IS THE SLTSDAT OKEGOXIAX, PORTtAXD, JUXE 9, 1907. KIW TODAY. XT.W TODAY. NEW TODAY. NEW TODAY. NEW TODAT. KIW TODAY. NEW TODAT. HOMES FOR ALL! The Rich and the Poor, : the High and the Humble KOTB OUR PARTIAL LIST, pwu Modern 9-room residence, 18th Jret. " sonn Kearney street, up-to-date resi- dence: full lot. . t750O 8-room residence, corner on J4th etreet. . Jsmw-S-room house, new, near 22d and -Everett. , JiiOOO 8-room residence. 24th. near Over ton. 12-room residence, 22d, near Kearney. $6500 Two houses on Montgomery, near OMh. jq&noTwo houses on 7th, near Jackson. ' S50 House, fine view, near Portland Academy. y ISfiflO -room house on Mill, near loth. KJfiflO 7-rbom house on Jefferson, near -Fourteenth. - ; " J3300 6-room house, on 7th, near Col- gr. tVK-Tenth and Clifton, corner and two cottages. jLVmiW-Coriier on 10th street. J-j.yi Double new fiat. Northrup street. J1700 Cottage on Kelly street. EAST SIDE RESIDENCES. Third and Hassalo Fine- 8-room resi dence Jfiofi). Holladsv Park Multnomah St., home xm s lots. Belmont st., Sunnyslde, modern home, 75xim. f.3on. Beacon Heights, East Sth, 8-room house, M! East 11th, near Beacon, new house, ' 45V. East Tavlor, near Mth, new, modern home, iivii. Kenllworth. 10-room house and 100x100, cheap at JB600. East 11th, near Mill, two 7-room houses, 41st, near Hawthorne, quarter block, S room cottage. J2500. Tillamook, near 10th, 7-room house. fSSflfl. Piedmont. i block. 7-room house. $1750. Slst and Pavls, 6-room house. 12700. Albina, Sellwood street, 5-room cottage, JlSflO. Montavilla, two lota and house, J2300. Goldschmidt's Agency 253? Washington, Corner Third. Real Estate $1150 Full lot on E. 13th st., between Tillamook and Thompson st. I7f1f1 SOxiOO up-to-date five-room cot vZIUU tage, Spokane ave., Sellwood, one block from carllne. I7flfl 50x100. with modern house, wtlUU good bsrn with entrance on ' fflrte street; one block from car line on lvast Side. $4800 East Burnside street. 0E Ann Quarter block on 14th and dlO UUU Flanders. covered with dwellings; $3000 less than other quarters. C nnfl Ha,f N. 15th at., be- v'rO UUU tween Overton and Petty grove, car line on Fettygrove; franchise (.ranted for switch up loth St.; Overton t. open to river; best warehouse buy on the market. Geo. Drschalk SS4 Stark street. .Telephone Main 39J. Heretofore $14,000 If taken at once, $13,000 for fine quarter block, two old houses, corner . 12th and Mill sts. First-class loca tion for swell apartment-house. $18,000 The cheapest buy in Xorth Port land. ' block, factory or warehouse property, on Tburman st.,' half block , X. P. Ry. Fine investment, easily worth $ 23,000. Small present income. J. Frank Porter 222 Washington St. Suburban Homes $2250-6 ACRES J? S r.'te from Portland; land under cultiva tion; growing crops in: best of water; substantial bungalow, with large porch. This is a snap. : $6500-4 ACRES Z! lghtly location at Mount Tabor. This tironerty Is situated near car line, on Vest ave.; a nrst-clasui two-torv house goes with the place. See this and vou will be convinced that the property and jirice are all right. Sinnolt 6 Sinnott 8SS CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. S300 CASH S0 per month will place you in a nice Iiew 6-room house, modern and up-to-date, just being tiuilt on East 27th st, light on carllne. See u about this. Bollam, Grussi & Higley 12S THIRD STREET. $2750 Fractional lot (33xlOO on Kearney st., Vet. 2Sd and 24th.. onlv s; a front foot, and they are asking J100 a front toot all around it. WHITING & ROUNTREE tZy THIRD ST. McKenna Junction The Ttinnel Townslte Improvement Co. will offer for sale for a short time a limited number of lots at McKenna Junction. McKenna Junction Is located on Co lumbia boulevard, at the approach of the tunnel through Dana street and un der University Park, at the crossing of the main line of the O. R. & N. from the east with the main line of the Harriman system to Fuget Sound. McKenna Junction