20 THE SUNDAY ORjEGOXIAX, PORTLAND, MAT 12, 1907w FOB RALE FARMS. POLK COUNTY FARMf. THE LAND OF PLENTY. $200 Dairy ranch, right at the town of Independence, Or.; 28 acre, all On level land, well tiled; lies - in a long, narrow trip, with buildings right at the edge of town on one end of tract; all fenced; house. and barn. $300i P acres land on Little Luckla mute; nearly all plow land; probably ten acre of wooded pasture along creek; small - heart re orchard; small houpe of about 4 . room; fair bam; all nice laying land; 6 mi !s of Dallas. 1 mile to railroad station. f000 100 acrs of fine farming land. 2 miles from Rallston. in Polk County; all y-low land, now being farmed; good fam ily orchard of mixed fruits- house and barn; fine roads and good soil; "lose to railroad town, are features to toe admired In this pia-e. $12,516298 acres, near Smithfleld, Polk Coumy; all open land, which lies rolling; 25 . or 30 btm of wet land, fine for late pas lure, all the balance being farmed; com mon buildings; clone to school, church, ware house, railroad siding and in German set tlemn. J7K.SO 17o acres, between Dallas and Perrydale, on Main road; all open land, wlih probably 25 or 30 acres of lowland, fine for Jate pasture. th balance being all fine rolling farming land; large bam, six-room aoum. abundance of fruit; fine farm; 5 milffi of Dallas, Or. $200 88 acres. with 45 plow land; fine young hearing orchard; sli-room house, two good barn, good team. 4 cows. goat, chick era, some hogs, machinery, hay and grain; crops and pos!ion: toola etc. $o20O 1&2 arr; good buildings. 20 acre in hops; 20 acres timber: rest all cleared land: B-d plow land; close to good valley town; $52 per acre. ' jhjoo IAS acre; good buildings. acres timber. 12 acres hops, balance all good jiiow land; In main val!y, close to town, on R. F. D. and rural telephone; all level land. $.1000 150 acres; Art acres plow land; all Jays well; good buildings; orchard fruit in Bt'uodance; plenty of water and wood; good pasture; all fenced; 6 miles from Dal la ; $20 per acre. $ HoO-acre stock ranch, on Big Luckl emute; 100 acres farming land: 400 acres fenced; 2 dwellings; 6 barns; orchard; a fine . stock ranch; great amount of outnide range. $750 30 acres; 60 acres cleared; 40 acres fine black bottom land under cultivation; large, new 9-room house, well cultivated; larg4 barn; abundance of fruit and watr; fenced in 9 enclosures not Including garden, house and barn lots; 5 miles to Sheridan,. Or. $,',000 2M acres, atock ranch; 80 acres plow land; So acres more cut off; fairly watered; most all under good fence; house and 2 barns. 12.HK 200 acres of fine land, near Dallas: all fine laying land, under fine state of cultivation, with the exception of 25 acres, which is creek bottom pasture; plenty of wood on place; abundance of fruit; all fine land: fenced In four fields; 10-room house; large new barn; price. $00 per acre. Si 1,100 500-acre farm. Situated near Mon mouth; ft-room house, barn, woodshed, hog house, goat barn: all fenced; good well -and several springs of living water; 150 acres under cultivation; 100 acres more partly cleared; land lies a little rolling. Price $20 per acre; $3500 cash. S to 6 yeara' time on balance at 6 per cent Interest. 7.VC..V IGS-acre farm. In main valley. miles from railroad town of Ball3ton; all fine soil; 125 acres under cultivation; quite a lot seeded to clover; well fenced, and cross-fenced; good small house, good new large barn, 46x06; new granary. 16x32: new woodhouse. 18x32: all lays nice; plenty of wood In pasture; a fine body of land. $12,360 018 acre. 3 miles of Dallas. 1 mile of railroad siding, Ms mile of school; 200 acres cleared; 30 more almost ready for plow ; all lays good to farm; rolling; bal ance covered with oak, and is now being pas tured with cattle and goats; 3 good barns; good house; finely watered. $28. 25 per acre 3304 acres situated 2 ' miles south Dallas; 125 acres under cultiva tion, fio acres more open land, balance pas ture, would be easily put In cultivation. Running water on place. Improvements not very good. Land Is exceptionally fine and Is In a good locality. ACREAGH PROPERTY IN " CLACKAMAS CO I" NT Y NKA R PORTLAND. S4OO0 03 acres; 10 in cultivation; 4.1 in pasture; running water, windmill, imple ments, wagons, buggies, 2 horses. 3 cows, 6 varieties of poultry. 2 Incubators, etc.; "-room house, barn and outhouses: 3 jniles from Boring, on the Estacada carline. $2800 40 acres; 17 In cultivation; orchard 20o fruit trees; strawberries: 10 acres of good timber; 10 acres in seeded pasture with running water; good house and barn; 3 miles from Barton Station on the Estacada car line. 25O0 5 acres, all cleared; 6-room house ; hajm and other outbuildings; good well; I's acres In fruit; on R. F. D. and main county road; 1 mile to carline. $2000 15 acres, 12 In cultivation; small hoiiAe. barn and well; 25 fruit trees, acre berries; 8 miles to Portland, on county road and R. F. D. ; mile to school and church. S2lo0 lo acres, all in cultivation; 7-room house, chicken-house, good well: 1 acre in "orchard; U. F 1. and close to school. . $.'ii;oo, on time 2 acres, npore or lesu, at Clackamas; 8-room house, one 3-room house, good barn, chicken-house and corrals; all in ' fruit and strawberries. j $310n 12 acres at Sunnystde; all cleared; guod house and barn, wagon-shed, chicken house and corrals; 45 fruit trees, 4 years old; 4H acres early potatoes; 4 acres oats and wheat; balance clover; 1 spring wagon an, l 1 top buggy; aJl machinery to work place except binder; 10 miles from Portland on county road. $.i00 10 acres, more or less, near Clacka mas Station; 9-room house. barn, fruft di yer, other outbuildings; good well; 1 acre fruit; on rountv road and Tt. F. D. MULTNOMAH COUNTY. :tf,00 78 acres: 25 In cultivation. 