 8 white, 44047c. Rye No. 2, 860. Barley Good feeding. 6O058o; fair to choloa malting, 60063c Flax seed Nc 1 Northwestern,-$1.24. Timothy seed Prime, $4.75. Clover Contract grades, $16.60. Shirt ribs Sides (loose), $8.S7fflS.ei. Mess pork Per barrel, 16.1214016.25. Lard Per MM) pounds, 8.T714. Sides Short clear (boxed. $S.870O. .Receipts, bulpments. Flour, barrels . Wheat, bushels Corn, .bushels Oats, 'bushels Barley, bushels 11, MM) 32,000 806.700 124,600 16,400 1,700 838,000 38,9'.0 1,600 Grain and Produce at New York. NEW TORK, July 13. Flour Reoelpls, 18,200 barrels; exports, 2500 barrels. Steady but dull. Winter straights, $4.353 4.45 Winter extras. $3.10 $.70; Winter patents, $4.4004.80; winter low grades, $303.60. Wheat Receipts, 87.600 bushels; exports, 81,800 bushels. September, firm. No. 2 red. 880 elevator and $1 f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 Northern Duluth, $1.12 f. o. b. arfoat; No. 2 hard Winter, $1.02 f. e. b. afloat. In response to bad weather news from abroad. firm cables, prospects tor small world's shipments and strong bull support, wheat advanced over a cent again today, closing 01o net higher. July closed at 89c September, $1.01 1 December, $1.04 14; May, $1.08. Hops Quiet. Paclflo Coast, 180S crop. 8011o; 1806 crop. 608c Hides Quiet. Central America, 22o; Bo gota, 2314 c Wool Stead yv Domestlo fleece, 81084c Petroleum Firm. Refined, 8.46o; Phila delphia and Baltimore, 8.40o; in bulk, 8.46c Grain at Ban Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO, July 18. Wheat Steady. Barley Strong. Spot quotations: Wheat Shipping, $1.4801.60; mining, $1.55 01.63. Barley Feed, 1.2201.26; brewing, $1,250 L2714. Oats Red. $1.371401.46; white, $1.4001.46; black. $202.25. Call board sales': Wheat $1.39 bid: Barley $1.27. Com Largs yellow, $1.471401.6214. Wheat at Liverpool. LIVERPOOL, July 18. Wheat July, closed yesterday 7s a, closed today 7a d; Septem ber, closed yesterday 7s 2d, closed today. 7s 8d; December, olosed yesterday 7s 4d closed today 7s 'd. Spot wheat, firm. Xngllsh country -markets, firm. Australian shipments, 288,000 bushels; last week, 284,000 bushels. Minneapolis Wheat Market, MINNEAPOLIS, July 18. Cash wheat Nc 1 bard. $1.08: No. 1 Northern, $1.02 Nc S Northern. 88088o; No. 8 North ern, 86 0 87c Wheat at Tacoma, TACOMA. July 13. Wheat Unchanged, Bluestsm, 8O01 club, 84o) red, 83c . PORTLAND LIVESTOCK MARTTFTT. Prices Current Locally on Cattle Sheep and Hogs. Ths livestock market ruled steady and un changed yesterday. Receipts were 118 hogs. Ths following prices were quoted in the local market yestardayi CATTLE Best steers, $8.8504; medium, $8.2508.501 cows, $3; fair to medium cows. $2.500 2.76; bulls, $2 0 2.50; calves, $406. 6HEKP Good sheared, $404JtS) lambs. $6.60 0 5.75. HOO8 Best, $6 6504.78J lights, fats and feeders. $6.2506.60. Easterm Livestock Prioes, CHICAGO. July 18. Cattle Receipts 800; market, steady. Beeves. $4.7507.30; good to prime steers. $5.80 0 7.30; poor to me dium, $4.75 0 5 75; stockero and feeders, $2.80 0 6.25; cows, $1.73 0 5.80; heifers. $2.60 05.751 calves, $608. Hogs Receipts, 20,000 marks. 6 O lOe lower. Mixed, $5.70 0 6.10; good to choice heavy, $5.6505.85; heavy, $3.23 0 5.80; rough heavy,' $5.2005-50; light, $3.6006.16) pigs, $5.40 0 6; bulk of sales. $8.7500. Sheep Receipts. 