THE SUJTDAY GREGORIAN, PORTLAND, JULY 14, 1907. ,EWIODAY" yCW TODAY. ytW TODAY. TOPAT. VEW TODAY. 1 VEW TODAY. ; VEW TODAY. i Cheap Lots $175 S225 $350 S350 5450 S500 $500 S700 $750 $750 $900 $950 Lot 10. block , 50x100, Columbia Heights; worth $300. Lot 60x100: Sell wood: $50 cash, balance 110 per month. Full lots In Seachresfs Addition; J25 cash, balance $10 per month. Full lot near W illamette station, on St. Johns carline; terms. Lot 60x100; East 8th and Beech sts.; worth $M0; easy terms. Full lot on East 34th, near Clin ton; part cash. Full lot, cor. B. Yamhill and 46th; $30 cash. bal. $10 per month. J,4 acre tracts at Arleta station; snap on O. "V. P. carline. Two lots. 100x100; Midway; $100 cash; bal. $15 per month. Lot on E. 32d, near Hawthorne ave.; nice lot and cheap. 2 lots corner E. 13th and Bkld- more; $100 cash, balance terms. Each: 2 lots I3d and Bast Pine streets; H cash. $1150 $1200 $1600 $1700 $3500 $3500 $4500 $5250 Nice full lot on East 11th., near Thompson; cash. Iot 60x170. Hamilton ave. and Ohio et.. South Portland. 2 lots, cor. B. 27th and Multno mah. Irvingrton Park. i block, cor. Rodney ave. and Going st.; nice corner, cheap. Lot 50x100 on Lovejoy, between i'3d and 24th.; the only one left. H block on 19th and Powell sts. ; business corner. Ji block on 19th and Elm, Port land Heights; beautiful view. N'ico U block on corner East Burnslde and 17th sts.; part cash. Bollam, Grussi & Higley 128 Third Street TEN -AC RE TRACTS -IN- HOOD RIVER PRICES ARE RIGHT TERMS ARE EASY to Concord Bid. A 4943. Take Your Lunch Basket ' ' OUT TO Enjoy the cool breezes and shady rrasses. The balmy breath of the fix (rill do you good. Take W. "W. car at Jd and Yamhill sts. and get off at Voodstock st. A Fine New 6 Room Residence On corner. 60x100. two blocks from car. 3ood neighborhood, nicely situated; car ets, draperies, window shades, gas range ind water heater, cook stove and heater, relour cushions and electric fixtures enm 5lcte: all new; fireplace; cement basement ind foundation. Price $4000; less than half cash will handle this. F B. H0LBR00K CO. 250 STARK ST. Irvington Home A beautiful 9-room house on luarter-block of ground. It is new ind very complete and is ready to oc iupy at once. Portland Trust Company 0! Oregon S.E. Cor. 3d and Oak sts. Hood Riyer Snap $1100 Ten acres of the finest unlmnroved ipnle Innd in this beautiful valley; lays rir; rifent on ine county road, tnree niles from Hood River and near churches, ichool and store. Land no better than his two to four miles farther out sells or JKO to $300 per acre. This will sell to he lirst party who looks at It. $650 cash cqulred. DEVLIN G F1REBAUGH 06-509 Swetland Bldg., cor. Bth and Wash, FOR SALE TITK MOST POPULAR SF.IDB I1IITKI, IX THE NORTHWEST. "learn from 20 to 30 per cent on In i-estment. Half cash, balance to suit Owner wishes to retire from business, For full particulars, T 51, Oregonian. Irvington Building Site p.vlOFl $4000. Terms. $1000 cash, balanc I per cent; loOxloo, on the S. K. corner of flit and Hancock sts., a beaumui joca Jon; see it. . ' ' MALL & VON BORSTEL i 94 Sacund Ril 382 14 Bouulde Sts. HON THINK TALK , TELL TRUE THINGS about OVERLOOK BUYERS BUSY BUILDING BEAUTIFUL RESIDENCES in 0V P 00K CHEAPEST CHOICEST SCENIC SITES for Homes at OVERLOOK Take R-S or L car to the ground. Take a stroll over the 5000 feet of cement walks. Look at the residences under construction. Take a drink of cool, sparkling water and satisfy yourself that it comes from BULL HUN. Investigate the sewer system and you will find it perfect. Compare Overlook with other additions in the market. You will find that nothing in the City of Portland equals it. Prices reasonable. Terms easy. Agents on the ground. A. F. Swensson & Co. General Agents. 