2 In fruit ; 5-room house, barn. 2 good springs, close to house: 4 miles to station, 1 mile to school and church. IlooO t acre in cultivation 01 fruit trees: 7-room house, barn and 2 chicken-houses all 1n A-l condition on the Powell Valley road; 2'i miles from Oresham. $2oo10 acres; 9 in cultivation: orchard 100 fruit trees; 4-room hou?e and barn; 2 good wells near the house; 2 miles from Anderson Station on the Estacada carline; 1 mile east of th Powell Valley store. CAUSHY LAND A INVESTMENT CO.,' 500-7 Swetland bldg. FOR SALE BY OWNER. Two well-Improved farms In Douglas County; one containing 191 acres rich hot. torn land; new painted barn, 65x100 feet; large house, plenty of running .water: all fenced with American woven wire. Price $6000. The other containing 330 acres, all fine rich toll. Over 1.000.000 feet saw timber oa place. Creek running through place; all fenced: 4 large barns; good house; 18 buildings on place; fine water system, eto., with reservoir; 4 acres orchard; fine fruit. This place would make an Ideal cattle ranch. Price $8500. These places are 4 miles eat of Yoncalla. For full particu lars address J. Wni. Beck ley". Yoncalla, Or. FOR 1 11 PROVED OR UNIMPROVED stttwberry and apple land In the famous - W hite Salmon country go to R. Field & Company, White Salmon. Washington. We have also some of the very beat dairy farms in the Trcut Lake and Camas Prairie country. Price list sent on ap plication. We can supply your every want. bee us before buying. We can ae you money. I2mi ACRES IN ONE BODY. NEAR COM' SI -Ma River. SS.75 per acre; good, rich soli and t wo streams water through it : adapted for fruit or varied farming or stockralelng. This has been heavily timbered, but was logged off 15 years ago, leaving much good timber adapted for tics or cord wood. F. S. AKIN, Chamber of Commerce. Portland, Or. A5 PBR ACRE 75 AORKf NINE MILES . southwest of Portland, adapted to cut Into ft-acre lots, rich soil, 4 acre In cultivation; near proposed station on new Salem electric line; other land near this held at IH per acre. F. S. AKIN. 623 Chamber of Com merce. Portland, Or. ALBERT A 160 ACRES. SOME IMPROVE ments and crop ready to maintain a fam ily. Wheat yield 20 to 40 bushels per acre. Fine climate: 12 miles to R. R., on . road and near schoolhouse. For sale clieap to actual settler. O 87, Oregontan. 640 ACRES FINE FARM LAND. WILL SOON oome under big ditch, perpetual water rights, ter. miles from Columbia River; will sell now for $2." jier acre; will divide. C'.TY REALTY & BUILDING CO.. 612 Commercial Block. Mailt ll40. FOR SAUK ALL OR PART OK CHOICE farm at Dillcv. Or.. 310 acres. ISO bottom land, good buildings, electric light and telephone, with or without crop. 2 miies tr mi!k f artery; terms. T. H. Littlehalea, Forest Grot Or. tfNAP FARM NEAR PORT Isnd. black, rich soil, good house and barn, spring and creek, choice orchard, fine location, cheap; part cash, balance to suit. W. Ntep. Arlela. Or.. 203 Mora st. FUR SAL K I'll KXCHANOE STOCK " railed of 41 "I acres. 3 miles from Rose burg. Or.. $Mo; will take city or farm - property in Multnomah County. Address 11. I Ball. Gresham. Or. SO ACRI S OOOI) SOII. 4 MILES TO streetcar. 10 miles southeast from Pori land. undr cultivation, balance pas- t ure snd i imber; $05 per acre; terms. Owner, H !5, Oregonian. io ACRFS AVFLB LAND. UPPER HOOD Rivr Valley, on county and stage road, near school house: hou.-e, barn, small clearing: 100 trees; price $3000, lj cash.- Call 333 Sher lock. Thone Main 3032. CONTKAOT FOR 80 ACRES OF 1R Ri ga ted land in Crook County on which I have paid $525 for sale cheap, as I need money in Dueuiess. x y, uirjuuitu. FOB SAUK FARMS. . HOOD RIVER. HOOD RIVER. HOOD RIVER. If once you see the Hood River Valley you'll agree with us that It is the para dise of Oregon. We've invested money there and we ant to show you that it Is to your finan cial advantage to follow our example. No such returns come from any sofl In Oregon, and the apples, especially, of the Valley are world-renowned and bring the highest price of any similar fruit in the universe. Here's an example of it: Colonel Era mott Callahan, the well-known attorney of Baker City, was last month in New York and In company with 3 friends no ticed In the window of a well-known fruit store on Broadway, near 27th st., some extra, fine looking apples labeled Hood River (Oregon) apples, and, on Inquiring the price, was told that they were Just 12 Hj cen t s apt ece. The clerk, on being asked if that were not rather & atep price, replied that it was not; that they had plenty of cheap er fruit In the establishment, but that Hood River apples were the choicest they received ajid consequently produced the highest prices. This id a tribute to the superiority of the Hood River apples, you cannot afford to overlook, and we pro pose to show you how you can get into the business of raising apples successful ly and still not interfere with your regu lar business. Here's what we will do for $9500; We will sell you 40 acres of "Red Shot Land t which is the finest soil of the valley) located 8 mllee from the town of Mood River, and li miles from Odell Sta. on the Hood River Railroad. Land will be all cleared, fenced and planted to ap ple trees of the finest Newtown and Spltxenberg varieties and growing thrift ily, and will guarantee you 10 per cent yearly on your investment. Interest pay able at stated periods, for 5 years, we to take the crop in the meantime. This guarantee (which means that you receive $050 every year for 5 years) is not real estate "hot air," but Is backed up by the notej of property-owners and men of financial responsibility in addition to a trust deed for 60 acres of land adjoining the above, which 60 acres will be yours in case the contract is not fulfilled to the letter. Remember, that for $0500 you receive in 5 years a full bearing apple orchard in the very tpt. part of Hood River, which will produce you a yearly revenue of not less than $8000 to $10,000. and all this without a particle of work, care or anxiety on your part. Ten per cent a year Is good Interest on an investment; better than you can do In Portland. Come In and talk to us about Hood River. WHITING 4 ROUNTREE, 82H Third Street. 160 ACRES RAW LAND. $1800; H CASH. A half section of improved land under cultivation and fence; school and P. O. one-half mile; $20 per acre; easy terms. 400 acres, improved land, nearly all under cultivation; good house and barn ; good place for man with family; $20 per acre; good terms. 100 acres, all under fence, under culti vation; price $17 per acr-. 480 acres, well Improved, good 7-room house, two wells, new barn, accommodate l head of horses, plenty of room for hay; granary and all outbuildings; well paint ed; on county road, close to schoolhouse and church; snap at $23 per acre. 040 acres, irrigated land, close to R. R.. not far from Columbia River; a good buy at $20 per acre. 140 acres in Clackamas County; good house, barn and outbuildings, etc.'; 4 acres of orchard, fenced and cross-fenced, well watered ; survey for electric line runs near place; $37 per acre. 227 acres dairy farm in Cowlitz County. Washington, on Columbia River, 32 miles from Portland; house and barn, all under fence. 24 miles to N. P. R. R. 60S acres, all under fence and cross fenced, nearly in cultivation, 2 sets of farmhouses, barns and orchards; plenty of spring water ; fine pasture ; 5 miles from The Dalles; $22.50 per acre. CITY REALTY & BUILDING CO.. 12 Commercial Bldg. Main 3940. H- W. LEMCKE CO. I mp roved Acrea ge. 2ri acres in Hlllsboro. Or., near S. P. R R. and the new electric carline; 5-room houae and good outbuildings; orchard. 