21 fclTCATlON WANTD MALB- HKLP WANTED MALE. HELP W ANTE D M ALK- WANTED TO RENT. THE SUNDAY OREGOXUX, PORTLAND, JUNE 2, 1907. ORO ERY SALESMEN TO BELL "DROP Shipments" to Urraers, restaurants, hotel and other large consumers; money refund ed where anything is not satisfactory; steady, profitable, doslrable employment for a honest, energetic and reliable sal?ri man fn every community; no experience necessary; send us the orders. we do the rest"; advance part commissions when or d"ri are shipped and pay the balance w hen orders are paid; headquarters tor carload men making delivery shipment. Established 1312. Loverln ft Brown Company. Wholesale Grocers, 172a Stat St.. Chicago. WANTED BOYS 14 TO 19 TEAP3 OF AGS to work In factory ; good wage, steady work. Apply at once, AMES-HARR1S-NEVTLLE CO.. otfi and Davis st. Wanted for u. s. akm-t, ablb-bod- led unmarried men, between ages of 21 and 36. citlsens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read or write English. Apply to Recruiting Officer. Alnsworth block. Third and Oak sts., Portland, Or. ALU- DISEASES OF MBV SUCCESSFULLY treated; discharges potlvely cured in from 8 to 6 days; consultation free and strictly confidential; send for our symptom blank. X-radlum Medical Institute, Sd and Alder sts.; entrance 253 Aider su, Portland. YOUNG MAN OF GOOD ADDRESS AND adaptability as salesman in men's hat and furnishing goods store; experience not necessary ir capable and willing to ac quire a thorough knowledge of the busi ness. P 24. Oregonian. MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN BARBER trade in eight weeks; graduates earn from $15 to $25 weekly; expert instructors; cat alogue free. Moler System of Colleges, 35 North Fourth street. Portland. PROTECT yourself for $1 per month against accident, sickness and death. Write or call for full Information. Northwestern Health and Accident Association, 109 Sherlock bldg. Agents wanted. WANTED EXPERIENCED SALESMAN IN earth and rock handling machinery for con tractors and municipalities. State experi ence, age, reference and salary. Address F 41, care Oregonian. ONE flrnt-claps all-round carriage and au tomobile trimmer, custom man preferred; steady empioj mcnt for right man. Van couver Carriage Goods ft Top Company, Vancouver, B. C. WANTED Partner with too much ambition to work for ot Iters, able to maintain and eager to Increase a business with unlimited rsslhllltlea, already established. Beekwith, 2W AllHky bUIg. A FEW MEN FOR CLERKS OR CARRIERS In Portland poatufftce; increased salaries; -we prepare you for examination. Call or write at one. Pacific States Schools, McKay btdg. Men and women to learn watchmaking, engrav ing. Jeweler work, optics, easy terms; posi tions guaranteed; money made learning. Watch mkg-Engvg. Sen' I, 1426 4th av. Seattle. Men and buys wanted to learn plumbing, plastering, bricklaying, electrical trades; free catalogue; positions secured. Coyne Trade Schools, New York and Sao Fran. YOUNG man In wholesale house to start In as office assistant and prepare himself for advancement ; state age, references, salary and experience, if any. B 40. Oregon lan. SALESMAN TO HAN DUB SIDE LINE blankets and dry goods; loom to retailer; special makes; liberal commission. F. C. Kolliuann ft Co., Mfrs.. Philadelphia. WANTED EXPERIENCED ORDER AND fuck clerk for agricultural Implements. Give reference, experience and salary want ed. Address Q 45, care Oregon lan. YOUNG man to do general office work and collecting In a plumbing business; must have references; at Ate salary wanted. Ad dress B 45, care Oregonian. WOOD TURNER Competent man to turn col umns, straight work on Mock patterns. Ap ply Westport Lumber Company, room 28, Concord bldg. GOOD PA Y Men wanted every where to tack signs, distribute circulars, samples, etc. No canvassing. National Dlst. Bureau, Chicago, W ANTE D A compel en t draftsman ; good pay to right party. Call or address Portland "Block Book Co., 223 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED HUSTLERS TO TACK SIGNS, distribute circular , samples, etc.; good pay. Sun Advertising Bureau, Chicago. WANTED MAN IN EACH COUNTY TO sell wire fish traps on halves; pries $2. E. P. Foreman, Fresno, Cal. WANTED Japanese boy to run errands' and make himself useful arnurkt shop. Charnig ft Andresen, 271 4 Morrison. WANTED 5 high-class solicitors by a lead ing periodical; S3 to $8 a day to the right parties. 1000H Belmont. WANTED A stott boy about 18 years old. United States Laundry Co., Grand ave. and East Salmon sts. APPRENTICE boys wanted to learn gray Iron castings moulding trade. Griffin Wheel Co., South Fa coma. Wash. WANTED Nonunion moulders. Gray Iron castings work. Griffin Wheel Company South Taccma, Wash. "WANTED Roy. ifl or over, with wheel, to deliver packages; $7 per week. rt. M. Gray. 2HO-2T1 Morrison st. EXPERIENCED planerman willing to handle lumber when machine is not in use. Box 81, Scappooee, Or. BOY wanted, with wheel, to work In whole sal house. D. M. Averlll ft Co.. 102 North Mh at. FIRST-CLAPS HARNESS - MAKERS Steady employment. The P. J. Cronln Co. 143 Front st. WANTEDr Flrst-cla presser, at once. Ap ply 247 Madison, between 2d and fid. Phons Pacific 1013. WANTED BOY APPRENTICE IN FAC tory; $6 per week to begin. 