THE SIUTU AY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, APRIL 28, 1907. COUPON TODAY -TO THE- f . f OREGONIAN ENCYCLOPEDIA CLUB Realizing the necessity for an encyclope dia in every home, arrangements have been made to distribute among the readers and friends of this paper a number of sets of the NEW STANDARD ENCYCLOPEDIA and ATLAS, in twelve massive volumes. This distribution will be accomplished by means of a Co-operative Club, which will entirely eliminate all the middleman's prof its, enabling you, by dealing direct with the publishers, to secure a set at but a fraction of the regular price. Our object in organizing this Co-operative Club is to place a good encyclopedia within reach of those who have heretofore been unable to procure one, owing to pub lishers' high prices. By guaranteeing to distribute a very large number of sets, we were ableHo secure the lowest price, which in this case represents a saving of fully 50 per cent. Arrangements have also been made so that payment may be made in lit tle monthly installments only a few cents a day which will never be missed. FREE TO ALL WHO . APPLY NOW The New Standard Encyclopedia was selected for this enterprise because it is the latest and best reference work on the market, being specially adapted for the home, for the busy man and for school students of all ages. It is a practical Encyclopedia, written by practical men for prac tical people. You will find here just the information you need, quickly, conveniently and in the most comprehensive Every reader of this paper who is "ambitious to succeed and get ahead in the world should take advantage of this great opportunity. It means that you can secure the newest and best Encyclopedia on the market. An Encyclopedia is the most neces sary set of books anyone can possibly own. You need it every day of your life. It takes the place of all other books, giving you in easy and readable form the accumulated wisdom of all time. Get the Encyclopedia habit. Teach your chil dren to look up things in a reliable reference work. Knowledge ' spells Success, and one can get more good working knowledge out of an Encyclopedia, ten to one, than any other set of oooks ever printed. s A 12-VOLUME ENCYCLOPEDIA E. C. Herlow . Geo. C. Lemcke Jno. P. Sharkey H. W. Lemcke H. W. LEMCKE COMPANY PORTLAND, OREGON REAL ESTATE INSURANCE RENTALS INVESTMENTS Main Office: Sixth, and Washington Sts. . Telephone Main 550 March 23, 1907. The Oregonian Encyclopedia Club, Portland, Oregon. Gentlemen : I am glad that I secured the New Standard Ency-. clopedia through the Oregonian Encyclopedia Club. It is a. most valuable set of books, and far better arranged than such works usually are. One secures his information so quickly and easily that it is a pleasure to consult it, and, on account of the high standing of the scholars who made it, there is never the slightest doubt of its authenticity. H. W. LEMCKE. W. M. Ladd C. E. Ladd J. W. Ladd LADD & TILTON BANKERS PORTLAND, OREGON I have used many encyclopedias, but for down-to-dateness and accuracy, comprehensiveness and splendid scholarship, The New Standard published by The University Society and offered to the people of the Northwest through The Oregonian Encyclopedia ClubJ leads them all. I would not be without it at twice the price. JAS. G. BURNESS. .iff-.?, t ,"'4 Si form. Although only recently completed, it has been widely adopted for use in schools and other institutions, and is recommended by leading educators everywhere. It consists of twelve massive volumes, containing 55,000 com plete articles almost 900,000 topics 3000 illustrations, 150 large colored maps, etc., etc. If you have no