Is where the depot and railroad yards will be. Work has commenced on the laying of the tracks for Swift and Armour Companies' packing plants. The Sound and the Troutdale lines and the tunnel under University Park will be pushed to completion. McKenna Junction will be a manu facturing city, with large pay-rolls. McKenna Junction has the greatest fu ture of any suburb in Portland. Buy a business lot now before prices are advanced. Lota t300 and up. For plats and terms call on or address W. H. Grindstaff Office Goddard Statloa om St. Johni car line. 510 Commercial block. Phone Mala 6000. FOURTH STREET QUARTER BLOCK TRACKAGE, $40,000 . INVESTIGATE THIS, IT PAYS TO SEE US. Chapin & Herlow 332 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Main 1652. $9000 Modern Ten Room Home 620 Main St. DO YOU WANT TO GET IN THE MILLIONAIRE CLASS? IF YOU DO, START RIGHT, BUY THIS SWELL HOME IN PORTLAND'S MOST EXCLUSIVE NEIGHBOR HOOD. KEY AT OFFICE. Lamont & Harris Nob. 306-7 Swetland Building. 2-SNAPS-2 $10,500 Business Property, West Side One Mock from Interurban Railroad depot site; J4000 below value; must act quick. $15,000 On 6th St.. lot 50x100. building 50xS5, income $1630 yearly; leased to good ten ant. . . F. BRESKE 444 tShcrlock Bldg. A FINE FARM FOR $6500 5 ACRES All undwr cultivation, 10 mtxd fruit trs. cottage and barn. Bull Run water. 2 blocks from Kenll worth station; $3000 cash, balance easy terms. H. W. Lemcke Co. SIXTH AND WASHINGTON STS. Apple Orchard 20 Acres of Hood River Apple land for aln on easy terms: ! acres set out in best varieties of apple trees, soma of them 11 years old, brlngr !nir good lncom ; (rood S-room house, barn, warehouses, horses, cows and all farm tools. $3000 or 10 On your money is something not to be had every day. Two good cottages and lot 53x50 feet. In South Portland; easy walking distance: rent at the present time. ;? per month, could be easily rented for J30 per month. For particulars in quire. ' J. FRANK PORTER 2K Washington Street. A Chance for a Good Business Store building. "35x40. Nicely situated In a thriving suburb. Good stock, choice groceries and confectionery. Will sell very reasonable or exchange for a good property. THE DtNX-IiAWBEXCE CO, 148 V First St, For Sale By REED, FIELDS tS TYNAN COMPANY 102 Secomd St. Phoae Main 7004. tIKnn N. W. corner 50x100. in Holla- VI UUU day Park: a beautiful building site: one-half cash, timn 100x100 N. K. corner 33d and E. 4I0UU Stephens street; one-half cash. tlQdn 6-room modern house, located vIOUU on Alberta carllne: J600 down. Dalance on easy xerms. 75x100, all improvements in, on Weidler St., near 19th. $2300 OOflfl S-room bungalow, strictly mod dluUU era. on 13th and Mildred sts.: $750 cash, balance on easy terms. One-half cash, 20-room fur nished hotel: lot 50x100. One $2500 block from R. R. depot, Long Beach. 01 EH One-half cash. 5-room modern dOlOU house: lot 60x100, on 13th and Tillamook sts. t Q9fl ft 50x100, strictlv modern 7-room OOZUU house on Pre.scott St.. one block from Union ave. QOCfl !00x230. bounded by E. 30th and il3U 31st, Kern and Kllsworth: this is the chea4et block on the Ea-st Side. It is well worth J450O: it must be sold. Call and see us on this. $4000 $4000 One-half cash, new house, strictly modern, on 33d- and E. Market sts. jOOxloo on E. 19th and E. Wash ington sts. 8-room strictly modern new WW 1 0U house on Wasco St., bet. 19th and 21st. tCnfin "OxIOO on VA St., near Waahlng wOUUU ton; easy terms. $6000 100x100 ft. on E. 9th and Alder sts.. S. E. corner; cheapest quarter block in that district. Can ar range long-time leaee. tOfinn One-half cash will buy a bulld WwUUU lng paying 10 per cent, located on the best street on the East Side. This property will advance in value every day you have it. Call and let us show it to you. $10 000 $16 000 $16 000 $16 000 Beautiful 12-room house, lot 100x100, in Holladay Add., near Grand ave. 4 strictly modern 6-room flats on 18th and Hoyt; in come, 127.50 per month. 