The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 23, 1907, Section Three, Page 32, Image 30

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Projected Track on North Fif
teenth Street Leads to
' Building Plans.
Purchase of Two Blocks by Marshall-Wells
Hardware Company
Followed by Numerous Trans
actions In the Same Vicinity.
In spite of the Rose Fiesta and other
activities that diverted much attention
Cathedral. This sale was also made by
C. K. Henry & Son. The . new owner is
planning to improve the property.
Scotch Nubbin to Be Leveled by
Steam Shovels.
This week Russell & Blyth will begin
the work of leveling the Scotch Nubbin
at Willamette Heights by means of
steam shovels. This work was begun by
Lafe Pence with hydraulic power, but the
soil is so hard that it has been decided
it can .be better accomplished by the
shovels. The apparatus Is already on the
ground, and will be set in operation early
in the week.
Contracts have also been let for the ex
tension of Thurman and Aspin streets
and Victoria avenue, at Willamette
Heights. These extensions will make
available more land in this addition,
where improvements are already exten
sive. During the past week E. S. Howe,
a timber man, has purchased a quarter
block on Franklin street, where he Is to
build a fine home. It is a coincidence
that three ether timber men have also
purchased home sites within 350 feet
along Franklin street. They are H. D.
McCool, J. W. Alexander and F. 8. Bel
cher. Mr. Belcher bought his property
some time ago and built a residence,
which he is now occupying.
In Blythswood, a neighboring addition,
30 acres is soon to be opened for residence
purposes- The first sale In this addition
Several Sales, Involving More Than
$50,000 Each, End Active Week
in Realty.
A permit was. taken out yesterday
by the Pennoyer Estate to wreck one
of the buildings on the Pennoyer block,
which is bounded by Morrison, Alder,
West Park and Tenth streets. This is
the first step in clearing the property
of Its present improvements for the
erection of a large structure to cover
the entire area. The Trustee- Com
pany, which has leased the block for
a long term of years, will soon begin
the construction of this building, the
exact character of which has not yet
been announced. Some of the dwell
ings now ion the block are to be re
moved to another block, and it is ex
pected the excavation will begin as
soon as. this work is completed.
Among the big realty transactions
that closed the week was the purchase
by Dr. C. W. Cornelius of the quarter
block at the northeast corner of
Twelfth and Alder streets. This prop
erty was owned by C. "F. Schrader, and
1 J
A fine three-story and basement brick building is soon to be erected by F. Breske on the west side of
Park street, between Stark and Oak. The building Is to be 75x80 feet and will cost in the neighborhood of
135,000. The contracts will be let immediately and the structure will be ready for occupancy before the end
of September. Plans for this building have been prepared by MacNaughton. Raymond & Lawrence. The
two lower floors will be occupied by Bushong & Co., a local printing Arm, and the upper floor will contain
the quarters of the Pacific Monthly.
from business, the realty transactions
during the past week were of greater
volume and Importance than during any
other recent week. Several sales of in
side property involving large considera
tions ere closed, while there was no
abatement In the movement of residence
and suburban property.
One of the most significant deals that
have been closed for some time was the
purchase by the Marshall-Wells Hard
ware Company of two entire blocks in
North Portland. The property is that
bounded by Fourteenth, Fifteenth, John
son and Lovejoy streets, and the price
was $1S5,000. Tim sale was made through
the agency of C. K. Heniy & Son.
The rapidity with which this firm has
been forced to increase its warehouse
space in Portland illustrates very clearly
the rapid Increase of the city's business
and Is Indicative of the substantial con
ditions that Insure continued prosperity
and the permanent maintenance of prop
erty valuations at least as high as the
present standard. Five years ago, when
Maahall-Wetls entered Portland, the com
pany occupied a frame building at East
First and Morrison streets. Soon after
ward they were compelled to build a
six-story .brisk, covering a half block on
Pine, between Fourth and Fifth.- An
other half-block warehouse, three stories
In height, was erected two years later,
but the company has now decided that
still larger quarters are necessary.