encyclopedia at all, or if you have one that is old and unsatisfactory, we will, on receipt of the above coupon, send you a 36-page book showing some of the illustrations, portraits of prominent men, maps, beau tiful colored plates, sample articles, etc., taken from the Encyclopedia. With the book we will also send full par ticulars of the Club, showing how easily you can secure for yourself and your family the benefits of this co-operative enterprise. SEND THE COUPON BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE Telephone Connection. London Address, 31 Haymarket S. W. James A. Beckett K. S. Ervin K. S. SERVIN & CO., Ltd. Makers of Men's Clothes and Shirts. Sole Agents for "The Aquascutum" and "The Burberry" Rain coats for Men and Women. Premises Corner Third and Alder Streets. PORTLAND, OREGON Portland, Oregon, February 12, 1907. Dear Sirs: "The New Standard Encyclopedia" was received in first-class condition, and I am greatly pleased with it, and the valuable information contained within its pages. ' For a practical reference book, it is, in my opinion, superior to the high-priced encyclopedia. Yours, truly, K. S. ERVIN. WALTER FREDERIC LEWIS, D.D.S. Starr King Building, Rooms 403-404-405, 121 Geary Street, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. The Oregonian Encyclopedia Club, Oregonian Bldg., City. The New Standard Encyclopedia is a thoroughly up-to-date work, the treatment of subjects comprehensive, clear and terse ; it is admirably adapted to the needs of the man of business, the arti san, and the farmer a complete library in itself, and should find a place in every home. WALTER P. LEWIS, D. D. S. ' Portland, Or., April 16, 1907. The Oregonian Encyclopedia Club: ' The New Standard Encyclopedia is all you claim for it. It is packed full of useful information that every progressive man or woman needs, whether in business or professional life, in society, in the home or any of life's varied walks. No time spent in its use is wasted, and an hour every day with these volumes would give a liberal education to anyone. ' ' , J. W. MINTO. Sunday in Portland Churches BAPTIST. First, the White Temple, Twelfth and Taylor Rev. .J. Whitcomb BrouRher, pas tor. Morning worship. 10:30; sermon by the pastor on "Christ's Estimate of a Sensa tional Preacher"; Bible school, 12:10 P. M.; pood orchestra music; Interesting exercises; B. Y. P. TJ., meeting in charge of mission ary committee; special music; evening serv ice, 7:30 o'clock; Dr. Brougher will spak on the topic. "If Christ Came to Portland," with a prelude on the question, "Could He Be Elected Mayor?" Special music by choir and quartet. Arleta Rev. John Bentxien, pastor. Sun flay school. 10 A. M-; Junior Union, 3 P. M.; B. T. P. U., 6:30 P. M.; preaching, 11 A. M., by Rev. B. Clarence Cook; 3 P. M.. dedicatory services; 7:30 P. M., address by Secretary H. W. Davis. Mount Olive, Seventh and Everett Preaching. 11 A. M. and 8 P. M. St. Johns Hev. E. A- Leonard, pastor, funday school, lO A- M.; preaching, 11 A. M- and 7:30 P. M. ; B. Y. P. U.. ft:30 P. M. Third, Vancouver avenue and Knott Rev, E. M. Bliss, pastor. Sunday school, 10 A. M. : preaching. 11 A. M- and 7:30 P. M. Sewdlsh, Hoyt and Fifteenth Rev. Erlo Fcherstrom, pastor, preaching, 10:45 A. M and 7:30 P. M. ; Sunday school, 12 M. Highland, Alberta and Sixth Sunday school. 10 A. M. ; B. Y. P. U.. 7 P- M.; preaching. 