2 acres Logan berries; this is very fine property; good well water and 2 springs; this will make a very fine home and be a money maker; come and see us about it; we are only able to deliver this for a few days. 25 acres at Sandy Bridge, on Base Line road ; S-room house and barn ; this la a fine location for store and Summer resort; we can give you a bargain in this don't wait. 10 acres at Clackamas Station on S. P. R. R. ; good house and outbuildings all cleared. 54 acres in Powell Valley; fine improve ments, fine orchard, stock and farm im plements can be had with the place. 190 acres near Chemawa Station; good house and buildings, orchard, Logan ber ries: we can divide this place. 40O acres near Gilmer. Washington; good house, 2 barns, 120 acres timber. 12 miles from While Salmon. Call and get all the particulars. H. W. LEMCKE CO., Phon Main 550 6th and Washington sts. BIG BARGAINS IN FARMS. 46 acres near Oregon City, 15 acres un der cultivation, 4-room house, barn, some fruit, span of horss. wagon, farm imple ments, cow. etc.: prieeonly $1700; terms. 33 acres 5 miles from Portland on the O. W. P. line. rich. soil, all in cultivation, good 5-room house, barn, etc.; price. $4500. 30 acres near Estacnda, every foot un dtr cultivation, very best of soil, 4 acrea fine orchard, 4-room house, barn, etc., near chool, stores, in a splendid farming country; this must be seen to be fully ap preciated; price, $2600. 30 acres near O. W. P. line on Baseline road, with $200o worth of improvements; price, $:100; terms. 31 acres 1 Ji miles of Oregon City. 10 seres In cultivation. 4 acres orchard, good 8-room house, barn, etc., good spring water: price, $2250; terms. 33 acres near Clackamas Station, 34 mite from S. P. line, deep black soil, 10 acre. slashed and seeded, balance hardwood timber; will cut 400 cords of wood; price, $3000; terms. M. CADONAU, 2704 Washington st. Room 3. 1 FARM BARGAIN. A Big Farm. 750 A C R ES 750 A Productive Farm. Adapted for " Str-k and Dairy Frultraislnc. Corn. Grain. Alfalfa. . 550 acres level land, rich loam soil, all tillable. Plenty of running water. Oak wood enougn ror tuei. FJace all under iitnee. 75 head of fine cattle go with place. v Two miles from small city of Southern Oregon. Price $35,000.00 half cash and easy terms. Call or write R. U t'ATB. 226 Stark St., Phone Exchange 70. Portland. Or. AN EXTRA CHOICE TRACT. 40 ACRES of exceptionally fine orchard and berry land In the White Salmon Valley; 20 acres cleared, 10 acres in bearing orchard; all may be set to fruit and berries; easy to clear. Improvements first-class. Plenty of good water. Price only $100 per acre. For Tull particulars address f send for our book). White Salmon Land Company, White Salmon. Wash. FARMS A CHOICE LIST. CALL AND examine. Kennedy & Hickok, 325 Lumber Exchange. $11100 BUYS 10 ACRES AT BEAVERTON. near the surveyed electric line, half cash, balance annual payments, 6 per cent interest. $150020 acres 1 mile south of Beaverton, several acres onion land: the timber has all been chopped off and land fiwv to clear. Only eight miles from Portland. i J. F. COMPTON, 100 Ablngton bldg. 10 ACRES RICH. GARDEN SOIL. HIGH ground, well drained, very fine for gar dening or fruit, just plowed, ready for planting, under cultivation long time; fronts on graveled road; can be cut into acre tracts; on carline, another line soon. Can be had at a bargain. Address owner, R 98. care Oregonian. rv ACRES ON O. W. P. R. R.. THIS SIDE of Lenta; land lies level, sot much to clear: will dlvld-e and sell on good terms; price $300 per acre. F. O. NORTHRUP CO.. 211 Commercial Block. APPLB LAND. Several pieces, 160 acres or less. 8 miles north from Iyle, Wash., demonstrated to be some of the beet apple land in the conn trv. Full particulars, F. W. TORGLER, 106 Sherlock bldg. COLUMBIA RIVER. DAIRY AND STOCK farm; 540 acres, stock, tools and crops, good buildings. $10,000. Good market on rail and. water. 72 Front st. FOR BALE) ft ACRES. ALL IN BEARTNO fruit good 8-room hoc; good outbuild ings; close to Vancouver, Wash. 4 N. Oth at. Phone Pacific 2063. FOB SALE FARMS. FARM LANDS FOR SALE. 21 ACRES. AH under cultivation on TIgardvllle road and one in lie from Portland-Salem electric carline. $330. C. 4 P. 5 1-3 ACRES. 5 acres under cultivation, all good beaverdatn land: new house and good spring on place; 9 miles from Portland en Oregon Water Power line. Price $1600, part ca5h. B 1 M. 20 ACRES. 14 acres in cultivation. 4 acre In beaverdam. all good soil, running water, house and barn worth $600: orchard; -t-mile from school, -mlle from the new Portland-Salem carline. on a county road; 10 miles from Portland. Price $3000. P. 7. 2 ACRES. 7 acres in cultivation, orchard and all under good fence, house and barn worth about $Su0. Good soli; lOhk miles from Portland, and 4-mlle from Portland Salem carline, $3000: terms. P. 10. 40 ACRES. 36 acres in cultivation, orchard, well located; good soli and on county road; bouse nnd barn; crops in; 12 miles from Portland, $3500- P. 41. 50 ACRES. 25 acres now under cultivation, all good soil and lays well, good orchard, house, barn, sheds, fences and springs on place. Price- includes crops, team, stock and all farming Implements; 12 miles southwest from Portland. This is positively the best bargain in this section of the country $325'). B. 3 T. 72 ACRES. 8 acres cleared, near Buxton, In Wash ington County; house and barn. Railroad goes through this and will put spur on place. Lots of cordwood. $2250. B. 4 B. , 152 ACRES. 127 acres fenced and in high state of cultivation, including 10 acres In orchard, which cleared $400 past year; 25 acres good timber: creek on place; good 5-room house; small barn and out-buildings: H -mile from town of Woodvllle, In Rogue River Valley Price. $KO00. B. 4 W. 200 ACRES, STOCK RANCH, 130 acres fenced. 110 acres under irri gation, 60 acres more can be irrigated; 50 acres In alfalfa, 40 acres in timothy and clover, cut 300 to 400 tons of timothy per year. Best out-range for stocft In South ern Oregon; good orchard: 9-room house, nearly new; 2 large bams. Water right alone is worth the money, $8000. L 896. DEVLIN & FIREBAFGH, 508-509 Swetland bldg., cor 5th and Wash. BEST FARM" LANDS IN NORT H W E 9T. $1000 80 acres, can- all be Irrigated, handy to rail and river: produce immense crops of anything; corn, melons and sweet potatoes, nuts and apples. $1800 100 acres, 8-room' house, large barn, well, 2 springs, 1 creek, or chard, 84 icres plow land, balance timber, 4 acres fallowed, balance In crop that goes with sale; $1000 down; good location for wood busi ness or applegrowtng. $2500 200 acres, 7-room house, large barn, well, 3 springs, 4 acres or chard. 