34 THE SUNT) AY OREGOXIAN, PORTXAND, APRIL 28, 190T. NOT THE ONLY mi Charles E. Duvall Says Others Call on His Wife. WANTS TO RELINQUISH HER .Peclares Mrs. Duvall's Lore of Vari ety and Distaste for Marital He Eppnslblllty Lead Her to En tertain Divorced Men. Charging- his wife with being a vain, frivolous and self-willed woman, and alleging that she has conducted her self Improperly with men, whose names are mentioned In the complaint, Charles E, Duvall, an employe of the Stand ard Oil Company, residing at 708 Minnesota street, has filed a divorce suit. The papers were served on Mrs. Duvall at M'-Mlnnvllle yesterday by the Sheriff. The couple were married at Sheridan, Yamhill County, on June 10, 1893. Two children were born to them, Vernon G. Duvall, a son of 8 years, and Sylvia, a daughter of 6, both of whom since 1906 have been In the custody of the mother. Duvall alleges cruelty and personal indignity. Duvall Is the son of Ed ward Duvall, a pioneer farmer of Yam hill County. After the young man's the members of the company at that place before it could be executed, and therefore it was not valid. Judge Gantenbein made decisions as follows? George T. Myers et all against the city of Portland, findings for the plaintiff. First National Bank of Prine viile against G. Christian et al, find ings for plaintiff. Kate B. Montgomery against Bruce L. Carr, findings for plaintiff. SLEEP CHANGES HIS MIND Wants Clothes Held by Creditor, but Looks Into a Gun. A sensational scene occurred in the of fice of Dr. David Nelson, 413 Fleidner building, Friday afternoon, when the physician drove W. B. Sleep and a com panion out of the place at the muzxle of a revolver. The two men had entered to "clean out" the place, but were surprised when they found themselves looking down the bore of the weapon, and fled. Dr. Nelson had a bill for 1101 against Sleep and filed an attachment suit in Justice Reid's court. Consequently Lou Wagner served the papers, and took from Sleep's room in the Anthlere Hotel a num ber of suits of clothing and some other articles, all of which he deposited with Dr. Nelson In the latter's office. When Sleep learned of this, he sought to recover his goods by force, but declined to argue when ordered out, with the revolver in sight. PRESIDENT WILL DECIDE Ironmolders Awaiting A'alentlne's Coming Before Striking. Just what course will be pursued by the Ironmolders of Portland in connec tion with the strike of these workmen PASTOR WILL BE INSTALLED THIS AFTERNOON t.i.i .......i. . i. .- . ....A.-. ANABEL I'RKSBYTERIAN CHflWH. AND THE PASTOR. REV GEORGE W. ARMS, J It. Rev. George W. Arms, Jr., has accepted a call to the regular pastor ate of the Anabel PresbyteTian Church, on the Mount Scott railway, and will be installed this afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. Rev. E. M. Sharp, pastor of the Mount Tabor Church, will preside at the meeting. Rev. Henry Marcotte, pastor of the Westminster Presbyterian Church, will deliver the sermon. Charges will be delivered to the church and also to the pastor. Special music will be rendered. The Anabel Presbyterian Church was recently completed at a cost of about 35000. Rev. Mr. Arms came from the East a year ago, and was given charge of the Anabel, Millard-avenue and Eagle Creek Presbyterian ; Churches. At Eagle Creek a chapel has been built at a cost of 31100. The Anabel Presbyterian Church extended him a call, which he accepted, and will henceforth devote his whole time to that congregation and the Millard-avenue and Eagle Creek Churches will be otherwise provided for. Rev. Mr. Arms has taken high rank among the Presbyterian ministers of the state. a marriage the couple moved to Portland, and have lived here for over a year. In his complaint Duvall alleges that Ms wife has expressed herself as weary of married life and its responsibilities, and as wishing herself single again, so she could enjoy liberty and asso ciate with whom she pleased and so wherever she desired. Duvall says Charles Adams, a di vorced man, habitually visited the Duvall home and induced the wife to accompany him to theaters and resorts, also that Adams entertained Mrs. Du vall at a beer party in company with others. Kdward King, also