THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN. PORTLAND. MAT 12, 1907. 21 HELP WANTED M AOS. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICES OPEN TODAY. Bridge carpenter foreman. $4 to $5 a day; 20 bridge carpenters, $3.60; 10 help er, $2.50; 4 division sane carpenters, $3, free fare. Blacksmith for a steamshovel camp, close in. $3.50. free fare. Blacksmith to eharpen machine drills. $3.50. free fare. Blacksmith, logging camp. $3.25. Flanerman. 4; edrerman. $3; ratchet setter. $2.75; 60 sawmill and yard labor ers, in and out of Portland, board In ho tels, camp or home, suit yourself, $2.50 a day: rigging pullers. $3.50; chasers. $8.25; barkers. $3.25; buckers and crowscutters, $3.25: swampers. $;i.75: 4 carpenter help ers, $3, for sawmill company; 15 logging? R. R. laborers. $2.50 and $2.75. Steamshovel crew; 4 dinkey locomotive firemen. $'J.4U. S hours; rock foreman. 7ft and board; blacksmith, city. $4; man and wife for a farm. $00 and found; farm hands, milkers and choremen. $:5 to $40 and board; city laborers, street and iewer work. $2.30; concrete laborers, $2.50; foundry laborers, $2.25 to $2.50. Man and wife and helper as cooks for logging camp. $185, see boas here. Kitchen help, camp flunkies, dishwashers, waiters, all prices. B. R. WORK FREE FARE. Teamsters, laborers, rockraen, steam shovel laborers, East, South. North, West, and all over. Company work, track labor ers, splkers. strappers, etc., wages $-.1.5 to Vl a day, and all free fare. .T,(, HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICES, 2 North Second St. M50 Burnside St. SEE US IF YOU WANT WORK. One Ledgerwood engineer. SAWMILL WORK GOOD MEN FOR THE following positions: Man to run resaw. Man to run lath mill. Man for second fireman. Man for tallyman, car and cargo. Man for jard foreman, thoroughly exper ienced. Men for feeders In planing mill. -Man for setter, trout power set works. Man for dogger on carriage. Man for filing circular saws and do mill wnght work. Steady employment and top wages for goca men. Apply J. T. Stoddard. aen'l supt., "West port Lumber Co., Weatport. Or. LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE WANTED A large income assured to anyone Who will act as our representative after learning our business thoroughly by mail; exper ience unnecessary;, all we require is honesty, ambition and willingness to learn a lucrative buslnes; no soliciting or trav eling; an exceptional opportunity for those who desire to better their condi tions and make more money. For full particulars address either office. National Co-operative Realty Co., 792B Athenaeum bldg.. Chicago, or 7S2B Maryland bldg., Washington, D. C. SPECIAL. Wanted 1ft men to work In sash and door factory nut of the city, wage $2.25 to $3.50, free fare, no fee. 4 planermen. $3 BO to $4: 4 planer feeder. $2.50; 5 lumber graders. $2.50 up; 8 tally men, $2.50 up; 4 ratchet setters, $3 to $3.50; 2 carriage riders, $2.75; 2 edgermen. $3 and $3. SO; night watchman for ah ingle mill, $45 per month and hoard: 25 mlllhanda, $2.50 to $3; 25 logger, top wage: others. Open Sunday. LUMBERMEN'S LABOR BUREAU, Main Office 12 North 2d at. SALESMAN WANTED BT WHOLESALE tailoring house Men to travel and estab- lish sal agencies for our well-known made-to-order clothes; men with exper- . tence In clothing or tailoring who can open productive accounts with merchants witi secure permanent lucrative position; eatery arid expenses paid. Address, giving former experience, present occupation and references. Carl Joseph A Co., Wholeeale Merchant Tailors, 242-48 Adams street, Chicago. 111. MEN WRITE AT ONCE AND WE WILL explain how we will make you a present of $100. give you a splendid euit of clothes every 00 days, enlarge your pic ture free and pay you $85 per month and all traveling expenses, with our chock for $.10 when engaged, to take orders fur the greatest and most reliable portrait house In the world; all this will be guaranteed. Address R. D. M artel. Dept. 873, Chicago, III. BOYS TO WORK IN CANDY FACTORY; Krioil wage; sieitdy employment. Apply Pacific coast Blecult Co., 12th and Davis ats. WANTED FIRST-CLASS SALESMAN FOR city, thoroughly acquainted with the print ing and lithographic trade, to sell printing and mho. Ink. Permanent position for . competent man. Person with pressroom ex perience preferred. Liberal compensation. References required with first letter. Ad dress "Black Ink," 1300 Trade bldg., Chica go. III. WANTED A YOUNG MAN STENOG rapher with some office experience for a permanent position out of town. To the right person we offer an opportunity to acquire or complete a business education with a first-class house of modern Meth ods, at a fair salary. Address with refer ences, stating salary expected, D 100, Ore gonlan. HAVING CALLS FOR EMPLOYES CON stantlv for all lines of business activity we offer a wide field of opportunity to those desiring to better their position. Commercial Abstract Co., Raleigh bldg., 6th and Washington t. WANTED TO LET CONTRACT FOR clearing Hood River brush land, no stump -machine or powder required; can give all season Job at good wages; none but those meaning business need call. M. Walton, 515 Chamber Commerce. SALESMEN WANTED BIG DEMAND FOR our goods; proposition surprises every body; $8 profit every sale; failure im possible: sample case outfit furnished Baenzlger & Company, 19 Sullivan at., Chicago. tA I.ESM EN TO CARRY H IGH-GRADB line of calendars and advertising spe cialties as side line, $25 weekly and up ward. References with application. South ern Advertising Company, Chicago. WANTED 10 MILL HANDS. LABORERS and handy men; camp 25 miles from city. Call between 8 and 10 A. M. Sunday and Monday. North Coast Co-operative Lumber Co., 232 Washington at. SALESMAN EXPERIENCED SPECIALTY pref erred, by jewelry house, $35 weekly for expenses and liberal commission; other men making $.vhm to $10,000 yearly. Box :t.V Cedar Rapids, Iowa. SALESMAN IN EACH COUNTY FOR LAM bcrt wrench and other fast-selling hard ware specialties. Exclusive territory. Sal ary $.1 per dav or commission. J. S. Zleg ler & Co.. Chicago. SALESMAN FOR OREGON EXPERIENCED traveling man preferred; line staple for gen eral trade; position permanent: $30.00 weekly advance with commission. Sawyer, Leslie & Co.. Detroit. Mich. SALESMEN SELL OUR $20 SODA FOUX talns; make $10 on every sale; collect own rommlsslnns; act quick; write for particu lars. Zenith Mfg. Co.. Dept. 9. 