V 20 THE SUNDAY OREG0XIAX, PORTLAND, JUNE 16, 1907.. FOB SALE FARMS. FOB 8AJJC HELP WANTED MALE. HELP WANTED MALE. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS, FOR SALE. 140.000,000 feet fine, tail, yellow flr; also some larch and hemlock. In 2 north and 6 and 7 west; price $13o.ooo. and a bargain. FIXE) TIB PROPOSITION. Including two mills. 40,00 each dolly ca pacity and 150.000.000 feet red flr. Should cut 8,600,000 tie at a not profit of 25 cents each. On good logging stream and the cost of transportation f. o. b. Portland from the taw 8 14 cents per tie. Price $200,000. Nice sawmill proposition near Vancouver, Wash., including logging outfit, 19 head horses. 6 wagons, etc.. for S25.O00. I have some fine buys tn large "and small timber tracts from 2.000,000 to 2 000.ooo.0OO feet. If you are in the market for Umber It will pay you to see me. Reference. THOri. P. THORNTON. 319 Chamber of Commerce. THE LACEY WAY Is recognized to be the standard way cf handling timber lands. The timber must first satisfy us, and our crilise reveals every detail of the conditions fiurrounding it. Our reports are prepared in such a way that the buyer knows whether or not the timber will satisfy htm beisre he visits the tract. Twemty years' experience and the client age we represent. Is a sufficient guarantee that our methods are right. You may waste your valuable time In looking up the tract you wont Take advantage of the results of our own constant efforts along this line ani get the befit. JAMES n. LACFT A CO., T,umber Exchange, Seattle. Wash. Chamber of Commerce. Portfaira. Or. LARGE tract sugar pine timber, rery ac- ceeplble. 7fl.000.OOA ft, of fine timber tributary to the Colombia. 820 acres, cruising 10,000,000 ft. good Umber, $S per acre. Aft.0O0.00O ft fir. 34.OO0.0O0 ft, pine, flr and cedar: cheap. CITY REALTY A BUILDING CO.. 612 Commercial blk. Main 1940. WANTED Party with from $150,000 to $250,000 cash to join me in buying a tract of timber. Have large tract oa railroad. Will not coat above 63a per M. Can make 60 per cent profit inside of 8 months. Only bona fide buyer with cash considered. D 79, Oregon ian. TIMBER BUYERS. ATTENTION. We have several attractive timber prop ositions; call and investigate; timber lands In Oregon, California and Washing ton, from 1000 to 20,000 acres. H. W, LEMCKE COMPANY, Sixth and Washington. 120,000.000 Feet of first-class yellow fir, tributary to Columbia, at about $1.25 per M-: a fine logging show or email sawmill plant. THE VETERAN LAND CO., 165 Third St. HOMESTEAD relinquishment for sale. Be tween 6,oo,000 and 6.000,000 feet timber; improvement worth over $1000; orchard 25 years old; county road through place. For more information address P. O. box 663 or phone Main 1359. SAWMILL In Lane County, Or., $15,000; this Is a com plete mill, with planer and power sufficient for mill flo.000 capacity. SPHINX AGENCY, 80644 Stark et. ATTEN TION Ti mbcr b uy ers : 3000 acre white pine, sugar ptne and flr, situated in Jackson County, Or. For description and price address J. A. 'Waddle, 105 Second St., Portland, Or. CLACKAMAS TIMBER CLAIM, lflo acres. 2 million ft., 16 miles from Portland. $2500. SPHINX AGENCY. 30ft H Star et. LAND wekers attention! Few more persons wanted to file and locate on railroad lands in Oregon. Take advantage of this club. "You" II 'have to hurry." Address T 66, care Oregonian. TO TIMBER BUYERS. We have some very desirable timber In large tracts, Oregon or Washington. Sphinx Agency. 30. 14 Stark st. I HAVE a few very choice pieces of R. R. land: on" which I can locate; has been cruised bv competent men from 8. 000,000 to 13,000, t0. I'hone Wood lawn SOtf. SO.mMVOOO CEDAR and flr near Portland, log pine stream, HA cents; (map for mill man; short option must be Quick; principals only. Box T, Canby, Or. SAV "MILL 15,000 dally capacity; planer, e.iger, over 2.Ot0.Oii feet timber, all $3.rH; easily clear $lo,000 and mi. G 77, Ore gonian. Timber wanted, Oregon or Washington, large or small uacia Sphinx AgBncy. sosfe Stark. GOOD timber claim ; cruises heavily. Suite TJ. 26 Stark. Main 143. FOR SALE FARMS. FOR SALE. Fifteen-acre tract on East Side, between Portland ati1 Oregon city; 300 feet in width, extending from the Willamette River to and acrru the track of the Oregon City electric carline; partly cleared; rich soli;-ideal loca tion for Huburhnn homes. Address FRANK E. HODGKIN, Vancouver, Wash. 16 ACRES, with beautiful building site; 18 acres cleared ; level, high ground and all tillable, fronting on graveled road; close to carline, quarter mile from station; running springs on "two acres not e'eared; fine for fruit or garden or small dairy ranch; bar gain from owner. Ad-iresa J 73. care Ore gon ian. WASHINGTON COT'NTY FARM. 88 acres, 55 sores in crop, 10 In prunes. 2 In apple; 8-rnnm houe. new barn, half mile from school, on milk, mall and tele phone routes : crops and fruit in flne condl tion; price $410O; half cash, balance long time. Waiter Hope. Forest Grove, Or. APPLE LANDS. Several pieces of 20 acres to 160 acres, partially Improved. nar Lyle, Wash.; the b-jt of apple land; the prices $15 to $20 pr acre. If you want a good thing In this line. Investigate. v F. W. TO ROLE R. 106 Sherlock bldg. THREE hundred acres, six miles from Hood River, Or.; 7 acres in fruit, acres In full bearing; springs and runntng water sufficient for Irrigation ; 70 acres undevel oped fruit land, balance pasture and timber land; $o per aore; terms. Address X 73, care Oregonian. 80-aere farm near the above place, nearly all in cultivation, go'd 7-room house, barn, etc. 40 hoal of cattle, S horses, all neces sary farm implements, etc. Price $6000. J. FRANK PORTER, ' 222 Washington st. $.V PER ACRE. For ideal Yamhill County farm; snap for a few days only. Better hurry as It will go quick C H. MOORE INVESTMENT CO., Suite 32. 268 Stark. Main 143- fY'R SALE FY OWNER 12i, ACRES. ONK half slashed and seeded, balance in good timber, fir and ash, one-half mile from Forest Grove, $S0 per acre. $KH down, bal ance on time. Call Sunday or Monday, room S4. 181 1 Union avenue. FOR SALE ALL OR PART OF OHOICB fnrm at Dlllcy, Or.. 310 acres. 1S bottom land. good buildings, electric light and telephone, with or without crop, 2 mli to milk factcr ; terms T. H. Llttlehalea, Forest Grove. Or. SN VP FARM SNAP no acres. 20 acres In crops, in first-class condition: good building?; -1ose to river and railroad; close to Portland; price only $:'250. on terms. R 71. Oregonian. 