Will Draw Plans at Once.
Jay Smith, the local manager of the
company, says that plans will immedi
ately be drawn for a six-story warehouse,
which will be erected as soon as possible,
covering the entire south block of the two
purchased. Advices from the Eastern of
fices are awaited before it will be known
whether the building will be of steel, re
inforced concrete or mill construction.
It is probable that as soon as the com
pany gets into its new building both of
the present warehouses will be sold. The
two blocks have been purchased with the
object of providing for the future, and
It is probable that within a few years the
north block as well as the south one will
be covered with a large warehouse.
Portland is the headjuarters of the entire
Pacific Coast for hardware and agricul
tural Implements, and the Immense
growth of this industry in ,the city Is
The purchase of this property by Mar-phall-Wells
is regarded by real estate
dealers as the first step toward opening
up an important warehouse district along
Fifteenth street. Arrangements have
been made whereby the Portland & Se
attle will lay a spur track up Fifteenth
street to Johnson, and several large
warehouses will be erected there in the
near future. It is believed that the de
velopment in this locality will equal that
which followed with the laying of a track
on Thirteenth street.
Other Important Deals.
C. K. Henry & Son have made several
Other sales in the same district during the
past week. They sold to Jaesrer Bros, a
quarter block at the southwest corner of
Fifteenth and Marshall streets, and sold
to a buyer whose name is not announced
the quarter block with four dwellings at
the southwest corner of Fifteenth and
Northrup streets. The quarter block at
the northwest corner of Fifteenth and
Johnson streets was also sold. Although
the consideration in none of these sales is
announced, the price of quarter blocks
in the district varies from 118,000 to $25,000,
according to Improvements and location.
Among other large transactions of the
week was the sale Friday of the Park
Hotel, at the southeast corner of Park
and Gllsan streets. This building, cover
ing a quarter block and three, stories in
height, was purchased for $40,000 by
James Muckle from Angelo Cereghlno,
and associates, who bought it six months
ago for $53,000. The sale was made by D.
B. Mackle, of the Commercial Investment
A large sale made yesterday was that
of the quarter block at the northwest
corner of Yamhill and Lowusdale streets.
It was owned by K. K. Baxter and pur
chased by a local investor for $35,000.
There are two large dwellings on this
holding, which adjoins the Scottish, Bite
was made this week to R. B. Lamson,
who bought an entire block. This land is
to be Improved by Mr. Lamson and made
the site of a fine dwelling.
Methodists, South, Will Have Edi
fice Costing $50,000.
The stone work of the Methodist
Church South, on Union avenue and
Multnomah streets, will be completed this
week with the exception of the tower.
The frame for the gallery is now being
placed. This structure will be the hand
somest and most expensive church built
on the East Side since St. David's and
Centenary Churches were erected. It will
cost about $50,000 including the furnish
ing. A. H. Faber has prepared plans for the
new edifice for St. Francis Church, to be
erected on East Pine street, between East
Eleventh and East Twelfth. The plans
are only preliminary and are to be sub
mitted to the building committee for ac
ceptance, sit is expected to start wock
on the new church Borne time next month.
It will probably be of stone construction.
the price was $67,500. Dr. Cornelius
sold the quarter to Mr. Schrader a few
months ago, and is now buying it back
at an advance. He expects to Join
with others in the erection of a hotel.
A. J. McDaniel has sold to W. H.
Moore and H. A. Moore a two-story
brick with 150 feet frontage at the
northeast corner of Water and Mont
gomery streets for $50,000; the vacant
quarter-block at the northwest corner
of East Third and East Salmon for
$13,000, and a residence property on
East Eleventh, between East Alder and
East Washington, for $9000.
This transaction was in the nature
of an exchange, as Mr. McDaniel se
cures from the Messrs. Moore 3700
acres of wheat land in Gilliam County.
