60 Pages Pages 1 to 12 VOL- XXVI. NO 18 PORTLAND, OREGON', SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 5, 1907. PRICE FIVE CENTS. DEVLIN AND LANE ARETHEN0IV11NEES Win by Decisive Ma jorities in Primaries. THOMAS IS BEATEN 2 JO I Devlin Defeats Coffey in May oralty Race by 2333. KELLAHER IS THIRD CHOICE llarbur, Cameron and Kavanaugh Are Successful Annand, Cellars and Driscoll Win for Coun-cllmen-at-Large. RErTBIJCAJf NOMINEES FOB CITY OFFICES, Mayor Thomas C. Devlin. Ctty Auditor A. L- Barbur. City Treasurer J. E. Werlein. City Attorney John P. Kavanaugh. Municipal Judge Oeorge J. Cam eron. Counr.IImen-at-Large John An nand, George B- Cellars and M. J. Driscoll. Councilman First Ward Robert A. Preston. Councilman Fourth Ward George L.. Baker. Councilman Fifth Ward Dr. W. I. Cottel. Councilman Sixth Ward Henry A. Beldlng. Councilman Seventh Ward A. G. Rushlight. Councilman Eighth Ward Frank S. Bennett. It would be strange if a political campaign, even a primary election, would pass Into history without Its usual surprises, and yesterday's re sults the overwhelming victory of Thomas C. Devlin, Republican candi date for Mayor, and the decisive de feat of George H. Thomas, Dcmocratio candidate for Mayor, by Mayor Harry Lane, furnished just the surprise that was expected. While it was well known that Devlin had the most perfect or ganization of any of the Republican candidates, not even his most ardent supporters looked for him to run up the big majority that is shown by the final count. Devlin is returned the nominee over Coffey, who wag second In the race, by 2 to 1, while Mayor Lane, whose name had to be written on the ballot, defeated Thomas in the same ratio. Another surprise was the defeat of Dan Kellaher on the East Side. Friends of Kellaher were confident that he would come out of that section of the city with a comfortable majority, and it was upon this that they based their hopes in his nomination. When the vote was count- SO SUDDEN. SAYS DR. LANE. This la so sudden. You say that I . have been nominated. I can hardfly believe It, yet I appreciate and am deeply grateful for the honor which my friends have bestowed upon me. I did not thin it possible that I would be nominated and did not exert any effort in the matter at all. I have not made up my mind what I shall do. It la too early yet to aay. MAYOR HARRY LANE. ed, however, Devlin carried the East Side by 766. On the West Side Devlin ran his lead up to 1400. Where Kellaher had made his strongest fight, on the East Side, Devlin received 1808 to Kellaher'a 1042. Coffey was Devlin's nearest competitor on the West Side, with 997 to Devlin's WOO. Devlin polled almost half of the Revublican vote cast. We had a total of 42VS vote verifying the prediction that the candidate polling 4000 votes in the primary election would receive the Mayor alty nomination. Friends of Kellaher did not even think that Coffey would defeat him, but he did, Coffey was depending largely upon the labor vote, but it seems that this did not live up to expectations. His friends were "Alas, Poor Kellaher! I Knew Him confident that they had the union vote lined up for him. but the results show that this was not solidly delivered. Dev lin defeated him by 2333 votes. His de feat is attributed by his friends to the light vote cast and they are confident that if the registered vote had appeared at the polls the results would have been different. Voting from 12 to 7 P. M. was a handicap upon the majority of the labor ing vote, for they could not get to the polls at noon and were not through work in time to cast their votes before the voting places closed. L. Zimmerman was the worst defeated candidate of the four. .He was exceed ingly confident of receiving the nomina tion right ur to the time the polls closed. The light vote cast for him was undoubt edly due to the fact that all through the campaign the impression among the rank and file of the voters was that the race lay between Devlin. Coffey and Kellaher. At no time during the campaign was there a great deal of Zimmerman talk, but In spite of this, his loyal friends were of the opinion that, because the others were being talked about, he would receive the silent vote, which they believed I REPUBLICAN NOMINEE FOB t MAYOR. if -- ff l vT " " ' ? Thomas C. Devlin, would be a large one. Had thia vote been out, Zimmerman might have been closer up In the race. Blow to Anti-Lane Forces. The nomination of Mayor Lane over the regular Democratic candidate was a crushing blow to the anti-Lane forces that were responsible for forcing him to reject the nomination from his party. Mayor Lane himself did not take any part in the campaign. He left his fate entirely in the hands of his friends with the result, that In spite of having to write his name on the ballots, he de feated the man who had In an open letter declared him not available as a candidate DEMOCRATIC NOMINEES FOR