05 Front, cor ner Davis. WANTED Experienced gasoline engine erector. Fairbanks, Morse ft Co., 1st and Stark sts. !VV ANTED Solicitors; salary and commbnion to ht tiers. Apply room 56, 227H Washing ton st. JIARNFSS and, saddle makers; must be good mechanics. A. A. Kraft Co., Spokane, Wash. , WANTED Bright, active young man for noda fountain work- Swetland's, 273 Mor rison. AN experienced clothing man; state experience and salary expected. E 41, care Oregonian. -Photograph operator: must also Cutberth. No. 801 Dekum bldg. WANTED retouch. California Wine Depot, headquarters for cooks and helpers. 148 4th at. Pac. 2183. p. Loratl. COOK wanted at the Bust Bee Del test es iwn : good wages. 4rt4 Washington t. WANTED 2-stror.g bnva in stock room; $9 per week to begin, to From, corner Davis. V E SECURE EMPLOYMENT FOR MEM br. Special .membership, $S. y. m. C. A. WANTED Men's clothing presser. apply this forenoon. R. M. Gray. 269-271 Morrison. SALESMEN BIG WAGES; SOMETHING positively new. 215 Commercial block. Young Man desiring to better condition Call on Employment Dept.. Y. M. C. A. 600 m en wan t ed Free shaves and ha lrcu ts. 248 Couch st. Moler Barber College. FARM HAND WANTED One who can drive hea-irr. Inquire S-5 AMngton bldg. WANTED-Assistant short order cook. Call SW Washington at., after 11 A. M. WANTED SALESMAN TO HANDLE EAST ei;irg side line. Inquire 14& 21 st. WANTED Dentist, all-round man. Chicago rainless Dentists. Raleleh bldg. A PORTER. also a pantryman. Portland Restaurant. 35 Washington st. WANTFD Delivery hoy. Inquire H. B. lltt. 351 Vajthlngtnn street. W A NTFD Barber at Occident Barber Shop, Astoria. Or.; $16 auaranteed. WANTED Tailor for repair and pressing at Hani', 81-S Alder st. WEN to work in sawmill. Columbia Lumber Company, Sc.ippoose, Or. WANTED Stop boy to help candymaker. X Wat-hirg'Ton st. WANTED A hustler to sell suburban lots. P 45. Oregonian. WANTED Errand boy at J. Pollvka A Co.. 240 Morrison si HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICES. OPEN TODAY. Steam shovel engineer. $125 and board; craneman, $90 and board. 3 steel structural ironworkers1. $4.50 to $5; 15 bridge carpenters. $A.50; lO bridge car penters. $3, free fare. Tallyman. $2.75; in side sawmill help. $2.SO up: outside hands. 2.-V; factory and wholesale warehouse work; material yard men lor the R. R. Co.; city street and brics-yard laborer; team sters and ahovelers. logger, farm hands, dairy help. Hundreds of new situations coming in all the time. Man and wife."' cook and helper, small camp, $90; man and wife, janitor and cook for small springs' hotel, $90 and found; man and wife, as cook and helper for email country hotel. $75; man and wife as cook and helper for 15 men. $i5; hotel cooks, restaurant cooks, fry cooks, short-order men. dishwashers, pantrymen And kitchen help of all kinds; waiters. HEADQUARTERS FOR R. R. WORK. Company and contractor work. Oregon, Washington and Idaho. Trackmen, spike re, strappers, iron-car men. surface rs and bal last ere. drillers, muckers, teamsters, and freighters. $2.50 to $3 a day. Rock foreman. $7fi and board. Foreign gangs for extra gang work for The Co.. $1.75. cars free. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. 26 North 2d st. 250 Burnside at. Get busy at A BUSY PLACE. THE MEIER ft FRANK STORE Require a first-class shoe salesman. A man familiar with men's furnishings to act as stock clerk and salesman. Toung men to act am stock clerks Man for picture frame- department; one fa miliar with framing orders. A first-class packer for crockery and hard ware. Apply Superintendent's office, 8 to 10 A. M. WANTED. Steam shovel engineer. $125 an board; craneman. $!0 and board; 2 camp black smiths. $3.50; one helper. $2.75; 2 mill wrights, $4 ; 4 mill carpenters. $3.50; 6 rough carpenters, $3.50; flier for band saw, good wages; 2 gang edgermen. $3 and $3.30; 25 millhands, $2.50 to $3; 50 yard men. $2.50; 10 lumber pilers, $2.75 up; 3 machine men for sash and door factory, $3 to $4; 4 ripsaw men for box factory. $2.50 to $3; 15 river drivers. $3 to $3.76 and board; 25 loggers, good wages; others. NOTICE. We pay fare to work out of the city and will give any man who Is broke work free of charge. We have a large list of. new work daily. LUMBERMEN'S LABOR BUREAU. Main Office, 12 North 2d st. TRAVELING shoe salesman A Minnesota corporation manufacturing a line of men's heavy unlined Goodyear welts, standard screw, loose nail and peg shoes, in water proof tiapa, chrome veals, kangaroo calf, and kips and oil grain, all Western leather, best packer slaughter bo's leather, making a specialty of 8. 10, 12. 