100x100 on 23d and Johnson sts.; beautiful 12-room house on easy terms. 100x100 with strictly modern 13-room furnished house: lo cated in Holladay Add., close in, on car line. We can sell on easy terms. Call and let us show it to you. PORTLAND HEIGHTS.. $2000 4 good lots with fine view of the mountains. Portland Heights. tACKft 100x100 on 22d and Elm sts., 040311 Portland Heights. ACREAGE tACfl 40 acres on Cully road, near )43U Rose City Park. -miIe from carline; this is the best buy on the mar ket. It will double in value in one year. Call and let Ufi show you this. $1500 5 acres near Council Crest. $9000 Half cash, 10 acres, all in ber- house, good bam. everything in first-class condition; located on Base Line road, one mile east of Montavilla. 4CnQnfl We have several 10 wlwU wOUU and 20-acre tracts of unimproved land, east of Montavilla, from $150 to $300 per acre. $2050 CASH WILL HANDLE A FINE V BLOCK IN 8TKPHESS ADD. THREE DOUBLE COTTifiES. PRESENT INCOME 0 PER MONTH! CAN BE RAISED TO 75. MUST BE SOLD THIS WEEK. Lamont & Harris SOS-7 SWETLAND BLDG. Height's Special 2V2 lots near Loop, Portland Heights, $1500 Goldschmidt's Agency 253y2 Washington, Cor. Third. A HOME Of nin rooms, wU arranged with two drawlnir-rooTrm, diningr-room, kitchen and four bedrooms, besides attic room, fur nace and fireplaice, atationary wash stand in front bedroom, jeas and electric light. Cemented basement. Well located in Nob Hill district, south of Irvinj? street and within 15 minutes' walk of Third street. Exax:t location and price of this and several other good residences on application. F. V. ANDREWS & CO. Hamilton Bids.. 131 3d St. Tel. Main 3349. More Than a 1 0 Investment A etrictly up-to-date apartment house ; fine locality; net annual income $3000. Price $43,000; terms if desired. Also have other pood investments. See me or write. References. THOS. P. THORNTON 313 Chamber of Commerce. $7500. $4000 Elegrant house, with lara grounds, in choicest residence East Side; close to cars, with excellent service. -roora house and full lot., fire place, rurnace. ga and elec tricity : two carlmes. close in. in Albina easy terms. $2750 Good 6-room house In T, pper Albina, full lot, all conveni ences; terms. TVHALLEY, 633 McKay Building. SPECIAL BARGAIN Three acres, all In berries, near Court ney station; must be sold at once. McKIINLEY MITCHELL 30C4 Stark St., citj-. $8500 A new colonial mod ern S-room house, lot SOxlOO Teet, on John son street near 23d. a great barjrain. GOLDSMITH CO. 441-42 Sherlock Bid., Third and Oak Sts. if, i,ot V V I ABSOLUTELY FREE " In North Mount Tabor, I f Portland's beauty spot. I "Every lot a little park. 1 I I Cars run through center I II of tract. Call for ilir- I I 1 ticulars and free trans- I II l . portatlon to inspect. f I THE HART LAND CO 1 I 146 Second St. J SITE FOR A MANSION 3 lots, Flanders street, corner, east of 21st. Most exclusive residence section. Faces east. " - $20,000 RUSSELL ST. Special 125 feet front age; heart of business sec tion of Lower Albina; in come $115. Can be greatlv increased by small expendi ture. ?15,000 FIRST ST. Lot, facing east, next to corner Columbia ; very cheap; some income. $15,000 SIXTEENTH ST. Corner Thurman, lOOx 100; covered with good buildings. $20,000 Washington St.' 40x100 east of 20th.?12,OOO Triangle, cor. 23d..$15,0O0 63x100, cor. 20th,. $22,500 SEVENTH ST. Corner, near Union De pot; leased for $275; rental value todav, $400. $40,000 FIRST ST. Corner, faces east, near Morrison; fine 3-storv brick, costing $50,000. $77,500 IRVINGTON Five acres, cornering on two roads, just east of this exclusive suburb. Bull Run water; house, barn, half in cultivation; way below the market. Per acre, $900 E. J. DALY 114 THIRD ST. PORTLAND HEIGHTS We have for sale several acre tracts on the Heights, onljr a few blocks from the carline. They are covered with fir and dogwood trees, and can be made into very attractive places. We offer