The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 16, 1907, Section Two, Page 21, Image 21

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W ANTED Assistant bookkeeper; munt b sc
cura'A and quick at figures. Addree B 80,
Oregonian. 1
YOUNG man for confectionary ; steady place
for right party. 343 Morrison. CU
after Z.
California Wine Depot, headquarters for cook
and helpers. 14S 4th at. Ptic. 2183. P. Loratl.
WANTED Good hnnakr. "Call at 606
Main st.. Oregon City. Chat. Shoenhelns.
WANTED An experienced man to drive a
milk wagon. Apply 510 Commercial bldg.
WANTED First-claw men. Portland and
state. C. H. Weston. 308 Sherlock bldg.
WANTED A Japanese man and wife, for
farm work. Call 260 Bain at. U ear.
WANTED A good solicitor In grocery store;
mint have experience. . Phone Bast 768.
PHONE Main 6437 Acma Employment Co.
Farm help a specialty. 34 N. 2d at.
WANT carpenter who can wait for pay till
h'xioe is romplete. C Oregonlan.
60O MEN wanted Free shaves and halrcuta.
M4S Couch t. Moler Barber College.
Toting Wan desiring to better condition Call
on Employment Dept., Y. M. C. A.
Wanted salesman to handle easy
aeliicg side line. Inquire 148 2d at.
A ROUT July 1 , first-class pharmacist regis
tered in Oregon. B 78. Oregonlan.
A PORT BR, also a pantryman. Portland
Rlxurant, Soft Washington at.
BTRONO vouth to assist shipping erk.
Graves' Music Store, 328 Wash,
WA NTED Waiters on steamer Telephone,
Apply Alder at. dock Sunday.
WANTED Barber at Occident Barber Shop,
Astoria, Or.; $16 guaranteed.
SALESMEN Big wage; something positively
new. 21ft Commercial block.
WANTED Man to do expert pressing. Inquire
H. B. Lttt. SSI Washington.
WANTRD Man who understands the care of
horses. 194 Montgomery at.
FINE location for first-claaa barber. 180
Holladay ave. ; low rent.
WANTED A hard-rock miner for underground
work. G 80. Oregonlan.
TINNERS WANTED. Coma to work Monday
morning. 29 Grand ave.
WANTED Cigar olerks over 22 years of age.
Address F 74. Oregonlan.
TWO good harnessmakers; top wages. O. R.
Nestos, Spokane, Wash.
WANTED FlrMt-class coat makers. Nlcoll
the tailor. 10S 3d at.
WANTED -ilorseshoer lor floor work. Call
124 North Seventh.
SHOEMAKERS -wanted by the J. A. Reld Co.,
I in ion ave and Ash.
licitors. Address Baker City Employ
ment A- Real Eetats Company, 2810 Center
at.. Baker City.
COMPETENT cook and second, girl, small
lii mily. liberal waga: references required,
luntiire 4i Commercial block Monday.
lJ!o;ie Main 6046 Sunday.
WANTRD A reliable couple to take charge of
a well furnished house, on carllne. good lo
cation; for board of owner. F 79, Orego-
nh: n.
WANTED Singers, performers, novelty acta
and musician, etc.. big salary. Newman's
Theatrical Circuit. 145 6th.
WANTED A first-class cook; prtvate
hoarding-house; good wajres. 404 Maal
son. cor. 10th. Main 200ti.
TELEPHONE, ace "Drake," work or help,
mate and female; city, country; any raca
20. Washington.
WANTED Married couple to care for room
ing house. Call between 11 A. M. and 2
P. M.. 91 4th at.
WANTED Experienced fitters. Inquire H.
B. LIU. 331 Washington st.
SECOND COOK wanted at 515 Morrison.
housework no washing; good wages. 25
N. Ith st. Apply today.
WANTED Lady to help with work of seven
room flat; married lady preferred. Apply
4'M Morrison St. fla.t 4.
WANTED Girl to do second work, one who
would like to go to the coast. Apply Mon
day. 829 Kearney it.
W A NTED A girl for general housework :
g-odi wages- 474 Broadway, eorner East
9th. Phone East 3256.
WANTED German girl for general house
work; 2 In family; good wages. 5 N. 22d
st. and Washington.
EXPERIENCED girl wanted for general
housework: 3 In family. Call between S
and 12. 840 10th.
AT once, srlrl at Seaside, housework and
awist with 2 children, t and 5. Inquire
328 6th today.
EXPERIENCED girl wanted for general
housework; 3 In family. Call between 8
and 12, 340 10th.
EXPERIENCED person to act as forewoman
in attention department. Inquire H. B. Litt,
351 Washington.
RF5MABLE girl to assist In general house
work in umall family. 693V Davis. Pa
cific K09-
WANTED -Talloress for new and repair work
on ladles and gentlemen's clothing. 812
Alder st.
C1KL for housework; big wages; no work on
Pundav. Call 449 K. 20th North. Phone
East 63AO.
WANTED- Women and girls to make shirrs
and overalls. Mt Hood Factory , i!38
Couch et.
WANTED I-ady stenographer. Apply own
handwriting, state salary wanted, j id,
WANTED Competent 1rl for general
housework; good wages; email family. 269
N. -2d St.
fc' ANTED Errand girl; has a chance to
learn dressmaking. Mrs. Zeltfuchs, 380
Wash. st.
R ANTED Pastry cook for home bakery and
delicatessen; experienced. Inquire 460 Jef
ferson. COMPETENT girl for general housework: 3
In family; wagea $10. Apply 730 North
rup st.
