The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, April 28, 1907, Section Three, Page 31, Image 31

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Business Sites Show a Slight
Slump in Transfers Resi
dence Lots Gain.
Big District Across the River From
Mllwaukie to Confluence of Wil
lamette and Columbia. Busy
Scene of Bustling Activity.
While the total of East Side realty
alea doss not foot up aa large this week
aa for aeveral weeks past, ft doea' not
mean that there has been a falling off
In Interest. There haa been a falling off
In the larger transactions, but a corre
sponding increase in residence property
sales. There certalanly has been no fall
ing oft In new buildings either Inside nor
In the suburbs.
A real estate man at Arleta. on the Mt.
Scott railway, said he could walk half a
mile in almost any direction from hts
office on the railway and count 50 new
cottages under construction. This is par
tially true of nearly every locality. Cer
tainly th architects have their handa full
of work that has been piling up for some
time and building permits are being Is
sued as rapidly as ever. It is noticed In
central Bast Portland and Alblna that
the vacant lots are being covered with
dwellings of excellent class.
Several important sales were made at
Sunnyslde during the week, which shows
the trend out there. O. Bieloh sold T. P.
Dye lots 4. S and 6, block El, Sunnyslde,
for J5500. This property is located be
tween Bast Thirty-sixth and Thirty
seventh streets, near East Main street,
and Is Improved property. Also at Sun
nyslde W. Cornfoot to J. C. Johnson, lot
4, In block 37, for $2700, also improved
An excellent class of dwellings is being
put up at Sunnyslde. the vacant lots be
tween the Base Line and Section roads
filling up rapidly. The Tilton addition,
near Lone Fir Cemetery, is building up
with residences. The vacant space south
of Hawthorne avenue to the Section road
Is being covered. All the lots In this dis
trict out to Cast Thirty-ninth street have
been sold out by the owners of tracts to
those who are now building.
Buys One Hundred Aores.
"We have had more inquiries this week
than for some time for all kinds of
realty," said Joseph Buchtel, of Buchtel
& Kern, "but more especially for tracts
of two. tnree and ten acres in the
Mr. Buchtel and F. Vervlck have pur
' chased 100 acres of a pioneer farm on
the Southern Pacific railroad on the south
borders of Mllwaukie for which they have
agreed to pay J10.000. On the tract is a
lot of valuable timber. It is expected
that the tract will be cut up Into acreage
lots to meet a growing demand for that
character from those who are seeking
surburban places which they may culti
vate. At Mllwaukie about (three quarters of
a mile from the electric carline C. H.
Thompson sold to J. F. Hichards 12 acres
on which the latter will make his home,
and establish his pigeon lofts for the
raisins: of high-grade piKeong and squabs
In which business Mr. Richards Is an en
thusiast. Mr. Richards is cashier for
Closset & Devers, of Portland, and raises
pigeons for a diversion. Hla new home
at Mllwaukie located In the Mlnthorn
Springs district will enable him to enlarge
and branch out. -
In central East Portland J. D. Wharton
bought lots 7 and 8 In block 219 for (6000,
which was the largeet sale announced for
that section. Mary P. Montgomery sold
to O. G. Edwards, lOOxSO feet commenc
ing at east corner of block 55 In Lower
Alblna for 111.000. This Is in the ware
house district.
In Oakhurst Addition, on Kllllngsworth
avenue. D. McDonald sold to R. W.
Bchmeer lots 1 to 12 In block 3, lots 1
to 4 In block 4: lots 11 to 22 In block S;
lots 1 to 10 in block 10, for S7600.
The sale of 28 acres from F. Strobel to
A. C. Churchill & Co., beginning at a
point on the east line of section 8. Is re
ported on the Peninsula, for $10,000.
In McMlllen's Addition, H. Gerson, ad
ministrator, sold to E. F. Loom! 9 part of
block 14 for $5500. A. U Howard sold to
J. F. Buhmann lota 15 and 16. and the
north half of lot 14, block 19, Albina Home
stead, for $4000.
Amelia Bramley sold six acres In sec
tion S. on the Peninsula, to W. Q. Wood
for $4600. J. T. Smith sold parcels of land
in sections 80 and 29 for $3500.
