THE SUXDAT OREGOXIA, POUTLAXDi JULY 14; 1907. 11 PERSONAL. LADIES, one word with you 28 years of suc cessful practice in Portland in the treatment of disease peculiar to women should bo suf ficient guarantee to those seeking the aid of an experienced physician and surgeon. I have afsair-ted hundreds of anxious and suf fering; women. I can assist you. If In trouble, no matter from what cause, call on old Dr. J. D. Gray, the old reliable special lst; no charge for consultation or advice. 51 Alder at., corner 3d. Portland, Or. Cor respondence sacredly confidential. DR. MARY LANE, Late superintendent of Chicago Women's Hos pital, treats diseases of women exclusively; ladles will consult their beet Interests by corr munlcatlng with me; no fee for con sultation; correspondence absolutely confi dential; maternity cases given special at tention. Sanitarium and offices, 253 Alder, corner 3d, Portland, Or. Phone Main 2786. FAT FOLKS. Tour weight, double min, buats, abdomen avrut hips reduced; have lost 41 pound; no starving, ne wrinkle; guaranteed harmless. Call Wednesday or write for booklet free. Mi s. A. O. Byers, 103" B. 27th North. Port land. Phone Wood lawn 207; morning and evening. $1 HEWAHU for the correct address of any of the following persona; Theo. Blumst, for merly at C'Ui Front fx., city; Mrs. Alice A tl llama, formerly at 57fi E. Palmon ft., city; A. I Mitchell, formerly at Lenta. Or., and William (iatfs, auppsed to be around Kelso, Wash. C. Miller, 101 1st St., city. KNOW THY future, get a perfect picture of pant and present absolutely free, with forecast for the year. Pie benefited by what the Mars can tell you. Send birth date and year, with self-addresBed stamped envelope to Veron Molva, Syracuse, Ind. STITS pressed while you wait, 60c To vis itor of Portland hotels and to miblio at large: Suits- pressed at 50o at Gilbert, the tailor's. 100H 6th at., next to Quelle. La dles' skirts pressed, 60c. Feathers and boas cltaned and curled. Phone Pacing 2068. 6UITS French drv or steam cleaned and presjed for $1.20; regular price $2 and $2.6o, brought in from 7 to 11 A. M. Mon day only; ladiea work 40 per cent off. . French Fancy Cleaning Co., 211 4th. Phones Main 6215, Home A li947. AMERICAN YOUNG lady worth $4000 cash, will also Inherit large farming interests, wishes to meet young or xnlddle-aged man with view to matrimony. (Poverty no ob jection.) Address Miss Hart, Dept 820-54 Wabash, Chicago. IS THIS YOUR TROUBLE? YOUR NERVES . twitch, you don't sleep well. rlmo Taii lcts will cure you; 50c a box, 8 for s-w, guaranteed. Sold by all druggists, or ad dress Brooke Drug Co., 07 orth Sd St., Portland, Or. ANY ONE buying or contemplating buy In v a piano or organ, can secure a $40 certifi cate on Reed French Piano House at a great discount by calling on or addressing aire. J. L- Mallery, 354 Salmon at., Port land. Or. ' WHEN YOU DON'T FEEL WELL AND don't know what la the matter, ,then Sex lne Pills will cure you; SL a box, 6 boxes $5; full guarantee. Address J. A. Clemen . aon, druggist, 2d and Yamhill sts.. Port land, Or. Swedish trained nurse, Helsingfors graduate, cures rheumatiam. nervous diaorders, sprains, superfluous fat hand rubbing, steam, sweat and tub baths. 7 East 11th atreet; take Eaet Ar.keny car. Phone East 260. Home B 1803. LIFE IS WORTH LIVING WHEN YOU feel well; Sexine Pills make you feel well; price $1 a box, 6 for 5; full guarantee. Address or call J. G. Clemenson, druggist, comer 2d and Yamhill sts.. Portland, Or. FREE Your fortune told, future and past revealed surprising, by America's eminent philosopher, astrologlst, clairvoyant fat. .John, 12 Sheldon St., Chicago. Send birth date and stamp. Know thyself. LADIES Ask your druggist for Chiches ter Diamond Brand Pills. For 25 years known as the best, safest. Reliable. Tae no other. CMchesters Diamond Brand Pills. Sold by druggists everywhere.- DON'T BE DULL AND FORGETFUL, SEX lne Pilla cure all forms of weakness; $1 a box. 6 for 3, with fuil guarantee. Ad dress or call J. A. Clemenson, druggist, 2d and Yamhill ats., Portland. Or. CHRONIC, nervous and apecial disease of -men and women cured by modern scientific methods; electric treatment for diseases of. the prostate; consultation free. .Dr. W. L Howard. Commonwealth bldg. LOST VITALITY IS QUICKL1 RESTORED by the use of Sexise Pills. 91 a box, 6 boxes 5, with full guarantee. Address or call, J. A. Clemenaon, druggist, corner 2d and Yam hill iu., Portland. Or. - DR. INA NEW COMB, dermatologist, a grad uate from London Beamy College, has opened office In Fleldner bldg., 10th and Wash., room 303; also all branches of the work taught. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, MOLES. ETC.. Re moved by electric needle ; established 18&4 ; physicians' references, lady operator. Par lors 170 10th St.. near Morrises. Phons Main 6267. A LADY of education and refinement wishes the acquaintance of a gentleman ; between the age of 05 and 75, with no had habits, matrimonially Inclined. 3 3(J, - Oregonian- A REFINED, educated woman. 48. excellent references, would " marry a clan, honor able, wealthy man, 55 to 70, one who en joys country home preferred. B 23, Ore gonian. DRESS suits for rem, ali sizes; 91 month keeps your clothes cleaned, pressed, buttons sewed on, rips sewed. Prompt calls and de liveries. Unique Tailoring Co.. &of Stark at. LADIES Dr. Sanderson's Co-Savin and Cot ton Root Pills are the only sure remedy for female troubles and irregularities; by mail, 92 box. Dr. Pierce, 181 1st st., Portland. PRETTY ORPHAN girl, 22 years of age. worth 920,000, desires to correspond with . gentlemen with view to matrimony. Ad dress, Lock box 4, East Boston, Mass. "THE Perfect Shirt Marker needs no adjust. Ing, right the first time; postpaid, 60 cents Minneapolis Novelty Co., Dept. 1, 610 8th st.. South, Minneapolis, Minn. PORTLAND Matrimonial Club solicits busl - ness from reliable people only; fine local lk?t; strictly confidential. Address Mrs. H. C. Wilbur, 406 3d and Harrison; 6 car. MARRY Wealth and beauty; marriage di rectory free; pay when married; entirely new plan; send no money. Address H. A. Horton, Dept. 81, Tekonsha, Mich. LOST powers restored by the great Dr. Lor ens' Nerve Tonic Tablets, 2oc a box. Write rr call at Eyssel's Pharmacy, 'I'll Morrison st., bet. 1st and 2d WANTED YOUNG LADY APPRENTICE; Portland Hotel; manicure and hair dressing shop in the Court. GERMAN, French, Spanish and other Foreign Dictionaries Text Books and Literature (German books a specialty). A. W. bchmals Co.. 21:9 First st. DR. KETCHUM treats the special diseases of women ; likewise all private affltctions of men. Phone Pacific 2229. 