(V ANTflD Girl for general housework; no
cookirg; also a nurse girl. 170 North 234
NEAT girl for dining-room and assist in
kttnen; no cookiuj. Morrison, cor.
WANTRD Home for invalid lady In private
. family. Call 413 Tillamook st.. or phone E.
WANTED Girl to assist small family at
exist tor pleasant home and expenses. East
GIRT or middle-aged woman to help house
work; three miles from Ins city. Phone Main
24 U2.
WANTED Girl for general housework;
family cf two. Call 443 3d st.. mornings.
W ANTED -Olrls to make Fits-Well ehlrta
snd F've of All overall. Inquire 75 Lpt.
Factory, 2 Gtand ave. and East Taylor at.
work Phone East 472. 101 Kast 17th st.
W ANTED A ftrt ls ss seamstress ; one wro
La capable of first-class sewing. Main A452.
WANTED Middle-aged lady to do general
housework on farm- O 78 Oregonlan.
GIRL for general housework, elderly" lady
alone, call forenoons, 14 n. 24tn st.
01 RL to alt table at lunch Call at
.Woman Ex- nange. J.. imh. affer i:30.
hand on jackets and skirts. H. E LHtu
WANTED Experienced chamherwiald, at
the Nortnnia, 14th and Washington.
FIRST-CLASS wailreases wanted, at 123
Mb, st; $lo per week; also pastry cook.'
WANTED Girl for general housework:
good wages. Call i7R Corbet t st.
liUNG girls forv light work in box factory. I
i;il mornings at so Union ave, j
Msn and wife or cook and helper for
besch resort, $110; camp cook, $40; country
hotel cook.- $40; waitresses for Tacoma.
Walla Walla, Boise. Eugene. Grant's Pass,
Medford. Hood River and Portland. $7, $8,
$10 a week and $20 to $30 a month; 7 cham
bermaids. 2 housekeepers. 6 family cooks. 2
second girls, nurse, laundry help, factory
First cook, $60, second cook, $40. country
hotel; laundress, plain work, beach hotel,
Housegirls, hundreds of places.
343 X, Wash. St., cor. 7th, upstairs.
work in factory; good wages; eteaiy em
ployment. Apply at once.- Amea-Ilarrt-
villa Co.. 6ia and Davis streets.
saleswomen, first-ela, wanted In
Art Crockery,
Millinery and other departments.
Good, permanent positions to competent
and reliable people.
TO R EPR ES ENT a large corpora tlon ; in
vestors win make at least. 10 per cent,
contracts given to agents, guaranteeing sal
ary and commission. Agerrta should make
not lesa than $50 tx $7f per week; position
permanent. Address with reference and
particulars, S 79, Oregonlan.
Applicant for all kinds of work, register
with us, free of charge, so we may locate
you on short notice.
S43H Washington at., cor. 7th. upstairs.
LADIES We manufacture in Canada and
control an article of exceptional merit
wanted by every woman for every-day use;
sells at sight; liberal commission; territory
grotected; sample free. N. C. Edwards,
rldgeburg, Ont.
Experienced ladies' preesers to press on
ladies' garments; highest wages paid to
right party at East Portland Cleaning A
Dye works, 148 Grand ave.
STENOGRAPHERS Billing, $50 to $60;
correspondence, $50; temporary, $2.50 per
day; other positions also; no charge for
our service. UnderWood Typewriter Co.,
. No. 6S, Filth st.
WANTED Bookkeeepera and stenographers to
take our special drill lor paying positions.
Will place you when qualified. Day and
night school. Eclectic Business University,
68 Third St.
for Nurses wants desirable applicants to nil
a few vacancies. For further Information
address Matron. General Hospital, South
Bend, Wash.
on shirts and overalls; lessons given to
Inexperienced. Apply at Standard Factory.
5 Grand ave. and E. Taylor st.
WE practice in all courts in Oregon; divorce
cases a specialty, in mosr cases cueniu
need not appear in court. Moderate fees. Ad
dress R 50. care Oregonlan.
WANTED Girl, general housework; one
for second work; good wages; good rooms.
Phone Main 3441. Call 818 Lovejoy St.,
between 25th.
WANTED First-class waitresses at the Ho-bart-Curtls,
14th and Jefferson.
flannel troners and general laundry help.
East Side Laundry Co.. East Ash and 6th.
Phone East 609...
GOOD salesladies wanted in waist and- fan
cy goods departments; excellent out-of-town
positions. Inquire 72 Marshall at., bet. 21st
and 22d sta.
general housework in family of three:
most any salary for the right jtirl. Phone
East 2U5-
WANTED A good gtr! to go to the beach
for the Summer; will pay good wages to
right party. 446 Clay bet. I2tn ayia I3tn
LADIES to do plain sewing at home, whole
or spare time; good wages; stamp for
particulars. Nassau Mfg. Co.. New York.
housework in family of two. Must know
bow to cook. Good wages. 304 N. 24th st.
WANTED Refined, capable woman for re
sponsible position, with opportunities for ad
vancement. Viavl Co., 10th and Morrison.
STENOGRAPHER wanted, capable of taking
charge of books and office work in real es
tate office. Room 307 Buchanan bldg.
wanted operators and girths to
learn shlrtmaklng. Apply Standard Factory,
3 Grand avenue aad East Taylor street.
GOOD women for kitchen work, in private
boarding-house; if married can furnish
board for husband also. 251 7th at.
WOMAN for cooking and general work to go
to Seaside for Summer; small family adults;
good wages. Call 291 West Park-
WOMEN with ability to talk can make good
income. Whole or part time, married or
single. Call 212 Swetland bldg.
