The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, May 19, 1907, Image 1

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Pages 1 to 12
VOL- XXVI. NO. 20.
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J. I
Prisoner's Wife Reluct
ant to Attend.
Garrison Depleted by. Loss of
Twelve in Week.
Ine Officer Loses Star County At
torney Finds No Contempt In Or
chard Interviews Progress In
Securing the Jurors.
BOISE. Idaho, May 18. Special.) Mrs.
yv. D. Haywood did not appear In the
court room this morning at the trial of
her husband. She has been a pathetic
figure In her chair during the trial and
her face has reflected weariness. There
has seemed something strained about It
all, and a report now reaches Boise from
Denver that she did not desire to under
go this ordeal. At first she declared she
would not make the trip, but was later
persuaded to make the effort. To those
who know something of the life of the
man on trial, this Is not wondered at,
and a statement credited to her in con
nection with her early refusal to come,
to the effect that she had suffered
enough, does not cause surprise. When
she was asked about her husband the
night of his arrest In Denver, she stated
he had gone to a Russian bath, but he
had then been captured in another place.
Better Progress With Jury.
! Today only two talesmen were ex
cused for cause, while four passed the
examination. That Is a larger propor
tion of mfn passing than on any
former day. M. H. Goodwin gave the
lawyers a puzzle when he was sum
moned. He admitted a bias, but his
explanations of his position were of
such a character that the court over
ruled a challenge by the defense. At
the next opportunity the defense ex
cused him peremptorily In a manner
that was rather suggestive.
Induce Soldiers to Desert.
The commanding officer at the bar
racks Is complaining that his men are
being induced to desert. A dozen have
disappeared in a week, two going last
night. An investigation discloses that
they are taken In hand when in town
by persons who appear to be sym
pathizers with the defense, and the
officers think they are furnished with
money with which to make their
escape. Complaint was made to the
Chief of Police today and it is hoped
the thing can be checked.
There have been charges of med
dling with policemen and men em
ployed by the state, and generally the
atmosphere Is filled with rumors of
underhand methods of that character.
One policeman lost his star last night,
th6 charge being that he was too
familiar with agents of the defense.
In fact, his name had been given by a
trusted agent as one who was working
for the defense.
-County Attorney Exonerates All Con.
cerned in Orchard Interviews.
BOISE. Ida., May 18. Prosecuting At
torney Koelsch has completed his investi
gation of the circumstances under which
Harry Orchard, principal witness for the
state in the Steunenberg murder case,
was Interviewed, and today presented
the District Court with a report exonerat
ing from the charge of improper mo
tives all persons connected with the In
cident. He found that the only motive
that the newspaper men had in inter
viewing Orchard was to obtain news of
him. In announcing the report. Judge
Wood said that It called for no action
Dreams about a Quiet lime.
and directed that it be filed. The re
port is in part as follows:
I of course investigated the matter
with the ' view solely of determining
whether there had been any infraction of
our penal laws or contempt upon the
court. I take it for granted that with
the question of the propriety or taste of
the Dublications under consideration I
have nothing to do, at least not in an
orncial way. In order to come wltnin
the purview of our statute defining and
punishing Improper attempts to influence
a Juror or person summoned as ' a Juror,
such attempt must have been made in
tentionally and corruptly and, if so done,
it is a felony. A publication during the
course of a trial which reflects upon the
court or assails the litigants or seeks to
intimidate witnesses or spreads before the
Jury an opinion upon the merits of the
controversy or threatens them with pub
lic odium Or attempts to dictate their
decision or In any improper way en
deavors to Influence their determination,
is a contempt of court.
Simply Published as News.
I am able to report that my investiga
tion of the matter entirely disproves that
any improper motive actuated any one
connected with the publications under
consideration. It was published purely as
a matter of news, which the correspond
ents had been eager to get for a long
time, but had been denied the oppor
tunity of getting. When this opportunity
was finally given to them, they seized It
with avidity and with no thought other
than that it would be a front page,
scarehead matter. This was natural.
Orchard, the chief actor In the tragedy
that was perpetrated In the jnurder of
Inane Stephenson, New United
State Senator From Wiscon
sin. Ex-Governor Steunenberg, being denied
to all newspapermen for months. No one
had heard anything authoritative about
him. He became mysterious. Speculation
concerning him was indulged in. Stories
of his physical and mental breakdown
circulated and found their way into the
press. Any wonder that newspaper cor
respondents should wish to see and in
terview him? Any wonder that news
papers should overlook the impropriety of
publishing such Interviews at tills time?