1S2 La Salle st., Chicago. STEAM SHOVEL ENGINEER. $150 MONTH and board: firemen, $50 per month and bard: hoisting engineer, $3.50 per day. IJly msn St Rinard, employment agents, 33 X. Second at. WANTED MAN OR WOMAN. GOOD AP pearance. to call on merchants and lodging-house keepers, who want to sell out, so we can find a buyer for them. T 08, Ore sjonlan. CAPABLE! SALESMAN TO COVER OREGON with staple line high commissions with $HMt monthly advance. Permanent position to right man. Jess H. Smith Co., Detroit, Mich. WANTED DETECTIVES, SHREWD, RE liable men for profitable secret service, to act under orders; no experience neces sary. Write H- C Webster, Indianapolis, Ind. IN SIX WEEKS WH EDUCATE YOU IN salesmanship, secure you position a travel ing mlesman with responsible firm. Ad dress the Bradstieet System, Rochester, N. Y. WANTED FURNISHING GOODS SALES man. one that understands window trim ming and card work. Permanent position. Address S. Lansiger Co., Astoria. Or. Men and boys wanted to learn plumbing, plas tering, bricklaying, electrical trades; free catalogue; poaltion secured. Coyne Trade Schools. New York and San Francisco. BRIGHT BOY FOR OFFICE IN LARGS wholesale house: good chance to advance. Addree in own handwriting, stating ex perience. If any. B 93, Oregonian. WANTFjS CLOTHING AND FURNISHING goods salesman, one w ho can trim wln. dowi and do card work. Address S. DanzlgerW Co.. Astoria. Or. WANTED MAN TO RUN A STEAM HEAT lug plant; service required only part of the ti.r:e. Houe-e rent. heat, water and . small salary. X 8S. Oregonian. 4 PORTER; ALSO A PANTRYMAN. PORT land Restaurant. 3ift ahfngton St. BRU'K SETTER?. THREW BRICK WHE)L ers. McMahon Bros.. 44th and Division ats. HELP WANTED MALT5. PHYSICIAN. REGISTERED IN OREGON AND IDAHO. TO TRAVEL WITH MEDI CINE COMPANY; MUST BE A GOOD CASE TAKER; PERCENTAGE, WITH GUARANTEE: MUST JOIN ON RECEIPT OF WIRE. ADDRESS WINNIE HAM MOND. SEATTLE. WASHNGTON. OTHERS ARE MAKING FROM $10 TO $100 per evening with motion pictures. If you have small amount of money, you c'xsi do the same. For particulars call 145 hi 6th, room 2. OTHERS ARE MAKING FROM $10 TO $100 per evening with motion pictures. If you have small amount of money, you can do the same. For particulars call 145 th, room 2. WANTED FIRST-CLASS PRINTER. COUN try situation; state experience and salary expected; steady job to right man; give phone number and address. C 2 Oregonian. WANTED MEN, EVERYWHERE; GOOD pay ; to distribute circulars, adv. matter, tack signs, etc. No canvassing. National Adv. Bureau, Chicago. EXPERIENCED ORDER CLERK. A GOOD position for the right man. Must be ac iMsintd with city. None but experienced men need apply. B 90, Oregonian. WANTED GOOD. HONEST, MIDDLE aged or young man as night clerk in nice worklngman's rooming-house. Address L 2. Oregonian. $30 WEEKLY EASILY MADE SELLING slot machine substitutes. Agents wanted everywhere. R. S. Pribyl, 914 Stein way bldg.. Chicago. WANTED EXPERIENCED SALESMAN FOR domestic department; steady position; high est salary. Apply to Superintendent the Golden Eagle. BRIGHT YOUNG MEN WANTED TO learn telegraphy; positions when com petent. Oregon College, 503 Common wealth bldg. SALESMAN EXPERIENCED HAT SALES man and window man: good wages; steady position. Lion Clothing Co.. 166 Third st. SALESMEN SIDE LINE. QUICK SELLER, bankers, merchants; small samples, big commissions. Box 044. St. Joseph, Mo. DANCING LESSONS. 2ft o, private and otaaaea, taught dally. Prof. Wal Wilson, office and academy, Al!ky bldg., 2d and Morrison ats. SALESMEN FOR OREGON AND WASHING ton Experienced in stationery and printing line; splendid opening. K 94, Oregonian. Advertising Solicitors, cash, commission-; print ing trades help wanted, furnished. Newspa per Brokerage. Goodnough bldg. Main 5558. WANTED FIRST-CLASS BARBER. GOOD wages, steady job; bandman preferred. No boozer wanted. F. L. Brundagc. Echo, Or. "ft ANTED A MAN WHO CAN SELL SUB urhaa lote; a first-etas proposition to right man, with references. T 94, Oregonian. A FIRST-CLASS LOOM FIXER, A DRES8 er tender, also wool sorter; steady work. Apply Union Woolen Milts, Union, Or. SOLICITORS, COMPETENT TO INTERVIEW business men, can earn $3 per dav; legal mate. Answer fully. I 2, Oregonian. WANTED WIRE WO R K ER S, 1RON workers and helpers. Portland Wire & Iron Works, 2d and Everett. STENOGRAPHERS! WE HAVE A NUM ber of flrst-class positions open. Commer cial Abstract Co.. Raleigh bldg. BOY WANTED DELIVERY PURPOSES; good position ; good wages. Apply 2-8 Stark st. early Monday morning. WANTED GOOD ALL ROUND PR ESSE R ; steady job. Apply today or Monday, Chi cago Dye Works. 449 Wash. WANTED YOUNG MAN WHO KNOWS THE grocery business: one living on East Side preferred. 127 Grand ave. WANTED BOYS FOR OFFICE AND warehouse work; good opportunities. Marshall-Wells Hardware Co. SALESMEN WANTED SALESMEN TO call dry goods and general trade. Address O. Zellcr, Omaha, Neb. WANTED TWO GOOD. STOUT BOYS FOR apprentice work. Portland Wire A Iron Works, 2d and Everett. WANTED EXPERIENCED PHOTOGRAPH er. or advanced amateur. Call at Council Crest Post Card Studio. BOY FOR LIGHT OFFICE AND MES senger work. Address own handwriting, D 9. care Oregonian. WANTED TWO CARPENTERS TO GO IN country short distance. Inquire at Es mond Hotel, room 98. 