8000; market, steady Sheep, $3.75:06.80; lambs. $5.5007.40; Western sheep, $3.750580: yearlings, $60 6.60; Western lambs, $5.50 0 7.65. SOUTH OMAHA, July 18 Cattle Re ceipts, 1800; market, unchanged. Hops Receipts, 6500; market, shade low er. Heavy, $55506.76: mixed, $6.70 0 5 76: light, $5.75 0 5 874; pigs, $3.26 0 5.70; bulk or sales. 35.7005.7Tt4. fiheea-ReoeWts, 100 turkst steady, DOWNING-HOPKINS CO. BROKERS STOCKS, BONDS, GRAIN Boucnt and aoisl far amah sad mm snareta. Private Wires ROOM 4. CHAMBER Yearlings. $3 50 0 6.16; wethers. $5 05.70; ewes. $4.60 0 6.40; lambs, $6.5007.23. KANSAS CITT. July IS. Cattle Reeelnts 1800; market, steady. Native steers, $4,75 0 6.65; native cows and heifers, $2.50 0 5.75; stockers and feeders, $3.04.60; Western fed cows, $2.7504.60; Western fed steers, $4.60 C; bulls. $2.7504.75; calves. $4 06.75. Hogs Receipts, 7000: market, 6c lower. Bulk of sales, $5.70 0 5.80; heavy, $5,700 6 76; packers. $5.76 0 6.80; pigs and lights. $3.85 0 5.83. Sheep Receipts, 300; market, nominally steady. Muttons, $5.25 0 6; lambs, $707.65; range wethers, $4.7506;- fed ewes, $4,260 660. Dairy Produce la- ths East, CHICAGO, July 18. On the produce ex change today the butter market was firm; creameries, 20 0 23c; dairies, 17022c Eggs, firm; at mark, cases included, 130 14c; firsts, 13c; prime firsts, 14c Cheese, easy; 1201314c New York Cotton Market. . NEW TORK. July 18. Cotton futures elosed steady. July. 11.450 ; August, lL36c; September, 11.37c; October, lLOOo; Novem ber, ll.cio; December, 11.71o; January, IL680; February, 11.81c; March. IX880; April, lL82o; May, lL80c Imports and Exports. NETW TORK, July 13. Imports of specie at the port of New Tork tor the week end ing today was $48,388 silver and $461,700 gold." Exports of specie for the week were $1,128,840 sliver and $2,770,544 gold, Wool at St. Louis. -ST. LOTJIS. July 18. Wool, steady. Ter ritory and Western mediums. 2102oo; fins mediums, 17020c; fine, 14 016c PRODUCING LESS SHINGLES But America Still Leads and North west Leads America. OREGONTAN NETV3 BTJRBATJ, Wash ington, July 2. The United States now uses from 10,000,000,000 to 16,000.000,000 shingles a year. Figures for the produc. tlon In 1908 have Just been compiled. They show a falling off in production of about one-fifth from the previous year. The use of other roofing material, such as slate, steel and various compositions. Is growing, but the main explanation of the smaller quantity of shingles produced Is to be found in the temporary check caused late in 1905 by prices unsatisfac tory to the western manufacturer, com. blned later with the difficulties due to the shortage of cars. The production last year was nearly 12,000,000,000 shingles, against over 16.000, 000,000 the year before. Of these nearly 9,000,000,000 were cedar. Cypress and red wood follow next, but far behind, with a combined output of something over 2,000,- 000,000. Not many years ago the East drew Its supply of shingles mainly from the North Atlantio and Lake States. It is still thought by many Eastern users of shin gles that the Eastern white cedar makes a better shingle than tjhe Western red cedar, or giant arbor vltae. But the forests of the East, are no longer equal to the