170 3d St., cor. Yamhill. A. REINIER. practical furrier; sealskin gar ments redyed and remodeled; expert fitter; estimates given; lowest prices. 663 Wash. DR. J. T. PIERCE- cures all nervous, chronio and private diseases, both sexes; office treat ment 50c to 91? Call or write, 181 1st at. Mme. Courtrlght, skin and scalp treatments; facial deformities corrected; plastic surgery. 225 Fleldner bldg. Main 6042.. Home A 2069. MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hair removed. No charge to talk it over. Mrs. M. D Hill, room 330, FUedner bldg. Pacific 135, WANTED Private pupils who wish to do any work In the grade schools. Inquire 834 Halsey et. Phone East 5142. MME. Lt'CKEY Is in her new quarters and Is prepared to treat her old and also new customers. 1466 Front st. WANTED To meet honorable ladles and gent lemen of responsible age ; object, mat rimony. S 50, Oregonian. GENTLEMAN, 44, income 9500 per month, would marry. Confidential. C Box 35, Toledo. O. PROF. GRIFFITH gives free, educational lec ture on the science of life, 2:30 P. M.. 66 North Cth. MISS ETHEL WARD, manicurist and chi ropodist. Is now In room 16. 351 Morri son st. BUSINESS CHANCES. 9800 WILL buy one of .best cigar stands city; poor health; sacrifice. B 41, Orego nian. WANTED Capitalist to look into our manu facturing business. Call phone East 2996. FINE opening for meat market. Inquire at store. East 16th and Alberta ats. WANTED Party that came to cottage on hill Sunday last to call again. FOR SALE A good butter and buttermilk routs. Inquire- 614 Qulmby st. BUSINESS CHANCES. HOTELS FOR SALE. Will sell half Interest In one of the best European hotels in Seattle. Fine bar trade. Gross business over 970.000 an nually. Price, 928,000, with 918,000 down. Furniture and lease, 100 -room European hotel, all modern; price, f 16,000, with 9000 down; hotel Is paying 40 per cent, which the books will show. Furniture and lease, 110 rooms, American-plan hotel, clearing 910.000 yearly; price, 930,000, with 912,000 down. Furniture and lease, 140-room American and European plan hotel, clearing 925,000 yearly. Price, 960,000, with 925,000 down. Furniture and lease, 70-room American plan hotel, clearing 97500 yearly; price, 917.000, with 932,900 down. Realty and furniture 8-story frame lead ing 40-room country hotel, good bar; price, 99500; only 94000 down; ground worth, the price. Lease and furniture, new 65-room coun try hotel, fine business; price, 97000 cash. Lease and furniture 85-room country hotel, good bar; price. 92500 cash. TV are headquarters for hotels and hotel 'men. E. C. GREENE A CO., - Hotel Brokers, 809 Marion Bldg.. Seattle, Wash. LIBERAL REWARD for return to Barbers Pharmacy, Park and Morrison, of the fix lures taken from 1st and Alder sts on Friday last. IF YOU WANT Anything In the following, call and us. We have a complete list: GROCERY STORES HOTELS RESTAURANTS SALOONS ROOMING-HOUSES CIGAR STORES In all parts of the city. COMMERCIAL INVESTMENT COMPANY. 330-331-332 LUMBER EXCHANGE. PARTNER WANTED A shrewd, energetic man with flO.oOu or 921.000, who will devote his entire time and thus release an over worked man of a part of his work, can make 10 or 12 per cent Interest flrM. year and double his capital In three years; will sell 1-3 or Interest well established and big paying business to right party at absolute cost. No chance for loss; will bear close investigation; no agent or speculators; a worker wanted. Reference required. B 36, Oregonian. LIST your property with . ' C. S. ARNOLD & CO., Original Hotel Broker. Hotels, rooming or furnished houses bought, sold and exchanged in all parts Of the United States. C. S. ARNOLD A CO.. Original Hotel Brokers, Removed to 351 Morrison st. Phone Main 731L RETAIL candy, Ice cream and bakery busi ness, complete candy, Ice cream and bakecy outfit, good soda fountain. Only ice cream and candy store in city of 7000, with good future; healthy climate; altitude 5000 feet. Patronized by the best trade and doing fine business. Reason for selling : other busi ness that needs our personal attention. Three-horse electric motor for freezing, etc. G 38. Oregonian. BEST business chance In "Vancouver; gener al merchandise; building 25 by 80; all lat est improvements, plate glass front, living-rooms upstairs; stock wiU Invoice about 93750; price, everything complete. 97000; or will sell fixtures and stock at invoice and rent building. Address Ore gonian, Agent, Vancouver, Wash. FOR SALE Price -$1250;.. a splendidly equipped millinery store, stock and fixtures, in a large growing town In Eastern Wash ington; stock all staples; will invoice 91500; rent of store, including 4 lijiing rooms, 935 per month. For full particu lars address P 36. Oregonian. GENTLEMAN from the East, 20 years' ex perience as manager In some of the bent furniture factories In Michigan, Is desirous of meeting parties with capital to go in the manufacture of extension and center tables In this city or state. Address E 35, Oregonian. MAKE YOUR LIFE EASY. 9450 for rattling good Ice cream, con fectionery and cigar stand, with living rooms; 910 rent; makes good living and money; thorough investigation solicited. F. FUCHS. 221 Morrison St. FOR RENT Large new hotel st new R. R. terminal grounds, 12th and Marshall ats.; has 143 rooms, dining-room and kitchen; all modern conveniences; 5-year lease; rent 9500 per month. Apply to Phil Gevurtz, of Gev urtz & Sons, 173-5 First st. DO YOU need capital to extend or start business? If so, write me today. Excep tional facilities for placing stocks or bonds quickly. Everett Dufour, corporation at torney, Le Droit bldg., Washington, D. C. FOR SALE New grocery store, net build ing, new stock of groceries, wagon and harness; doing nice business, $30 per day ; building, stock and fixtures, all for 92000. Call 206 Allsky. X 37, Oregonian. HARDWARE and implement business, In Val ley town ; stock and building, about 98000, but could reduce the stock 92000 In a very short time; good reason for selling. Q Bl, Oregonian. THE best confectionery, cigar, tobacco and ice cram parlor in the city, with fine soda fountain and fixtures; doing $ioO a month business. G 34, Oregonian. PATENTS secured or fee returned; terms low; highest references; advice and literature free. Vashon & Co., patent attorneys, 500 E at., N. W., Washington. D. C. WANTED 9800 to 91000 active interest in live, all-round stationery and fancy goods business; please give location In first letter. Address B 39, Oregonian. PARTNER wanted to take active interest in established business; ability and about $d000 needed. Will stand strictest investigation. Addrees A 17. Oregonian. PARTNER to take active Interest In eaw and planing mill; plenty business, plenty tim ber; big chance for man with little money. C 23. Oregonian. 