WANTED Housekeepers, cooks, nurses, wait
resses, aecond girls. St. Louis Ladies'
Agency, 230 H Yamhill. Main 5413.
WANTED Millinery apprentice; paid while
learning. Room 20$, Tflford bldg., 10th
and Morrison. Madame Rodie.
WANTED Woman or girl to take care of
sick lady. Phone Main 4R75. Portland Wood
& Coal Co.. 16th and Savier sts.
TYPEWRITER, home work, circular letters
It cents each, stationery furnished. Ad
dress Postoffice box 309, city.
843H Washington st., cor. 7th, upstairs.
Phoue Main 2692.
COMPETENT girl or woman, general house
work, small family, lower flat, best wages,
tine room. 146 North 23d st.
GIRL can get room and board for $5 per mo.
that can be depended on for company nights
for lady. East 273. Monday.
COMPETENT stenographer, law office, $30
per month; salary advanced when ability is
shown. 313 Fenton bulig.
WANTED Middle-aged woman to nurse lady
in confinement case; wages $10 per week.
Call 411 East Failing et.
A LADY solicitor with ability; permanent
situation, with promotion. Call 11 and 11
A. M., 402 Oregonlan bloc.
WANTED First-class, experienced salesla
dies for waist department. Stlverfleld Co.,
4th and Morrisop sts.
GIRL for general housework: must be good
cook, no washing, good wages. Mrs. Win.
Gadsby, 770 Marshall.
Write for Information. Gray's Harbor Hos
pital. Aberdeen. Wash.
GIRL, general housework at coast for Sum
mer. 330 Park. Main 2973.
NURSE girl to take care of baby 10 month
old. Apply 740 Flanders st. .
WANTED A maid for second work. Mrs.
O. M. Smith. 693 Davis.
WANTED Girl for general housework.
Telephone Main 24 16.
GIRL to assist with housework; small fam
ily. 792 lovejoy St.
WANTED A good cook and waitress. Apply
at 512 Williams ave. 1
W A NTED A cook and a nurse, at Baby
Home; wages $25.
MIDDLE-AGED woman to care for Infant.
324 Jackson et.
BRIGHT lady to take orders for stationery.
V K2, Oregon lan.
WANTED Girl for general housework. Phone
Main 2957. -
. 54 4th st.
GIRL or woman for general housework. Phone
.Main 3141.
WANTED Second girl. 296 14th. Phone Pa
cific 1065.
GIRL for general housework. No. 59 North
2cth st.
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
EXPERIENCED made stenographer soli cits'
night work. Phone East I
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
RELIABLB business man with evr 12
years experience with the trade in the
Philippine islands,
- f Strait -Settlement
and India
is returning shortly and wishes to act as
representative for a few firms in above
mentioned countrlea E SO, Oregonlan.
office man desires position with whole-
sale house; best of references; open
for position June 15. Telephone em-
ployment department Y. M. C. A.-
THOROUGHLY experienced successful de
partment store shoe buyer i seeking
change of position; highest references in
every way. I will get the business for
you : salary or commission. K 85. Ore
arrived, desires position; will begin as sten-
- ographer and correspondent ; last position
(assistant salea manager), paid $150. Ad
dress "Lumber." care Dr. Campbell, Dallas,
Polk County. Or.
OFFICE work for part time, to open or close
doors or to systematize on ice. oy man or
all round office and business experience. F
82. Oregonlan. , "
COMPETENT bookkeeper, operator of Rem
ington typewriter, can figure lumber and
manage office end of lumber business. A
74, Oregonlan.
COMPETENT bookkeeper and general office
fnan of long experience wants situation;
city or country. K 73, Oregonlan.
DRUGGIST open for position.1 P 68. Ore
gon i an.
M IscelLmn eous.
WANTED Position as foreman on large or
small ranch; I am a hustler and understand
cattle and hog raising; am a thorough farm
er; was educated In the business in the
Middle West and also in California; can fur
nish the best of references; will go on trial
for 8 months, F 67, Oregonlan.
WANTED Position with reliable real es
tate and timber company, familiar with
timber, well educated, good taJker, high
est references; moderate salary. Address
X 79, Oregonlan.
wide business experience and a business
- builder, seeks employment with enterprising
concern; highest Eastern and local refer
ences. T 71, Oregonlan.
GOOD Japanese couple wants situation,
man cook, wife wait on table and house
work In family; both speak English, good
references. K 79, Oregonlan.
WANTED Situation by No. 1 makeup man
and ad. compositor; steady and relia
ble; country dally preferred. Address L.
care Courier, Oregon City.
office man and manager, decree position
with good firm; satisfactory references. S
71, Oregonlan.
ALL around handy man wishes work as
janitor, porter or gardener; handy with
toola; country preferred. Address K 70,
WANTED Position by experienced hard
ware man as buyer or manager; satisfac
tory references given. Address D 76 Ore
gonlan. POSITION desired as warehouseman, porter or
all around man by mlddle-agedi man; uses
English, German and Danish. W 78, Ore
general hardware line Is open for a posi
tion ; references furnished. H SO, Ore
gonlan. RELIABLE printer wants steady position,
city or country; simplex operator. Ad
dress N- N. Agren, 229 Cherry it., port-
. land.
E A STERN, experienced bank man, with
money to invest, desires position as partifer
in profitable business. M 71, Oregonlan.
will take more lawns. Address F. M. Pet
tijohn, 410 Grand View St., Montavllla.
