Section Three Pages 25 to 34 VOL. XXVI. PORTLAND, OKEGOS, SUNDAY MORNING. JUNE 16, 1907. . . ' NO. 24. Patronize the Tea Room, 2d Floor Dainty, delicious lunches are served in the Y. W. C. A." Tea Room. From 11:30 in the morning until 5 in the afternoon it's the best place in all Portland for a dainty and appetizing light lunch. It saves time for the busy shopper, too. No running out of the store finish your shopping in comfort and know that you can have a cozy little repast in the Tea Room. Second Floor. PORTLAND ROSE SHOW AND FIESTA-JUNE 19 TO 22 Linen Mesh Summer Underwear We sell the famous Dr. Deimel Linen Mesh Underwear for women, children and men. We are exclusive agents in Portland for the women's and children's garments, and have a special agency for the men's goods. For cool -comfort in the hot days at hand, for the most sanitary gar ments to be had, we recommend the Deimel Linen Mesh Underwear. Main Floor. (S)lLIDflg FItfTH STREET WASHINGTON STREET SIXTH STREET, AGENTS LADIES' HOME JOURNAL PATTERNS MID-JUNE MARVELS F MONDA Y Wedding Linens What's more sensible f or a wedding gift than fine linens f Something that every bride has need of and is proud of, something they can't have too much of, and something that everyone else won't think of. We sell the best linens to be had. linens from the best factory in all- the - world. Look in the linen aisles for wed ding gifts. FINE DAMASK TABLECLOTHS,-with napkins fo match; come in many designs and all sizes, from two to five yards. Priced all the way from $7.60 the. set 00 HEMSTITCHED LINEN SHEETS AND PILLOW CASES, hand-embroidered- Bedspreads fine washed, hemstitched Huck Towels, and all sorts of Linens that good housekeep ers take pride in. owning BARGAINS IN WHITE GOODS Slightly rumpled and mussed Towqls, N a p k i n s, Tablecloths, Bedspreads and - White Goods, used for. display during, the Annual Sale of White, and somewhat soiled thereby, going at very spe cial prices. SUMMER WASH GOODS Imported novelty ginghams, in choicest designs; regular 50c quality; special, the IMPORTED COTTON VOILES, in stripes, checks and plaids, , for Summer street dresses: regular 30c value, the 0 yard IOC COTTON CHALLIES, in all styles Persian and floral ef fects. Just opened and ready for sale. Fresh new i? patterns ; yard OC $1 Fountain Syringe 65c SEAMLESS RUBBER FOUNTAIN SYRINGES, good size, guaranteed; regular $1.00 quality, special price. '. . '. . .65 HAND MIRRORS, heavy bevel glass, round shape, sp 'L.35 TOILET SOAP, Meadow Sweet brand, worth 5c cake; spe cial, cake 2V2& DR. SCOTT'S ELECTRIC HAIR BRUSHES Regular $2.00 value , $1.25 WHITE WAXED PAPER, 24 eheets for. ....... .. 5 COMMERCIAL ENVELOPES, regular 10c package. ... .5 RULED INK WRITING TABLETS, special i 5 TWINE NET SHOPPING BAGS, special .....19 AMOLIN DEODORANT POWDER, destroys all odor of per spiration; package ....... .15 A stoundingBargainizing in Richest a & m juace (uurr uins .Read 1 A sale made possible by a daring purchase of thousands of pairs of Curtains of the better sorts. Our buyer on a recent trip East, took the entire surplus stock of one of the largest importers in the business. Quantity made the price a decidedly low one, and in the face of tremendous advances on r this sort of goods, we are able to offer values really wonderful. The assortment consists of handsomely patterned Cur tains in real hand-made Cluny and Arabian lace; also some extremely rich designs in Filet Italian Lace and Irish Point patterns. O The Irish Fbmt and Brussels Met Curtains have the first mention here by the hundreds of pairs; a rare assortment for tasteful and varied choosing. Come in white or ivory tints, cushion work or applique designs and exquisitely pretty. CURTAINS worth $4.25 the pair; special price, $3.40 CURTAINS worth $4.50 the pair; special price, $3.60 CURTAINS worth $5.00 the pair; special price, $4.00 CURTAINS worth $5.50 the pair; special price, $4.40 CURTAINS worth $6.00 the pair; special price, $4.80 CURTAINS worth $7.50 the par; special price, $6.00 CURTAINS worth $8.00 the pair; special price, $6.40 CURTAINS worth $8.50 the pair; special price, $6.75 CURTAINS worth $9.00 the pair; special price, $7.00 CURTAINS worth $9.50 the pair; special price, $7.50 CURTAINS worth $10.5a the pair; special price, $8.35 CURTAINS worth $11.50 the pair; special price, $9.00 THE ARABIAN, CLUNY AND RENAISSANCE CURTAINS come trimmed with flush edge, or with lace edge and insertion. Curtains that would grace any home priced in such a tempting way that all who have curtain needs will do well to fill them now. Regular $4.25 values, pair .