D. L. Kyte becomes interested with
Mr. McDaniel in the tract, and the con
sideration Is announced at $80,000, or
an average of about $22 an acre.
Dr. Robert C. Tenney has sold to
George Watts a half-block on Irving
wtreet, between Fourteenth and Fif
teenth. The price was $40,000. The
property will probably be used as a
warehouse site.
T. W. Zigler has sold to George L.
Peaslee 25xS0 feet on the east side
of Park street, between Stark and Oak.
The consideration was $16, BOO. The
. ib Bg' ilia i!!3 si a
Best Residence District in Portland
Iter'' ; vvL" :tr-l
r - fVf 1IIllf uv ' f ' v
Not What Is Going to Be, But IS
Lots o'n easy terms. $900 to $1200. Six per cent interest on deferred payments. Fifteen minutes from business center, seven-minute
car service. Entire district restricted. All improvements, including gas, -water,: sewer, cement walks and improved streets. Trees 15 years
old. A small cash deposit will prepare you a future home. ' Carriage to grounds.
F. J
Resident Agent 375 East Twenty-First
212-213 Chamber of Commerce Building
purchaser expects to improve the prop
erty. The United States National Bank has
sold to Herbert Gordon the northwest
corner of Twenty-fifth and Pacific
streets, occupied by two dwellings. The
bank has also sold to Frank Dunn
property . at the southeast corner of
Twenty-fourth and Pacific streets. Both
sales were made by Mall & Von
St. Johns Will Soon Have Modern
Public Building.
The St. Johns City Hall will be com
pleted by July 1, so far as present con
tracts are concerned. Architect Goodrich,
who Is in charge, has been pushing the
work forward as rapidly as possible. He
estimates the total cost at $13,000. It is a
two-story building. 44xTO, on a concrete
foundation, and of brick construction. .
On the second floor is the Council cham
ber, which is 38x42, and here also are
committee and Jury-rooms. The first floor
contains offices for Mayor, City Recorder,
City Attorney and Chief of Police, besides
rooms for the Are department, gymna-
p , , , .,.,.., yn,.,,, .. . ,.n m. .-w..ui.u.-v U'ii"ll -
, kt II h h
Kit v l-iL ?? 4-
slum and vault for the records. In the
basement are the city Jail, room for fire
engine and apparatus, and another vault
for records. It is an improvement that
has been needed in St. Johns for some
Investors are looking over St. Johns
with a view to starting an ice plant in
that place . C. Rogers, of the St. Johns
Commercial Club, says that he is con
fident that such a plant will pay well in
St. Johns. Those interested will make a
thorough investigation before investing In
a site for the plant.
Councilman Menefee Heads Move
ment to Organize Residents.
Seeing the advantage other East Side
Councllmen derive from aggressive push
clubs. Councilman Menefee, of the Ninth
Ward, has outlined plans for an organi
zation similar to the East Side Improve
ment Association. He will soon send let
ters to citizens of that ward asking their
co-operation and then effect organiza
tion. Probably the first step will be a mass
meeting to promote sentiment in favor
of a 20-room brick schoolhouse to replace
the Williams-avenue building. At this
mass meeting Mr. Menefee will outline
his plans for a push club that will be
effective and permanent. He hopes to
secure the co-operation of all residents
of his ward.
Object Lesson From a Man Who Has
Not Shaved for 35 Years.
Chicago Inter Ocean.
And now a new hope will take pos
session of the man who haa tried
everything else and failed to feel as
well as he feels he ought to feel these
beautiful Spring days. ,
He was rapidly reaching the point
where there seemed to be nothing else
he could do, or could quit doing, and
even though he may not elect to fol
low in the footstepB of James W. Main,
of Council Bluffs, la., the knowledge
that there la still left one other thing
which he can do, or can quit doing,
will no doubt act as a tonic on his
system, and cheer him up, and help
him to get more out of this vernal
awakening than he otherwise would.