11 A. M., by Rev. John Bent ien; 7:30 P. M-. by Rev. B. Clarence Cook. Sellwood, Tacoma avenue and Eleventh Rev. George A. Learn, pastor. Sunday school, 10 A. M. ; preaching, 11 A. M., by Charles H. Hart, and 7:30 P. M First German, Fourth and. Mill Rev. J. Kratt, pastor. Preaching, 10:45 A. M. and 7:30 P. M ; Sunday school, 9:45 A. M.J B. Y. P. tJ.. 6:45 P. M. Second German, Rodney avenue and Mor ris Rev. F. Buerrmann, pastor, preaching, 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M.; "Sunday school. :4R A. M. ; B. Y. P. U.. 0:45 P. M. Calvary, East Eighth and Grant Rev. A. Lawrence Black, pastor. Bible school, 10 A. M.; B. Y. P. U.. 6:30 P. M. ; address. 11 A. M., by G. L. Tufts, ph. D-, president of Reform Bureau; 7:30 P. M-. sermon. Immanuel, Second and Meade Rev. Georgw "W. Griffin, pastor. Sunday school,. 10 A. M.; Junior Union, 4 P. M-; B. Y. P. U., 6:30 P. M.; preaching, 11 A. M. and 7:30 p. M. Lenta. Ninth avenue At home of Wil liam Kneeland; address. 3:30 P. M., by Charles H. Hart. Chinese Mission, 32 Oak, near Park Punday school, 7 P. M.; preaching- In Chi nese, 8 P. M. avler-Street, between Twenty-first and Twenty-second Sunday school, 3:30 P. M. ; preaching, 7:SO P. M., by Rev. John Bent alen. Sunnyside At home of Mrs. Bunting, 1210 East Yamhill; address by Rev. C. B. Cook, at 3 P. M. Central, East Ankeny and Twentieth Itev. W. T. Jordan.- At 10:30 A. M., "Wells of Salvation"; Sunday school, 12 M.; young people's meeting. 6:30 P. M. ; evangelistic service, 7:30 P. M. ; W. O- Halnea In charge of music. Grace Gllman Parker, pastor. Morning, 11 o'clock, "The Secret of His Presence"; evening, 8 o'clock, "New Cloth on Old Garment-" Second. East Seventh and East Ankeny streets Rev. Stanton C. Lapham, jaator. Services. 10:30 A. M. and 7:45 P. M.; morn ing sermon. "Fact and Faith In Christ"; Bible school. ioti; Young people's Union, 6:45 P. M. ; evening sermon, "A Righteous Justification." Music by the quartet; J. F. Bamford, organist and director. CHRISTIAN. Central, East Twentieth and Salmon Rev. J .F. Ghormley will speak at io:30 A. M-; theme. "Pressing Toward the Mark for the prise"; 7:SO P. M., "Heaven's Last Appeal." H. A. Easton will sing at both services. First, Park and Columbia Rer. E. 8. Murk ley, minister. At 10:30 A. M., "A Great Missionary Day," a rally, with five bright speeches from five bright people; :45 P. M., Wallis Nash will speak at open forum on "Some Admitted Evils ot the Present Industrial System and a Proposed New Remedy." Public discussion follows. Bible school, 12 M. ; Christian Endeavor, 6:45 P. M. Rodney-Avenue, Rodney avenue and Knott F. Elmo Robinson. At 0:45 A. M., Bible rhool; 11 A. M., communion and sermon, "The New Life"; 6:30 P. M.. Y. P. 8. C. E.; r:30 P. M.. "The Bible Only Makes Chris tians Only." CHRISTIAN SC1KXCE. ZamBieJ Stark and Seventh Services. 11 A. M. and 8 P. M-; subject, "Everlasting Punish ment"; Sunday, school, 11 A. M; Wednesday meeting, 8 P. M. ' CONGREGATIONAL. First, Madison and Park Rev. Daniel Staver, assistant pastor. 10:30 A. M., serv ice with sermon on "The Problem of Pain, by Rev. John Andrew Holmes; 10:30 P. M., service with sermon on "The Simple Life," by Rev. John Andrew Holmes ; Sunday school. 12:15 P. M., F. H. Whitfield super intendent; Y. P. S. C E., 6:30 P. M. Mississippi-Avenue, Mississippi avenue and Fremont William L. TJ pshaw, pastor. Sun day school, 10 A. M-; Evangelist J. E.Wolfe will speak at 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. ; morning subject, "The Doctrine the Devil Hates"; evening, "lngersoll's Cheese-Box." University park. Artisans Temple, Ports mouth Rev. D. B. Gray. At 10 A. M., Sunday school, J. E- Brous superintendent; 11 A. M.. sermon. Laurel wood Rev. D. B. Gray. At 10 A. Sunday school, Mrs. W. Ingalls superin tendent; 7 P- M., Y. P. S. C. E.; 8 P. M., sermon. Highland, East Sixth, North, and Pres cott Rev. E. S, Bollinger, pastor. Services, 11 A- M. The Rev. Mr. Densmore, of