Hi A si (RjScikco The Big- 1 1 Forward Oum- ofthc Lookiitfo from tfte. forward peck iiiiiinnimiininiMiiifflinriiriiTl c 1 i'- : " it V ItCW OF THE ' APT I3IKCH GUNS' OF THE OBEOOM TAkEN From " THE ' Pi- 3 a. 'l&W- OF THE As she Appeared J usr Prior- T5Her .Trip ArounD-IHe Hoow ";?w?sw . '.f5.. tut r i'W 1 HHP m .11111 ... : . i-pgar; OiK?1 (0 . ... St. 'fit 4 T f r Ouks Of we Ok eg OK fBOM THE COKrClffO TOWEB OF THt VE55EL . If : 5 Mil .... 1 ITM1N one year the famous battleship Oregon will De fn commission again, after having been laid up at the navy yard at Bremerton, Wash.,' for about one year and a half. Few battleships of the present day have had the career that this famous old ship has had. In her prime she was-considered the finest In the American Navy and was among the fastest of the battleships. On her famous 14,000-mlle cruise around the Horn at the time of the Spanish-American War, not once did her machlnery break down or even falter. On her arrival at Cuba she was sent Into the midst of the fight and history tells of the work that she and her noble commander did at that time. When one looks at this large mass of Iron and steel In such a dismantled condition It reminds one of an old fire horse who has made his last run. But before many months she will be in . the best of condition and will be classed as one of the fine ships of the United States Navy. At present there are several hundred men at work on the Oregon, and the accompanying photographs show what is being done. Every movable piece of steel, from the guns down to the armor plate has been taken , off and over hauled. All of the turrets taken off and repaired. Her armor plate, which is considered the finest In the navy, has all been replaced by new material of the very best manufacture. Her engines, which made the builders famous, have been taken out and new ones are being put In. Her boilers have also been renewed. Inside the Oregon everything has been changed. Her furnish ings are to be replaced and all of the old woodwork in the officers' quarters is to be renewed with the finest mahogany available. Her quarters for the enlisted men Is being overhauled also. Within a short time the Oregon will be put In the dry dock at Bremerton, where she will receive a thorough overhauling and repairing. Every Inch of her bottom will be scraped, and examined and several new plates will be put on. J When the. vessel comes from the dry dock her furnishings will be installed and she will be manned with over 600 men and marines and sent-to sea with the Pacific Squadron. Who her officers are to-be Is purely conjectural, but it is presumed that - many of the old officers who were on the craft before will ask to be placed on, the vessel again, as every one of them think she Is the finest of her kind. The next time the people of Portland see the battleship Oregon she will look as she did when she left the Pacific Coast for Cuba in the year of 1898. """in? :C AT ! , Bow View of the Oregow i Lwcr At Tke Dock: At The . UNITED STATES KAVYT4EDAT piEMEKTOK. WASHINGTON, W0?E $HE 15 HlHQ PtrlMTO OMMl55lOif . . 5n.. wiiitsi 51 :.' Ji kvVitw Of The Aft. Peck Of The ORtoOK As She At THE Pte.ES est Time t: .-rrar t i N howino The 5Tee?n View OF TMfc 45he Is At TME