The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 16, 1907, Section Two, Page 22, Image 22

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Room With Board.
SOME MEALS are "cooked."
Others are "created."
And there's a bis difference in service,
Nicholas T. Sargent is mora than a
genius as steward and hotel manager
he Is an artist.
And he is personally superintending the
service at the Hotel Sargent, Grand and
Hawthorne aves.
To say yoa will .be delighted if you try
a dinner there Is putting it mildly.
Tou will beccme an enthusiast.
And It only costs 50c for dinner.
Sunday dinner, 75c with wine.
When at the hotel, ask to see the
rooms the new suites, etc. Everything
Hotel Sargent, Grand and Hawthorne ava.
WILT., take a few select adult boarders;
everything new and elegant; strictly first-Has-;
large porches, lawn and trees. 715
Everett st.
YOUNG MEN If you want first-class room
and board, reasonable, good home cook
' in, all conveniences, nice yard and porch,
also table board. $4 week, call at the
Aster House, 7th and Madison.
COLUMBIAN- apartments. 11th and Colum
bia, 3 and 4 rooms, unfurnished, possess
ing every modern convenience; $27.50 up;
excellent neighborhood and surroundings.
PLEASANT and well furnished room for two
with board; new and elegant home; modern
conveniences; desirable location; five min
utes from postoffioe. R 79, Oregon lan.
Portland Women's Union; 18th year- Rooms
with board, use of sewing-room, use of
library; Women's Exchange. Address Mrs.
Ella Raw lings, SupL, 610 Flanders.
Mmnequa Inn. 879 Yamhill st., 3 blocks west
Hotel Portland; new management, a few
choice room, white belp. home cooking.
IF you went an apartment of 5 rooms and
bath, with all the latest Improvements,
furnished or unfurnished. In high-class
apartment house. West Side, answer this
ad. W 61, Oregonian.
APARTMENT, 4 rooms and bath; reason
able rent. Hoi lad ay ave.
PARTIES leaving city, will sacrifice the
furniture of a four-room flat, bath, hall
and large pantry; furniture in use 4
months; piano 2 months; rent of the flat
f.'lfl; walking distance, and Includes hot
and cold water, heat and Janitor serv
ices. No. 407 Jefferson st., corner 10th.
The Colonnade. Call between 11 A. M.
and 8 P. M.
, Nearing completion, situated at 22d and
Kearney. 4 and 5 rooms each, of the very
latest' design; all modern equipment; well
flniwhed. Tinted to suit tenant; $30 and
Southeast cor. 3d and Oak. Phone Ex. 72.
TWO five-room flats, upper and lower, on
Marshall St., near 19th; upper. $18; lower,
H20; good plumbing, house recently pa
pered. Wakefield, Fries & Co., 22U Stark
t. Both phones.
6-ROOM modern flat; every convenience;
new building: corner Eugene and Union
ave.: reasonable rent. A. H. Birrell, 202
McKay bldg.. 3d and Stark sts.
STRICTLY modern flat 7 rooms. Just com
pleted; shade, gas range, gas, electric fix
tures, brick fireplace, furnace heat; 31 10th
st. near Montgomery; nothing better.
NICELY furnished modern 4-room flat, hot
and cold water, bath, gaa range, use of
piano Included; very reasonable, close in.
Inquire 30O Ho Had ay ave.
East and West Sides. Portland Trust
Company of Oregon. S. W. cor. 3d and Oak.
Fhona Exchange 73.
305 11TH ST. 6-room modern steam-heated
flat; very best in the city; $45 pel
month, including heat, water, etc. See
janitor, corner bldg.
FOR RBNT New C-room flat, gas, bath,
shades; partly furnished if desired. Corner
of Halsey and East 8th at. N. 321 Bast 8th
N. Hast 2610.
FOR RENT Modern 7 room fist. It North
l(Vth St.. near Bumstde. Inquire at prem
iers and John. Klosterman, 61 N. 21st st.
Main 35S2.
UPPER corner flat; modern; six rooms;
IHth and Hovr sts. ; will tint to suit. F.
V. Andrews & Co., Hamilton bldg., 131
3d St.
HiOOM modern flats. Just completed, on 8.
E. corner Park and Mill sts.; rental $.16 to
. 140. Parrfeh. Watklna A Co.. 250 Alder st.
B.5 TAYI.OR, cor. ISth. flat 5 robins, recep
tion hall, oak floors, bay windows, modern;
$.V. Grave Music Store. 328 Wash.
FIVE-ROOM flat; steam heat, hot water;
choice location: close In; no children. Ap.
ply Miss Zinkaw, 564 Couch at.
DESIRABLE single flat; 6 rooms and recep.
tlon; shades; strictly modern. Inquiro
corner house. S55V Sixth.
$20 PER month, modem 6-room flat: 20th
and E. Morrison sts. W. O. Waddel, 3X7
Lumber Exchange.
TWO unfurnished front rooms: sink, gas.
basement, nearly new; adults only; walking
distance. 233 Hall.
FOR RENT New modern ft-room flat. East
10th and Oak. Inquire William R. Stokes
& Co., 105 Grand ave.
FOR KENT New five-roomed flat.- E. 15th.
near Belmont. Inquire A. L. DuPuy, 94
Union ave.
40 HARRISON st., 6-room modern, steam
heated flat, including heat, water, etc
See Janitor.
312 CHAPMAN ST.. oor. Taylor, new flat. 4
rooms: tile bath; $20. Graves Music Store,
32S Wash.
MODERN" 6-room flat, large porch and
yard. 8 East 12th, bet. Ankeny and Burn-side-
FOR RENT New 6-room upper flat, close in,
East Side. Phone 2131. McKinley Mitchell.
FOR RENT A mortrrn flat. West Side. M. E,
Lee. room 20. Raleigh bldg.. 823 Wash.
NICELY furnished room with hot and cold
water, suitable for two. 26 N. 17th st.
FURNISHED flat. 5 rooms, 915 per month.
The Roosevelt, 1S3 Holladay ave.
4-ROOM modern flat, Corbett, $12-50. L,
E. Thompson Co., 22S 3d. ,
THREE-ROOM flat, quite elegantly furnished;
private residence. 429 3d.