the Anti-Saloon League, will preach. At 7:30 P. M. the pastor will preach on "Christ, a Cornerstone of the Home." Professor Z. M. Par v In will sing. Sunday school, 10 A. M. ; Junior Endeavor, 3 P. M. ; Y. P. S. C. E., 6:30 P. M. Sunnyslde, East Taylor and East Thirty fourth Rev. J. J. Btaub, pastor. Morning service, 11 o'clock; subject, "From Pit to Throne" ; evening service, 7 :30 o'clock, sa cred concert; Sunday school, 10 A .M., 6 C Pier superintendent; Junior Christian En deavor, 3 P. M.; Senior Christian Endeavor, 6:30 P. M. The following Is the programme for the Sunday evening concert: Organ pre lude, "War. March of Priests," from Rlenzi (Wagner), Otto H. Bauman; anthem, "Day of Rest and Gladness" (Parks), choral so ciety; solo, "Crossing the Bar (Tennyson), J. G. Kilpack; solo, "Abide With Me" (Lld dle), Mrs. F. X Olsen; anthem. "Come Unto Me" (Parks), choral society; solo, "A Dream of Paradise" (Gray), U. S. Ackles. Part II Organ, "Prayer," from Lohengrin, Otto H, Bauman; anthem, "Calm on the Listening Ear of Night" (Parks), choral society; solo, 'The Lord Is My Shepherd" (Liddle), Mrs. H. Stone; tenor solo, "The New Born King" (Espolr), U. S- Ackles; quartet, "Evening Hour" (Excell), Mrs. H. Stone. Mrs. Schatz. C. H. Wllllson and H. V. Mills; solo, "Fear Ye Not, O Israel" (Liddle), Mrs.F. L. Olsen; anthem, "We Praise Thee, O God" (Parks), choral so ciety. EPISCOPAL. Good Shepherd, Sellwood and Vancouver avenue, Alblna Rev. John Dawson, rector. Sunday school, 9:46 A. M.; morning serv ice, 11 A. M-; evening service, 7:80 P. M, St. Paul's, Wood mere C. L. Parker, lay reader. Sunday school, :5 A. M-; morn ing service and sermon, 11 o'clock. All Saints', Twenty-second and Reed Sunday school, 10 A. M. ; evening service, 7:30 o'clock. St. Mark's, Nineteenth and Qulmby Rev. J. E. H. Simpson, rector. 8 A. M., holy communion; 10 A. M.. Sunday school; H a. M-, holy communion and sermon; 7:30, even song. St. David's, East Twelfth, and Belmont Rev. George B. Van Waters, D. D., rector. Holy communion, 8 A. M. ; Sunday school, 0:45 A- M. ; morning prayer and sermon, 11 o'clock; evening prayer and sermon, 7:30 o'clock. EVANGELICAL. United, Ockley Green, Willamette boule vard and Gay Rev. J. Bowersox. pastor. Peraching, 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M.: Sun day school. 10 A. M ; K. L- C. E., 6:30P. M. Reformed, First German, Tenth and Stark G. Hafner, pastor. Preaching. 10:46 A. M.; subject, "Confirmation"; 8 P. M.; sub ject, "The Sufferings of Joseph" ; Sunday school. :30 A. M.; Y. P. 6. C. E., T P. M. First English, East Sixth and Market S. A- Slewert, pastor, preaching, n A. M. and 7:45 P. M.; Sunday school, 10 A. M.; Young People's Alliance, 6:45 P. M. LUTHERAN. Bethania Danish, Union avenue and Mor ris Gud round Grill, pastor. Services, H a. M, and 8 P. Sunday school, 12:15 P. M. ; Wednesday, Bethania Ladies Society, 3 P. M., with Mrs. J. C. Hansen, 714 Union avenue. st Paul's German, East Twelfth and llntnrn s KJur jaajtor. Morning erwi. ice, 10:30; evening service, 7:30; Sunday school, 0:30 A. M-; Bible lesson and young people's meeting, Thursday, 8 P. M. Zlon's German, Missouri Synod, Chapman and Salmon W. H. Behrens, pastor, 576 Salmon Services, 10:15 A- M. and 7:45 P. M.; Sunday school, 9:15 A. M. ; services in English on first and third Sunday evenings. St. James English, West Park and Jef ferson J. Allen Leas, pastor. Services, 11 A. M. and 8 P. M. ; morning subject, "Clear Thinking In Religion"; evening subject, "Five Things That the Church of Today Most Needs"; Luther League, 7 P- M. ; Bun day school. 