21 HELP WANTED MALE. HELP WANTED MALE. SITUATION WANTED MALE- SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. THE SUNDAY OREGOMAX, PORTLAND, MAY o, 1907. THE MEIER FRANK STORE HAS VA canri for competent salesmen in men ' fumiehing-. men's clothing, house furnish ings and shoes: also b 16 years or over to le&rn the business: permanent position and good, wars. Apply Alder-street entrance, 7 to 10 A. M., and 8 to 9 P. M. Monday. AG K NTS OPPORTUNITY OF no experience wcewary; ; big cash profits daiW: one agent made $21 in one hour, everyone will buy. We more acci dent and sickness policies than any other similar company i the world; we ' the moat popular and cheapest insurance ' written: new plan; 1 a year pay. for S5.o policy; no awfisments or dues, other amount, in proportion- weekly indemnity; free medical attend ance; original popular features; ex. All claims Promptly and liberally settled; Insurance assets, $500,000. Re ' liable representative wanted everywhere; exclusive territory; liberal, permanent In come, increasing every year, absolutely sure Address International Corporation, 2'(1 Broadway l Dept. St. New York. WANTED BOYS 1 TO 19 YEARS OF Attn to work In factory; good wages, steady work. Apply at once, AMES-HARRIS-NEVILLE CO., 6'vb and Davis sis. $3O0 TO $10,000 YEARLY EASILY MADEJ In the real estate business; no capital re quired;' we will teach you the business by mail, appoint you special representative, or ' leading real estate company, list with you readily salable properties, co-operate with and assist you to a permanent success; a thorough commercial law course free to each representative; write for 62-page book free; it will be sure to interest you. The Cross Co., 660 Reaper block, Chicago. WANTED AN ABSOLUTELY HONEST, RH llHble and capable young business or college mon of good personality and address, for re- . sponsible position paying unusually pood sal ary and offering advancement: long exper ience not necessary, but satisfactory quali fications are. Small cash bond until surety bond is arranged. Communicate by letter only with Mr. Louis LaughUn, Portland Ho tel, city. GALEHMAN AN ENERGETIC, RELIABLE man who can devote part or all of his time to look after interest of an Eastern corporation In city: must be of good per sonality and convincing talker; state age and experience; references; communica tions confidential. Address B 82, Ore gonlan. GOVERNMENT POSITIONS THOUSANDS of appointments to be made: examina tions soon in every state; circular 1 61. giving full particulars as to positions, salaries, sample questions, etc., ent free by National Correspondence Institute, Washington. I. C- BY COMPETENT ELECTRICAL AND ' MB rhanlca) engineer of 18 years' experience, at present employed by large Arm in Chicago; s reason for change health of wife and child; best of reference: age 40. Address Jl. Koisacq, Tu8 Bosworth ave., Chicago, III. WANTED YOUNG SINGLE MAN, BET. 18 and 2.1 years old. to drive retail oil wagon; must have reference; no others need apply. Call before 12 o'clock today. . ITS East 23d st. , near Belmont. GOOD SALARY AND PERMANENT Em ployment for two reliable men who can invest some money in growing and profit able manufacturing business. Address Lock Box 533, Portland. WANTED TWO TRAVELING VEHICLE salesmen to carry a high-grade line of buggies and a standard make of farm wagons, on commission. Address K 81, oregonian. POSITIONS IN RAILWAY MAIL. POST offlce, customs service, are permanent; chance for promotion; let us prepare you for examinations. West Coast Correspondence - Schools, 714 Cham. Com. Open evening. SOLICITORS WANTED BEST MONEY . making proposition In Portland; make from $30 to $60 per week; no experience, no money, but hustlers required. Call at 406 Stearns blk.. Monday, 9 to 10 o'clock. WANTED HIGH - CLASS SPECIALTY salesman of experience, who can command . . at least $:nm0 per year above expenses. Per manent position to right man. J. A. Kid well, mgr.. Sales Dept., Cleveland, O. SALESMEN WANTED TWO GROCEFTY specialty salesmen, worth $150 per month. Well-known house; trade established. Posi tions permanent. personal Interview ar ranged. Adress H 64. cars Oregon ian. "WANTED FIRST-CLASS TEA AND COFFEE man for a partly established coffee route; one with Portland experience preferred; state reference and experience. Address Grand Union Tea Co., 473 Washington st. MAN TO DO COLLECTING IN OREGON City; must have good reference, furnish, bond: man living in Oregon City preferred. Apply Monday A. M.. 40S Abington bldg. WANTED BOY BETWBERN 16 AND 18 year old to learn candy-making; must have consent of parents. The Modern Confection ery Co., 13th and Hoyt ate. BOY FOR OFFICE WORK AND LEARN hardwsre business; address in own hand writing: state age and references. V 71, Oregonian. WANTED PAINTERS AND PAPER hangers. Apply ready for work. 7:30 A. M. Mc-Cliutork Peterson. 