23 THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN,. PORTLAND, JUNE - 16,- 1907. BUSINESS CHANCES. THB Coast Realty Co., 2264 Morrison St., suite 2. Phone Main 156S. Headquarters for real estate and business opportunities of every description. Also lew choice home steads and timber claims; few special bar gains. $10,000 ouvs one of the finest 8-roora Strictly modern new houses on Portland Heights; splendid comer lot. elegant view; sea mv exclusive agent, the Oast Realty Co. $1000 buys confectionery store with 8 living; rooms; very close In city; rent free; a money-maker. $ltoo buys splendid paying; cigar store and stock of candy, etc., best location In city; food lease; cheap rent; going away; sell at Inventory. $15,oo0 buys ft rst -clans manufacturing busi ness, with stock on hand, at invoice. $.so00 Half interest In manufacturing com pany. $2000 buys shoe store at Invoice; good lo cation, new stock. $7uu0 Well-raying dairy farm, short dis tance from Portland; others, all prices. $7xK. half cah. buys nearly new, strictly modern steam-heated rooming bouse of 75 room;; long lease, best, location. $:;jO0, cah, buys nearly new modern bri k lodging-house, best location. $r"0, -a cash, buys 13 rooms, close In; other, all slses. Slut buys 100 acres, wheat ranch. In Eastern Oregon; cost nearly $'JMH; must sell; others, all size; also relinquishments. f Cm 0 buys H Interest in large, well-paying restaurant (look it up). it.fO and services secures good paying real estate business for live man. SlOou, 14 each, buys j, Interest tn well known real estate office, doing an excellent business; trial allowed right party. $150 buy well-paying employment agency, must be sold; other business opportunities 0 every kind. $7KM, cash, buys Urst-class. sawmill with large amount timber. THE COAST REALTY CO., 2231a Morrison st, suite 2. Phone Main 1863. CONFECTIONERY. ICE CREAM AND BAKERY. Fine location; will Invoice about $1800; business averages $25 per day ; owner must give up the business, as other work requires his attention. This is a bargain. Price, $1750. Confectionery, groceries, etc., located on Washington st., fine location and business that will clear you $150 per month; stock and fixtures will invoice $2000; 2 years' lease, cheap rent; compelled to sell; price lor quick sale. $1650. Theso are both bargains. THE VETERAN LAND CO., 103 Third tit. "WANTED Manager branch salesroom. Re sponsible man with first-class references and $5000 cash to manage branch sales room for large tntg. company whose products are sold in carload lots to R- R. and other large companies. Position pays $.VH0 a year. Highest bank and commer cial references furnished. Address Sec retary. Box H. Freeport, 111. FOR sale In one of the best towns In State of Washington; population 7uOO, an old established dry goods business, doing a gooJ business; stock clean; fixtures modern; will Invoice about IbOuO. Am going East and must sell before July '1. and if taken at once will discount 20 per cent. This will face Investigation. Address O 55, care Ore gon lan. 6 TORE building, 4 lots, stock of general mer chandise; country town; tine trade; owner Is postmaster; pays .$25 per month; a bar gain for cash, or will trade for Portland income property; $4000. Flggott, Finch A BlRger. attorneys at law, rooms 4, 5 and 6. Mulkey bldg., N. E. cor. 2d and Morrison. FOR RENT We have for rent a fine new hotel of 170 rooms at the corner of 12th and Marshall at.; long lease to good ten ants; modern In construction and equip ment; a fine business proposition for a go ahead person. Apply Gevurtx & Sons. 173-. 176 First st. RESTAURANT men. Attention. Here's a chance for a first-class place, all newly furnished, doing good business In con nection with centrally located hotel; a bargain for the right party. See us. II. - W. Lemcke &. Co., 6th and Washington streets. CHANCE OF A LIFETIME. Having decided to go out of business, we are offering our business, located at St. Johns. Or., for sale. The best location in the"clty. Lease on building. A good busi ' ness to star( with. Address D SO, Oregonian. SAN FRANCISCO rebuilding, offers excep tional opportunity for large proilts In the lumber business. For participation in active lumber company at $1 per share, address "Lumber," postoffice box 20-40, Kan Francisco. PATENT secured or fee returned. Illustrated Guide Book and List of Inventions wanted, free to any address. Patent secured by us advertised free in World's Progress, rfam- Tle copy free. Evans, Wllkens & CO., Wash ngton, D. C. WELL-ESTABLISHED grocery, doing $00 to $100 a day; good clean stock: will sell stock and fixtures and lease build in jr. or rnl estate with business. This proposition win bear investigation. Box C 77. Orego ninn. JFUK 1MMKPIATK ISALhj, HAKDWAKE business; giod. steady cash trade; owners have had disagreement, and must sell; C12ut rasn; exceptionally good buy. call quickly 206 Allsky bldg., Morrison and 3d st. CIGAR and news stand, clearing $100 month, 2 years' lease, $-0 month rent: ex ceptional bargain; poor health cause of selling: Jr looking for good business cor ner, address M 80, Oregon lan. PARTNER wanted; wide-awake young man 10 iBKo a interest in estaDiisnea Dust ness now paying $300 per month clear must have .good reference; $500 required. J iv, care oregonian. STOCK or bond offering of mining, electric, industrial or railway company wanted for sale on com mission basis. Address wit h full particulars. Clientele, P. O. . Box 204, New ork. PHOTO GALLERY, INCLUDING o ROOMS for residence-; no opposition; one of the best towns in Oregon. Building, ground na complete equipment, fiiou. J02 Good riough bldg. FIRST-CLASS opportunity for a man to take an interest with good architect, building suburban hornet. The business is safe and profitable for & small capital. B 63, Ore- soman. A SNAP Best located wholesale and retail mat market in the city, with established paying business; am forced to sell on ac count of sickness. Address O 76, Ore gonian. FOR SALE Good paying- steam laundry satisfactory reasons for selling. Address vwnri, (v oi, van wreguiuttii BANK shares in progressive new bank now organising: shares SUM) each: hlr dlvldanA assured. Write Bauk Shares, P. O. Box O40k can f ran Cisco, cai. PARTY CAN MANUFACTURE CORNFLaKH oreaKrast rood, not surpassed by any In the niai-Kei. r or particulars address w. H. rarrcu, 1. mamoer 01 commerce. GROCERY Paying business, established, at oii'. irnse, cneap rent; about $1800 required. Phone Woodlawn 358 or address 830 Freemont st. A SNAP 'Jl-roora rooming-house and Ice cream parlor; furniture new and clean; for J.S00 If taken at one. Address J 71, Oregonian. HOME bakery and delicatessen, one of the best corners la the city; him cash business -sell on account old age; no agents, S Oregonian. PRIVATE hotel, 8T rooms: close In: well furnished; net Income $400 month; $2MV) handles this snap. "See Phoenix,' 404 Marquam. FINEST LOCATION ABOUT PORTLAND Tor s:oree and rooming-hoiwe 150x100 $;;; X Sell wood Townstte Co., Phone Sellwood 10L CAPHtKR wanted In barber shop; owner will pay $I.i0 a month and share of profit; $1300 required. Room S3 Lumber Exchange. REAL estate business; fine opening for energetic man; ability wanted more than capital. M. 14.1. or L 78, Oregonian. ROOMINO-HOUPK Sixteen rooms. $323; snap. Saloon, f"00; guarantee $250 month net. "See Phoenix." 