The. Associated Press men and others
oecame so insistent to see mm that their
request was finally granted. I am able
to state and do state tnat tnis privilege
was granted them solely because of their
repeated request the slow yielding to
their persistency.
It never even entered into the minds of
those who sranted this privilege that
there could be anything improper in their
action and no improper motive actuated
. No Improper Motives.
I want 'to emphasize that my Investiga
tions absolutely disprove any improper
motives on the part of anyone who per
mitted these interviews. That the other
statements contained in the publications
under consideration were not made at
this particular time with any improper
intent is also further evidenced by the
fact that various statements have re
peatedly and for a long time prior thereto
appeared in tne puDiic press.
During the investigation my attention
was directed to the fact that for a rang
time a certain paper had devoted itself
almost exclusively to publishing matter
tendine to discredit persons likely to be
called as witnesses in the pending case
and. when I answered that two wrongs
could never make one . right that the
fact that others had not been punisneo
for contempt was not a defense, I was
assured by Dotn tne statesman ana oy
the Capital News and by each corres
pondent of outside papers circulating in
Ada County whom I was able to inter
view that they would gladly obey and
abide by such rules as your honor might
lay down forbidding any publication that
would In the slightest degree tend to
obstruct the proceedings of this court or
anything in the nature of an opinion as
to the merits of the cause on trial.
I therefore recommend that your honor
make and promulgate an order along
these lines- as stringent as the law will
permit and I promise to make every
effort within my power and authority
toward a rigid enforcement of same and
to bring before the proper court every in
fraction of same, regardless of who the
offender shall be. "
Using of Challenges.
Progress toward the completion of
a Jury to try William D. Haywood is
being made by-expending the peremp
tory challenges allotted by- law to
state and defense, if by no other means.
Up to adjournment this afternoon the
state had consumed 'five of its 10 and
the defense four of its 10 challenges,
so that there remain unexpended 11
challenges. The special venire of 100
(Concluded on Page 2.)
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Actually Dodging Obstructed Street
Marvels Strike Recluse
of Forty Years.
Eyes Dazed by Progress, Ears
Struck by Din.
Father Andrew Sees Elevated Rail
roads,. Modern Steamships, Sky
scraper's, Automobiles for First
Time, Then Re-enters Ceil.
CHICAGO, May 18. (Special.) Brother
Andrew, a monk from the Trappist
abbey, known as the New Melleray Mon
astery, in Iowa, today landed in Chicago
and lived 40 years in a' few hours. It
was like stepping Into another world.
For the first time In 40 years the aged
man stepped from the strict seclusion of
the monastery walls into the bright
glare of public activities. He was dazed
and bewildered by the transformation,
and longs again for the silence and se
clusion of the abbey. He is here on a
five days' leave of' absence to attend the
burial of his sister, Mrs. Catherine
Sheehan. .
When on Monday the doors of the
abbey once more Inclose Father Andrew
in the mystery of silence which has been
maintained for nearly a thousand years
by members of his order throughout the
world, he will have within his memory
a whirlwind of images of a world en
tirely different from the one he re
nounced in his young manhood. But not
one . of those Images will find utterance
if the monk keeps his vows.
Sees Wonders, Hears Awful Din.
Among the things Brother Andrew has
never seen until today are: - '
Elevated railroads; modern steam
ships; big buildings, or which 4he Ma
sonic Temple and the Great Northern
Hotel are among the earliest examples;
automobile trucks, carrying as great a
load as can be drawn by six horses; the
interior of sleeping cars, electric lights
In each section; roller-lift bridges.
On the moment of Brother Andrew's
arrival in the city his nerves, schooled
to sympathy with the slightest sound,
were assailed by a pandemonium of
noises. Hideous screechings, the hang
ings of car trucks across switches and
through it all the great roar of traffic
rose about him and clamored louder and
louder, and all the days and nights he
has been In the city this thunder of a
human surf has never ceased. It passes
all other wonders to the man of solitude,
and brings to him a longing for the
noises of the abbey bell at New Melleray,
ringing across fertile acres where even
the insects seem still.
Expresses No Surprise.
But whether it be the din or the trains
running in air which make the din, or
whether the great buildings, shooting
higher even than the chapel tower at
New Melleray,' no one but .this simple
minded monk will ever know which most
impressed him. Upon his mind, attuned
by years of thought to sympathy, with
great things and deeds, the magnitude of
the most astonishing city in the world
has burst without eliciting a feeling of
surprise or any comment at all. Words
with him are reserved for those crises
in human emotion where their use may
preserve life itself.