a divorced man, is alleged to have made frequent calls upon Mrs. Duvall and to iiave remained in the house with her while the! husband was at his work In the city. Duvall also charges his wife with contriving to fraudulently take away the children from him. and to strip their home of all Its furniture and con tents. In order to prevent this he says he has moved all the household goods to a warehouse. He alleges that his wife la not a fit woman to have the custody of the children. Duvall also owns a farm In Tamnlll County, given him by his father, and he asks the court to restrain his wife from disposing of her share of the stock. Implements and other property thereon pending the trial of the suit. YOVXGSTEUS WANT TO MARRY Sam K. Parker, Terliaps 20, arid 1 Klizabrlh Kexford, Maybe 16. An application for a marriage license yesterday afternoon aroused the suspi cions of Deputy Clerk Rose and Deputy Sheriff Beatty. when Sam S. Parker, ap parently scarcely 20 years old. came with his brother James Parker, and another man." Elizabeth Rexford, the would-be bride, a slip of a girl, looking scarcely 16. was left with another woman on the steps outside. When asked to swear that he knew Miss Rexford was over 18. James Parker dropped his head. He would not take the oath after being told perjury was punishable with a peniten tiary sentence. Deputy Sheriff Beatty had followed the trio Into the office, and when they left, ostensibly to get a witness to testify the gtrl was above IS. the Deputy Sheriff followed the rarty to the door, where the girl and woman joined them. In an excited tone the frustrated youngster told his sweetheart what was the matter, at which she burst into tears and was led away by the others. Beatty went on the trail of the bridal party with, a view to learning more facts. The prin cipal did not return to get the license. HOTEL MAY KEEP THE PROFITS Judge Sears Decides Against Ad vertising Company. A blow was dealt hotel advertising com panies in a decision rendered by Judge gears yesterday In the case of the Omaha Hotel Supply Company against the Impe rial Hotel, to compel the latter to pay over funds accruing on account of an ad vertising Ink well which the advertising company had placed In the hotel. The court held that while the contract was signed in this state. It was only made valid in Omaha, reuuiriug the -approval that Is scheduled to be called through out the Pacific Coast May 1, will not be known until May 10. On that date Jo seph Valentine, national president of the Ironmolders' Union, who is en route to the Coast from the East, is expected to reach Portland and he will investigate local conditions. If he finds these laborers are en titled to an eight-hour day, which is being contended for, he will officially sanction a walkout on the part of men so employed in this city in sympathy with a movement of the same char acter on the whole Coast. Until this official approval is granted, iron molders employed in the shops of this city will remain at their work, regard less of the action that may be taken In other Coast cities. Officials of the various manufactur ing plants employing ironmolders de clare they are not alarmed at the pros pect of a strike on the part of this class of their employes. If such a walkout takes place they are resolved to supply the places of all dissatisfied workmen with other help and do not expect to be obliged to close down their plants. At the 'Women's Union. Miss Clara Gunderson, of Barton, was the guest of Miss Gibbons at dinner on Wednesday. Miss Anna Connell, who has been away for some time, returned the end of the week and is making her home here. Miss Georgie McKlnnon left on Friday for a few days' visit to her home at Cascade Locks. COFFEE DELIRIUM Child Lies Awake Mghts and Talks to Himself. To be active during the day and keep in good health requires sound sleep at night. This is especially true of children when mental and physical development is more rapid than later on. An Intelligent mother discovered that coffee was harmful, not only to herself and husband, but that it was doubly so to her boy. She writes: "For more than 25 years I have been a great coffee drinker; have often tried to give it up because it