80 acres plow land, 70 tim ber. 30 grain, one-third crop goes with place; $700 cash, balance time; fine orchard, grain and meadow farm, well improved; will sell on sight. $11 ACRE 80 acres, meadow and pas ture, crop on cultivated land goes; large springs, deep soil, corn, grain, melons, apples, grapes and nuts grow to perfection. $40 ACRE 403 acres, 250 plow land, 120 grain, balance fallow. 9-room house, large barn, springs and creek, irrigation system, water piped to buildings; good bearing . orchard and vineyard, 7 medals for fruit at '"Ofl" fair; rail and river transportation. $35 ACRE 640 acres, 620 plow land, 200 growing crop; place highly Im proved and one of the best water melon ranches along the Columbia: make a fortune here In .a short time on melons, nuts, peaches, al monds and grapes. B. S. COOK & CO.. 251 Alder St. CHOICE FARMS AND CHEAP. $2650 80-acre farm, 12 miles from Portland; well improved; fine soil; easy terms. $I5 per acre for a first-class 178-acre dairy farm, on Columbia, 20 miles to Portland; handy to boat and station; good terms. $50 per acre for 251 -acre well Improved farm oh Willamette, near Newberg; ever lasting rich river bottom, and ideal for dairying or any other kind of farming; boat landing on place; easy terms; no better place on the whole river. $10,000 120 acres, near Portland; first class soil; all good improvements; running water; stock and implements. This is one of the best buys around Portland. $3500 cash, or part payment in city prop erty will handle this bargain. $10 a day and all expenses paid if not as represented. For good farms of any size, see F. FL'CHS. 221 M Morrison St. FARMS. $1500 16 acres at edge of town and sta tion, S acres in cultivation, good house and barn, fruit and berries on the place. $2000 20 acres. 5 improved, 7 slashed, not hard tu clear: 3-room house, good barn, small orchard, 7 miles Van couver. $1500 120 acres. 40 in cultivation, 70 acres of fine timber. 12 acres in hops ; good house and barn ; all under fence, 3 miles town and sta tion. FROMBERG & CO., 2274 Washington St.. rooms 38-39. RETIRING OWNER WILL SHOW YOU this week 89 acres rich land, near city, comprising growing crop, splendid meadow, valuable timber, fine large pas ture, all fenced, good water power, plenty water all purposes. Exceptionally attrac tive. Low price, terms. Q 97, Oregonian. OWNER. LEAVING. WILL SELL 18 ACRES rich land, raise anything, cleared, fenced, level, creek, young bearing orchard, ber ries, growing crop, improvements, tools, county road, school, daily mall, nrar Portland. Practically farmed will pay for Itself In four years. X 98, Oregonian. $00 PER ACRE 160 ACRES IN Cul tivation; suitable for hops or fruit; cloc te market; best soil; good houses and barn. Farm can easily be made into small tracts. Owner moving East. His agent at our office will take prospective buyers . direct to farm. 304-306-307 Abington bldg. 46 ACRES. ALL IMPROVED, CLOSE TO A good town on Uie West Side R. R. This in an ideal tittle place with all the com forts of a home. Price $4100. on terms, or will take $2100 worth of city property in exchange at its cash value. Berry & Gleason. 4 N. th at. ONLY $75 PER ACRE FOR A 100-ACRE farm ; all under cultivation; only 25 miles from Portland and two miles of railroad sta tion, six miles from Forest Grove: electric line going to run within mile; $5000 caeh ,will handle it: must sell. Call J. Z. Du fresne. Rose Studio, 332 Wash. st. HOOD RIVER VALLEY. SO acres. 6 miles out. beet land. 0 acres full bearing orchard, fine house and out buildings, fullv equipped with tools, etock, etc. Best buy in the Valley at $21,000. G 98, Oregonian. 160 ACRES GOOD FARMING LAND, WITH some Improvements; perpetual springs; abundance of cedar and sufficient fir; 25 miles from Portland. 449 Burnslde bt. 10 ACRES NEAR CITY. GARDEN. ORCH ard. strawberries, growing crop, good buildings, creek. 150 chickens; bargain. See owner. P 97, Oregonian. is20 ACRES OF EASTERN OREGON wheat land, close to a proposed electric line. Price $7.50 per acre. Berry & Gleason. 4 N. 6th st. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. 18.0iN).0o0 TO 50.000.000 FEET CHOICE yellow ff timber; about 40 miles below Portland, near the banks of the Columbia River. Right price and easy terms. C. C. Shay. 806-307 Abington bidg. FIRST-CLASS LOGGING SHOW, $45,000; $iO, O00 cash. B 94, Oregonian. MY RELINQUISHMENT TIMBER CLAIM. Flathead country. Montana. 2 miles railway town, for sale or trade for Portland prop erty. T 3, Oregonian. 12.000,000 FEET OF FINE FIR TIMBER near Columbia River; an A-l logging propo sition; for particulars call room A, 105 Third street. HAVE THREE FINE IMPROVED HOME stead relinquishments and homestead loca tions. Room 33, Raleigh blk., 6th and Wash ington. TIMBER LOCATIONS IOP. 80S. 100S. FROM one to five million per 160 acres. Phone 5141. W. E. Russell, Box 236. Eugene, Or. CAN LOCATB FARTIES ON THREE FINE timber claims. A snap. Call at once. Room 33, Raleigh blk., 6th and Washington. HAVE SEVERAL EXCELLENT FIR claims, cruise 3.0O0.000. Call or write 240 Grant st.. Portland, Or. FOR SALE -ABOUT TOO ACRES OF STEL iow pine timber Isnd in Oregon, ail in one bunch. V . Oregonian. FOR SAL E TIMBER IN WALLOWA County. Or. Kiesllng & Crow, Em Ida. Idaho. Timber wanted, Oregon or Washington, larg r sxsail tracts. Epblnx Agency Stark FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. THE LACET WAT Is recognized to bs the studard war of handling timber lands. Th ttmbar mast first satisfy us, and oar cruls reveals Try detail of the conditions surrounding It. Oar reports are prepared In such a way that the buyer knows whether or not the timber win satisfy bun befora he visits th tract. Twenty years experfsnc. anel the client age we represent, is a sufficient guar antee that our method are- right. Ton may wast your valuable tlma In looking up the tract you want. TtJis advantage of ths results of our own constant sdurU along this line and get the bsst. JAMES D. LACET CO-. Lumber Exchange. Seattle. Wasa., Chamber of Commerce, Portland. Or. I HAVE SOME CHOICE BUYS OF LARGE and small tracts of timber for bonaflde purchasers onlv; references exchanged. Thos. P. Thornton 319 Chamber of Com merce. SAWMILL. 26.000,000 to 30,000,000 feet of A-l fir timber and sawmill in excellent condition, now in operation, located near Columbia River, within 60 miles of Portland; fact title handy for shipping by rail or water. For particulars call THE VETERAN LANT CO., 165H Third St. TIMBER BUYERS. ATTENTION! We hae several attractive timber propositions; call and investigate; Umber lands In Oregon. California and' Washing ton, from 10rt0 to 20.000 seres. H. W LEMCKE COMPANY, Sixth and Washington. 400.000.000 FEET FINE TIMBER TRIBU tarv to Columbia River. 