XT7WLY FURNISHED 5-room flat. Call after
10 mornings, 273 14th.
BtX-ROOM upper modern flat, 33th and Hail
sts.; $25. Main 6767.
MODERN 6-room flat. 32P4 Mill st.
Housekeeping Rooms,
3 WELL-FURNISHED housekeeping rooms;
phone and gas; walking distance. 544 7tu.
I'all Monday.
HANDSOMELY furnished" suite; private bath,
quiet, select; kitchen privileges. 163 17 th
THREE furnished rooms for housekeeping at
226 Park st.. electrie lights and gas.
THREE unfurnished rooms, hmjaekeeph or
light manufacturing. 223U, First.
SEVEN rooms, furnished for housekeep
ing; walking distance. 461 7th.
345 a 6TH 1 housekeeping suite of 2
rooms: gas. bath and laundry.
LIGHT, airy housekeeping room? also furnished
rooms, reasonable. 6th st.
$9 THREE rooms, gas plate, steel range.
618 7th st. Phone Main 4529.
TWO housekeeping rooms with all modern
conveniences. 533 Johnson at
TWO light housekeeping rooms, suitable for
1 or 2; close in. S48 Clay.
854 CLAY Unfurnished housekeeping
rooms. Phone Pacific 174S.
FOR RENT Newly furnished housekeeping
rooms. 611 Gltsan st.
TWO furnished housekeeping rooms close In.
Call today. 427 E. Ash at.
THRFJE unfurnished housekeeping rooms, 423
Burnslde. Pacific 2O0S.
THREE desirable housekeeping rooms; gas.
bath, etc 3s5 llih. I
Housekeeping Booms.
Furnished or unfurnished aoartments,,
with light, heat, hot and cold water,
porcelain baths, gas atove kitchens,
automatic phone and electric elevator.
fore the 2(Hh; new bright rooms, worth $3 a
week, housekeeping or single, furnished or
unfurnished. Hotel Fairxnount. first opened
since the fair: ga. bath, phone. 26th and
Upshur, Fairgrounds. Beautiful location.
Washington, cor. 20th Nicely furnished
housekeeping rooms, gas ranges, hot
water, free bath, free phone, both floors;
nice sunny suites $10 and $12 per month;
best rooms In city for money.
NEW unfurnished 4-room apartment, with
bath, steam heat, hot and cMd water, gaa
range, refrigerator; very convenient and
fine location. Apply to Janitor, 7th and
Jefferson sts. Phone Main 2506.
THK ONEONTA. 387 17th st.. near Yamhill;
new house, elegantly furnished, in suites of
2, 3 and 4 rooms, hot and cold water, gas
range each kitchen; ateam heat, baths, free
phone each floor; no children.
GOOD furnished or unfurnished housekeeping
rooms, 2 for IS. 3 for $12; also 5 and 7
room cottages. West Side river. Apply 3R4
North 26th. Willamette Heights car to 26th,
turn south half-block.
THE ELLSWORTH Furnished housekeep
ing suites, 8 rooms each. In new brick
building, steam heat, baths, hot. cold
water; close-in. 166 Lownsdale, near High
keeplng rooms and private bath; no trhil-
dren. Call Sunday or evenings', 400 4th.
Phone 4723 Main.
house; gas, electricity, furnace; Knott, near
Union ave; bo email children. Inquire 660
Kerby st. ,
TWO furnished housekeeping rooms. $10 per
month, or three for $15; water, bath, gas.
127 East 10th, between Morrison and
THREE beautifully furnished housekeeping
rooms on 16th, near Washington st. ; every
modern convenience. Inquire 460 Jefferson.
$16 FOR 2 furnished housekeeping rooms; gas1,
bath, phone Main 43K3; also 3 or 4-room
suites; fine location, 535 Yamhill st, cor 17th.
nished housekeeping roome, laundry and
bath. 164 Saerman St., South Portland.
HOUSEKEEPING rooma. two suites, one of
four rooms, the other two rooms; close in
and reasonable. Call at 466 Main st.
270 MONTGOMERY, cor. 3d, furnished
housekeeping suites; clean, central, gaa,
bath; terms moderate. Main 4469. '
ONE pleasant furnished) room, also splendid
suite of light housekeeping rooms; modern;
easy walking distance. 262 12th st.
534 MORRISON Splendid housekeeplngr apart
ments; rooms large and airy, completely
furnished, newly painted, telephone.
410 JEFFERSON Two furnished houe
keeping rooms; modern; easy walk from
business center; no children.
TWO nice large rooms with alcove and bay
window; nicely furaiehed for housekeeping.
515 20th at., Portland Heights.
suite in beautifully located apartment-house,
064 Jefferson at., cor. 6th.
410 JEFFERSON Three unfurnished house
keeping rooms; modern; easy to walk busi
ness center; no children.
i88 WATER ST., South Portland. 2 fur
nished and 3 unfurnished housekeeping
rooms. Phone Main 4565.
FOUR furnished housekeeping rooms, flint
floor; 119 13th St., near Morrison. Phone
Main 6935. References.
FRONT room and alcove, with kitchen, fur
nished for housekeeping; gas, bath, phone;
no children. 255 11th.
TWO ground-floor furnished housekeeping
rooms; gas. phone; walking distance; no
children. 533 Yamhill.
SUITE or 3 large connecting rooms, fur
nished elegantlv; first floor; fine location.
115 14th, cor. Taylor.
TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, water
In kitchen; gas. bath. 187 Chapman, near
Yamhill. Pacific I486.
TWO unfurnished housekeeping rooms In pri
vate family, close In. Phone East 3552 or
call 871 Multnomah at.
TWO large, pleasant housekeeping rooms,
clean, neatly furnished; no children; refer
ence. 655 Irving st.
JEFFERSON! AN 514 Jefferson; two-room
suite, completely furnished; modern apart
ments. Main 5432.
471 ALDBR Two adjoining housekeeping
rooms; gas range, bath, phone; close to
business; reasonable.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms; bath, phone and
gas; single rooms for rent. 474 14th and
Washington sta.
SUITE First floor, completely furnished;
gas range, laundry; central. 146 N. 16th.
Phone Main 5173.