95000 WILL buy hotel netting 93000 per year; new building, good location; one of best towns on Upper Columbia. 402 Com mercial bldg. FOR SALE A well established grocery busi ness on one of the best corners In the city; doing 97000 a month cash business. F 81. Oregonian. FOR SALE First-class grocery, doing $00,000 business annually, high-claws trade; a money maker. Will pay to investigate. Lock box 682. FOR immediate sale list your rooming-houses with us, we are overcrowded with cash buy ers. Lard, Sandefer & O'Connor, 351 Mor rison at. BLACKSMITH and shoeing shop for sale; good business and location. Adartt&s S. B. Flnegan, 64 West 8th St.. Eugene, Or. BE3AUTIFUL furniture of a 14-room house, modern, central, long lease; also five-room flat. No agents. T 100, Oregonian. BAKERY Doing good business in one of the best locations In Port land ; cheap If taken soon. D 85, Oregonian. A SNAP If sold at once; cigars, tobacco, bakery, confectionery and ice cream parlor; wish to go East. Tabor 606. FOR SALE Timber lands, sawmill and box factory properties. The Consolidated Indus try Co., 286 Washington st. ON account of health, will sell or trade caah grocery, 8-year lease on building; in vestigate. T 89, Oregonian. FOR SALE: Grocery stofe; good location; cash trade; have another business to tend. to. P 40, Ores:onlan. CHEESE factory for rent; will sell for reasonable figure; a fine opportunity. N 82. Oregonian. FOR SALE First-class cigar fixtures good location; 2 years' lease; rent 930. Call at 289 Stark st. CORNER drug store, average $20 day; Im portant other business; must sell. Call 206 Allsky bldg. FOR SALE Half Interest In fumiturs repair and second-hand business. Address H 35, Oregonian. TAILOR shop for sals account of sickness; doing good business; Investigate. 73 N. 6th at. WILL pell at a sacrifice, a good paying busi ness; $995 capital required. 229 13th st. A BARGAIN Hotel fixtures for sale and hotel for rent. Box 1 75, Springfield, Or. WANTED Partner at once with little money to travel on the road. G 40, Oregonian. HOTEL and bar .for sale; doing good busi ness; a bargain, K 37, Oregonian, BUSINESS CHANCES. CROWN BUSINESS EXCHANGE, BEST BANK REFERENCES. No office charge. Commission only. The name sells your business. Do you wish to buy sell or exchange any legitimate busine? We make a specialty of securing your wants quickly. The following list is only few of many houses we have In all pans of the city. $2650. 20 rooms right in heart of city. The fur niture of this house is very swell and cost 93350 less than 4 months ago. Low rent; 2 years' lease ; 9 1400 caah ; balance easy terms: $550. 11 rooms in housekeeping suites, very nicely furnished; clears $40 a month above expenses; excellent location on corner; 9350 cash, balance monthly. $1050. 22 rooms, with beautiful dining-room and well arranged kitchen; furniture and car pets are very good; cheap rent; house clears 9150 a month;. 91000 cash, balance monthly. . 92500. N 25 rooms, family hotel; excellent location; very nicely furnished; clears $200 a month; i long lease; it you are looking for something good see this. $1150. 12 rooms within 2 blocks of Portland Ho tel on corner; best location In city : beau tiful lawn with roses; swell furniture; mp quette and velvet carpets; house clears $50 a month; see this before buying; terms. . $750. 17 rooms on Washington st.. close in; cheap rent; long lease, furniture and car ret are new. This house will clear you $75 a month,; easy terms. 94800. 40 rooms, house within short walking;, dis tance and one of the best houses tn the city; strictly modern throughout; oak and B. L maple furniture; velvet and body brus sels carpets ; 6 years lease ; 93000 cash, balance monthly. 91500. 36 rooms, close in. neatly furnished; iron beds, oak dressers; this is a bargain an-I a good buy besides a money-maker, clearing over $150 a month; $800 will secure it for you. $3500. 80 rooms Tery nicely furnished in oak and B. B. carpets; piano included. This house is strictly modern and in excellent lo cation; clearing $175 a month; long lease; very cheap rent; 91800 secures it for you. CROWN BUSINESS EXCHANGE. 88 Raleigh bldg. 6th and Wash. Phons Main 6921. FOR SALE Lodglng-houm in fine location, doing better than $20 per day, at very small expense; the best money-maker in the city; good reasons for selling. This Is a bargain and will prove it. We have, for a short time only, a 2-story brick business block, located in the beet block in the city; well rented and in fine condition; this will net a good Income and advance rapidly. Can sell you a tjood confectionery and cigar stand, doing nice business, and well located; good fixtures and fine class of trade; owner has other Interests and will sell at invoice. Come and look It over. 30.91 acres of heavily timbered land on the Lewis River and within one mile of R. R. ; email house and barn; has never been logged and will make a lot of cord wood; cheap at 91000. ELDREDGE REALTY CO., 110 4th st., Vancouver, Wash. EXCEPTIONALLY FINE. 88 rooms, new brick ; private baths, hot and cold water In all rooms, steam heat; 3 year lease; gross income for month of June 91356; elegantly furnished; best location in the city; listed exclusively with us; call for particulars. DIETZ-MUELLBR CO.. 605 Swetland bldg., 6th and Wash sts. HEADQUARTERS FOR ROOMING-HOUSES, WE HAVE) THE BEST. , 25 rooms, rent $05, furniture and carpets all new; clears 9H0 month; 91850. 42 rooms, the best in town, 4 years' lease, s. big money-maker; terms. We have a large list In all parts of the city, any size. Remember the number. H. W. GARLAND & CO., 191 4th at. CONFECTIONERY. A money-maker, 2 years' lease at $B0; located on Washington st.; plenty of room and an A-l trade; restaurant can be add ed; a nice print. Other business cop els sale. Price 91650; terms. Give us a call, we have the best. THE VETERAN LAND CO., 1.65.& Third street. A REGULAR BEAUTY. 