$3.15 Regular $4.50 values, pair.... ....$3.35 Regular $5.00 values, pair... ;.. .....$4.10 Regular $6.50 values, pair. . . .$4.85 Regular $7.00 values, pair...................... $5.25 Regular. $8.50 values, pair .$6.35 Regular $9.00 values, pair $6.50 Regular $10.00 values, pair ......$7.50 Regular $12.00 values, pair.. $8.74 Regular $13.50 values, pair . $9.85 A Sale of Laces All Laces and Trimmings are on special sale this week. It's a rare opportunity to save, and there'll be an extra fine display of Laces in the lace aisle, too. Laces and Embroideries both are in this sale, as well as some special prices on trimmings. Buy while the sale is on, for you'll find numerous places to use these specially-priced goods many a time in the months to come. Valenciennes Laces SPECIAL Regular 12Vz qualities, spe cial sale price, yard..6Vi Regnlar 10c qualities, spe cial sale price, yard....5 Regular 20c qualities, spe cial sale price, yard..lO Regular 25o quality, special sale price yard 12Va Ribbons 29c the Yard Fine Messaline Ribbon, all silk, and five inches wide, comes in black and all colors, suitable for neckwear or millinery use, or for making sashes or girdles, a fine soft O Qf ribbon, regularly worth 40c the yd. ; spc '1 sale price 50c Beaded Parses 38c COME IN WHITE, STEEL AND ALL COLORS, small purses in very pretty designs; regular 50c values, OO--special price LEATHER COLLEGE BAGS, come in white or colors, well made, and regularly worth 75c each, . A Of ... SILVER special price GOLD PLATED OR SIL VER BAR PINS,, with Thinestone setting regular 50o value, O O special....... JOC CRYSTAL HAT PINS, in white and colors, 1 Q 25c value, for STERLING , WAIST PINS,, three on eard, regularly 50c O T set, special. ttJZ PEARL BEADS, graduated sizes, regularly sold at 35a the string, 7?r special sale price.. Suits Surprisingly Cheap price, and that will buy handsome tailored Suits that are worth up to $42.50 each. , These Suits come in plain colored fabrics and fancy suitings, made in the best styles, well tailored and trimmed. There are all sizes in the lot, the styles are the popular Eton, Pony and Jacket models. Materials are the correct weaves and designs. The plain colored : fabrics are serges and Panamas, rich blacks, blues and browns in these, and all the fads of. the season in the fancy suitings. Stripes, checks and plaids as well as fancy mixtures. Worth to $42.50. Special at THIRTEEN NINETY-FIVE. WOMEN'S WALKING SKIRTS Come in plain colored goods or fancy wool novelty materials; all good styles and all sizes in the lot. Blacks, browns,1 blues and fancy weaves; well tai lored and good values at $8.50 to $15 each. Very special for Monday, lu Half Price V2 $20 FOR ANY PATTERN HAT IN THE HOUSE - Worth from $40.00 to $75.00 The fine imported models that have been selling for as high as $75.00 each. Hats that have set the style; hats that show dashing originality and style. Hats of the richest materials and trimmed in the most artistic manner; reg ularly worth from $40.00 to $75.00; f)f) Hats Worth to $39 for $15 The handsome model Hats that have been selling all the way from $20.00 to $39.00 each, go in a great sale for Mondayr Your choice of any at these J 1 C ff prices, now , . . Tailored Hats, age, Fiske, Connelly, Bendell and Gear - hart Hats, all reduced. Really worth to JQ QO $25.00 each, special . . .... ... . ..... . ... y0 Zf O Fine Decorated China- Half Price A line of manufacturers' samples and odd pieces of stock patterns. We are closing these out at a price that will prove very advantageous to those interested in pretty china. The line contains: Plates, Cups and Saucers, Meat and Vegetable Dishes, Tea and Chocolate Pots, Berry Bowls and i nut Saucers; any or these for. VzPrice