The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, May 19, 1907, Page 12, Image 12

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    . . i
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Artistic Picture Framing to Your Order Lowest Prices
Portland Agents for Butterick Patterns and Delineator
The Meier d& Frank Store
Great Sale of Furnishings for the
Seashore Cottage
Furnishings for the Coast Cot
tage at special low prices Just
the grade of merchandise most
people want for knockabout use.
Household articles of all kinds
are included and there's con
siderable to be saved If ' you
buy this week Take advantage
Mail Orders Carefully Filled
Sale of Blankets and Comforters
500 pairs of white Cotton Fleeced Blankets, 11-4 sizes, pair.. $1.10
300 pairs of extra large size white Cotton Blankets, 12-4 CI jlQ
size; fancy striped borders; regular $1.75 values, pair. J
500 pairs of dark gray Oregon "Wool Blankets, full size, pair.. $2.95
1000 Comforters at $1.09 Each
1000 handsome silkoline-covered Comforters, white laminated cotton
filled, full size, all the best patterns and colorings; special, ea.$1.09
2000 Silk Floss Pillows on sale at the following special low prices:
16-in., on sale at, special, ea..24 22-in., on sale at, special, ea..45
18-in., on sale at, special, ea..32 24-in., on sale at, special, ea. .55
20-in., on sale at, special, ea. .38 26-in., on sale at, special, ea. .63
Linens for the Coast-Lowest Prices
Bleached Table Damask, 58-inch, best patterns, in great assort- Olr
nient; matchless value, on sale at this special price, the yard."'
Turkey Red Table Damask, value extraordinary at, the yard. .27
Bleached Mercerized Table Damask, on sale at this low price, yd.. 48
1500 dozen Bleached Cotton Towels, specially low-priced, each... 5
1000 dozen heavy bleached Cotton Towels at this special price, ea. .7
2000 Marseilles pattern Bedspreads, good size, best patterns, ea..80
Heavy Marseilles pattern Bedspreads; great values at, each.... 95
1000 dozen Bleached Turkish Bath Towels; great values, at, each. .8
800 dozen pleached Turkish Bath Towels,, great special values, ea..l2
Lace Curtains for the Coast
Ruffled Swiss Curtains plain,
dots, figures and stripes; 36
inch width, 4-inch ruffle, 24
yard long; great values, pair:
85c Swiss Curtains... 65
$1.00 Swiss Curtains... 80 1
$1.25 Swiss Curtains... 05
$1.50 Swiss Curtains... $1.15
Cross-Stripe Madras Curtains
cool, pretty and serviceable for
. the Summer cottage; light
grounds with colored stripes;
fast colors; 40 inches wide, 3
yards long; special at, pair:
$1.25 Madras Curtains, 95
$1.50 Madras Curtains, $1.15
$1.75 Madras Curtains, $1.35
$2.25 Madras Curtains, $1.65
300 pieces of Scotch Lappet for
- sash or long curtains ; wears
and launders better than Swiss
stripes, dots and figures; the
best 12V2c values, on Or
sale at this low rjrice. vd.
. . . u -
54-inch Brass Exteusion Rods for Curtains; brass button ends; 7 m
complete witn brackets; great special vaiue, on saie ai, eacn..
Brass Extension Rods, extend to 44 inches; complete with bracket. .5
20c Cretonnes for draperies, best patterns; on sale at, the yard.,14J
"Vudor" Porch Shades for the beach. Come in all sizes; low prices.
