THE SUNDAY OKEGOXIA", POKTLAXD, JUNE 16, 1907. 37 can give an Idea of the conditions ex isting. This afternoon and night will be the closing performances of the Southern romantic drama, "The Belle of Rich mond." a quiet and delightful story of the Southland. Seats for these per formances are now on sale at the box office of the Star Theater. THE HOUSE THAT JACK BTJILT Opera With Mother Goose Characters to Be Produced. This is the heme that Jack built; The queer little house. The dear little house. Oh, this Is the house that Jack built. Mother Goose, whom we loved in childhood days, is coming to us again In a new form, her verse set to merry Jingles and her characters imperson ated by real children. Jack will build his house again, and we may all be children together when Mrs. Gaynor's r J V a i f -II - - fSf: It Little OUIe Cooper, the Child Star In "Little Lord Faunt leroy," at HelllK Tonight. ... opera, "The House that Jack Built," Is given under the auspices of the Insti tute Club of the People's Institute. The opera Is In two acts, and Intro duces to us, besides Mother Goose and her son Jack, for whom she is giving a birthday party, their "Worshipful Majesties, King Cole and the Queen of Hearts, with their retinues and maids of honor. The Knave of Hearts Is thwarted In his mlschief-maklng by the observing fairies who overhear his plot to steel the key to Mother Goose's house where the golden Humpty Dumptys are hidden until the Queen of Hearts comes to make the tarts, while Jack goes to invite the guests and Mother Goose goes to market, but returns to find the Humpty Dumptys stolen. In revenge for not being In vited to the party the blackbirds have tried to spoil it, and In the second act pay the penalty by being condemned to be "baked in a pie." The dear lit tle guests, all familiar characters, ar- 4 Raymond AVhlttaker, la "Con fusion," at the Star. rive and receive a hearty welcome from Mother Goose, and the merry making is fast and furious. The fan tastic dance. quaint costumes, and catchy airs make a combination that even the most critical audience must enjoy. Full particulars of cast, dates and other Interesting news will be an nounced next week. NOVELTY BILL AT THE GRAND Demonstration In Wireless Teleg raphy Feature Act This Week. While the bill of the past week at the Grand has been extra fine, Sullivan & Considine have an even better one for this week, commencing tomorrow afternoon. There will be an unusual number of novelties, besides a corps of singers, dancers, comedians and acro bats. In no respect will the bill be ordinary, and there will be features such as have never before been seen here In vaudeville. The headline act will be a practical demonstration in wireless telegraphy by captain Henry, E. E.. late of the Government service. A scientific lec ture Is something unusual in vaude- MARQUAM GRAND TELEPHONE MAIN 6 San Francisco Opera Company Presenting Dolly Varden Last Two Performances The Daintiest Comic Opera Ever Written MATINEE TODAY 2:15 TONIGHT 8:15 v Don't Miss This Beautiful Production Ask Your Friends About It Evenings 25c, 50c, 75c Matinees 25c, 50c MARQUAM GRAND (PHONE MAIN 6) Commencing Monday, June 17 Last Week but One of the San Francisco Opera Company's Engagement . (Direction: Frank W. Healy) Presenting Victor Herbert's Greatest Comic Opera The Fortune Teller The Opera Company's Biggest Success PRICES: Evenings, 25c, 50c and 75c Matinees 25c and 50c vllle, but Captain Henry has prepared a short demonstration and explanation of the wireless which is not only amus ing but is instructive. The