THE LONDON. 63 1st st. 2 large furnished
or unfurnished housekeeping rooms; re
spectable people.
LIGHT housekeeping rooms; modern conve
niences ; central; reasonable. 487 East
Ankeny. at 9th.
2 EXTRA large rooms, furnished for house
keeping; modern conveniences; first floor.
31 North Park.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, en suite or
single; walking distance; prices reasonable.
o.V Morrison st.
LARGE, light, newly furnished housekeep
ing apartments; heat, light, phone, bath.
117 N. 18th st.
NICELY furnished, convenient housekeeping
rooms; good location; gas, phone and bath.
611 Everett St.
PLEASANT furnished rooms for housekeep
ing; gas. bath and phone. 555 5th st.,
corner Lincoln.
PLEASANT furnished rooms for house
keeping; gas, bath and phone; central.
168 North ISth.
VERY desirable housekeeping rooms, partly
furnished; close In; no children. 110 E.
14th, near Alder. ---
2 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms: ground
floor; sink, separate entrance. 235 Clay,
cor. Second.
1S9 13TH Pleasant suite of 2 rooms, com
pletely furnished; suitable for two adults;
gaa range.
HOUSEKEEPING and furnished .rooms,
4S2H Washington st. Under new man
agement. .
THREE furnished housekeeping rooms for two
or three adults; front, cheerful, convenient.
555 Yamhill.
TWO or three furnished or partly furnished
housekeeping rooms at M East st. Phone
East 5967.
FURNISHED FLAT Three rooms, alcove,
hath oam ra ntr hot vatHT! adults nnlv.
Hall' at.
TWO and four-room suites, elegantly fur
nished: beautiful location; reasonable. , 667
421' SALMON 3 or more rooms furnished
complete for housekeeping; every conven
ience. 3 NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms;
sink, bath, phone. 653 Everett. Pacific
7 S3.
TWO or three furnished housekeeping rooms;
gas. bath phone, yard. 594 2d. cor. Sher
man. TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms
for rent; bath, gaa, phone. 263 7th st.
TWO nice, new housekeeping rooms in private
family; bath, gas. phone. 472 Jefferson st.
FURNlSHEf housekeeping rooms; also single
sleeping rooms. 205 11th St., near Taylor.
189 13TH ST. 4 rooms, first floor, modern;
piano; nice lawn; adults only; referencea
TWO or three parlor rooms: water In kitch
en; all modern. 509 Johnson, near 14th,
FOR RENT Front and back parlor; modern
conveniences. Tel. E. 36. 1 29 . E. 20th.
435 MAIN. COR. 12TH All kinds of house
keeping rooms; gaa. bath, phone, central.
THREE unfurnished: housekeeping rooms for
rent at 468 Yamhill st. ; water and. gas.
294 "UTH One front room, furnished or un
furnished: gas, bath, phone Pacific 1412.
VERY dmrahl furnished housekeeping rooms,
walking distance. 587 Washington st.
WOULD like respectable lady who works to
share housekeeping rooms. 51 5th au
Telephone Adverfiseme
For the convenience of patrons The Oregonian will accept advertisements
for publication in classified columns over the telephone.
Bills for such advertising will be mailed immediately and pajment is ex
' peeted promptly.
Care will be taken to prevent errors, but The Oregonian will not be respon
sible for errors in advertisements taken over the telephone.
Housekeeping Rooms.
HOUSEKEEPING roome; single, $2; suite.
$3; gas. 265 2d.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 1011
Portsmouth ave.
FOUR housekeeping rooms, with bath. 546
East Oak st.
THREE unfurnished housekeeping rooms,
335 Sd st.
The handsdme 7-room house, No. 9
North &th st., bet. Stark and Burniide.
Possession given July 1.
82 Third St.
FOR RENT 12-room modern residence;
sjparate toilets 1st and 2d floor, fur
nace, open fireplace; property in excel
lent condition; choice location. S. W. cor.
22d and Overton ata., near 2 caa lines;
reasonable rent.
202-203 McKay bld., cor. 3d and Btarlt.
Of 4 rooms each, ready for occupancy
within 10 days; East Side, in A-l resldetae
locality. 100 feet from car. These flaa
are modern; neat yard; $20 month.
Southeast oor. 3d and Oak. Phone Ex. 73,
10-ROOM modern bouse, $35.
8-room house, bath, $18.
4-room cottage, gas, $ 1 4.
6-room cottage, bath. E. 2fth, $11.
4-room cottage, E. 21st, $10.
Cor. Grand ave. and E. Ankeny.
WHY pay rent when you can buy a beau
tiful modern home and pay rent to your
self? We have a modern home, which
cannot be duplicated for the price. Write,
call or phone at once. C. H. Moore In
vestment Co., Suite 32, 203 Stark. Main
GOOD 5 and 7-room cottages, $15 and $20;
housekeeping rooms, furnished or unfur
nished. 2 for $S. 3 for $12. All on West
Side river. Apply S64 North 26th. Willam
ette Heights cars to 20th. Turn south half
block. FOR rent in Woodlawn. five-room house and
four lots in cultivation; $12 per month. In
quire O. E- Leet, real estate office, Durham
ave and Oneonta, sts., Woodlawn. Phone
Woodlawn 66.
FOR RENT 848 Belmont ave., 9-room cot
tage ; newly furnished and papered ; 4
rooms can be sublet for $12 per month;
tnis cottage to a good tenant, $30 per
K month.
SIX-ROOM house, 7!0 Clinton at., $15.
7-room house, 955 Belmont, $16.
6-room house, 128 Grand ave. North. $18.
F. W TORGLER, 106 Sherlock bldg.
FOR RENT An 8-room suburban house,
modem; large yard, flowers, some small
fruit; one block from carllne. O 74, Ore
gonian. FOR SALE or will rent to responsible party
6-room residence on Eugene st. ; see it and
you will like it. Terms. Tel. Bast 2332.
NEW double 6-room house, latest style; at
tic, furnace; on carllne; cor. lftth and
East Morrison. Phone Union 1618.
ELEGANT modern 9-room residence, walk
ing distance; 321 11th, cor. Clay. Inqulr
201 Morrison st., Marks Shoe Co.
555 TAYLOR, cor. ISth, flat 5 rooms, recep
tion hall, oak floors, bay windows, modern.;
$30. Grave' Music Store. 828 Wash.