16' ACRES. IB A. 'RES VXDKR CULTTVA tion. small orcharn. well watered, with county roal through place; IO miles from I.yle, WaMi.; prlt-i $2noo. Inquire Of owner, 6nS Spencer St.. Montavllla, Or. EIGHTY acres; $:f0O. 'Lake View Farm"; tightly honn along railroad. 32 miles from Portland, mile good town; $2500 cash or city propcriv. la Li iwe easy terms. Room 605 Commercial bldg. FOR SALE Farm. 23 acres, partly im proved. 5 miles from Oregon City; will sen on terms. Address Thomas Wike, . 461A Castor st., San Francisco, Cat. KOM ES131-;KERS We locate homesteads, desert claims of 320 acres: no better gram land in the world: fine climate. Address A men Barnes Lake view. Or. IP7-AORE dairy farm, all stocked; present Income $:0O per month; $5u00 caen will . handle it a fine proposition. Columbia Trust Company. Couh blt.g. So acres, excellent soli, partly cleared, good road, creek, near city, if you want land, see this: secure bargain; deal with owner. F 7S, Oregonian. EAST half section, 10 Tp. IS South. 2 West; Linn Co.. 326 acres; partly Umbered A. D- Marshall, Agent. 427 Chamber of Commerce. $7 ACRES. 12 miles from Forest Grove. 6 mi.es from railway station; level ; some timber, 2 springs; $. 350 Jackson. BUY a dairy ranch on the Alsea. green rrass vear round; several for sale. Apply C. .1. Smith. V. aidport. Or. JO'S acres; 40 cultivated; some timber, pas ture, creek, fenced ;near Portland; terms. N 80, Oregonian. KFMXQrtSHMSNT 82" acre? level farm land; Price $190. C. H. Kelly, 265 Yamhill st. RETURN OF LOST ARTICLES ADVER TISED IN THE OREGONIAN There is nothing that shows better the great value of The Ore gonian as an advertising medium in this field than the prompt return to owners of many lost articles that are regularly advertised in the classified columns of this paper. On Friday last, the following adver tisement was published one time only. The Oregonian 's charge for this advertisement was 40 cents. " LOST Gold watch, Elgin works; the name Cora on back; return to Oregonian office and receive reward. ' The watch was brought to the business office of The Oregonian a few hours after the paper was delivered to subscribers in Portland. Thursday morning last, a purse, containing $30, was returned to The Oregonian as result of the following advertisement that was published on the morning of that day. The finder of this purse re--fused to accept a reward. LOST Meier Frank's, by one who cannot afford ft, green plaid bag with purse, $30. Leave Oregonian office, reward. There is no paper in the United States, perhaps, that" is as care fully read by its subscribers as The Oregonian. It is the one big paper of the Pacific Northwestern field, andls recognized generally as one of the. representative metropolitan papers of the United States. FOR SALE FARM S. HOOD RIVER. We are owners of land In Hood River and the reasons .why we Invested our money there will appeal to you, as they appealed to us. First The Hood River Valley possesses the richest and deepest soil we ever saw. It being a rich deposit of volcanic ash, varying In depth from 10 feet to 200 feet, that will grow anything from strawberries to apples, and what It does grow pos sesses lasting qualities that no other soil on the Pacific Coast gives to its fruit. Hood River strawberries are shipped to Nome, Alaska, and to the City of Mexico, and arrive at their destination in a fresh and inviting condition. Hood River apples . last a year without cold storage and are shipped successfully to Russia, England. Japan and South Africa. Second Ninety per cent of the fruit growers of the Hood River Valley belong to the Fruitgrowers' Association, the most successful union on earth, which takes charge of the grading, packing and mar keting of the fruit. Their method is this: The fruitgrower does not pack or grade his fruit; that la done for him by the expert graders and packers of the association, thus Insuring uniform and standard grades of fruit. When the fruit is ready to market buy ers come from all over the world and bid on the total output, and the highest bid der takes the whole output of the valley, and each grower then and there gets his cah. He doesn't have to make his mar ket; It's made for him. and he doesn't have to wait for his money; It Is ready for him. y Do you see the advantage of that plan and how it eliminates the middleman and the commiHSion man? Third Next to Hood River, the most successful apple-growing section of the Northwest is W SNATCH EE, In Washing ton, and here are the comparative values of the two sections: WENATCHEE. HOOD RIVER. Raw land?, from Raw lands, from $300 to $750 per $100 to $200 per acre. acre. Cleared lands, set Cleared lands, set out in apple trees 1 out In apple trees I year old, from $000 year old, from $200 to $800 .per acre. to $300 per acre. Cleared lands, set Cleared lands, set out lu apple trees out In apple trees 5 to 6 years old; 5 to 6 years old; $1000 to $1500 per $400 to $600 per acre. acre. Net results re- Net' results re ceived from trees celved from trees above 6 years old; above 6 years old, $150 to $250 per $600 to $800 per acre. acre. Compare the above figures and they speak in no uncertain tones, and elo quently proclaim the superiority of both the soil of Hood River and the methods there pursued in the marketing of the apple crop. An Investment of a few hundred or a few thousand dollars in the Hood River ' Valley means a competency for life. We have lands for sale there in small or large quantities from 10 acres up. Call on us and get our figures. We w!U be glad to give information, facts and fig ures. WHITING & ROUNTREE, 82 Vi Third st. GOOD POLK COUNTY FARMS. Good fruit farm, 100 acres, 40 acres extra cherry soil, 30 acres heavily tim bered, easy of access to navigable stream now used for logging, 8 miles to mill; price $2000 cash. Dairy farm in Tillamook, 160 acres. 