public will know more about this branch of sci ence from the lecture of Captain Henry than they could otherwise learn in a month There Is not an Intelligent person In Portland who does not want to understand the wireless, and this will be their opportunity. This demon stration Is not a burlesque, travesty or trick, but the real thing. Herr Soana Is the added attraction. He presents living portraits from the Hall of Fame. His portraits are life like to an astonishing degree. James and Bonnie Farley have a quaint SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT TONIGHT ONLY Heilig theater PHONE MAIN 1. The Celebrated Child Star DAINTY OLLIE COOPER Supported by Baker Theater Com pany. In m ffraad prod act ion of France Hodywrn Burnett's Famous Flay. Little Lord Fauntleroy PRICES ISO, 8S0, 60c vaudeville rollick which consists of character Binging, trick tumbling and eccentric dancing. John Delmore and Emily Darrell have a study In black and white. Buston and Vass are orig inal finger whistlers and singers. "When the Widow Arrives" Is a com edy, playlet by the Maude Isabelle Entwlstle company, consisting of three people. Frederick Roberts will have a brand-new song and the Grandlscope a new Imported film. This afternoon and night will end the great vaudeville bill which has caused a sensation during the past few days. The programme 'Contains such enter tainers as the Clown Harding, the Chi naman Ah Sid, the Four Masons, Mile. Olive, the female juggler; Whelan and BASEBALL RECREATION PARK, Comer Vaughn and Twenty-fourth. Portland vs. Los Angeles June 11, 12,13, 14, 15,16. Game Called at ,3:30 P. M. Daily. Game Called at 2:30 P. M. Sundays. Ladies' Day Friday ADMISSION 25c. GRANDSTAND 25c, CHILDREN 10c WEEK OF JUNE 17TH PANTAGES 4TH AND STARK STS. BEST FAMILY THEATER. J. A. JOHNSON, RESIDENT MGR. CONTINUOUS PERFORMANCES TODAY Grace Ceurtland Psychic Phenomenon. LOU COX Shadowgraphist. LORELLS Rube Comedian. JEAN WILSON Popular Baritone. The Oddest Act Ever Put On in Portland, Swan's Educated 4 AHigators 4 Salvail The Great Conjurer. THE HA YD ENS Distinctly a Big Act. TOM LA ROSE Tyrolean Yodler THE BIOGRAPH New Moving Pictures. PANTAGES ORCHESTRA, Direction of Prof. Evenson. FOR THE BEST THERE IS, VISIT PANTAGES THEATER TODAY Performances Daily at 2:30, 7:30 and 9 P. M. Admission 10 cents: with reserved seat, 20c; boxes, 25c. ' Take any seat at Weekday Matinees for TEX CENTSl (Concluded on Page 38.) HEILIG THEATER JUNE 17-18 VIOLA ALLEN MONDAY NIGHT, AS VIOLA I?T SHAKESPEARE'S COMEDY, TWELFTH NIGHT TUESDAY NIGHT, SPECIAL BILL Mlm Allen am Ronllnd 1m the wooing srene tram "Am Yon Like Iff MM l.Mfly Teazle In the ecreen ecene from "The School tor Scandnl") aa Jnllrt In the balcony scene from "Romeo nnd Juliet," and aa Portia In the trial scene from "The Merchant ot Venice." PRICES Lower Floor, 10 rows.$2.00. Lower Floor, 6 rows. ?1. 50 Balcony, first 9 rows..$1.00 Balcony, last 5 rows., 75c Entire Gallery 50c Seats Selling at Theater Box Office An Outdoor Production OF - Shakespeare's Beautiful Comedy AS YOU LIKE IT For Benefit of U. of O, Scholarship Fund Will be presented by the Oregon Branch of the Asso ciation of Collegiate Alumnae, Wednesday Evening, June 19, at 7:30 P. M. at Cedar Hill, Park Avenue Entrance " Take Portland Heights Cars Tickets $1. For Sale by Members and at the Grounds "The House That Jack Built" Music by Mrs. Jessie Gaynor, Book by Alice C. D. Riley, Staged by Miss Margaret Martin. Benefit Institute Club of People's Institute 300 Children in Flower Drills, and Familiar Mother Goose Characters. WATCH FOR DATES fiacred and Classical Concerts TODAY 1:00. 