made me nervous, constipated and I could not go to sleep for several hours after retiring. "About six months ago I Anally quit coffee and began to use Postum. Now we use it three times a day; I am en tirely cured of constipation, can sleep all night and do not get those nervous spells While under the coffee habit I was pale and sallow; ' now everyone tells me I have such a healthy complexion. Postum has certainly won the victory In our house. "There are two persons especially who have been greatly benefited by drinking Postum tnstead of ordinary coffee. One, a gentleman who has been cured of dys pepsia; the other, my own little boy, was cured of a most annoying affliction with out our even consulting a physician. "Whenever he took tea or coffee he would lie awake at night probably three Or four hours, with bis eyes wide open, talking to himself and grasping at Imaginary objects in the air. "We commenced giving him Postum In place of tea or coffee. He is now a robust boy and is entirely free from those spells of wakefulness." Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Read "The Road to Weilyilla.v in . BkgS. "Theresa a .reason. You Are Welcome To Credit Liberal Discount For Cash '--i;CUT N2 C17A. That is what you are doing when you pay more for furniture than EDWARDS charges. The worst of it is you do not know it unless you come in and see for yourself, which is exactly what we want you to do. "Whether you want a Rocker or a whole houseful, or just an idea of 'hat jour goods will cost, come in and look over our stock and compare prices and values. It will cost you nothing, and is almost sure to be a saving to you. As an extra inducement we offer a nice lot of specials this week, every one of which is a genuine bargain. A500 Hammocks are open gauze weave, have concealed spreader at head, continuous stringing, and wood bar at foot with patented tips and adjustable hitch and rings requiring no adjustable ropes or knots. . Size Qrt 36x78 Price B100 ' Hammocks are close canvas and twill weave. Otherwise same as A500. Size 36x80. - tl CO Price ipi.OO C100 Hammocks are close canvas and twill weave. Jacquard design in body and valances, have concealed spreader at head. Otherwise similar to previ- 1 Of) ous numbers. Size 37x80. Price v Last season we had - absolutely the lowest-priced refrigerators in Portland, and they generally gave satisfaction with the exception that the finish was not quite as good as It might have been. This season our cheapest refrigerator is finely polished, and much su perior to last year's pattern. Galvanized lined refrigerat or, 35-lb. capacity 89. 90 Galvanized lined refrigerat or, BO-lb. capacity. .815.75 Galvanized lined refrigerat or, 75-lb. capacity. . S19.SO Enameled refrigerator. 50- lb. capacity .. .821.00 Enameled refrigerator. 75 lb. capacity 824.00 Enameled refrigerator. 90- lb. capacity $28. OO Enameled refrigerator, 145 lb. capacity $32. OO Brightest and Best H$tay Samfactory"Snee The smooth, polished top of the Monarch Range, requiring no stove blacking to keep it looking nice is a great pleasure to the housekeeper every day of the year. Top has no Indentations to carry dirt. The large, roomy firebox is made especially for the Western trade, and is the only one that we know of that gives satisfaction for both wood and coal. The oven thermometer will tell you at any time the temperature of your oven. If you wish to move away, or break up house keeping, you can send your range down to us and we will give you 330.00 for it. If the range should drop off from the moving van it would not break, because it is made from wrought or malle able iron. We Sell Monarch Ranges as Low aa 854. OO. fr.yi-Ar.v't-.t-..tti -'Ski.