tern Section Three Pages 25 to 34 VOL. XXVI. j PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, APRIL 23, 1907. NO- 17 . GOOns PURCHASED MONDAY OR TUESDAY, CHARGED Ott MAY ACCOUNT 13 isBf rV ret fflBBGmm &iv,v: ... . - . ... : a;.-rwy j Buy Silks ITL Djl Dress Goorfs WD and -suit bargains A Mighty Sale That Affects Thousands of Yards of Goods A timely offering of Fashion's favorite fabrics, tremendous textile trade winners; a mammoth ; movement of meritorious merchandise. A sale that brings savings greater, than you've ever looked for at this season or rie year, come u;iie fie assortments are at their best, and save. $1.50 Dress Goods, yd. $1.19 $1.00 Dress Goods, yd. 69c Many, many bolts of this lot; it's a fine as sortment of fancy Panamas, in regular or chiffon weights. Comes in all designs and color combinations; a superb Spring suiting, worth $1.00 the yard; special sale 1?Q price .OuC $1.25 Dress Goods, yd. 89c FANCY PANAMA WEAVES, and fancy mo hairs, soft-finished foules and French serges; 52 pieces in the lot; patterns are stripes and checked effects; simply grand $1.25 OQ qualities; special sale price . 0"C This lot comes in the same weaves and pat terns as the $1.25 goodsj but of course it is of a better grade. We have 42 full pieces of them, fine values at $1.50 the yard ; spe cial price tor this sale, the yard $1.19 $1. 75 Dress Goods, yd. $1.29 COME IN IMPORTED NOVELTIES, Foules and French Serges, in checked and plaid ef fects; rich color combinations, including the hairline striped and plaid styles and the much -wanted tan shades. Remember, all .io qualities; special sale price $1.29 $2. 00 Dress Goods, yd. $1.48 There are 54 pieces of these, including fine fan cy voiles, in imported French weaves, beauti ful moonlight effects, and soft color combina tions, in the pastel shades; reg. J AQ $2 grade; sale price, the yard... V 0 $2.50 Dress Goods, yd. $1. 89 The cream of the season's output in fine wool fabrics. Made in domestic or foreign mills, and designed by the best textile artists in the world ; 37 pieces, of fancy voiles, English tailor suiting, French serge, in light or me dium weights, and fancy Panamas. In fact, there's every wanted weave here; the regu lar $2.50 quality; special Q price ....V-0 Now Fancy Silks, for the making of neat waists or entire costumes. 1 hey 're in the right patterns to make pleasing garments of this sort. Checks, plaids, in visible 8tripes( in the best color combinations, su perb, shimmering, rustling Silks, full 27 inches wide ana worm $i.zo the yard, fapecial for Mon- '71 41. day only. de 7 IcYd 75c Toilet Water 49c IMPORTED FRENCH TOILET WATER, in several odors; regu larly 75c the bottle; spe- AIQq 25o Jar Cola Cream 17 4-lb. Bar Castile Soap 39 50c bot. Coke Dandruff Cure... 35 10c Can Talcum powder T Penholders, ass't'd 6e ones 3j So Lend Pencils, each 3k 6Tc- Folio Dealt Blotters 45 White Bastlna; Cotton, 3 spools.. 5 lronlns; Wax, large sixe 4 Black I.lnen Thread 6c. special 3t oUo Baelc Comb, mounted 394 LINEN MESH DRESS SHIELDS, odorless and absorbent; sizes 3 and 4. Regularly 25c Ol and 30c. Special a&tC TABLE SETS, in paper drawn work, one dozen napkins 1 7 and lunch cloth; 25c value. M. i C Women's Ties 25c A special lot of all-silk "Windsors, in fancy figured designs, to be worn with the new embroidered collars ; worth 75c each ; O CZf special aWiJC NEW RTJCHINGS, fine silk ma terials, in black or white; dozens of patterns; price, the QtT yard, 10c to JOC WOMEN'S BELTS, with fancy buckle and back pieces to match ; fine woven designs, in black, red, navy and brown; regular values are $1.25 each; special, Monday ' COLLAR AND CUFF SETS, 75c to. a $2.50 New embroidered Collars. .. .35 Striped Silk String Ties 35 Pingree Gloria Shoes For Women $3.50 a Pair If there's a better shoe made for three-fifty, we've yet to. find. it. In fact, we 've never found bo good a three-fifty shoe, in all. our experience. They come in low-cut or regular high-top shoes for Summer wear. All the new lasts, and the soles and leathers are made for Oregon wear. ' STYLE BLVi 4-button patent leather, kid Oxford, with light sole and dull top; Cu- O Cf ban heel, plain toe. .PJ.iJU STYLE BLVi Same as above, only with four large eyelets and silk tie instead of buttons. STYLE 104V2 Patent kid Blucher Oxford, medium sole, dull top; four large eyelets, with wide rib bon laces; price, the tfo E( pair p.JJ STYLE 163i2-Made of glazed calf, in the low-cut Oxford; high arch last, with plain toe and Cu ban heel; large eyelets and wide ribbon ties ; price, O ? f pair.. pJ .JJ STYLE BlOOVi-AU patent kid Oxford, four-button, Blucher cut, light welt sole and high arch mod el; made with new round edge. Prettiest Oxford in f O Cf all Portland; p&i...xHO.OU S&mple Suits at Half Reg. $40.00 Suits go for just Reg. $50.00 Suits priced at only. .. Reg. $65.00 Suits sale price, only. Suits worth $75.00 are now marked . . $20.00 $25.00 $32.50 $37.50 All Eton Models, Just 129 in Lot, at