12 rooms, corner, elegantly furnished; fur nace heat, swell location; rent 9oO per mo.; absolutely clearing $50 per month net and owner occupies 8 best rooms In the house. Call for price. DIETZ-MTJELLBR CO.. 506 Swetland bldg., 6th and Wash sts. ROOMING and boarding-house; corner lot, 60x 100; 29 rooms, all furnished; 24 regular roomers and boarders; price 95200 for lot, building, furniture and business; we have party on hand ready to lease property. Abraham & White, 227 Washington st. A FEW snaps; small blocks of Alaska Pe troleum, Almeda. B. C. Amalgamated, Con sumers' Coal, Imperial Coal and Indiana. See us about all stocks before buying or selling; we can. save you money. Catterlln, Ablngton bldg. ' . $4000 Planing mill, with R. R. sidetrack, dry-kiln, etc., netting 9000 yearly; good lo cation, near Portland; owner must retire on account of health ; this is your ohance. M. C. Davis, 16 Hamilton bldg. GROCERS A fine large grocery store with a big business, must be gold at invoice; fully equipped, must be sold, all new stock; Invoicing about $3500. Room 823 Lumber Exchange. SPECIAL Partner wanted by . light manu facturer to collect, look after work, etc Owner shows you 9160 a month to your self; 9400 required. Call 24SH Stark st. PAYING cigar store, right in center of city; fine fixtures, reasonable rent, to exchange for real estate; will Invoice about 91200. M. C. Davis, 16 Hamilton bldg. Main 4610. FOR SALE Good business; fine milk busi ness route; 23 cows; span fine drivers; everything complete. Estacada line, Luther Station. P- H. Trigg, proprietor. FOR SALE Business snap seldom offered; will sell or take partner In up-to-date laundry in Victoria; clears 9050 monthly. Address Wm. Bwig. Victoria, B. C. AN established real estate man will eell half Interest in his business to a man capable of attending to office. Very little money re quired. Room 323 Lumber exchange. PARTNER wanted for strictly cash business-, must be sober and satisfied with 9125 a month at start; 9350 required and duties easily learned. Call 248 H Stark! st. CASH paid for stocks of merit. Mineral pros pects bought and developed. Consult ms for large profits on small Investments. W. J. Curtis, 215 Commercial blk. 97000 BUYS good general merchandise store and building, with 4 lots. In good thriv ing town on O. W. P. carline. Particulars at 325 Lumber Exchange. ONE of the best little confectionery and cigar stands on Washington street for sale; 9l-00. Sickness compels owner to sell. Room 323 Lumber Exchange. GENERAL mercantile business in Western Oregon town for sale at invoice; stock all new will Invoice about 9000; terms. ' Room 23 Lumber Exchange. , SALOON Your chance today; well located; rent $40; lease 6 years; stock and license paid; snap at 9650. C. F. Nelson, 329 Burns! de st.- OLD established suburban real estate office, on account of leaving city can be bought now for 9500. Sellwood 161. Care 16G5 East 13th st. DRY goods and gents furnishing goods business for sale; about $400O required; fins location, East Side. Address S 38, Oregonian. 92000 WITH your services will put a reliable . man Into an elegant business, which will clear you 9300 a month. Call 191 th at. FOR SALE A No. 1 money-maker, 22 rooms. 31 beds; lease; rent 970; will take 9860 for a quick sale. 81 North 3d sc FOR SALE Good feed barn, close in, pay ing from 9275 to 9350 per month above all expenses. Long lease. T 32. Oregonian. EXCELLENT saloon In center, of town for sale. Including license; 91200. A snap for some one. Room 323 Lumber Bxchange. COUNTRY store, will invoice 91500; if wanted will sell building also at 91200. A rattling good little store. Call 248 Stark sL 92500 Partner wanted for outside work, owner shows you can clear 95000 a year; best references. Call 248 Stark st. FOR SALE One of the finest cigar stores on Washington st., with or without stock; good lease. B 40, Oregonian. 91000 PROFIT in 60 days on investment of 91500; money secured 'by real estate. P W. Henderson, 243 Stark St. BALOON Best bargain In Portland, central location: fine site for -cigar stand annex. O 53, Oregonian. FOR SALE 3-chair barber shop for sale cheap. 228 i Morrison at. FOR SALE Wall paper and painting busl- ness; stock, tools, etc. 009 E- Ash st. DIVIDEND-PAYING stocks to exchangs for city or farm property. P. O. Box IV. BUSINESS CHANCES. ROOMING-HOUSE HEADQUARTERS. ELLIS YORK & CO.. Rooms 20 and 21, Cambridge bldg,, 264 Morrison St.. S. W. cor. 3d st. IF YOU WANT TO BUY A ROOMING-HOUSE, call at the above address. We have them, all sizes, all style, all prices from 9250 to 918.000. All the desirable ones for sale are on our list. Terms may be arranged on any. RED-HOT PROPOSITION. 81 ROOMS Best corner in central busi ness district; furniture and carpets extra good; lease 3 years, cheap rent; large tran sient business; can show you the figures for a clear profit of 9200 a month. Owner needs money elsewhere and offers this for ths small sum of 92750. GET IT WHILE YOU CAN. 12 ROOMS Nice modern dwelling near Morrison and 13th; furniture biraseys ma ple and oak, carpets body brueseis; fur nished all new a year ago; cheap rent; an elegant home, with large grounds, where you can pay every family expense from rent of room. and then some. RARB BARGAIN at 91000; part cash. SOMETHING GOOD. 43 ROOMS Modern apartments. In splen did business location; new brlcK, with steam heat, hot and cold water In every apartment, several private baths, furnished elegantly and completely; pays $3oO a month clear; full, with a waiting list; long lease; cheap rent; pries for quick sale, 93250. SPLENDTD PROPOSITION. 75 ROOMS Fine location, well furnished; rent only 9300, including . steam heat, hot and cold water; lease; income 91000 a month. Price reduced to $6000; taks city real estate as part. GREAT BARGAIN. 83 ROOMS Furnished swell: best busi ness location, steam heat; present owner has cleared 9200 a month for 2 years. This la offered at greatly reduced pries for quick pale only 93700; 92700 cash, bal ancs monthly. NOTHING EQUALS THIS IN THE) CITY. 27 ROOMS In best residence section, running hot and cold water in rooms, fur nishings the best market affords, cheap rent, long lease. Price . 93400. ONLY 9450. 0 ROOMS Residence within 2 blocks of Portland Hotel; furniture good and a big snap at this price. You can make all fam ily expenses here and that is certainly going some on an investment of 950, which would bring you 915 a year In th bank. IF NOT, WHY NOT? Buy this 17-ROOM PLACE on Washing ton street in good business block; excellent surroundings and doing big businees: rent only 975, with two years' lease, for 9750. SPLENDID BUT. 16 ROOMS Flat in business block, central West -Side; all housekeeping; rent only 950; lease 3U, years; receipts 9145. Price, 9850, half cash. CALL BEFORE YOU BUT And see what we have In FRIVATB ROOMING and BOARDING-HOUSES, EUROPEAN and FAMILY HOTELS, APARTMENT-HOUSES and cheap LODGING-HOUSES. Some of the best are not advertised. DO IT NOW. THERE IS OFFERED by a prominent mining company a block of stock that is sure to pay several hundred per cent profit. It offers a rare chance to investors who recog nize a good proposition. The stock can be purchased for about 25c per share, and will soon sell at 91. Are producing and shipping gold. No prospect, but one of the safest and best Investments ever offered In Portland. Stock wil not only soon be 91. but Inside information is such that it