2534 Washington Street. Phone Main 3055. $650 Per Acre 152 Acres Lvinc immediately alone the Vancouver road and adjoining Piedmont. The great er part of this property Is worth from to WW per acre ror platting, being high and . sightly, with unobstructed mountain and Columbia River view. Also can offer 45.5 acres adjoining this prop erty on the cast and running along the Vancouver streetcar line. u. K. t j. runs through this property. The whole niece is the cream 'nf the T.nve "Farm. 'IU bear the most complete Investigation. it positively cannot be equaled at the price, and for the location anywhere in the whole city. Clear title and best of terms. Zimmerman & Vaughan 2S6H Washington Street. Saloon Snap $21,000 The best saloon and Summer ear- den in the city, doing a fine business This price includes over, two acres of ground, buildings, business, stock and liquor license. NO INFORMATION GIVEN OVER THE PHONE. Lamont & Harris 306-7 Swetland Bldg. THIRD STREET 100 FEET FROM WASHINGTON INCOME $500 PER MONTH. 50x95 This Gilt Edge BUSINESS PROPERTY For Sale by Sengstake & Lyman 00 Fifth St. (Near Stark.) Talk About a Snap SEE HERE A full lot, on East SOih st.. near Stark with an S-room residence, brick basement not ana cold water, bath and other con veniences. Cost over J25QO to build, pay! ,per month rent, if you come quick jtwu win Duy it, naif cash. THE DUNN-LAWRENCE CO. No. 149H FIR3T STREET. ' HANFORDSBLACKWELl CIVIL ENGINEERS. Railroads, Power Plants, Industrial Plants. 1101 Alaska Bldg., Seattle. Wash. I Far. Sale by MALL & VON BORSTEL 104 Second and 303 E. Burnslde St. '' IRVINGTON. PRICE $6000. Eight Rooms. Lot 50x100. on Is. E. corner E. 9th and Tillamook sts. This la a strictly modern home, has a fine Interior finish, both gas and electric lights, hot water furnace, and must be seen to be appreciated. OREGON STREET. PRICE $3150. 9 -Room House. Terms. $500 down, balance to- suit pur chaser at 6 per cent. Lot 60x100 and 9 room house, on the N. W. cor. 25th and Oreson. This house has been newly pa pered and painted and Is In fine condition; is vacant; key will be found over the back door transom. . EAST OAK STREET. PRICE $3750. v Eight Rooms. Lot SOxlOO and 8-room house. 50 East Oak st., next to cor, 10th. Here Is good value for your money, w e can mass terms at 6 per cent on this. IRVINGTON. ' PRICE $5800. Seven Rooms. Beautiful "-room house and bath, and lot 75x100. being 650 fichuyler St. Can make terms. IRVINGTON. . PRICE $4700. Seven Rooms. Lot 80x100 and T-room house, all modern: lns 46S fc. 12th st.,' north. See It. We can mates terms. Mall & Von Borstel 104 Second and S02 K. Burnslde Sta. $9000 100x100, corner, two houses and store building. A fine quarter for manufacturing or a barn, right on the new Salem car, in South Port land, on Hood st. One-half cash will handle this.. Bollam, Grussi & Higley 128 THIRD STREET. $16,500 BUSINESS PROPERTY Here is a chance to make a Quick turn at large profit. 25x100 rlKht between the skysirraners. between "Washington, Burnslde, Third and fiixth. SENGSTAKE & LYMAN 90 Fifth St., near Stark. 