43 Washington. WANTED BOY WITH BICYCLE TO :irry packages. Herbert A Greenland. 3d and Washington sts., over Feldenhelmer's. WANT MAN. MIDDLE-AGED, FOR REAL estate and business chance office: $-5 -a week: $250 required. Q S3, Oregonian. BARBER WANTED TO RUN OR RENT well-equipped shop: only steady, experi enced men need apply. fi61 Hood st. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED LIFE In surance agent to travel on salary to appoint local agents. Ad drees A 64, Oregonian. WANTED TO SELL CARPENTER SHOP, fully equipped with machinery; good busi nefcs. Address 6 84. Oregonian. WANTED ONB OR TWO FIRST-CLASS commercial sign writers. Apply R. S. Al bright Tacoma, Wash. INTELLIGENT. HONEST. WELL-DRESSED hoy, 16 to 19 years of age; must give good references. Phone Main 6300. -WANTED FIRST-CLASS BUSHELM AN. Herbert & Greenland. 3d and Washington ate., over Feldenhelmer's. WANTED MEN FOR CITY WORK. NONE but bustlers need apply. Call Monday A. M . 212 Swetlaud bldg. ONE PANTRYMAN AND ONE MESSBOY wanted en steamer Oregona today, foot of Taylor tt. WANTED A COMPETENT PRFSS FEEDER; al.o experienced apprentice on type. Alvln S. Hawk Co. BOY WANTED TO DRIVE WAGON FOR wholesale house; references required. S K3. Oregonian. YOUNG MAN TO HUSTLE: GOOD PAT; deposit $250; $30 week guaranteed. P S3. Oregonian. . WANTED ELEVATOR BOY AT LANG Co.', First and Ankeny. Apply Monday morning. PLASTERERS ESTIMATE WANTED ON plastering 8 rooms. McCoy. 364 N. 26th. PAINTERS EIGHT HOUSES TO PAINT; some papennr also. McCoy, 364 N. 26th. WANTED YOUNG MAN TO WASH dishes at Baumann Hotel. 412 X. 19th st. HELP WANTED WITH SOME EXPERl ence on bread. F 85, Oregonian. A GOOD BUTCHER WANTED FOR BACK shop. Jones' Market, 1M 4th. WANTED MAN OR BOY TO TAKE CARE of horses. 211 Washington st. .WANTED BOX. IS AND 20 FRONT ST. WANTED. Two donkey engineers. 3 donkey firemen, 2 camp blacksmiths, 1 horseehoer, 5 roug'u carpenters, 4 mill carpenters, 4 planer feeders. 6 lumber graders. B tallymen. 2 planermen, 1 planer foreman, 3 ratchet setters, 5 carriage men, 100 mill hands, 26 sash and door factory men, 00 loggers, 10 river drivers; top wages. We Pay Transportation To Work Out of the City. LUMBERMEN'S LABOR BCREAt, Main Office 12 North Second st. COMMERCIAL ABSTRACT Co f We make a specialty of placing capable men in high-grade position 8. If you are a competent salesman, any line, bookkeeper. , stenographer, clerical man. ca!l at your earliest convenience and we will put you In touch with the desired opportunity, city or country. Raleigh bldg., 6th and Waah. sts. WANTED NEWSPAPER SOLICITOR OR book man to- sell the latest edition of Webster's Dictionary In Oregon; salary or commission; new territory. Apply room 405.4 Buchanan bldg., between 5 and 6 o'clock. WANTED AT ONCE, FIRi-T-CLASS HORSK shoer and helper on general blacksmithing; first-class wage a or will sell Interest In shop; transportation paid if man suits. Address F. Oroshong, White Salmon, Waah. BOY FOR GENERAL STORE WORK Splendid opportunity for right boy. Len njn', 309 Morrison. BOY IN WHOLESALE GROCERY. , APPLY Sunday between 10 and 11 A. M. 154 Front st. DRUG CLERK STATE SALARY, WHERE last employed, experience, eLc. L 85, Ore gonlan. WANTED BENCH HANDS. ENTERPRISE Planing Mill. 306 East Yamhill. EXPERIENCED SOLICITOR VIENNA DYE Work. 224-226 Third street. WANTED BOY 18 YEARS OLD IN FAC tory. 233 Couch t- - BOY WANTED TO HELP IN STORE, AGE about 17. 13 N. 3d. WANTED DRIVER. OREGON CREAM ery, 1 00 4th at. WANTED DISHWASHER AT 410 WASH Ington st. HELP WANTED FEMALE, WANTED WOMAN OR GIRL TO DO housework in smull family. Inquire 37 Frescott at. Phone Woodlawn U65. WANTED EXPERIENCED FAMILY cook, wages $35; also capable second girl, $25. 230 Yamhill. Main 5413. WANTED YOUNG GIRL TO GO ON ST AGIO for musical act who can sing, dance or play any instrument. S 88. Oregon Ian. WANTED LADY RESIDENT AGENTS; flavoring- extracts; good pay. Address 1142 E. Yamhill, Portland. Or. GIRLS WANTED TO WORK IN TAILOR shop: steady work; good wages. Union Tailoring Co., 73 N. 6th. WANTED A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE . work; small washing: small family. 635 Everett st. Good wage. ELDERLY LADY TO HELP TAKE CARE of Invalid; good home and salary. 304 Clay at., corner 10th. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK IN email family. Call 128 E. 19th at., between Morrison and Alder. WANTED GIRLS TO SORT BROOM corn. Apply Sunset Broom Works, 12th and Lovejoy sts. WAITRESS, THOROUGHLY EXPERIENCED ami work; pay $9. Cottage Waffle Restau rant.. 146 Sixth at. V ANTE D WOM AN AS H BLPE R IN itchen; no Sunday work. Call Monday, 7:30 Al M.. 133 10th st. WATTED GIRL FOR COOKING AND OEN eral houeework: family of two. 198 Kins'. Phone Main 2404. NEAT MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN FOR chamberwork who has had experience. Call 322 4 Stark st. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work; can stay at home nights. Apply 78" Irving st. GOOD JACQUARD WEAVERS, GOOD PAY, steady work; come at once. Pendleton Woolen Mills. WOMAN TO COOK ON FARM; SMALL child no objection. Mrs. H. Pomeroy, Gresham, Or. EXPERIENCED SALESLADIES WANTED in all departments. Silverneld Co., 4th and Morrison sts. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK Small family; good wages. 354 Tenth, corner Mill. EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER: GIVE reference and state salary expected. U 79, Oregonian. LADY ST E NOOR APHER, EX PERIE NC E D for real estate "and insurance office. E 82, Oregonian. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK IN suburbs: no washing, good wages. Phone East 5O60. WANTED - STARCHER AND POLISHER. App!y at once. Ineeda Steam Laundry, St. Johns. Or. WANTED A TAIL0RES8 OF EXPERIENCE men's wear; good wages. Call A. B. Stein bach Co. WANTED GIRL TO DO GENERAL HOUSE work in small family. Inquire at 361 Has salo st. GIRL WANTS TO DO HOUSEWORK IN small family; Alblna preferred. 461 Vancou ver ave. WANTED GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK AND cooking. Family of 4 adults. $30 wages. 670 Hoyt st. SMART YOUNG GIRLS TO WRAP CHEW, l.ig gum. American; Chicle Co.. 31 N. Front st. WANTED WAITRESSES AND A CHAM bermaid at Hobart-Curtls. 14th and Jef ferson. A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK IN small family. 58 Lucretia St., off Washing ton. COMPETENT WAIST AND SKIRT MAK ers at once. 162 N. 15th st. Phone Main 5341. GIRL TO DO SECOND WORK. MRS. DA vid C. Lewis, 286 N. 21st st. Phone Main 5274. GIRLS WANTED AT G. P. RUMMELIN At ont. Furriers. 126 2d St.. near Washington. WANTED FIRST-CLASS WAIST FINISH ers at 34 N. 16th st. Mrs. R. O. Gilltland. WANTED EXPERIENCED TAILOR ESS; steady position. Ben Selling leading clothier. WANTED EXPERIENCED ALTERATION hand on jackets and skirts. H. B. Lltt. WA N T ED EXPERIENCED ARM WAIT rem at Winters' Restaurant, 230 First at. DANCING LESSONS, 25c WILSON" 3 School. Allsky bldg., 8d and Morrtaoa sts. GIRLS WANTED APPLY STANDARD FA.C ory. 3 Grand ave. and Dast Taylor at. WANTED A FIRST-CLASS COOK. APPLY morning or afternoon at- 145 N; 20th at. WANTED GOOD GIRL FOR" GENERAL housework: good wages. 128 14th st. WANTED WOMAN TO DO WASHING and cleaning by day at 541 N. 15th. APPRENTICE GIRL WANTED TO LEARN dressmaking. Call at 255 11th St. RELIABLE GIRL TO ASSIST WITH HOUSE) work, small family. 652 Kearney st. WANTED EXPERT FITTERS.- INQUIRE H. B. Lltt, 351 Washington st. GIRLS FOR PAPER BOX WORK. PORT land Paper Box. Co., 208 Oak st. W NT ED A GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. 161 N. 24th st. WANTED ERRAND GIRL. WAIST AND skirt help. 506 Marquam bldg. GIRL FOR GENERAL. HOUSEWORK AT Mt. Tabor. Phone East 243. FIRST-CLASS CHAMBERMAID. Court, 11th and Yamhill st. WANTED AT BEACH GIRL FOR CHAM ber work. Phone Pacific 2751. WANTED A LADY TO ANSWER TELB phone calls. 304 Ankeny at. WANTED A GTRL FOR LIGHT HOUSE-w.-rk. Phone Main 5872. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE ork. 245 King. HOUSEKEEPER WANTED. INQUIRE AT lool Belmont. VALUE OF THE Oregonian Publishing Co., Portland, Ore. Gentlemen:- Responding to your favor of the 18th inst., we hand you herewith 40 cts. in stamps in settlement of your Invoice of even date. We are glad to inform you that the returns from this advertisement have been very satisfactory and we will remember you in the future. Kindly acknowledge receipt and oblige, Yours truly, THE IROQUOIS MANUFACTURING CO. .End. HELP WANTED FEMAIJS. THE MEIER A FRANK STORE HAS VA cancies for competent ealeelsdie in gloves, ribbons, laces, millinery, hosiery and knit underwear; also millinery trimmers; also young girls to learn the business; permanent positions ard good wages. Apply Alder-street entrance 7 to 10 A. M. and 8 to 9 P. M. Monday. YOUNG LADIES WANTED TO LEARN TELEPHONE OPERATING; GOOD SALARY. SHORT HOURS. PAY WHILE LEARNING; L N C H S E RVED FR EE OF . CHARGE. APPLY CHIEF OPERATOR TELE PHONE BLDG.. WEST PARK AND ALDER. CROWN EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. FOR LADIES. We need femal. help of all kinds. It we haven't what you want, we will And it for vou . CROWN EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. 