30 aeres meadow, 100 acres bottom land, easily cleared, on county road, 1 miles to school; new ft-room house, large barn; farming Implements; 10 good milch cows; cheese .factory; 600-gallon tank; 2 liv ing streams; only $3500. Good creamery and feed business in Falls City, Or., making $300 a month; 3 good fed choppers, good engine, churn and creamery supplies; building and lot 60x1 00; price $3500; easy terms. E. Ltpton & Co., Falls City.. Or. FOR SALE Eastern Oregon ranch. Morrow County, 700 acres in ail; 100 acres good wheat land. 2o0 to 300 acres under Irriga tion, 250 acres in alfalfa; 3 big Irrigation ditches, all free perpetual water rights; ample water for all purposes; good 10-room house, 2 large new barns, ample outhouses and blacksmith shop: good bearing orchard, feeding plant fully equipped for feeding 40 head of cattle; cut 700 to 8O0 tons of al falfa hay a year; can double output in two or three vears; towiudte platted on ranch, with railroad store and postofflce already located; price $21,500; half cash, balance 6 per cent mortgage. PACIFIC COAST REALTY CO., Room 307 Buchanan bldg. FOR SALE Farm with 1. 000.000 feet of tim ber; $55O0. 128 acre, 17 miles from Port land, 6 mile east of Oregon City on plank road. 1,000. 0K "r timber. lO-H) cords of wood; H mile to sawmill, 35 acres In culti vation. '20 acres additional cleared, good 4 room house, barn, 2 granaries, sheep-shed and other butldings, 3 acres in orchard, trees loaded with best variety of mixed fruits: 3 ares in potatoes, balance in grain; raised 70 bushels oats to acre last year; mile to good school. This farm is worth $1000 more than we are asking for it. see it and you will buv it. Terms, 1 cash, balance 6 per cent. Pacific Coast Realty Co., 307 Bu chanan bldg. HOOD RIVER LAND. IrtO acres fine fruit land, lots good tim ber; only $3 an acre. 2 S. R and 7 acres cleared, within 1 4 miles Hood River, from $125 to $150 per acre. Will show land. F. O. NORTH RUP, 815 Couch bldg., 4th near Washington. LOOK AT THESE. Homestead relinquishment, million ft. of good timber; excellent opportunity; In vestigate this today; $r5o. 5 aore chicken ranch, 250 ehickena, in cubator, broodene, good corrals, coops, horse and buggy, cow. furniture; everything goes for $il0o. or trade for rooming-house. 3 acres on carline, Jennings Lodge; snap for $1350. HOME LAND CO., 145H 1st. QUICK, CHEAP BARGAIN SALE. Apple land, 45 acres, near Hood River; ft acres 3 0-year orchard; big crop this year; can set 20 acres more at once; hou:- and barn, oak trees, fine spring, good roads; near town; worth $9000 as invest ment, for quick sale, only $3500;- half cash: will subdivide. M'FARLAND INVESTMENT CO., 310-3U-312 Swetland Bldg. OWNER, leaving, must sell 20-acre farm, best soli, fine Improvements, orcharj growing crop, excellent water, implements, county road, rural mail, school; Imme diate possession: richest bargain on mar " ket; exceptionally attractive Portland sub urb. T 73, Oregonian. FINISH tract of land on Fremont are., nearly 11 acres, lays beautifully for plat ting, near Bull Run water and new car line; corner Fremont ave. and 43d st., or city limits; take a look at it and make an offer; It must be sold to close an es tate. W. W. Hills, Trustee. 760 Wasco st. $5250 WILL BUY. FOR A FEW DAYS ONLY, s 2-acre farm within eight mi'es of the rity; buildings alone are worth $4XK; buyer can easily clean up with the crops this year $15: this is a good buy; will stand c!o. Investigation. 4M Buchanan Mock, i ia. Washington sU Pnons Pacific 645. FOB SALS FARMS. DON'T OVERLOOK THESE BARGAINS. $ 2,000 Nice 40-acre tract, partly im proved; best of soli; running water; fine road to Portland; 14 miles distance; in prosperous vil lage. $ 3,800 On very easy terms, for a well Improved 64-a ere farm; easy day's drive to Portland and back; fine road; between churches, schools and stores; fine neighborhood; worth $100 per acre; widow has to selL $10,500 One of the best farms lnstde 14 miles of Portland; on level road; highly Improved and fully stocked with everything on the place; there Js no better buy around Portland; $3500 cash, balance to suit. $ 50 Per acre. 251 acres of the very richest bottom land on Willa mette, with boat landing; well Improved; a gold mine for jan active man; $4000 cash, balance very easy. For good farms of any kind, see F. FUCHS, 221 Vi Morrison St. GOOD FARMS AND CHEAP. 80 acres; 35 acres fine bottom land; for $2400; 4 miles from Oregon City on good road; 8 acres cleared; old house; hundreds of cords of hardwood timber; fine creek running through place; lies nice. 64 acres, near Estacada: IS sores in culti vation; small house and barn; good orchard; good water; some dead timber, balance pas ture ; price $1800. 80 acres, 3 miles from Estacada; fine bot tom land ; 30 acres in cultivation, balance mostly cleared; price $1400. 80 acres, ,35 acres in cultivation; house, barn, etc.; good level upland; 3 miles from electric line; price $1900. 197 acres. 100 acres ni cultivation. 20 acres orchard; good 7-room house, big bam, other outbuildings; some valuable timber: on fine road, 2 miles from electric line; price $5700; this is one of the best farms in Oregon. f M. CADONATJ & CO.. 270 Washington st.. room 3. ONLY $20 PER ACKEt FINE STOCK AND DAIRY RANCH. 806-acre stock sitd dairy ranch, all tide land, 306 acres dyked. 170 acres in culti vation, mostly in timothy, cuts 4 to 5 tons to acre, finest soil in the world ; right on hoal water Bay. Washington; 4 miles Long Beach, 2'S miles R. R., 7 miles Ilwaro; boats run to place, good 8-roora house, 24 acres good orchard, large barns, house, barn, and contents insured for $3750 ; loO head cattle, 6 horses, 5 wagons, all necessary farm implements and machinery, cattle, horses, hogs, etc., go with place; good road year round; good market for all produce; oysters, clams, etc., handy.; land, stock, implements and everything goes for $20 per acre; great snap. J. FRANK PORTER, 222 Washington st. FINE dairy farm, on the Columbia; 305 acres, mostly level bottom land, that does not overflow; 100 acres now in crop; improvements in first-class shape; splendid barn and good house and neat creamery, with coid mountain water piped to all parts of the place, and arranged wi th power for dairy machinery; fine orchard: ' 1 miles of waterfront, boat-landing and railroad station on the premises. This tract could be divided into a dozen beau tiful home tracts, with the river in front, railroad through, and towering cliffs SftOQ feet high in the background. $16,000 bu'3 this, if taken soon, B. S. Cook & Co., 251 Alder. FINE YAMHILL COUNTY FARM. 115 acres all choice land, well fenced, good new 7-room house, new barn, family or chard, watered by brook, springs and well; 10 acres in wheat; 30 acres clover; 8 acres vetch, 20 acres oats; 16 " acres summerfallow. 3 good mares. 2 yearlings, 5 cows. 25 hogs, 20 goats. 