404 Marquam. PARTNER wanted to help work carnivals, fairs, picnics and Summer resorts. Call at No. 2 14th St., Monday. GROCERY, Washington st. ; snap, long lease, for rent: large stock; god business; $2000. J 77, Oregonian. DRUG STOR3, EAST PORTLAND, CLOSB In; clean n.vk. For Information address Q 7S. Oregonian. FOR SALE Saloon, located in heart of busl nASB dkKrlct. Pries $10u0. Address T 73, Oregonian. 1 GROCERY WILL INVOICE ABOUT $1000; If taken quick $750. fise Nelson, 14th and Irving ets. BUILDING for four pool tables; also room for barber shop. S05 North 14th; cheap rent. WANTED Partner for a bakery, lady or gen tleman, to take care store. V 72. Oregonian. Gt"n paying country newspaper; goes cheap. AOdrese G T4. care Ores ' BCSINL5S CHANCES. CROWN BUSINESS EXCHANGED BEST BANK REFERENCE. No office charge. Commission only. The name sells your business. Do ylu wish to buy, sell or exchange any legitimate business?. The following list is only a few of many houses we have in all parts of the city. $1100. 12 rooms elegantly furnished in oak and B. I maple with vel. and B. B. carpet. One of the swellest locations In heart of city; beautiful lawn and flowers. $700. 10 room, beautifully furnished In house keeping suites; Axm. and Vel. carpets; one of the prettiest homes on the West Side; lease; terms. $425. 10 rooms in housekeeping suites: nicely fur nished and well arranged ; all light and airy; clears $30 a month; terms. 8-room house; nicely furnished; in swell residence district; house full of boarders, making a good Income; cheap rent. s $50. 12 rooms In housekeeping suites; very nicely furnished; excellent location; cheap rent; clears $43 a month; terms. $0000. 42-room hotel on Washington St., close In; beautiful corner brick. This Is one of the b-st furnished and best paying hotels In the. city. Long lease ; cheap rent; $4otH cash. $7500. 4A-room hotel; one of the swellest in city, strictly modern throughout; elegantly fur nished In oak and birdseye maple, axminster and velvet carpets; clears over Sii5G a month; long lease. $1700. READ THIS CAREFULLY. 42-room a and large lodge hall in ons of the best brick blocks on East Side; 16 rooms furnished; rest In housekeeping suites; all painted, papered and tinted; linoleum in hails cost $350. Lodge hall yprr furnished. Including carpet; 8 dozen chairs; 8 officers' chairs; piano; desks; all fixtures and tapestries; long lease; cheap rent; terms. REMEMBER. CROWN BUSINESS EXCHANGE. S8 Raleigh bldg., 6th and Washington eta. Phone Main 6921. WILL PAY Epot cash "for good 10 or 12-room furnished house, must be in good central location for renting rooms. 603-5 SWETLAND BLDG.. Main 156; A l&ud. l SPLENDID country town hotel, only hotel in city; the greatest out-of-town buy. We have a fine hotel at Seaside, where you can make more this season than you pay for the place. ' Also a fine Summer resort at H prico. Please look this up If yoirisb. to get a good thing. C. S. ARNOLD & CO., Hotel Broker, Removed to .8311 Morrison St. BETTER INVESTIGATE! THIS. 87-room corner brick rooming-house In central part of city ; excellent business established; lease 3 years, at $150; books phow a clear profit of $200 a month; worth $.vhjO, but owner must sell and offers It for $3750. Time on part. ELLIS. YORK & CO., Rooms 20 anad 21, 264 Morrison st. BEST paying grocery In busy city close to Portland having a general stock, clean, freeh and up-to-date. Good store rooms; fine oil house. Busiest corner In the city. Owner compelled to withdraw. Will invoice stock and sell store and residence at a bar gain. Stock for about $2000. J. A. MOEHNKE, 209 Commercial bldg. LITTLE SNAP, $450. 9 rooms of good furniture, good -room house, near Portland Hotel; rooms all rented and bringing in $30 above expenses ot run ning; this should appeal to you it looking for a neat little place. ELLIS. YORK & CO.. Rooms 20 and 21. 264 Morrison st. DO YOU WANT IT ? Lease on 75 rooms, new corner brick, Wash ington St.; hot and cold water, steam heat, private baths, will be ready to furnish about July 1. Will dispose of the whole or Interest. For particulars, call 603-5 Swetland aidg., 6th and Wash. sts. DO you need capital? We are In a posi tion to furnish it, to manufactures, min ing, ail, gas propositions, which will berir close Investigations. .We can sell your stocks or bonds on a commission basis, organize and finance corporations. 84 Washington St., Chicago. ONLY $375 CASH REQUIRED. 12-room rooming-house near 10th and Washington; good furniture; takes in 8250 month; price $750; half cash. ELLIS. YORK A CO., Rooms 20 and 21. 264 Morrison st. COUNTRY HOTEL An opportunity seldom offered; mu.t be sold at once because of sickness; price reduced to $0OO; you can pay all expenses, get your living and bank $150 every month. Call 248S Stark st. WANTED A man who can be relied upon and will do his part; will clear you $125 a month; old established business; party must furnish satisfactory references; ex perience not necessary if willing to learn; $600 required. Call 191 4th st. OWNERS of a mercantile business amounting to $125,000 a year, wish to sell out and re tire. Is located on one of best - business streets of city and is clean, legitimate and open to Inspection. Call room 823 Lumber Exchange. AT invoice hardware and grocery busi ness; fine city location; doing first-class business; this business will stand the closest Investigation; parties retiring from business cause of sale. R. 80, Oregonian. OWNER of half Interest In coal company doing a large carload and retail business retiring; will sell for $2500. An unusual opportunity and will stand closest Investigation. Room S23 Lumber Exchange. HOTEL, located In manufacturing part of town, for sale; ten years lease, bar in con nection, clearing over $o) a month; price $rtooo, one-half cash. Room 323 Lumber Exchange. ON Kearney st., a 7-room house, well fur nished; rooms all filled with boarders; $250 will buy this: rent $25 per month. Pacific Coast Realty Co., 307 Buchanan bldg. $1500 BUYS half interest in factory with established trade; owner wants partner to run office and collections, and guarantees $250 a month. Room 323 Lumber Exchange. ROOMING-HOUSE of 26 well-furnished rooms; paying above all expenses $1X0 per month; price $2:100; cash or terms; sickness cause of selling. Phone A2824. CIGAR, fruit and confectionery stand; best paying business "in the most desirable location. 