JAPANESE First-class cook wants posi
tion hotel or restaurant city or country.
Q 79. Oregonlan.
NEW houses and window cleaning a spe
, clalty. Phone Pacific 2244. Thomas Green,
122 7th st.
A JAPANESE youth wants general house
work or garden or store; speaks well. & i4.
man of 40, not strong but wide awake. 1201
Kerby st.
AN experienced Japanese bor wants any kind
of work for room and board. C 71, Orego
dener wants situation. Phone Main 479T.
SITUATION wanted by a good man at any
kind of business work. M 77, Oregonian.
FIRST-CLASS stationary engineer wants
position; steady, sober. R 81, Oregonian.
YOUNG Japanese wants to work In store;
speaks English good. G 85, Oregonlan.
GROERYMAN Good reliable man wants po
sition, city or country. A 85, Oregon ia if.
JAPANESE wishes situation as bell boy at
any place. I 79. Oregonlan.
MAN of experience wants farm to run on
shares. E 79, Oregonian.
POSITION as cook, hotel; city or country.
X 81, Oregonlan.
Bookkeepers and Stenographers.
EXPERIENCED, reliable Underwood operator
desires permanent position at once, or cash
iership. Phone Sunday 8 to 9:30 A: M.
Pacific 305&.
FOR good bookkeeper or stenographer, perma
nent or substitute work, phone Eclectic
Business University. Main 4504.
WANTED A place to substitute as sten
ographer during the Summer vacation. H
77, Oregonian.
AN inexpert enoed stenographer wishes position
in office- for practice. Address P 79, Ore
gonlan. YOUNG lady dressmaker desires a place tn
first -class hotel or private family as
seamstress; speaks French and German; is
Milling to help light housework. H TO,
COMPETENT dressmaker wishes more en
gagements at day sewing; references;
prices reasonable. Phone Sellwood t44.
EXPERIENCED dressmaker wishes sewing
bv da v. 291 H Morrison st. Phone Pa
cific 2036-
FAN-Y and tailored suits by competent
dressmaker. $8 up. 361 14th t. Phone
Main 6621.
LADIES tailoring and fashionable dressmak
ing by the day in families. Phone Tabor 615.
FIRST-CLASS dressmaker will take encrage
ments by the day. Phone Wood lawn 176.
WANTED Sem-ing by the day. Address
Miss I-, East 42d and Hawthorne.
plain;-children' sewing. East 4818..
EXPERIENCED dressmaker will go out by
the nay. Phone East ei'Jl 7-
mer to care for invalid. V 7S. Oregonlan.
SITUATION wanted by a capable woman as
housekeeper in hotel sr firat-class boardina-.
house, or would take place as assistant In
an institution; Is a competent sick nurse;
can give best of references. A 80, care
or oregonian.
MARRIED woman, with best city reference.
would act as housekeeper in exchange for
modern rurnisneo: apartments for seif and
ttusoana. w care oregonian. v
WANTED By middle-aged lady, as house
keeper in widowers family; no objection
to one or two children. O 80, Oregonian.
UNINCUMBERED middle-aged widow would
like position as working houeekepr In
widowers iamiij . o, t-regonian.
LADY alone would like to care for small
rooming-house or home. Summer months.
Phone Main 3?3U.
REFINED woman, boy 14. desires situation,
housekeeper. w fdower or roomlng-hou&s.
230H Yamhill. Main 5413.
7 :
SITUATION wanted p by a neat colored lady
- as night chambermaid, o 76. Oregonlan.
On Sunday, June d, a small advertisement for help wanted, book
keeper, was inserted in the classified columns of The Oregonian on
order of H. S. Smith, proprietor Hotel Centralia, Centralia, Wash.
The following letter, written The Oregonian by Mr. Smith on June 9,
in itself attests the' value of The Oregonian as a classified medium.
The Oregonian 's circulation today covers fully every settled section
of the Pacific Northwest.
' footer Centralia
). S. Smitt?, proprietor
. ZTcuIbcr, jjlanager."".
Gentlemen: Please cut out my ad for-
a bookkeeper, as I have been kept, busy
all day answering the phone, and I am
over a hundred miles away. I don't know ,
what I would do if they could call me up
without expense.
Please insert the ad herewith once in
the next issue. Now, remember, only
WANTED Position for cooking or general
.housework; wages $30. J 82, care of Ore
gonian. Miscellaneous.
FRENCH governess, with best references, de
sirthg a change, wishes to take care of chil
dren during July and. August at springs or
seaside or Portland; no salary; expenses
only. Write box 814, Vancouver, B. C
EXPERIENCED lady will give facial treat
ments at residences; also general mas
sage. Address H 73, Care Oregonlan.
French and German governess for children'
good references. . B 77. Oregonlan.
A NEAT colored girl wishes position as
nurseglrl, waitress or chambermaid. Phone
Paclfio 1709. Houre 11 to 3.
LADY takes charge of, entertains invalids,
aged, children, by hour, day, month. Refer
ences. Pacific 671.
WA NTED A position 1n doctor's office by
trained nurse: trusty and capable. Address
S 76, Oregonian.
LEAVE- your shirtwaists and Summer dreee
at the Hand laundry, 345 Yamhill at., near
Hotel Portland.
REFINED young woman wants position as
sttendant In doctor's or business office. F
83, Oreajonlan.
EXPERIENCED music teacher gives two piano
or mandolin lessons for 73 cents. O 82,
REFINED yonng lady wishes to act as? travel
ing companion to lady. Phone Pacific 701.