300.000,000 feet on river and ran, 50 . cents; this Is a great snap. CITY REALTY A BUILDING CO., 612 Commercial Building. I WANT FROM 500 TO 50.000 ACRES choice timber immediately from owners or direct representatives; will pay cash soon as cruised if satisfactory; giv full par ticulars in first letter; references. Thos. P. Thornton, 310 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Main 4261. LOGGING SHOW 10,000,000 RED AND yellow fir and piling, close to tidewater; camps, roads, 2 engines and all equip ment. Th is can be operated as cheaply ' as anybody's proposition. H 06, Ore gonian. NOTICE. Homesteads, fine land, good location. In Wasco Co.; for good homes. Call or address L. B. Haines, 229 Hall st., city. WANTED REAL ESTATE. IF THERE IS ANT ONE THAT REALLY wants to sell a cosy four or five-room cot tage, with not less than two lots, any good suburb. Mt. Scott line, Sellwood, Wood lawn or Peninsula, we desire some bne that want money, and ready to sell; must be a bargain. Apply at once, THE DUNN-LAWRENCE COMPANY, 149Ta First at. WANTED INFORMATION REGARDING good farm for sale within hundred mllea of Portland. Give lowest price, reason for selling. Ownws only need answer. Address Information Department. Locator Publishing Co., Minneapolis, Minn. 1 WOULD BUY A 0 OR 8-ROOM STRICT ly modern house in fine location if sat isfactory; give full description, location, and price In first letter. S 96, Oregonian. I WANT TO PURCHASE FROM OWNERS vacant property suitable for fiats or apartments; give full description and price in first letter. B 99, Oregonian. WANTED 2 TO 4 LOTS, OR -ACRE. along the new Salem line, within 3 miies of postofflce. Agents or owners. Give location and price. R 89. Oregonian. FIVE OR SIX-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE. Improved lot, $500 down, balance install ments. State price and location. V 100, Oregonian. a WB HAVE BUYERS TOR ALL KINDS OF property. What have yon to offer ? Ken nedy A Hickok. Room $24, Lumber change. , WE WANT ALL KINDS OF GOOD PROP erty for sale at correct prices. Give ua a trial. Jackson & Deering, 246 Stark st. WANT TO BUY MODERN HOME ON West Side; not over $40o0; all cash. Answer K 92, care Oregonian. WANTED TO INVEST $2000, HALF CASH, In Income property, close in; West Side preferred. C 5. Oregonian. W A NT BD (7-ROOM N EW HOI'S FX WILL pay $250 down ; balance payments ; West Side. F 5. care Oregonian. WANTED HOMES, LARGE OR SMALL, cy or suburbs. We have buyers. D 97, Oregonian. 25 ACRES MUST BE ON A RIVER; state description, cash and terms. G 82, Oregonian. ROOMING-HOUSE HEADQUARTERS. Capita) Real Estate . 2714 Morrison st. Room C. TO EXCHANGE. TO EXCHANGE EASTERN OREGON wheat ranch; all fenced and in cultiva tion: house, barn, granary and well of living water;- 1300 acres of crops go with place; within 5 miles of two markets; close to school, churches, etc. Price. In cluding crops, only $23 per acre. Will exchange for Portland income or resi dence property. V 98, Oregonian. LARGE STOCK OF FARM IMPLEMENTS, a good warehouse, on railroad, and a good, well established business, with no competi tion, in a good Oregon town, located In a good farming territory. Owner retiring and will sell at invoice or will exchange for good farm property. For particulars inquire Lafayette Realty Co., 3134 Washington at. TO EXCHANGE II ACRES RICH LAND, in fruit, high cultivation, close to Van couver, sightly; fine place for home; 10 minutes walk to graded school; title per fect; will sell at bargain or exchange for property in Portland or suburbs. Address H 100, Oregonian. WANTED TO EXCHANGE CORNER LOT and 6-room brick house, desirable location. In Salt Lake City, for residence property ti Portland. Tract of about one acre prefer red. Inquire room 504, Columbia bldg. THREE LOTS, 66x120 EACH, FOR LOT IN Portland, or toward grocery stock. Six blocks from State University, Eugene, Or. Inquire Bast Side Investment Company, 203 E. Morrison st. 5 TO 8-ROOM HOUSES AND NICE LOTS close to car; take part exchange, balance long time. What can you offer. Call 33 Cason st., Montavllla. Phone East 4169. . 14 i ACRES NEAR BEAVERTON. WITH running water; mile to survev of elec tric line; also i land in Tillamook County. Owner, 221 Vs Morrison st., room 6. I HAVE A FINE NEW 6-ROOM MODERN house on West Side that I wish to exchange for an automobile. O. A. Hatton, room 20 Raleigh bldg., 3234 Wash. st. 4-CHAIR BARBER SHOP, MAKING FROM $100 to $200 per month. What have you to trade? Call or address 68 North Sd at., Portland. QUARTER-BLOCK. INCOME PROPERTY. 3 house?: exchange. What bave you ? Price $10,500. Call Sunday, owner, 628 Pettygrove. TO TRADE FOR HOOD RIVER FRUIT land New 7-room modern house, fine loca tion: comer lot. Address G 5, Oregonian. 240 ACRES IN THE) WELL-KNOWN FRUIT snd alfalfa district. Lake Co. ; will trad for good touring car. P. O. Box 4, city. MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE, WEST SIDE; will exchange for farm. 0. A. Hatton, room 20, Raleigh bldg., 3234 Wash. st. WANT TO TRADE 320 ACRES WHEAT land, all seeded ; Sherman Countv, for Uy property or business. 1S94 4tli st. WILL TRADE 320 ACRES FINE TIMBER land for grocery or general merchandise stock. Address Q 1, Oregonian. ONE ACRE AT ST. JOHNS FOR LOT OR part payment on house and lot or will sell. S 90, care Oregonian. WHAT HAVE) YOU TO TRADE" FOR 320 acres timber land situated on logging stream. .Address M 2, Oregonian. A GOOD PAYING ROOMING-HOUSE TO exchange for acreage property or $3000 residence. 145 Vi 6th St. WHAT HAVE YOU TO TRADE FOR 5 room cottage, 2 lots, on ML Scott car. 405 Lumber Exchange. FOR EXCHANGE INCOME PROPERTY IN Oregon City for farms or acreage. 204 Mo hawk building. 6-ROOM HOUSE, FINE LOCATION, TRADE for fruit land, acreage or ranch. C 92, Ore gonian. 6-ROOM HOUSE, 8 LOTS, OREGON CITY, for unimproved land. 204 Mohawk bldg. TO EXCHANGE. EXCHANGES. waVrted tsf exchange the following coun try properties for Portland lots or homes1. 155 acres timber near North Yamhill, mostly fir piling timber. 30,000 cordis oak wood, hill land well watered; price $3100. Owner wants small house of about ft rooms. 160 acres timber, rolling, but good plow land, near Estacada: 4.00n.oop ft,, cedar and yellow At. near mill; prtc $3000. Owner wants suburban home or income property. 20 acres, seven m i lea from FortSand ; price $2000. Owner wants house and lot. 7 acres In HilisboTO, near station; nice level Improved land; price $1800. Owner wants residence property; eacy terms. Wantd to exchange the following city properties for country farms or homes. 