246 Alder, terminus of East Side cars. Pacific 1225. FOkN. SALE Steam-cleaning and dyeing wori'v building and machinery complete; god lease; nets $200 per month; price $1000. L 82, Oregonian. WANT party with $2500 for Interest In mag azine publishing business that's a money maker, either as investment or with serv ices. N SI. Oregonian, IF you are looking for a bargain In a rooming-house, you can get It In a 23-room cor ner brick with good lease, or a half Inter est, by addressing W 73, Oregonian. GROCERY stor doing a business of $40 a day for sale at invoice; owner going East; about $2000 required. Room 323 Lumber Exchange. AN up-to-date confeetlonery business for sale; fine location. It will pay you to look this up. "The Hoosler Real Estate Co.," 266 Stark st. WANTED 40 or BO-room house, central. East or West Side, will invest $5000; will deal with owners) only. Room 807 Buchanan bldg. NEWSPAPER Republican; complete power plant: splendid Valley field; will sell all or part ; might trade. E 76, Oregonian. GOOD thriving real estate business with money-making lease on the -ground floor on 6th st., near Washington. F 1. Oregonian. FUEL company wishing to enlarge helr busi ness will take partner who will put $1500 Into firm. Room 323 Lumber Exchange. GET our list of grocery stores, saloons and hotels. We have them for sale, any size. Room 323 Lumber Exchange. A SNAP A rooming-house of 14 rooms: West Side; price 300. If taken at once. Address Owner, Box 217, city. 12-ROOM boarding houpe. $,150 Income monthlv, fine place; will sell cheap or rent. Hatfield & Smitht 165U 4th st. NICE grocery, excellent location, established trade; at Invoice; about $1300. It's good. A 76. Oregonian. GROCERY location In new building; good trade in sight: reasonable rent. J 85. care Oregonian. FOR RENT Store-room. 15 Holladay ave.; . fine location for milliner or dressmak er; low rent. WANTED -Eastern man ' for partner in building and realty business. P 60, Ore gonian. - BUSIXEfis CHANCES. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN ROOMING-HOUSES. DEVLIN & FIREBALGH. .50&-5O9 Swetland bldg. If you want a rooming-house or have ons for sale, you will find it worth your while to call on us, Beiow we call your attention to a few of the places listed with ua SPECIAL BARGAIN. 18 rooms, nicely furnished; corner location; all outside sunny rooms. This place is clearing $f00 a month above the rent, which Is only $75, and owner occupies 2 rooms; centrally located; This Is a snap for $1150. JL'ST LIKE A PRIVATE HOMEX 12 rooms, well furnished ; furnace heat ; first-class arrangement, all being outside rooms and always occupied; ' fine location on 12th St.; rent $60, with good lease; income $113 per month and owner occupies 8 of the largest rooms; price $lo0. FINE LOCATION. 23 rooms, all nicely furnished; furnace heat; gas and electricity: one of the best situated bouses for high-class trade in the city; 3 years lease at very low rent; Income $250 per month. If you want a money making house, investigate this. Price $2650. ALL HOUSEKEEPING. , 11 roems, well arranged for housekeeping, nicely furnished, all In good condition; close In on lUh st. If you want a small house that Is a money-maker you should see this one. Income $120; rent only $40; price $800. BETTER SEE THIS ONE. 14 rooms, all newly and elegantly furnished last October; 3 years' lease at $65 per month; 2 blocks from Portland Hotel. This can be bandied with (600 cash; balance eay terms without interest. Call on us for particulars. BOARDIN6-HOU6B. 28 rooms, centrally located; elegantly fur nished last January with velvet and Brussels carpets, iron beds and best oak furniture; 3 years' leas at $160 per month; clearing $200 per month net; better investigate It if you want an up-to-date board ing-h,ouss that is making big money. Price $5u0. CENTRALCY LOCATED. 12 rooms, furnace heat; porcelain baths; all nicely furnished, well arranged for boarding-bouse; well located on 11th at.; rent $60; price $750. THIS IS A MONEY-MAKER. 23 rooms, furnished well; furnace heat; within a tew blocks of business center; some transient trade; monthly receipts average $221); rent only $10. If you want a money maker, better Inquire about this. DBVLIN A FIREBAUGH. 608-509 Swetland bldg.. cor 5th and Wash. ROOMING-HOUSE HEADQUARTERS. JDIETZ-MUELLER CO., 603-4-5 Swetland bldg., 5th and Wash. sts. Below is a partial list of rooming-houses that are A-l buys and can be handled on very easy terms; if you do not see what you want come In and look over our list, as we have all the good places that are on the market. BXTRA SWELL. 60 rooms New, modern comer pressed brick ; steam heat, lots of private baths, hot and cold water in every room, all ax minster, Brussels carpets and golden oak furniture; 4-year lease; rent $300 per month . and best location In the city for bon ton trade; absolutely clearing, above all expenses, $350 per month. This house was nevfed on the market before; If you want the very best house in the city and mean business, wo would be pleased to show you through and quote you prices and terms. EXTRA NICE. 20 rooms, newlv furnished: richt down town; rent $100; 2-year lease; all Brussels carpeis, oan rurniture; nne iron oeus; clearing $150 per month; price $3000. BIG MONEY-MAKER. 75 rooms, new corner brick, best location In the city; hot and cold water In all rooms: private baths, elegantly furnished; clearing iou per montn; price $12,000. ' " GOOD BUY. 28 rooms. Washington st, near Perkins noiei; j-year tease, cneap rent, clears aoove all expenses $200 per month; if you want a nouse don t fall to see this; price $2800. BEST IN THB CITY. 26 rooms, new comer brick, swell location; steam heat, all velvet and Axminster car pets; maple and oak furniture; the 'very best buy in the city; rent $125; long lease; big money-maker; price $2900. We have several good 10 and 12-roora . houses and all kinds of good business open ings, as we rnana a specialty of this kind of business. DIET3J-MUELLER CO., 603-4-5 Swetland bldg, fith and Washington. Phones Main 156; A 1566. - MODERN HOTEL. $ a 0.O00 Modern 3-story brick hotel, on railroad and river, in one of the most prosperous towns in Oregon; hotel con tains 30 rooms, office, dlnlng-roora, bar room, laundry, stone basement, steam heat, electric bells, hot and cold water, bathrooms, etc.; first-class trade already established, on large paying basis; owner wishes to retire on account of poor health; terms one-half cash. R1NNOTT & SINNOTT, 635 Chamber of Commerce. MODERN. UP-TO-DATE 27-room place in best West Side residence location, 6 minutes' walk from Postoffice; furniture the very best and almost new, running hot and cold water in every room; cheap rent, lease 3 years; pay $150 over all expenses. If you want the best In the city, see this; price $3400. ELLIS. YORK & CO., Rooms 20 and 21, 264 Morrison st. I OFFER, subject to prior sale, the following stocks and bonds: 10 shares Home Telephone, $42; 1 $1000 Home Telephone bond at 82Uc; 2i00 Alaska Coal and Pet.. 17c; 300O . British Columbia Amal. Coal. Stfc; 500 fnowetorm, $3.o5; 5000 Copper King, at fl-c. am In the market to buy or sell any min ing or industrial stocks. Loans made on any listed securities. Thos. P. Brown, room 10, "Washington bldg. SPECIAL Real estate businse; owner hav ing more work than he can attend to alone, wants a reliable partner: experience not nec essary beyond ability to. show laifd, etc., and he will guarantee you at least $150 a month; small capital required; owner has lived In city long time and is reliable.