CITY OFFICES. Mayor Harry Lane. City Auditor George I. Smith. Council man -at -Large Robern An drews. Councilman First Ward T. J. Con cannon. Councilman Fourth Ward J. B. Ryan. Councilman Sixth Ward John G. Heltkemper. Councilman Eighth Ward A. A. Kadderly. for the Oemocratlo - nomination for Mayor. "When the results came In and it became known that Mayor Lane had defeated Thomas, some of the political wiseacres were clearly astounded. Evn Republicans, who all along have cflU sidered the Mayor a dangerous opponent to the Republican nominee should he run as an independent candidate, were will ing to concede that he would be a hard man to beat. "With Devlin and Lane as opposing candidates, the campaign from now on will certainly be hotly contested. There Is no friendship between .Devlin and Lane. They have been at loggerheads ever since the Mayor took office, and it Is generally believed that they will have some hot shot to deliver during the next 30 days. Lane's friends say that the Mayor has a lot of thunder, that if it Is given to the public will hurt Devlin; and -the friends of Dev lin say that, should the City Auditor care to tell of some of the things which he has observed of Mayor Lane's con duct of his office, it will make some juicy reading for the voters. One thing is sure there will be politics and plenty between now and June 4. Keen Race for CouncUman-at-Large. The race for Councilman-at-Large was one of the keenest In the Republican pri mary election. John Annand, George 3. Cellars and M. J. Driscoll were nominated, running in the order named. The other candidates finished as follows: J. N. Blalf, fourth; Fred T. Merrill, fifth; Thomas Gray, sixth; George M. Hyland, seventh, and Horace G. Parsons, eighth. Annand, Driscoll and Gray carried the West Side- (Concluded on Page 2.) Well." "All la Not Gold DOES HOT KNOW HEIS LOSTATSEA Mark Twain Says Re port Exaggerated. WILL INVESTIGATE RIGIDLY Genial Humorist Jests About Terrible Yarn. COMES ON ROGERS' YACHT Delayed on Return From Hampton Roads by Fog, He Arrives In an Unostentatious Manner at New York and None Knows. NEW YORK, May 4. (Special.) "So far as I can make out from the facts of the case as presented to me," said Samuel L. Clemens, an erstwhile pilot, otherwise known as Mark Twain, when he was awakened this morning at an unseemly hour at his home at 27 Fifth avenue by a reporter, "the report that I have been lost at sea on H. H. Rogers' yacht Kanawha has been greatly ex aggerated. ' "However, you can assure all my friends that I will make an exhaustive and rigid investigation of the rumor and, if there is any foundation for the story, I will st once apprise an anxious public of the facts. "I sincerely hope that the report is not true, and I suggest that all my friends suspend judgment till such time as I can ascertain the true state of affairs." Frightens Host of Friends. Visions of Mark Twain lashed to a raft and tossed about In the angry waves of the Atlantic had been affright ing all the admirers of the genial hu morist, who had chanced to read a story in " a morning newspaper to the effect that the Kanawha had left Nor folk, Va., Wednesday morning and had not been seen since. The harrowing details were to (the effect that the hu morist and others had gone to the Jamestown Exposition as the guests of Mr. Rogers on the latter's palatial steam yacht and that, when the party was ready to return to New York last Monday, the fog came down and pre vented the boat starting. Mr. Rogers and his son, having im portant business engagements in New York, elected to return by train, but Mark Twain, having a horror of rail road travel, said he would stick to the ship. The fog was good enough to clear after a two days' wait, in which the humorist is said to have fretted' about this long absence from Fifth avenue, and the yacht then headed for the Battery. Came Home Without Tooting. The erstwhile pilot was so quiet on his arrival home at 9:30 o'clock Wed nesday night that no one knew he was in the city and, as the yacht had not done any great amount of tooting, there seems to have been deep and widespread ignorance of her coming. Then came the disquieting stories to the effect that the unfortunate Missis sippi River navigator was adrift on the angry ocean, battling for life in moun tainous waves, while sharks and other ravenous fishes were nibbling at their prey. As a matter of fact, however, tha trip home was uneventful and most pleasant. Indeed, the skipper of the yacht had assured Mr. Clemens when they glided out of Hampton Roads that he would have the boat under 'the Williamsburg bridge by ten minutes to S o'clock that night, and he did. Attempt to Wreck King's Train. GENOA, May 4. The overheating of an axle, compelling the removal of a car from a train in which King Edward was traveling to France. Is declared by news papers here to have been probably an at tempt to wreck the