4 1 Which is today a t AriPN knoll, not far from t ntl VJ line on the Heights. wooded the car With in a year or two It will have the trees trimmed out and be converted Into a beautiful villa home, with fir, alder and dosrwood trees srrowinir In tnelr natural condition. If you are jrolna: to enjoy such a home some day, better see this land. Only i60 per acre. pnan.iTn thttst rnMr A w oir ij OREGON, 8. E. Corner Third and Oak Sin. Bungalow For sale in a most attractive suburban loca tion. House is new, grounds 100 feet square. Fine streets all the way to the center of the city, making- It an ideal place to keep a horse. Price, $3003; part terms. Portland Trust Company of Oregon S. E. Corner Third nnd Oak Sta. Linnton Columbia Steel ComDanv's nurchase of water front at Linnton insures erection of a large plant at once. This is the be ginning of renewed activity there. Other industries will locate at Linnton in the near future. First Addition lots frojn $100 to $1S0 on Installment plan. Take Astoria & Columbia train, Union Depot, 8 A. M. . APPLY TO C. F. BTTNTCER, Hi CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. A. A. CARTER, LINNTON. 15th Street We have several desirable warehouse sites on loth St., near the Marshall-Wells Hardware ComDanya nurchase. The cheapest of any on the proposed new ewitcn. KNAPP & MACKEY 2 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Five Acres Near Mt. Tabor Fenced and cultivated, worth $200 per Int. but we 11 sell the wnoie ousiness lor THE DUNN-LAWRENCE CO. No. 149a FIRST STREET. WANTED Good income properly, business or residence, vacant lota East and Went Side. AIo If yon irant to eH your business rent your houses, flats, apartment-houses or cottages, or hare a re sponsible firm act aa your agent, call on LAMONT & HARRIS . TVo. 308-7 Swetland Bids. Quarter Block Corner. 14th and Flanders; some income: best buy on the street. Can make terms. GEO. D.SCHALK Phone Mairf 392; A-3332. 264 Stark St. SIXTH STREET One of the best business comers on North Sixth; Income $175 per month; must be sold this month. H 88, Oregonian. FOR SALE, $8000 An elegant new residence. 8 rooms, lot 50x300. See owner, 1501 B. Morrison; eay terms. : : I Science of IReal Estate I Investment I The secret of success in mak- ing real estate investments lies 2 in one's ability to decide where the greater number of people will congregate. Highest val- ues' in any city are invariably where the densest population is located. The most valuable business corner in any city is J always where the larger num- ber of . persons, pass annually. The character or social position of these people has nothing to do with it numbers only count. A poor man is worth more, to a real estate values, in proportion . to the ground space he occupies, than a rich man. If you are a person of small means and desire to invest in suburban lots where you will be likely to get good returns from J the little you have to invest. seek the location where the pop- ulation is likely to be dense. Population always becomes dense around where employment is to be obtained. Population J rarely becomes dense in a pure- J Iy residence district, unless very close to where employment can be obtained. The thing of first importance which- makes the real estate 2 value is employment. Men and J women will make their homes as close to their places of em- ployment as practicable. ' Mills, shops, factories, commerce and trade furnish employment. 2 Where employment and homes J are in close proximity,- trade will center. Keep these few, simple rules in mind and you will make no mistake in placing your money.. -Now apply this logic to the various suburbs around Port- land. Read what the real es- tate dealers have to say about what they have to sell. Read every advertisement you can get and apply the test before buy- J ing. J University Park is surround- J ed by Portland's most extensive manufacturing district. This district now has flouring mills, shingle mills, lumbering mills, woolen mills, steel works, forg- a ing works, veneer mills, foun- J diies, railroad shops, stock- yards, packing-houses, furniture factory, with almost unlimited room for other concerns to