- Particulars 2484 Stark St. HEADQUARTERS' FOR ROOMING-HOUSES WE HAVE THE BEST. If you are looking for rooming-house, any size, see us, as the bulk of the busi ness goes through our offire. Both Phones: A 1321 or Pacific 2234. H. W. GARLAND & CO., 191 4th St. BUILDERS AND CARPENTERS. Half interest In a building and contracting business. A responsible man now contract ing and building must have a partner. The man is wanted, not his money. References exchanged. For particulars call 165 3d st., room A. - PERMANENT position for competent' book keeper and office man, with good reputa ble company; $12,000 capital stock; must have from $10o to $3000: books open for inspection; stock sold at invoice of goods owned by us. H 62, Oregonian. DINING-ROOM. Completely furnished, in' first-class hotel. - wUl seat 100 people; rent, including steam heat and all the furnlshir.es. $100 per month DIETZ-MUBLLER CO.. 603 -5 Swetland bldg., 5th and Washington. F. J. CATTERLIN A CO., 125 Ablngton bldp.. for British Columbia Amalgamated & Coal, Alaska Petroleum & Coal, Cas cada. Almcda Con., Home Telephone bonds and stocks. We can furnish any stock you want, or can Bell it for you. STRICTLY cash grocery; partner wanted Monday; $600 required, which will be fully secured and owner will guarantee you $100 a month at least; experience not necessary. Call 248H Stark st. PRODUCE, meats, egrs, etc.; owner is alone and wants honest partner: he will teach you the business and guarantee you at least $125 a month; very little money required Call 24Si Stark st. FOR SALE Grain and produce business in . one' of the best Valley towns in Orepon; ready for business July first. For particulars call on McKlnley Mitchell, 202 H Stark st city. m-kuuji nouse; furniture good; corner brick; modern building; full permanent roomers: lease; bargain if sold quickly; no agents. P 83, Oregonian. SOLID manufacturing business for $5noO; will pay you $500 a month clear and owner will stay with you until you can run the business. Call 248H Stark st. 6-ROOM flat for rent, $12.50; furniture for sale, $350; gas. bath, plenty of fruit, good furniture. Bollam, Grusat A Hlgley, 128 Thtra st. i n lm . r o r-arxner wantetr; s'jsoo re quires; pay you u a month and full in vestigation solicited. Call 2461 Stark st. SP"F?CTAL SI OOO. with your services In a cah buslneiw. will pay vou S1SO a month; bank references. Call 248H Stark st. WANTED Cashier for restaurant as partner: owner guarantees you $125 a month; $460 requirco, n;ui ra. v-)iu BUM St. WILL sell or trade 6000 shares of mining stocks in the Coeur d'AIene district. What nave you 10 oner; w iregonian. ATTENTION If yon want to sell vocr hn.i. ness quick for cash or If you want a good partner, can tcu '.aiii NEW. raodm barber shoo, thre rhn locality, reasonable rent; cheap. Apply 317 WILL1 trade AO. 000 or 100.000 Lee's Creek for city property and pay difference, p. j. box . city. $30O, WITH services, will earn yon $25 a weex; must sen ton weea. Address L 83, 2500 SHARES Butte Boye Consolidated min ing stock at 12 H cents. N 82. Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS, rood paying lunchroom for saie; gooa location. j vregonian. BUSINESS CHANCES. ARE you looking for a bargain in rooming- houses or hotels? Please call on Vs ana we will show you something that will in terest you. Look at these prices and compare them with others, 5- room hous good furniture, $250.' 23-room house, newly furnished, $650. 23-room house, swell, good location, $2650. 3 rooms. In first-class condition, $2600. 40 rooms, -caw brick, building, new fur niture, $-600. 72-room house, steam heat, hot and cold water included In rent, $6000. 62-room hotel, a great bargain, must be sold at once: $450d will handle this. . 73-room hotel, a money-maker, $15.oOO. SS-room hotel, a fine buy at $11,000. 155-room . hotel, a No. 1 house, best buy In the .cliy; will guarantee you $600 clr $U2.oo. t-O-ncre fun, $H500; will trad- for c:ty property . tiouw; ana lot preferred 6- room house and 4 lots; over an acre ground; will trade for rooming or city property. C S. ARNOLD & CO., Hotel Brokers, Rooms 111 and 112, 351 Morrison st. A FIRST-CLASS rooming-house, with a 2 year lease, centrally located, always full; clearing over $100 per month; to trade for acreage or improved property not too far out. J. 62, Oregonian. SPECIAL OTlCfcS. Proposals Invited. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that up to ths hour of 2 o'clock P. M. on Wednesday, uu 26th day of June, lu7, A. ., the under signed trustee ot the estate of Charles H. Cooper, bankrupt, will receive sealed bid for the following described real estate be longing to said estate, which will be sold subject to any and all liens and incum brances thereon as a whole or in separate parcels, to-wit: Lots S and ft in block 108, In that part of the city of Astoria laid oat and re corded by John McClure and extended by Cyrus Oiney, and subject . to a mortgage In favor of S. S. Smith for $450.00; lots 5 and 6 In- block 1L in he ort r l-'PPer Astoria, as laid out and recorded by John Adair; also lots 22, 23, 24. 25, 26 and 27. In block 3, and lot 7 of block 16, in Young's Addition to AJderbrook as laid out and re corded by Maxwell Young; also lots 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 and 27, In block 15, In Hill's Addition to Astoria as laid out and re corded by George illll; also lots 1 and 2, In block 13, in North Addition to the City of Astoria as laid out and recorded by B. A. Noyes, and also an undivided inter est In oia 16 and 17, in block 2, In Sil ver Point Cliffa. all in Clatsop County. State of Oregon; also the southeast quarter of section thirty-four (34), in township 39 bomb., of Range four (4) East OI tne vv lit. Mer.. in Jackson Count v. State or Oregon, mortgaged to J. E. Higglce, trustee, for $S00.00, with interest at 8 per cent from Dec. Il,-ltu6; and also an undivided 122.90 264.44 interest in and to the following de scribed real estate in Clark County, State of Washington, to-wit: Beginning at the southwest corner of the northwest quarter of section 28. in townshlD 4 North, of Range 3 West, of the Will. Mer. and run ning thence north 22.50 chains, thence east 40 chains, thence south 22.50 chains, thence west 40 chains to the nlace of beginning, and containing 90 acres, more or less, which real estate is mortgaged to J. a. Ander son for X30O.OO and accrued interest. Up to said time bids will also be received ror an uncollected book accounts oetonging to said estate. - Bide will be received for any parcel or for all of said real estate, and