- ' '-i'' v ' CUT. N9 E27. D100 Hammocks are - close canvas and twill weave. Jacquard design in body and valances, have concealed spreader at head, continuous stringing, pillow, wood bar at foot with patented tips and adjustable hitch- do ff end rings. Size of woven part 3!xK2. Price VvU F100 Hammocks are open Brussels leno weave, Jacquard design, divided suspension. Otherwise same as do AQ D100. Size of woven part 42x83. Price 'w G200 Hammocks are close canvas weave with fancy and embroidered designs In body and valance. CO Above is a picture of the celebrated Casteel Cook Stove, made with an asbestos lined sheet steel body. Top 21x27. . Oven is 18 Inches wide. Mounted on a handsome base. Ornamented with nickel trimmings, fitted with a steel oven, which can never crack. Light in weight and very suitable for the beach or etc en camp. Price , lO.OU Otherwise same as F100. Size 38xSl. Price. Safe Gasoline Stoves ' All gasoline stoves are safe when used care-, fully, but everyone who uses these stoves is not careful, as can be attested by the numer ous fires. A gasoline stove to be absolutely safe must have some device to automatically shut off the supply under such conditions. The Safe Gasoline Stove is the only one which it is Impossible to explode, as we will show you If you call. Any person who can explode one of these stoves will be presented with $50.00. We have many styles, the most popular Is shown in the picture, has two burners. Is 14 inches high with top surface 17x P4re,n:...$2.75 -v- kill llHlllllllllUHll ; tlfflrf Porch furniture will Armchairs aa low aa.... Settees as low as ...... Rockers as low as...... be on display Tuesday morning. ..82 85. ..SZ 50 OO 95 Japanese Mattings are always good and well known to everybody. Priced at ' 25 China Mattings of the extra fine quality, weigh 90 pounds to the roll, per yard i"i Rag Carpets, .durable, fast colors, one 'yard" wide per yard. .- 45 Fibro Carpets, very heavy and durable, in light finished colors, made from the celebrated Ameri can grass fiber. Per yard SO - Regular Fiber Carpets, same as the other "stores ' ssk 7oc for, we sell at cn Fiber Rugs, 7xl0fc ."."87 & We have hundreds of Room Rugs In other styles and sizes and quality. Price-list Folding: Go-Carts, with steel wheels 82.95 Folding Go-Carts with rubber tires 83.25 Folding Reclining Go Carts, rubber tires, ad justable back and foot end. . ; 84.95 Folding Reclining Go Carts, rubber tires and parasol 84.75 Large Basket Frame Folding Reclining Go Carts, rubber tires and parasol. . 88.00 Number 059 Basket Frame Go-Carts, with rubber tires and para- boI 913.50 Design of fill styles and prices to select from. v Gas Plates Special Sale Heavy Black Enam eled Two-Burner Gas Plates, regular $3.35 Special price.. 82.55 Nickel Plated Gas Plates, two - burner, regular $3.90. Spe cial price..... 82.95 Extra Heavy Gas Plates, nickel plated, two special burners, regular 34.50. Spe cial price 83.65 Blue Flame Oil Stoves The kind that give the most heat and use the least fuel. Proved to be the best by the test of time. Can be adjusted to three capacities: Simmering; Flame, AVorklng Flame, Quick Flame. . ' PRICES I One Burner.... ftrt.OA Two Burners... Three Burners.. 11.25 Ruffled Muslin Lace Curtains This week only 70 pairs of Muslin Curtains with ruffled tops, 2 yards long, regular 75c. Will be sold at 49i Mattresses From the Maker It Is not our policy to try to make and sell or recommend low - priced mattresses. We have the great advantage of our own manufacturing plant In this line, and know exactly what goes Into the mattresses we sell. .-For medium priced mattresses we recom mend cotton combina tions, and If you should take one of our mat tresses apart you would find that it contained 50 per cent more cotton than the mattresses sold at other stores at about the same price. Cotton. Co mblnation Mattresses 86.50 Floss Combination Mat tresses 88. OO Hair Mattresses 810 White Mountain IceCream Freezers The best proof of the superiority of the White Mountain Freezer is the fact that more of this make is sold than all other makes put to gether. Prices are as follows: 2 - quart ers. , . . ., W. M. Freez .... 82.50 3 - quart ers. . W. M. Freez- 82.95 4 - quart W. M. Freez es 83.40 6 - quart W. M. Freez-ers- . 84.10 I Medicine Cabinets Golden oak,' with mlr-i r 85. SO Golden Oak Cabinets, with brush and comb case 83.95 Hall Glass Special Plate Mirror. I4xH with 2-lncft oak frame, not just exactly like the picture, worth 32.50, 81. 78 Price-list of Mirrors Framed American Plate Mirrors. 8x10 25e Framed American Plate Mirrors, 9x12 35 Framed American Plate Mirrors. 10x14 .48S Framed American Plate Mirrors, 12x20 59d French Bevel Mirrors in handsome frame, regu lar - $9.00. . This 'week special 85.95 OfficeDesks Ash Flat Top Desks, 3 feet, 6 Inches. ..