2 MEN CAPABLE OF HOLDING DOWN a coffee roaster, this city; good pay. Call 09 First street South. WANTED COAT-MAKER. ALSO PANTS maker. Holbrook &. Leveen, 6th and Mor rteon., Stcarna bldg. BARBER WANTED $15 PER WEEK AND 2 4 over $22. Address JF. Briggs, Box 63. Hoquiam, Wash. WANTED ROY FOR ERRANDS AND TO help around office in wholesale house. Apply 287 Morrison et. WANTED HORSES HOER FOR FLOOR work. Wages $3.50 per day. Call 124 North 7th st. W A NT E D FIRST-CLASS BAR HER : GOOD wage; steady work. Occident Barber Shop, Astoria. Or. STABLEMAN WANTED AT ONCE; MAN that understands care of horses. 294 Mont, gomsry. WANT CARPENTERS WHO CAN WAIT till house Is finished for pay. Box P 3, Ore gonian. BOY MUST HAVE WHEEL. NAU'S Pharmacy, Portland Hotel, 6th and Mor rison. RODMAN. CHAINMAN. AXMAN. RAIL road survey party; free fare. Hansen, 26 N. 2d. WANTED AT ONCE BOY, 3 TO 18. TO work, as assistant janitor. Roberts Bro. WB BBTURB EMPLOYMENT FOR MEM bars. Special membership. $2. T. a. C A. WANTED 2 BOYS, FACTORY WORK, $6 per week to begin. 60 Front, corner Davis. COATM AKERS WANTED AT ONCE. 407 Commonwealth Bldg., Sixth and Burnside. TWO SOLICITORS WILLING TO PUT IN few hours each day; good pay. 262 3d sc. Young Man desiring to better condition Call on Employment Dept., Y. M. C A. DAYTON HARDWARE OO. WANTS BOY about 18 for general work. $25 a month. SALESMEN BIG WAGES: SOMETHING positively new. . 215 Commercial block. WANTED ICE CREAM MAKER. APPLY Rebe's confectionery, 310 Washington st. A SOBER. INDUSTRIOUS MARRIED MAN to take care of horses. W 6. Oregonian. WANTED A GOOD RELIABLE BOY WITH a whee!. Apply Waterhouse & Lester. DRUGGIST APPLY MONDAY BETWEEN IV A. M. and 1 P. M. 67 North 3d st. WANTED A BOY FOR OFFICE WORK and a messenger. C 8ft, Oregonian. MO men wanted Free snaves and haircuts. 248 Conch at. Moler Barber College, WANTED A BOY TO HELP IN PLUMB leg shop. Apply 310 Davis 'street. WANTED A DRUGGIST FOR LA BORA -tory work. Apply B 100. Oregonian. CHAPMAN ADVERTISING CO. WANT ER rand boy with wheel; $30 per month. WANTED SALESMAN TO HAX2LE EASY seliing aide line. Inquire 146 2d at. WANTED A GOOD UPHOLSTERER. Buren & Hamilton. Salem, Or. WANTED YOUNG MAN TO WORK IN FAC tory. Apply 127 Grand ave. ERRAND BOY WANTED AT BLUStAUER Frank Drug Co.. 144 4tii ax. WANTED VARNISH ER, STEADY WORK. o Front, corner Davie, WANTED HARNESSM AKERS. 24 and 26 Union ave. TWO JAP BOYS FOR WAITERS, HOTEL Carleton. 4r5 Alder. W A NTR D GOO D CO A T- MA K ER. Roslnske. 49 Wash. st. WANTED A CARPENTER FOR A FEW iWya. Pbone East 676. BOY WITH WHEEL. D. A. AVE RILL & Co., 102 North 6th St. HELP WANTED MALE. GET INTO REAL ESTATE BUSINESS Hustlers making money; have excellent lo cation; want partner; small capital. S 2, Oregonian. YOUNG MAN FOR CIGAR STORE MUST have experience; first-class reference. Call between S:30 and 10 A. M. Monday at 234 Washington. WANTED BRIGHT BOY ABOUT 18 YEARS old for office work. Answer in own hand writing, giving telephone number. Poet Of- flee Box 96. BARBERS k OR ALL OF 4-CHAIR shop for sale. Price $-S0, or half $150. Address A. B. Hoover, 253 1st U, Port land. Or. WANTED OFFICE BOY; STEADY KM ployment. Address In own Jjandwriting and give tfhone number. Mitchell, Lewis & Staver. REFINED ELDERLY MAN FOR HOTBL OP flce. Willing to work until midnight. Ref erence and security required. R. 4, Ore gonian. COAT-MAKER STEADY WORK FOR attady man ; no ot her need apply. J. M. Curry, 212 Yakima ave.. North Yakima, Wash. WANTED TWO MEN'S CLOTHING SALES tnen, two boya' clothing salesmen; exper ienced people only. Ben Selling, Leading Clothier. WANTED ADVANCED STUDENTS IN telegraphy; good wages when competent. Call Oregon College, 503 Commonwealth bldg. BARBER WANTED AT 684 NORTH 3D ST. HELP WANTED FEMAXJE. COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL housework: good wages. 381 Eart 14th St. North; Broadway or Irving-tan car. Phone East 927. WHOLESALE -'HOUSE WANTS YOUNG lady stenographer who can assist In gen eral office work; $40 monthly. A 96, Oregonian. WANTED A NICE GIRL TO ASSIST IN housework at good wages. Call 449 East 20th st., near Tillamook, or phone East 6389. WANTED SCANDINAVIAN OR FINN girl for general housework ; 2 In family ; ' no washing: $:K per month. 224 14th st. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS, COOKS, second girls, nurses, waitresses. St. Louis Ladles' Agency, 230 Yamhill. Main Ml.i. WANTED APPRENTICE IN CLOAK DE partment; also girl In shirtwaist depart ment. H. B. Lltt. 351 Washington st. WANTED TWO GIRLS TO LEARN MIL Ilnery ; small pay at first. Good oppod tunity to advance. Praley, 214 Third at. WANTED OPERATORS AND GIRLS TO learn ehirtmaklng. Apply Standard Factory. 2 Grand avenue and East Taylor street WOMAN, MATURE YEARS, TO ENGAGE with city firm. Experience unnecessary. Give phone number, Q 98, Oregonian. GIRL TO DO HOUSEWORK TN A SMALL family; will- pay good wages; excellent place to work. 297 Monroe street. WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR OEM eral housework; good wages. Inquire 1025 Raleigh st. Phone Main 2967. WANTED A GOOD, RELIABLE GIRL for (coneral housework; 3 In family; good wages. Call 595 Ollsan st. HANSEN'S LADIES" AGENCY. I$H Washington at., cor. 7th. upstair. Phone Mala 2692. PLAIN AND FANCY STARCHED CLOTHES ironer. Apply Star LaundTy Co., Union ave. a?t Ankeny st. GIRLS TO WORK IN TAIROR-SHOP; steady work; good wages. 73 N. 6th. Union Tailoring Co. GIRLS 16 TO 17 YEARS OF AGE WHO want permanent places. Appiy at once to Olds, Wort man & King. WANTED A GOOD LAUNDRESS. PHONE Pacific 231. Call Sunday. Mra. Phelps Hoi man. 165 North 25th. COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL HOU9E work: two In family; good wage. 751 Hoyt at. Phone Main 7ii7. WANTED HOUSEKEEPER TO GO TO Eugene, no delay. Call at 406 Third St. Mrs. H. C. Wilbur. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK IN mall family. Call 128 E. 18th St., between Morrison and Alder. WANTED GIRLS TO SORT BROOM corn. Apply Sunset Broom Works, 12th and Love joy ats. GOOD-APPEARING LADY TO COLLECT and solicit; can earn good salary; legitimate. P 2, Oregonian. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work, good plain cook; two in family. SOI Marshall st. COOK AND GENERAL HOUSEWORK: 3 in family; no washing. Apply 825 Haw thorne avenue. WAIST HANDS AND HELPERS WANTED at room 51. Cambridge bldg., cor. 3d and Morrison stit. GIRL TO ASSIST WITH LIGHT HOUSE work after school; sleep home. X 100, Oregonian. GIRL TO ASSIST HOUSEWORK, SMALL family; part day only; sleep at home. 44 Lucretia st. GIRLS WANTED FOR LAUNDRY WORK; steady positions; good wages. Troy Laun dry Co. WANTED MILLINERY APPRENTICES; paid while learning. Room 208 Ttlford bldg. COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. 233 X. 24th st. Phone Main WANTED 2 GIRLS, STEADY WORK; $5 per week to begin. 55 Front, corner Davis. YOUNG GIRL APPRENTICE IN DRESS making; pay while learning. 145 11th st. WANTED A GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. Apply 248 20th st. Main 3634. DANCING LESSONS. 26c WILSON'S School. Allsky bldg., Sd and Morrisoa ats. GIRLS WAKTBJD APPLY STANDARD FAO tory, 2 Grand arc. and Bast Taylor at. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK IN small family. Call Monday 734 Irving. WANTED MAKERS AND APPRENTICE girls. Frakea' Mllilnery. 352 Morrison. WANTED MIDDLE-AGED LADY TO CARS for 6 rooms. 490 Mornjson st, fiat 4. WANTED EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR candy store. 332 Washington st. WANTED A GIRL TO WORK IN CANDY factory. Apply at 104 North 5th at. A GIRL WANTED TO DO TAILORING AT Brown Bros., 203H Washington at. WANTED HOUSEKEEPER FOR SMALL family. Call 460 7th st., Monday. WANTED k ERRAND GIRL, SKIRT AND waist help. 506 Marquam bldg. WANTED FIRST-CLASS WAITRESS AT Melrose restaurant. 142 First st. GIRLS WANTED AT G. P. RUMMELIN & Sons, 126 2d St., near Washington. LADY BARBERS WANTED, OR WILL teach one the trade. 54 4th at. WANTED TWO WAITRESSES. Western Hotel, 7th and GUaan. WANTED A FIRST-CLASS WAITRESS. Call 150 11th st. "The Ferns." WANTED GIRL TO ASSIST WITH GEX eral housework. 186 N. 17th ST. WANTED COMPETENT SECOND GIRL. Apply mornings. 341 11th st. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. Call 349 Jefferson st. WANTED A GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. 161 N. 24th at. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK AT Mt. Tabor. Phone Bast 248. WANTED AN OFFICE GIRL. CALL 303 Stark St.. real estate office. WANTED FIRST-CLASS WAIST FINISH ers at once at 135 10th st. FIRST-CLASS CHAMBERMAID AT ELTON Court. 11th and Yamhill. GIRL OR WOMAN WANTED FOR LIGHT housework. 453 4th at. 2 EXPERIENCED WAITRESSES, HOTEL Carleton. 455 Alder. WANTED DRESSMAKERS AND TAILOR esses. 2 Alder t. WANTED EXPERT HAIR WORKER. ROOM 409, Perkins Hotel. . KELP WANTED FEMALE. YOUNG LADIES WANTED TO LEARN TELEPHONE OPERATING; GOOD SALARY, SHORT H OU PS. PAY WHILE LEARNING: LUNCH SERVED FREE OF CHARGE. APPLY CHIEF OPERATOR TELE PHONE BLDG.. WEST . PARK AND ALDER. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY WANTS MONDAY 5 girls for light factory work. $1.25 a day; X dressmakers, $1.50; 4 seamstresses, $1 to $1.50; hotel housekeeper. $30 and room and board; housekeeper for 2 men, $20; 3 chambermaids, $20 to $30. room and board; 2 women as kitchen assistants in camp, $35 and $30; 4 dishwashers. $6 and $7 a week; pantry woman, $35 to $45 and board; 8 hotel cooks, $40; 1 camp cook. $40; laundry help of all kinds; 3 second girls, $25; family cooks and housegirls, city and country. $15 to $40. 18 waitresses, city and country. Oregon, Washington and California, fares paid. Plenty of good places. $25 to $30 and $7 to $10 a week. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY. Rt.Vfc Washington St., cor. 7th, upstairs. CLOAK ROOM, L1PMAN, WOLFE & CO. We require experienced help for cloak room at once. Highest wages and splendid positions. Apply at once.. WANTED GIRLS OVER 16 YEARS OLD TO work In factory; good wages; steady em ployment. Apply at once. Ames-Harris-Nevllle Co., biix and Davis streets. GIRLS TO WORKIN CANDY FACTORY; good wages; steady employment. Apply Pacific Coast Biscuit Co., 12th. and Davis ats. LADIES WE MANUFACTURE IN CAN ada and control an article of exceptional merit wanted by every woman for every day use; Kelts at sight; liberal commis sion; territory protected; sample free. N. C. Edwards, Bridgeburg. Ont. SALESWOMEN. EXPERIENCED, COMPE tent and reliable, wanted in all departments; good permanent positions to the right per sons. Olds, Wort man &. King. WANTED A FIRST-CLASS SALESLADY to take charge of ladles' fancy goods and hosiery departments. Permanent position to the right party. References required. Apply at once to Kaufman Brothers, Aber deen. Wash. ATTENTION. Applicants for all kinds of work, register with us, free of charge, so we mar locate you on short aoUce. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY, $41 Washington ax., cor. 7th, upstairs. GOOD WOMAN COOK IN SMALL PRI vate boarding-house Inside of 10 days; if married, can furnish room and board for husband also; none but an experienced woman need apply. Call In person. 251 7th at. FIRST-CLASS FRATERNAL INSURANCE solicitor for work In this city; salary to man or woman who can get the busi ness and can furnish recommendations. Inquire room 605, Commercial bldg. THE CHAPMAN ADVERTISING CO. WANT speedy stenographer; apply by mall, stating salary, experience and qualifications in minute detail; positively no personal appli cation considered. WANTED GIRL AS BILLING CLEtRK AND stenographer in wholesale office ; must be good at figuring. - Address stating salary de sired and experience. 