the right Is reserved to reject any and ail bids. R, L. SABIN, Trustee of ths Estate of Charles H. Cooper, bankrupt. PROPOSALS FOR CEMENT WANTED No tice is hereby given that the Board of Pub lic Works of the CUy.of Spokane, Washing ton, is desirous of purchasing 2000 barrels or fortiand uement, tor use in tne construc tion or Dridges across the bpoitane itiver, and will receive sealed orooosals therefor. f. o. b. Spokane, Washington, up to o'clock P. M.. of the 24th - day of June. A. i. 1907, at which time all of eaid pro posals. will be opened and consderied. The said cement for which proposals are made must be first-class Portland Cement, of standard brand and established reputation, sound in every way and not liable to ex tanslnn and ri1flfntF?ra.t1nn. nnd shall be fine. free from lumps and of uniform quality, and securely packed in sound barrels. Guaran teed tests must be submitted with the nroposals of each brand offered, which proposal must contain the earliest date of delivery. All proposals . are to be made In duplicate, one addressed to the Mayor, and one to the Secretary of the Board of Public Works, and to be accom panied by a certified check In the sum of $S00, payable to the president of the Board of Public- Works, as a guarantee of good faith. Affidavits to be furnished that pro posal is made In good faith and not col lusive. The right is reserved to reject any and ail bids. The person, firm or corpora tion whose proposal is accepted must enter Into a contract therefor within five days from the notice of the acceptance of such proposal. By order of the Board of Public Works of Spokane. J. T. O'BRIEN, Sec retary. SEALED proposals will be received by me at my office. No. 7 First street,- Portland. Oregon, up to 12 o'clock noon, of Wed nesday, June 26th, 1907, for the following personal property, located at South Bend, Washington: One stock of general merchandise inventoried at $5877.16 One store building on leased ground, inventoried at 1250.00 (together with fixtures and lights belonging to the build ing.) ' Two horses, wagon and harness. Inventoried at 800.00 Three cash registers, inventoried at - 1425.00 One large safe. Inventoried at.... 275.00 One lot of miscellaneous store fix tures 1449:00 Total $10,576.16 Terms, cash. Certified check for 10 per cent of ths amount offered must ac company each bid, and the right is re served to reject any and all bids. Inventory may be seen on application, and property may be inspected at South Bend. Washington. Dated at Portland, day of June, 1907. Oregon, this 12th R. L. SABIN, No. 7 First street. NOTICE to contractors Office of the State Highway JBoard, Olympia, Washington, May 29th, 107 Sealed bids will be re ceived at this office until 2:00 o'clock P. M., June 24th, 1907, and then opened, for grading, bridging- and macadamising State Aid Road No. 1, otherwise known as the James Clarke Road, No. 2, be tween the- Riverton drawbridge, in section . 10, in township 23 N., R. 4 E., W. ' M., In King County, Washington, and the Ren ton drawbridge, in section 23, In said town ship and range, a distance of 15.487 feet. The map. profile, plans and specifications are on file in the office of the State High way Commissioner, at Olympia, Washing ton end in the office of the County Engineer, Seattle, Washington, where they may be Inspected- The right is reserved to reject any and all bids. Bids will be made upon forms fur nished by this office, and must be sealed and marked "Proposal for Improvement of State Aid Road No. 1." No bid will be considered unless accompanied by a certified check payable to the. order of the State Treasurer of Washington, for at least 5 per cent of the amount of such bid. JOSEPH M. SNOW, Secretary of . the State Highway Board of Washington. IN the District Court of the United States for the District of Oregon. In the mat ter of Ernest W. Russell, bankrupt. The undersigned will receive sealed bids up to 12 o'clock noon of Tuesday, June ISth, 1JW7. for the following described property, towlt: A stock of groceries of the in ventory value of $513.05, together - with etore fixtures of the inventory value of $448,83, all located in store building at No. 126 Russell street, Portland, Oregon. A certified check for 10 per cent of the amount bid must accompany each bid, and the right Is reserved to reject any and all bids. Inventory may be seen at my office, No. 7 First street, Portland, Ore gon, and the property to be sold may bn inspected on application. Dated: Port land, Oregon, June 10th, 1907. R. L SABIN, Trustee. , BIDS will be received by the County Com minioncrs of -Multnomah County, Oregon, up to 10 o'clock A. M., July 3, 1907. when bide JFill be opened, for the building of 10 150 feet of road In township 1 North and 1 South, Range 4 East, known as the Little page road. Plans and specifications may be seen in the office of the Couniy Sur veyor, Portland, Or, THE Oregon Library Commission hereby In vites bids for furnishing: school library books for the purchase of 1908 for the public schools, of Oregon In accordance with provisions of chapter 132, laws of 1905. Lists and information will be fur nished upon application to Secretary at Saiem. Bids will be opened July 15. 1907. Miscellaneous. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. Notice is hereby given that the co-partnership of Pennl. Hickman Co., doing busl ' ness at 207 1st st, Portlnad, Or., has this dav been dissolved by mutual consent, the undersiemed retiring from said firm; all bills and accounts due said firm to fee paid to the remaining partners thereof. J. W. HICKMAN. Portland, Oregon, June 14, 1907. CASH paid for stocks and bonds of merit; mines bought and mineral prospects de veloped that will stand investigation; con sult our office for large profits on small in vestments. Address your wants. W 73, Ore gonian. We ako have some money to loan. FINANCIAL. Money to Losuo. SALARY LOAN " HEADQUARTERS. LOANS TO EVERY ONE WORKING. $10. $20, $30. $40, $50, $60, $70; $S0, $100. LOWEST RATES IN THE CITY. -REBATE given if paid before due. Everything strictly conildentiaL Get $15, pay back $1.00 per week. Get $0, pay back $1.30 per week. Get 25. pay back $1.60 P week. Get .V0, pay back $3.20 per week. OTHER AMOUNTS IN PROPORTION. Railroad men given special attention. STATE SECURITY CO., 704 Dekura Bldg. Honrs, 8 A. M. to 8 F. M. Saturdays, till 8 P. M. LOANS MADE TO SALARIED PEOPLK holding permanent positions ana respon sible firms; easy payui-nie -and strictly confidential ; also CHATTEL LOANS en personal property; rooming-houses a specialty. NEW ERA LOAN TRUST COMPANY, 20S Abingtoa Building. MONET TO LOAN. On Improved city property or for build ing purposes, for from 3 to 10 yrars time, with nriviiftt to reuav all or hart of loan after two years. Loan, approved from plans and money advanced as building progresses; mortgages taken up and replaced. Fred H. Strong, financial agent, 242 otaxk street. THB STAR LOAN COMPANY. Any salaried employe, wage-earner, can get on his note, without mortgage (con fidential). Month. W-month. Week. $50 Repay to us.. ..