$35 777 Johnson, in first-class condition ;
furnace and fireplace. Zimmerman A
Vaughan, 303 Buchanan btdg.
6-ROOM modern house on the Woodstock car
line; good neighborhood; $16. Henklo &
Harrison, 217 Ablngton bldg.
THIRTEEN-ROOM house at 814 Nlcolal St.,
near 24th; rent $22; good locality for boarding-house.
Phone Main 24U2.
bath. East 11th and Caruthers sts. Apply
111 Second st. Rent $20.
FOR SALE By owner, furniture of 19 rooms,
modern house, cheap rent and a good lease.
204 Jefferson, corner 3d.
$14-$15 Two cottages. 4 and & rooms, close
In. gas, but no bath; no children. Apply
95 East 8th St. North.
FOR RENT Fine 7-room house, close to
City Park; beautiful home; rent, $25.
Phone Main 5402.
$22.50 6-ROOM modern house, large basement.
407 Ross st. H. W. Lemcke Company, 6th
and Washington.
NEWLY cleaned 8-room house; East Mor
rison and 14th; reasonable. Inquire 267
Oak, room 2.
MODERN family residence. Nob Hill, fur
nished or unfurnished, first July. B 76,
Inquire of owner, 98 California, street. Take
Fulton car.
6-ROOM modern house. Upper AJblna; large
yard, excellent neighborhood. Tel Wood
lawn 986.
FOR RENT A 7-room house, at 834 Farpo
st. ; $20 month. State Land Co., 133
1st st.
FOR RENT Furnished house, 7 rooms; Irv
Ington; for 3 or 4 months. Phone East
$15 AND $20 5 and 7-room houses. West
StT river. 867 and 863 Savler, near North
FOR RENT New 6-room modern hous. In
quire 811 Cleveland ave.; U car; adults only.
FOR houses. furnished and unfurn lahed,
Hynson, 343H Washington st. Main 7039.
20 Six-room house, modern. 917 East Salmon.
Fine location, good car service. East 623.
NEW 6-room strictly modern; 589 E. Pine;
something nice: $30. Phone Sell wood 69.
NEW 7-room house, cor. 21st and Marshall;
inquire at 255 North 2lBt. cor. Northrup.
FOUR-ROOM cottage. 417 Hancock st.; $12.50.
Inquire after 6 P. M., 408 Tillamook st.
premises, or 513 Deknm bldg.
FOR RENT 5-room cottage; bath and gas.
SiS Tillamook, cor. Rodney.
NEW 5-room cottage, cor Gantenbeln ave and
Blandena. Phone East 82.
5-ROOM cottage for rent. $13, No. 618 E.
9th; take Brooklyn car.
FOR RENT Modern 5-room cottage, newly
furnished. 431 Morris at.
8-ROOM house, suitable for 2 families. 66 N.
14th. Call Main 6323.
$12 6-ROOM modem house, 828 Caruthers
st. Phone Main 4529.
and Marshall.
HOL'&B for rani: rooms. fifiA Ffcoot ml.
7 rooms, 508 Kearney $23.00
7 rooms, 863 Savler . 2-1.00
8 rooms, 692 Second 18.00
5 rooms, 683 North up 14-00
6 rooms, bbZUt Northup 12-00
8 rooms, 509 Mill 40.00
8 rooms, 134 East Twentieth 20.00
rooms, 703 Irving 50.00
9 rooms, 508 Mill 25.00
8 rooms, 4R0 Eart 11th 85.00
, 5 rooms, 847 First 14.00
9 rooms. 412 Tenth . 40.00
5 rooms, 517 Clay 16.00
5 rooms, C26 Market . . .-. lrt.00
6 rooms, 744 Vaughn '. 25-00
6 rooms. 459 East 10th. X .. 22.50
9 roome. 324 East First, N 25.00
10 rooms, 708 Everett 40.00
6 rooms, Sumner & Emerson 16.00
5 rooms. 360 Park P. 40. oo
5 rooms, 32 Park 35.00
10 rooms, 348 Mill 6U.0O
y 250 Alder St.
FOR RENT Modern 10-room house will be
for rent on the 20th inst. 666 Hoyt.
bet. 20th and 21st. Inquire 331 Lumber
Furnished Houses.
9 rooms, finely furnished, bath ; unex
celled view, fine grounds; for rent 6 or 8
months from August or September. Owner,
307 Macleay bldg.
FOR rent for months July, August, 7-room
flat, newly and nicely furnished. In best
residence portion of city, 15 minutes' walk
from Postoffice, to small, responsible fam
ily only. J 74. Oregonian.
Tioga, Waft., fine 8-room cottage, fronting
beach; barn, two-seated wagon and new
lake sklfF; $100. Phone Main 4612; Home
phone A2999. 415 10th at.
FOR RENT July to December, newly fur
nished house, lO rooms. West Side, cen
trally located in best residence district,
$100 per month. D 75, Oregonian.
SEVEN-ROOM furnished house, two blocks
from carllne; bath, electric lights and tele
phone. The Willis Real Estate Co., East
13th and Spokane, Sell wood.
GOOD 5 and 7-room cottages; will rent fur
nished or unfurnished; reasonable. -Apply 364
N. 20th. Willamette Heights cars to 26th;
turn south half-block.
SIX furnished rooms for rent at $15 per
month, or will sell furniture for $60. In
quire on premise at 626 Jefferson st. Car
stops in front of door.
FROM July 1 to September 1, five-room new
flat, nicely furnished; 2 carllnee. 15 min
utes' walk' from business district. Apply
61)1 Gltean st.
WEST Side furnished home place, desirably
located, to rent for few months to per
son with good reference. Phone Main
WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS Furnished; house,
complete, one block from carllne; splendid
view. Apply 652 Worcester block. Phone
IRVINGTON 7-room furnished house for rnt
July and August; reasonable to responsible
parties. F. A. Jackson. Phone East 1820.
NICELY furnished house to rent for Summer
months; close ',rt; gas, phone, everything
complete; no children. Phone Main 5531.