Kitchen Goods for the Coast-Bas'm't
Odds and ends in Decorated
Plates, per doz., 98c, $1.18, $1.32
Cups and Saucers, doz $2.00
Bakers, each, 19c, 23c, 29c... 41
Scallops, each, 19c, 21c, 23c. 32
Platters, each, 23c, 33c 37
85c Lantern, special cach....74
15c Hatchet, special at, each.. 9
10c Wire Soap Dish, eaeh....8
60c Knives and Forks, set...49J
13c Teaspoons, per set llfr
25c Tablespoons, per set. . . . .19
15c "White Enamel Cups 12
8c Paper Plates, at, the dozen. 3
9c Paper Plates, doz 4
10c Wood Plates, doz 6
9c Tin Plates, each 3
23c Tin Sauce Pan, each 19
15c Tin Coffee Pot, each 124
3 qt. Tin Pudding Pan, each..6fr
7c Tin Dipper, each DC
10c Tin Wash Basin, each....8
40 Tin Teakettle, each 32
4c Tin Cups, each...' 3
30c Tin Dishpan, each. . 24
75c Tin Coffee Boiler, each..59
Buy Soaps for the Coast
La Premira Castile, special. ..7
Fairbanks' Tar Soap, bar....3
Nysa Soap for Toilet or bath, 10c
bar, special 5
Jap Rose Soap, special. ..... .7J
Life Buoy Soap, antiseptic and dis
infectant, special 4
Colgate's Almond Cream Soap,
special at this low price 7
Fine Toilet Soap in all odors, 3
cakes in box, special, box...l9
Sweet-scented Plum-Blossom and
Apple Blossom Toilet Soaps, "3
cakes to box, special, box..l2
Kirk's Witch Hazel Soap, spe;
cial ; ...,4
Rose de Cyrano Glycerine Soap,
long bars, special 7C
All Roger & Gallet's 25c Soap,
special at this low price.... 19
ljasco Buttermilk boap, a cakes in
box, special, box 19J
Jergen's Old - Fashioned Soap,
large cakes, special. 8
75c bar Pure Castile, 4-lb. bars,
special at this low price... 53
Transparent tilycerine" Soap, spe
cial at this low price:. 4
Men's Furnishing Goods Specials
100 dozen men's white Pleated Shirts all size pleats; cuffs attached or
detached; handsome Summer apparel; all sues and sleeve Qs
lengths; regular $1.50 values, on sale at this low price, each. JC
Men's Summer weight, .lisle-thread, form-fitting Underwear, in white
and light blue; nicely made and finished. Regular $1 value, fLQ
in all sizes shirts and drawers; great bargain at, per garment. "C
Genuine "Poros-Knit" Summer Underwear for men cool and com
fortable; all sizes shirts and drawers; white and light blue. fl
Regular 50c value, on sale at this low price, per garment. 2CJC
200 dozen men's fancy Half -Hose; stripes, figures and dots, in great as
sortment. Best styles and colorings, come in all sizes. Regu- O 'C-
nlcir Rrt T-nliips. nn sale at this Kner.ifl.l lnw nriA. Tier nair.
"'- ' " . j - -x ' - I X X "
We are Portland Agents for the "La Greeque" Corsets-A Model for Every Fignre
Trunks and Traveling Bags Very Large Stock on the Third Floor Lowest Prices
The i Meier Frank Store
300 New Walking Skirts
$fl.50-.$9 Values $4.85
This Big Cloak Dept. of ours is hitting the bar
gain line with a vengeance nowadays While
other stores are fighting their heads off trying
to rid their stocks of undesirable apparel Port
land's leading cloak store continues to attract
immense crowds of eager buyers by offering
new, seasonable, stylish garments of all kinds
at prices below what other stores can buy them
for Our Cloak Chief is again in the New York
'market looking out for your interests His
fourth trip in a year You will hear from him
soon For Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
we place on sale a great special purchase of
three hundred handsome new spring walking
skirts in the season's prettiest styles and ma
terials, black, blue, brown, gray and fancy
mixtures and stripes of splendid auality Pan-
ama and granite cloths Pleated and kilt effects
Strap and button trimmed In all sizes-
Large assortment - Regular
$8.50 and $9.00 values
On sale at this low price
Mail orders will be carefully and promptly filled
Great Sale Laces and Embroideries
Robes at Wonderfully Low Prices
2000 yards of Point de Paris and Plat' Val. Laces and Insertions, V2 to 6 inches wide; for trim- Oc
ming gowns and lingerie. Very large variety; values up to 30c a yard; on sale at, the yard. v
"White Venise Applique Edges and Insertions, to 3 inches, 'suitable for trimming batiste and 1
linen gowns; regular values up to 50c the yard; on sale at this unusually low price, the yard.