10 A. M- Norwegian Synod, East Tenth and Grant Rev. O. Hagoes, pastor. Sunday school, 9:30 A. M. ; services, 11 A. M. and 8 P. M.; Ladies Aid, Thursday, with Mrs. Negaard, 644 Borthwick street, 2 P. M. ; Y. P. S.. Thursday, 8:15 P. M. Trinity German Mission Synod, Williams avenue, and Sellwood street J. A. Rimbach, pastor. Morning service, lO o'clock; even ing service, 7:30 o'clock; Sunday school, 0:15 A. M. METHODIST. Taylor-Street Dr. Francis Burgette Short, pastor. At 9:30 A. M.. classes; 10:30 A. M., sermon, by Rev. D. L. Rader, on "The Dual Nature of Man"; 12:15 P. M., Sunday school; 6:30- P. M-. Epworth League; 7:30 P. U., wmon by the pastor on "Portland; Its Growth During the Past Six Months." Sellwood, Fifteenth and Tacoma Rev. A. D. Wagner, pastor. Owing to the removal of the seats the services will be held in Strahl man's hall. Thirteenth and Spokane. Sunday school, 10 A. M-, A. F. Miller super intendent; preaching, 11 A. M-. sermon by Rev. Mr. Ivy; Bubject, "Degeneration" ; class meeting, 12:15 P. M., H. Stoughton leader; Epworth League, . 7 P. M-, Mrs. Hickerson leader; preaching, 8 P. M.; ser mon by Rev. Mr. Ivy; subject, "Regenera tion." Grace, Twelfth and Taylor Clarence True Wilson, D. D-, pastor. Public worship; 10:30 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. ; Dr. Wilson's unique lecture on the "Wit and Humor" of the Bible; Sunday school, 12:15 P. M. ; Epworth League, 6:30 P. M. ; tenor solo by F. S. Pierce in the evening. South, 171 H Second, Foresters Hall E. H. Mowre, pastor. At 10 A- M., Sunday school; 11 A. M., Does Prayer Influence God?"; 6:30 P. M., Epwotth League; 7:30 P. M-, "Reverence." Free, East Ninth and Mill Quarterly meeting services, conducted by Rev. W. N. Coffee; love feast at 10 A. M. ; preaching, 11 A. M-, followed by the sacrament of the Lord's supper. Centenary, East Pine and East Ninth streets William H. Heppe, D. D., pastor. The pulpit will be occupied in the morning by Henry D. Kimball D. D., dean of Kim bal School of Theology, Salem, Or. In the evening the pastor will give a special address on "Has the Twentieth Century Outgrown the Bible?" Morning class, 9:30; mission school, 9i45 A. M.; Sunday school, 12:15 P. M. ; Juniors and Intermediates, 4 P. M. ; Epworth League missionary meet ing. 6:15 P. M. Music by chorus choir. PRESBYTERIAX. ' First, Alder and Twelfth William Hiram Foulkea. minister; David Henry Hare, as sistant pastor. Morning worship, lO;30 o'clock ; ordination and induction of elders and deacon; brief sermon by th pastor, "The Church and the Kingdom" ; Sunday school, 12:10 P. M.; classes for all; San Grael and Westminster League of Christian Endeavor ( senior and intermediate), at 6:30 P. M. ; evening; worship, 7:30 o'clock; ser mon by pastor, "The Tragedy of a Great SouL" E- E- Ooursen; has arranged: Morn ing Prelude, "Idylle" (Buck); anthem, "Light of the World" (Gray); trio, "Holy, Holy, Holy Anderton) ; postlude, "Alle gretto" (Lefavre). Evening Prelude. "An dantlno" (Braga); anthem, "Th Sands of Time Are Sinking" (Gounod); hymn-anthem, "Sun of My Soul" (Sudds); postlude, "Larghetto" (Spencer). Mizpah Rev. Jerome R- McGlade, D. D., pastor. Preaching, 10:30 A. M. and 8 P. M.; Sunday school, 12 M. ; Junior Christian Endeavor, 3 P. M.; Senior Christian En deavor, 7 P. M. Miss Irene Flynn will sing at both, morning and evening service. Sellwood, East Seventeenth and Spokane avenue Rev. D. A Thompson, pastor. Sun day school, 10 A. M-; morning service, 11; theme, "Good Water Out of Old Wells" ; evening service, 7:45; address to young peo ple. Hawthorne Park, corner Twelfth and East Taylor Rev. E. Nelson Allen -will preach at 10:30 A. M. and 7:30 P- M. : Sunday school. 