FRENCH lady wants position as lady's maid
or for children. R 72, Oregonian.
LADY wishes to take care of children even
ings or Sundays. Q 77. Oregonlan.
EXPERIENCED cxcnajige and office girl
seeks position. T 82. Oregonian.
LOST Deed to lot on Denver ave.; reward.
Mrsv Carey. Phone Main 2588.
A TEACHER wishes tutoring or will read by
the hour. M 78, Oregonian.
MENDING and repairing of all kinds. 547
4th t. Phone A 3543.
LACE curtains washed and stretched, 40c and
50c pair. Main 7014.
WOMAN wants work by the day or hour.
Phone East A097.
GENERAL agents wanted to advertise and
superintend others: experience pnneces
sary. goods sell themselves; general- agents
make $15 to $25 per day; sub. agts. $5 to
$10: If you would like a permanent and
ever-Increasing business, write us for full
particulars. Luther Bros. Co., 378 Carver
ave.. North Milwaukee.
choice territories in Oregon and Washing
ton; complete outfit furnished free;
h ten -class position to right parties: ref
erences required. Apply to the Oregon
Nursery Company, Salem, Or.
WANTED District managers in Washing
ton and Oregon to handle agencies for
a leading life, health and accident so
ciety; top contracts; write at once. Roy
al Fraternal Union, 818 Eltel bldg., Seat
tle, Wash.
WANTED Salesmen with established routes
handle latest souvenir novelty. Big com
m i Aeion ; no col lection s. Free out fl t sen t ;
name towns made. U- S. Specialty Co.,
Minneapolis. Minn.
AGENTS $85 monthly; magic flat-iron
cleaner and waxer; bet yet; 100 per
cent profit;, sample free; exclusive terri
tory. Thomas Mfg. Co., X. -Dayton. O.
CANVASSERS make big money selling auto
matic screen door eaten-! and checks;
sample catch postpaid, 2."e. Automatle
Catch Co.. Chicago.
AGENTS wanted legitimate substitute for
lot machines: patented; sells on sight for
$1. Particulars, GIftha Co., Anderson, Ind.
WANTED Two live men To represent mnfg.
concern to sell and collect ; good proposition
to right party. Address B 81. Oregonian.
WANTED Responsible agent to sell 70
first-class suburban lots, close in. N 79,
Ore-g-onian. V
WANTKD To rent, 6 or 7-room house; give
location and rent asked: must be good neigh
borhood. T 79, Oregonian.
LADY wanta board and room in private
family, between Oregon and Broadway.
E 7a. Oregonlan.
TWO quiet young business men wlsb board
and room In private family. State terms.
N 77, Oregonian.
CLOSE Irr furnished house foV Summer
months: references furnished. Address D
82. Oregonian.
WANTED July . 5-room apartment. West
Side; no children; references exchanged. F
77, Oregonian.
FURNISHED house. 4 to 7 rooms. 2 to 6
months; any part of city. Phoenix. 404
12 TO 20 modern, clean rooms; must be cen
tral; would lease; references. X 43, Ore
gonian. I FURNISHED room and board. East Side; give
1 rates and accommodetlon. N 76. Oresonian-
Yours truly
8TABLB wanted to rent, about 100x100. Ap
ply at once to W. H. Grenfell, Francis ave.
and Belmont. Phone Tabor 763.
GENTLEMAN wants board and room with
strictly private family ; terme not to ex
ceed $35; WTest Side preferred; references
given; permanent. Reply, giving full par
ticulars and phone number. O 84, Oregonian.
tagea. flats, stores, offices, rooming-houses,
etc. Landlords will do well to call on
Portland Trust Company of Oregon. S.. B.
cor. 3d and Oak. Phoue Exchange 72-
FARM of about 80 acree. near small town
and cream route; already stocked and equip
ped; will rent for two years, with prlvlllege
of buying; party reliable and understands
dairy business. T 77, Oregonlan.
WANTED July 1. by couple with small
child. 5 to 7-room modern house or lower
flat with yard; walking distance or 15 min
utes on car; rent, reasonable; references. H.,
453 Hall st.
W A NTED By man and wl f e, two rooms.
West Side, centrally located. In an apart
ment houee and no objection to partly fur
nishing a kitchen. Address T 80, Oregonian.
WANTED Room In a private residence west
of Tenth, between Washington and Quimby,
by two young men. students; must be re
spectable. E 77, Oregonian.
BOARD and rooms for family of two adults
and three children for three weeks in Aug
ust on Clatop Beach. Gear hart preferred.
Address O 71, Oregonian.
small cotta-ge or flat. $13 to $20. for two
adults; highest references. C 73. Oregonlan.
buying. 2 to 10 acres, with house, near car
line; give location and price. T 78, Oregon ian.
WANTED By traveling man and wife,
- room and board by July 1st; close in and
reasonable; references, fci 80, Oregonian.
WANTED, by July 11. unfurnished house,
not less 9 rooms, bath .yard, West Side,
central; reasonable rent.- F 75, Oregonlan,
WANTED 2 rooms and board by couple
and child of 7, girl; private family and
nest bide preferred, h 7, oregonian.
RELIABLB party desires to care for and rent
a well furnished house for the Summer;
must have by July 1. P 82, Oregonian.
WANTED Room and board; home privi
leges; walking distance, by young man;
references exchanged. R 82. Oregonlan.
BY lady, large furnished room with board In
private family before July 1. State terms
and phone number. S 72, Oregonian.
A JEWELER wants to rent a store or part
of It, centrally located, for the month of
July or August. G SI, Oregonlan.