7-room noose and lot, good location ; price $1500. Owner wants acreage, partly improved and worth about $2500. New 6-room house, modem, good large lot and fine improvements: bam. chicken house and park; price $3600; terms. Owner wants 15 to 30 acres near city, partly im proved. - R. L. CATB, 226 Stark St. WILL SELL OR TRADE $5000 EQUITY IX fruit and chicken ranch about iplle from carline for cash or part Income business) or property In Portland. L 93, care Orego nian. TO LEASE. FOR RENT OR LEASE 2-STORY BUILD Ing. rulppd with boiler and engine; free fuel and water. Address B 91. Oregonian. TO LDASE2 CORNER LOT. 4 BLOCKS south of Hotel Portland; fine location for apartments or fiats. H 5, Oregonian. TWO-STORY BUILDING . WITH BOILER and engine and machinery equipments. In quire 325 N. 16th st. WANTED AND FOR SALE LAND SCRIP. All kinds, including approved forest reserve scrip for surveyed, unsurveyed timber and prairie Government land. H M. Hamil ton. The Portland, Portland, Or. ' FOB SALS. Horses. Y chicles. Eta. 25 HHAD OF HORSES AND MJTRE6, 1 PAIR of big mules, suitable for ranch or any kind of heavy work; 1 bay horse, welgmg 1800, good puller, gentle, will be guaran teed; 1 chestnut gelding, weight 1500. styl ish, fine trotter, will be sold with guaran tee; pair of chunky farm horses, well matched, weigh 2570, sound and workers; pair of matched farm or delivery geldings. 5 and 6 years oW. weight 2300; 1 lady's driving mare, weight 1075, city broke. Call today or Monday, 294 Montgomery St., cor ner 5th. ONE FINE" GELDING. SIRED BY M'KIN ney, city broke; - he Is a fine road horse and will do to race; one fine standard bred mare, city broke; one pair of fine drivers or carriage team, nothing better in the city; all Just as represented; one light bay team, broke single and double; this is a good jeam for a drummer or for city delivery, phone Union 1071. L. C. McCormlck. , BARGAINS. $160 buys pair of farm mares, chunky built, one with foal, sound, good pullers. $loo buys gray mare, will foal June 1st, gentle, sound and good worker. $05 buys nice bay mare, worka single and double. $35 buys 5-year-old saddle horse. ' 294 Montgomery at. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR A GOOD vacant lot, fine 6-year-old driving mare, gentle and kind, a lady can drive; also a fine new rubber-tired top buggy and a nice runabout buggy, harness and robes. Owner leaving city for a time. C 96, Ore gonian. FOR SALE 1 SPAN SORREL MARES, weight 2310. well matched, city broke; 1 team, weight 2800 pounds, good workers; 2 driving mares; l sorrel team, 5 years old; 1 single express horse; all very cheap. 420 Hawthorne avenue. Phone East 72, BROWN MARE. WEIGHS 1200 POUNDS, sound, good traveler, works every way ; one light farm wagon, 2 sets heavy farm harness, ono Chicago breaking cart and harness, 1 military saddle and bridle. Call Oregon Stables, 14th and Burnslde sta. $100 BUYS NICE RAY ROAD HORSE, sound, sty i eh, 15 hands $ Inches high, 7 years old; owner has no need for him; also pair of matched 5 and 6-year-old homes, weighing 2030; sound and gentle. Main 6227. HANDSOME BAY MARE. FIVE YEARS old. weighs 1100 lbs., sired by Winmount, ' dam Oregon Wilkes mare; perfectly city broken and sound. Will be shown In har ness. Call 23 N. 14th st. New grocery, laundry, bakery, milk wagons, 100 aeoond-hand vehicles; single, double fur niture wagons; horses, rigs rented. Tom! la son A Cassiday. 211 Wash. Pacific 007. FOR SALE HORSE NICK-NACK: PACED a mile last year in 2:12; sound every wiv; record of 2:24; at Frazer A Mc Lean stable. 200 5th st. BARGAIN ONE NICE FAMILY DRIVING horse, also horse, rubber-tired buggy and harness, $140. Call Sunday or Monday. 420 Hawthorne ave. FOR SALE CHEAP NEW SURREY: cushion tire canonv too. and s inula har ness. Hunters' stable, Sunny side, or phone Ea.it 2447. FOR SALE CHEAP SPAN DRIVING PON ies. buggy and harness; well broken and matched. Apply J. C. Moore, 101 3d st. Phone Main 293. CHEAP ONE 1500-POUND GOOD DRAFT team, also 1 span of marea, matched, 1200 pounds. Call Sunday or Monday, 420 Hawthorne ave. SEVERAL GOOD HORSES FOR CITY OK farm work. We have just received a bankrupt stock of buggy harness. , 211 Washington et. GOOD SOUND HORSE, ABOUT 1100, FOR grocery wagon; state color, age and where he can be seen; will call Sunday. V 94, Oregonian. BLACK TEAM. WELL MATCHED, WEIGHT about 1200 each; call Sunday. Red Front Stable, 26, North 15th St. Phons Main 1125. ONE STYLISH 6-YEAR-OLD DRIVING mare, also double-seated trap and surrey. Call Sunday or Monday. 420 Hawthorne av. $200 BUYS Al DRIVER 7 YEARS OLD; gentle for lady. Call 810 Front st. Ask for Mr. Bergermire's horse. WANTED A GOOD DELIVERY HORSE; weight about 1250; must be sound. Harris Trusk Co., 132 6th St. WANTED A GOOD DRIVING HORSE, about 11O0; also a good buggy. Address A 98. care of Oregonian. BARN TO RENT 16TH AND COLUMBIA; 20x24- Inquire at William Love's grocery, 16th and Jefferson. FOR SALE HORSE AND BUGGY HORSE is gentle, accustomed to city ways. Apply to 310 Davis st. FOR SALE HORSE 1200 POUNDS. SOUND and gentle, city broke. Inquire 949 Van couver ave. SPAN OF DELNORT PACERS CAN BE seen at Fashion Stable, 19th and Washing ton sta FOR SALE; 2 GENTLE SADDLE PONIES. Inquire Fashion Stables, 20th and Washing ton. FOR SALE GENTLE HORSE, PHAETON and harness, cheap. Box 27. Woodstock, Or. BUGGY IN GOOD CONDITION; PRICE) $15. Christian Aerne, 703 Lambert at.. Sellwood FIRST-CLASS HORSE FOR SALE: WEIGHS 1B0O pounds; 7 years old. 228 Jefferson St. SOME FINE YOUNG HORSES AT THE Union Stockyards will be sold cheap. IF YOU HAVE A SMALL OR LARGE TRACT of timber for sale. L 96. Oregonian. A GOOD SOUND 6-YEAR-OLD HORSE, $T5. J. D. Koning. 3d and Pacific at. 2 SADDLE PONIES AND ONO SADDLE horse. Phone East 3582. PIANO, ALMOST NEW, STANDARD MAKE, perfect condition, to be aold at sacrifice, as leaving city. Liberal terms. No cash necessarily required. For appointment ad dress M 4, Oregonian. FOR SALE HIGH-GRADE UPRIGHT piano, mahogany case, almost new, cheap; leaving city. D 4, Oregonian. ST EI NW AY BABY GRAND. GOOD AS KBW, perfect tone, price reasonable. O 94, Ore gonian . - PIANOLA USED A SHORT TIME. S 95, Gregonnn. PIANOLA. USED A SHORT TIM El S 95, Oregonian. Miscellameotis. FOR SALE A TRAINED POINTER " DOG, cheap. 33& Grant st. FOR SALE KlsMllaaeoaa. CAMPBELL'S SOIL CULTURE FOR THE amt-arid West. No irrigation, no crop failures, no gambling on the weather. A proven success In crop-growing in the dry country; results of years of scientific ex perimentation and study at the disposal of every farmer; Indorsed by all scien tific and practical farmers in the Wt. Crops sure, despite drought, and four times as big as by the old way. Circulars free, r 1 cents for Campbell's 1907 Soil Culture Almanac. Prof, H. W. Campbell, Lincoln, Neb. CABINET FOLDING BED. $12; STEEL range, $15; gas range. $6-50; fine iron bed, $5; genuine mahogany dresser. $22.50; kitchen treasure, $2; fine oak hallrack, $12.30; hardwood extension table, $5; up-to-date three-piece parlor suit, $12; $35 sideboard, $15. M. J. McGrath Furniture Co., 66 North 3d et.. between Davis and Everett. Main 2087. GAS AND GASOLINE ENGINES. MOTOR boats, automobiles Do you wish to buy. sell or operate? The Gas Engine Magazine is an 80-page monthly devoted to these industries $i per year; specimen free. The Gas Engine Publishing Co.. 417 Bly myer Bldg., Cincinnati. Ohio. FOR SALE OR TRADE FOR CITY PROP erty. the finest single rig in the city; this Is your chance to get a standsrd-bred horse, registered. No. 1449. pnfumti Ic-tired buggy, beautiful bay, fine disposition. W 2, Ore gonian. ftO SLIGHTLY DAMAGED SEWING MA cblnea at very low prices; Singer. Wheeler A Wilson, Domestic, White, Household. Davie and others; to make room for new atock. Wheeler A Wilson end Singers. B. S. fiigel. 