$13.33 of $6.65 or $3.35 $25 Repay to ua....$ 6.66 or $3.20 or $1.65 $15 Repay to us....$ 4.00 or $2.00 or $1.00 210 McKay Bldg., 102 Third. THE CRESCENT LOAN CO., 428 MOHAWK bids. Loans to salaried employes oa nets. without mortgage; easy pay Meets. Month, -month. Week. $50 Repay to as. ...$13. 33 or $6 6ft or $3.33 $25 Repay to u.-. 623 or $3.fi0 or $1.63 10 Repay to us....$ 4.00 or $2.00 or $100 We meet any rate, time or terms.- Main 204 L. MONEY LOANED TO SALARIED PEOPLB just on your own name; no other security necessary; don't borrow until you see me; my system Is the best for railroad men. clerks, bookkeepers, streetcar men and all other employes; business strictly confidential. F. A. Newton. 611 Buchanan Bldg. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLB and others upon their own names without security; cheapest rates, easiest payments: offices In 60 principal cities; save yourself money by getting our terms first. TOLMAN, 228 Ablngton Bldg., hMS 3d st WANTED Notes, mortgages or contracts on any kind of real estate In Oregon or Wash ington; 2d "mortgages purchased If well se cured. H. Ev, Noble, 812 Commercial Blk. MONET TO LOAN, REASONABLE RATES: real estate, chattel mortgages or personal security; notes bought- C W. Pallett. 304 Fenton building. LOANS on easy payment plan to salaried peo ple; lowest rates; strictly confidential. Em ployes' Loan Co., room 716, The Dekum. 3d and WaA. Main 224. $5000 OR LESS IN SUMS TO SUIT ON real estate; charges reasonable. Inquire J. H. Middle ton, B17 Chamber Commerce. MONEY LOANED IN SUMS OF 95 AND up on all kinds of security. W. A. Hatha way, room 10.- Wash. bldg. Pacific 1832. - LOANS ON FURNITURE, PIANOK AND other securities; lowest rates. S. W. King-, room 4&, Wash. bldg. Phone Main 6100. MONEY LOANED IN SMALL OR LARGH sums on Improved and unimproved real ear Late. W. H. Nunn. 532 Sherlock block. $1000 to $100,000 to loan in sums to suit at 5 to 7 per cent on improved realty. M. G. Griffin 266 Stark, opp. Chamber of Commerce. IMMEDIATE LOAN'S FROM $6 TO $5000 ON all securities. R. I. Eckerson & Co., room 6, Washington bldg. Phone Pac-1831. MORTGAGE LOANS AT CURRENT RATES; no commission. Columbia Life 4k Trust Company, Lumber Exchange bldg. MONEY TO LOAN $3000 at 6 per cent on good inside security. Sherlock & Woerndle, 1)0 6th st., near Stark. CLIENT desires to loan money on improved real estate. Apply 7 IS Chamber of com me res. State fusds loaned, 6 per ct. state, agt.t Multnomah Co. W. E. Thomas. 409 C. of Com. MONEY TO LOAN ON ALL KINDS OF Se curity. Wm. Holl, no. 0 Washington bldg. DON'T BORROW MONEY ON YOUR BAL ary until you see Hutton Credit Company. A. LOAN FOR THE ASKING SALA RY OR chattel. The Loan to., iu uekum bldg. ON MORTGAGE $200 TO $3000. COST PA pers only. Ward, Lawyer, A 11 sky bldg. $500,000 TO LOAN AT 5 AND 6 PER CENT. Wm. G. Beck, room 312 Failing bldg. WILL loan $6000 or less; 6 per cent, on real estate. Fa rr lug ton, 313 Fenton biag. $10.0(K) TO $12,000 to ioan on good city real eastats security. ti. 1 , ureBonian. Loans Wanted. WANTED Soringfleld Lodge. No. 70. I. O. O. F., wants to borrow about $10,000 (ten thousand dollars) for building purposes. Regarding security and other particulars communicate witn tne trustees. j. r. Fry, chairman of board of trustees, Springfield, Or. WANT party with $2300 for Interest in mag' azlne publishing business that's a money maker, either as inveetmept or with serv ices. LN SL Oregonian. WANTED To borrow $1200 on improved property near Steel bridge; 7 per cent Interest; no commission. W 77, Orego nian. WANTED TO BORROW $3000 OR $4000 FOR 8 years, at 6 per cent on first-class .city property. a, uregonian. WANTED To borrow $1300 on East Side real estate for 3 years at 7 per cent interest. Adrress G 83, Oregonian. WANTED To borrow $800. 7 per cent inter est, on well-Improved suburban property. P 77. Oregonian. WANTED To borrow $350 from private parties en Improved real estate, 84, Oregonian. WANTED $1000 three-year six per cent loan. Zella Gossett, Riverside office, St. Johns car. WANTED To borrow $200 on Portland real estate; no commission, u s, uregonian. WANT loan of $500 ' on $2000 vacant lot. P 84, Oregonian. WANT loan of $4000 on three new bouses. J 81. Oregonian. PERSONAL. IF THERE! is any one who knows where my elster. Rose Glenn, is, please let me know st once. P. T. Glenn, Bell wood. Or. 640 Spokane ave. Phone Sell wood- 256. DR. J. T. PIERCE cures all nervous, chronle and nrlvate diseases, both sexes: office treat. ment, 50e to $1. Call or write. 181 1st su. cor. xamniii, .roriiana, ur. GERMAN, French, Spanish and other Foreign Dictionaries Text Books and Literature (German books a specialty). A. W. SchmaXe Co., 22 First st. LOST powers restored by the great Dr. Lor n Krve Tonic Tablets. 25 a box. Write or call at Eyssel's Pharmacy, 227 Morrison at., bet. 1st and Zd. Jl WORKINGMAN of middle age, German, like the acquaintance of a mid die-aged . German woman. Object, matrimony. . Q 82, Ore gonian. L REINER, practical furrier; sealskin gar ments redyed and remodeled; expert fitter; estimates given; lowest prices. Obd wash. MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hair removed. No charge to talk it over. Mrs. M. D. Hill, room 330, meaner oiag. i-acina 143. MMB. LUCK BY IS IN HER NEW QUAR ters, and is prepared to treat her old and aiSO new customers. xo9 front an. - CONFIDENTIAL corresponding club for honest, sober, single people. Address Mrs. H. C Wilbur. 40 Third at. WANTED To meet honorable ladles and gentlemen of responsible age; object, mat' rl mony. v, oic buiiihu. GENTLEMAN ef 88 desires the acqnaint ance of an honest .lady; object matri mony. A 82, Oregonian. WEALTHY Western professional man. age 50, would marry. Confidential. p. G-. Box 35. Toledo. Ohio. DR. AT WOOD, female diseases; maternity cases, private hospital. 8 Lewis M. . P. 1753. MADAM VASHTL palmist and clairvoyant; life's mysteries revealed. 2014 Third st. Recently Opened Manicuring parlors removed from 351 W to 344 Morrison, room 2. BALM OF FIGS for all female diseasesL 26 E. BelmontL Phone East 44. LADY'S barber shop now open at 54 4th st. PERSONAL. LADIES, one word with you 23 years of suc cessful nraetice In Portland tn the treatment of diseases peculiar to women should be suf ficient guarantee to tnose seeking tne aia 01 an experienced physician and surgeon. I have asi6ted hundreds of anxious and suf fering women. 1 can assist you. , I? in trnuhle. no matter from what cause, call on eld Dr. J. D. Gray, the old reliable special ist; no charge for consultation or advice. 