2, Oregonian. WANTED YOUNG LADY FOR AERIAL act; height 5 ft. 2 In. to 5 ft. 6 in., weight not over 135 lbs. Address or call between 6 and 7 P. M., De Nova, 88 6th st. LADIES TO MAKE SANITARY BELTS; material all cut ready to sew; $15 per hundred. Particulars stamped envelope. Sanitary Co., Dept. 660, Chicago. GIRLS WANTED OPERATORS TO WORK os shirt and overalls; lessons gives to Inexperienced. Apply at Standard Factory, S Grand ave. and E. Taylor at. WE HAVE SEVERAL POSITIONS FOR Ex perienced stenographers at $25 to $75 per month. No charge for our services. Under wood Typewriter Company. WANTED WOMAN OR GIRL TO ASSIST in care of baby 10 months old; sleep home nights. Inquire for Mrer Keith, Hotel - Colonade, 19th and Couch. LADY WANTED FOR PLEASANT WORK. Must be good conversationalist and willing to work Sundays. Reference required. Address B 2, Oregonian. WANTED WAITRESSES, C H A M B E-R maids, dfsh washers, domestics, big wages. Write Woman's Domestic Guild. 810 Riv erside, Spokane, Wash. JACKET AND SKIRT HANDS WANTED at once; good permanent position to com petent and reliable people. Apply to Olds, Wortman St King. HAND IRONERS, MACHINE GIRLS, MAN gte girls, folders and starchers wanted. Best wages. Opera Housa Laundry Co., 2d and Everett. DESIRABLE POSITION FOR COMPETENT girl in family of three; cooking and general housework. 794 Irving, cor. 24th. Phone Main 1182. WANTED YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST IN general housework. No washing. Family three adults. Apply mornings, 726 North rup st. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; good wages. 381 E. 14th st. North. Take Irvington or Broadway cars. - Phone E. 927. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR general housework in small family; good wages. 77S4 Kearney st. COMBINGS BOUGHT OR MADE UP; switches for sale. Mrs. William Bequeaith, 4 East 1-ih. East 1710. WANTED BXrBKlBNOEO SKIRT AND waist hands; steady position; good wages. The Golden Eagle. WANTED LADY AGENTS AT ONCE; Ex cellent selling article. Phone East 2475. 254 McMIllen st. WANTED AT ONCE. -A STENOGRAPHER who has good business knowledge; lady. E 98, Oregonian. WANTED A GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL housework, small family, new house. 230 X. 24th at. FIVE) MACHINE) GIRLS AND ONB 8TARCH er. U. S. Laundry Co., Grand ave. and EaM Salmon st COOK IN FAMILY OF THREE ADULTS: white or colored. Apply forenoons 280 Poplar st. FIRST-CLASS MAN ON POWER DOOR clamp. Geo. Alnsile & Co., 16tb and Pet tygrove. WANTED WAITRESSES AND A CHAM bermaid at Hobart-Curtls. 14th and Jef ferson. 6KIRT, WAIST AND JACKET FINISHERS. Room 405 Fieidner bldg, 10th and Wash ington. GOOD RESPECTABLE GIRL FOR GEN eral housework in small family. East 1370. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL H0U8BT work; no washing; good wages. Phone Bast 5060. WANTED EXPERIENCED ALTERATION hand on Jackets and skirts. H. B. Litt. EXPERIENCED HAIR DRESSER AND manicure. Rosenthal Sisters, 1O0 7th t. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. 266 Porter St.. near 4th. Phone Pacific 2823. WANTED GOOD PLAIN COOK IN SMALL family; no waiting. 202 King st. HELP WANTED FKMAIK. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; small family; State of Washington; free fare. Call at room 105, Eaton Hotel, to day between 10 and 12 o'clock. Mrs. E. G. McGlauflln. COOK WANTED AND SECOND GIRL; must be first-class, with best of refer ences. Call between 12 and 2. Mrs. E. C. Shavelln. Hotel Norton ia. Washington st. WANTED A FIRST-CLASS COOK, WILL ing to pav $40; no washing; reference re quired. Call at Mrs, M. Lang a house, cor. Park ave. and St. Clair ats. HELP WANTED BY DRESSMAKER. 420 Tillamook street. WAIST AND SKIRT HELP WANTED. 314 the Dekum bldg. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. NOTICE! The Crown Employment Agency for women, has moved from room 38, Raleigh buildine. to lUiW North 6th st. CROWN EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. 1JO 71 . .Ut 111 OIAIU Ull cel. CHINESE COOKS, DISHWASHERS. WAIT ers, waitresses, Vancouver and "Springs"; waitresses, city. Tne Dalles. Heppner, Coast; chambermaids; married couple t farm) ; grubbers brush land), $50 acre. "Drake's," 205 Washington. MAN AND WIFE. WITH REFERENCES, take charge of saloon business; house with. 8 rooms and kitchen, all complete. Call at 101 14 3d St. WANTED MEN OR LADIBS TO SOL.ICITY and collect for the best paying proposition in the city. Call Monday bet. IO A. M. and 12. 212 Swetland bldg. WANTED LADIES' GARMENT PRESS crs and a man clothes cleaner and dryer. Good wages for right party at 143 Grand ave.. city. LADIES OR GENTLEMEN TO WORK FOR large house on educational proposition. Ad dress B 1, Oregonian. WANTED MEN OR WOMEN. PART OR all their time; $1.50 to $5. 145 6th st. Roont 21. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. A YOUNG MAN WITH EXECUTIVE ABIL ity and experience 10 years' experience a thorough accountant, bookkeeper and salesman; also a knowledge of shorthand and typewriting, open for situation. High est local references. R 2, Oregonian. WANTED POSITION YOUNG OHIO MAN desires Western location; 10 years' office experience; circular and catalogue adver tising; follow-up letter system, typewrit lst, correspondent, original and energetic Address W 05, care Oregonian. YOUNG MAN. 23 YEARS OF AGE. LIVING at home, desires position aa solicitor or collector, straight salary; house-to-house experience; acquainted in the city. T 2, Oregonian. YOUNG ATTORNEY. THOROUGHLY Ex perienced In commercial lines of advertising, credits and collections, would like position with flrrt-class firm or connection with law firm. Good appearance and a hustler. A 1, Oregonian. A-1 WHOLFS-ALR DRY GOODS AND fancy goodtt man wants position with good house, inside or road'; 10 yars' exp-trtenre; local and San Francisco references. G 90, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED BUSINESS MAN WANTS position; will loan