14 and 16 inch shoes. Address K 38. Oregonian. WANTED Resident salesman and merchants to sell Royal Tailoring to the consumer In outetde towns. Sampie equipment and line containing 500 patterns furnished free. Will supply large pattern lengths to thoee having facilities for display. Applications must have full particulars in regard to experience, references and other details. The Royal Tailors, Chicago. SALESMEN Most profitable side line; pock et sample free to those who give refer ences; you "ell dealer $50 worth high-class post cardy for $12 and throw In $t display stand; your commission 23 per cent; new. copyrighted, original; high comic, art and motto subjects: ready June 1. "Pye. the Post Card Man. 262 5th ave., Chicago. "WANTED Good men to represent us as agents In a city near Portland, wagon, equipment and splendid Inducements to secure trade furnished free; an oppor tunitq to secure a good paying, perma nent position; state references and ex perience. Address Grand Union Tea Co., 473 Washington at WANT a No. 1 salesman for Washington, Oregon and California; the best shoes on the market, especially adapted for West ern trade; applicants must state experi ence had. with what houses and amount cf ?aies; a libera proposition to the right man. Address Q 36. Oregonian. SALESMEN $10 a day made by first-class side line men on genuine oleotypes: gun met a! frame; retails 25c; you can sell 200 to live merchants for $25; you make $5; t make 100 per cent; give references for free famplfs. Thompson. "The Artist" for Kawin, 260 Fifth ave.. Chicago. A GOOD presser or a man to buy 4 Interest and take charge of either Inside or out side part of a good paying dyeing and cleaning business: present owner under stands business thoroughly, but can't han dle increasing trade alone. K 45, Ore gonian. WANTED Man and wife on farm in Eastern Oregon, $60 per month ; also 3 farmhands. $35; 5 rough carpenters, near city, $3.50; 5f others. PACIFIC COAST EMPLOYMENT AGENCY 205a Morrteon st., room 1. AN experienced traveling salesman for Washington and Oregon, to handle walstd, skirts and kimonos; must be able to fur nish first-class references and $2.0 secur ity for samples Carl Shlrek Co., 534-38 Franklin at., San Francisco. WANTED FIRST - CLASS SPECIALTY palesman. Salary and commission. None hut order-getter need apply State experi ence and reference or application not con sidered. Address C 45, care Oregonian. WANTED Man of ail work to take care of grounds and buildings; steady position to rtht man. Summer and Winter. Apply to day (Sunday), Portland Crematorium, Sell wood carllne. Phone East 463. SALESMAN FOR OREGON EXPERIENCED traveling man preferred- Line staple for general trade. Position permanent., $30 weekly advance with commission. Sawyer. Leslie ft Co., Detroit. Mich. SALESMEN who contemplate making change write to us for particulars; one salesman earned $525; two others $350 each firs 3 weeks In May. McAlister-Coinan Co., 56 Dearborn St., Chicago. WANTED Good man in each county to rep resent and advertise hardware department, put out samples, etc.; salary $21 weekly; expense money advanced. Dept AW. The Columbia Hous. Chicago. STENOGRAPHERS Send 25c for 3 months test subscription to The Shorthand Writer; price $2 a year: edited by expert court re porters. Address Shorthand Writer, 79 Clark st., Chicago. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. WAITERS. rookex, dishwashers. teamster, mlllyard laborers, barn man. 50 waitresses tcity, Eat), 2 hotel chambermaids1, domes tics. Asiatics.. Drake's, 205 Washington. WANTED People to write news and stories for Eastern press; experience unneces sary; $100 monthly for spare time. United Press Syndicate, Dept. 1, Chicago. A MAN and his wife to go on the seining grounds, man to fish, wife to cook ; a)so oung girl to assist with housework and car of children. Phone East tiu72. BOYS and girls to sell Gem Blueing; excel lent qualiiy: easy to sell; handsome pre miums. Address Gm Mfg. & Supply Co., Box 82, La Jolla. Cal. HELP OF ALL KINDS. AGENTS AND So licitors. Address Baker Cly Employ ment ft Real Estats Company. 2810 Center st.. Baker City. MAN or woman who has good acquaintance among schoolteachers, can secure dlgnind and profitable employment. Address L 41, Oregonian. LOOK to the Crown for first-classi help and positions In and out of city. Crown Em ployment Agency, 113i N. 6th . Main 1865. SOLICIT "JTDVERTIPTNG; LIBERAL COM mtssion. $5 to $10 daily; estab. newspapers, magazine, programmes. 60S Goodnough bldg. WANTED Amat-ure, male and female to take part in 5-act melodrama in city. Ad dress M 45. Oregonian. WANTED A flrM-elRSs cook; no other need aprJv; rood pay. Apply at 404 Madison at. Thone Mln 2006. WANTED Berry -ptnfcsrs, at Hood River, cull on Mr. Strong. 214 Lumber Exchange Mdg. WANTED Exp-ri.n-ed fitters. Inquire H. B. Lltt. 3.M Washington st. tTPBn stitchers and factory shoemakers want ed by the J. A. Reid Co. HELP WAMFD FEMALE. WANTED A girl for general housework; 2 in family. 17 N. 2:td rt., near Johnson. WANTED Experienced hair dresser and man i.urer. Apply low 7th at. Rosenthal Slaters. YOUNG lady in confectionery store. Apply at 6th and Gllsan sts, after 5 P. AC As a medium for bringing buyer and seller together, the Oregonian 's Classified Columns are regu larly used by large numbers of advertisers in all parts of the United States. The following letter writ ten The Oregonian by Mr. W. A. Davis, Lardo, Idaho, will be read with interest by advertising patrons of this paper: - Sealer in. 1 Hreceries & general Merchandise THE OREGONIAN, Portland, Oregon. Gentlemen Enclosed find P. 0. Money Order for $1.60 to .pay for advertising in Sunday Oregonian. Thanks for put ting same in without waiting for remittance as I re ceived one answer before I received your bill. Yours very truly, HELP WANTED FEMALE. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. WANTS MONDAY EARLY 2 waitresses. Klamath Falls, $25; 2 wait' resses, Klamath Hot Springs, $30; 2 wait resses, Vancouver. $S a week ; 1 waitress. Hood River. $25-$30; 1 waitress. South Bend, $30; all fares paid. 4 waitresses, Ta coma, $9 a week, fares advanced ; 11 ell y hotel and restaurant waitresses, $$, $9, $10 a week, and $25 room and board. 7 chambermaids, $10 a week, $8 a week, and $20 to $25. room and board; 1 at $3$; 2 working housekeepers. Camp cook at quarry, $60 to $70; 4 coun try hotel cooks. $50; 2 city hotel cooks, $50 and $40; 4 family cooks, $40; 2 at $35; 100 girls and women for cooking and house work and to assist, $15 to $30; some city, some country, some at the beach resorts with families going there for the. Summer. Factory Help. Laundry Helpt Store Help. Bakery Help. SEE US FOR THE GOOD PLACES HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 843 Washington at., cor. 7th, upstairs. THE MEIER ft FRANK STORE Requires yourg women sales dlerks in the following departments: Veilings, Neckwear, Stationery, Toys, Muslin Underwear, Corsets, a Iso a number of cafthgirls, Wrappers, and young women 16 years of age and over to learn the business. Ap ply to Superintendent's office. 8 to 10 A. M. WANTED GIRLS OVER 16 TEARS OLT TO work In factory; good wages; stealy em . ployment. Apply at enoe. Ames-Karris-Neville Co., fith and Daris streets. UIPMAN. WOLFE A CO. Lipman. Wolfe ft Co. require 100 extra salespeople in all departments. Htgltest wages and permanent positions. Apply to superintendent. SALESWOMEN, FIRST-CLASS, WANTED IN MILLINERY, LACES. CLOAKS. DOMESTICS. GLOVES. NOTIONS, CROCKERY And other departments; good permanent po sitions to competent and reliable persons. OLDS, WORTMAN ft KING. BUTTON HOLE1 MAKER WANTED. JACOBS fchlrt Co.. 2Dlft Stark st. ATTENTTdN. Applicants for all kinds of work, register with us, free of charge, so we may locate you oh short notice. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY, S43H Washington St., cor. 7th, upstairs. GOOD WAGES TO A CAPABLE WOMAN to do second work and take charge of three children (school age) ; reference required. Apply mornings or after 5:30 P. M., 18 Lovejoy st., between 24th and 25th sts. LADY solicitors for ' best-selling furniture polish on earth; commissions from $3 to $5 a day. Apply between 7 A. M. and 10 A. M. Monday. Powers Furniture Co., cor. 1st and Taylor sts. TWENTY-FIVE women and girls wanted for all kinds of laundry work; best wages; hand-ironers, machine girls, mangle girls, folders and starch era, Opera House Laun dry, 2d and Everett. THE SOUTH BEND HOSPITAL SCHOOL for Nurses warns desirable applicants to All a few vacancies. For further information address Matron, General Hospital, South Bend, Wash. WANTED Lady mandolin teacher for steady position on salary; we have work 52 weeks a year. Call 11 A. M. or 2:30 P. M.. week days, room 10 Uealy bldg.. Grand ave. and B. Morrison. OFFICE woman or girl, some stenography, mostly detail work. Permanent position, salary good. Increased when business Is learned. Call 212 Swetland bldg. No new beginners. WANTED Reliable girl or woman, second work and ai with three children (school aget. Good wages to competent person. Call today. SIS Lovejoy at., between 24th and 25th sta WANTED A girl or woman to stay with sick lady. Phone Wain 4875, or call at Portland Wood ft Coal Co., 1 6th and . Savier, Sunday before 11. or Monday. TUTOR wanted In September. An experienced tutor, university or normal graduate, to art as resident tutor for four children: refer ences required Address C 43, Oregonian. W A NTTiD FT R ST- CL A S S WAITRESSES AT Hobart-Curtis, 14th and Jefferson. WANTED Thoroughly competent girt or wo man with references for cooking and general housework; good wages. Mornings or be tween 4 and 0 P. M . 499 Yamhill. GIRLS WANTED OPERATORS TO WORK on shirts and overalls; lessons given to tnexperienced. Apply at Standard Factory, 1 Grand ave.-and E. Taylor st. WANTED Middle-aged, experience cham bermaid: $30 per month and lunch. Call a t once. H ousek eeper. Sargent Hotel, Grand and Hawthorne aves. WANTED Girl dishwasher. Portland Res taurant. Estacada, Or.. $20, board, room washing. Apply room 82. Alpine Flats, 271 ifc Morrison St., Sunday. GIRL for light housework: can have every afternoon. W 56, Oregonian QUICK RESULTS Sardo, Jdako, HELP WANTED FEMALE. NOTICE IF YOU WANT GOOD WAGES, a good home and can do good plain cooking and housework, call today at 618 Lovejoy st., between 24th and 2ath sts. WANTED A CAPABLE GIRL FOR GEN eral housework ; good wages. SIS Lovejoy, between 4th and 25th ais. Apply mornings and after 5:80 P. M. WANTED STARCHWORK IRONERS, flannel Ironers and general laundry help. East Side Laundry Co., East Ash and 6th. Phone East 809. 20 SALESLADIES to sell ladles' cloaks and suits and ladies' furnishings. Inquire 1st and pine sts., Monday, 3 P. M, Aak for Mr. Fertlg. LADY wants lady companion in country for Summer; no work ; expenses free. Answer immediately. Leave June fi. D 41, Ore gonian. WANTED Experienced girl for. dining-room and downstairs work; good wages. Call after 12 o'clock at 171 North 20lh at., cor Johnson. GIRL for general housework; small family; good wages ; must be experienced ; go to seashore; no washing. Ap-sy 892 Thurman street. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position, with opportunities for advancement. Vlavl Co., 10th and Morri son. WANTED Lady stenographer and type writer In real estate office. St. -Charles Hotel. WAT TED GTRL FOR SECOND WORK; take care of girl 5 years of age. Apply 434 Salmon st. WANTED Experienced chambermaid for small family hotel. The Morrison, 533 Mor rison st. WANTED Girl for general housework. Phone East 6232. No. 4 East 2Sth. Small family. WANTED Women and girls to make shirts and overalls. Mount Hood Factory, 223 Couch st. GIRL wan ited for general housework; wages ply 141 N. 18th. cor. Hoyt. Phone $-10. Apply Main 3633. DRESSMAKER wanted In shop; good wages, steady work. Mrs. M. E. Ross, 42016 Mor rison st. GIRLS wanted in paper box factory: fiteadiy employment. F. C. Stealer, 10th and Gil . san sta. WANTED Cook for 30 -room hotel near Portland. Inquire 9-12 at 427 Stark, near 11th, GIRLS wanted for out-door work; no solicit ing. Call Monday, Chicago Dentists, Raleigh WANTED Two lady barbers; guarantee $18 per week. Address Myrtle Gilbert, Pasco, Wash. GIRL for general housework; light washing: plain cooking. Call 763 1st st. Phone Main 255. W A NTED Good gl r cook ; good wages. A p Tlr 429 East 21st St., Irvlngton. Phone East 648. GIRLS WANTED APPLY STANDARD Factory, 2 Grand ave. and East Taylor st. WAITRESS wanted. experienced; good wages. The Busy Bee, 434 Washington st. WANTED Girl tn assist with housework; small family. 529 Johnson st., near 16th. NFRPE airl to rare for child afternoons and evenings. Apply today at 404 Madison st. WANTED Woman to fln family washing. Call at 735 East Burnside. Phone East 2252. LADIES' tailor, good wages, steady work. 429 Washington. Call Sunday. J. K. Stern. WANTED--Glrl for housework, small family of adults; no washing. Apply 37 Kith st WANTED EXPERIENCED ALTERATION hand on jackets and skirts. H. E. Lltt. WANTED Girl to assist !n light housekeep ing. E. B. Angel 1. 016 B. 15th North. COOK in lumber camp, to 10 men; wages $35 month. Box 81, Scappoose, Or. WANTED Girl to sew mattress- ticks; power machine. 55 Front, comer Davis. 2 LADY BARBERS WANTED, OR WILL teach one the trade. 54 4th st. WANTED Lady clerk for drugstore, toilet articles. Apply H 49. Oregonian. WANTED GIRL TO HELP IN DINIXG roora. 53 N. 19th. corner Davis. WANTED A girl for general housework. 663 Rodney ave. Phone East 2i.2. WANTED COMPETENT SECOND GIRL. Apply mornlnga 341 11th st. COMPETENT hairdresser and manicure wanted. 308 Washington st. WANTED Dishwasher and 2 waitresses In resrsurant. 7f5 Ssvier st. WANTED Alteration handa Park and Washington. WANTED A woman to do family washing and ironing. 441 3d st. WANTED GIRL TO LOOK AFTER LITTLE boy. Apply fl5 Overton. WANTED Experienced second girl, wages $25. Apply at 245 Ford st. EXPERIENCED waitress wanted at Naeve'a Restaurant. 128 5th. GIRLS for raper box work. Portland! Paper Box Co.. 208 Oak st. GIRL to help with general housework. Phone East 2?R7. WANTED Short-hour dining-room girls. 3R Morrison. WANTED 2 waitresses". New Western Hotel, 3.12 Gllsan st. GIRLS wanted to work in paper box factory. 6Si First st. GIRLS WANTED. Oregonian Confectionery. 131 6th st. WANTED A chocolate-dipper. 333 Wash. st. OOp HELP WANTED FEMALE. HELPER In kitchen; also girl to wait ta ble at lunch; no Sunday work. Call after 7:30. Woman's Exchange, 133 10th. AT ONCE- Cook for prlyate boarding-house; one who can plan and order; plain cook ing; good room; good salary. 314 Mill st. WANTED OPERATORS AND GIRLS TO learn shlrtmaklng. Apply Standard Factory, j Grand avenue and East Taylor street. WANTED THREE SUCCESSFUL LADY So licitors ; $5 to $S a day to right parties. 1000 hi Belmont. Take Sunnyslde car. WANTED Housekeepers, cooks, nurses, wait resses, second girls. St. Louis Ladies Agency, 230H Yamhill. Main 5413. WOMAN to take washing home. Phone East 1266. Address Mrs. H. M. Glen, Bur aside and East 30th (Goodsell ave.). WANTED Lady for clerical work In rail road office; must have knowledge of stenography. B 48, Oregonian. OPERATOR on Singer sewing machine; also pants finisher. Chaa. Coopey ft Son, tai lors, 88 Third st., upstairs. AN experienced girl for general housework; small family; good wages. 70 Lucre t la St., near Everett. Call forenoon. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY, 843 Washington st., cor. 7th, upstairs. Phone Main 2692. GIRL Good cook, general housework, small flatr wages made satisfactory; apply morn ings, after 9. 721 Kearney. WANTED at once; five experienced sales ladies; notions, gloves and underwear de partments. Roberts Bros. A SECOND cook, also a girl to wait on table and do chamber work. Riverside Hotel, St. Johns. Phone Union 8102. WANTED Stenographer, about 3 hours1 af ternoons; need not have had much exper ience. X 46, Oregonian. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. Apply mornings, white house, end carllne. Rose City Park. WANTED Experienced salesladies, all de partments; steady positions; good, sala ry. The Golden Eagle. GIRL for general housework to assist with 2-year-old child; two In family. Phone Main 4752. 742 Hoyt. WANTED Tailoress for repair Rnd altera tions on ladles' and gentlemen's clothing. Harris, 8124 Alder st. YOUNG LADIES TO LEARN NlfRSING. Write for information. Gray's Harbor Hos pital. Aberdeen, Wash. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED NURSE glrl to take care of 2-year-old boy. Apply 241 13th. cor. Main. WANTED Woman to do lipht housework and care for two children; small family. Call 455 Williams ave. IRONERS and mangle help; steady employ ment. Apply Star Laundry Co., Lnloa ave. and East Ankeny. WANTED TEN GIRLS, GOOD WAGER. United States Laundry Co., Grand ave. and East Salmon St. WANTED A competent laundress to take home family washing; references. B 89, care Oregonian. COOK In delicatessen; first-class wages; one experienced In pastry preferred. 460H Jefferson st. WANTED A competent girl to do housework; small family; good wages. Call at 581 Marshall st. GOOD plain cook, clean and Interested In her profession; call mornlnga Children' Home. 887 Corbett. WANTED Girl for geenral housework; good wages. 474 Broadway, cor. East fii. Phone East 3286. GIRLS in cigar-box factory; will pay good wages; experienced or inexperienced. 55 Union ave. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. BOOKKEEPER, stenographer, offiee manager, open for position July 1. 12 years' experi ence; lumber, mercantile, manufacturing; gilt-edge references; conference your con venience. R 45, Oregonian. WANTED Position as accountant or book keeper by capable man, aged 45. In city or country; will go anywhere; good references. T 48, Oregonian. CHICAGO lawyer, seven years in general prac tice, seeks connection with established law firm or business house, good references. W 48, Oregonian. YOUNG man. stenographer and typewriter, member Oregon bar. desires position in Jaw office. Salary nominal. R 41. Oregonian. WANT position as manager retail lumber yard; experienced: good bookkeeper; first class reference. R 48. Oregonian. WANTED An experienced credit and office man Is open to engagement. O 46, Orego nian. EXPERIENCED SALESMAN WANTS Posi tion; can sell anything-. M 40, Oregonian. DRUGGIST open for position. M 37, sonian. M lscellsja eons. FIRST-CLASS cement finisher, artificial stone and reinforced concrete work, wants posi tion. K 35, Oregrjnlsn. - A JAPANESE went any kin work In the morning t'4-7) or evening (6:30-10). John. 311 Everett st. JAPANESE young man wants position as cook or waiter, etc. ; good talker. E 45, Ore gonian. - EXPERIENCED GOOD JAPANESE GAR - dener wants situation. Phone Main 4797. A JAPANESE boy wants a position to do housework and help cook. B 86, Oregonian. WANTED Building to look after; would de vote part of time. P 47. Oregonian. YOUNG man wants work evenings and Sun days, o 43, Oregonian. MAN of 20 years experience in public school work, graduate of an Eastern normal school, desires private pupils in either common or higher branches; mathematics a specialty. Would tearh a class of Japanese. Satis faction guaranteed. Terras reasonable. City references. T 41. Oregonian. STEADY, sober, well educated, experienced man who Is good at figures, careful and accurate, desires clerical position or simi lar work. No typewriting nor stenography. Good city reference X 37, Oregonian. PRINTER, bandman, looking for opening; good all-around printer and first -class band director, instructor and organtxer; play B flat cornet. Ed Trombley. Ja maica, Iowa. WANT an experienced Japanese man and wife for cooking and housework; must be neat, speak English; references. Apply between 12 and 2 P. M., 741 Hoyt st. WANTED By practical hotel man, position as manager or cieric in ciiy or country notei or would lease furnished hotel. Address V 48. Oregonian. YOUNG man. formerly manager prominent broker (retired), desires to Identify himself with high-class proposition. Address F 27, Oregonian. LANDSCAPE GARDENER Con Bonte, the Los Angeles landscape gardener, builds lawns, walks, drive way a 353 N. 14th St., Portland. WANTED Chaise for a young man, to get a joo as assistant in an abstract or ime r flce; 11 years' experience. V 43, O-'-Tontan. WANTED SITUATION AS WATCHMAN, by responsible man; best of references. W. J. Van Damme, Gen. Del., Portland, Or. WANTED By young barber, position In a small shop, more for the sake of learning than wages. Address F 47, Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER Young man. experienced, references; can handle complete aet of books. M 46, Oregonian. 18-YEAR-OLD boy wants work la machine shop. L 49, Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers said Stenographers. A YOUNG lady with one year'a experience In stenography would like position with firm where there would be chance for promo tion. O 47, Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER of long experience In Portland; am man of family and can furnish best of references as to character and ability. Q 42. Oregonian. FOR flrst-claFS wnrfc, see the stenographer at 231 Lumber Exchange; technical woik a specialty. Pacific 4'J7, WANTED Position as bookkeeper; 3 rears experience. A 46, Oregonian. Dressmakers. COMPETENT dressmaker desires work In families; $2.50 a day. Phone Main 4338. EXPERIENCED dressmaker will go out by the day. Phone East 6217. WANTED Sewing Fleidner bldg. girls. M. Bag ley. REFINED woman, experlwiced nurse, desires situation, care Invalid, sick or child. 230 Yamhill. Main 6413. I Housekeepers. POSITION as hotel housekeeper who thor oughly understands business with best of references, or in widowers home; age 35. Mrs. Cyphers, 103 Auditorium block, Spo kane. Wash. YOUNG widow wishes position as manag lng housekeeper for young man's club, or wiaower or means. 