FOR RENT Modern newly furnished five
room flat : East nd Steel bridge, facing
Tlver. 2024 Margin st. Phone East 56i.
BIGHT-ROOM fumlshert house, modern. East
Side, close In, convenient to carllne; nice
lawn and garden. B 75, Oregonian.
MODERN 6-room house, close in; gas and
wood ranges; lawn and flowers; July and
Aug-ust. 47 East 8th st. North-
5-ROOM newly furnished apartment, strictly
modern, including hot water, for two months
or more. Phone M. 2127, A-2127.
COTTAGE Completely furnished; gas, bath,
etc.; easy walking distance; $&i month.
3 .'.6 14th st. Phone Main 3255.
FOUR -room furnished cottage near Locksley
Hall ; $70 for season. 408 Tillamook st.
Phone East 3684 after 6 P. M.
MODERN 6-room furnished house for rent
till September 15. Apply Sunday or even
ings. 193 Knott st.
to permanent people without children. Call
at 321 Fourth street.
UP-TO-DATE, newly furnished 6-room flat in
walking distance of Postoffice. 307 11th
st. Phone Pacific 811.
DESIRABLE modem 5-room furnished cot
take In Sell wood during July and August.
V 75, care Oregonian.
MODERN six-room furnished house; desirable
location. 690 East Bum side st. Call after
noons. Long term.
FOR RBNT Nicely furnished house in desir
able neighborhood for Summer months. Apply
at 693 Marshall st.
NEW furnished house, six Tooms and bath;
references exchanged. Phone E. 631, or
Woodlawn 672.
SIX-ROOM modern furnished house for July
end August: large lawn; referencea 748
Pettygrove st.
STRICTLY modern, well furnished house;
Owner would reserve room If desired. 687
Clackamas st. '
6-ROOM furnished nouse, with nice yard,
Portland Heights. 585 Myrtle st. Phone
Pacific 223.
FURNISHED modern five-room flat, central;
West Side; permanent If desired. Inquire
412 2d st. -
FURNISHED house. 7 rooms, for July and
August: good location; West Side. Phone
Main 1740.
for July and August - Apply 766 Irving,
corner 23d.
7-ROOM furnished house: fine neighborhood.
816 Clackamas st., Holladay Park. Phone
East 3569.
EIGHT-ROOM furnished house to responsible
parties ; inquire at 255 N. 21st st.. cor.
6-ROOM house for rent, all or part of new
furniture for sale. Inquire mornings, 841
Halsey. .
6-ROOM cottage, cheap for Summer; nice
lawn; adults: references. Woodlawn 879.
months. 53 N. 22 d. Phone Main 1698.
SEVEN-ROOM house; furnished; adults;
Nob Hill district. Phone Main 3352.
FOR RENT 6-room cottage. k furnished;
gas. bath; close In. Phone Main 3273-
FURNISHED 4-room cottage; electric light,
bath, central. Inquire 273 V4 7th st.
FURNISHED cottage for rent. Inquire 34
North Sth at., cor. Couch.
Houses for Rent Furniture for Sale. .
304 2D ST. Cottags for rent and furniture
for pale. Inquire within.
6-ROOM modern fiat for rent, new furniture for
a tt. uregonian.
Main .7070
A 1670
Honses for Rent Furniture for Sale.
11-UOOM modern house for rent and fur
niture for sale; close in on East Side;
rent $37.50 per month; income now from
house $182 per month; can be made more;
will sell reasonable; small amount of
cash down; sickness is our reason. See
Henkle & Harrison, 217 Ablngton bldg-
A B A ROAIN -Ten-room house, completely
furnjshed; price $375; $85 cash, balance
$10 per month; rent reasonable; good
lease; one door from Oregon Hotel; no
brttpr location In the city; on account of
sickness this must be sold Monday; this
furniture cost $000 four months ago.
Call at 83 7th at owner.
FURNITURE for. sale; a sven-room cottage
on 14th and Glisan st?.; good carpets,
good linoleum on kitchen, new $50 stel
range; all furniture in good condition;
Tent $20 per month; $20O will buy this
furniture. Pacific Coaet Realty Co., 307
Buchanan bldg.
$350 BUYS 7 room, completely furnished as
2 separate apartments, including an abun
dance of dishes and fine china, oak furni
ture, 3 bedroom suits, 2 gas ranges, large
wood and coal range, heaters, etc.; reason
able rent. Inquire at 367 6th et.
COMPLETELY furnished cottage. West Side,
good location for roomers or boarders; easily
accessible and modern; six rooms, pantry,
bath, clothes closets, hall upstairs and down;
very reasonable. 317 Chamber of Commerce.
ELEGANTLY furnished house for re'nt. fur
niture for sale; most desirable location
for rooming-house; 10 rooms. 189 7th St.,
near Portland Hotel. Main. 4068.
FURNITURE of new modern houne; rent $20;
.two-year lease; furnished complete for two
families; upper flat rented $18.50; lower flat
$21.50. K 72, Oregonian.
9-ROOM house; rent $35; furniture for
sale; rooma rented; receipts 0; $4"J
time. $375 cash good location for board
ers. Q 76, Oregonian.
modern cottage; piano if desired; nice yard;
rent $18. -311 Sherman St., 5th street car.'
Phone Main 6180.
$800 WORTH of new furniture for $475; house
of 7 rooms, completely furnished. A snap
for some family; see owner, 148 Lane. S
car south. .
town, furniture In good condition; Jut the
thing for country home. O 60, Oregonian.
HANDSOME furniture of 6-room flat for sale,
flat for rent; modern convenience!, centrally
located. Inquire 460 Jefferson.
FOR SALE By owner, furniture of house;
cor. 14th and Taylor; a snap If taken at
once. Phone Main 5967.
FOR RENT Long Beach, Wash., small
furnished cottage, June and July. 8SU
West Park. Main 2321.
FURNITURE six-room modern house; all new;
$150. House for rent, $20. Parlies left city.
Inquire 142 E. 80th st.
BY OWNER Furniture of 18 rooms; al
ways rented; splendid location; cheap
rent. 432 Stark st.
FOR SALE Furniture for 7 rooms, suit
able for small boarding-house, reasonable.
170 17th.