G. W. Brown has platted about 20 acres
on Hawthorne avenue and East Forty
eighth street, and Is selling lots there at
from $509 to $S0O. Louis Drummer bought,
the past week, nine acres near Mount
Scott for $1600. He will put up a residence
on this tract.
The formal building permit for the erec
tion of the three-story brick for Buck
man Sisters on East Burnside street and
Union avenue at a cost of $40,000 has been
Issued. McHolland Brothers are the con
tractors. Work on the foundation is pro
gressing rapidly and will probably be
finished during the coming week.
The German Baptist Brethren Church
has taken out a permit for a building on
Kllllngsworth avenue and Borthwick
street, to cost $4000.'
Commercial Club Working to Secure
More Manufactories.
There is a steady growth at St Johns
that Is satisfactory to the progressive
citizens, and the annual meeting of
the St. Johns Commercial Club Wed
nesday night was really significant of
the real spirit of the city. It Is ex
pected confidently that under the pres
idency of Peter Autsen. elected at this
meeting to head the organization for
the coming year, that It will be an Im
portant factor in landing manufactur
ing establishments, several of which
are now assured. There was a most
optimistic spirit among the members
of the club and a determination to
push the town along. The board of
directors are active business men, and,
with the support of the community,
they can do much for St. Johns. It is
proposed to furnish the clubrooms in
the Holbrook block and make them
the Quarters of the organization.
It may be said that the Interests that
are coming up during the ensuing year
will be large and Important There
will be something doing through the
year on the Peninsula. More than a
dozen large concerns are preparing to
locate near St. Johns, which will give
employment to large numbers.
Among the manufacturing concerns
that are assured is the Collapsible Box
Factory, to be erected on the water
front by Donaldson & Co. The pur
chasers of the Rita are from Utah.
Construction work on the plant will
tart during the coming weak. The
new plant will give employment to
about 60 hands, mostly skilled. Three
other concerns are to locate In East
St. Johns. The St. Johns Land Com
pany announces the sale this week of
three factory sites. One of the con
cerns will engage In the manufacture
of crossarms. The other two sites were
obtained for manufacturing purposes,
the nature of which has not been an
nounced. The Indications are that a,t
and around St. Johns a large manufac
turing district will develop, and. In
fact. Is already being worked up.
New plans have been prepared for
the proposed Baptist Church, and the
contract will soon be let. Work on
the foundation has been started. The
building is to be completed by August
1. Plans have been prepared for re
modeling the Central -Hotel, and the,,
work Is under way.
The building committee of the St.
Johns Council will direct the "comple
tion of the unfinished City Hall, which
has been a great drawback to that
place. The city has taken charge of
the structure, and under the direction
of Architect Goodrich work will be
resumed at once. Delay In comple
tion of the building will undoubtedly
cause extra expense to the city on
account of the advance in the cost of
material since the second contract for
inside finishing was let.
The new Council has taken hold of
affairs with an apparent earnest desire
to work for the best Interests of St.
Johns. Mayor Couch is able and suc
cessful in his own affairs and natural
ly much is expected of him.
Sales of realty In St. Johns during
the past week have been steady. King
it Gilmore announce the sale of 20 lots
at an average of $450 per lot, a total
of $9000. mostly in Bast St. Johns.
Anna Thurlow sold lot 5, in block 20,
James Johns Addition, to Anthony
Byrnes, for $400. P. H. Edelffsen
bought lot 1, block 23, for $800. The
Oak Park Land Company sold lots 5
and 6, in block 2, price not given, to
St. Johns Lumber Company. Title
Guarantee & .Trust Company sold lot
SO, block I, in subdivision of lots 1, 2,
7. 8, 9, and 10, North St. Johns, for $303
to Roy Turrell. Also Turrell pur
chased from this company lot 21, block
2, North St. Johns, for $300.
The Coast Investment Company sold
to V. 8. Wennersten lots 14, 15, 16, and
17, Barton's Addition to St. Johns, for
$1000? J. Wood sold to J. T. Peterson
lot 5. in block 4, Chipman's Addition,
for $1100. John A. Lofquist sold part
of block 12, North St Johns, for $1060.