44, uregoman. WANTED Situation by lady with son as housekeeper, or wouldi cook at lumber camp. X 48. Oregonian. ELDERLY lady wishes position as house keeper for elderly gentleman. P 44, Ore gon it. n. Domestics. MIDDLE-AGED Woman Wants td do light housework for elderly couple or widower. Call or address' 269 6th, Ryan House. Mrs. Riley. TWO young ladies would like chamber work at the coast; respectable people, v 00, Ore gonian. A LADY recently from the East would like position with home privileges. Phone East 38W. COMPETENT woman to cook and assist with housework. 201 16th st. Main 2284. A YOUNG woman desires general work, no washing. H 41, Oregonian. Miscellaneous. COMPETENT, experienced, fancy cook, with references, wants place In small private family; no laundry work: Norwegian; wages $35 to $4. Young Women's Chris tian Association. LADY wants place to work at evening so ciables or look after homes while parties are away during Summer. Address M. H. 1172 Belmont st. HOTEL, restaurant, boarding, family, camp, factory. coast, any help furnished. "Drake's," 205 Washington. Both tele phones. GERMAN middle-aged governess1, good mu sician, speaking French, wishes Summer engagement ; ref erencea. Q 50. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED middle-aged lady would like charge ofhouse for the Summer, during Owners absence. D 50, Oregonian. RESPONSIBLE party Wants care of home during owner's absence; references. Young Women's Christian Association. EXPERIENCED lady wishes management of first-class apartments or large room ing house. M 43. Oregonian. LADY TAKES CHARGE OF, ENTERTAINS Invalids, aged; children by hoar, day, month. References. Pacific 671. WANTED By a colored woman, washing and Ironing or any kind of day work. Phone Main 4209. LADY cook wishes a position In good restau rant as short order and dinner .cook. D 49, Oregonian. SHIRT WAISTS and white serge skirts hand laundered. 345 Yamhill at., near Hotel Portland. YOUNG lady gives ptano lessons; will go to pupil's home; beginners a specialty. East 6176. 4 LACE curtains washed and stretched, 40 and 50 cents a pair. -Main 7014.. LADY wants washing and Ironing or work by the day. R 47, Oregonian. WOMAN wants housework to do by the day. Phone East 2569. WANTED AGENTS. WANTED FIRST-CLASS SALESMEN FOR choice territories In Oregon and Washing ton; complete outfit furnished free; high-class position to right parties; ref erences required. Apply to the Oregon Nursery Company, Salem, Or. GENERAL AGENTS Trip around the world. $3 outfit sells $1.50: agents make 100 per cent: general agents make $25 per day: sample outfit aoc; refunded on demand; write for territory today; give references. Mwak. '262 Fifth ave., Chicago. EXTRAORDINARY invention; 3 household necessities, lamp, heater, cooker all onet generates own gas; Inexperienced agents earning Mg incomes- Write Knicker bocker Mfg. Co.. Dept. 51, 84 Chestnut at., Brooklyn. V. Y. WANTED District managers in Washing ton and Oregon to handle agencies for a lending life, health and accident society; top contracts; write at once. Address Royal Fraternal Union, 813 Eltel bldg.. Seattle. Wash. 9000 money-making formulas; a single one of this vast aggregation might make your for tune: simply stupendous. Write for free de scriptive booklet. Drawer 248, Denton, Md AGENTS $65 monthly; combination dip per, funnel and strainer; nine articles combined ; lightning seller; sample free, Thomas Co.. X. Dayton, O. AGENTS WANTED Legitimate substitute for slot machines; patented; sells on sight for $1. Particulars. Gtsha Co., Anderson, Ind. AGENTS Send for free sample copy of "Pic ture Men's Magaslne." O. H. Travis, 120 So. Paulina St.. Chicago. RESPONSIBLE lady take orders for Oregon roses, trees; cash weekly; outfit free. J 48. Oregonian. WANTED TO KENT. WANTED By married couple, no children, furnished flat or house. West Side pre ferred; reference. J 60, Oregonian. WANTED TO RENT HOUSES. COT tagea, flats, stores, offices, rooming -house a, etc Landlords will do well to call os Portlsnd Trust Company of Oregon, S. E. cor. 3d and Oak. phone Exchange 72. YOUNG couple, no children, want five of six-room cottage, aoout June East or West Side; tate rent and location in. re ply. S 48, Oregonian. MODERN house, ft to 8 rooms, with yar4 for roses, etc., in good neighborhood; we-uidrtake lease 5 years in present plac L 45. Oregonian. WANTED To rent furnished cottage - at Gearhart or Seaside for August. A-i dress Lewie-Stenger Barbers' Supply Co., Mom son and loth. WANTED For summer, by couple, no chil dren, comrortably turnisned house in sub urbs, near carline; state terms. W ji-i, Oregonian. LADY, would like room and board In quiet home where herself ana oabe wouia oe cared for for a few weeks; references. Q 44 Oregonian. PARTY of adults would like to rent fur nished spouse for Summer walking dis tance; rent not to exceed $30. V 42, Ore gonian. RESPONSIBLE party, no children, wants fur nished house, block or two from carline. 3 to 8 rooms; not over $30. 8. A. Reynolds. 