WANTED Room and board on West Side
close in. by a young lady, private family
preferred. N 78, Oregonlan.
YOUNG lady, employed i wants room and
board in private family; close In;, terms
reasonable. M 81, Oregonlan.
WANTED 4 Or 5-room cottage either Clat
sop Beach or North Beach for August.
Address F 80. ' Oregonlan.
WANTED Small ball unfurnished, suitable
for lodge. E 63, Oregonian.
GOOD room and board by young man; West
Side, C 80. Oregonian.
ROOM and board wanted for single lady. H
S3, Oregonian.
WANTED A amall second-hand gasoline
engine. 4 to 6 horsepower. Must' be xheap
for cash. N 75, Oregonlan.
and merchandise. Phone Main 1626, J
T. Wilson, auctioneer.
PA RTY to put up tent s nd give meals to
working men. House full of roomers. 107
Decatur St., St. Johns.
GILMAN'S salesrfoms. No. 411 Washington
st., will pay cash for household furniture.
Phone Main 2473. ,
WANTED To buy. a cat. house broke and a
good mouFer. Apply The Colonial, cor. 10th
and Morrison.
WANTED Typewriter In good condition;
visible preferred. G 204. Oregonian, or
Main 5436.
WESTERN SALVAGE CO.. S27 Washington,
bur. sell or trade any old thing. Phone Pa
cific 7ft3.
ABSOLUTE fact 232 1st pays higher prices
for household goods. Phone Main 6374,
A 2327.
WE PAY spot cash for jour furniture, etc.
Prompt attention always given. Phone East
I pay cash for houeehold good. Snvat s
Pennell Fur. Co.. 345 1st. Pacific 360.
WANTED A small, light rowhoat; state
slxa and particulars. T 81, Oregonian.
WILL store your piano for use of same. For
further information Phone East 4359.
Wanted Men' old clothing, shoes, highest
prices paid. 53 3d. TeL Pacific 40.
WANTErv-Old mahogany furniture, chairs,
I etc; state srice, J 47. Oreaonian.
WANTED To buy second-hand engine late,
24-lnch or over preferred; age nonobjection
If lathe is- capable of service; must be cheap
for cash or on easy terms. Also want small
iron planer or shaper. M 7R. Oregonlan.
and shoes; we also buy household furnish
ings, highest pries paid. Call at the "Fair
Deal," 62 N. 3d. Phona Pacific- 1722.
WANTED To buy household good's of every
description; best cash prices paid and no
monkey business. M. J. McGratb. Furniture
Co.. 6d North 3d at. Main 2o87.
ly free- Oregon Fertilizer Works. M. 196,
or notify Carney's Veturinary, 4th-Gllsaa.
off clothing and house furniture of all kinds.
7SH N. 3d.Phoe Pacific 1694,
INSURANCE: Would pay fair price for es
tablished agency in a good fire Insurance
company. & 67, Oregonian.
WE call for dead horses and cattle free of
charge. Phone East 223S.
Neatly furnished or unfurnished apart
ments, wi th I ight, heat, hot and old
water, porcelain baths, automatic phone
and eleotric elevator. Popular prices.
25SH 13TH ST. Nicely furnished rooms In
new modern home;- gentlemen only; excel
lent location; reasonable. .
TH E ELWOOD Newly furn ishd : $2 to $3
week; also transient rooms. 343 y Morrison.
TWO or 4 furnished or unfurnished rooms.
Call 614 Northrup at., or phone Main 4o39.
HOTEL ROYAL 106H 4th; nice rooms, 60
cents, $1 per night; $3 to $5 per week.
Transients solicited.
Furnished Rooms.
HOTEL AVALON (European), 413H Wash
ington st.. 4 clocks west ot imperial ioiei.
newly furnished rooms, single or suites, hot
and cold water, steam heat, electric lights,
bath and all modern conveniences; perma
nent roomers and tourists solicited; rates
to gentlemen.
NICBLY furnished, also unfurnished rooms,
single and en suite; quiet and very suitable
lor single men. me Kamm Dag, isl ana
Pine. Reasonable.
NICELY furnished rooms, pleasant location,
private family, home comforts, near car
line; rates very reasonable. 422 N. 21st st.
Phone Main 3788.
HANDSOMELY furnished corner suite, suit
able for two gentlemen; bath, hot water.
both phones. Call Morrison St., flat
Ji, arter o jp. m.
SUITE of 2 nicely furnished front rooms In
private flat; all modern conveniences; gen
tlemen preferred. Phone 1712 Main. 242
itn st., cor. Main.
FOR RENT Newly furnished front room in
beautiful private noma; gas, oatn ana iur
r.ace. walking distance. 82 E. 16th at., cor.
of stark.
LARGE modern rooms, hot and coldi water;
targe closets, use of pnone. one eiegani
euite suitable for two to four persona. 163
17th st.
A LRAGE front room for rent, suitable for
two gentlemen; with or witnout board; ciose
In. Call at 51 E 7th at, between Oak and
A NICELY furnished front alcove suite.
suitable for one or two gentlemen. 248 1
6th at, 3 blocks from Portland ttotei.
THE RANDOLPH. Third and Columbia, Is
now open; everything new and modern; 80c
to $1 day; $z to $4 weex. Racine it 4.
EAST Morrison, and Grand ave.. Healy
bldg.. nicely furnished rooms; Kentie
men only. Inquire Prof. Bingler.
NICE front parlor, with ptar.o. suitable for
two gentlemen; gas, Datn, ana leiepnone.