38 Raleigh bids;.. Sixth and Washington. GIRL TO WAIT' ON TABLE AND DO chamber work: one capable of tKlng charge and buying. Call between, 12 and 1 P. M.. 6 and 7 P. M., 314 MilL WANTED GOOD COOK, MARRIED WOM an preferred; husband can secure employ ment at Sellwood sawmill. Apply Com mercial Hotel, 640 Spokane ave. GIRLS WANTED OPERATORS TO WORK on shirts and overalls; lesson. gtye to inexperienced. Apply at Standard Faijtorj. S Grand avs. and E- Taylor st. WANTED LAUNDRY HELP. COLLAR girl and neck bander and starch work iron era. East Side Laundry Co., E. 6th and Ash sts. Phone East 809. WANTED WAITRESSES. C H A M B E-R maids, dishwashers, domestics big wages. Write Woman's Domestic Guild, 810 Riv erside, Spokane, Wash. - AN EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR GENERAL housework in a small family; liberal wages. 252 13th st. W NTED GOOD WHITE WOMAN COOK to cook for small family: none but ex perienced need apply; wages $40 per month. Apply 819 Lovejoy st. WANTED GOOD COMPETENT WOMAN for general housework, to go to country for Summer; must be over 25; good wages. Phone East 1350. WANTED MIDDLE-AGED LADY - TO cook in small hotel; also girl to take car. of small child. Addresa H. W. Thomas, Houlton, Or. WANTED HONEST PARTNER, NOT afraid of work, in an established business, small investment required. M S3, Orego nian. MIDDLE-AGED REFINED WOMAN TO care for an aged lady; good home and salarv; references. Mrs. Canfield, Hood River. Or. WANTED MTDDLB-AGED WOMAN FOR general housework ; no washing ; $25 per month. Mrs. J. L. Henderson. Hood River. Or. , . WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOU6E work: no washing, highest wages paid, small famllv. 420 E- 15th st. North; Irvlngton car.. WANTED APPRENTICE IN CLOAK DE partment; also girl in shirtwaist depart ment. H. B. Lltt, 351 Washington st. WILL SELL 1300 SHARES CASCADIA AT 24 cents and 5000 shares British Columbia Amalgamated at 3 cents. Q 85, Oregonian. WANTED A WOMAN OVER 25: GOOD pay and bard work ; fair education ; no canvassers wanted. J 61. Oregonian. - WANTED OPERATORS AND GIRLS TO learn shirtmaktng. Apply Standard Factory 2 Grand avenue and East Taylor street. COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work In family of two; must know how to cook; good wage. 304 N. 24th st. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. I43H Washington st.. cor. 7th, upstair Pbon. U&Ib 2692. WANTED MACHINE GIRLS, MANGLE girls, folders acd hand lroners. Opera House Laundry Co., 2d and Everett, WANTED SECOND GIRL. TWO IN FAM lly; good wages. Apply today, 714 Wayne at. Phone Main 2563. WANTED AT ONCE, COOK AND GEN eral housework: three in family; no children. Apply 772 Everett st. WANTED AT ONf"E. SECOND GIRL.- 14th st. Phone Pacific 1066. WANTED DRESSMAKER JkSL AP cr entice a. 145 m 11th sU OREGONIAN AS A CLASSIFIED MEDIUM The Iroouois Manufacturing Co. K30n3Q Cleveland. 0..V.S.A. Apr. 25, '07. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WRAPPERS. J Ljpman, Wolfe Co. require girls for wrapping department; permanent positions. Apply at once to Supt. BHTRT-MAKER WANTED PERMANENT position snd good wsges to competent per son. Jacobc Shirt Co., 291 Stark st. WANTED LADY AGENTS TO S0LL ARTI cl. used by every woman. Sells at sight. $10 to $15 per day. Sample outfit, 60 cents. Money refunded if unsatisfactory. Woman's Sanitary Exchange. 312 Chicago Opera-House block, Chicago, 111. ATTENTION. Applicants for all kinds of work, register' with us, fre. of charge, so w. may iocats you on short notice. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY, S4S Waahlna-toa at., cor. 7th, upstair WANTED EXPERIENCED COOK. SMALL bungalow, two In family, no children, "no ' laundry, one day off each week; wages $25 per month. 7 Bt. Helens Court, Port land Heights. Phon. Pacific 2999. WOMAN WITH BUSINESS ABILITY AND some knowledge of office work; interest in business and handle rooming-house de partment, established. A 85, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED CASHIERS FOR A LARGO retail mercantile business; competent par ties with the beat recommendations can se cure good positions. Apply R 76, Oregonian. WANTED GIRLS FOR LIGHT, CLEAN work In factory; chance for promotion. Call Monday between 10 and 12 o'clock at 480 Belmont st., cor. East 9tb, upstairs. WANTED GIRL AS STENOGRAPHER and office assistant; must be accurate at figures. Address, stating experience and 4 wages desired, H 88, Oregonian. WANTED CAPABLE GIRL FOR GENER al housework; good wages, nice position; 4 in family; no children. Phone East 3234. Address 622 Tillamook st. LADIES TO MAKE SANITARY BELTS, material all cut ready to sew; $16 per hun dred. Particulars stamped envelope. Sani tary Co., Dept. 560. Chicago. SHIRTWAIST MAKER, MUST UNDER etand fancy and tailored waists: permanent position: good salary to competent person. Apply 382 Washington st. LADY WANTED IN BAKERY AND DELI catessen. One understanding something about bakery preferred. Call Sunday. 