335 E. Washington. Phone East 56. WANTED Nice room with board by lady; within Ave minutes" walk of Morrison-street bridge-. Prlvats family. W 47, Oregouian. WANTED TO RENT MODERN FLAT; will buy furniture; give particulars In first letter; no agents. E 39, care Oregonian. MODERN 5 or 6-room suburban cottage, with gas. for long term. Call or addjesa ISO E. 20th st. North. Phone E. 4913- WANTED At once, by man and wife, cottage able. 310 E. 34th st.' near Hawthorne. LADY teacher In public school would like furnished home for Summer; yard: good lo cation, moderate rent. B 46, Oregonian. WANTEp to rent a furnished house, from 6 to 9 rooms, by respectable party; West Side preferred. C 48, Oregonian, WANTED By man and wife, board and room In private family; West Side preferred. State price. H 43. Oregonian. GENTLEMAN wishes board and room, pri vate family; Irvlngton or Hollars Park; references. X 47, Oregonian. WANTED to rent at seaside by three adults (good housekeepers), furnished house for season. G 43, Oregonian. 12 TO 20 modern, clean rooms; mwt be cen tral; would lease: some time in June; refer ences. X 42, Oregonian. WANTED Three small furnished house- keeping rooms; walking distance. West Side. W 45, Oregonian. A SEVEN or eight-room house, modern, and with large yard, on the East Side. Addreaa E. F. H., 36 Union ave. FURNISHED house, 5 or 6 rooms, long term, give location. Phone. G 49, Ore gonian. WANTED House of from 20 to 40 rooms; rent must be reasonable. Phone Paclflo 1583. LADY employed during day wishes room In private family, West Side. O 49, Oregonian. WANTED House or flat six or seven rooms; no Children; West Side. L 50, Oregonian. A LADY would like room In the suburbs, must be reasonable. Phone East 3860. WANTED 2 nice housekeeping rooms, close in. for 2 people. P. O. Box 330. WANTED Housekeeper by widower of 80. Apply L 46, Oregonian. WANTED TO RENT Suburban cottage, $S to $12. F 46, Oregonian. WANTED -MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED MEN'S CAST-OFF CLOTHING and shoes; we also buy household furnish ings, highest price paid. Call at the "Fair Deal," 62 N. 3d. Phone Paciho 1722. WANTED A good yarding donkey for imme diate delivery: size itxll or equivalent; Willamette preferred. Call 603 Swetland WANTED FURNITURE AND HOUSE hold goods of any kind. See Johnson be fore you sell. 23 Union avenue. Phone East 4441. DEAD HORSE8 HAULED AWAY PROMPT ly free. Oregon Fertilizer Worka M. I960, or notify Carney's Veterinary, 4th-GUsan , THE Western Salvage Co. pays the highest price for furniture and household goods. Store and office fittings, phone Pacific 79o. nished hotel. Address, giving full partic ulars, W. A lavi. Meadows, Idaho. . HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR MEN'S CAST off clothing and house furniture of all kinds, 73H N. 3d. Phone Pacific 1694. CASH PAID FOR FURNITURE FIXTURES and merchandise. Phone Main 1626. J 4 T. Wilson, auctioneer. WANTED At once, second-hand motion picture machine, films, song slides, etc H 45, Oregonian. SECOND-HAND Well-drilling outfit, give de scription, condition and price. Address Box 4, Asotin. Wash. WANTED On East Side, furnished house keeping rooms, for man and wife. M 44 Oregonian. AT ONCE Five dozen Leghorn hens and. state price wanted) for dozen. C 44, Ore gonian. SECOND-HAND typewriter; give full dv sriiption and price. Address G 47, Ore gon Ian. WE CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND WANTED A second-hand combination tan dem. W. S. Calkin, 124 Stanton St.. city. I pay cash for household goods. Savage ft Pennell Fur. Co., 345 1st. Pacific 360. Wanted Men's old clothing, shoea highest prices paid. 62 3d. Tel. Pacific 46. WANTED Wheel chair for lady. PhOna Main 1561. or E 46, Oregonian. WANTED Place to board child near 12th and Washington. Phone Main lo5. FOB BENT. Room a TWO strictly hlrh-class rooms; private home; one eiegant suite conneete.d by private bath, suitable for gentlemen; va cant June 15. 163 17th St., cor. Morrison. THE New Belmont Nicely furnished rooms; modern brick; everything neat and clean; 50c day up; $2 week up; tourist trade mo licited. First and Taylor sts. ROOM for rent, furniture for aale; snap. 233 ft Washington, room 15- Call between 12 and 2 P- M. Sunday. NICE ROOMS AT 395 NORTH 2D, COR, Kearney; board near. Phone Pacific 922. HOTEL ROYAL NICE ROOMS, 60 CENTS and $1 per night; $2 to $5 per week. ROOMS 269 14TH. NEAR JEFFERSON board optional. Phone Main 8893. THE LITTLE PALACE. 87 H 6TH ST. Transients solicited. THREE unfurnished rooms. 408 Jefferson St. Furnished Rooms. NICELY furnished alcove room, suitable for two or three persons ; phone, bath. 169 Park st. 394 ALDER, comer 10th; nicely furnished rooms; also large room let floor, with run ning water. LARGE front, well furnished room, suit able for two, ground floor, close in. Phone Main 4069 RYAN HOUSE, 269 "4 5th, elegantly fur nished rooms en suite or single, opposite' City Hall. FURNISHED room, private family, gentlemen preferred. 264 7th st, near Madison. Phone Main 4257. $2 WEEK Cool, clean sleeping apartment, one block from car. Phone East 1929. 12 East 7th. 888 JEFFERSON Nloely furnished room; 4 reasonable to right party; references re quired. COOL outside .rooms, strictly modern. $13 and up. 404 Morrison, Flat 10. Private family. THS7 ELWOOD Newly furnished; $2 to $ week; also transient rooms. 843 Mor rison. I FURBISHED rooms. 61a Everett, '