150 chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, 10 tons baled hay, 1 wagon, 1 , carriage, 2 buggies, 1 cart, all farm implements; convenient to good school, church, etc., on R. F. D. ; telephone In house, B miles from McMlnnville and 6 miles from Dayton; one of Yamhill County's best farms. Price for all, $7500.' HENKLJ9. & HARRISON, 217 Ablngton bldg. FARM BARGAIN. 40-aere farm, 30 miles from Portland, on railroad, 6-room house and good large barn, with outhouses; 33 acres in cultivation, bal ance pasture, with good outside pasture; 2 good horses, 9 head cattle, 12 hogs, loo chickens, farm wagon, spring wagon, buggy, heavy harness, -buggy harness, plows, har row, rake, mower and all small tools on place; also all furniture in place, including organ, sewing machine, steel range and everything in house. Price $35O0; $2500 cash, balance long time. JORDAN & GARBADE, w 2U2H Washington st. FOR SALE SMALL FARMS. 64 acres. mile W. of Clackamas, 2 acre In strawberries, 80 pear and apple trees, bal. in small fruit r house, barn, tool and fruit-houses, etc., berrres; cleared $425 per acre last year; $2000 cash for short time. lo acres, opposite, unimproved, $11 00. This Is best berry and grape land in county, Sc fare by the book; electric ears will soon run over this track; will pay to investigate. LA FA YETEffD REALTY CO., 31$i Washington st. THIRTY ACRES of e-plendld orchard land 24 miles from the Columbia River and 5 miles from White Salmon. This land1 has a gentle slope toward and a magnificent view of the Columbia River; th soil is rich and deep, eaey to clear and very productive. There Is a good house on the place and 25 acres under fence. It will make a be.au tnful home and orchard. Only $.v per acre. For further particulars addrees t A. B. GROSHONG. White Salmon, Wash. 160 ACRES good tland. near Bull Run Re serve. Tp. 2 S-, E-, on North fork of Sandy River; settlements all around; good soil, no rooks. SO acres could be made ' fine fruit land. 40 acres good range, and some cedar poles on the river portion; water power worth price of land ; good, industrious man could make this place worth 10 times the present price of $18'M. A. D. Marshall, 427 Chamber of Com merce. FARMS. $1100 45 acres, 5 acres clear, balance fine timber; bouse and barn; 15 miles from Che hails. g&jOO 20-acre dairy farm, right in Valley town. 21 miles from Portland; 8-room house, new barn. 40x60, 8 cowe, 2, horses. 1 wagon. 1 buggy, young orchard; cannery nearby; Income $90 per month. FROMBERG CO.. 2274 Washington st. Rooms 38-39. FOR 30 DAYS ONLY. 4o acres of ideal orchard lard, in the White Salmon Valley, at a special bargain, either for a home or an investment. For full particulars and our book, address WHITE SALMON LAND CO., White Salmon, Wash. $2000 135 acres, with plank road all the way from Oregon City to within two miles of the farm; fair house, barn, granary; good orchard; large spring at the house; 20 acres cultivated. 25 seres excellent timber; running rreek; within one and a half miles of church and school. Will take a $Son automobile or city jts as part pay. B. S. Cook, A Co., 251 Alder. SNAP BARGAIN. For Sale Farm, containing 160 acres of good land; 30 clear; one and one-half acre orchard, with bearing fruits; good seven room house, a big frame bam and other buildings; all new; a good spring of ex cellent water: a whole outfit for dairying purposes; good pastures and large graa Ing range; near county road and only th re miles from boat landing, postofflce and merchandise store. Also one span of horses and wagon; full set of agricultural tools, and two cows. The whole for $2000. Address to E. Barano, Cape Horn. Wash, FINE COUNTRY HOME. Owing to death, widow forced to sacri fice beautiful house, fronting on river, short distance from Portland. 23 ACRES All highly Improved. This year's crop will nearly pay for the place. Elegant 11 -room house and first-class outbuildings; fine orchard; boat landing on place; near new electric carline; stock, machinery and Implements, all go for $4500. Don't miss this snap. W 74, Oregonian. $2300 SO acres, 35 in crop, dairy herd and implements Included ; fair bulldlng-s ; 25 miles east of Portland; close to North Bank Railroad. $475' House and lot, close to t- Johns car. See or write owner, I. T. Felts 848 2d st T30 ACRES wheat land. Eastern Oregon; will take city property part payment. Address D 78, cars Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE. WILL exchange for Portland property. Im proved farm, 160 acres; level land; com mon Improvements; In Arkansas County, Arkansas; school ho use on corner of land; 5 miles from county seat, 2 miles to nearest railroad station; pries $S00O. Com mercial Investment Co., rooms 830-331-832 Lumber Exchange bldg. Main 2279. EXCHANGE. 8S0-acre dairy and stock farm -with stock, orop and implements, in Southern Oregon; will take a good rooming-house part pay. Price $0000. HENKLE) & HARRISON, 217 Ablngton bldg. FOR SALS or exchange, selected stock of hardware; will Invoice about $3000; situated in a town of 800 ; good schools, churches, city water and lights, with large farming territory to trade with; good reasons for selling- Address V 73, Oregonian. FOR sale or trade, gasoline launch, with canopy top; 12 to 15-horse power, complete with boat house; new last season; will sell for cash or trade for property. 331 Lumber Exchange. 80 ACRES, high, sightly, 3 miles from Washington and 20th sts. ; will exchange all or part for city property; only $200 per acre. G. E. Walling 243 Stark st. WE HAVE A PARTY WISHING TO Ex change Portland property as part payment for a general merchandise store. Jordan & Garbade. 232 Washington st. . WISHING to exchange 10 acres 10 miles from Portland, mile from electric carline, for Portland property. Jordan &. Garbade, 232 Washington st. EXCHANGE Acreage (Sc car fare) and cash for 5 to 7-room modern house, near carline, or business property; owners only. Phone , , East 8540. HOUSE and several lots on East Side to exchange for good rooming-house; over 25 rooms. What have you? D 83, care Ore gonian. NEW general stock for farm or city property; good town near Portland ; invoioes $7500. Strictly cash business, K. 80, Oregonian. FOR TRADE 5-room cottage, new, good location, shady yard, for acreage; close to city. V 83. Oregonian. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE A fresh milch goat, broke to harness. Address E. Fen ti ling. Mllwaukie, Or. FOR EXCHANGE 7-room house, 3 lots 50x 10O, 4 blocks carline; all set to fruit. X 80, Oregonian. BURNED-OVER farm lands on Columbia; - good soil, $5. Will take city property. A 75, Oregonian. ' HAVE vacant lots to exchange for residence; $15O0 to $3000; no mortgage. Owner, P 70, Oregonian. WHAT have you to exchange for two acres at Lents? G S2, Oregonian. Phone East 8351. TRADE 5-sea ted automobile; will trade for city property. Inquire Q 71; Oregonian. WANTED TIMBER LANDS. WE WANT to buy a large tract of timber, well blocked, cruising about 250,000.000. on Youngs or Lewis and Clark River, in C'At sop County. Columbia Trust Company, Couch bldg. PROVBD-UP claim of $5,000,000 fir In Lane County for sale; on logging stream. Mrs. 4 MacRae. 214 Chamber of Commerce. TO LEASE. FOR RENT Warehouse; block of 3 story brick buildings In wholesale dis- trlct; fine location for manufacturing, shipping or fobbing business; will lea.se '.heap to responsible company for term of years. L 67, Oregonian. WANTED AND FOR SALE LANT SCRIP. ALL kinis. including approved forest reserve scrip for surveyed, unsurveyea timber and prairie Government land. H. M. Hamilton, The Portland, Portland, Or. FOR BALK Horses, Vehicles, Etc. HORSES at the Union Stock Yards: I have Just got In with 30 head horses from Eastern Ore gon. You will find them all right. They will make good horsos. I will sell them cheap and quick. There are some wsll-matched pairs. M. Monklin. A GOOD saddle or driving pony and one good work horse, either will work single or dou ble, for sale cheap. 220 Jasper place. Take S car to Ham i 1 ton ave. go up the bill to front, one block south. New grocery, laundry, bakery, milk wagons, 100 second-hald vehicles; single, double furniture wagons; horses, rigs rented. Tom Unson A Cassiday, 211 Wash, Paciflo 507. TOP WAGONS, GOOSE-NECK; FURNITURE wagons, express wagons, runabouts, horses, vehicles and harness of all descriptions for sale or rent. Hubert A Hall, 260 Fourth st. FINE dapple gray team for sale, 6 years old. weight 2S0O Jbs.; also one nice 4-year-old (elding, steel gray, weight 1350 lbs. Ad dross P. I. Kenady, Woodburn. Or. A NRW Mitchell business buggy and harness, used only 20 days; rubber tires and solid top. Apply at Fraser A McLean's Stables, Cth and Taylor. FOR SALE Good cingle-seated buggy with top, lu good cendition. a bargain. Phone East 1651. GOOD brown mare, new harness and a cart; will sell cheap. M. V. car, stop Windmill Station. Call between 10 and 2. Joe Badura. FOR SALE 7 work horses, weighing POO to 1400; also one 7-year-old driving mare, age 7 years, weight 1100. Water and Montgom ery sts. $lf0 buys a good sound 9-year-old horse, rubber-tired buggy and harness: call Sunday at Suburban Ice barn, cor. 6th and Yam hill. ELEGANT carriage, nearly new; original price $350; will sell If taken at once for $175 cash. Mrs. Cs M. Smith. 605 Davis st. WANTED SECOND-HAND PONY' CART, good condition. Give price and diameter of wheel. Address A 81, Oregonian. ONE team, weighing about 1050 each, well broke. Inquire of B. Jenson, Fashion Stables, 20th and Washington sts. WA NTED Horse suitable for delivery. Beckwith A Smith, 340 Union ave. N. Phone East '1485. GOOD horse, new express wagon and new harness fir sale, reasonable. 4u4 Mill. Pacific 1126- NICE 5-year-old bay horse. 1400 pounds, sound and good worker; Richmond car. 1184 East Grant. ONE gentle bay horse, ft years old, for sals cheap. Call at stable, 2d and Jefferson. SALE Good top buggy, first-class, cheap. Dr. Runs, 346 HI b bard St., Montavllla. TEAM 5 and 6 years old. weight 8400, no blemishes. W. J. Kelly. 804 Hoyt st. FOR SALE Four fine draft teams. Central Stables, I9th and Washington. $90 BUYS panel-top delivery wagon, good as new. 420 Eelmoat st. WANTED To buy a good saddle pony or horse. Phone East 1560. DRAFT team weighing 8000 pounds for sale. 54 Hood. Horses, TonickJes. ttte. $125 BUYS entire rig, bay mare, 8 years old, gentle for ladies and children, -with good full leather-top rubber-tire buggy and good harness, all complete; $125 buys pair of matched bays, 7 nd 8 years old, work sin gle and double, with good) set of surrey harness; $65 buys big black horse, works sny place; $126 buys big team of farm mares and heavy harness co triplets with Boston ' backers; $40 buys nice genUs pony for chil dren. 294 Montgomery st. BARGAIN Team of bay mares, 6-T years old. weight 1200 each; also bay horse that Is a perfect family horse, weight 1150; these corses are perfect every wayt also covered, grocery wagon, one fins runabout buggy, one top buggy and harness to match; the above are all like nsw; rea son for selling, owner Is going away. Call at stable, 23 North 14th st-, near Bum side. PAIR of bay farm mares, T and! 9, sound, good workers pair of matched geMtngs, weight 500; pair of dapple grays, 0 years oid, weight 2260: chunky built brood mar. 8 years old, weight 1280; chunky bay 6-year-old horse, 1200; bay horse, 1800 lbs, good puller; rancy-caieea ssja&ie norse. 294 Knot- gomery St. num. PIANO, nprtght. excellent shape, for rent or sale. 619 Toumy bldg., 24 and Taylor, evenings. FOR BALE EILERS $100 PIANO CEERTl flcate. Particulars apply X 160V Oregonian. $65 UNIVERSAL steal range, with reservoir, $90; $30 Michigan steal range. $15; good 000k store, $7.50; drop -head Singer sewing machine, up-to-date, $20, cost $60; House hold sewing machine, $10; $25 round exten sion table. $12.50; $35 genuine blrdeeys ma ple dresser, $20; mantle folding bed, $6; cabinet folding bed. $10; bardwood dresser. $7.50; har&wood extension table, $5; $23 three-piece parlor suit, $12; fiat-top desk, $tV; revolving office ohalr, $2.50; standing desk, $10; gas stoves, gas plates, refrigera tors, - Iron beds, oarpete, rugs, matting, lin oleum and nous furnishing goods at half the prioe you have to pay r at the big stores; old goods taken, in exchange for new goods and liberal allowanos allowed. Call ns upv Mala 087. M. J. MoGEATH FURNITURE CO., Between Davis and Everett sts. $ $ $ $ We Want Your Trade. $ $ $ $ $ $ Midsummer Clearance Sals. $ . Everything In housefurnishlngs new and good as new, at auction prices; we must have room, and to get the room, ws will cut our prices to rid our stors to make the room for goods that we expect; ws are Jammed to the doors with the best second-hand goods ever shown in Portland and cheap; everybody says so, and it must be so; It is so. New Mat Us Wool Tab, $2.50; Wool Comb, $3.75: Cascade Range, new, $25; new Lorain, $40; regular $55; second-hand stoves and ranges In variety. Don't miss this sale. The Dollar. 