51 Alder st, corner 3d, Portland, Or. Cor respondence sacredly confidential. TR MART LANE. Late superintendent of Chicago Women's Hos- Lital, treats diseases of women exclusively; idles will consult their bet Interests by , communicating .with me; no fee for con sultation; correspondence absolutely confi dential ; maternity cases given special at tention. Sanitarium and of flees, 2S3 AWer, corner 3d, Portland, Or. Phone Main 2T96. W T FOLKS. Tmi wirhr dnuh'.A chin, busts, abdomen and hips reduced; have lost 4i pounds; no atitrvinir. no wrinkles, guaranteed narmie-ss. Call Wednesday or write for booklet -free. Mmi a Q Brers. 1T K. 27th North. Portland. Phone Woodlawn 207; morning and evening. ONE dollar reward for the correct address of any ef the following persons: Theo. Hlumst. formerly at dot rrom u, uu, A Mirl.oll. formerlv at Lenta, and Dr. G. ft Parker, formerly at the Clarino Hotel, near Steel bridge. city. C W. Miller, 191 1st st. KNOW THY FUTURE Get a perfect picture of the past and present absolutely tree, with forecast fofr- vear. B benefited by I what stars can tell you. Send birth date I and year with seir-aaaressea stampcu en velope to Vernon Meivs, oyracuse, Aim. SUITS pressed while you wait, 50c To vis itor or .fortiana , Dote is ana 10 puuiiu large: Suits pressed at 60c at Gilbert, the I n "-'a ni;ii Arh t ntt tn Quelle. La dies' skirts pressed, 60c. Feathers and boas cleaned and curled. Phone Pacific 2uo& IS THIS YOUR TROUBLE? TOUR NERVES twitch, you don't sleep welL raimo a al lots will cure you; &Oc a box. 6 for $2.00; vnarTirnii Rniri hv m11 druegists. or ad dress Brooke Drug Co., 67 North 3d t, Portland, Or. WHEN YOU DON'T FEEL WELL AND don't know what Is the matter, tnen x lne Pills will cure you; $1 a box, 6 boxes $5; full guarantee. Address J. A. Clemen son, druggist, 2d and Yamhill sts., Port land. Or. Swedish trained nurse, Helsingfors graduate. cures rneumatwm. nervous aiaoraers. eymjus. superfluous fat hand rubbing, steam, sweat and tub baths. 7 East 11th street; take East Ankeny car. Phone East 260. Home li-iww. LIFE IS WORTH LIVING WHEN TOU fl well: Sexina Pills make you reel wen nrlr-A SI a hnx. 6 for S3: full guarantee. Address or call J. G. Clemenson. druggist. corner 2d and Yamhill sts,. i'ortiana, ur. T . a nnrfl Amir vniir rfmee'lst for ChlChes- ters Diamond Brand fills. or 20 years knAn am th. h,t lfAt Reliable. TS KtS no other. CMchesters Diamond Brand Pills- Sold by druggists everywhere. nnN'T t.vi tyit'll and forgetfCI, sex- lne Pills cure all forms of weatcness; i a box, 6 for $5, with full guarantee- Ad dress or call J. A. Clemenson, druggist. 2d and Yamhill sts., Portland, ur. I-noT VITA! .ITT IH QUICKLY BESTOHKO by the use of Eexlne Fills. t a oox, o ouxea $0, with lull guarantee. jiaur ... A. Clemenson, druggist, corner 2d and Yam- blll sts.. A-'ortiana. ur. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, MOLES, ETC., RE- moved by electric neeaie; estaDiisnea jot; nhvalrlnnti' re f erences. lad V oDera tor. Par- Tora 1704 10th St., near Morrison, phone Main 6267. riRF.fla suits for rent, all sizes: $1 month keens vour clothes cleaned, pressea. buttons sewed on, rips sewed. Prompt calls and de liveries. Unique tailoring 1,0., out stars: si. LADIES Dr. Sanderson's Co-Savin and Cot ton Root Fills are tne oniy sure remeay ior female troubles and irregularities; by man, $2 box. . Dr. Fierce, isi 1st st., roruasa. -ID :in9Q PUS 1I1I9A AHHVW rectory free; pay when marriea; entirety new plan; send no money. Address H. Horton, Dep.. 81, Tekonsha, Mich. WHY suffer from rheumatism, nsjrvous diseases, when yon can be cured by the most wonderful remedy known. Call and see. Room 34, 2W ' Morrison St. MISS ETHEL WARD, manicurist and ohir- onodist. formerly ot mm Fine st., is now located at 351 Morrieon at., room 16. LOST AND FOUND. LOST Between J 1th and Park, on Columbia st, or between uoiumoia ana Montgomery, on Park et., Friday night, lady's brown leather handbag containing Oregon Trust & Savings Bank check book, door key and oth?r articles of value oniy to owner. Find er please call up Paclflc 2SD0. WILL soli half Interest in a general mer chandise store; business has grown to such , an extent that there is more than one 1 can attend to; will require about $3000; no aeents: reference required: business is es tablished and pays big profits. L85, i Oregonian. 310 REWARD Gray and white horse; branded, anchors; estrayed or stolen from barn. East Side, June 6. Finder notify Andrew Kan s Co., a ST Morrison st. LOST Male fox terrier; answers to name ! Ruria-e: license no. 100: one orown ear. slight defect in right eye. Return J. L. Mitchell, 773 Hoyt st. Reward. L'OST Between First and Tamhlll and 6th and Morrison, small nurse containing sto in gold. Please leave same at Oregonian of fice and receive reward. LOST Piartles taking stag horn umbrella I from gas company1 office Saturday known. Return to B. G. White house. No questions ; asked. 1 FOUND Where hair mattresses are renovated, returned same dav. 22S Front. Main 474. Portland Curled Hair Factory. H. Metzger. FOUND A place to get Summer dresses and shirtwaists hand laundered. 343 Yamhill st., near Hotel Portland. LOST My bank book containing valuables; a good reward for return to 535 Savler, cor. 10th st. ili. . biaiey. LOST Gold watch. Elgin works; the name Cora on back ; return to Oregonian office . and receive re ware. Tun ST Between 3d and Park. Morrison and . Washington sts. an Infant's dresa. Please phone Main 6787. EASTERN Star pin, pearls; reward. C. Fenton bldg. with crescent of Farrington, 313 t,ort A blue enameled butterfly breastpin; finder will be rewarded for return to 344 I almon st. t. or t Trtt nter dud. female, age 8 months: marked liver and white. Return 310 6th; ! reward. lost On 13th or Morrison, purple belt. with buckle; reward. Return 321 13th street. LOST Six theater tickets for Monday night at Helllg. Kewira, cnone .n-asi 1010. FOUND On East Side, umbrella. Call 4S7 E. Everett st- Owner pay advertising. LOST Pair blue pants, silver speckled stripe $5 reward, pzo uienwooo mve. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accordion plaiting. - MISS O. GOULD, M7 SWETLAND BLDG. A CCO ra ion ana unuv pi&iuug kuu pinning. Accountants. cz.wn T MTTRTON. 818 Chamber Cammerri. Phone Main 3681. General accounting and auditing business. Architects. INTERIOR and exterior designing In Swiss. Craftsman and other styles; etore fronts - plans, specin eat 10ns. nome resigning Co- architects. Healy bldg. Fhons 674o. ii slorrison ana umuu . . Assay ere and Analysts. orpcvt.tty A CRAWFORD, analvttraf ch.m. ists, mining engineers. 204H Washington st. MONTANA Am Best facilities. ly Office, 186 Morrison Prices reasonable. PAUL BAU MEL, assay er and analyst, dust bought. 307 Alder at. Cleaning; and Dyeingv THE Madison Steam Cleaning and Pressing Fariora; aa wora guaranieeo; prompt serv ices repairing; French dry cleaning a spe- I cialty. 247 Madison, bet. 2d and Sd. Phone Paciflc 161 . jonn C Baker, proprietor. Chiropody and Manicuring. WM. DETVENY and Estelle Deveny, the only scientific chiropodists, parlors 203 Drew building. l62T2d su Phone Main 1;01. Chiropody and Pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill, room ana f neaner omg. rnone ?scine J. LINDELL. expert chiropodist: ail instru ments sterilised. 