Brother Andrew is 71 years old, and
from the time, when at the age of 31,
he entered the monastery,! he has never
been farther than Dubuque, the town
nearest the monastery. Of the growth of
the Nation since the Civil War he knows
little. No newspaper has ever passed the
abbey gates in 40 years. No news is
worthy of the notice.'of the silent brother
hood, save only that of -great disasters.
The Iroquois fire, the San Francisco
earthquake and that at Jamaica were
Getting the Same Old New
announced in the chapeL Thereafter SO
monks used of their scanty store of
words the prayers for the dead.
Statement of Alleged Woman Kid
naper in Mexico.
CITY OF MEXICO, May 18. Mexi
can men are worth $100 each when
.sold like chattels, according to the
declaration made to the police by Mrs.
Dolores Gonzales, who was arrested
today with several other alleged kid
napers. The accused claim that contracts
were Blgned by those sold in peonage
and thus no crime was committed.
Franco-Japanese Treaty Ready.
PARIS. May 18. The Franco-Japanese
treaty has ' been completed. The
text was cabled to Toklo May 16, for
the approval of the Japanese govern
ment and a reply is momentarily ex
pected. Foreign Minister Pinchon and
M. Kurino, the Japanese Minister to
France, will then sign for their re
spective governments.
The Weather.
YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature, 61
degrees; minimum. SO.
TODAY'S Showers; southwesterly winds.
Spanish Prince baptized with great cere
mony. Page 1.
Germany stirs up revolt In Egypt. Page 8T.
Foraker makes hot reply to Chairman
Brown, who retorts. Page 14.
Pennsylvania Republicans to boom Knox for
President. Page 3-
Major Bum. demands resignation of long
haired School Board. Page 3.
President Roosevelt will make trip down
Mississippi River. Pace 14.
Government may reduce railroad mall com
pensation. Page 15. a
Monk visits Chicago after 40 years' seclu
sion. Sees many inventions first time.
j Page 1..
Haskin on dry farming. Page 37.
Ex-Mlnlster Conger dead. Par" !
Hot fight In Presbyterian assembly on saloon
question. Page 3.
Cloak manufacturers decide on styles for
next Winter. Pace 2.
Court deposes Vollva as ruler of Zlon.
Page 1.
Wheat boom subsides and price declines.
Page 3.
Mrs. Eddy declares she has always man
aged her own affairs. Pace 2.
Mrs. Howard Gould sues for divorce and
large alimony. Page 1.
Corey may be deposed by Steel Trust as re
sult of marriage. Page 1.
Facinic Coast.
Heney trying to force Schmits to confess
and may imprison him. Page 2.
Schmltz says he will Tun for Mayor again.
Page 2. -
Committee of seven congnrms agreement
with Schmltz. Page 2.
Mrs. Haywood reluctant spectator of trial.
Page 1.
County Attorney finds no contempt In
Orchard Interviews. Pace 1.
' Pacific Coast.
Prosecutor Johnson charges In court that
land-fraud defendants have men em
ployed to 'see" Jurors. . Page 4.
Seattle club women severely - scolded by
Judge Curtis. Page 4.
Astoria Mayor and police In row over the
closing of dancehalls. Page 5.
Japanese girls smuggled In as freight. Page
Seals beat Beavers, 16 to 6. Page 44.
Great work of University of Oregon ath
letes on track and field, page 44.
Barney Oldfleld to have strong competitors
in race In .Portland. Page 45.
Harvard defeats Yale at field meet. Page
Annapolis defeat Columbia in boat race.
Page 10.
Commercial and Marine.
Hop surplus still' weighs on market. Page 48.
Week-end realizing breaks wheat prices at
Chicago. Page 40.
Stocks easy and dull. Page 46.
Surplus reserve of New York banks steadily
increased. Page 46.
Rivers are rising from melting of snow in
mountains. Page 47.
Editorial and current state topics. Page 30.
Portland and Vicinity.
Jury In case of Dr. H. T. Atwood disagrees
Page 11.
Promoters of Rose Carnival make definite
plans. Page 15.
Republican managers decline challenge to
Joint debate between Devlin and Lrane.
Page 8.
Christian Co-operative Federation ready to
, carry out Irrigation and railroad work In
Central Oregon. Page 8.
Trusts In state not amenable to Federal
law except in special Instances, says
United States Attorney. Page 8-
Natlonal irrigation projects imperiled by
decision of Supreme Court. Page 48.
Alphabetical order of candidates ' on ballot
gives advantage to some. Page 31.
No liquor to be sold at Oaks amusement re
sort this year. Page 24.
Large gang of counterfeiters operating in
Eastern Oregon. Page 24.
Ex-Deputy Fish -Warden Webster .'criticizes
work of Van Dusen. Page 48.