3:85, 7:4.1. 9:40. t m''. I i - N OPEN ALL DAY These Will Catch You in the Mood FAMOUS SPRAT OF LIFE Seven Tableaux Great Show. WHAXO-HO Only Chinese "War Junlc Ever Seen Outside Yellow Sea. Visit the Torture Chamber of the Pirates. . MTL.E-A-M1 N UTJfi FIGURE 8 Faster Than Ever and Fun U Furious. Pt ZZIE FOR 8CTENTIST9 Itodl. Horse with a Living Snake In his Eye. OLD MUX Many Nw Feature Added. FREE TO CHILDREN Chllcoot Pass, Hid-and-Seek House, Swings. Etc.. Etc Beneatlonal High-Wire, Trapes and Bicycle Feats 3:80, :SO P. M. DHTVERS AT TA"ERX Flrst-Class, Complete Chicken Dinner, with All That Goes With It, 75c. COMING EVENTS Tuesday, 18th, boys and girls of St. Mary's Academy and Blanchet Institute day. Tuesday, 25th, free dolls for girls and presents for boys. Thursday, 27, German day and Arion singers. ummer School AND Normal Courses For Pianoforte, Vocal, Kindergarten and Pub lic School Teachers and Students of Music Conducted by Calvin B. Cady At Portland Academy Hall June 24 to Aug. 2 For Information Apply to 1 T-r- TIT T? TVs r- Secretary, at the 1YJL1 O. VV JUr. J. llUlllCLO Hobart - Curtis BAKER THEATER Phona Main 2 Geo. L. Baker General Mgr. NOW FOR A SUMMER SEASON OF BRIGHT, SPARKLING MUSICAL COMEDY '"'starting SUNDAY MATINEE today Something Different From the Rest. ZINN MERRY MUSICAL TRAVESTY COMPANY Including the Famous 16 Dancing Girls-16 In the Musical Frivolity T Ec 7Y WE OR, A TRIP TO CONEY ISLAND One Continuous Refreshing Burst of Music and Laughter. Special Scenery Novel Effects Handsome Costumes Fascinating Dances MATINEE SATURDAY. One Thousand Laughs Eighteen Song Hits Evralng Prices, lSe, 23c, 35c, 60c. Matinee Prtcea, 15c. 25c Second Week: 'THE QUEEN AND THE MUSKETEER" LYRIC THEATER Both Phones: Main 468S WEEK COMMENCING MONDAY, JUNE 17 MARIE WAINWRIGHT'S GREATEST SUCCESS SHALL w E FORGIVE HER MATINEES TUESDAY, THURSDAY, SATURDAY and SUNDAY PRICES 10c AND 20c. EVERY EVENING AT 8:15 PRICES 10c, 20c, 30c. SEATS BY PHONE Next Week A Wicked Woman THE STAR TELEPHONE MAIN 549 6 FOR ENTIRE WEEK OF JUNE 17th The Reorganized Star Stock Comp'y -PRESENTS- NAT GOODWIN'S FAMOUS ROARING FARCE CONFUSION ONE BIG SCREAM FROM START TO FINISH Matinees Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays, Sundays at 2:30 Prices 10c and 20c Every Evening at 8:15: Prices 10c, 20c, 30c ' RESERVE SEATS BY TELEPHONE, M'N 6496, FOR ALL PERFORMANCES. NEXT WEEK "THE FATAL CARD" "WILL POSITIVELY BE PRODUCED. THE GRAND VAUDEVILLE DE LUXE FOR THE ENTIRE WEEK OF JUNE 17th, 1907 ANOTHER ALL-STAR SHOW, HEADED BY Captain Henry Demonstrating the Wonderful Possibilities of Wireless Telegraphy In an Interesting and Amusing Manner. SPECIAL ADDED FEATURE, HERE SOANA Presenting Living Portraits from the Hall of Fame. JAMES and BONNIE FARLEY In a Quaint Vaudeville Rollick. MAUDE ISABEL ENTWISTLE & CO., v "When the Widow Arrived." DELMORE and DARRELL .A Study in Black and White. BURTON and VASS Comedians and Whistlers. FRED ROBERTS "And a Little Child Shall Lead." GRANDISC0PE "The Electric Belt." Three performances daily, at 2:30, 7:30 and 9:15. Prices: Matinees, except Sundays, 10c to all seats, not Including boxes; evenings and Sundaya, 10c, 20c and box seats, 30c. Muffins form the staple dish at tea par ties In Kensington palace, London. (The Kins, like his mother before aim, has a special Ksakneas lot muffins. Every time the Kaiser visits Dantsts:, says a London Mail correspondent, all the. old warships in the harbor are towed to a position In which he cannot see them.