employer $1000. money to be properly secured. J 9H, Oregonian. OPEN FOR SITUATION A THOROUGHLY experienced accountant, bookkeeper, of fice man. A-1 references. F 1, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED a3veRTISING MAN FROM the East desires position with progressive firm; nrst-clasa references. Q 2, Oregonian. WANTED SITUATION BY A LIVE MAN long standing in Portland at any kind of business work. Address X 3, Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER AND STENOGRAPHER, eight years' experience: no objection going out city. G 85, Oregonian. YOUNG MAN. 28, WANTS POSITION AS collector or office work; references. Address H 94, Oregonian. WANTED POSITION AS HOTEL CLERK, night or day. W 94, Oregonian. MlaoeUanei HANDY ALL-AROUND MAN WISHES work as Janitor, porter or gardener, make or tend lawns, also handy with tools; country preferred. Address Henry i Schaltx. 72 Third St.. N. YOUNG MARRIED MAN OF GOOD HAB its. handy around machinery and nit afraid of work, wishes a position with some good firm in city; day work pre ferred. F 100, Oregonian. PRELIMINARY AND LOCATING ENGI ueer is open for engagement May 15; Ore gon and California references. Railroad or hydraulic work. T 86, Oregonian. CONTRACTOR FOR ALL KINDS OF short jobs, cement finisher, plasterer, bricklayer, etc. Apply to p. Samard, S63 East Division street. GOOD JAPANESE LABORERS WANT steady job on logging railroad, sawmill or farmyard. Y. Kato, P.'O. Box 78, In dependence, Or. IF YOU WANT YOUR LAWN, SHRUB bery, hedges and roses attended to by an experienced landscape gardener phonfi East 2054. STEADY, INDUSTRIOUS YOUNG MAN, handy with tools, wishes position in carpen ter, machine or novelty shop. T 4, Care Oregonian. ITALIAN BUILDER. SPECIALIST IN modern structures, iron or cement, wants steady occupation. L 100, Oregonian.. WANTED POSITION AS- BARTENDER; good, reliable man would buy Interest with good party. K 99, Oregonian. COLORED MAN WISHES DAY WORK WIN. dow washing, cleaning: new houses a spe cialty. Phone Pacific 042. . FIRST-CLASS TIMEKEEPER AND MAT fi nal man open for position. Best of refer ences. R 96, Oregonian. WANTED A POSITION AS ENGINEER, stationary or locomotive. Address Box 212, Hood River, Or. JAPANESE WANTS POSITION, FARMER or any kind outside work. 264 Davis su "Phone Main 4797. SKETCH AND COMMERCIAL ARTIST wishes employment at reasonable salary. 3 92, Oregonian. POSITION AS STEWARD OR MANAGER OF hotel or restaurant; 15 years' experience, F 0. OreonJan. A JAPANESE BOY WANTS vA POSITION to do housework and help cook. K 95, Oregonian. YOUNG MAN WANTS SITUATION IN Ci gar store or any similar work. M 96, Oregonian. MAN AND WIFE- DOUBLE BASS AND Pi ano, wish engagement with orchestra, X 2, Oregonian. CLERICAL OR OTHER RESPONSIBLE Po sition; best pf references. G 94, Oregonian. A YOUNG MAN, 27. WANTS WORK AT anything in city. Address K 91, Oregoalan. WANTED LIGHT WORK OLD MAN CAN do; salary nominal. M 91, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED VALET OF GOOD APPEAR ance wiehes position. R 82. Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers asd Stenographers. YOUNG LADY STENOGRAPHER. FOUR years' experience, best of references, desires position by May 13. Address S 94, care Oregonian. UNDERWOOD OPERATOR DESIRES PER manent position: salary nominal; 9 to 5. Phone Pacific 2059, Sunday. COMPETENT BOOKKEEPER AND 8TENO grapher wants position; male; references. M 96, Oregonian. WANTED BY EXPERT STENOGRAPHER, copying work: prices reasonable. Address A 92, Oregonian, YOUNG LADY STENOGRAPHER DESIRES position for experience. M 97, Oregonian. YOUNG LADY WOULD LIKE POSITION as copyist or cashier. R 97. Oregonian. Nurses, UNDERGRADUATED NURSE WISHES few more engagements; no objection to little housework. Phone East 5164. Housekeepers. l RELIABLE DRESSMAKER WILL GO out to your homfe- phone East 6217. SITUATION WANTED FEMALK. Housekeepers. WANTED POSITION AS HOUSEKEEPER in a first-class hotel or boarding-house, by an educated woman who understands her business and can give good references. H 92, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED LADY AS MANAGING housekeeper in hotel, beach preferred; references. W 9. care Oregonian. LADY WISHES POSITION AS HOUSE keeper for gentleman. Call or address R 618, Tacoma ave., S II wood. Or. DRESSMAKING ETON'S AND SHIRTWAIST suits; repairing; reasonable. Pnone Main 4663. 166 12th st. MRS. VAUGHAN, EXPERIENCED DRESS maker. S2 East Burnside st. phone Kuxt 6217. Dressmakers. GOOD DRESSMAKER W'ISHES MORE EN gagementa at day sewing; city references; reasonable. Phone Sell wood 544. DRESSMAKING TAILOR SUITS $S UP; wash emits. $3 up; work guaranteed. Phone Pacific 2167. 240' 5th st. DRESSMAKER WOULD LIKE A FEW . more engagements sewing by the day. Ad dress R 5. Oregonian. MADAMS TUTTLEX fashionable Gcsraaer; exclusive styles. 215 13th st. Tel. Main 6619. Miscellaneous. SITUATIONS WANTED FOR WAITRESSES, chambermaids, cooks, office, factory, store, family help. Anybody. "Drake' a." 205 W ashington. 4 YOUNG WOMAN DESfRES POSITION TO go to country to care for children for bummer; best references given, l us, Oregonian. EVENING FRENCH MILLINERY SCHOOL Particular attention given to learners; terms reasonable. 208 Ttlford bldg. Phone 659S. POSITION AS CHAMBERMAID BY R fi nable, experienced woman; ft years in last situation. D 63. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED WOMAN WANTS CHARGE of large apartment or rooming-house; can give bond. P 91, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED WOMAN COOK DESIRES situation, camp, boat or mill; beet wages. -2304 Yamhill, Main 5413. RESPECTABLE YOUNG LADY WISHES A respectable place to work; use of piano; no children. K 4, Oregonian. A WOMAN WANTS WORK BY THE DAY, Both phones Main and A 2o25. Call be tween 11 and It P. M. LADY OF EDUCATION. REFINEMENT would like position in doctor's or dentist's office. P 1, Oregonian. LACE CURTAINS WASHED AND stretched. 