282 First at. Phone Main 6374 or A232T. $ $ $ We Will Get Your Trade. $ $ $ $ 60 6L1GHTLY DAMAGED SEWING MA chines ft vary low prices; Singer, Wheeler A Wilson, Domestic, WhRe, Household. Davis snd others; to make room for new stock. Wheeler st Wilson snd Singers. S, 8. Sigel, S80 Morrison St., Marquam bldg. JUST ARRIVED Several carloads pipe, in cluding about 25,00 feet 2-inch black; all sizes In stock from M, -inch to 12-inch, either black or galvanized. Call, or write for price to M. Barde A Sons, 8th and Gllsan sts., Portland. Oregon. FOR SALE NEW AND SECOND-HAND billiard and pool tables; easy payments; ws rent tables, with privilege of buying; modern bar fixtures; cheap prices, Bruns wick -Balke-Collender, 49 3d St. ONE 6-horsepower 500 volt D. C. motor; 1 22 H -1 n ch A dvan ce paper cutter ; ahaf ting , hangers and pulleys; 1 safe, 28x42 inches, or exchange. 35 Union ave. WHITE steamer, '06 model; full equipment and some '07 Improvements; fine condi tion; owner going East; a bargain. Ad dress No. 829 Mohawk bldg. 7. S. Belcher. FOR SALE CHEAP French plate pier glass, 7x2 ft.; black walnut frame; also 6 wal nut chairs. Inquire room f Burkhaad bldg.. Grand ave. and East Burnside. ONE 10x10 'Willamette" yarding engine; steel gears; large boiler and equipment. Adams A Murray, 226 Chamber of Com merce. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. Launch Frame Brooks No. 14. 20 ft. In length. 5 ft. beam. For particulars phone East 1039. FOR SALE: 2D-HAND ENGINES. B Oliv ers, sawmills, pumps and general machin ery, by H. C. Albee A Co.. 248 Grand ave. COLLI B DOG, male, 11 months old; won seo oad prise at last d-og show; price $50. In quire Frank E. Watkins, 260 Alder st. FOR SALE Fresh cow and' calf; part Jer sey; good milker; 4-year-old. 882 E. 80th st. Phone E. 4977. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 18-K. GOLD hunting case watch, fine Howard move ment, $50. 104 First t- CASH register for sale cheap. In first-class condition, and installments If desired. Call 204 Ablngton bldg. FOR RALE BUCK WOOD RANGE. GOOD condition. Call 828 Kearney, or phone Main 3769 mornings. TWO fresh Jersey cows, one five gallons day, one over four; family cows. 917 Belmont, Sunnyside. FOR SALE Kitchen furniture. Including gas stove and wardrobe. Inquire No. 468 Yamhill. TH REE Scotch Collie pups, sire and dam registered. See them Monday at 186 Front et, city. RANGES and gas stoves of all kinds at small prices. See Western Salvage or phone Pa cific 793. SMALL house-boat cheap, attractive and con venient. Inquire keeper Oregon Yacht Club. $130 BUYS a two-horsepower double diamond frame motor tandem. Apply at 301 McKay bldg. NO. 4 SmithrPremler typewriter; good eon . dltlon, cheap. Room 12, 265 Washington st. Motion Picture Machines, films, etCy for rent, bought, sold, exchanged, Newman. 145H 6th Moving picture machines, stereoptioons, re pairs, slides to order. Stevens. 165V 4th. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Safe. 28x42 in side; good as new; cheap. 85 Union ave. FOR RALE CHEAP Two good milch cows. 551 E. 21st st. south. Phone 'Sell wood 484. WANTED SECOND-HAND SEWING MA chine, first-class condition. Phone Main 4851. GAS range, wood cook stove, heating stove and other household goods. 812 Cherry st FIVE 8 months' old black cocker . spaniels; house trained. Phone Monday, Main 1277. FOR SALE FINE ROLLTOP DESK AND chair. Call 720 Chamber of Commerce. WHY pay cent? 4-room furnished boat -house for sale, foot Clay st. Apply 231 Clay. RAMBLER TOURING CAR FOR SALE cheap. Inquire 3S7 Union ave.. South. FOR SALE $26 porch swing, good as new, for $12.50. Address W 82, Oregonian. SHOWCASES, COUNTERS, TABLES, shelv ing. Western Salvage. 627 Washington. MOTOR CYCLE, almost new, at sacrifice; party going East. 565 Waethtngton st. SURVEYOR'S level, compass and chain at a barge in. Room 10, Washington bldg. FOR SALE A first-class family cow. Phone East 8351. O SI, Oregonian. FOR SALE Two handsome new carpets. 265 Sixth st. Call Monday A. M. FOR SALE Two first-class male tickets to Salt Lake City. D 73. Oregonian. CHEAP buffet B flat clarionet and case. 67 4 3d st. Phone Main 1775. FOR SALE Cream separator, nearly new, $50; at 164 W. Park st. TOY fox terrier, female; pries $5- Call 894 Everett st., afternoons. FIVE good cows, one Just fresh, and cus tomers. 1032 1st st. CHINA pheasant eggs for sals. Chris Gewme, Lents, Or. FOR SALE! Smith Premier Ko. 2. 613 2d street. 6PITZ 'dog for sals. Inquire at 812 Front st. HELP WANTED MAUI. WANTrfO Shipping clerk, experienced. C 72, Oregonian. WANTRD Driver. Apply D. 8. Barns Co., 2lo 3d. A GOOD kitchen man. at 434 Washington st. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICES. Horseshoe r, Government camp, $3.60. 8 hours; 4 carpenter helpers, $2.80. 8 hours. Government work: 2-horse teamsters. Gov ernment work, $65 a month; bridge carpen ter. $3.60. 9 hours, free fare; bridge .car penters, company division gangs, $3, free fare; machine blacksmith, $8.65; marine en gineer, river .freighter, oil buraer. $w and board; loggers, sawmill help. brickyard shovelers, teamsters and laborers, city and nearby. R. R. tertiorers. teamsters, rockmen. tun nelmsn, trackmen, $2.26 to $3.50, all free fare. Second cook. $110: second camp cook. $50; camp cook, $75, second, $50; 2 flunkeys, $40 for same camp, free fare ; kitchen help, waiters, others. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICES, 26 N. 2d st. 250 Burnside st. SPECIAL. Wanted Loggers and mlllmen for large logging camp and sawmills at Eureka, Humboldt County, Cal. ; good wages paid; boss will be hero until Thursday. June 20. Wanted Four bench carpenters, at Aberdeen. Wash., $3.50. 8 hours work; 2 turners, $3.50: handsaw filers' "helper, $3 up; 8 edgermen, $3.75; 4 pondmen. $2.50 to $8; 2 millwrights, $4 and board; 8 ratchet setters. $65 and board; teams ter to haul lumber, $50 and board; 4 camp cooks, $50 up; others. LUMBERMEN'S LABOR BUREAU, Main office. 