train. Before enter ing the Simp Ion tunnel the train was stopped as a measure of precaution at Slon, and it was found that a grease-box HARRY MURPHY SPENDS A FEW SYMPATHETIC MOMENTS CONSOLING THE DEFEATED, CANDIDATES Not Drinking Coffee on one of the axles were missing. The train had been running at the rate of 100 kilometers an hour, and the axle was white hot. If the train had gone a few miles farther the axle might have fused and the cars would then have been de railed. It Is said that the bolts and pins securing the box had been deliberately removed. An Inquiry was immediately begun. , LONDON, May 4. King Edward re turned to London today after crossing the Channel in a severe gale. Heavy seas breaking continually over the steamer. MISS GILMAIM GOES LAME i Thrown From Her Horse in France and Is Hurt. NEW YORK, May 4. (Special.) Threa tened with permanent lameness of the left foot, Mabelle Gilman today sum moned two surgeons to the Hotel Gotham, who, after making an examina tion, ordered her to remain in her apart ment as much as possible and to avoid standing on the injured member. She walks with a noticeable limp. Miss Gilman was thrown from her horse near her villa in France recently and was confined to her bed for five weeks as a result. W, B. Corey, head of the United States steel corporation,, does not neglect' his fiancee for any great part of the day and telephones her at least three times during the morning and afternoon. Babies Burn as Parents Dance. WEST BRANCH, N. Y., May 4. Four children were burned to death last night In tha home of Martin Campbell, seven miles from here. Mr. and Mrs. Campbell had gone to a dance, leaving their six little ones locked in the house. They left a big fire In 'the stove, and in sdme manner this ignited the house, which was-destroyed.. The children were awak ened by the flames, and the two oldest, aged 9 and 10 years, managed to escape. The four smaller children perished. The parents of the children are prostrated. CONTENTS TODAY'S PAPER The Weather. YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature, 70 degrees; minimum, 47. TODAY'S Probably fair; westerly winds. . Trial of Federation Men. Review of murder of Steunenberg-, arrest of prisoners and struggle In courts. Page 1. Debs and other Socialists gather at Bclse. Page 5. Yost to" be tried for Influencing Juror. Page 5. Foreign. Mine discovered which was Intended to blow up Guatemalan President. Page 4. Guatemala refuses to give up Lima and Mexico may sever relations. Page 4. Gossip of European capitals. Page 35. American society In London. Page 31. National. - Major Fremont found guilty and General Grant says , court not severe enough, paga 4.. , - Haskln on -American National parks. Page 85. Conspiracy by Standard Oil men against Corn mducta Company charged. Page 10. Mark Twain has Joke over report he is lost at sea. Page 1. Horace Marvin's body found in swamp near bis home. Page 1. Actor's ready wit stops panic in theater. Page 5. Harrlman annuls illegal contract with Clark's road. Page 4. Chicago grand Jury indicts former police and other city officials. Page 5. Mabelle Gilman has lame foot. Page 5. Sporta. Jay Gould wins world's tennis champion ship. Page 40. Portland and Vicinity. Oardwell 'ejectment case Is ready for argu ment. Page 44. Head of Bureau of Prisons on Philippine Islands tells policy of work there. Page 10. Local' option elections' demanded in 20 city precincts. Pace 9. Commercial and Marine. Sharp advances In provision prices. Page 43. jjew York stock market weak and dull. Page 43. Eastern wheat markets weakened by re ports of rain. Page 43. New York weekly bank statement compli cated. Page 42. Immigration head tax is increased. Page 42. Sports. Frakes win from Bralnards in Tri-Clty League. 3 to 1. Page 41. Horse sales at Irvlngton end. Page 41. Chemaway Indian School team wins relay race, Salem to Portland. Page 8. Pacific Coast. Centralla exlcted over finding body of Carl Stock with gashes in throat. Page 14. Columbia County League stands strongly opposed to referendum vote on university j fund. Page 13 Manager Seattle hospital leaves patients to shift for themselves. Page 14. Eyewitnesses testify to payment of money for United Railroads to Ruef. Page 4. Home Telephone books will be shown San Francisco grand Jury. Page 4. Big batch of indictments against United . Railroads men due this week. Page Ban Francisco carmen meeting to decide or strike. Paga 4 San Francisco telephone girls strike may spread to linemen. Page 4. This Year. S- With Apologies te Mr. Merrill's Campaign ... Literature. HISTORIC TRIAL SOON WILL BEGIN Eyes of Whole Nation Fixed on Boise. HAYWOOD CASE COMES FIRST Review of Steunenberg Murder and After-Events. LONG STRUGGLE IN COURT Federation Officials Will Be Tried With Confessed Murderer as the Chief . . Witness Legal Ques tions Raised by Extradition. BOISE, Idaho,' May L On May 9 the attention of