835 Morrison ex.. Marquam bldg. JUDGMENT AGAINST THOMAS K. MUIR, civil engineer, mining promoter, etc., re siding at Hotel Portland, for $521.80. bear ing 8 per cent yneretu; no reasonable offer refused. Address J 91, Oregonian. FOR SALE NEW AND SECOND-HAND billiard and pool tables; easy payments; we rent tables, with privilege of buying; modern bar fixtures; cheap prices. Bruns-wlck-Balke-Collender, 49 3d St. $ $ $ $ Phone Main 6374 $ $ $ $ Special stove aale at the Dollar all week; 500 stoves to be sold cheap; all kinds, all aises, gas and all. 232 First st. $ $ $ $ New and old. $ $ $ $ TOP WAGONS. GOOSE-NECK: FURNITURS wagons, express wagons, runabouts, homes, vehicles and haraesa of aU descriptions for sale or rent. Hubert A Hall. 266 Fourth St. ONE FRESH FAMILY JERSEY COW, 1 J ersey heifer, fresh soon ; 1 separator, 1 24 H.P. gasoline engine, cheap. Phone Sellwood 106, or W. C. Beach rest. 132 3d Bt. $600 BUYS LARGE POULTRY RANCH NEAR Portland on 6 acres rented orchard land; prospects for 1000 boxes fruit and raising 5000 chickens. Wolfstein, 227 Front. FOR SALE HALF MEDIUM JOB PRESS (13x19). steam fixtures, throw-off and long fountain, $125. A snap. Independent Printing Co.. 243 Ash st. ALL BAR FIXTURES, GLASSES AND Ap pliances used In a saloon for aale at Tbe Office Cafe. 285 Washlugtoa at. Mgj ta Sam Tlgneux. HOUSE BOAT OR LAUNCH HOUSE I can build you either as1 you want it for the least possible cost. Address L 90, Oregonian. FOR SALE CHEAP $25, BABY BUGGY and combination go-cart; almost new. 58T Sd sti, cor. Grant. Phone Pacific 2199. FOR SALE TWO HOUSEBOATS, SCOW doiioidb, in nne conamon. cnesp ror cesn Call quickly. Foot of clay st. Jim Nel son. FOR SALB COMPLETE FURNITURE FOR four bedrooms; iron bedo, bedding, etc. ; price $75. Portsmouth Station, 834 Strong FOR SALE; 2D-HAND ENGINES. "BOIL ers, sawmills, pumps and general machin ery, oy i. u. Ainee at uo., urana ave. SIX PORTABLE TELEPHONE STANDS, with batieriee andt wire. Call at the Ameri can Type Founders Co., 24 and Stark sie. FOR 8 ALB FULL-BLOOD COCHIN EGGS. $1.50 dozen; mixed, 75 cents. Mrs. Maude Shaver. 292 College st. Phona Main 5565. NATIONAL CASH REGISTER; BEEN IN use few montns; cost $128; for sale cheap. 2244 Washington su ENGINES, AS FOLLOWS: 10x10 YARDER, 10x13 roader. Adams & Murray, 226 Chamber of Commerce bldg. A MAGNIFICENT EDISON TRIUMPH PHO . nograph. with 130 artistically assorted rec ords. $75. 440 Sherlock bldg. SNAP FINE MOTION-PICTURE MA chine, 1000 feet film, 100 fine views, for $60. Room 2. 1454 th st. FOR SALE FINE FRESH JERSEY-DUR-ham cow with calf. Address 1524 Haw thorne ave. Phone Tabor 86. ALMOST NEW TYPEWRITER AND ROLL top desk for sale cheap; leaving city. Cull at 709 Division st. upstairs. CHEAP COMPLETE MACHINERY FOR sternwneei ooat; cost i4,uuv. Marry Randies, 543 East 19th st. WILL SELL FAMILY COW CHEAP, fresh, gentle to milk. 917, Belmont st. Take Sunnyslde car. BARGAIN FOR TAILORS TWO SEWTNG machlnee. slightly used, will sell cheap. 229 Jefferson st. I HAVE A DIAMOND, VALUE $185, WILL exchange for something I can use. D 3, Oregonian. EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY TO GET A fine Jersey cow, family pet, raised from calf. Union 824. A FOUR-CYLINDER, 12-HORSEPOWER Franklin automobile for sale. Phone Pa cific 1962. SEWING MACHINES, $5 AND UP ALL IN gooa oraer. tizi wasmngton. Phone Pa cific 793. GA'SOLTNE LAUNCH COST $250; WILL sell for leas than hall. Apply Q 66, Ore gonian. AUTOMOBILE 1006 CADILLAC RUN A bout, $600. Phone Main 1578. 160 11th street. BAR FIXTURES SHOWCASES AND COUN ters. Western Salvage Co- Phone Pacific 793. BIG 8ALB ON LIGHT AND WORK harness. Keller Harness Co.. 49 N. 6th el. GOOD FAMILY COW FULL-BLOOD JER sey, 4 years old. Apply 688 East 21st st. FOR SALE CANARY BIRDS; FINE FING- - ers, $3. 1171 Hi riawthorne ave. Tel. Tabor 95. FOR SALE OLDS TOURING CAR; slightly used; cheap. Phone Main S334. LADY'S BICYCLE AND BABY CARRIAGE, good condition. Phone East 2314. WANTED TIMBER LANDS. STILL SELLING TIMBER CLAIMS BE lieve I have aold more single claims in past five yeara than any agent in Portland;-also a bunch or two. J can aell yours. I know the buyers. A. D. MARSHALL. 427-429 Chamber of Commerce. WE BUY TIMBER ON NEHALEM, LOWER and upper Columbia, in Douglas County, on Smith, Umpqua and Coqullle Riven,' and yellow pine In Morrow, Wheeler, Grant and Crook Counties. Send exact de scription. Ooldschmldt's Agency, 253 Washington. TO OWNERS OF TIMBER CLAIMS AND timber; We will buy for cash any good timber trlbutarr to the Nebalem River. Will deal with owners only. Write giving full particulars. NehaJem Investment Co.. 23 Chamber of Commerce bldg.. Portias d. Or. WILL PAY CASH FOR TWO GOOD TIMBER relinquishments; must be close together; i i e t or N ehalem Coun t y preferred. 409 Buchanan bld-g. WE ARB LOOKING FOR A SAWMILL PRO posltlon in or out of the city. What have you to offer. O 100, care Oregontan. ' OREGON TIMBER CO.. TIMBER LAND3 bought and . sold. 403-4 McKay bldg., Portland, Or. WANTED GOOD TIMBER CLAIM OR RE llnquishment; cash. X 99, Oregonian. FOB RENT FARMS, HOOD RIVER 15 ACRES, ORCHARD, berries, timothy, 3 miles to depot. Mercer, 605 Front. Portland. 