12 North 2d st. WANTED Immediately, good card writer; $125 month; price tlckst -writer, $100 month Portland firm. Stamp for reply. Address K 68, Oregonian. $25 WEEK mm card writer for show win dows; best Job on earth; you learn In one month; everything furnished; go to work; your first oard good one-: great system; pries $25 complete, on week's salary; po sitions secured ; great demand. Address W. Es Duncanson, Seattle. SOLICITOR wanted for a proposition that has passed a searching investigation by the Government. Rated by Bradstreet and other commercial agencies excellent. Applicant must furnish first-class refer ences and bs well acquainted. L SU Ore gonian. WANTED Graduated physician to travel, representing manufacturing chemical com pany In the States of Oregon and Wash ington; must be a hustler and registered In one or both states. Address M 74, Oregonian. WATS TED Salesmen and solicitors for best proposition ever made to both egent and publlo; do not overlook this; call after 7 P. M., New incidental Hotel, 1st and Morrison, room. 212 Kramer. HAP-NE3SMAKER wants steady Job In town of 4000 or $5000; have my own tools; good all around shop man. If interested, write to 7. L Vincent. 241 Sixth St., Portland. Or. THE HUB, Sd and Burnside, wants 2 first class men to take charge of shoe and fur nishing dept.; salary $100 per month. Apply personally or by letter to Paul Strain. WANTED A contractor to put up a small hotel on Installment plan In small thriv ing suburban town. Apply Pioneer Em ployment Office, 2d snd Burnside. WA'NTKD Man of business ability who Is willing to work hard for good pay; perma nent position; advanced as business is learned. Call 212 Swetland bldg. WANTED Bookkeeper; one familiar with lumber business preferred: must be rapid, correct and give unquestionable reference. K 77, Oregonian. WE practice in all courts is Oregon; divorce cases a specialty. In most cases clients need not appear in court. Address R 50, care Oregonian. WANTED Reliable, honest young man for collector; must know city; state age and experience and salary expected. K S3, Oregonian. SOUVENIR POSTALS AND NOVELTIES as side line on commission to man em ployed in city. D. M. Averlll A Co., 102 WANTED Man to solicit, deliver and be generally useful in grocery; married man ' preferred. F. P. Shaughnessy, Archer Place. ' WANTED Loungs and couch-makers and boys to learn to make them; good wages to begin with to the right man. 55 N, Front. BOY wanted to run errands and learn busi ness; must be bright, quick and honest: must have wheel. Chapman Advertising Co. WANTED Saw-filer for heading, bolter and stave saws. Apply Western Cooper age Co., 806 Stearns bldg., Portland. APPRENTICE boys wanted to learn gray iron castings moulding trade. Griffin Wheel Company, South Tacoma, Wash. GOOD pay to jnen everywhere to tack signs, distribute circulars, samples, etc.; no canvassing. Universal Adv. Co., Chicago. H ARNEPSM AKTCR to manage harness shop la country; good wages. Chas. L. Mastlck A Co., wholesale leather. Front and Oak sts. A YOUNG man to plow on a small place close to city; also a boy of 16 or more; good wages. Call today, 289 Morrison. WANTED A bill clerk in wholesale house, capable of running machine; quick and ac curate in figures. T 72, Oregonian. YOU can earn $25 weekly if you learn to operate motion ploturea. Lessons reasonable, easy work. Newman's, 145 6th. WANTED Conductor for electric logging road. One who has had experience with electric power preferred. H 78, Oregonian. WANTED HUSTLERS TO TACK SIGNS, distribute circulars, samples, etc.; good pay. Sun Advertising Bureau, cnicago. WANTED Boy 16 years of age or older to carry paper route. Apply city circulator's desk, business office Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS advertising salesman; special edition; established, publication. Call Monday. 409 Commercial bldg. WANT delivery boy. Apply between 8 and 10, Sunday morning. People's Market and Grocery, cor. 1st and Taylor. 10 ACRES of land, cleared, situated on Fos ter Road. Sycamore Station. Pacific Coast Realty Co., 807 Buchanan bldg. SOLICITORS can make $5 to $10 daily; advancement. Call morning. 214 Tilford bldg., 10th and Morrison. MEN To distribute samples, tack signs; $20 weekly ; steady, no canvassing. Oliver, Monroe bldg., Chicago. WANTED Floor salesman -.thoroughly familiar with crockery and glassware, Unas. Ad dress B 84. Oregonian. WANTED Non-union moulders; gray iron castings work. Griffin Wheel Company, South Tacoma, Wash. WANTED Eflderly man for office and mes senger service; small salary; position perma nent. X74, Oregonian. WANTED Two negro boys, ages 10 to 12; easy work, 4 hours dally, in afternoon. Apply 175 Third st. WANTED 2 boys, 18 to 20 : steady work: good wages; chance for advancement. 65 Front, corner Davis. WANTED Camp blacksmith, teamsters and laborers. Apply at camp, end of Russell and Shaver carline. - WANTED Second engineer for 100-ton gasoline schooner. Inquire 540 Chamber of Commerce bldg. BRIGHT young man with some real estate experience wants position with live firm. R 85, Oregonian. WANTED Fire Insurance solicitor; must be steady man; salary $100. Apply to Manager, 14 Hamilton bldg. FARMHAND, $35. good room and board; 21 miles from towns Apply Sunday, morning, 860 Mi Morrison st. WANTED Msn In each county to sell wire fish traps on halves; price $2. B. P. Fore man, Fresno, Cal. MEN who have made a success of soliciting will do well to call on L. A. Smith, 109 Sherlock bldg. WANTED An advertising manager; stats salary wanted, experience and reference. D 52, Oregonian. A PHOTOGRAPHER at Houson A Co'm m studio, -Hales bldg.. Grand ave. and East Morrison st. WANTED Porter snd all around man with some experience in electric motors. R 7ft, Oregonian. WANTED Boy as apprentice in factory; chance for advancement. 66 Front, cor ner Davis. WANTED Young man with $250; will earn $25 .a week; experience unnecessary, s 81, Oregonian. BOY for general office work; permanent po sition. Address In own handwriting, B 74, Oregonian. WANTED Two good machinists for contract saop out of town. Standard wages. J 78, Oregonian. s FOR YOUNG MEN WITH A HIGH SCHOOL OR BUSINESS COLLEGE EDUCATION, OR WHO HAVE HAD OFFICE EXPERI ENCE AND ARE GOOD PENMEN AND FAIRLY QUICK AND ACCURATE AT FIGURES, POSITIONS ARE OPEN WITH A LARGE BUSINESS CONCERN IN THJ5 CITY, AS FOLLOWS: CLERK. STENO GRAPHER. WHO CAN ACT AS RELIEF STENOGRAPHER AND CLERK: ALSO GOOD BOY OVER 17 YEARS OF AGE WHO HAS ATTAINED THE EIGHTH GRADE IX GRAMMAR SCHOOL AND DESIRES TO OBTAIN A BUSINESS ED UCATION WHERE THE CHANCES ARB! GOOD FOR RAPID PROMOTION. D 60. OREGONIAN. WAOT1JTV-BOTS 18 TO 18 TEARS OF to work in factory; good wages, work. Apply at once, AMBS-HARRIS-NEVH.LH OO 8lb and Davis sis. COMMERCIAL ABSTRACT VX. We make a specialty of placing cap able men in high-grade positions. If you) are a competent salesman, any line book keeper, stenographer, clerical man, call write at your earliest convenience and ws will put yon In touch with the desired op portunity; city or country. 