demand. The part played by the Northwest in supplying the market may bo seen by tho fact that three-fifthg of all the cedar comes from "Washington. Cypress represents the chief contribution of the Eouth to the general market, though 600,000,000 shingles were contrib uted to the 1906 supply by yellow pine. Redwood shingles come exclusively from Northern California. Western red cedar shingles now reaoh all the principal markets of the United States and furnish an important Item in the tonnage of the Northern transcon tinental lines. This Is a natural conse quence of the fact that the bulk of the population of the country is In the East, while the bulk of the shingles manufac tured are produced in the West. The United States exported during the year about 28,000,000 shingles, over 90 per cent of which were to other North Amer- FULL SIGHT NO BARS IN FRONT Uses all ths ribbon. Au tomatic re verse. Best by s v e r y test. Proved again at Par i s , France Only gold medal just awarded in New Zealand. Ask about it. Try ons. All other makes rented and repaired. Platens, parts and supplies for all. RUBBER STAMP FACTORY. Offloa Stationery and ths Ink House of the Northwest. Try us. It pays. P. D. CUNNINGHAM, CO 131 Stark (Coast Agncy Co.) Phones Main 1407 and A1407. C. GEE WO The ' WeU-KiKwn Old Reliable Chine Root tsvnd Herb Doctor, Cure any and all disease of men and women. Chron ic dloeasetf a peolalty. IS'o mercury . poisons, drugs or operation. If you cannot call. close 4 cents in stamps. CONSULTATION FREE. The C. Gee Wo Chinese Medietas Cc, J62V First St.. Cor. Morrison, Portland, Or. Please Mention This Paper. CHICHESTER'S PILLS, SV -r. THE DIAMOND BBAKD. ' Droswfart. AikforCiri-Cirkfl-l DIAMOND 11 RAND PIU.8, for 831 yean known mm Beet, Safest, Always Reliable SOLD BY DMGGISTS EVERYWHERE FOR WOMEN ONLY Pr. Sanderson's Compound Sav in and Cotton Root Pills, the best and only reliable remedy tor FEMALE TROCBLES ANU IRREGULARITIES. Curs the mo?t obstinate oases In 8 to 10 daya Price $2 per box, mailed In plain wrapper. Address Dr. 7. J. FUSHLS, 131 first str .set, A-oruana, UTSgon, lilllililllmiv""1-" ' -gi-.? X,aaiesl AK your vrsegut for CUI-cbes-ter'a llnidBmdA Pills in Red sod told mctUlcVV botes, sealed with Blue Ribbon. S Take other. Bur of " . KITS' MM OF COMMERCE Fhone Mais VI lean countries. It Imported less than 1,000,000, of which 700.000 entered bv the Northern border and th IuIta wirt. irart - 000 by the Atlantic ports and 120,000 by me x-a-cwo ports. Bather Poor Consolation. Llppincott's. Aunt Luclndyx was In deep distress over the loss of her son Jim, and a neighbor sought to console her, saying;: "Don't grieve for him. Aunt Luclnfiy. Be has gone to a land flowing with milk and honey." With a dismal oountenonce, the old darkey replied: "Jim never did like milk, an' honey al ways make him sick." Cures by Magic Xecklaces. Boston Post. Inmates of the Home of the Daugh ters of Jacob, in New York, declare that Mrs. Klchla-Shilotzy has the power of cure by touching with her magic neck lace, which she has worn for SO years. TRAVELERS' GTJTDB. "In H hS -worjcl no trip-4ike this" BT THE) NORTHERN STEAMSHIP CO. S. 8. NORTHLAND Between CHICAGO, Milwaukee, Harbor Springs, Mackinac Island, Detroit. Cleveland and BUF FALO. Sailing from Chi cago every Satur day throughout the Bummer. S. 8. NORTHWEST Between DULUTH, Houghton, Mar quette, Banlt Bte. M a rl e Macklnaa Island, Detroit. Cleveland and BUF FALO. Railing from Da lnth every Tuesday throughout the summer. 