lo- cate. In the district surround- ing University Park tens of thousands of men will have em ployment and hundreds of thou sands of dollars will be paid out monthly .for labor. Railroads are- building into this district from every side. Ships from every part of the world land at the docks along the Willamette and Columbia Rivers, on two sides of University Park. Here we have the combination of em ployment,, residence,' wholesale and retail business, in close touch. The residence and retail area is small in comparison with the factory area. These are the kinds of conditions which, bring the very highest values. The high land is ideal for residence and retail business and is right on the "border of the great man ufacturing and commercial dis trict. The demand for the high land suitable for residence and retail business will be greater than the supply. Lots now sell ing from $300 to $600 each will soon bring $5000 to $10,000 each. F Office at University Park Sta tion, on bt. Johns line, 'rnone Woodlawn 239. i: CHEAP LOTS On Easy Terms For Sale by MALL & VON BORSTEL CLACKAMAS STREET. PRICE $650. Terms, J150 down, balance In install ment of J15 per month. Lot 60x100: bet. SSth and 29th sts. Includes cement walks now being: made. - ' ' WASCO STREET. PRICE $650. Terms, menta of $150 down, balance in install $15 per month. Lot 50x100, bet. 28th and 29th sts. includes cement wains now being laid PACIFIC STREET. PRICE $500. Terms. ' $100 down, balance in install ments of $16 per month. Inside lot, 60x100, between E. 25th and E. 26th sts. PACIFIC STREET. PRICE $1100. Terms, $2"0 down, balance in install ments of $35 per month. Quarter-DiocK 100x100, on . B. cor. 25th and Pacific sts. HOLLADAY AVE. PRICE $600. Trm. 10O down, balance in. install ments of $15 Tier month. Cor. lot 50x100, on S. W. cor. E. 22d and Holladay ave. HOLLADAY AVE. PRICE $500. Terms. $100 down, balance in install ments of $16 per month. . "Lot 60x100 on tLouaday ave., net. ta. ana xu. xl oi. E, TWENTY-SECOND ST. PRICE $500. x n in.".. ,iw uu n ii, utuani-o 11 ments of $15 per month. Lot 50x100, on E. 22d, bet. Holladay ave. and Pacific st. MULTNOMAH STREET. PRICE $500. Terms. $100 down, balance In install ments of $15 Der month. Lot 60x80. on S. lde of Multnomah, bet. 28th and 30th. Mall & Von Borstel 104 Second and 392 E. Burnslde Sts. Special Today f ntnn East Tenth st.. near East Burn- WUUUU side, quarter-block; this is close in and a fine location for flats or apart ments, and Is without doubt the cheapest buy in the city today. C7finn Bu"3 8-room house and one UUU block on R-S carline. If you are looking for some good lots to build on you cannot beat this. OOnn Fr a six-room house and full dllUU lot on.-W-W and W-R carline. xou should see it at once. If you are wantinc to buy any kind of real estate see me Detore -purcnastng. as I have some very nice homes in all parts of the city. Also some very desirable vacant property . suitable for flats or apartments, also line building home sites and many good investments in good In come business property, as well as acre age and farms, in tact, everything in the way or real estate ana investments, it pays to see me. Thos. P. Thornton Phone Main 4261 319 Chamber of Commerce. R E 0 A S1500 100x100 N. E. cor. E. 34th and Grant. S2T50 New 8-room House, Willam ette Station. S5SOO Modern 8-room House, E. 27th and Taylor. S2200 E Acres in Montavilla. M L E S T M W A T E 0 R C O 330 STARK ST.. M 4t 61 PHONES A 2561 Choice Residence Sites On Commercial street between Knott and Sellwood. Lots $1000 and np Terms. This is the choicest property in a select residence district. Cement walks, sewer, newly improved streets and all