&:t2 MilL bet. 6th and 7th sts.
LARGE front bedroom, nicely furnished, suit'
able for two gentlemen; bath, phone, walk'
Ing - distance. 187 EL 7th St.
VERY desirable newly furnished front room
suitable for one or two. Reasonable; pri
vate family. Phone Pacific 162.
NICELY-FURNISHED front rooms; clean,
light, modern; walking distance. 347 Mar
ket St., bet. 7th and Park.
THE WOODLAND Beautiful location
beautiful rooms for nice people only;
week or month. 265 Sixth.
LARGE, airy rooms in quiet house; every
thing first class; close in; 1 pleasant suite
vacant soon. iea run st.
392 COLUMBIA; easy walking- distance; large
front room, closet, electric lignt, porcelain
bath, phono; reaeonao'.e.
FOR RENT Furnished front room, suitable
for two gentlemen ; private family. 170
17th st., near Morrison.
FURNISHED rooms for gentlemen; mod
ern fiat ; 3 blocks from Portland Hotel.
248 Sixth. Homo asau.
CHOICE of two rroms; modern; central;
pleasant surrounrllnRs; both phones. 274V
Park. cor. jeiiarson.
ALCOVE suites, one on lower floor, cooi,
clean front rooms, baths. Phone East
1929. 13 East 7th.
very central: private family; both phones
i,ath or,o nth
SLEGANT front suite. $15; single room. $7;
fine location, walking distance; breakfasts.
Phone Main 2219,
NICELY furnished front room, suitable for
two; large closet. Datn-room adjoining; gas.
phone, aos 14th.
309 MADISON ST. Nicely furnished rooms.
single or en suite; steam heat, free bath.
Main 43o.
FOR RENT One nice large well-furniched
front room. oi etn st. Pacinc zot4.
Home AMm.
ONE large front room, furnished; desirable
tor noueeKeeping. .'wj Montgomery, rt.
E. cor. oth.
FURNISHED upper or lower flat; reason
able price to responsible parties. Phone
Mam DU4.
MODERN furnished suite, suitable two or
four persons; hot, cold water in room.
213 13th.
IS Pretty front room, porcelain bath, gas,
modern conveniences. 325 12th. Phone Pa
cific 2102.
NICELY furnished alcove room for two or
more persons; phone, bath. 169 Park
PLEASANT front room for gentleman, $10
per month. 30 East 3d st. ; good car serv
ice. FURNISHED rooms, hot and cold water, fur
nace heat and bath; electric lights. 207 14th
FOR RENT Furnished rooms. $2 a week and
up. single or en suite. 5o9 Mill at. Phone
FOR RENT Two furnished rooms: private
family; near carllne Apply 607 Pettygrove
PLDAFANT furnished room with bath; rent
reasonable. 38 21et., cor. Washington st.
THE MAEHLEN Nicely furnished rooms and
housekeeping. 95 11th St., corner Stark.
ROOM suitable for 2 gentlemen; 10 min
utes' walk. Apply 347 College et.
NICELY furnished rooms, with bath, gas
and phone; reasonable. 415 7th st..
LARGE and light room for rent, also a small
one. 414-i Jefferson and Eleventh sts.
ROOM $15.. 253 Washington st.. cor. 3d.
Call between 12 and 2 P, M. "today.
NICELY furnished front bedrftom. ga and
oath, $9 per month. 266 12th St.
1 LARGE, sunny room, suitable for one or
two gentlemen. 269 7th st. -
FOR RENT Furnished room. -small family,
nice location. No. 1 East 12th at.
OOSY room for respectable gentleman, very
reasonable. Phone East 5440.
THP? WOODLAND Two choice rooms vacant.
265 6th. Pbone Main 1054.
FURNISHED rooms, with or without board.
232 Madison St., near 2d.
PI ASA NT front room for one or two gentle
men. 550 Taylor st.
tlemen. 16S 10h St.
SUNNY furnlrhed front room, suitable for
2. 164, W. Park st.
I NICE large room, $10 a month. 129 N. 17th
1 street.
Furnished Rooms.
YOU WOULD LIXE to have your din
ner served Just "so."
Plates and viands piping hot
Salad crisp and cold
Waiter thoughtful and deft.
There's one place In Portland where
you can secure this delightful service, and
you don't have to be a millionaire to pay
the bill.
Thais Sargenfa GrllL
Dinner, 5oo.
Sunday dinner, with wine. 75c.
Hotol Sargent. Grand and Hawthorne
Ask to see our room v
and our new suites.
Building entirely remodeled.
Nicely furnished rooms, single or en
suite, $2 per week up ; steam heat, hot
and cold water; free baths, free phone;
dining-room !n connection ; transients so
liclted; open all night; best location in the
city; office and reading-room ground k
floor. 4$8 Washington.
17th First-class furnished rooms, single
or en suite; steam heat, hot, cold water,
electric light, phone in every room: suite
with private bath, single, from $3 by week.
' 75c up by day; reasonable by month. Mala
Washington sts. Newly furnished tnrougn
out, new building; suites with hatha, hot
and cold water In every room. Phone Mala
7196. Long-distance phones In all rooms.
Modern rooms, single and en suite: alea
housekeeping; running water: private aad
free baths; rates reasonable. Pacific 496.
FOR RENT Will furnish to suit occu-
fiant, very desirable room; private fam
ly ; rent reasonable; walking distance;
references exchanged. F 72. Oregonian.
DESIRABLE suite, newly furnished. In
downtown office building; very central
and private. For particulars apply room
9, 13ttH First st. Home Phone A1796.