these tracts at T750 and J1000 per acre. Apply to owner. Portland Trust Company of Oregon S. E. Corner Third and Oak Sts. A BRICK BUILDING Front Street, Near Ash 50 ft. Frontage Rig lit in the Hea rt of th e City PAYS 8 Price, $28,000 WHERE CanYou DUPLICATEThis SNAP? GOLDSMITH & CO. 441-2 Sherlock Bldg., Third and Oak Sts. PORTLAND HEIGHTS SNAP Two full lots; on carline; fine rfew over city. Good 7-room house now rented for $25 per month; room for two more house?. Its nlone worth the money. Price t cash. Act quick If you want this. Devlin & Firebaugh 30S-509 Swetland Bldg., Cor. oth and Wash. $5000 Lot WHliO. with up-to-date S-room homa on East Burnside street. This is a bar gain. Easy terms. GEO. D. SCHALK 364 Stark Street Both Phones: Alain 332; A-2392. m - f-k f-k Four-story corner W1 J I If If 1 brick block, pays JjH uUU 8 per cent " in- 7 vestment, on First street, close in, full size lot. It will pay you to investigate thte. GOLDSMITH A CO. 441-442 Sherlock Bldg., Third and Oak Sts. FOR BALE. Ruildln lot on Xorth run street, near 21st street; quarter block in Tibbett's Ad dition on Clinton avenue, corner 17th street. Two lout In Arbor Lorlgo; also 6 acres near carline. fine for platting- Mrs. M. Moore, 13 W 11th street. ACREAGE H. W. Lemcke Co. LOOK AT THESE $20 $27 nnn 34th and Vaurhn. four flats Jll and store building. All in come producing. nnn Fine location on Tamhill Fine location near Seventh. UUU $20 000 $36 000 Northwest corner Third and Montgomery- F.xcellent location on Park, near Morrison. $25 finn Corner on Sixth st.. close UUU to Portland Hotel. Oheap est corner in that section. $ 7 Ann Quarter bloc UUU ave., near H block on "Union awthorne. $36 nnn Fourth street north, with UUU four buildings; will pay SO0 a month. $15 000 with three on Seventh St., houses. $11 500 500 000 1 06x200, and two houses, in South Portland, near - new trolley terminals. $30 Corner on First st., within one block of irew big trol ley depot. Thte will b worth $400,000 In a year. Two-ftory brick and full lot on Third St., near Davis. $35 000 $15 $11 nnn Quarter block oh Belmont UUU ,hls !'de of t-rnion avenue. This is a rare bargain, nnn Corner on Seventh street, UUU w,tnln one block of Union $4000 Union ave.. 6-room modern bouse, including piano. It takes only $600 cash. Extra-fine home on Willam ette Heights, completely fur nished and ready to move into. Full block In Woodstock. Lt us tell you ahput It. $2000 H. W. LEMCKE COMPANY, Main 550, A-2537; 6th and Washington. Business and Residence Property $35 Attn F,r lOOxlOO. in heart of UUU Dus,ness district; worth, 45,O0O. Fair income. $20 000 For business block on East Side; nets 9 per cent. Clfl nnn 8tno'ly modern 12-room J) I U UUU residence, including furni- tT, TL ture- m best locality of Nob Hill. Property cost 15,000. This is a West Side snap. $6200 for 8-room modern residence on Ankeny street, close in. Property cannot be duplicated $1500 for 50x100. on Ross street. Walking distance. A. F. Swensson & Co. 253V4 Washington Street. Phone Main 3065. Buy Grand Ave. Property GRAND AVENUE PRICE $18,500 50x65 and two-story store building, sit uated S. E. corner Grand ave. and East Ankeny sts. Paying a fair rental. GRAND AVENUE PRICE $10,000 50x90 on the west side of Grand ave., between East Oak and East Pine sts. Let us show you this. - GRAND AVENUE PRICE $12,500 GOxSO on the rnut aide of Grand av., next to the northeast corner K. Burnside and Grand ave. Some improvements, bringing a fair rental. Can make terms at 6 per cent. GRAND AVENUE PRICE $5500 25x90 and a cottage, on the east side of Grand ave.. between Couch and E. Burn side sts. Can arrange terras. MALL ft VON BORSTEL 104 Second and 292 East Burnside Sts. Don't Overlook Us If you are looking for a RESIDENCE in any part of the city. We can show you a long list either EAST or WEST Side, at prices ranging from $1500 TO $15,000 COMMERCIAL INVESTMENT COMPANY D. B. MACKIE, Manager, 330, 331, 332 