improvements in. Sinnott & Sinnott 535 Chamber of Commerce. For Sale or Trade Gasoline Launch Wif ra nnnv trtn 12 " Ifi hmMinrivr complete with boathouse; nw last sea- Bon. Will sell for cash or trade for prop erty. 331 Lumber Exchange $22,000 h f4a.V1fiitlr a rA fm t mAara Q MAfn UOl IGl "WlWVn ttJ IWUI in VUWI 14 v i win houses; rent H50 per month; close In on - 1 "3 AAA noaVt VV CD U 01UC - 1UVW -acu. Bollam, Grussi & Higley 128 Third Street Irvington Bargain S3200 Good 9-room house oh East 15th St., N. near Tillamook St.: convenient to the t-ai and in excellent neighborhood. Small cash payment, and balance, 120 per month, at 6 per cent or to suit purchaser. The lot alone is worth 11300. Act quickly if you want this. DEVLIN SFIREBAUGH 508-5C9 Swetland, Bldg., cor. 6Ui and .Wash. i For Sale By REED, FIELDS 6 TYNAN COMPANY 1M aaamH fitf. Phon Main 70O4 and Home A SS31. $1300 100x100 on Garfield a-e., near Al berta st. 100x100 N. E. corner 32d and E. Stephens St.; V cash. $1500 ClOflfl 5-room modern house, located on dIOUU Alberta carline; $00 down, bal ance on easy terms. 00nn 75x100. all improvements in, on Z0UU Weldler St., near 19th. , OTflft -room bungalow, strictly mod OZOUU em. on 13th and Mildred sts.; oo cash, balance easy terms. 0inn t50 cash, 100x100 N. E. corner B. 10th and Division sts. tQQfin 200x230 bounded by B. 30th and OJOUU 3lst. Kern and Ellsworth; this is tho cheapest block on the East Side. It Is wll worth $45; It must be sold. Call and see us on this. H cash, new house, strictly OwluU modern, on S3d and E. Market sts. tKnfin H cash. S-room strictly modern duUUU hnim with s full lots in Pied mont; this Is very cheap; if you are look ing lor a nouse you snouia mvesugaio this. -room strictly modern new wOluU house on Wasco St., between 19th and 21st sts. $10 000 $16 000 Beautiful 12-room house, lot 100x100, in Holladay Add., near Grand ave. 100x100 with strictly modern 13-room furnished house, lo cated In Holladav Add., close in. on carline. We can sell on easy terms. Call and let us show it to you. pid nnfl lwxiuo on zsra ana jonnson OID UUU at., beautiful 12-room house on easy terms. "Warehouse property, 100x100 ft., on E.. Washington and E. 3d sts.: all . filled and $20 000 streets improved; $5000 down, balance 3 years at per cent. 9tf fiftn . one-third cash, corner Grand )0U UUU ave. and Yamhill. 90x100 XU PORTLAND HEIGHTS. tAORfi 100x100 on 22d and Elm sts., rD 0U Portland Heights. ACREAGE. 40 acres on Cullv road, near Rose City Park, H mile from carline. This will double in value in one year. Call and let us show you this; $450 per acre. COnnfl 20 acres at Clarnie on the o. )uUUU K. 4- N. R. R., 7 miles east of courthouse. Cbflfin cash, 10 acres, all in fruit. DuUUU stood house, beautiful yard, all kinds of flowers and shrubbery. This property faces on the Base Lin road. The Mt. Hood survey runs through It; only 2 miles east of Montavilla. tIKn tQftn We have several 10 and WluU'wOUU 20 acre tracts of unim proved land, east of Montavilla, from $150 to ?JW per acre. REED, FIELDS TYNAN CO.. 102 Second st. Phone Main 7004. Investments tyinflfl 1 double house and one story StllUU and a half house on Xorthrup sc. bet. IStb and 19th sts.: good rental; reasonable terms. - Qflfln Tr 9-room house on 2 carlines; VUUUU thoroughly modern East Eide: owner leaving city, per lot for three lots on Dover st.: this is a chance to made $600 per lot. $1400 K7flft for lot 100x100 on "West Side. uOfULI and two good houses: room on property for another house; this is a good nvestment. ClOnfl uy 2 lots in Sunnyside, OlUU fully Improved; easy terms. F. B. Holbrook Co. 360 STARK STREET. $13,000 BARGAIN Take a look at this swell quarter-block on Twelfth and Mill streets; first-class location for an apartment house. This is a bargain, faeelng is believing. '., $18,500 Warehouse Property The cheapest buy in Xorth Portland to day. Quarter-block, factory or warehouse site, on i nurman street, nair-DtocK nor thern Pacific Railway. Fine Investment, easily worth $22,500. Small income. J. FRANK PORTER 222 Washington St. 100x190. 