C. E. and Julia Bingham sold to Gll
len Chambers Company part of frac
tional block 7 and part of river lot 2,
and part of Albany street vacated in
the James Johns Addition to St Johns,
for $3000. This sale was made for
manufacturing purposes. -(
East Side Masons to Have a Temple
of Their Own.
Horatio . H. Parker,- Eugene W. Ames
bury, Thomas M. Hurlburt, William A.
Dempsey, Alexander M. Wright and Bwln
F. Hitchcock have filed articles of in
corporation forming the Washington
Masonic Building Association of Port
land. The capital stock is placed at $25,
000. The object of the association is to
erect a Masonic temple on East Burn
side and Eighth streets for use of the
East Side Masonic Lodges. Pugg & Leg,
architects, are preparing plans for this
building, which will be two stories with
basement. The lodges own a quarter
block on East Burnside and Eighth
streets, -but will only occupy part of it
for the new temple.
Real Estate Transfers. .
Frank and Anna Michels to Peter
GIboni, lot L block 17, Center Ad
dition $
Lone Fir Cemetery Company to A.
B. Bloomer, lot 38, block 34, said
cemetery ?
Fred and Bertha Welch to Mathilda
Blumberg. lots 1 to 5, block 58,
Peninsular Addition No. 4
George W. and Nora Belle McAfee
to Rufus K. McAlDlne. lot 14. block
5, Maegley Highland 1,500
t,nen Flanagan to Adeline M.
Underwood, beginning at the
northwest corner of lot in block
2, King's Second Addition, 1 acre..
James F. McGlinchey to George W.
Force, lots 4, 6. 6, 14, 15. block 11,
Portsmouth Villa Annex No. 3....
A. J. Kenneth and Marion Macken
zie to Ora Brown, lot 8, block 18,
Kenilworth Addition
Dan Shea to May Shea, lots 4, 5, 7,
8, 9, 10, 11, Shea's East Fairview,
or Addition to Fairview
Sycamore Real Estate Company to
Mabel Harrington, lots 1 and 2,
block 4, Kern Park
Richard Williams to F. C. Goff, lot
8, block 8, Williams' Addition No.
2 1
Lewis Kerns to A. O. Wells, lot
18, block 3, Stewart Park 195
M. L. and May W. Holbrook to
Samuel Glbbs, lot 4, block 1, East
St. Johns 550
Louis Buetikoter to R. Buetikofer,
south half of lot 2, block 41, Ca
ruthers' Addition to , Caruthers'
Addition 1
Theodore Bracker and Catherine
Wlnterhalder to George W. Gor
don, beginning at southeast cor
ner of lot 2, block 13, Portland
Homestead ., 800
May Shea to Daniel Shea, lots 1, 2, 3,
block 9, Fairview 1
E. C. Brown, et al, to City of Port
land, four acres, commencing at a
point 29 chains, 50 links east and
16 chains south of the northwest
corner of section 31, township 1
north, range, 2 east . 1
J. P. Kennedy and Laura Kennedy
to S. C. Beach, lots 14, 15. block 14,
Arbor Lodge GOO
Hibernla Savings Bank to S. C.
Beach, lots 10. 11, 13, 13. block 14,
Arbor Lodge 1,250
Fred Winter, et al, to Ida Simpson, .
west half of west half of northeast .
quarter of northeast quarter of "
section 6, township 1 south, range S
east 1
Tall and A. M. Thompson to Thorn
ton and William Mitchell, east $4
of lota 13. 14,' block 26. SunnyBide 10,000
Anton and Annl Hendrlckson to.An
thony Meyertholen, south 29 feet
of lots 1, 2, block 9. Subdivision of
River View Addition to Alblna 1,860
Jennie G. and J. A. Sheffield to I P.
R. LeCompte. lot 1. block 126,
Stephens' Addition 1700
John Gill to Lisa D. Gill, lot S,
block 13, Kings' Second Addition... 8,500
Susan A. Downing to Percy T. and
Hattie E. George, lot 11. block 1.
Subdivision of Brown's Tract 1,000
W. Q. and Edna M. Bonn to J. L.
Hartman, trustees, west half of do
nation land claim of John and Par
mella Tuttle, In township 1 south,
range 4 east, Clackamas County 1
Mary R. Fletcher to Joseph M. and
Rosa K. Woodworth, north half of
lots 11. 5. block 15, Maegly High
land fidltlon 3,000
Charles H. and Laura Heller to
Nels M. Halvorsen. lot 6, block 6, .