703 Marquajco. Main 62aQ 1 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Carnec Cleaning:. IONE Steam Careet Cleaning Works. Mat tresses and feathers renovated. 221 E. 21st North. Phone East 360. R. F. Shepard. Mgr. Dog audi Horse Hopltal Dr. C. E. Brown, D. V. S , D. C. M. Dog. horse hospital. 106 N. 6th st. Union Iran ce Harness said Saddles. THE George Lawrence Co., wholesale saddie md harness mirs. ; leather and sadulery hardware. o0-ttt 1st. Main 220. Cstvenlers and Builders. W. L. Buckner, office, store fixtures, general jobbing, contracting: 330 stark. ao.a in o&a. Gasoline Knglnes. Statloaary, marine, electrio equipments launch- accessories, wholesale, retail : engine re pairing. Kelerson Machinery Co., 1&2-4-6 Mar. Comniltudon Merchants. HERMAN METZGER. purchaser of hides. pelts, furs, wool, mohair, tallow and rubber and old metal and general commi-sslon mer chant. Front St., near Main, romana, ur. TAYLOR. YOUNG & CO.. ship brokers, com mission merchants, Sherlock b.dg., fort land. D. C. BURNS CO., grocers and commission merchants, 2J0 vid st. Dancing:. DANCING lessons. 2Sc during Summer months; eciioui open an year; social, iancy ana stags dancing tftupht daily. Wilson's Dancing Eehool, AJisky bldg., Sd and Morrison eta. Housecleanlng. WANTED House-cleaning, store and offlce- cieaning; odd Jobs a specialty. roont Pacific 073. - Junk, Hides and Pelts. L. SHANK & CO., purrhasers of bides, pelts. wool. furs, tallow, old rubbers, metals and sacks. 812 Front st. 1 1 e - ' ' . Leather and Findings. J. A. STROWBRIDGe LEATHER CO. Es tablished 1H58. Leather and findings: Stock ton sole leather and cut stock; full line Eastern Jumbos 188 Fron st. CHAS. L. MA STICK & CO., Front and Oak sis. l. earner ana skins or every aescnpnon for ail purposes; sole and tap cutters' find ings. Musical. MISS CALL receives pupils during the Sum mer, osy .ast Hurnwde. fnone uast zjou. Machinery. B. TRENKM AN A CO.. mining, sawmill log ging machinery, hydraulic pipes, castings, all Aiiiaa. repairea. lot M. 4tn St. Osteopathic Physicians. DR. R. B. NORTHRUP, 415-13-17 Dekum bldg.. Third and Washington sts.. Phone, office. Main 340. Residence. Main 15"3. Residence, East 1023. I Dr. Arnold Lindsay, graduate of the Osteo pathic College of Kirksville, Mo., who Is a specallft on rheumatUm, stomach and all female diseases. 410 Failing bldg. Pax. 18R2. DR. L. B. SMITH, pioneer osteopath of Ore gon, graduate Klrkvtlle. Mo. 409 Oregonian bnig. Main 1242; res. Main 2752. Paints, Oils and Glass. F. E. Beach A Co.. the Pioneer Paint Co. Window glass and glazing. 135 1st. M. 1334. RASMUSSEN i CO., Jobbers, paints, oils. giass, sasn and doors, cor, ana isyior. Patents. PATENTS New book free. This book tells all about patents and how to obtain them. Explains the cost of a patent and out methods of business. Illustrates 100 me chanical movements and contains por traits of all, the famous American Inven tors. Book mailed free to any address. O'Meara & Brock, pat. attorneys, 818 F st., Washington, D. C. Patent Lawyers. . R. C. WRIGHT, domestic and foreign patents; Infringement cases. 604 Dekum. Real Estate. A. B. RICHARDSON, real estate. 15 Orego nian bldg. Phones Main 1453 and A 2138. Rubber 6 tamps. ALSO seals, stencils. Tel. Slugs, bar checks. eto. 2oast Co., 231 Stark. Tel. 1407. P. C. STAMP WORKS. 249 Alder St. Rubber tamps, seals, stencils, checks, brass signs. Showcases. Bank and Store Fixtures. R. H. BIRDSALL. designer; agent M. Winter Lumber Co., 7 Hamilton bldg. Main 5530. PORTLAND Showcase A Fixture Co., 348 1st :.. near Market. Phone Pacific Itizo. THE Lutko Manufacturing Co., cor. 0th and iioyt. Fnone Main J4US. Sign Painting. SIGNS ("That Attract.') Portland Sign Co., 2H7 Stark. Fan. 1596. Spiritualists. Always Consult the Best. PKOFESSOK KH1MO. FREE CONSULTATION READINGS THIS WEEK ONLY t BY THE Greatest living astral dead -trance clair-, voyant of the age; adviser on business and' all affairs of life; tells your full name and what you called for, whom you will marry, how to control the one you love, even though miles away: reunites the sep arated; gives secret powers to control; - does all others advertise to do. Hours, 10 to 8, daily and Sunday. Office, Nos. 3 and 4, Grand Theater bldg. 352 Wash., near Park st. Phone M. 1267. MELVIN, THE GREAT Business and test medium. Advises yon with a superhuman power. Learn what is before you. He locates minerals and oils. In matters of love,, speculations, investments and all domes tic troubles the predictions of this in spired medium are infallible; unites the separated, causes speedy and happy mar riage with one of your choice, removes evil influence and heals the sick. Office The Benson, 281 Morrison St., cor of 5th, room 3. Hours, 10 to 8 P. M. Phone Main 7246. PROF. KHIMO. Greatest living clairvoyant. Readings on all affairs of life. Satisfaction guaranteed. No questions asked. FREE CONSULTATION READINGS DURING THE ENTIRE WEEK. 852H Washington. Phone Main 1267. MM FT. ADWARD, spiritualist medium, can be consulted on business, lawsuits, iove, matri mony; unites the separated, no matter the distance or cause; satisfaction guaranteed; readings, 50 cents, daily and Sunday. Moved to the Mtlner. 350H Morslson, cor. Park st, Elevator second floor, parlors 3 and 4. MEDIUMS' ASSOCIATION Hear the wonder ful preacher, teacher ana neaier, ur. Bever ly, of Chicago; messages by Mrs. Beverly. W. O. W. Hall, Hth L, 8 P. M. Btrangerg in our city welcome. SUMMER SCHOOL Teachers or students de- String preparation lor examinations or aa vanced work should apply to 15. P. Ander son. "Ph. D., 2U2 Columbia st. Phone Main 6811. MRS. SOPHIA SKIP, wonderfully accurate seer; letters answered; readings dally, ttus Allsky bldg. Pacific 2S35. 1 Mrs. Wallace, famous psychic; reliable on all affairs of life. 851H Morrison St. Lewis Dicg. MISS MAY ANDREWS, card reading,-: 25c, 235 6th St., corner Main. MRS. SHAVER, spiritual . reader, 426 Burn- side st., corner lotn. x Storage and Transfer. THE firm of Olsen A Roe have dissolved part nership. F. F. bneasgreen naving purcnasea the interests and good will of C. M. Olsen. The business will be incorporated and con tinued under the name of Oleen-Roe Trans fer Co. All orders for tragisf erring or stor age" will be given prom and careful at tention. Office, fioft Oak st. Phone No. Main 547. Phone No. A-22?. F. P. Sheas green, phone Paclflc 1061. Henry Roe. phone M. 5111- C. O. PICK, office 8 1st., bet. Stark and Oak. Phone &WJ. 1 Flanoe and furniture movea ano packed for shipment; commodious, bricc warehouse, with separate iron rooms. Front . and Clay sts. Safes. DIEROLD manganese safes large lines car ried. Lock-outs openea. jscks, jaus, metai furniture. Honest pricpa and goods. Both phones. J. E. Davis. 66 3d. SECOND-HAND safes for sale; great, bar gains. 70 6tb St.. net. uax ana Fine. Typewriters. NEW ty paired. pewrlters. all mukes, rented, sold, re- ixtasi Agency, i otara. jrnons uui