In all probability Mr. Main, of Coun
cil Bluffs, passed through the same
series of ' ordeals before he finally
reached the decision which has had so
much to do in the way of making him
a better and a happier man for the
last 35 years. No doubt he tried all
sorts of Spring medicines, and found
that each of them helped him for a
time, as he afterward discovered that
he received pronounced benefit from
quitting them' one after another. In
all likelihood he was immensely ben
efited when he broke the pernicious
coffee habit, and when he ceased to
drink water while eating, or to eat
while thinking. It would be Impossi
ble for anybody to say whether he
would have felt as well as he felt pre
vious to the time when he made the
last great change In his way of living
if he had not done or ceased to do all
these things.
But the time came when he was
called upon to do something more. The
time came when he had to decide be
tween his trl-weekly shave and the
general state of hla feelings, for he
found that, notwithstanding the gains
he had made by reason of the sacri
fice he had previously made, there was
one other thing which he must do In
order to feel as well as he felt he had
a right to feeL That was to throw
away his razor. And when the con
viction came upon him that this was
the thing for him to do, be did not
hesitate a moment. It was before the
days of safety razors, ' and his razor
was one that had been In the family.
since the Revolutionary War period,
but he threw it away.
That was 35 years ago, and since
then no razor has ever touched his
face. In a few yeans, we are told, his
whiskers reached his waist, and he
concealed them under his coat. Then
they reached his knees,, and he had to
button his vest and trousers over
them. Now they are seven feet long,
he Is 70 years old, and he has enjoyed
the very best of health ever since he
quit shaving.
Mr. Main Is spoken of everywhere
In Council Bluffs as an exemplary cit
izen. He has always voted the straight
Republican ticket. Nothing would In
duce him to read a low-price, high
class Eastern muckrating magazine.
This year he has made one of the best
gardens In his part of Council Bluffs,
and he Is particularly lucky with
string beans and radishes. While he
does not agree with the President on
every point, yet he may be accounted
among the warmest supporters of the
administration, and he never misses a
First Patent In America.
(Journal of American History.)
The first patent in America was grant
ed to Joseph Jinks, a founder and ma
chinist who had emigrated from Ham
mersmith, England, where he was born
in 1602. He was a very ingenious man,
and was induced by Governor Wlnthrop,
the younger, to come to Lynn, Mass.,
about 1642, as master mechanic, to es
tablish the Iron and steel works. He was
the acknowledged head of the Iron smelt
ing and founding business and the first
builder of machinery in this country, and
first patentee of Invention In America,
having Introduced the Idea (first granted
by act of Parliament In 1635) of protection
for the manufacture of improvements by
petition to the government of Massachu
setts Bay. In 1546 he took patents for
mill Improvements, and in 1656 he pat
ented the present form of the grass
I scythe, for which he should be held in
grateiui rememorance. in 165Z be made
dies for the first coinage of money, the
pine tree shillings. In 1654 he built the
first fire engine, to the order of the Se
lectmen of Boston (the first ever built in
the country); in 1657 he blult a forge and
entered upon the manufacture of his Im
proved scythes nine years before his
application was granted.
Bank Bookkeeper a Suicide.
GREAT BEND. Kas.. June 22. T. M.
Seward, Dookkeeper in the First National
Bank of Great Bend, committed suicide
here this morning, shooting himself
through the heart. No cause is known.
As far as known there were no irregular
ities in his business. His parents live at
Sterling, Kas.
Klser Co- LobbT Imperial HoteL
They're Going Some
And they are going to the best people of the city,
who are going to make their homes in this "beauty
spot." The sale of lots in
Irvington Park
"The Addition
With Quality
Has been and is phenomenal. "We knew they
would go fast; the $1500 building restrictions, the
car service, the surroundings, the price appeal to
everyone. Don't delay a minute in visiting us.
F.B.HoIbrookCo. F.E.Schwan
250 Stark St. 30th & Killingsworth