the reading public will be turned toward this1' city, for on that date there will begin the trial of Will iam D. Haywood, secretary of the Western Federation of Miners, one of the three men held on a charge of be ing responsible for 1 the murder of Frank Steunenberg, ." ex-Governor of this state. The other two are Charles II. Moyer, president of the Federation, and George A. Fettibane, formerly a member of the executive committee of the organization. The men demanded separate trials and the state' elected to try the case against Haywood first. There have been few murder cases In the country attracting so much at tention. Widespread Interest was aroused at once on the announcement of the arrest of the Federation leaders, and that interest has deepened as time has passed.. . The subject has been so widely discussed and tne lines between the adherents 'of ' the two sides have been so sharply drawn that the case has assumed National importance, and in every part of the country the keen est interest ' Is taken in it. The newspaper Interest is reflected by the sending here of a force of men by the Associated Press prepared to send out complete reports of the pro ceedings. Some of the best men at tached to the great news organization are on- the ground, while large num bers of ' special correspondents are to be on hand, many having already ar rived. , It has been necessary to expand the telegraphic facilities enormously to make it possible to handle the busi ness, but the Western Union is pre pared to send out some 200,000 words a day and can handle more if neces sary. The case has been discussed everywhere as . each chapter has un folded, but at this time, on the eve of the trial, a consecutive narrative of the various stages will prove of in terest. History of the Case. Frank Steunenberg was assassinated at the gate of his home at Caldwell, Canyon County, at 6 oT:lock on the afternoon of December 30, 19D5. As he opened the gate a bomb attached to a wire was exploded, and he was hurled some ten feet into the yard. His right side was fearfully mangled and he died in a few minutes after being carried into his home. As was afterward learned from the man who set it, the bomb contained ten pounds of giant powder. On the powder caps were placed and over all was a mixture of sugar and potash. The exploding agency was a bottle of sulphuric acid so adjusted that' when the gate opened the wire pulled the cork. This caused Instantaneous com bustion, which exploded the dreadful engine of death. The assassination caused great ex citement, and the news flashed over the country produced a profound sen sation. Its effect upon the people of this vicinity was startling. Everyone i realized that it was no ordinary crime, r as , the method employed Indicated a , measure of deliberation and vindictive- ' ness not often witnessed. . There were ' theories of all kinds, but the minds of people generally ran back to the time in 1899 when the victim, then ' For Identity of This Figure, Consult Demo cratic Returns for Mayoralty Komutatloa. serving as Governor, laid an iron hand upon the situation in the Cour d'AIenes and brought down upon himself the denunciations of a vast number of people. While he had always been sup ported by what may be designated as the business Interests of the state, the miners were incensed against him. par ticularly those affiliated with the Western Federation, and union men quite generally joined in their con demnation of him. Confession of Orchard. January 2 a man calling himself Thomas Hogan was arrested. He had been suspected from the first, having been hanging about with no apparent business. - A few days later he was Identified as Harry Orchard, a man who had figured in the' cripple Creek disturbances and was in the. Coeur d'AIenes In 1899. A preliminary ex amination was held January 13-15, and Orchard was held without bail on the charge of having committed the mur der. For safe keeping he was lodged DEMOCRATIC NOMINEE FOB MAYOR. Harry Lane. in the penitentiary. There he was visited by Jar-.es McJ'arland, the wMe-ly-known detective in charge of the Western branch' of the Plnkerton agency. Orchard made to McParland what is sail, to be a confession, which served as the basis of the case worked up against the officers of the Western Federation. Knowledge of this confession was kept carefully from the world; there was no hint of it until, on February 17, Moyer, Haywood and Pettlbone wernrresleTlrn'"Tenver. Then some features of It were given out, but it has never become public in its entirety and there is nothing but the state ments of those connected with the prosecution to indicate what its nature is.. The statements made respecting it are in general way that Orchard detailed a plot participated in by the defendants, which embraced the mur der of Governor Steunenberg. He claimed to have been sent here for the purpose of committing the crime