Nicely furnished rooms, modern brick
50c day up, $2 week up; everything neat
and clean. First and Taylor streets.
THE WILLAMETTE, 322 Stark, S. W. cor.
etn St.; well rurnianea rooms, targe ana
light, single or en suite; transients; 60o to
$1; by week. $2 to $5. Par ill o 1296.
at.; changed hands, thoroughly renovated;
clean, large rooms; free bath, phone; $2 to
$3.50 week; ROo to $1 a day.
NICELY furnished room tn modern cottage;
beet In city for the money; walking dis
tance ; bath, gas ; no other roomers. 621
Kearney St., cor. N. 15th.
LARGE, beautifully furnished front room In,
refined, private modern home; centrally
located: reasonable to gentlemen, perma
nent. Phone Main 4714.
Ington streets All modern conveaiences,
suites with bath, principal car Maes pass tbm
door. Phone Main 2333.
TWO furnished rooms for rent, $6 per
month each, near U carllne; 269 Cherry
St.; few minutes' walk from Steel bridge.
FOR RENT Four furnished rooms. 67
Halsey st.
Unfurnished Rooms.
UNFURNISHED suites of two and four rooms
with bath, awnings and all other appoint
ments of first-class Apartments. Harrison
Court, 5th and Harrison.
FOR RENT One or two unfurnished rooms
in private family; reasonable; walking
distance: references exchanged. 106 16th
at.. North.
ST. FRANCIS, 34 North 8th st., cor. Couch.
Nicely furnished single rooms and suites,
with baths, electric light and heat.
FOUR rooms, with water, $12- 840 irTOnt
et.f 4 -room flat; bath, $14- 188 Mar
ket st.
NICE, large, front alcove room, unfurnished;
reasonable; central. 211 11th st. Main
TWO or three nice unfurnished rooms; bath,
and gas; reasonable. 107 North 17th at.
Rooms With Board.
ELEGANTLY furnished rooms; all modern
conveniences; 6 minutes' walk from Port
land Hotel. Phone Pacific 8X; with or
without board. 335 Montgomery.
THE COLONIAL, cor. 10th and Morrison;
three blocks west of Portland Hotel;
first-class rooms-and board; transients and
table boarders accommodated.
FRONT room for one or two gentlemen with,
or without board, private family, excellent
location, kw rent to reliable parties. 148
Lane St.. S car south. '
NICELY furnished front room, with board,
suitable for two; modern conveniences;
gentlemen preferred. 181 N. 36th. Phona
Pacific 2917. . -
TASTEFULLY furnished five-room modern
apartment for rent; furniture for sale;
West Side; fine location. R 76, Orego
nlan. THE CLATOPA New, modern apartments;
corner 18th and Flanders: open today. Apply
to J. C Wheeler, with Tull & Glbbs. Phon
E. 524.
BOARD and rooms; private family; terms
reasonable: walking distance. Phone
Main 3622, or Auto. A36i:2. 828 Sixth
YOUNG lady, employed wants room andboardj
with private family; cloa In; no attention
unless price atated. K 78, Oregonian.
THE CLAY Corner 2d and Clay; nloely
furnished suite of -rooms for two gentle
men, with board, $5.50 per week.
nfshed rooms single or en suite; good!
board, convenient location.
635 KEARNY Two pleasant. connecting3
rooms, partly or entirely furnished; reler
enceff. Main 3178 or 1289.
PLEASANT room for two. separate beds, first
class board; bath; $18 a month. Fhonet
Mains 5143. 525 Clay st.
wholesome rooking; desirable neighborhood.
205 North 23d.
ELEGANTLY furnished rooms and good
board; gentlemen only. Phone Main 8a93
215 13th st.
NICE rooms, with board; home cooking;,
house modem; reasonable; very central.
208 11th st.
ONB room with board for two refined young
ladies, employed; quite reasonable. Pbons
Pacific 529.
A LADY, alone would board and room a
woman, employed during day. B 78.
LARGE front room, modem conveniences,
new furniture; board optional. 200 Park
WELL furnished rooms, with board; horns
cooking. 440 Jefferson. Pacific 1302,
A 4440.
FURNISHED rooms to rent, with or without
board; private, family. Phone Pacific
ROOM with board for two young men. 66T
Kearney. Phone Pacific 870. Mount Tabor
FRONT suite on the first floor, with hot
and cold water. The Waldorf, 147 13th.
ELEGANTLY furnished room with board for
two; close in; new and modern. Main 22S4.
GOOD board and rooms at 248 Jefferson st.
bet. 2d and 3d; under new management.
HAVE room and board for 2 young men,
close in. Pacific 681. Private family.
BOARD and room, free phone, bath ; $5.60
per meek. 328 Clay. Phone Main 5963.
OLYMPUft 141 Lounsdale. cor. Alder, new-
ly furnished; $5 a week and up.
NICBLY furnished rooms with board; walk
ing distance. 149 Lownedale st.
168 10TH Pleasant room with board; suit
able for 1 or 2 young men. -
ONE suite and pingle room, with hot water,
steam heat. 4-2 Morrison.
THE OZARK Rooms, first-class service; hot
cold water. 225 11th st.
ROOM and board for two. 256 13th st. Mala
1S52. Home, A 3W6.
FOR RENT Front parlor with board; re-
sonable. 370 12th st.
FURNISHED rooms with board, 615 Morris
son. cor. lrtth tit. . . .
I ROOM and board, $20 and $25: men fnhs
1 471 Morrison su '1