will go to several times that amount as soon as dividends are declared. The advertiser Is not one of the company, but holds an option on a large block of stock that he cannot handle alone, therefore am taking In some outsider to help me take up ths amount contracted for. In order to get it at the present low price, as the stock will advance 25c In a few days. When answering state how much you can handle if satisfied, and I - will call and give full particulars. A 40, Oregonian. FOR SALE Best business proposition in state; a building, new store In booming young town; have 97000 stock of dry goods, clothing and shoes; on account of ill health am forced to abandon project of opening up new store; will sell stock at a discount and rent room. This is an exceptional chance to get in on the ground floor of a sure thing. Talk quick. N 30, Oregonian. HERB IS YOUR CHANCE. We can sell half interest In rooming house, 40 rooms, to reliable woman who can superintend same. This house pays 9200 a month profit above expenses, including help to do this work. Only 91100 cash re quired. ' ELLIS, YORK St CO., Rooms 20 and 21, 264 Morrison st. RESTAURANT, doing business of 970 a day, in best location of city; long lease and low rent, at a bargain. 225 Fifth st. -' I GOOD CHANCE for unincumbered woman to take half interest in and full charge of nicely furnished rooming-house, 23 rooms. In business section of city. Owner prefers part ner to hiring housekeeper, and will make lib eral arrangements with one capable of talc ing full charge. V 39, Oregonian. WANTED OFFICE MAN. 96000 buys half interest In marble and granite business, with the best of bank ref erences. Present owner will do all outside work while you look after the financial part. STANDARD INVESTMENT CO., 225 Fifth st. HOTEL TO LEASH. In San Francisco for a term of years; jnew 8-story brick and steel structure, 166 rooms; 75 baths; office, lobby, dining-room; grill, elevator, etc. ; modern and up-to-date; in best downtown district. G 65, Oregonian, CHANCE for reliable man with about 94000 to get an Interest in new, well established retail store in center of city; long lease; modern building; reasonable rent; no liquor store. None but a business man need ap ply. H SO, Oregonian. START a business for yourself; 920 to 930 weekly, using and selling Duplex Pant Creasers; big profits; enormous demand; experience unnecessary; we teach you free. Duplex Manufacturing Co., Dept. E, Box 672, Los Angeles, Cad. OLDEST grocery and hardware, doing 975 per day, price invoice 93200; owner has waterworks system and will keep his of fice in store; this Is the best suburban proposition on the market. Call room 44 Concord bldg. PATENT secured or fee returned. Illustrated Guide Book and Ust of Inventions wanted, free to any address. Patents secured by us advertised free In World's Progress, Sam ple copy free. Evans, Wil kens & Co., Wash ington. D. C. I HAVE a good business, clearing 910,000 each year; will sell half Interest and give a good position to responsible party; must have best of references; this is a rare op portunity; young man preferred. A 80, Ore gonian. FOR SALE: Price 9200; one of ths best little millinery stores in the Willamette Valley; cleared over 9500 last season; reasons for selling, removed from stats. Address for particulars G 80, Oregonian. FOR Immediate sale, hardware business do ing a good business on a business street; owner has other business to tend to and must sell; a good buy. - Inquire at 206 Allsky bdg, cor. Morrison and 3d. EXPERIENCED New York lawyer wants to go In partnership with young lawyer In growing Oregon, Washington or Cali fornia city. Address John Mead, 231 W. 22d st-. New York City. 80-ROOM hotel; flnet business location; new ly furnished; modern; clearing 9750 month ly ; for sale by owner for private reasons. Only principals with means need reply. No agents. G 13, Oregonian. FOR SALE The leading general store in ths best location in St. Johns; doing good busi ness; stock reduced to very low amount; easy terms; must sell by August 1. R 33, care Oregonian. WANTED, to buy out prosperous, estab lished general merchandise business; stock . 93000 to $10,000; located on lake or river city or country, if good territory. D 39, Oregonian. DENTIST retiring would sell office and den tal furniture and Instruments, ' In Southern Oregon ; no competition. Address or consult H. A. Holmes, 401 Oregonian bldg., Port land. 91000 AND services to Invest In A-l proposi tion; no fake; you have a gentleman to deal with; particulars first letter or no attention given. W 31, Oregonian. I WISH to correspond with party willing to Invest ten or thirty thousand dollars in acreage now ready to plat and near s 60 car line. V 86. Oregonian. 94000 CASH takes an Income-bearing property cloee in, paying 12 per cent on the Invest ment. Lard, Sandefer & O'Connor, 851 Morrison st. BAKERY for sale in live country town, ac count of sickneps; good cash trade, no oppo sition; 9050. V 64. Oregonian. A-l MFG. business wants mors money; active interest to right party; investigate. N 26, Oregonian. BUSINESS CHANCES. DIETZ-MUELLER CO.. 503-5 SWETLAND BLDG.. FIFTH AND WASHINGTON. HEADQUARTERS FOR ROOMING-HOUSE BARGAINS AND QUICK RESULTS. NEW TODAY. - , 50 rooms, new corner brick : private baths, hot and cold water In every room, steam heat; 4 years' lease; rent 93O0; clearing 945O per month. A little beauty. Elegantly furnished. Price, $10,000 ANOTHER BEAUTY. 40 rooms, new corner brick; hot ana cold water in every room, steam beat; superbly furnished and 3"4 years' lease; rent 9250; best location in the city: posi tively clearing above all expenses 9300 per month.. Price, 9750O. VERY CHEAP. 24 rooms, new corner brick; hot and cold water in every room; steam heat; nicely furnished; clearing above all ex penses 9150 per month; 2 years lease j rent, including heat and bot water, 9123 per month. Price, 92400. JUST ELEGANT. 14 rooms, beautifully furnished; bonton location, beautiful lawn and large ve randas; house Is strictly modern, clear ing 9150 per month above all expenses. To see this Is to buy. Price, 93000. MODEL HOME. 12 rooms, close in, extra well furnished, good lease, low rent ; clearing 950 per month; owner occupies 3 rooms; extra good buy for $1250. VERY SWELL. 26 rooms. 