84 Raletgl bldg., 828 tt Washington st. FIREMEN and braksmen on railroads be Portland, vicinity, to fill vacanoies caused - by promotions. Experience unnecessary. Stats age, weight, height. Firemen $100 monthly, become engineers and earn 620O, Brakemen. $76, become conductors, earn $150. Name position preferred. Railway Associ ation, cars Portland Oregonian. TO REPRESENT large oorporatkwvj tn- iui m win uiu a.b mi icasx 1 w per cent contracts given to agents, guaranteeing sal ary and commission. Agents should make not leas than $50 to $75 per week; position permanent. Address with reference) and particulars 8 79, Oregonian. SALESMEN Most profitabls side linei pockt-t cample freo; vou sll dealer $5 wcrth postcards for $12 and ffarow la $8 display stand; commission 25 per cent; copyrighted; high comic, art and motto subjects. "Pye." the Postcard Man, 282 Fifth ave., Chicago. CELLAR man wanted In family liquor store one who can wait on trade; also under stands bottling and filling orders; must be a good all-round man. Applications w ill not be considered unless proper ref erences are stated, where last employed and wages wanted. Address Z 2, C, V. White, Seattle. WANTED FOR U. S. A KMT. ABLE-BOD-led unmarried men, between ages of 24 and 86. citizens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read or writs English. Apply to Recruiting Officer, Alnsworth block. Third and Oak sts., Portland, Or. ALL DISEASES OF MEN SUCCESSFULLY treated; discharges positively cured in front 8 to 6 days; consultation free and strictly confidential; send for our symptom blank. X-radlum Medical Institute, Sd and Alder sts.; entrance 253 Alder St.. Portland. WANTED Party with from $1000 to $5000 to Join me In starting a bank; good location, will return investment at any time desired. Experience and references necessary and ex changed. Call or address B. J. Howiand, Hotel Perkins. SALESMAN Experienced in any line, to sell general trade In Oregon state; an ex cellent special ty proposition ; commission, with $35 weekly for expenses. The Con tinental Jewelry Co., Cleveland, O. -HIP salesmen wanted Must havs best of reference and be ready to start by July 7. We are the oldest and largest house in the business and have the best line of patented special whips in the trade. United States Whip Co.. Westfield, Mass. SELL our $20 soda fountain; Collect own commission, $ lo, every sale ; Indiana agent sold 4 first day out. 8 second; your only chance; last time this ad. appears. Zenith Mfg. Co., Dept. 6, 132 La Ball st Chicago. TO ANT ONE having a few hundred dollars to invest we would offer an Investment in this state that will pay big; we also havs some good positions to offer to such la vestors. Address C 78, Oregonian. PROTECT yourself for $1 per month against accident, sickness and death. Write or call for full Information. Northwestern Health and Accident Association, 109 Sherlock bldg. Agents wanted. MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN BARBER trade In eight weeks; graduates earn from $15 to $25 weekly; expert instructors; cat alogue free. Moler System of Colleges, 88 North Fourth street, Portland. SALESMAN for Oregon: experienced travel ing man preferred; line staple for gen eral trade; position permanent, $80 week ly advance with commissions. Sawyer, Leslie & Co., Detroit, Mich. WANTED Experienced specialty or Insur ance men; one salesman's commissions in Kay $050, another $437.50. Write for par ticulars. Mc A1 llster-Coman Company, 809 Dearborn st., Chicago. SALESMEN for gasoline lamps desiring t6 -get the best prices offered for standard goods will find it profitabls to write at once to Knight Light Co., 80 Illinois st., Chicago. WANTED Immediately, advertising solicitor; must be hustler; none but thoroughly ex perienced, high-grade men need apply; per manent position. 616 Cth&mber of Com merce. Men and women to learn watchmaking, engrar lng. Jeweler work, optics, easy terms; posi tions guaranteed; money made learning. Watchmkg-Eaigvg. Sch'l, 1428 4th ar. Seattle. Men and boys wanted to learn plumbing, plastering, bricklaying, electrical trades; free catalogue; positions secured.' Coyne Trade Schools, New York and San Fran, WANTED Men and boys to learn plumbing; day and night classes; special rates; cats, logue frew Colorado School Practical Plumbing, 1645 Arapahoe st., Denver. Col. WANTED Ten good saddle-makers who havs had experience on stock saddles; best wages; steady employment. Apply Great West Sad dlery Company, Calgary, Canada. WANTED Specialty salesman of good ap pearance and strong personality; must have good record; give experience, refer ences and phone number. Address N 74, Oregonian. SALESMAN calling on retailers to sell on comml5slon strong side line blankets, flsn neis and dress goods, direct from looms. Ths Lake wood Company, Box 414, Phila delphia. CAPABLE salesman to cover Oregon with staple line, high commissions, with $100 monthly advance; permanent position to right man. Jess H. Smith Co., Detroit, Mich. PROMINENT clothing store has opening for experienced window-trimmer and card, writer; good salary. Apply stating ref erences and experience. B 79, Oregonian. IN six weeks we educate you in salesman ship, secure you position as traveling salesman with responsible firm. Address the Bradstreet System, Rochester, N. Y. WANTED Detectives; shrewd, reliable men for profitable secret service, to act un der orders; no experience necessary. Writs H. C. Webster, Indianapolis, Ind. SALESMAN Traveling; sideline, producing $30 to $50 weekly; not Interfering with your regular trade; samples light. Kelso, 25 3d ave.. New York. WANTED Young man for office work; High School graduate preferred. Apply Monday morning. General Electric Co., 640 Worcester bldg. WANTED A good spinner on Davis Fur ber Mules; can make $75 per month. Ad dress John P. Wilbur, supt.. Union Woolen Mill, Ln Ion, Oregon. THE Meier A Frank Co, want first-class shoe salesmen, also for men's furnishings department. Apply to Superintendent's of fice, 8 to 10." GOOD par Men wanted everywhere to tack signs, distribute circulars, samples, etc. ; no canvassing. National Dlst. Bureau, 1 hlcago. 111. WANTED First-class sticker man. Oregon Planing Mill, IWth and Vaughn. WANTED Heavy team and wagon to haul wood. Adjures A 77, Oregonian.