-816.00 Grained Oak Flat Top Desks, 4 feet 821.0O Roll Top Desks, solid oak, 822. 50 Typewriter Desks, flat top, 820.00 Typewriter Desks, roll top., 842.00 FOLDING FURNITURE Not the cheapest but the strongest and most durable goods that have ever been placed on the market are now being; opened by us. , , PRICE-LIST Easy Camp Stools, guaranteed , to support 600 lbs., malleable fittings, price.... 50 Folding- Camp Chair, same as hove 700 Folding Cot, can be folded Into a snug package 3 feet long, weighs 16 lbs., supports . 500 lbs ...82.75 Folding Camp Chair, size when folded 3 feet long by 3 Inches square, very comforta ble, weight 61 lbs 81.45 Folding: Durable Camp Table, 2 ft. by 3 rt. opened, 6 In. ' square by 3 ft. closed, weight 18 lbs 83.00 Folding Rocking Chairs, weight 7 lbs .' 81.25 The Lowest Prices Most Reasonable ' Terms m OQQPpiLAOg' to irwmtwm I Iffilil Ifli 1 k .ll i I ii. ! I; 1 Mil II I'llifllSsIl BREAK FROM COUNTY JAIL THREE RECAPTCKED, ONE ES CAPES AT CHEHALIS. Prisoners Improvise Key Out of Wire and Unlock Door to Se cure Their Freedom. CHEHALIS. "Wash., April 27. (Spe cial.) This morning about 10 o'clock four Inmates of the county Jail escaped from custody. Three of them were picked up soon afterwards by the authorities but the fourth escaped. L. H. Cook, of To ledo, accused of disturbing the peace; Lee Kennedy and Jack Prater, of Che halts, accused of assault with a danger ous weapon, were the three recaptured, Emanue Crowley of Centralis, charged with burglary, escaped. By some unknown means the prisoners procured a wire from which Crowley fashioned a rude key. by cutting off little plp.CPB and tying them on to. the main wire. With this he succeeded In open ing the iron door of the Jail, and as the outer door was open they simply walked out. Soon after this a man was seen running Into the brush south of the city, and it is likely this was Crowley. The authorities began investigation, but up to the present nothing has been learned of his whereabouts. An attempt to break Jail was made about a week ago. when Cotrlll, the Win lock wife-beater, got away, the others being headed off. In this attempt Co trill grasped Deputy Matson about the neck, overpowering him and securing the keys. WIFE WANTS BIGGER SHARE Not Satisfied With $5,000,000 Left by James Henry Smith. 4 NEW YORK, April 27. The Amer ican today claims to have Information that tinder the will of James Henry Smith, the millionaire who died re cently In Japan, the widow, who was Mrs. Khlnelander Stewart, receives $5. 000,000, or an income from that sum out of his Immense estate. dy Jane Cooper, his sister, inherits 120,000,000, it says, while others of his blood relatives get liberal bequests. According to the American, friends of Mrs. Smith declare that she will not be satisfied with the provision made for her in this testament and will con test it. The will is said to be in the posses sion of Lord and Lady Cooper, who re cently came to New Tork. The testa ment will be probated after the funeral of Mr. Smith, whose remains are now en route to this city from Japan. . The American also says there Is a possibility that there is another and later will, made Just after Mr. Smith's marriage, In which Mr. Smith made far more liberal provision Tor his widow. Such a will, it states, would probably be contested by his blood relatives. KI8KR KODAK DEVKLOPING. Imperial Hotel Also Scenic Photos. IN THE NEXT ISSUE OF THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN DR. FURNIVALL, DETECTIVE Remarkable and most fascinating stories of crime by Dr. George F. Baker, an alienist of international repute, whose knowledge of and wide experience in the psychology of crime have been drawn upon in the production of these tales. In every way they are superior to Sherlock Holmes and more mysterious. They have such human interest that no one beginning a story can drop it until he has devoured it to the last word. Each story is complete in itself, having no connection with the preceding one, except as Dr. Furnivall is the wonderful agent in unraveling the mystery. The series begins SUNDAY, MAY 5, and will run for several weeks.