Lincoln Park Annex 850
James and Maru L. Stel to Cathe
rine Maxwell, west half of north-
' east quarter of northeast quarter
of southwest quarter of section '2,
township 1 south, range 1 east 1
Rose City Cemetery Association to
John H. Gibson, lot 29, block 42,
section "D," said cemetery., 26
Louis and Margaret Nlcolal to -George
R. King, lot 14, block 4,
Mendon Park 600
A. C. Churchill Co. to J. W.
Spring, 3.21 acres commencing at a
point 1716 feet south of the north
east corner of southeast quarter of
section 8, township 1 south, range
1 east - 1
A. C. Churchill to Lena Hanburg,
3.21 acres commencing at a point
2790.50 feet south of the southeast
corner of southeast quarter of sec
tion 8, township 1 south, range 1
east 1
Richard Williams to A. D. Craig,
lot 14. block 2. Williams Addition.. 1
Portland Trust Company to Mabel
H Ireland, lot 3, block 90, Wood
stock 250
W. M. and Dora Killlngsworth to
Mrs. J. Prosser. south half of lot
7, 10, block 16, North Albina 250
Union Trust & Investment Com
pany to Mary E. Loomls, lots 1 and .
2. block 5, Ivanhoe 830
May Petty to M. E. Austin, lots
You Saw O
ur Tally-
Yesterday with its prancing horses. You also saw the gay party f ,
On the Way to Waverleigh
Everyone who went yesterday afternoon had an enjoyable time. So can you if you want to. It will cost you nothing. All we want to
do is to show you Waverleigh. Every afternoon this week, leaving our office at Sixth and Washington at 2:30 o'clock, we will give
one of these pleasant outings. All you have to do is to . . . .
- Reserve Your Free Seat Now
Let us know when it will be convenient for you to go. . Phone, write or call and we 'will reserve a seat for you. iWe want you to -
See Waverleigh
"We know you will like it. Three hundred people who have bought lots there like it. YouH say that it is the highest class close-in,
lowest-priced subdivision offered in Portland today. See these beautiful lots from .
Our Free Tally-Mo
Be our guests for one afternoon and you will never regret.' "We don't ask you to buy in "Waverleigh. We only want you to
yourself. Your own judgment will tell you what to do. Waverleigh today has all the conveniences of the city. We don't
see it for
city, we don t have to
wait for trolley roads to be built. Two car lines the W-W and the W-R rnow run through Waverleigh. It is so close in that it is
unnecessary to use autos' to cover the ground quickly, therefore we can give you a pleasant afternoon's drive on the big Tally-ho
and not consume much of your time. . N -
Go With Us to Waverleigh
Any afternoon. Remember the tally-ho starts at 2:30 d'clopk. Remember also' to reserve your seats, for so many people want
to see Waverleigh that it is necessary to reserve seats in advance. " '
Council Crest View Lots
You Can't '
Go any place in all this world and see such scenery and, such
home sites for such ridiculously low prices.
Can You?
Well we guess not. Lots $350 to $750. Graded streets. See
our agent in the Red Tent next to the board walk at COUN
CIL CREST. He will tell you all about these wonderfully
fine view lots. -
Homesites on the Heights
Of South Portland are the choicest locations on the West Side
of the river offered today for the money. Only a few min
utes' ride by the trolley that now goes through this tract.
These lots ' . '
Have Excellent Views
They are convenient to the center of the city. One direct trol
ley line now. The S. P. also reaches these lots, and the new
jSalem trolley road goes through the center of the district.
Take F ca on Third street, get off at Fowler and Corbett
streets at our branch office.
Sixth and Washington. Main 550. Home Phone A2537.
Branch Office' at South Portland Heights, Corner of Fowler and Corbett Streets. Phone Main 2757
17 and 18, in east half of lot "I"
Patton Tract 1
Genevieve G. and H. G. Cotton to '
William Ellis, lot 16, Bowne Ad
dition 300
Point View Real Estate Company to
M. C. and L. E. Soule. lota 27 and
28. block 30, Point View 300
Kate L and George H. Temple to
Charles P. and Godfrey Bhman.
west half of lots 1 and 4, block
4, Brush's Square Addition 10
A. J. and Vida O. Farmer to J. A.
Ward, lots 8, 9. 10, 11, block; 3.