Control of United Railways bought by E. E.
Lytic. Page 1.1.
Charter amendments to be voted on June
8 of vital Importance. Page 8.
Fleeing From Candidates.'
Stately Ceremony at
Spanish Baptism.
Spain Guards Against Receiv
ing Changeling.
Representatives of Pope and Great
Sovereigns Attend Service in the
Chapel Prince Is Called Al
fonso and Nine Other Names.
MADRID, May 18. Alfonso. Prince
of the Asturias, was baptized at noon
today In .the private chapel of the
royal palace in the presence of the
royal family, the state and court offi
cials, the representatives of the for
eign powers and a host of grandees.
The Pope was represented by Cardinal
Rlnaldlnl; King Edward by Prince Ar
thur of Connaught; Emperor William
by Prince Leopold of Hohenzollern;
Emperor Francis Joseph by Archduke
Eugene of Austria, and King Charles
of Portugal by the Duke of Oporto.
The people began gathering before
noon and at that hour the reception
halls were filled, while outside were
large and enthusiastic crowds.
Watch Against Changeling.
The greatest watchfulness had been
observed over the young Prince since
the hour of his birth. Special guards
have been stationed outside the bed
chamber, for Spanish custom does not
permit any possibility of a changling
being foisted on the nation. The task
of the watchers was not over till this
morning, when the Infant became the
r central figure of the brilliant -scene.
In the chapel, seats were allotted ac
cording to precedence to the person
ages invited. In the center was a has
sock, on which had been arranged the
famous baptismal font of Santo Do
mingo de Ouzman, brought from the
monastery' of Santo Domingo. Before
the high altar were two benches cov
ered with gold-embroidered tapestries
for the sponsors, while another was
placed behind the lecturn for the offi
ciating cardinal. In the Queen's ante
chamber were exposed on seven golden
salvers the ewers of holy water and
other appurtenances of the eacred rite.
In this ante-chamber, when the
guests had assembled, the King, ac
companied by the ' members of the
royal family, the representative of the
Pope, the sponsors and the royal child,
entered the apartment. Then, with
slow steps, the brilliantly arrayed com
pany began Its march along the gal
leries. Stately Procession to Chapel.
The way to the chapel was led by
two mace-bearers, followed by gentle
men of the chamber and chamberlains.
After them came two more mace-bearers,
two klngs-at-arms, the grandees
of Spain, two more klngs-at-arms and
seven more gentlemen of the chamber,
bearing the golden salvers with the
holy water and other necessaries for
the rite.
Immediately afterward followed the
royal babe, in its nurse's arms, accom
panied by the mistress of the robes and
escorted on the right by Cardinal Rln
aldlnl and the other godfather. His Royal
Highness Don Carlos de Bourbon, and on
the left by the godmother. Queen Maria
Christina, and His Majesty, Alfonso XIIL
Then came the Lord High Chamberlain
and the other Lords Chamberlain, various
functionaries, the members of the royal
family and the Queen's ladles in waiting.
Next came the representatives of for
eign powers, most of the 'Ambassadors
and Ministers to the court of Spain, in
cluding the American Minister, Mr. Col
lier, with their wives, accompanied by
the introducer of the Ambassadors, and
That Awful First of the Month.
followed by the Cabinet, all with their
Great Functionaries of Spain.
The great functionaries came next, the
principal personages noted being the
Marquis del Campo, president of the Su
preme Court of Judicature; Don Marciano
Catallna y Cobo, president of the Com
mercial Tribune; Lieutenant-General Don
Polaiev, president of the Supreme Coun
cil of the Army and Navy; the Queen's
physicians; the Mayor of Madrid, with
the deputation of Municipal Councillors;
two canons of the Madrid diocese and
the palace attendants, the rear being
brought up by the musicians of the hal
berdiers and a detachment of the same
At the entrance of the royal chapel the
King was greeted by the superior clergy
and the choristers, 'who preceded the cor
tege up the aisle. When all had reached
their allotted places, the halberdiers
faced the walls of the edifice, the mace
bearers took up their positions at the
doors and the four kings-at-arms stood
one at each angle of the hassock, on
which the font had been placed in posi
tion. Child Given Ten Names.
The ceremony of giving the names to
the royal child was only of short dura-
r - .
Mrs. Howard Gould, Who Sues for
tlon. He was christened ' Alfonso Plo
Christino Eduardo Francisco Guellermo
Carlos Enrique Fernande Antonio.
, Immediately after the rite had been
performed the nurse took her seat, with
the baby, surrounded by the mistresses
of the robes and the sponsors, and Car
dinal Sancho officiated at a "Te Deum"
of rejoicing. In which the brilliant or
chestra of the royal chapel assisted.