12 M. : Y, P. S. C EL, 6:30 P. M, -aoVXlajttrtaBeK.JLC&rter B. E. S. Ely,. Jr., D. D.t pastor. Services, 10:30 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. ; morning sub ject, "Christ's Going the Christian's Gain"; evening, "Vanity Fair and Faithful's Mar tyrdom." Music by quartet under direction of Mrs. Schwab, soprano; Mrs. W, E- ThomaB, organist. SPIRITUALIST. The Ministers and Mediums' Protective Spiritual Association will hold spiritual service at 8:15 P. M. In W. O. W. Hall. Eleventh between Alder and Washington. The platform medium, John Slater, will oc cupy the platform the entire avenlng. Rev. Sophie B. Seip, president. The first spiritual Society, Artisans Hall, Ablngton building. Third near Washington At 11 A. M-, .F. A, Coulter will lecture on "Spirituality, the Body of Truth," fol lowed by Mrs. V. Rowe; at 7:45 P. M. he will lecture on "The First, Labor, or Over coming the Lion of Intellect and Sense," followed by Mrs, B. Reynolds; lyceum, 12:30 P. M. The Church of the First Born will meet at Drew Hall,' 162 Morrison street, at 7:30 P. M. Rev. R. E. Coon will lecture; sub ject, "The Death and Resurrection of Christ From a Spiritual Point of View." SWEDENBORGIAN. Portland New Church Society, Knights of Pythias Hall, Alder near Eleventh Serv ices, 11 A. M. ; Rev. Hiram Vrooman will preach.; subject, "Scripture Spiritually In terpreted." Swedish Immanuel, Nineteenth and Irving streets Rev. C. J. Renhard. Services. 11 A. M. and 8 P. M. : Sunday school, 9:45 A. M. Thursday night services, 8 o'clock. TTNIYEBSAIJST. Church of the Good Tidings. East Eighth and East Couch Rev. James T. Corby, minister. Divine worship and sermon, 10:45 A. M. ; topic, "The New Understanding Be tween God and Man." A helpful Sunday school at noon. , UNITARIAN. - Church of Our Father, Yamhill and Sev enths Rev. W. G. Eliot, Jr., minister; Rev. T. L. Eliot, D. D., minister emeritus. Serv ice, 11 A. "The Physical Health of the Nation"; Sunday school, 9:45 A. M.; kinder garten, 11 A. M.; adult class, 12:30 P. M- Y. P. F., 6:30 P. M. MIBCEIXAXEOUS. T. M. C. A., Fourth and Yamhill Men's meeting, 8 P. M., beginning with an orches tra concert- Rev. J. E. Wolfe, of f Indian Territory, will deliver the address, on "The True Nobility. Special music, group study classes, etc. AH men Invited. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, hall 400, Alisky building. Third and Morrison. Services, 11 :S0 A. M. and 7 :30 P. M.; Sunday school, 10 A, M. Divine Truth Chapel hall 201, Alisky building Services, 11 A. M. Thaddeus M. Mlnard, pastor. H. E. Martin, soloist. Universal New Though t Assembly Di vine altar service and lecture, 11 A. M-, at the Western Academy of Music Second and Morrison subject, "Who Are the Followers of Christ?"; evening lecture, 8 o'clock; sub ject. "Buddhism yersus Christianity." Sis ter Avabamia, a Hindoo initiate, speaker. A special meeting Monday evening at 8 o'clock; subject, "What Will the Future of Our Religious, Social and Political Condi tions Be?" Lectures are free. NOTES OF PUBLIC LIBRARY Collection of Club Programmes for Next Vear's Work Xow Available. The attention of the clubs that are planning for next year's work is called to the collection of club programmes In the reference-room of the Public Library. A considerable number has been added during- the year, and the programmes published In the Chautauqua have been indexed. .These programmes Include many synopses of university extension courses, with suggested topics and lists of recommended books. In addition to the usual material for history, travel and literature clubs, there are some particu larly Interesting outlines on arts and crafts, domestic science and child study and on municipal art and the various phases of civic progress. Wednesday. May 1, a gaily decorated May pole will be found in the children's room, and May day stories told all the afternoon. All children interested are cordially Invited to -be present. The reading-room Just established In the tuUiUng&t Peninsular station .niliL be open daily from 3 until 6:30 and from 7 until 9:30. In addition to the deposit collection of books for circulation, there will be a weekly delivery of books requested from the central library. Mrs. Romberg 'has been appointed custodian.