Avalon 900
M. L. and Blanche Calm to John
Running, blocks 1, 2, 3, 4, and o,
Home Addition 10
Elizabeth Liebe, et al, to Merchants'
Savings & Trust Company, about
242 acres, beginning- at the north
east corner of Milton Doane dona
tion land claim in section 13, town-,
ship 1 north, range 1 west " 1
Bophronla and Wesley Allen to D. L.
Fllley, south half of northeast
quarter of northeast quarter of
northwest quarter of section 21,
township 1 south, range 2 east 4,900
Charles and Eugenia Henry to R. S.
Greenleaf, a strip lying south of
south line of .black 4, in Henry's
Fifth Addition and north of north
line of block 11, Lexington Heights -30
Portland Masonic Cemetery Com
pany to James J. Ellis and William
Park, lot 27, section 6, Greenwood
Cemetery 00
A. W. and Belle Lk Lambert to John
Andrew, lots 5 and 6, block SO,
Stephens" Addition 8.000
William A. Cummlne to Amelia E.
Riley, 00x100 feet, beginning at a
point in south line of Sioyt street
- 90 feet east of intersection with the
east line of Twenty-first street.... 7,000
Frank H. and Ora B. Summer to
5. E. Chambers, lots 19 and 20,
block 38. Tremont 1,600
Arleta Land Company to John C.
Hag-ley. lots 12 and 13, block 6, Ar
leta Park No. 8 200
Total 5S,S18
If Christ Came to Portland.
Could a city government be run accord
ing to the teachings of Jesus Christ? Dr.
Sheldon in his noted little book, entitled
"In Hie Steps" declares that It can be.
There Is no denying that If Christ were
mayor of Portland and the city govern
ment were run in harmony with his
teachings, there would be some tremen
dous changes take place. Dr. Brougher
will discuss this thought in his sermon
at the -White Temple Sunday night. He
will consider some of the sensational
things that would happen if Christ
should suddenly come in person to Port
land, and take charge of affairs. It is a
question whether the modern city church
would not be revolutionized as much as
the city government. It is probable that
modern society would suffer some start
ling sensations also. Dr. Brougher will
state some of the things that he believes
would happen If Christ should suddenly
come to Portland. At the morning ser
vice, he will speak on "Christ's Estimate
of a Sensational Preacher."
Looking Into Insurance Election.
NEW YORK, April 27. The fact that an
Assistant District Attorney is making an
investigation of the recent election of the
Board of Trustees of the New York Life
Insurance Company became known today.
Charges were made by the International
Policyholders Committee today that
agents of the company committed forgery
In signing the names of policy-holders to
the administration tickets without the
sanction of the policy-holders.
Germany Takes Measures Against
.,' May Day Demonstrations.
BERLIN", April 27. All appearances in,
dlcate that May day this year will be
observed less generally than ever In Ger
many. Many cities bavje forbidden street
parades or other public demonstrations,
and the employers, as a rule, have taken
strict measures to prevent the working
men from celebrating the day, using the
threat of a week's dismissal without pay
if they absent themselves. This was the
means which last year brought the Ham
burg stevedores to terms.
The Social Democratic National Com
mittee has issued the usual proclamation
upon the Socialists to observe the day,
but the appeal Is less aggressive than
usual. It urges the local organizations to
study the situation for themselves, and
then only celebrate the day If they can
do so without getting Into trouble with
their employers.
The proclamation has been the subject
on the part of the stalwart Socialists, but
the leaders, in their speeches, deemed the
moderate recommendations as being the
only wise course in view of th firm atti
tude of the municipality.
Engine Blows Up ; Three Killed.
O'FALLON, Mo., April 27. The boiler
of a freight engine, drawing a caboose
and running at a high rate of speed, ex
ploded near here today, wrecking the en
gine and caboose and killing Engineer
Paul Lynch, Fireman Frank Appleby and
yBrakeman George Brown, all of Moberly,
Mo., and injuring Conductor Dessert and
an unknown tbrakeman.