190 feet of Trackage It pays to see us. Chapin & Herlow 332 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Main 1652. INVESTMENT Nearly full lot with 3-story building leased at $200 per month, close to Morrison st. $25,000 A GOOD BUT. MOORE REALTY CO. 268 Stark st. Mortgage Loans, Lowest Rates Real Estate and Insurance A. H. BIRRELL 01 to tot Mx.Kst Bldg., Id and Stark. Reasonable $17,500 Bollam, Grussi & Higley 128 Third Street Investments $11,500 $15,000 $15,000 $16,000 H block and 4 rood 6-roora houses; rent 90; Vi cash. 2 large houses; good cor. 70x100: on Union ave.: will increase in value rapidly. Fine business property, guaranteed lease ten years. UX) per month; half cash, 'i block, 3 good houses and 2 flats. McMlllen'a Addi tion. Rent JU3 per month. Half cash. Nice new flats, W feet on 14th st., income $145 per mo. . $9000 cash. M. block and 6 houses on 14th and Glisan sis Brick corner on 3d St., now paying an income of. 8 per cent; worth $30,000. 3 lots opening on East Washington, East 2d, East Alder sts: warehousa on $19,000 $26,000 $26,000 $30,000 part of it; s $35,000 part of it; some Income; part cash. Fine business corner, paying- $265 per month. Half block on Upshur St. a good spec; $15,000 cash. $35,000 $37,500 block warehouse prop- erty close in East Bias i only $10,000 cash. $40,000 $50,000 Over 60 feet facing; Wash ington and Alder streets, near 16th; only $10,000 cash. 3-story brick, cor. Front and Yamhill; income now $j't per month. $100,000 block Lownsdale and ashington: $5u0 per . month income. Bollam, Grussi & Higley 12S THIRD STREET. YOU WANT A Take the W. AV. car at 3d and Yam hill and come out to Woodstock Sta tion and GO TO LORRINTON TODAY. All improvements made; water piped to every lot. Lots 50x100 in choice locations for cottages and bungalows, as low as. $210 at $5 down and $5 per month. Spend a quiet hour under the lisp ing firs of Lorriiiton. Moore Realty Co. 268 Stark st. Agent on ground at Lorrinton, 4 blocks- east of Woodstock fetation. AVONIA BEAUTIFUL FOR .UNGALOWS This tiir4i-clnss residence section will be sold to home builders, not to speculators. lhe lots are $juu to $350 each, very reasonable, and we can make a few installment loans to responsible people for building. Graded streets, good school, water and close to carline. See the map at our' ottice. Portland Trust Com pany of Oregon S.E. Cor. 3d and Oak sts. $31,000 100x100 close in on First, paying about 7 per cent net. A decided bar gain. $15,000 Flats close in on 13th paying 10 per cent. Warehouse Corners 75x100 close in on 13th 6t. switch. 50x100 close' in on 11th st. car, bar gain prices.. F. O. NORTHRUP 315 Couch Building. For Sale A great bargain, the hest paying proper ty In this city without .exception. Present rental $7W pr annum'. Always fully oc cupied. Net income JoiOO per year. Price $45,000 $10.00 cash, balance on mortgage at 6 per cent. Address R 55. Jonesmore ' THE NEW ADDITION. Sidewalks. Graded streets. Bull Run water. Public School.. Lots 50x100 feet, 350 to 500. Your own terms. . Take Montavilla car. See Agent at tract. , GEO. D. SCHALK Phone Main 392 A 2392. 264 Stark St. Dentist's Opportunity Best equipped office, best location In city: rent or. sell right party. . A 65, Oregonian. - Pretty Some?