Lumber Exchange Bldg. $32,000 Three-story, good brick corner on prominent business street, paying 10 per cent on investment. Part cash. Bollam Grussi & Higley 128 Third Street. Cheap Corner Lot 25TH AND PACIFIC STREET PRICE $600 TERMS $100 DOWN Corner lot 50x100, situated on the north west corner of East 25th and Pacific streets. It Is a bargain. Buy it. MALL & VON BORSTEL 104 Second and 392 East Burnside Sts. DIHTf1 II I flllT w have on our books UU 11U ALU W ,or "al8 beautiful UUllU'lliV II bungalow on Bast Madison street. The rooms are all large, has fine porch, -fireplace, furnace and best plumbing. The lawn Is nicely terraced and has good cement sidewalks. Over 7o choice rose bushes and some fruit. An ideal home for a small family. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANT OF OREGON. a. HL Cor. Third and Oak SU. Opportunities Of buying lots 50x100, with all improvements made, for $210 $5 Down and $5 Per Month Are Rare LORRINTON Offers such opportunities. Streets 60 ft. wide, graded, parked and graveled. Water laid to every lot. We give 5 per cent discount for cash. Where can you get such a bargain? Don't delay. Take a "W-W" car at Third and Yamhill streets, and get off at Woodstock Station. There the sign points the way. We give warranty deeds and ab stracts of title. Moore Realty Co. 268 STARK ST. Agent at office on the ground. FARMS AND ACREAGE 40 acrea. mile from the Grenhara Or line; 210 nrrrm cleared, balance iitnmp pasture t aotl rich and lies well; all well fenced well watered t 5 acres srood or chard! on aood public road; handy to achool, churches, etc.; srood 7-room boose, cost iS50t largre barn and other ootbolldinca. Price. 4fO0; half cash, balance on easy payments. 70 acres In ClHPkamsi County, all ntce level Iftndi 16 acres cleared, 20 acres slashed, balance youns; flr timbers 2 srood springs; partly fenced: small bouse. Price, 935 per acre; half cash, balance on. time. 5 acres, adjoining railway station; all In cultivation; partly set out to fruit, vegetables, etc. soil rich and lies well; small house; 1 acre well fenced. Price, 4 acres, S blocks from car llnei 1 acre cleared, balance nice timber; srood new house, just completed. Price, 24O0; half cash, balance on time. 3 acres, on car line; nice young- tim ber i all choice rich black, soil. Price, 1200t 3uO cash, balance on easy pay ments. 6 acres, 2 blocks from car line; nil In cultivation: partly fenced: small house; noil rich and lies well. Price. 93500. 4 acres. ' blocks from railway sta tions V cleared, balance nice youns; flr timber; road on two sines. I'nce,, zuo, half cah, balance on time. acres all rich soil; on public road; half mile from W Hi amerce Klver. Price. atOO per acre. 7'4 acres. 4 mile from railway sta tion) rich aoll; lies well. Price, 92250. For tracts of from half an acre up. on car line, call on us. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY 245 Stark St. FINE INVESTMENTS $12,000 BUYS HALF BLOCK AND THREE HOUSES, Now renting for $57 a month, and room for three or four more ; on Bel mont st., about 10 minutes ' walk . to Third and Morrison. Fine location for flats or apartments, and must be sold to close out an estate. See me at once if interested. $75,000 for quarter block, close in; -will ' net owner $7800 per year. Buildings consist of 3-story bricks, and is one of the most desirable lo cations in the city fora wholesale, manufacturing or shipping business. This property is cheap at $100,000, and is an excellent buy for anyone. See me at once if interested. THOS. P. THORNTON 319 Chamber of Commerce. ALL GOOD ONES $3500 TBS ACRES. ON CAR I.INB. TOP ATtR OVERLOOKING A ' GOOD ONES WHEN YOU PASS THIS VP. $10,000 CORNER.. LOT, WALKING DIS TANCE, WEST SIDE) INCOME! PROP ERTY. $12,000 OOxlOO, ON STH ST., NEAR CI. AT. TWO GOOD HOUSES, ALWAYS RENTED AT GOOD FIGURE. $19,000 TWO-STORY CORNER BRICK, PAY ING 7V4 PER CENT NET. $35,000 WARF.HOl'SR SITE, raVrNGTON STREET. 