168 Ivy st., Alblna. Phone East HOME LAUNDERED LACE CURTAINS BY an expert. Phone Tabor 634. Mrs. S. M. Scott. TWO YOUNG WOMEN WANT DAY WORK, 30c hour: city references. Tel. Main 4467. WANTED POSITION AS OFFICE GIRL IN dental or doctor's office. Phone Tabor 357. LACE CURTAINS WASHED AND STRETCH ed. 40 and 50 cents a pair. Main 7014. LACE CURTAINS LAUNDERED A SPE- ciaity. Phone Main 3740. LADY WTSHE8 JANITOR WORK. ADDRESS V 6, Oregonian. LADY WISHE3 DAY WORK. ADDRESS S 4. Oregonian. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS LEARN TO MAKE ORIENTAL art picture, something new, no painting to ao. learned perfectly in few minutes. We teach you free and you sell your own work and make $25 a day; over 500 per rent profit; also teach others. $5 each, and make big money. Small sample 10c. larger one XL postpaid. Particulars free. Oriental Art Co.. 231 So. Hill St., Los Angeles, Cal. AGENTS MR. CUNNINGHAM SOLD 49K0 of our Excelsior Kitchen Sets last year 100 per cent profit; samples constantly In sight; send for sworn proof of $12 profit dally; state what exclusive territory you want; outfit free. Thomas Mfg. Co., Dept. K. Dayton. O. AGENTS PROPOSITION MERITING AT tentlon. Office indicator. Necessity for profesFional men. Attractive, unique, sim ple, durable. Sells at sight. Commis sions liberal. Exclusive territory. San- gam o indicator .Co., Springfield, in. WANTED DISTRICT MANAGERS IN Washington and Oregon to handle agen cies for a leading life, health and acci dent society; ton contracts; write at ones. Address Royal Fraternal Union, 313 Eltel mag., Seattle, wash. WANTED A LIVE AGENT TO REPRE- sent an Eastern Mfg. Co.; a good thing for the right party; will stand the very closest investigation and btg money can be made If you are willing to. hustle. V 99, Ore gonian. AGENTS THE FRENCH COMBINATION shirtwaist patterns are the latest style better sellers than embroidered patterns ever were; Bena lor our guaranteed or fer. Solicitors' Novelty Mfg. Co.; Chica go. III. WANTED ORGANIZERS. LADIES AND gentlemen, to work In Oregon and Califor nia for one of the best fraternal orders In America, Good contracts. Call after 7 P. M. or address 312 Main st., Portland, ur. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL OUR GOLD and silver metallic sign letters for windows, doors, etc., to merchants and storekeepers; write for sample and price list. H. Gilder, 110 Haight st., San Francisco. Cal. WANTED TO RBNT. by June 1. 6 OR 7 -room cottage In Nob Hill district; must b strictly modem and reasonable; three adults, no children; will lease for 1 or more years. Phone East 613. or F 91. Oregonian. LADIES CAN MAKE $5 TO $15 DAILY demonstratlnr article used by every wom an ; exclusive territory. Write for our liberal free offer. Myers Mfg. Co.; 47 sneppara biag., Chicago. DETECTIVES SHREWD MEN WANTED IN every community, to act under Instructions: experience not necessary; aend for free book ot particulars, urannan a uetecuve .Bu reau. 72, Cincinnati, O. WANTED LIVR AGENTS TO SELL THE latest improved hand-power toolgrlnder; out sells everything on market; extra good prof- Its; big demand. El Starr Mfg. Co., Mil waukee. Wis. WANTED SALESMAN TO HANDLE LIN of post cards as side line; men covering western territory preferred. llllnol Post Card Co., 418 Dearborn St., Chicago. AGENTS WANTED PHOTO PILLOW tops: fat sellers; big profit b: 30 days credit. Rejections credited. Luther Gor don Co., l5o Washington bt., Chicago. CANVASSERS MAKE BIG PROFITS SELL Ing automatic screen door catches and chucks. bampie eaten postpaia, . Automatic Catch Co., Chicago. $75 WEEK EASILY MADE FITTING E"YE glasses; write for free "Booklet 21"; tells how; we start you. National Optical Col lege. Ht. 1-.OUIS, MO. WANTED AGENTS LEGITIMATE BUB- stitute for slot machines, patented; sells on sight for $1. Particulars, - uisna Co Anderson, Indiana. NICE CORNER BAY-WINDOW It-ROOM suite: running water, suitable for doctor or any kind office. 14 Grand ave. North. DO YOU WANT TO MAKE $50O MONTH Something new; $2000 required; call and investigate lor yourseir. ji 4in st. AGENTS WANTED AT ONCE TO SOLICIT and collect; see superintendent, room 214 Til ford bldg, 10th and Morrison sts. WANTED TO BENT. WANTED BY 2 ADULTS. FURNISHED or 8-room house, or flat, for Summer, or longer; West Side, modern ; references given. S 98. Oregonian. A FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED FLAT or apartment of 3 or 4 rooms and bath, close in; will buy furniture if satisfactory. M 99, care Oregonian. WANT TO RENT STORE ON WASHING ton. Morrison or adjacent streets below Park street; would buy stock of goods. C 97, Oregonian. MAN AND WIFE WANT TWO UNFUK- nlshed rooms In private family where board may be had; state location. A 4, Oregonian. WANTED BY JUNE 1, HOUSE OF NOT less than nine rooms, unfurnished. West Side, west of 16th st. X 92, Oregonian. WANTED FOR LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING, nicely fnmished rooms, with good home surroundings. R 98, Oregonian, WANTED TO BENT. WANTED TO RENT FOR SUMMER SMALL urmsned cottage or several housekeeping rooms In private family by elderly lady ana daughter from East. Must be modern and in quiet residence- location within 20 minutes' ride. Give location and terms. P 93. Orego nian. WANTED BOARD AND ROOMS IN PR1- ftrst-class district,' quiet ' neighborhood, block or ao from carllne; house of mod ern equipment in all respects; references, B 92, Oregonian. WANTED TO RFNT-1-HOUBKS. COTTAQEj. imis, nwei, oiiices, rooming-nouses, etc Landlords win do well to call on Portlaa4 Trust Company of Oregon. 