460 H Jefferson. WANTED GIRL 6 OR 7 YEARS OLD TO board and car. for by lady of great ex perience and perfect aucceai. -Xall at 494 Jefferson st. 30 WAITRESSES. UP $10; HOTELS, boarding. $25; chambermaids, cook, $40; housekeepers, domestics. Drake, 205 Vs Washington. RELIABLE, MOTHERLY WOMAN TO take charge house, 3 small boys; no wash ing; no objection to colored woman. Phone East 4074. WANTED YOUNG WOMAN FOR ORDER clerk in wholesale house; must have som. knowledge of shorthand. W 82, Orego nian. WANTED A HOUSEKEEPER, GOOD COOK, that can play the piano and sing; good home for the right party. John Ha j don. Plains, Mont. COMPETENT STENOGRAPHER, WHOLE sale. Address, giving experience, refer ences and aalary wanted, J 82, Oregonian. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOCSE work, 5-room cottage. B. B. Espy, 718 East Madison st. Pliene East 2978. GOOD WOMAN FOR KITCHEN WORK only; if married can furnish board for husband also. Call 251 7th st. - WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work, good wages. Call after 10 o'clock, 29 N. Park, near Couch st. WANTED YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST IN care of children. Apply 422 E. 16th st. North, Irvington car. GOOD GIRL FOR. KITCHEN WORK IN privets boarding-house. Call Astor House, 7th and Madison. . . WANTED GIRL WITH REFERENCES, FOR cooking and general housework; good wages. ' Phone. Main 1212.- WANTED AN EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR candy store. Call today at. Sam L. Beary, 323 Morrison st. WANTED 10 WOMEN: GOOD CHANCE to make money; all expenses paid. O 84, Oregonian. WANTED A YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST with housework; no cooking. Call 567 Hoyt st. WANTED YOUNG WOMAN STENOG- rapher for wholesale bouse. K 83, Ore gonian. SKIRT. WAIST AND JACKET FINISHERS, room 403 FUedner bldg., 10th snd Washing ton. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. 18. East 12th st-, near YamhilL WANTED GOOD. PLAIN COOK; THREE IN family; good wages. D 78 Oregonian. EXPERIENCED, GOOD COOK ter noon today. 750 Lovejoy ALTERATION HANDS WANTED AT SIL verfields. 4th and Morrison COOK WANTED APPLY 66 NORTH 7TH street. COMPETENT GIRT FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. 233 N. 24th St. WANT SEWING GIRLS- AT 54 i N. 15th ST.J ousts. Pres. KELP WANTED FEMALK. TRIMMERS. Llpman. Wolf. A Ce. require at once two trimmers for fine millinery; only those hav ing city experience need appb- WANTED GIRLS OVER 1 YEARS OLD TO work in factory; good wages; steady em ployment. Apply at ones. Ames-Harris-Neville Co., fita and Da-via streets. GIRLS TO WORK IN PAPER BOX FACTORY. Steady, clean work. Apply at F. C. STETTLER, cor. 10th and Gllsan. LADIES WANTED IN EVERY LOCALITY to sell our new sanitary specialty which every woman requires. Our agents are mak- Ing $5 to $12 a day. Send 50 cents for 8am- pie outfit. Money refunded If not satisfac tory. Specialties Agency, 79 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. SALESWOMEN. EXPERIENCED, COMPH tent and reliable, wanted in all departments; good permanent positions to the right per sons. Olds, Wortman & King. WANTED DINING-ROOM GIRL AT 226 11th st. HELP WANTED MALOR FEMALE. FRATERNAL SOLICITORS MEN OR Wo men; new society; great success; splendid organisation; abiy officered; beautiful rit ,' ual; nine classes of certificates; ages 19 to 65; fine literature; liberal contracts to earnest workers. Union Provident League, Tilford bldg., 10th and Morrison sts.. Port land, Or. WANTED INTELLIGENT PERSONS OF both sexes to engage In remunerative bus iness; all or part of their time, with re sponsible house; salary guaranteed. Ad dress G 86. Oregonian. WANTED IMMEDIATELY FOR DRA matic stock company, professionals and good amateurs; good salary, long engage ment. Newman's, Theatrical Circuit, 145 4 6th. cor. Alder. WANTED TO TELL YOUR HOROSCOPE; send date of btrtb, stamped and addressed envelope and 25c In silver; questions an swered, ?0c each. Madam Suzan, lock box 409. MAN OR WOMAN FOR GENERAL HOUSE work; one that understands some cook ing. 200 Vi Park st. WANTEDrAN ITALIAN" TEACHER. AD dress or call rooms 5-6. Elton Court An nex. 267 V EVERETT ST. WANT A MAN OR a woman, experienced In tailoring. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. YOUNG MAN. 21 YEARS OF AGE IS DE slrous of procuring office work: under stands stenography and bookkeeping; good references. Phone Pacific 2833. Q $4, Ore gonian. ENERGETIC. . RELIABLE YOUNG MAN wants position wtth some live real estate firm or good wholesale house; good ref erences. W 85, OFegonian. YOUNG MAN. 2? YEARS OLD. WOULD like situation as clerk; three years at col lege ; had previous experience as shipper. Address V 79, Oregonian. COLLECTOR EXPERT COLLECTOR AND investigator from East with A-l references wants position; wages reasonable. A. M. Kessler. 