100x300, ON Lamont & Harris 306-7 SWETLAND BLDG. f vot N 1 BCAT ITIPtri T CDfC tm North Mont Tabor, Portland's beauty spot. Every lot a little park. Cars run throufrh center of tract. Call for par ticulars and free trans portation to Inspect. THE HART LAND CO., 14 Second St. $19,000 Full corner on Second, paying 10 per cent net; improvements good as new. F. O. NORTHUP Suit 3W, Commercial Block. INVESTMENT BARGAINS UNION AVE. Close to Morrison St., fractional lot improved with f rams building producing c;ood Income. 6500 SEVENTH ST. Fractional lot le' than 5 block from the Hotel Portland, with S-room modern house. Good in come. 57000 TWENTY -THIRD ST. H-h1(ok 'ith east frontage, close to VnsMnjcttm St., excellent location for apartment house. $15,000 THIRD ST. Corner lot with 110 feet frontage on 3d at., a few blocks south of Morrison. rf Improved would pay handsome returns. $15,000 MXEn:EMH ST. 10.J by 100 ft with east front ape. Close t Washing ton st.. and an idoal family hotel or apartment house site. $17,000 MILUAMS AVE. Fractional block with 3 good corners, south end of Wil liams ave. and close t th Steel bridge. Improved and paying good in come. $20,000 AI.IJER ST. Full lot. close In an now paying fair income. Tf further im proved would pay handsome returns. $27,000 SIXTH ST. Full lot with BO feet frontage, near Union Depot, small In come. $22,500 RUSSEll ST. i-Mock. -storr brick building, with full basement. Guaranteed leases paying more than per cent net. Building alone worth more than the price. 36,000 EAST MORRISON ST. t-bloelt In the heart of the business district, only partly improved, but producing; 6 per cent income. This is sure of a rapid increase ngd good tor an immediate raise In the rental. $60,000 James J. Flynn 512 Chamber of Commerce. CLEMSON Prices Advance June 18th for following reasons: (1) Churches, NOW THERE. (2) SJchools (450 scholars) NOW THERE. (3) Good stores NOW THERE. (4) Pure water NOW THERE '(5) Klectric' . light NOW THERE. (6) Telephones NOW THERE. (7) Streets graded NOW. (8) Nice homes on three sides of Clemson NOW. (9) Good streetcar service and 5c fare NOW. (10) NO SALOONS. (11) Prices NOW $100 to $250; 5 per cent off for y2 or all cash. Further discount if you build within 60 days. Go and see this sightly tract NOW. Take Mount Tabor car 1st and Alder; get off at Lents. Local office, Lents Hotel. Clarke-Clemsoo-Blumauer Co. 301-302 COUCH BLDG. Secure our new map of city free. FOR SALE BY Mall & Von Borstel EAST ANKENY STREET 7-ROOM HOUSE PRICE $3500 Lot S7i4xl0O and T-room modem home, Io. 713 East Ankeny street. This Is a beautiful place and is cheap at the price. See It, the owner lives in the housa and will show you through. EAST ANKENY STREET PRICE $4750 Comer lot and 6-room modern house on the southeast corner of East 17th and Bast Ankeny streets. See this one. you will like It. We can make termi If wanted. - MALL & VON BORSTEL 104 Second and 892 EaM Burnside St. HOMESITE FINEST IN THE CITY. Park Avenue NEAR CITY PARK. MUST BE SOI.B IN THE NBXT FEW DAYS. PARTICULARS AT OFFICES. Lamont & Harris 306-7 SWETLAXD BLDG. SAW MILL 25.0O feet capacity. Everything new; several hundred thousand feet of timber cut and In pond. Everything complete and just ready to begin operations. Full section of fine timber which alone is worth price asked. Convenient to rail way, TVillamette Valley. Don't overlook this great snap If you are interested in this line of business. No agents. Call for particulars. Price J26.000. Portland Realty OTrust Co 106 Second St., Bet. Wash, and Stark. rft mm yv r. SOxW feet, on JjjC. mJJJ tween Burnside with -2-story building, pays fair Income. Tou are on the Btreet with skyscrapers. This Is your last chance. GOLJDSMITH . CO. 41-4 Sherlock Bldg., Third and Oak Sts. jt -j q f(f "rlrk building, 50 iOvJvV an?d' streets. " 7 right in the heart of the city; pays 8 per cent. The only bargain left on this street. GOLDSMITH CO. 441-142 Sherlock Elds., Third and Oak Sts,