Then, the usual prayers over, the pro
cession formed in the same order in
which It had entered, passing again into
the reception halls, where King Alfonso,
surrounded by the members of the royal
family and foreign princes, shook hands
with most of those present. The newly
named child was in the meanwhile taken
back to the apartments of Queen Vic
toria. Thanksgiving Service In London.
LONDON, May 18. A thanksgiving
service for the birth of an heir to the
Spanish throne was held in St. James
Roman Catholic Church in Spanish place
yesterday. The day was the twenty-first
anniversary of the birth of King Alfonso.
The service was brilliantly attended.
Among those present were representatives
of the -British royal family and members
of the diplomatic corps including Ambas
sador Whltelaw Reid, Secretary C. W.
Wadsworth, and the American military
and naval attaches. Archbishop Bourne
of Westminster, Roman Catholic primate
of England occupied the Mhrone but did
not participate in the service.
Led by Priests, They Demand Local
i . Reforms. ' ,
TEHERAN. May 18. Serious disor
ders have broken out at Tabriz, :Ker
manshah, Resht and Shiraz. Great mobs
are under the leadership of the priests
belonging to the local Parliaments, who
are trying to obtain reforms in the ad
ministration of the cities named. The
Governor of Tabriz is in hiding. ,
Two Tenement Houses Blown to
" Pieces by Gas.
NEW YORK, ' May 18. Two tene
ment houses were blown to pieces,
three persons were Injured, probably
fatally, and 30 others . received minor
injuries following the Installation of
three gas meters In Nos. 403 and 403
Williams avenue, Brooklyn, tonight.
The explosion was heard for a mile.
Awakened In the Morning by Thee
Bweet Noise.
Wife Anticipates Him in .
Making Move.
Legal Battle Will Be Over Ali
mony Question.
Allows $5000 a Month, but Shi
Wants Amount Doubled Buffalo
Bill Says Gould Sought Evi
dence Against Ills Wife.
NEW YORK, May IS. (Special.) Dif
ferences of long standing between Mr. and
Mrs. Howard Gould culminated today in
the service of a summons and complaint
In suit begun by Mrs. Gould In the Su
preme Court for a limited divorce. CJar
ence J. Shearn la Mrs. Gould's attorney.
De Lancey NIcoll, as Mr. Gould's repre
sentative, accepted service of the papers.
Mrs. Gould seeks a decree of separation
on the ground of abandonment, and does
not make any sensational allegations In
her complaint.
Will Be Fight for Alimony.
It is probable that the main legal con
test will be on the question of alimony.
Since Mr. Gould has lived apart from his
wife he has given her $50000 a month for
her maintenance. She asserts that this
sum Is inadequate, and that her hus
band's income la sufficient to Justify him
in paying her twice as much. It is said
that members of the Gould family held a
council to discuss the question whether
Howard Gould should pay her $120,000 or
even $100,000 a year and that their decision
was that her demands were excessive.
In the litigation the first move will prob
ably be a motion for alimony and counsel
fees and, unless some agreement is
reached In the meantime, this application
will be sent to a referee, who will deter
mine how much should be paid pending
the final adjudication of the case.
Buffalo Bill Turns on Gould.
Selden Bacon, counsel for Colonel
William F. Cody, has returned to New
York from New Haven to lay before Po
lice Commissioner Bingham the facts con
cerning the effort of detectives to induce
Colonel Cody to give testimony derogatory
to Mrs. Gould. The detectives told
Colonel Cody, so the latter says, that he
would be paid from $10,000 to $25,000, If he
would tell of events In Mrs. Gould's life.
The Implication was that the story Colonel
Cody would be required to tell would re
flect discredit upon Mrs. Gould.
Federal Court Recognizes John A.
Lewis as Leader and Voliva's
Following Leaves Him.
CHICAGO, May 18. (Special.) Zlon
City was in a turmoil today when it be
came known that Judge T. M. Landls,
In the United States Circuit Court, had
recognized Deacon ' John A. Lewis as
the legitimate successor of John Alex
ander' Dowle, the dead founder of the
North Shore city, and has thus practi
cally ousted Wilbur Glen Vollva from
.. Coupled with this sensational devel
opment, it became known that. In sting
ing' letters, three of Voliva's support
ers have denounced him as a dema
gogue and a traitor. It is rumored In
Zlon City that if Vollva attempted to
lead an exodus he could not secure a
following of more than a dozen persons.
Bidestepplng Ante. Streetcars, et al.
r :
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