71 H 6th si. X. BOOKKEEPER-STENOGRAPHER. WITH several years' experience and first-class local references desire, position at once. P 84, Oregonian. J WANTED POSITION IN BANK. CITY OR country: chance of promotion; , experi enced; have money to invest. J 84, Ore gonian. MIDDLE-AGED ALL AROUND HANDY MAN want, position in store or private family; good with either pen or toolsu M SO, Oregon ian. AN A-l SALESMAN. AN ORDER GETTER, not an order taker, desires to change lines; road work incompatible. L 79, Oregonian. EXCEPTIONAL EXPERIENCED SALES man desires situation, city or traveling; 8 years' road work.-'' C 8, Oregonian. AN EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER AND stenographer; one not afraid of work. X 86. Oregonian. YOUNG MAN. EXPERIENCED, WANTS position as clerk in hotel; references. D 85, Oregonian. BOOKS POSTED. BILLS AND STATEMENTS made out: reasonable. F. R. Wilcox, 340 Sherlock bldg. BOOKKEEPER AND STENOGRAPHER, 7 , years' experience; best of references. L 84, Oregonian. WANTED POSITION OFFICE WORK; can operate typewriter. O 81. Oregonian. WANTED POSITION AS HOTEL CUEJRK; reference. Phone Pacific 1296t Bookkeeper, and Clerks. FIRST-CLASS RAILROAD RATE AND OF nce man wants position with wholesale house as traffic man; now holding good position In a Portland railroad -rtTice. L 83. Oregonian. HOTEL MAN I BACHELOR). POSSESSING executive ability, tact, culture and refine ment, wishes position as clerk, city or Summer resort; Al references. A 81. Ore gonian. "DKAKE." 2054 WASHINGTON i EITHER telephone) furnishes cltv. camp. farm htlp; anybody, anywhere; also Japanese, Chinese. RESPONSIBLE PARTY WISHES TO CARE for residence for the rent of same this Sum mer, during owner's absence; csn furnish - best of references. Pbone East 4245. POSITION WANTED IN LAUNDRY; PRE fer marking and assorting or assistant washer, but can work anywhere; two years experience. Phone East 6166. BY GENERAL MACHINE BLACKSMITH Place In custom shop to learn horseshoe ing; would be willing to buy part interest. Address A 83, Oregonian. A GOOD ALL-ROUND AMATEUR BALL player desires to play Saturday ball; can play any position. For particulars ad dress R 84. Oregonian. YOUNG MAN. THOROUGHLY CAPABLE at handling horses, seeks position as driver of high-class delivery. Address H 86, Or egonian. IF YOU -WANT YOUR LAWN. ROSES. hedges snd shrubbery attended to by an ex . perienced landscape gardener, phone East 2054. FARM MANAGER WANTS POSITION: 15 years experience in irrigation; experienced in handling men. Address A 79, Oregonian. JAPANESE LABOR ASSOCiYtION CAM f urn lsn domest lo serva n ts. farm era, also ; ail kiads of help. Main 450. 268 Everett. DAIRY MANAGER WANTS POSITION near Portland; can handle large proposition; references). .Address X SO, Oregonian. WANTED POSITION BY FIRST-CLASS newspaper makeup or ad compositor. Ad dress L. care Courier, Oregon City. RELIABLE JAPANESE WITH REFER ences wants work early morning or after noon and evening. L 81, Oregonian. FARM MANAGER WANTS POSITION ON grain farm; years of experience in wheat raising. Address O 77, Oregonian. WINDOW CLEANING DWELLINGS AND fiats a specialty. Phone Pacific 2244. Thomas Green, 122 7th st. FIRST-CLASS ORCHESTRA DESIRES Summer engagement at hotel or Summer resort. N 72, Oregonian. JAPANESE HIGH SCHOOL BOY WANTS poei t ion as schoolboy ; good speaker. O 83, Oregonian. JAPANESE COOK WANTS SITUATION IN private house or boarding-house. Phone, Pa 7 clflc 1626. Experienced, good Japanes. gardener wants work by day or contract. Phone Mala 4797. EXPERIENCED VALET OF GOOD APPEAR ance wishes position. R 82. Oregonian. JAPANESE BOY WANTS ANY KIND housework position. A 90. Oregontanr GROCERYMAN GOOD. LIVE YOUNG MAN wants position. S 86, Oregonian. SORER MAN WANTS POSITION AS COOK. T 77. Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeeper, and Stenographers. EXPERIENCED. RELIABLE STENOG raphcr. Underwood. Densmore or Rem ington, desires permanent position at once; hours 9 to 5. Pacific 2059. POSITION BY YOUNG LADY AS OFFICE girl, auditor or cashier; 3 years' experi ence; references. C 81. Oregonian. YOUNG LADY DESIRES POSITION AS bookkeeper or cashier, city; references. M 84, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER WILL substitute, $2 to $2.25 per day. Pacific POSITION WANTED BY A LADY BOOK keeper of experience. F 81, Oregonian. WANTED OFFICE WORK; EXPERI enced. W 78, Oregonian. Dressmaker., EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER WISHES engagements to go out by the day. Phone Kaln lihtUK miss jarsen. DRESSMAKING SHIRTWAIST SUITS, Eton suits or alterations. Phon. Main 4663. 