6eaaoa from June 22d. to First Week in Soptember. European or American Plan. TICKETS OPTIONAL. Rail or Steamship. For full information, rates, etc., apply to W. M. LOWR1E, Cen'l Passenger Agt., 870 Broadway, New York. Alaska 1907 EXCURSIONS 5 TRIPS , B. B. Spokane, July IX 26; August 8. Queen, July 10. NOME ROUTE. 8. E. ALASKA ROUTE. B Was way, Sitka, Juneau and way porta. Sailing P. M. - Cottars City, rla Bltka. City of Seattle v H. 8. S. Co.-s Humboldt ....July 11 2S July 20 July 22 BAN FRANCISCO ROUTE. Balling 9 A. M. From Seattle. President July 20 Umatilla July 24 Sonoma July 2S Santa Rosa July 20 City Office, 219 Washington St. PORTLAND AND PUGET BOUND ROUTE S.S.Redondo" Balling from Couch-street dock, Portland, for Seattle, Tacoma, Everett and Belling bam. July IS at 6 P. M. FREIGHT Connecting at Seattle for Nome, Oolofnlnln, St. Michael, Chena and Fairbanks with steamers Pleiades, Hyades, Lyra, Mackinaw, Ohio. fichubach A Hamilton. General Agents. Seattle, Wash. T. JS Baumrartner, Agent, Portland. Couch-Street Dock. Phones: Main 801; Horns A 4181. Ho! For Astoria FAST STEAMER TELEGRAPH Round trips daily (except Thursdays) 7 A, M. Landing, Alder-Street Dock. Phone Main 565. ANCHOR UCVB 6TEA3ISH1TS. NTTW TORK. LONDONDERRY. GLASGOW. NEW TORK. GIBRALTAR AND NAPLES. Superior Accommodation, Excellent Cuisine. Th Comfort of Passenger jarfully Com id ered. lrgl or Round Trip Tickets las sued be tween New York and Scotei., unglleii, Irish and all principal Continental point at attrac tive ratea. Send for Book of Toum. For tick etc or general Information apply to any local ngent of the Anchor Line or to HENDERSON BROS.. Gen'l Agent Chicago. SIR. CHAS. R. SPENCER Washington-Street Dock. Dally, except Sunday, for The Dalles ard war landings, at 7 A. M., returning 10 V. M. Fast time, best service. Fbonest Alain 8184 1 Home. A, 11, 84. SAW FRANCISCO at PORTLAND B. 8. CO. Only ooean steamers according daylight trip down Columbia River. XTrom Alnsworth Dock, Portland, 0 A. At. S. S. "Columbia, " July 15, 25. Aug. 4, etc B. 0. "Costa Klca," July 20, 80, Aug. 9. etc From Spear St., San Francisco, 11 A. M. S. E. "Costa Rica," July 13, 25. Aug. 4, .to. B. B. "Columbia," July 20, 80, Aug. 8, sto. JAS H. rXEWSON, Agent. MS Washington St. Pbone Main 26 S. WTLUaMETTB KIVF.B ROCTE. STEAMER FOMOSA for Salem, Monday. Welnesday and Friday, 6:45 A. M- BTEAME.B OB1-OONA for Salem, Albany. Corvallls and way, leave. Tuesday and Saturday, 0:45 A. M. Returning, leaves Corvallls Wednesday and bunday, 10:oO. For Oregon City. Steamer Altona leaves dally and Sunday, 7:30 and 11:30 A. II.. 8:80 P. M. Leaves Oregon City 0:30 A. 11.. 1:80 and 5:30 p. M. OKUOOX CITT XKAJfS. CO. Columbia River Scenery REGULATOR XJE STEAMEitg. Dally service between Portland and Ths Dalles, except Eisaday, leaving Portland at T A. M.. arriving about B P. carrying freight and passengers. Splendid accommo dations for outfits and livestock. Dock foot of Alder St.. Portland; foot of Court st, Ths Dalles. Phone Main Bit, Portland. ui'Uiiiiii!yiiBBwi -