4 blocks from Portland Hotel, surrounded by beautiful homes; hot and cold water In rooms; furnace heat; nicely furnished, cheap rent; good lease and a money-maker. Price, 944O0. The above are just a few of our many good, buys, and if you are In the market tor a rooming-house, hotel or family boarding-house, it is to your most VITAL INTEREST to see us before buying. D1ETZ-MUELLER CO., 603-5 Swetland Bldg., Fifth and Washington. Phones Main 160, A 1500. BARGAINS IN ROOMING-HOUSES. DEVLIN & FIREBAUGH, 608-509 Swetland bid. If you want a rooming-house or have one for sale, you will find It worth your while to call on us. Below we call your attention to a few of the places listed with us. EXTRA FINE. 40 rooms; beautiful corner location; ele gantly furnished; furnace heat, gas and electricity; high-class trade; can show a clear profit of $200 monthly; rent 9200, with 44 years' lease; price 94800; terms. . THIS IS A MONEY-MAKER. 23 rooms; furnished well; furnace heat; within a few blocks of business center ; some transient trade; monthly receipts aver age 9250; rent only 9100; if you want a money-maker, better inquire about this. MODERN BRICK. 23 rooms, centrally located; steam heat, gas and electricity; all nicely 'furnished; in come 9350 per month. Rent, including steam heat, 9150 per month; good leasej price 92350. APARTMENT-HOUSE. 40 rdoms. nearly all housekeeping; corner brick; centrally located and well furnished; rent only 9120, with good long lease; month ly receipts nearly $3000. leaving a hand some profit every month; better see this place if you want a money-maker; price 82800; particulars at office only. CORNER BRICK. 24 rooms; all nicely furnished; hot and cold water in every room; rent only 9125, including steam heat; absolutely clearing 9150 per month. Better see us about tbjs and get particulars. BOARDING-HOUSE) SNAP. 12-room boarding-bouse; well located, close In ; doing good business, old lady retiring from business, will sell at sacrifice; rent S45; price only 930O. BETTER SEE THIS ONE). 10 rooms, nicely furnished; only 4 blocks from postofflce; fine location to rent rooms; rent 946; yours for the low price of 9500. NOTE THIS PLACE. 11 rooms; well furnished; steam beat; fine close in -location; south of Morrison st. In come over 9100 monthly; price 9750. DEVLIN & FIREBAUGH. 608-508 Swetland bldg., cor. 5th and Wash, COME early If you want one of these bar gains: 21-room hotel, new furniture; 9850. lS-room houce. swell furnishings", 9950. 80 rooms, fairly well furnished: 91500. 20 rooms, excellent location; 91250. 69 rooms, good furniture; 93000. 75-room hotel, with bar; good location; room bouse, rent $90; good location; $3000. Good restaurant, new furniture; 950. 11-room boarding-house; 9750. Rooming-house, 22 rooms! 9S50. 17-room house, new furniture ; ! 950. 155-room hotel, clearing 9800 per mo. ; 111,000. 60-room hotel, elegantly furnished; 913,500. 84500 will handle this. 72-room -hotel, steam-heated, 9600O. 45 rooms, steam-heated, hot and cold water in every room, elegantly furnished ; 98000. , We have numerous country hotels and many more la the city. Come and let us show you. C. S. ARNOLD & CO., The Original Hotel Brokers, 851 H Morrison st. Phone Main 7311. GENUINE HOTEL SNAPS. All in Portland. 7000 A dandy buy. t 13, 000 An excellent location. i4t00O An extra good buy; will net 00 per cent on the Investment. See the Rustlers. LARD, SANDEFER & O'CONNOR. 851H Morrison St., room 6. ON account of other business, will sell my Interest in a thoroughly reliable company for 94500 ; company doing good business; large profits; my position of 9150 per month will be given to purchaser of my Interest, which is 45 per cent capital stock all fully paid; the best of bonk refer ences. J 53, Oregonian. GOOD business opportunity. A good, prac tical man will be admitted to one-third or one-half Interest In the best paying busi ness In city for money invested ; estab lished for years; absolutely safe; object, to extend business; wages and share of big profits, to active man, A. Routledge, 8 Grand ave.( N. . 9260 BU XS cigar and confectionery business in fine location; rent only 93; takes in from 912 to 924 a day. STANDARD INVESTMENT CO., 225 Fifth st. WANTED Republican newspaper; give lowest cash price; reason selling; receipts- dlsbusements; Inventory; prices received; descriptive town: copies own and competing papers. Box A, Kasson, Minnesota- AN experienced Insurance man recently from the East desires to purchase a fire Insur ance agency In Portland or an interest in one any communication will be treated In strict confidence. Address M 62, Oregonian. 98500 WILL buy V interest in manufacturing plant paving 40 per cent; this Is the best proposition on the market; if you mean busi ness, investigate. 510 Buchanan Bldg., 286 Washington st. STOCK, bond offering mining, electric, in dustrial or railway company wanted for sale commission basis. Address, full particulars, Clientele, P. O. box 208, New York. ON ACCOUNT of death, must sell a confec tionery store and a meat market; these are good chances for you and must be sold; make offer. B 61, Oregonian. COMPANY now forming can accommodate small number of investors of 9100 to $500 on ground-floor proposition; give phone. N 63, Oregonian. DELICATESSEN and lunch room, clearing 98 to 910 a day; good location; parties leaving city; reasonabls pries. O 41, Oregonian. FOR SALE Good-paying business; will enter tain exchange for house and lot or acreage and pay cash difference. Main 6297. A 2417. 9750 SECURES a good motion picture show in good town; business excellent. Ad dress 640 Willamette st., Eugene. A LUNCH counter business, recently fitted up. for sale, account of illness. 'Call at 807 Stark st. FOR SALE 3000 shares of Almeda Con. Mines Co. stock; make me an offer. F 53, Oregonian. FOR SALE 20-room rooming-house; 14 fur nished. For particulars call landlady. Pa cific 2737. LUNCH counter for sale or trade; big busi ness, first-class location. Address C 64, Ore gonian. FURNISHED- dining-room; no cash rent. New Grand Central, 3d and Flanders. 9600 BUYS profitable business; this is no fake; investigate. E. 31, Oregonian. STORE for rent, 836 Union ave. ; best pf place for grocery; 916 month. 7-ROOM lodging-house, good location for .sale. Call 084 Pine St. BUSINESS CHANCES. WB ARE RUSTLERS. LARD, SANDEFER A O'CONNOR. Read our Rooming-House Bargains. 9800 17 rooms, newly furnished; good lo catlr.l. 91350 or 91000 terms, or will trade for farm, acreage or cily property. 8S rooms, modern conveniences, etc. f 1400 A dandy 17-room boarding-house. 92000 24-room housekeeping apartment, well arranged. 92500 33 rooms, central location; a good buy. 92500 30 rooms; a good comer buy. 93000 28 rooms; bast location In city; net profits 9200 per mo. 93OOO 28 rooms; an excellent corner lo cation. 930OO 28 rooms; near postofflce. 94500 27 rooms ; a swell place and a swell location. ' Don't forget it, we will rustle what you want. LARD, SANDEFER A O'CONNOR. 