168 12th St MRS. BISHOP. DRESSMAKING AND LA dies tailoring; prices reasonable. 408 Main at. MRS. VAt'QHAN. EXPERIENCED DRES3 maker, 392' East Burnside st. Phone East 6217. MADAME TUTTLD. fashionable fiaessmaker; exclusive style. 215 13th st. Tel. Main 6619. Nurses. CAPABLE NURSE. 10 YEARS' EXPERI ence. desires patients; maternity a spe cialty; no objection to a little housework; $15 per week. D 54. Oregonian. STRONG YOUNG WOMAN WHO IS A good nurse would like position to take care of im-alld: would go out of town to Beach or mountains. B 83, Oregonian. EXPERIENCES NURSE WANTS WORK BY day or week. I give sea salt baths and massage to ladles only. Pbone Main 1528. A THOROUGHLY COMPETENT NURSE wants care of infant, invalid or sick, rea sonable. Phone East 2268. Housekeepera, POSITION WANTED BY MIDDLE-AGED ladv as housekeeper for widower with child; can furnish best of references. D 82, Oregonian. A LADY WOULD LIKE POSITION AS housekeeper. WTill take full charge, city, country or seaside. D 90, Oregonian. DRESSMAKING TAILOR SUITS, $8 UP; wash suits. $3 up. Phone Pacific 218 240 H 5th at. YOUNG LADY GIVES PRIVATE LESSONS in grammar-grade studies: beginners taken in uerman. fnone aiain iuo. LADIES' DRAMATIC. ELOCUTION AND Musical Club: also children's class, $2.50 per month. 54 h.ast ash. CHAMBERMAlDj BY RELIABLE EXPE riepced woman;" five years in last situa tion. D 83, Oregonian, WANTED BY MAN AND WT1FB. CARE OF city or sub. home during Summer. Address K 78, Oregonian. WOMAN WISHES HOUSEWORK OR WORK by the day. Call 270j Front st.t cor. Jef ferson, room 11. WOMAN WANTS HOUSEWORK IN SMALL family- Can be trusted with baby. O 88, Oregonian. WANTED PLACE FOR LIGHT HOL'SE work and cooking, or a nurse for child. J 79, Oregonian. LACE CURTAINS WASHED AND stretched. 16S Ivy st.. .Albina. Phone East 2723. WANTED ALL KINDS OF WORK BY THE dav bv a respectable lady. Phone East 489 or East 1339. HOME LAUNDERED CURTAINS BY Ex perienced hands. Phone Tabor 634. Mrs. S.. M. Scott. . WANTED POSITION AS MARKER AND sorter: 3 years' experience. R 77, Ore gonian. LACE CURTAINS LAUNDERED A SPE claltr. Phone Main 3740, or Horn, phone A 3740. EXPERIENCED LAUNDRESS WANTS work in private families. X 84, Orego nian. AN ELDERLY MAN WANTS POSITION AS gardener or all around man. G 80, Oregonian. LACE CURTAINS WASHED AND stretched; 40c and 50c pair. Main 7014. LADY WOULD LIKE WORK BY THE week or day. 147 N. 12th st. WOMAN WANTS HOUSEWORK TO DO BY the day. Phone East 25fl- WANTED A GOOD PAINTER. INQUIRE 866 East 7th at.. North. WOMAN WANTS WORK BY THE PAY Phone Pacific 1717. Miscellaneous. k FAMILY COOK DESIRES POSITION IN American family where second girl is kept; will not do Jewish cooking; city refer ence; wages $35. H 80, Oregonian, WORK WANTED FOR WHITE. CHINESE, Japanese, colored help (hotels, restau rants, families, anybody. . "Drake's," 25Hr Washington. LADY HOTEL MANAGER WOULD LIKE to get a large hotel to manage in or out of the city; can give good references. C, 73, Oregonian. MAN AND WIFE WANTS COOKING FIRST and second work, in Summer resort or country hotel; must be good wages. S 78, Oregonian. WOMAN WANTS WORK BY THE DAY. Phone Main 4679. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS WB HAVE A GASOLINE LIGHT- lng system for atorea and houses; a world beater; 200 to 600-candlepower. uses a luantl. upside down: runs 4o to 00 hours on one gal lon of gasoline; almost as cheap aa sun light: ail light dii-tM-ted uown just where wanted; mantles last four times as lonK as old style; a proven success; looks like the latest electric arcs; demand emrmous; quick seller; big money maker; exclusive territory. Gloria Light Co., 17 N. CVrtls St.. Chicago. AG BNTs WA NT BD TO SluLL N( V KLT r dress goods below retail, at a good profit; and to pay us for goods after delivering to their customers: a dignified and permanent business; send (or sample cards and start In. We pay full expreseage on $H worth or more. Address Moore Drees Goods Co., 19 UnUa Square. New York. LADY AGENTS TO R DP RESENT US IS A line that will net you $25 weekly; start in business and be independent; outfits prepaid; send for agents' prices. Woman's Apparel Supply Co., Dept. 30, Chicago. DETBXrrtVBS SHREWD MEN WANTED IN every community, to act under instructions; experience not necessary; send for fre. book of particulars. Gran nan'. Detective Bu reau. 72, Cincinnati, O. WANTED DISTRICT MANAGERS IN Washington and Oregon to handle agencies for a leading life, health and accident so ciety. Top contracts. Write at once. Ad dress Royal Fraternal Union, 313 Eitol Bldg., Seattle. Wash. LADIES CAN MAKE $5 TO $16 DAILY demonstrating article used by every wom an; exclusive territory. Wrtie for our 1 1 beral f re. offer. M vers M f g. Co. , 4 7 Sheppard bldg., Chicago. GENTS WANTED CAN YOU BELLs goods: If so, we need you; complete out fit free; cash weekly. Write for chotc of territory. Capital City Nursery Co Salem, Or. $75 4)KKLY EASILY MADE FITTING eyeglasses. Write tor free "booklet 21." Tells how. We start you. National Optical College, St. Louis. Mo. AGENTS FROM $20 TO $500 PER MONTH can easily be made selling stock for the Pacific Building A. Loan Association, of Tacoma. Wach. WANTED. AGENTS LEGITIMATE SURSTI tute for slot machines, patented; sells on sight for $1. 