8. K. oor, $4 and Oak. rooat jkxeaenge ia. WANTED JUNE 13 OR 4 FURNISHED nouseaeeping rooms, or small furnished cot tage for four months, on or near Eat Ankeny car line; good tenant; ao children. L 4, Oreaonlan. IN SELLWOOD, CONVENIENT TO TH HI Oaks, house of 8 or 9 rooms, from May 25 to August 25; write details when answer ing sd. D. C. Freeman, Portland Ry., LC & Power Co. WANTED FOUR OR FIVE-ROOM FUR-: nisnea apartment for man and wife; good location, either central or suburban; refer ences exchanged; state particular. G 96, ; Oregonian. GENTLEMAN WANTS BOARD AND LARGP1 room, witn strictly private, quiet family; West Side preferred; references; give full particulars and phone number. T 92, Ore' gonian. BY YOUNG LADY BOARD AND ROOM. private family, near Steel bridge. East Side; must be quiet, respectable and rea sonable. Address s 100, Oregonian. TWO YOUNG LADIES WANT ROOM AND board ; private boarding-house; Nob Hill ft reasonable. B 3. Oregonian. FURNISHED COTTAGE! ON WEST STDTfl for months of July and August, possibly longer. Q 86, Oregonian. MODERN 7 OR 8-ROOM HOUSE IN DE- sirable residence location. No children li 91, Oregonian. , YOUNG LADY WISHES BOARD ANE room with nice private family, close 104 H 97, Oregonian. WANTED TO RBNT SMALL FARM. 4 OR 5 acres plow land, immediate puascaslon, 9 99, Oregonian. WANTED TO RENT OR BUY 1)WER AND: upper flat. West Side. Immediately. X 97, i Oregonian. WANTED 2 OR 3 UNFURNISHED ROOMS: In modern apartment house, close In. J 9IJ Oregonian. ! ROOM AND BOARD WANTED IN PRle vat boarding-house by lady. G 100, Ore- gonlan. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED MEN'S CAST-OFF CLOTHING and shoes; we also buy household furnish, Inge, highest price paid. Call at the "Fals1' Deal," 62 N. 3d. Phone Paclfio 1722. WANTED TO BUY A LIGHT. STRONG' second-hand) road1 cart; must be In good, condition and cheap. 1. E. Wornora, Van-' couver. Wash. DEAD HORSES HAULED AWAY PROMPT ly free. Oregon Fertiliser Works. M. 1944 or notify Carney's Veterinary, 4th-Giln WANTED FURNITURE AND HOUeBHOLD . goods of say kind. See Johnson before yon sell. 23 Union avenue. Phone East 4441. WANTED SINGLE EXPRESS WAGON and harness; must be In good repair and cheap for cash. O 91, Oregonian. WANTED TO LEASE SMALL FIRST-CLAPS furnished hotel; address, giving full partic ulars, W. A. Davis, Meadows, Idaho. ONE OR TWO CHILDREN TO CARE FOR; mother's love, nice home; no other small children. 05 Larrabee st. L car. CASH FOR ALL THE FURNITURE WS CAN GET. PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS. MAIN 5655. FURNITURE OF AIL KINDS WANTED. Western Salvage Co., 61i7 Washington.; Phone Pacific 793. WANTED AT ONCE 150 GUINEA PIGS, half or full grown, either sex. Portland Bird Co., 304 3d St. CASH PAID FOR FURNITURE!. FIXTURES and merchandise. Phone Main 1620. J, T. Wilson, auctioneer. MOTHER AND SON WOULD LIKE) A; house to take care of for the Summer. D 2 Care Oregonian. WANTED 100 SACKS OR LESS OF GOODJ Burbank seed potatoes; state lowest price K 1, Oregonian. LAUNCH HOUSE, SUITABLE FOR 20-' foot boat; state location and, price. K 9sV Oregonian. WANTBD COPY OF OREGON STATUTES (latest) and current session acts. V 3, ' Oregonian. , WANTED TO PURCHASE SECOND-HAND) pony cart and harness. Apply Courier, Ore- gon City. WANTED MEN'S OLD CLOTHING. RH0HH highest prices paid. 52 8d- Tel. Paciflo 46- WANTED LARGE) WATCHDOG; MUST BHJ cheap. D: Cogne, Lents, Or., R. F. D. 372. I PAY CASH FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Savage St Pennell Fur. Co., B45 1st. ra.wj WE CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND CAT-J tie free of charge. East 226$. WA NTED A LITTLE GIRL TO CARH?! for. Inquire 404 Jefferson. ! FOB RENT. Rooms. A -LARGE FRONT ALCOVE ROOM; RUN n ing water, bath and telephone. Suitable for three gentlemen. 147 10th, between Mor risen and Alder. Main SG96. 4 UPSTAIRS ROOMS iUNFURNISHED) I lovely suburban home; $5 per month. 117$ Gay st. Take St. Johns car to Ockley Green.. NICS CORNER. BAY WINDOW SUITE, po rt ly f urn Jflbed parlor and bedroom ; noi children. Erdmann. 14 Grand ave, north. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED ROOMf; every convenience; most select neighborhood 52 Lucretia st. Phone Main 5643. TWO BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED FRONtf rooms on 16th near Washington; electrltx light, bath. Phone Main 5975. LADY WTILL RENT BEAUTIFUL ROOM TOT respectable gentleman. Please give phone number. E 97, Oregonian. LARGE. PLEASANT FURNISHED HOtTSW keeplng rooms; nice grounds, bath. lttS SU Clair st. Phone Main 2816. NEW FURNISHED ROOMS. SUITABLB FOR? two or single; walking distance. 194 Cherry st. Phone East 3908. NICBLY FURNISHED SLEEPING APART ments, with gas. near carllne. Phone East 3929. 13 East 7th. FOR RENT PLEASANT FURNISHED room in small family. 1 East Ankeny st.; reference. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS, SIN gle or housekeeping; reasonable. Call 26 Union avenue. 212 7TH ST. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT parlor bedroom; free phone and bath; va cant Monday. FOR RENT TWO NICELY FURNISHED rooms, close in; modern conveniences. 472 Taylor st. ELEGANT FURNISHED ROOM WITH BAY window: the best location in the city. 473 Alder st. FURNISHED ROOM IN PRIVATH HOMB, with bath, convenient to carl in es. 258 Sell wood st. NEAT ROOM. NEAR MULTNOMAH FIEI-D; outside entrance; wood stove. Phone Main 2219. FOR RENT FURNISHED DINING-ROOM. New Grand Central Hotel. 3d and Flanders. NEWLY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM IN PRI vate family. 288 Harrison, near 6th. A LARGE, AIRY FRONT ROOM WITH -beautiful bay window. 344 4th st. FOR RENT ONB LARGE WELL-FUR-nished rcom. 453 Morrison st. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, 188 7TH, 2 doors from Portland Hotel. FOR RBNT A FEW ROOMS IN FLEIDNEJt bldg. Inquire 222, second floor. GOOD FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RBNT, reasonable, at 69H sutn st. TWO NTCEI-Y FURNISHED ROOMS FOFft. rent. 364 Taylor street. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RBNT AT 9 jutn mij