351 H Morrison St., room 6. IF you are looking for a first-class invest ment, I can eell you first mortgage bondts ' paying 6 per cent net. They are secured by the verv best business property. From 91000 to 950,000. THOS. McCUSKER. 205 Couch bldg. Phone Main 7646. WANTED First-class business manager for hardware manufacturing company; mubt ' have at least 95000; however, ability counts more than the money Invested ; highest reference required. J 42, care Oregonian. A BARGAIN in drug business at Huntington, Or., doing 935 per day cash : good clean stock and fixtures, valued at 97600; will s5U for 95000 ; 94000 down. Rent 950 per month. Address P. O. box 5, Huntington, Or. I WANT from 95000 to 92000 In a business that is paying considerable better than 1ft per cent net. This will bear investigation. THOS. McCUSKER. 205 Couch bldg. Phone Main 7046. THOS. McCUSKER, 205 Couch bldg. Phone Main 7648. Stocks, bonds and real estate. . I have some very desirable Investments in stocks and bonds. Prompt attention given to out-of-town correspondence. RELIABLE real estate dealer wants honest man to take half Interest; he will teach you the business; 9150 per month guar anteed; very little capital required. Room 7, First st. FOR SALra Several thousand shares of Cas cadla, 5000 Opp. Cons., 100 United Wireless. I am also buying and selling any other active stocks. 71 1 Dekum bldg. F. P. Bruck Phone Main S617. SAWMILL cutting 25,000 feet daily, have contract on 7.O00.0OO feet timber at low price. This mill will easily clear 9"5 a day; will sell controlling Interest for 9tv0. Call 24Sl Stark st. GENERAL merchandise business, near Port land, clearing 95000 annually; invoices about 910,000; owner desires to retire from business; snap. M. C. Davis, 18 Hamilton bldg. PARTNER wanted to show land, etc., expe rience not necessary; owner shows you 9150 monthly average to yourself; very little money required. Particulars 24 8 & Stark st. OWNER of a strictly cash store being tired of hired help wants a live honest partner; 9l50 required. Will stand full Investiga tion. Big profits. Call 2484 Stark st. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, en suite or single; bath, phone, nice grounds; close to carline. 1U3 St. Clair st. Phone Main 8816. Also sleeping-rooms. IN country town, restaurant with 13 rooms, furnished and clearing 9250 a month over all expenses; price 9150; terms if wanted. Call 2484 Stark st. PARTNER, with 95000, wanted; exceptional opportunity; established business; grown beyond present capital; investigate, f 55, Oregonian. WE have two rooming-houses; will be sold Monday; one at 9000 and the other for only 9 1 a0 ; guaranteed snap. noom 1, 181H First st. HAVE you 9100 to 9500 or more to invest in cash or monthly Installments? For particulars address H 04, Oregonian. BOMB of the best buys in city, partner with SiK) can make 9150 a month; call Monday. 291 Alder, room 6, upstairs. SALOON, centrally located, doing splendid business; great bargain; cigar eland annex. P 53, Oregonian. DOCTOR with large practice will sell busi ness; fine location; cheap office rent. lotf Sherlock bldg. FOR BALE Small job printing outfit, 900. L 03, Oregonian. DINING-ROOM for sale; investigate. 93 N. 6th st. LOST AND' FOUND. STRAYED Pointer pup. 8 months old; head liver and white and body solid white; small brown spot on left side of mouth. Return to WW Worcester bldg. and receive liberal reward. Phone M. 1367. LOST Fob with gold monogram M. P. Z., between 18th, 17th, N- Pacific R- R. track, opposlts Zimmerman, Wells & Brown Co. warehouse. Return to 585 Flanders; reward. LOST Female fox terrier, off S. P- train between Portland and Oswego; answers name "Guess;" liberal reward. Phone Woxdlawn 214. or L. Bauer, 807 Ivy st. SUITABLE reward for the person who found at Woodlawn waiting-room, on July 1, lady's black silk parasol, open-worked, shape of butterfly. Union 4604. LOST Coat and vest on Taylor Ferry road, between West Portland and 2d and Main. Return John Gaard, Sherwood, R. F. D. No. 1. Reward. AN EBONY pearl top cane, with Manila carved on it, lost early in June between Woodlawn and St. Johns; reward. 514 Alns worth ave. LOST Large brown fur cape on 26th St., be tween Powell and Kenilworth corner. Re turn to Blttner's store, 21st and Powell. Reward. FOUND Where mattresses are renovated, returned same day. 228 Front. Main 474. Portland Curled Hair Factory. H. Metzger. LOST Gentleman's gold watch, chain and locket, between Morrison bridge and Brook lyn postofflce. Reward. Phone Sellwood 57. LOST Black ribbon fob with monogram J. T. B., on Wednesday. .Liberal reward. 007 Corbett. Main 615. LOST One opal stickpin, Saturday. Suitable reward. Amrs Merc. Agcy., 204 Ablngton, or phone 2445. LOST Gray leather purse, containing 945 gold; reward. Leave J. F. Booths, 419 Com mercial block. LOST Pocket notebook. W- W. Brletow, 527 E- Ash. ' Return and get reward. LOST Lady's gold watchchaln; slide set with diamond. Return 405 3d. Reward. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accordion Flailing. MISs O. GOULD. 617 SWETLAND BLDG. Accordion and knlfs plaiting and pinking. Accountants. GEO. T. MURTON, 818 Chamber Commerce. Phons Main 3681. General accounting and auditing business. Assay ere and Analysts. Wells A Proebstel, mining eaglneers, metal lurgists and aesayers. 2o4) Washington. MONTANA Assay Office, 186 Morrison . Best facilities. Prices reasonable. PAUL BA7JMEL, asaayer and analyst. Gold dust bought. 207 Alder st. Chiropody and Manicuring. WM. DEVENY and Estelle Deveny. the only scientific chiropodists parlors 203 Drew building. 162 2d st. Phone Main 1801. MADAME VASHTI, chiropodist, scalp and facial massage. 201 fc 3d st., cor. Taylor. DR. FLETCHER'S SCHOOL of CHIROPODY. Skillful and painless treatments. Allsky big. J. LINDELL, expert chiropodist; all Instru ments sterilised. 702 Marquam. Main 6250. Chiropody and Pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill, room 380 FUedner bldg. Phone Pacific 135. Clairvoyants. PROPHETESS. Viola Marshfield. 1&3 4th st. Gasoline engine. Stationary, marine, electric equipments launch es, accessories, wholesale, retail; engine rs Sairlng Relereon Machiaery Co., 182-4-ft iosw BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Carpenters and Builders. W. L. Buckner, office, store fixtures, general . joouing, contracting; Boo btarx. Alain oasi. Cleaning and Dyeing. FEATHERS and feather boas cleaned, curled aye d. M. 26 10. Work called for and deliv'd. Commission Merchants. HERMAN METZGER, purchaser of hides pens, iurs, wool, monair, taiiow ana ruober and old metal and general commission mer chant. Front st., near Main, Portland, Or. TAT LOR, YOUNG & CO.. ship brokers, com liuniu.k uiEikii(wii, ou ci tuck uiug., runinna. D. C. BURNS CO., grocers and commission mere nan is, ziv ad st. Dancing. DANCING lessons, 25c during Summer montns; scnooi open ail year; social, fancy and stage dancing taught daily. Wilson's Lancins; School. Allsky bldg., 3d and Morrison sts. Iog and Ilorse Hospital. Dr. C. E. Brown, D. V. 8 , D. C. M. Dog, horse hospital. 