Special lot of 18 and 45-inch white, cream and ecru figured Nets, for gowns and waists. Beauti- JFQp
ful styles. Regular values up to $1.75 a yard; now on sale at this remarkably low price, yard.
22-inch embroidered Batiste Bands for lingerie waists; beautiful imitation of handwork; CI 1 A
large assortment to select from. Regular values up to $2.00 a yard, on sale at, . special. v
French and round-mesh Valenciennes Laces and Insertion; come in sizes 1 to 3 inches wide;
handsome designs. Regular values up to $2.50 a dozen; on sale at this special low price, dozen. V
French Val. Lace and Insertion, y2 to iy2-inch; regular 70c values, on sale at special, the dozen. .35
Swiss Embroidery Flouncing and Corset Cover Embroidery specially low-priced; lb and J.-incn,
rernilar values ud to $1.50 a varL on sale for this low price, yarcl.
1ft AHA -vaivIq nf Swiss flnrl f!mhrio Emhroiderv Edres and Insertions for children's wear; 1 to
r- i '3- -o i i .. ... . n a f.. n . n cola of fhia linneiia I v Inw rne. VRrn .
O lncnes WlUB ivcguittl vmuea up lv awu vua jmu, va dc.u m j - - x
.Great three days' sale of all pur magnificent white Batiste, Linen, Net and Lace Eobes. This season's
handsomest creations, in splendid variety. The grandest opportunity to buy a beautiful Summer, evening
and dress costume for little money. Let us show them to you. On sale at the following low prices, each:
$10 Robes for $6.98; $15 Robes for $11.00; $25 Robes for $20.85; $55 Robes for $47.00.
I1 , L
1 00 Women's Tailored Suits
$25 Values at, $13.45
1 00 new tailored suits just received by express from one of
the largest and best manufacturers m New York-Backward
season throughout the east is responsible for his selling them
to us for about one-half their real value AH are attractive,
jaunty little garments Just the kind fashionable women
want-The assortment includes a large variety of fancy tail
ored Pony Jackets trimmed with silk and fancy braid with
vest effects Panama cloths in stripes, checks, plaids and
plain colors blue, red, brown and tan, also combination suits
with plain colored jackets and fancy checked skirts, also box
coat suits in light fancy tweeds with silk collars and cuffs
Button trimmed As handsome a display of tailored suits as
Portland has seen this season All sixes aw
Every garment in the lot regular $25 1 3 IJ
value- Your choice while they last at
See the' Fifth Street window display today and you will
appreciate what very unusual values they are Second floor.
$2.50 to $4.00 Long Gloves $ 1 .29 Pr.
In the Glove Department for tomorrow we place on sale a small lot of 120 pairs of Long Gloves broken
lines, odds and ends of glace kids, suedes and chamois, in white, tan, brown, green, navy C 1 OQ
and opera shades; a various assortment of styles and qualities; from $2.50 to $4 a pair, at.f
You'll have to be here early to share in this offering of 120 pairs. In the Glove Department, main floor.
400 Dress Hats $1.95 Ea.
400 New Sailor Hats 14 Off
In the Millinery Department tomorrow 400 black and colored
dress hats at a low price -Ali new shapes prettily trimmmed
in a variety of styles - All new colorings - Reg- Q C
ular value, $4.00 -Choice while they last at P 3y J
400 white and black sailor hats in the very newest J,
blocks-Wide brims Entire stock at t reg. price. I O
Great variety of women's and misses' lingerie and duck hats
and bonnets Some ore slightly crushed from 1L T)ffjfr
packing Good styles Tomorrow Vi price. ' &
Portland Agents for Celebrated "Ostermoor" Mattresses
"Willamette Sewing Machines $18.00 to $35.00 Each
The Meier Frank Store
400 New Silk Net
Dress Waists Vals.