20 ACRES GOOD POTATO GROUND. TO rent; close to Portland. Boggert A Co., 151 Front t. HELP WANTED MALE. BOY WANTED AT RBPFUNG, .Washington at. HELP IV ANTED OtALK. -1 TOUNG MEN ARB WANTED BY A LARGB onicB incaira in tne city. Applications should have some office experience, write a good hand, and be accurate and quick at fimres. A young mail with soma knowledge of stenography and typewriting, who can act as a clerk and office assistant, is also wanted. The above petitions pay good salaries, and are positions where a man can bettur him self as he becomes more acquainted with the work. In answering, state ace. experience and salary expected. E. 06, Oregonian. Office boy Bright and active bov of 17 years or over, who desire to learn office work. State- age and salary wanted. S 99, Oregonian. GROCERY SALESMEN TO SELL "DROP Shipments' to farmers, restaurants, hotels and other large consumers; money refund ed where anything Is not satisfactory; steady, profitable, desirable employment for a honest, energetic and reliable sales man In every community; no experience necessary; send us the orders, "we do the rest"; advance part commissions when or ders are shipped and pay the balance when orders are paid ; headquarters for carload men making delivery shipments. Established 1S72. Loverin & Brown. Company, Wholesale Grocers, 1722 State St., Chicago. WANTED BOYS 1 TO 1 TEARS OF AGH to work In factory; good wages, steady work. Apply at once, AME-HARRIS-NEVILLE CO., 5th and Davis sta FIREMEN AND BRAKEMEN ON R A I L roads in Portland vicinity to fill vacan cies caused by promotions. Experience unnecessary. Age over 20; over 140 pounds; 5H feet or over. Firemen $lou monthly, become engineers and earn $200. Brakemen $70. become conductors and earn $150. Name position preferred. Railway Association, care The Oregonian. WANTED AT SPRINGFIELD, OR., MAN to burn brick and handle yard; good clay; 5(10.000 or 600,000 brick needed for build ing this Summer; excellent location for tannery; plenty of raw hides and good chipping facilities; special inducement to a condensed milk plant. Address Spring field Commercial Club. WANTED FOR U. S. ARMY. ABLB-BOD-led unmarried men, between ages of 21 and 35, citizens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can peak, read or write English. Apply to Recruiting Officer. A I n worth block. Third and Oak sts., Portland, Or. SOLICITOR TO SELL HIGH-CLASS AR tlcle used almost by everyone. Must bs well recommended or be able to put up bonds; good salary or commission. Ap ply between 11:30 and 12:3U. room 18 Buchanan bldg., Washington and 5th sts. BY COMPETENT ELECTRICAL AND ME chanlcal engineer of 18 years experience, at present employed by large firm in Chicago; reason for change health of wife and child; best of references; age 40. Address R. Boisacq. 708 Bos worth ave., Chicago. III. ALL DISEASES OF MEN SUCCESS FULLY treated; discharges positively cured In from to 5 days; consultation free and strictly confidential ; send for our symptom blank-X-radlum Medical Institute, 8d and Alder eta.; entrance 253 Alder at., Portland. FIRST-CLASS SHOE SALESMEN WANT ed. Only men with experience in high grade stores and recommendations need apply. We will pay very good wages to the right men. flommer A Kaufman, 1626 Fillmore st., San Francisco. . PRESSER WANTED J. M. ACHERON CO., 5th and Alder sta I FIRST-CLASS FRATERNAL ' IN SU RANCH solicitor for work in this city; salary to man or woman who can get the busi ness and can furnish recommend atlona. Inquire room 605, Commercial bldg. PROTECT YOURSELF FOR $1 PER MONTH against accident, sickness and death. Write or call for full information. Northwestern Health and Accident Association, SI Mallory bldg.. 268 Stark. . Agents wanted. WANTED A FEW MORE GOOD LIVB salesmen to sell our Coast-grown trees. Money advanced each week. Outfit fur nlthed free. Write us for particulars. Al bany Nurseries, Albany, Or. MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN BARBER trade in eight weeks; graduates earn from $16 to $25 weekly; expert instructors; cats, logue free. Moler System of Colleges, $5 North Fourth street, Portland. WANTED SALESMEN WITH EST A fl ushed routes, handle latest souvenir noa-el- ty: big commission; no collections. Free outfit snt; name towns made. U. S. Spe cialty Co., Minneapolis, Minn. WANTED FIRST-CLASS SPECIALTY salesman, first month to be on commlssios. If makes good, will pay good salary. Good seller for a salesman only. Address Beall A Co.. 321 Hawthorne ave. WANTED GOOD BOYS FOR FACTORY work; also one office boy ; steady posi tions; good chance for advancement. Ap ply $ A- M-, Monday, Closaet'A Devers, Front end Anken" SEVERAL MEN TO BEGIN NOW TO PRE pare for Government s positions. Examina tions soon. Desirable employment to good men. Write Paclfio States Schools, McKay Bldg., Portland, Or. PACIFIC STATIONER i at PRINTING CO., 306-207 2d st. Phnne Main 92L We design and Install the most modern and approved office, systems. Complete line loose-leaf filing devices. salesma n experienced any l r x ro. to sell general trade in Oregon. Unexcelled specialty proposition, commission, with $."5 weekly expenses. . Continental Jewelry Co., Cleveland. O. KELSO EMPLOYMENT A REAL ESTATB Tbe largest list of farm, timber, stump land In Cow 11 is County. Washington; free e m p loy me nt at piinclpa I cam pa. M. Blxby, Jr. WANTED MEN , AND BOYS TO LEARN plumbing trade. Day and night classes. Spe cial rates. Catalogue free. Colorado School Practical Plumbing, 1645 Arapahoe St., Den ver, Colo. , Men and women to learn watchmaking, engrav ing, jeweler work, optics, easy terms; posi tions guaranteed; money made leaning. Watchmkg-Engvg. Sch'l, 1426 4th av. Seattle WANTED MEN FOR NEW MILLS AND logging camps at Black Rock, Or., via Dallas: fare, $2.25; good wagea, hoard, healthy and moral surroundings. Come. YOUNG MAN BRIGHT AND WILLING, TO learn stationery line; good chanc for ad vancement; state experience and salary wanted. T 91, Oregonian. BHOB SALESMAN. THOROUGH AND COM petent, with a faculty for decoration and display; a good position for nrst-claia man. Olds. Wortman A King. WANTED TWO FIRST-CLASS BARBERS for Aberdeen. Wwh.; $18 week: half over : $28. For particulars apply to Lewls-Sten-ger Barbers' Supply Co. WANTED A MAN AND HIS WIFE TO GG on Hood River fruit ranch. Applv 310 Lum ber Exchange building, Monday morning be tween 9 and 12. WANTED 1 GOOD STRIPPER FOR press-room; 2 strong men for warehouse work. Portland Linseed Oil Works, North Portland. GOOD PAY TO MEN EVERYWHERE TO tack signs, distribute circulars, samples, etc,; no canvassing. Universal Adv. Co., Chicago. STENOGRAPHER ACCURATE AND RAPID, in office of large wholesale house; give experience In detail and salary. V 91, Ore gonian. Advertising solicitors, city; printers. Job-a4 men, reporters, operators wanted, furnished. Newspaper Brokerage, Goodnough bldg. WANTED HUSTLERS TO TACK SIGNS, distribute circulars, samples, -etc. ; good pay. Sun Advertising Bureau, Chicago. WANTED SEXTON FOR TRINITY Church. Apply by letter to Rev. A. A. Morrison, 5H9 Kverett St., city. WANT A FEW GOOD LIVE SOLICITORS; no lobsters need apply. Call Monday 8 to 10, Room 316, Fleldnor bldg. OFFICE BOY, 16 TO 19 YEARS OF AGE, intelligent, honest and able to furnish good references. Phone Main 3o0. MAN AND WIFE WANTED TO WORK ON small farm near city. Good home. 332 Johnson st., city. WANTED YOUNG BOY. APPLY TO Lewis-Stenger Barbers' Supply Co., Morri son and" 10th sis. SALESMAN FOR STATIONERY STORE; experienced. Good opening. S 91, Ore gonian. - BOYS WANTED AT G. P. RUMMBL1N A SiQT?m 126 2d et., near Washlngtos.