and that Jack Simpkins, a member of the executive committee, had visited Cald well with him and assisted in planning the work. Orchcsd is said to have told of a great many crimes that he as cribed to the initiative of the officials of the federation. But the story will Boon be brought out and the public will know what it Is. The supposition is that a great many matters will be included" in Orchard's testimony, and his statements will be attacked by all the testimony available for the pur pose. - Defendants Spirited Away, When the prosecution was ready to arrest Aloyer, Haywood and Pettlbone a complaint was sworn out against them and a warrant issued. In this they were charged, under the Idaho law, with being principals in the crime, the warrant alleging they committed the deed. Governor Gooding Issued a requisition upon the Governor of Col orado for the extradition of the men. Accompanying the' papers in the case was a copy of the alleged confession made by Orchard. Governor McDon ald too- the matter under considera tion for some, days, and then Issued his extradition warrant Moyer was arrested just as he was boarding a train on the Burlington road; Haywood was taken into cus tody in a house to which he had been shadowed, and Pettisone was taken at his place of business. All the men were lodged in the County jail for the remainder of the night. A special j train was secured, and at 5 o'clock: A. M. the officers left with their pris- oners lor a rapia run. 10 xaano. iNews of the arrest had no leaked out, and the train was well on Its way before (Concluded on Page 4.) ' The Half - - " i w ft- r i ; V V.r i v 1 , f DEAD BODY LIES CLOSE TO HOME Sad End of Search for Horace Marvin. WAS MISSING SINCE MARCH 4 Father and Officers Search in Vain. MURDER WOW SUSPECTED Governor Had the Whole Detective Force of State Aid to Locate . Child on Theory He Had Been Kidnaped. DOVER, Del., May 4. (Special.) Horace Marvin, son of Dr. Marvin, of Klttshammock, who disappeared from his father's farm March 4, was found dead In a mash about a half mile from the farmhouse this afternoon. The body was in a fair state of preserva tion. Since the boy disappeared the father and a large force of detectives searched far and wide for htm, but no trace was found until today. From descrip tions sent out the father was repeat edly sent for to come to neighboring towns, where the lad was supposed to be, but was disappointed upon his ar rival to find that the child referred to was not his boy. ' Dr. Marvin was unable to determine when the boy's body was found whether the lad had wandered into the marsh and lost his life or had been murdered and his body placed where found. One fact that lends credence to the murder theory is that the place where the body was found was burned over since his disappearance and the clothing shows no marks of .fire.. . , It was on March 4 In broad daylight, after he had been left alone but a few minutes, that the little Marvin boy disappeared from his father's farm. H had not been missing 10 minutes before search was instituted for him and this gave rise to the belief that he could not have wandered away In that time, and that he must have been kidnaped. How Child Disappeared. The Marvin farm, Bay Meadows, is nine miles 'from Dover. There was a haystack a few rods from the house and close to the barn. On this little Horace was playing with Rose Stand ish; his six-year-old cousin, on the last day he was seen alive. ' The little girl left Horace to go to the house to call his brother John and, "when the two children returned only a few minutes later, Horace had disappeared. The Marvlns had just bought the farm from Charles Woodall, who with a hired man named Butler was in the barn load ing things to take away. Rose first gave the alarm to Howard Marvin, the missing child's grown half-brother, and the search was taken up at once. About 50 men Joined In a Bearch that began early In the afternoon and was not concluded when night fell. The coun-. try round about was open and the work was easy there. The little streams and creeks were given a thorough searching. Most of these were frozen over and it seemed almost impossible for a grown person, .much less a child, to have broken the ice and fallen in. . Even the holes In the marsh in front of the house, it was said, could not have been broken into by a child. The searchers felt that they had done a careful Job, and it was long after country supper-hours when they had finished. Absolutely Xo Clew Found. The strangest thing in all- this search, made quickly after the disappearance, is that not the slightest clew was obtained. When Dr. Marvin went from Sioux City with a good reputation and kind words from bis old neighbors, he took, with him about $25,000. Of this sum he is repre sented as paying out 17800' for the Ill fated Woodall farm. He came to be re- (Concloded on Page 3.) I.Id Wouldn't Float Mr. Zlm- v