SNAP 18 rooms, well furnished, centrally
located, low rent, lease. ' Call today, 229
13 th st.
WELL furnished 5-room lower flat, complete
for housekeeping, $225; leaving city. Main
143 11th st.; 5-room flat, furniture for sale.
Anply Monday. Telephone Main 4488.
Summer Resorts.
SEAVIEW. Wash. Completely furnished
housekeeping rooms; also furnished tents
for rent; make reservations now. Emma
Shpard, Long Beach, Wash.
FOR RENT For season at Gearhart Park,
new 6-room cottage with sink and water m
kitchen. Miss Bell, Woodward, Clarke &
Co., 4th and Washington sts.
FOR RENT At Seaside, Or., ntce six
room house. lurnUhed. until August 1;
. In grove; good view of oeern. 33 Morri
son st. Phone Main 2183.
WANTED Small furnished cottage or two or
three housekeeping rooms at Seaside for
August; Mate price and location. 36 Sta
tion "A," city.
GEARHART PARK Well furnished five
room cottage for season ; near hotel.
Phone East 1581, or Window 3, First Na
tional Bank.
PAINTER wants to rent cottage at either
beach for season: will pay rent in painting
and carpenter work. Address G 76, Ore
gonian. GEARHART PARK Two furnished cottages
for sale, $400 and $900; either will net
11 per cent. 92 7th st. Phone 6309.
FOR RENT At Gearhart, on golf links,
completely furnished modern 8-room cot
tage. B 66, Oregonian.
FOR RENT 4-room furnished' cottage at
Sea view, Wash. Particulars1 at S20 Failing
bldg. PHone Pacific 1568.
FOR RENT Desirable furnished rooms at
the beach (ocean front) by week or month.
J 84, care Oregoaian.
SEASIDE Completely furnished cottage, de
sirable location. Inquire 818 Belmont. Very
reasonable for season.
FIVE-ROOM cottage. Newton's Station. Long
Beach. Inquire Mrs. Baumgarten, Hotel
. Rheln, 232 Front at. . .
CRAMER COTTAGE Six room, facing
ocean. Seavtew; renovated; also two-room
cottage. 699 Glisan.
SEAVIEW New bungalow. new furniture,
fine piazza, desirable. Owner, 149 Porter
St. Phone A-4460.
ROOMS on beach, near Breakers, Wash. Par
ticulars address Mrs. C. M. Brown, Nan
cotta. Wash.
. view. Inquire of Mrs. F. A. Johnson Sea
view, Wash.
SEVEN-ROOM flat, close in; modern; fur
niture new; $150; less than cost. Phone
Pacific 134.
THREE finely furnished cottages at Seaside.
Applv to W. T. Stephens, at Sunset Cottage,
Seaside. ,
AT Gearhart Park, Or., a furnished cottage,
with fireplace; rent reasonable. X 72, Ore
gonian. AT Seaview, Wash., one cottage for season,
one until August. Phones Main 6071, A 1071.
Bos well Springs open; health and pleasure re
sort, 2 miles south Drain, Or., on S. P. R. R.
SEA CROFT, Seaview. Wash., opens July I;
moot homelike enort on North Brace.
FOR Seaside bungalows and repairs see
Johnson, 04 Mohawk bldg. Phone 5607.
FOR RENT Five-room furnished cottage near
Seaview. Wash. Phone East 1906.'
FOR RENT Furnished cottage at Seaside;
terms reasonable. T 46, Oregonian.
WHO wind to rent Seaside cottage? Phone
F. McFarland. Pacific 1860.
I FURNISHED cotteg- for the season. Ad-
uress a 00. uresoniau.
Summer Resorts.
The finest Beach property ever offered.
Joining Breakers Hotel property, to be known
as "Manhattan Beach"; 250-acre tract, a
portion with building restrictions; other un
restricted ; easy terms.
A. a CHURCHILL & CO. 110 2d st.. City.
HOTEL ROCKHAVEN. Underwood. Wash. :
fishing, boating, hunting, home cooking, fine
scenery; a delightful place to rest. Take
train or boat to Hood River, then Under
wood Ferry. If noiifled, will meet trains.
Terms very reasonable, Mrs. Mary V. Ol
sen, proprietor.
HOTEL SALT AIR. at Centerville. North
Beach, has been enlarged and is well
equipped to accommodate pleasure seek
ers; first-class table. P. O- aduress. Box
57. Long Beach. Wash.
WANTED Boarder on a farm between Sea
Ho and Warren ton. Address A 73, care
FOR JULY New 2-room cottage, Long Beach.
Phone Main 5397.
FINE large store; new building; corner
Union ave. and Eugene st.; vry desira
ble; choice neighborhood; reasonable rnt.
A. H. Birrell, 202 McKay bldg., 3d and
Storage purpose?, heart of city; dry
cement; steam-heated. Apply 3S4 Wash
ington. STOREROOM. 24s4. new, with bawnnt;
F. 20th and Morrison sts.; rent reasonable.
. W. O. Waddel. 317 Lumber Exchange.
SEASIDE store In grove for rnt or sa
D. M. Averill & Co., 102 North fcth sU
Portland. Or.
SPACE for rent In the American Exchange
warehouse. Inquire 220 Front st-
GOOD locality, part of store for rant. In
quire 261 First st., cor. Madison. .
SPACE to rent; job printer preferred. Call 66
N. 6th st.
Desirable first-floor office suites, fur
nished or unfurnished, including ligrht, heat,
hot and cold water, automatic phone. eWt--tric
elevator and janitor service. .Iwt right.
eonable; heat, light and elevator services;
best locatiou In city. Dammeier, agent, Ral
eigh bldg., 6th and Washington st.
ern bri:k building. NW. corner 6th and Ia
vis. See us for full particulars. ParrWi,
Watklns & Co.. 250 Alder st.
fices. Second and Washington. Howe, Davis
Kllham, 111 Second at.
OFFICE ROOM Inquire Hanson & Vo. stu
dio, Healy bldg.. Grand ave. and East
Morrison at. t
LAW OFFICE for rent and the office furni
ture for sale cheap. Address li 75, Ore
gonian. 20x40 SECOND FLOOR, 8. W. COR, STH
and Oak; corner room: sieam heau
LARGE office for rent. Inquire Parrish,
Watklns & Co.. 250 Alder st.