'Particulars Gisha Co., Ander son, Ind. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT. BY A FAMILY OF four adults. unfurnished houtr, 7 or 8 rooms, in good neighborhood : must be mod ern; will U-as for a year; wanted by May 15 or June 1, latest. P 78. Oregonian. WANTED TO RENT HOl'BBS, COTTAGES, flats, stores, offices, rooming-houses, etc. Landlords wilt do well to call on Portland Trust Company of Oregon. S. E. oor. 3d and Oak. Phone Exchange 72. WANTED BY THREE ADULTS, ROOM and board without lunch: modern; private house, with porch and lawn preferred. F 89. Oregonian. WANTED ROOM AND HOARD BY FOUR young gentlemen in private family wtth no other boarders; close in, West Side preferred. W 86. Oregonian. BY TWO ADULTS WELL FURNISHED 8 or 8-room hotwe or flat, modern. West Side, for Summer or longer; references given. G . 85, Oregonian. YOUNG LADY EMPLOYED DURING DAY wants room and board with private fam ily: stato particulars. Address B 78, Ore gonian. BOARD WANTED IN PRIVATE FAMILY BY refined younsr man: walking distance First snd Washington; Male telnis. T V8, Ore gonian. WANTED TO RENT CORNER STORE IN suburbs for Ice cream, cigars, groceries, etc., by man and wife. M 80, Oregonian. WANTED TO RENT A MODERN 7 ROOM house. West Side, good location; iwo in family; good tenants. C 74, Oregonian. MODERN HOUSE. FURNISHED. NOT LESS. In family; no children. K 80, Oregonian.: WANTED STOREROOM ON WEST SIDE TO store stock of books; about 800 to 1000 sq. ' ft. P. F. Collier &. San. 307 Stark. YOUNG LADY DESIRES ROOM, COMFORT, ably furnished, wtth privilege of getting light breakfast. B 85, Oregonian.. WANTED FURNISHED HOUSE. 6 OR T rooms. In vicinity of Couch school. May 30; S In family. R 80, Oregonian. ROOM AND BOARD IN PRIVATE FAMILY by young lady here from the iiast. Ad drees -A. . C, 309 Morrison. LADY DESIRES WELL-FURNISHED ROOM or suite with running water, with or with out board. V 84, Oregonian. WANTED TO RENT 7 TO 9-ROOM HOUSE in walking distance of business center of city. Phone Main 4281. WANTED FOR ON B YEAR BY S ADULTS, a well furnish"? house lu quiet neighborhood. W 76, Oregonian. LADY WANTS SMALL HOUSE OR ROOMS in quiet family; r?nt must be reasonable; East Side preferred. H 77, Oregonian. MODERN HOUSE. 6 TO 8 ROOMS. CLOSE In, West Side. Sec'y Portland Hotel; also phone Bast 784. WANTED TO RENT FURNISHED HOUSE o- flat, three or four rooms; no children. K 70. Oregonian. WANTED NEW FLAT. WEST SIDE. 4 OH 5 rooms; not over $30. Address E hi, Oregonian. ROOM WANTED BY THE WEEK; GIVH terms and situation. X 81. Oregonian. A TEACHER WANTS ROOM AND BOARD near 23d st. W 84. Oregonian. WAX TED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and .hoesj we also buy household furnishings,' Ingn eart price paid. Call at the "Fair Deal," 02 N. 3d. Phone Pacific 1722. DEAD HORSES HAULED AWAY PROMPT ly free. Oregon Fertiliser Works, M. 1966, or notify Carney's Veterinary, 4th-GUaan CORDWOOD WANTED WILL CONTRACT for 400 cords on cars of O. W. P. line, Clarke Bros., Jlorlsts, 289 Morrison st. WANTED FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD goods of any kind. See Johnson before you sell. 23 Union avenue. Phone East 4441. WANTED 10 ACRES OR MORE LAND cleared, mainly brush. Vanduyn & w alton, 615 Chamber Commerce. CASH FOR ALL THE FURNITURE WE CAN GET. PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS. MAIN 6055. WANTED TO BUY SECOND-HAND ROLL top desk, office chair and typewriter. Room 56 Buchanan bldg. WANTED A STEEL RANGE WITH AT tachments; also linoleum, 12x18 feet. Phone Pacific 701. WANTED SECOND-HAND POCKET CAM era; also second-hand typewriter. D 75, Oregonian. WANTED AN 8xlO VIEW CAMERA without lens; state price. L 87, Orego nian. WANTED MEN'S OLD CLOTHING. BBOES, blghest prices paid. 52 Sd. TeL Paclflo 44. I PAY CASH FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Savage A Pennell Fur. Co., 245 1st. P&c.$ft) WE CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND CAT tl fre. of charge. Phon. East 2238. WANTED TO BUY, THREE-FOOT SHOW rases. V 90, Oregonian. FOB RENT. HOTEL ROYAL NICE ROOMS. 50 CENTS and $1 per night; $2 to $5 per week. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOM WITH BATH gas and, phone. 415 Seventh, cor. Kali,