DECORATED HAVTLAND CHINA AT HALF REGULAR PRICE. DINNER PLATES, worth $4 doz.. $2.40 TEA PLATES, worth $3.90 dor... $1.85 TEA CUPS, worth $6.00 doz $3.00 BREAKFAST PLATES, worth $4.75 doz. $3.73 AFTER DINNER COFFEES, doz. $2.65 DINNER PLATES, worth $8.00 d $4.00 PICKLE DISHES, worth 85c, sp'1..48 SOUP TUREENS, worth $4.15.... $2.08 AND MANY OTHER ARTICLES ARE INCLUDED IN THIS HALF-PRICE SALE THAT WE HAVE NO ROOM HERE TO MENTION. Men 's 75c Underwear at 55c GOOD BA LB RIG GAN UNDERWEAR of the best smrt, both for wear and ap pearance. Comes in three colors, blue, slate and flesh color,, fancy cross-bar weave, and regularly worth 75c f the garment, special Monday MEN'S GOLF SHIRTS in new and neat patterns, black and white stripes, light 'colored effects and dotted designs, come with separate or attached cuffs, reg. $1.50, special $1.05 MEN'S FANCY HOSE, in striped patterns, dark colorings, with green, red and blue stripes ; reg ular 25c values ; 7 Q special .. 12JC LEATHER SUITCASES, well made, sightly and durable, with good lock, handle and . straps j regular $6.50 values; O QQ special : .JJ2f2f Wnfet PVwifc HANDSOME EMBROIDERED DESIGNS ON THE FINEST OF MATERIALS, for the, fronts of .very pretty. Shirt waist?. They were made to sell for $4.50 each; of the finest, sheerest linen; very special for Monday. Embroidery counter $2.50 Sale of Rumpled Muslinwear A clean-up of the odd lines and rumpled pieces left over from the June Sale. Only slightly mussed, and not harmed in the least, but they're mostly oddments after the brisk selling of the Sale of White. The as sortment contains gowns, drawers, corset covers, chemise and long or short skirts. Included are some extra large sizes. Come plain or trimmed with lace or embroidery. DIVIDED INTO FOUR LOTS AS FOLLOWS: , LOT ONE, regularly worth from 75c si C to 85c, sale price. LOT TWO, regularly worth from $1.25 to $1 50, OA sale price LOT THREE, worth ($2.00 regularlv and $2.25 each, ' (ft OQ sale price... .V LOT FOUR, regularly $3 and $3.25, &J -7 O sale price.. - Fine Muslinwear for Half SEVERAL DOZEN PIECES OF FINE MUSLIN WEAR, BOTH IN FINE FRENCH HAND-MADE AND DOMESTIC GOODS, AT HALF THE REG ULAR PRICES. THE FRENCH GOODS ARE EMBROIDERED BY HAND AND MADE BY HAND. THE DOMESTIC GARMENTS ARE HANDSOMELY TRIMMED. THESE GOODS HAVE BEEN USED IN TRIM MING, AND ARE SOMEWHAT SOILED. VERY SPECIAL; HALF REGULAR PRICE. CHILDREN'S DRESSES AND SHORT SKIRTS, also Infants' goods, of 'the same sorts, made of fine nainsook, lawn or or gandie. The skirts are for little ones from 6 months to 3 years, and the dresses for children, 6 months to 6'years. Regular $1.00 to $1.90 values..... 67 Regular $2.00 to $3.35 values 99 Regular $3.50 to $5.00 values $167 Regular $6.75 to $8.00 values $3.39 Regular $9.75 to $12.00 values $4.88 CHILDREN'S FULLFRONT BONNETS, made of lawn, and trimmed in lace or em " broidery, great variety of styles, 1 choice at half price 2 WOMEN'S PETTICOATS, made of fine mercerized sateen, with deep double flounce, and six rows of strap- Q 7 ping, regular $L50 value, at.... & C MISSES' SWEATERS, in plain white or navy blue, full blouse . front, turn-over collar, trimmed with fancy buttons, reg ular $1.50 value, . . C 7 7 7 special price '. il i Pingree Gloria Shoes Women's Pingree Gloria Shoes are the best we can find in the world to sell at $3.50 the pair. That's our reason for making them our leaders. The women's Low Shoes in the Pingree Gloria line this season are particularly attractive in ap pearance, and they have, as usual, the same guar antee for wear. STYLE B iy2, WOMEN'S PINGREE OX FORDS, in patent kid, four-button style, with light soles, made with plain toe, and , dull kid top, a splendid shoe O t?f for Summer ;.pJDU STYLE B 150y2, PINGREE GLORIA SHOES FOR WOMEN, a neat four-button Oxford, made with extension soles, new Auto last, and military O Cf heeL for street wear. : . . . . .nV U STYLE 1041a, WOMEN'S PINGREE GLORIA OXFORDS of patent kid, bluch er cut, with large eyelets for ribbon ties, dull tops, and tfo Cf perforated heel foxing. ......V50 1 See the new European Oxfords, in black, brown, grey and lavender suede leather. With covered heels. Sell for $5.00