Notwithstanding his Injuries, Conduc
tor Dessert ran a quarter of a mile
west of the scene and flagged a swift
ly approaching passenger train from
Kansas City, then fell unconscious. His
warning: saved the passenger train
from . plunging into the wreckage
ahead. It is believed tie will die.
Zelgler Company Not Guilty.
CHICAGO, April 27. A dispatch to
the Tribune from Benton, III., says:
"The jury yesterday returned a ver
dict of acquittal In the case of the peo
ple against the Zelgler Coal Company,
charged with employing mine exam
tners without certificates of compe
tence. The case grew ont of the ex
plosion In the Zelgler mines two years
ago. The motion of Joseph Letter for
a new trial In the case of similar char
acter In which he was convicted In
February was yesterday overruled and
the. case taken to the Appellate Court
on appeal. This 1b the last of prosecu
tions instituted against Letter and his
company as a result of the explosion.
Falls Down Elevator Shalt.
PEORIA. 111., April 27. Mrs. Mate Ches
ter, of Chicago, grand secretary for Illi
nois of the Order of the Eastern Star, fell
down an elevator shaft in a hotel today
and was killed.
Mrs. Chester left her room upon the
third floor, and from all that can be
learned walked Into the shaft, think
ing she was stepping; Into the elevator.
She fell into the basement, where she
struck upon her back' upon the con
crete floor. She died shortly after
medical assistance had been summoned.
The Coroner will make an Investigation.
Located in the most beautiful part of this fast-growing
city, where every foot is steadily"
increasing in value.
Large Lots $300, Some Less
A Small Payment Down, Balance
in Monthly Installments to Suit
Take Mount Scott Car at First and Alder Streets;
get off at Creston or Powell Valley Road.
It's a pleasant 15-mimites' ride.
' 291 Stark St Agent on the Ground All Day Sunday.
Waldo Says Rivet Holes in Wajrships
Are Plugged With Wood.
BOSTON, April 17. Congressman
George W. Waldo, or New York, the
principal speaker at a mass-meeting
held last evening in Faneull Hall, un
der the auspices of the National
League of Employes of Navy Yards,
asserted that warships built under con
tract by private concerns contain seri
ous defeotB. He said:
"Warships - built under contract by
private concerns and almost Immedi
ately after their completion sent to
the Brooklyn Navy Yard foV repairs
have been found to have rivet holes
plugged with wood, putty and soap. In
one instance I know of, several hun
dred rivets are supposed to have been put
into a warship built by contractors
whose workmen filled the rivet holes
with putty and wood."
He Now Denies Confession.
CHEYENNE, Wyo., April 27. A spe
cial to The Tribune from Landers says
that John McAdams. who confessed to
the killing of George Terry and stirring
up trouble, on the Shoshone Reservation
in whloh he implicated Terry's brother-in-law
and a number of half breeds, has
denied the truth of the entire confession.
He says he Implicated others to make
trouble. His alleged accomplices may be
Northwest Scenery Imperial Hotel.
The Great Chinese Doctor
Entrance 162V3 FIRST STREET
Corner Morrison
No misleading statement or deceptive proposition to the afflicted.
An honest doctor of recognized ability does not resort to such meth
ods. I guarantee a complete, safe and lasting cure in the quickest
possible time, at the lowest cost possible for honest, skillful and
successful treatment. I cure Catarrh, Asthma, Lung, Throat. Rheu
matism, Nervousness, Stomach, Liver, Kidney, Female Troubles and
11 private diseases. My remedies are composed of powerful Oriental
roots, herbs, buds, vegetables and barks, that are entirely unknown
(many of them) to medical science In this country.
Drags or poisons are not used in our famous remedies.
jy 2 C. Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Company
riw mnlUm this saess.
Old Dr. Grey's Sanitarium
The only reliable place for confinements in Portland. Regular licensed
physicians and professional trained nurses, perfect seclusion, honest dealings.
Infants adopted. The finest equipped sanitarium for the euro of chronie
and rebellious diseases in the Northwest. Diseases of women a specialty.
Graduate lady physicians in attendance. Terms very reasonable. Address,
Dr. J. D. Grey, 251 Alder street, corner Third, Portland, Or, Correspondence
solicited. Telephone Main 2796.