106 N. 6th at. Union Trans Co Harness and Saddles. THE George Lawrence Co., wholesale saddle and harness mfrs., 80-86 1st. Main 226. Junk, Hides and Pelts. L. SHANK & CO., purchasers of hides, pelt. wuui. iurs, taiiow, ui4 ruuDeri, metaie ao4 sacka El 2 Front st. Leather and Findings, J. A. STROWBRIDGB LEATHER CO. E- TRDiisnea Leather and findings; Stock ton sole leather and cut atoek; full 11ns Eastern Jumbos. Ifc9 Front at. CHAS. L. MASTICK & CO., Front and OaH tor ali purposes; sole and tap cutters find ings. Machinery. B. TRENKMAN & CO., mining, eawmlll lod ging machinery, hydraulic pipes, castings, ail -tluds, repaired. 104 N. 4th at- Medical. DRUGLESS PHYSICIAN Dr. F. W. Blohm, 311 Tourny bldg. Phones Main 5218, A 217ft. Osteopathic Physicians. DR. R. B. NORTHRUP, 41Mfl-i; Dekum bldg.. Third and Washington bul Phone, office. Main 340. Residence, Main 15u3. Residence, East lu2s. Dr. Arnold Lindsay, graduate of the Osteo-1 pathle College of Kirkville, Mo., who Is a. specialist on rheumatism, stomach and all ' female disease. 410 Falling bldg. Main 7350. DR. L. B. SMITH, pioneer osteopath of Ore gon, graduate Klrkville. Mo. 4o9 Oreonia bldg. Main 1242; res. Main 2752. Paints, Oils and Glae F. E. Beach & Co., the pioneer Paint Co Window glass and glazing. I60 1st M. 1334. RASMDSSRN & CO.. jobbers paints, oils glass, sash and doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor. Patent Lawyers. B, C. WRIGHT, domestic and foreign patent; infringement cases. 6o4 Dekum. - Real Estate. A. B. RICHARDSON, Real Estate, 614 Chamber of Commerce. Rubber Stumps. ALSO seals, stencils, Tel. Slugs, bar checks etc. Coast Co., 231 Stark. Tel. 1407. P. C. STAMP WORKS. 249 Alder St. Rubber tiampB, seals, stencils, checks, brass sigoa. Safes. DIFBOLD manganese safes large lines car ried. Lock-oui opened. Jacks. J a Urn, metal furniture, Honesc prices and goods. Bota phones. J. E. Davis, 00 3d. Showcases, Bank and Store Fixtures, . R. H. RIRDSALL. designer; agent M. Winter Lumber Co., 7 Hamilton bldg. Main 5530. THE Lutko Manufacturing Co., cor. 6th and Hoyt, Phone Main 1408. Sign Painting. SIGNS ("That Attract'') Portland Sign Co.. 287 Stark. Pac. ISPg- Splrltuallsts. PROF. KHIMO, Greatest living clairvoyant. Headings on all affairs of life. ., Satisfaction guaranteed. No questions asked. . Call today. Don't wait. 832 H Washlngtoa. Phone Mala 12AT. , MME. ADWARD, spiritualist medium, can bs consulted on business, lawsuits, love, mat rimony; unites the separated, no matter ths distance or cause; satisfaction guaranteed; reading 50 cents, daily and Sunday. Moved to the Milner, 350 Morrison, cor. Park sU Elevator second floor. Parlors 8 and 4. 1 JOHN SLATER will hold a test seance to night, 8:15 sharp. W. O. W. hall, 11th,; between Washington and Alder; entire evening devoted to tests, messages and answering (sealed) written questions. MRS. SOPHIA SE1P, returned from camp Readings dally. Circle next Tuesday evening. 302 Alisky bldg. "HERMES," astrologer and palmist; know5 thy future; truth only, Ths Olive, 6U and Washington. MARION CORELLL scientific palmurt and trance medium; atie faction guaranteed. 661 Washington st. Mrs. Wallace,- famous psychic; reliable on all affairs of life. 360 Morrison st. Room 72. M A DA M A EOL I H, pal mist and clairvoyant cardreader. 22& Washington st. MAY ANDREWS, card reader, at 820 Maul St., 25c. Phone Main 7548. Storage and Transfer. OLSEN-ROE TRANSFER CO. General trans er and storage; safes, pianos and furniture moved, packed, stored or shipped; only first class, careful men employed. Off fee phones. Main 64". Home A 247; after office hours. Pacific 1061, Main 6111. Office 2ott Oak su. Portland, Or. C. O. PICK, office 88 1st., bet. Stark and Oak. Phone 696. Pianos and furniture moved and . packed for shipment ; commodious brics; warehouse, with separate Iron rooms. Front and Clay sts. Typewriters. NEW typewriters, all makes, rented, sold, re paired. Coast Agency. 231 Stark. Phnne 1407. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. NOTICE!. Bids will be received at room 200, Oregonian bldg., until noon, Wednesday, July 24, 1007, for the cartage and trans portation of The Oregonian and Evening Telegram from August 1. lftOT, to August 1, 1008, to the Postofflce, express offlcea, trains, streetcars, boats, etc. and otherwise, as may be directed by the superintendent of the mailing room of the respective newspapers. Full information may be obtained from the superintendent of the mailing room dally from 1 to 6 o'clock P. M. Ths right to re ject any or all bids is reserved. Oregonia Publishing Company. Miscellaneous. BANKRUPT NOTICE In the matters of J. L. Bonners Furniture Co., bankrupt: The undersigned will receive sealed bills for the cale of the real estate and ail machinery be longing to said estate and now located upon the premises in Sellwood, subject to ths prior lk-n of the Oregon Trust & Savings Bank and the J. M. Arthur Co. and J. A. Martin upon certain portions of said ma chinery and one motor and fixtures, the property of the Portland General Electrio Co. All of said property will be sold In one parcel. Bids will be received by the under signed at the Oregon Trust & Savings Bank on or before Friday, July 1H, ltt7, at lo A. M. Bids shall contain certllied checks for 10 per cent of amount of bid, and the right Is reserved to. reject any and all bids. Inventory will be furnished upon application. (Sea!) VV. D. PALMER. Trustee. Portland, Oregon, July 11, iyo7. IN the District Court of ths United States for the District of Oregon. In the matter of the estate of W. O. Ballard, bankrupt. The undersigned will receive sealed bids for a stock of general merchandie amounting to $031.06, together with store fixtures amount ing to I'kI.uo; located at Crabtree, Linn County, Or., up to 12 o'clock noon of Mon day, July 15, 1007, at his office. No. 7 1st st., Portland Or. A certified check for 10 per cent of the amount offered must accom pany each bid. Sale Is subject to confirma tion by the court. Inventory and Inspect tion of stock may be had on application. R. L. SAB1N, Trustee. . Dated at Portland, Or., July 6, 1607. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. The annual meeting of the stock holders of The Title Guarantee A Trust Company will be held at the offices o the company. No. 240-244 Washington, st., Portland, Or., on Tuesday, July 237 3907, at 8;SQ-o'olook P.-M. Jutfc fcJtoh3 asuo, 6a