ONE or more office rooms, completely fur
nished. 209 Lumber Exchange.
DESK or office space, cheap; fine location.
32, .268 Stark. M. 143.
GROUND floor office on 6th St., near Stark.
Inquire at 01 5th st.
ROOMS and lodge halls, Allsky bldg., 8d
and Morrison sta.
FOR RENT A good office. 218 Ablngton
bldg. .
f 700 For swell located confectionery,
cigar and ice cream parlor, with
living-room; lease and low rent.
$1600 For the best suburban bakery in
Portland; clearing $200 a month.
$3000 Swell rooming-house; strictly mod
eii in every way; terms given. If
you.-know anything about rooming
houses, you will see it Is a money-maker
when you look at It. ,
A few excellent money-making cintry
stores on my list. Particulars on ap
plication. F. FOCHS.
221 Morrison St.
Downtown hotel, established over 20
years; first-class bar in connection; very
low rent on long lease; a great money
maker; price only $600.
Here's another: Suburban resort; howl
. Ing alley, dance hall; upstairs rooms; 3
year leae at very low rent; must be sold
owing to serious illnepg; price only $25u0.
253 Washington, cor. 3d.
FOR SALE A homestead relinquishment in
Eastern " Oregon of over 150 acres of fine
black. level land. In cultivation, with a
now f!-)om house and barn; all kinds of
farming Implements; some furniture; will
invoice $2350 easily; land in same neigh
borhood soils for $15 to $20 per acre; must
be sold at once. Call at 247 Madison
st., bet--9 and 10 A. M. and 2 and 3
P- M.
34 ROOMS, In fine brick building; best
business corner In Aibtna; housekeeping
suites, always- occupied, and waiting list;
good furniture for sale, $1500, cauli,
balance terms to suit; long lease If de
sired. This is one of the best and safest
Investments to be had in this city; must
be seen to be appreciated. Bollam, Gruasi
& Higley, li!8 Third st.
FOR SALE One Perkins hand shlngle-
mill, almost new; everything complete
for running; two large boilers, two en
gine?, one 14x4K, one 12x22; shafting, belts,
pulleys, packing boxes, all complote; 2
large saws, fit for sawmill. Call or write
at once price reasonable. Address H. A.
Young. Oak Point, Wash. . -
DRUGSTORE Low rent, bargain; also ss
. loon, transient trade. $400 cash; also can
dy business, Washington ct., doing $tiaO
month, will exchange for real estate; also
almost new job printing off lee, steady
trade, terms. Northwestern Investment
Co., 206 Allsky bldg.
WOULD like to meet party capable of full
management of and interest in one of
two businesses; well established and very
profitable; $1000 to $2000 required; per
sonal interview today ; no agents, A.
' Routledge, 8 Grand ave., N.
WANTED Partner for well-paying real
estate business to take charge of branch
office; experience unnecessary; will guar
antee $25 a week; small amount of money
required. Address G 84. Oregonian. .
ONE-HALF Interest In leading merchandise
store in large suburb; store has been estab
lished 1,8 years and Is doing $80 per day;
price to a rustler. $2000. Call on Hall &
Van Frldagh, Concord bldg. v
PARTY can manufacture corn flake food not
surpassed by any in the market; for particu
lars address W. E. Farreli, 723 Chamber of
A LUNCH counter restaurant, suitable for
man and wife; will be sold very reason
able. Call 175 Madison at., near bridge.
BOARDING-HOUSE, 21 rooms, rent $60;
furniture for sale, $1000; a monev-maker.
Bollam, Grussl & Higley, 128 Third st.
GROCERY For sale, a good cash business;
will invoice about $1350. A good chance
for two young men. W 83, Oregonian.
OUT-OF-TOWN hotel, in thriving town of
2500 people, for sale or exchange; price
$l:250. Address N 83, Oregonian.
FOR SALE Furniture of 11 -room house;
cost $1500; will sell today $700. Call 188
7th, or Phone Main 3378.
GROCERY store, $2500; one of the he&t
1 stores In the city. Bollam, Grussl & Hig
ley, 128 Third st.
6-ROOM flat for rent on Mil! st.; new
furniture, $350. Boll am, Grussl & Higley,
128 Third st.
1 HAVE 2000 shares of Alaska Petroleum
& Coal stock;, must sell. p. O. Box 4,
HAVE money and time to put into paying
business. Give particulars. N 71, Orego
nian. WANTED To buy rooming-house 15 to 30
- rooms; central; no 'agents. L 76, Orego
nian. " -
BUTTE BOYS stock, 5000 ehares, at 7c. If
taken by Wednesday. P. O. Box 0, city.
IF you want to sell your butHness quickly for
cash, call room 323 Lumber Exchange.
LEASE and fixtures first-clacis confecllonery;
bet location in city. F 76. Oregonian
10.000 PHARKS Ler'e Crk Gold Mines
Mtork at 3 cents. J 83. Orfgonian.
$nm 27 furnished rooms, long lease. 226
j xaJor u
7." rooms, newly furnished, doing busi
ness of $IM0 and over per month: takes
$9000 cash to handle this; long lease.
Good location; 4 years' lease, with priv
ilege of extension- 'low .rent.
On East Morrison; 5 years' lease; clenr
inc $200 monthly. This is a good invest
ment, CIGAR STORE. 1
In heart of business ilistrlct. 2 cms
lease, for sale cheap If taken at once.
One of :h best locations in the city
clearing $4(K wr month; wIU make term.
Doing business of from $125 to $15 per
day. Low rent ; 3 years lease; will In
voice; this is a snap for anyone looking
for a good opening.
In heart of bushu-ss district clearing over
$10k per month: 5 vears" lease; ower re
tiring from active business.
In Rotiil location, average $."10 per day,
2! years' lease; for sale cheap if takea
at once.
On Glisan street, Rood location; must be
sold at once; owner will sacrifice.
Rooming-house in heart of city, 7t2 roonii.
hot and coin water; years lease. dotn
splendid business; only reason fr fli
iiK owner leaving for good : $5.00 will
handle this, balan. e Ter cent.