- GOOD NEWS FROM TEXAS Woman Suffrage Association Ad dressed by State Secretary. A meeting of the Woman's Suffrage Association was held In Mrs. Mallorys parlors yesterday afternoon, with M-s. Dunlway, the president. In the chair. Among the pleasing features was the return of Mrs. Elizabeth Craig, state corresponding secretary. After 'her Winter's stay In Texas she had much to tell of the work the women of the Lone Star State are doing. Many women, she among the number, pay taxes asking the clerk. to write on the receipt: ' aid under protest." At the last session of the Legisla ture of Texas the women asked for a bill giving them the ballot through the consent of the men. It created a public sentiment, she said, as never before felt in the State of Texas. All the newspapers of the state were cour teous and helpful to the movement. The persistency, and perseverance of the women everywhere Is bound to bring the results desired, Mrs. Craig states. Mrs. Clara Colby gave an Interesting account of her visit to the national convention at Chicago and how one woman defeated suffrage In Chicago by a tie vote by the council. The chair man, she said, declared that his mother did not want to vote, therefore he voted against the measure. The next meeting will be held the last Saturday In May. Mm a Dr. Morrow's Anti-Lean MAKES LEAN PEOPLE FAT through the nervous system. It's a purely vegetable compound, contains no oils or fats or any drug that is injurious or liable to pro duce a habit. It's the Greatest Tonic In the World. Each bottle contains one month's treat ment and costH $10 at any nrst-ciass drugstore. Prepared by the Anti-Lean Medicine Co. Oregonian Bldg., Portland, Oregon. II H l II f J irw 'fa li it I J a n Boys' BercuoS Shower Proof Suits have many good qualities; the snm total of all make the "ftRCzg? the strocgest made, the longest wearing; the best Boys auk $5.00 will bay. The jESCOTjJjf s made of pare wood fabrics; the strongest doable and twist Casshneres and Cheviots woven. This is a very important point to remember be-. cause other manufacturers who do not guarantee that their Boys' $5.00 suits are made of all wool fabrics practi cally admit that they are made of mercerized cotton dochs which you know will wear just one -half as krog as aa all wool fabrics. "fiERCUlEjf fabrics are also Shower Proofed just like a man's raincoat and you can depend that a "gEBCULESf suit will shed rain in any ordinary shower. The coat is full fined with extra strong Italian doth. Ech "HER CULES" cost steere i fitted with two sleeve lioiogs where b wear is most aewe. (Patent applied for.) "HERCULES" pasta fufi fined with extra stroog Cold Shrank Irish Linen; doubly lengthens the ser vice of the pants and' make them Sanitary and BygicnSc. "HER CULES' past seams are taped; when a boy stretches his legs no strain reaches the cloth; the tape protects it. "HERCULES" Jacket and Pant Suits are made for Boys from 6 to 16; one price everywhere : We are the exclusive agents for the "HER CULES" in Portland. $5 The Meier (Eb Frank Store Portland's Largest and Best Store ? ft J coptoioht, ioe, v DAUBE COHH COMPANY U "