To $1 Oat $4.45 Ea.
mm'. ySMm i
"It. Mia
More welcome bargain news
from Portland's leading
cloak store This time it's
another grand special value
in women's silk and net dress
waists-400 of them mes
saline silks, taffeta silks,
plain and fancy colorings
in all the very best styles
Plain and figured nets in
beautiful models -Fancy,
square and pointed yokes of
plat Val. and round - mesh
Val. laces Batiste embroid
ery and French knots white
pink, blue, cream, brown,
inavy, green, red and black
Values u p
to $10 ea
Your choice
Great Handkerchief Bargains
Women's pure linen Hemstitched Handkerchiefs; -inch hems; Q
full regular sizes and soft finish; the best 15c values, at, each..7C
Women's and children's fine lawn hemstitched Handkerchief s, A
made of very sheer material and nicely hemmed; special, each. .HfC
Women's extra fine quality pure linen Cross-Bar Initial Handkerchiefs,
made with 4 -inch hem and script initial; all initials; best 1
regular 20c values, at this low price, each take advantage. C
Women's Embroidery Swiss Handkerchiefs in hemmed and seal- 11.
loped edges; large assortment; regular 20c values, on sale, ea.
Women's extra quality Swiss Embroidery Handkerchiefs; beau- 1
tiful patterns; scalloped and hemstitched edges; 25c vals., ea.
Women's fine linen Embroidered Handkerchiefs, in cross-bar effects
and French knofs; white and colored embroidery; large ya- 1 7-,
riety. Regular 25c values, on sale at this unusually low price. '
Women's fine linen Embroidery Handkerchiefs, made of very sheer
quality Irish linen. Beautifully embroidered; scalloped and
hemmed edges. Regular 50c and 65c values, on sale at, each: V
Sale of Children's White Dresses
and Undermuslins Second Floor
Great special lot of chil
dren's white Dresses; ages 6
months to 3 years; made of
fine cambrics, nainsook and
lawns, trimmed in dainty em
broideries, Val. laces, tucks,
headings and ribbons; made
Mother Hubbard, long-waist-ed,
Buster Brown and
Trench styles. Long and
short sleeves; great values:
$1.25 Dresses at $ .95
$2.00 Dresses at $ 1 .67
$4.00 Dresses at $2.98
$7.50 Dresses at $5.75
$1.50- $1.75 Dresses
on Sale at, each,' $ 1 .29
$3.00 Dresses at $2.47
$5.00 - $6.00 Dresses
on Sale at, each, $3.93
Second Floor
Children's fine muslin and cambric Drawers, trimmed in good quality
embroidery and tucks ; made wide through the body and A 1
short length; ages 1 to 12 years; regular 05c values, at, each. C
Women's white Cambric Underskirts, trimmed in fine embroideries and
' laces, tucks and insertion; ages 6 months to 3 years; great values at:
$1.25 Values at 98c Each $1.50 Values at $1.22 Each
$2 Vals. $1.63-$2.50 Vals. $1.93-$3.00 Vals. $2.43
Complete line of children's high-grade French hand-embroidered and
hand-made Dresses; 6 months to 3 years, at greatly reduced prices.
Women's $2.50 Drawers $1.57 Pr.
Women's $5-$6.50 Gowns at $3.85
Special lot of women's cambric and nainsook Drawers, made with wide
flounces, trimmed in dainty embroideries, edgings, inser- t t f
tions, clusters 'of tucks; fitted waistbands, etc.; $2.50 vals.M J
Special lot of women's fine cambric and nainsook Gowns, trimmed in
very fine embroideries, laces, tucks, beading and ribbon; low, round
and square neck; long and short sleeves. Regular $o.00 JJ1 ft
to $6.50 values, on sale at this unusually low price, each.?' J
Sale of Trunks and Bags
3 -ply veneer wood duck-covered
Trunks, waterproof painted and
leather-bound; cloth-lined; two
leather straps all around y hand
some, finely built trunks; 2 sizes:
34-inch, $19.25 value, for 15.40
36-inch, $20.00 value, for $16.00
34-inch Steamer Trunk, duck-covered,
leather-bound, brass-trim 'd ;
Reg. $13.75 Values for.. $11.00
36-in. steamer Trunks, iron-bound,
Excelsior lock; regular $7.80 val
ue, on sale at, special. .. .856. 25
24-inch Cowhide Suitcases, regular $11.50 values, for, special. .859.20
24-inch Cowhide Suitcases, regular $13.75 values, for, special. .8511.25
$6.50 Suitcases, special at 855.40 $11.50 Suitcases, special at $9.50