Five years' leae ; doin g good bu? lne? ;
on one of the principal streets In heart of
And fruit store and waiting-room, clear
ing $200 monthly; will trade for property
or cash.
At Peaid,.; 40 rooms; newly furnlshM
throughout; hot and cotd water In 32. room;
bar in connection. Hotel cost S12.tXNl tn
build and equip. Will sacrifice for $T.VH,
having more important business else
where which demands entire time and at
tention. SALOON.
In the business district 2$j years
lease; will guarantee business of $400 per
month. Owner leaving city.
First-class, 4 years' lease, with an av
emge business of from " $lftO to $18o pr
day. Owner must relire on account of
failing health.
At Hood River, Or.; SO rooms neatly fur.
nished doing splendid business, but on ac
count of ill health will sacrlflue.
22-room boarding-house llng splendid
business and filled all the time; low rent;
clearing $L1H monthly; only reason for sell
ing, getting too old to ntlend to the business.
On one of the principal streets, doing a
good b ut I n eps ; ,1 1 j y ea rs leaw ; lo w rc n t ;
owner leaving cltv. Win invoice.
Centrally located, doing business $45 per
day. Rent $!"; 5 years' lease.
Centrally located; all rooms rented steady,
with the exception of 3 or 4 rooms held for
transient trade.
The most f a.-h ionable family hotel In th
city, on Washington st.; o rooms, elegantly
furnished, .all filled. Owner retiring from
active business.
Doing a nice business, for sale- cheap,
owner leaving city.
And Ice cream stand, clearing $100 pef
month, for aale cheap tf taken at once, can
Doing average business of $30 per day;
must be sold at once; owner leaving city.
60 rooms nlcoly furnished and all filled;
4 years' lease. This is a snap.
On First St.. clearing $200 per month.
Owner compelled to sell on account of 111
8-"0, 331. 332 LUMBER EXCHANGE
GENTLEMAN formerly Interested in large
manufacturing and wholesale business
wants position with progressiva people; ex
pert accountant and auditor andt thoroughly
lamiliar with general business methods;
will Invest if agreeable. G Tl, Oregonian.
Balvery, complete in detail, with large es
tablished trade, at small expense, offered
on easy terms at low price; every facility
for Investigation given. Address B 72, Ore
gonian. PARTNER wanted, established contracting
buffnes8; beet paying proposition In the city;
experience not necessary; will stand closest
investigation ; this is a rare bargain. M0
Fiiehanan bldg.. 286 Washington. Alain
Good paying saloon on principal street
downtown; on account of other business,
must sell; for immediate sale, $750. If
interested, call at once. 20G Alisky bldg.
$700 BAKERY, Ice cream and confection
ery for sale ; low rer.t ; cash business ; 110
delivery; 20 mile Portland; will stand
closest Investigation. Inquire 2fi5 Haw
thorne ave., east end Madison-st bridge.
Merchandise and manufacturing proposi
tions', city or country; latest information.
Ablngton bldg.
STOCK in established fishery controlling
profitable specialty selling at $1 per share.
Interesting details obtainable by address
ing "Fishery," postoffice box 2046. San
ESTABLISHED real estate office has good
proposition to offer to reliable man. Call
618 Commonwealth bldg., Sixth and An
keny sis.
FOR SALE A good paying clsrar, confection
ery, stationery and phonograph store ; ex
cellent location, good lease and low expense;
good reasons for selling. Address Q 7fi, Ore
gonian. $350 WILL buy a restaurant on 8th St., worth
$600; selling on account of sickness; will
close tomorrow until sold; don't miss this
snap. Call on Berry & Gleason, 4 North
6th st.
waiting to lease furnished or unfurnished
rooming houses, close in; two parties will
buy. State particulars, L 70, Oregonian.
BANK shares in - progressive bank organ
izing, $I"0, cash or installments; senuie
and profitable. Address "Bank Shares,"
postoffice box 204, San Francisco.
CASH paid for stocks of merit. Mineral pros
pects bought and developed. Consult me
for large profits on small investments. W.
J. Curtis, 215 Commercial blk.
GREAT sacrifice; on account of mother's
death, will sell strictly first-class boarding-house;
exceptional location; price
$1000 cash. W 80, Oregonian.
FURNISHED boarding-house in a small
suburban town; same can be leased from
owner. Apply Pioneer Employment Office,
No. 13, 2d and Burnslde.
THIRD interest established wholesale busi
ness free to party having ability and In
vesting $1000 in goods; handle money your
self. L 73, Oregonian.
ASTORIA la an exceptionally good place for
street or general contractor to locate per
manently. Address Chamber of Commerce,
room 20. Astoria, Or.
FOR SALE First-class barber shop-and hath
doing a good' business; also household furni
ture; good reason for selling. Address P. O.
Box 27. Echo. Or.
TWENTY per cent discount, new $730O stork
shoes, clothing, etc; nne town near Portland;
good lease, cash business; investigate. B
78. Oregonian.
"WANTED Partner in established naturo
pathic, electrical, medical business; exper
ience not necessary; will teach party. A
79. Oregonian.
LAUNDRY stock In profitable corporation
owning its real estate, $1 p"r share. Ad
dress "Laundry." postoffice box 2046, San
MEAT market for sale; old established busi
ness in Valley town of 6000. For infor
mation Inquire Toft & Co., 101 Front st.,
A NEAT confectionary, ice cream and cigar
store, doing a good business, for saie
cheap on account of sickness. 402 3d.
NEWSPAPER Republican ; complete power
plant; splendid Valley field: will sell all or
part; might trade. J W. Oregonian.
FOR SALE Good saloon, $3500; owner wish
ing to retire; good location, with lease;
cheap rent. X 70, Oregonian.
FOR SALE 18-rocm lodging-house, centra'ly
located, with 30 beds, all for $400. Inquire
at premises. 81 3d st.
$500 BUYS established ral estate office;
leaving city. Address Box 64, Sell wood,
phone Sellwood lttl.
FINE location for oyster and chop houee.
partly furnished. 307 Washington St., Van
couver, Wash.
FOR SALE General merchandise store in the
country, doing a good business. W 71, Ore
gonian. FOR SALE First -class cigar fixtures, good
location; 2 years' lease; rent $30. Call at
283 Stark st.