Half Regular Prices These artistic costumes are sample garments the prod ucts of one of the best suitmakers in the country. They are all higher-class suits, frocks that exemplify the acme of good taste in applied fashion. They came to us at a price extraordinarily low, so low that tho we were well supplied with suits, we took every one in this lot. Our garment section buyer is in New York now, and secured this lot for spot cash. That's how we come to offer you such unusual bargains as these. Women of taste will grow intensely enthusiastic over these fine costumes; they're all that perfect taste, perfect style and fine materials can make them. The sale begins at 8 o'clock Monday morning, and we don 't expect to have a single one on our hands by noon. You'll sea them on display today, in the Fifth-street windows. Come take a peep at them from the outside first. Then you'll realize better than we can tell you the importance of coming early for YOUR suit. No Two Alike in the Lot None Laid Aside for Anyone Come Early Monday Morning None on Approval No Phone Orders The materials are the finest Panamas, twine voiles and fancy wool suitings. The Panamas and voiles come in plain colors and the fancy suitings are in all the good novelty designs checks, stripes, plaids, etc. The best models that this season has brought out. Trimmed with braid, straps and lace. Have long or short sleeves. Reg. $42.00 Suits sell for only.... Reg. $55.00 Suits marked down to, Reg. $68.50 Suits C?vf Cfi EeS- $72.50 Suits are priced at pJ'r.iU aro marked at... Suits worth $78.50 f QQ tZfl Suits worth $85.00 priced at only. ... PJ7.JJ - now go for only. , $21.00 $22.50 $27.50 'S ! : $30.00 $36.25 $42.50 20c Waist Sets JQc Pearl Waist Sets, in three pieces pretty pins, two different styles and regular 20c values; 77 special price Monday, set.:- "C BELT BUCKLES, small and large sizes, in oxidized, rose, green or gold; regular 35c values; Of special for Monday &ZC PEARL CUFF LINKS, square or oval shapes; worth 65o AQ pair; special rC GOLD SIGNET HAT PINS, in va rious designs, finished in Roman gold ; regular 50c values; OO special JOC WELLESLEY SHOPPING BAGS, in fine leathers; regular $1.50 val ues ; special for Mon- & J no day j. .V 1 . 45 7 Laces 25c the Yard BEAUTIFUL NEW ORIENTAL LACES and Bands, from a." large importing house. Regular 50o and 60o goods, but we . bought them for less than regular; spe cial for Monday, the 25c Laoea and Insertions, In endless variety; especially pretty are the new arrivals In the Valenciennes laces in botn edges and insertions; they're priced at the yd... 3 up Baby Irish Jyaeea, In edges and In sertions, exquisitely pretty pat terns, at the yard, up, from.. 2Sc Teniae Lace Edjces and Bands, new assortment, at the yard, up, rom JO St. Gall Luces, edges and bands, beautiful patterns, up, from. Ribbons, In fancy patterns, stripes, dots and fleures; a splendid selec tion, qualities that sell regularly for Sac, 60o and 65c the yard' special at. yard... ..254 Fine Lace Curtain Sale THREE LOTS, of the most-wanted Curtains in our store, but they're odd lots, and we make especially good prices on them for that reason. IRISH POINT CURTAINS, 50 inches wide and 3 yards long, all choice patterns, priced like this: $4.50 values, pair $3.50 $ 9.00 values, pair $ 6.00 $6.00 values, pair 84.20 $14.00 values, pair $ 9.75 $7.50 values, pair. $5.25 $20.00 values, pair $14.00 BRUSSELS NET CURTAINS, with plain or figured centers, like this: $ 5.00 values, pair $3.50 $16.00 values, pair $11.50 f S.00 values, pair S5.75 $20.00 values, pair 814.0O $12.o0 values, pair $8.50 $33.00 values, pair $23.00 RENAISSANCE CURTAINS, hand-made, imported goods, very dur able and 3Vi yards long and 50 inches wide. Priced thus : Regular $15.00 values, now only, $20.00 valnes, pair S14 OO Pair $10.50 $21.00 values, pair $14.65 $L.50 values, pair 12.25 $32.00 values, pair $23.00 Decorated Haviland China Third Floor Quaint, attractive shapes; tasteful, dainty decorations, in pink floral designs and gold traced handles and knobs. A sale that will be of unusual interest to all housewives who use china of the dainty sort. Come to this sale 'twill surely pay. DINNER PLATES, reg. $3.85 the SALAD DISHES, regularly worth CHOP DISHES, worth $1.95 each; dozen; special ........ .$2.35 $1.20; special, each 684 special sale prwe 1.10 TEA PLATES, regularly $3.00 the BREAKFAST PLATES, regularly SUGARS, worth $1.30; sp1..68 dozen; special sale price$l.SO worth $3.50 the dozen; special CREAMERS, worth 70c each- spe FRUIT SAUCERS, worth $1.85 at -$2.10 J4q the dozen; special $1.10 BREAD AND BUTTER PLATES, CAKE PLATES, worth 85c- spe- SALAD DISHES, regularly worth regularly worth $2.50 the dozen; cial .48 $1.70; special, each ..98 special $1.40 MEAT DISHES, in all sizes, at O O V E E E B VEGETABLE TEA CUPS AND SAUCERS, reg- special prices. DISHES, regularly worth $2.90 ularly worth $4.80 the dojlen; spe- The above is only a partial list ach $1.66 cial $3.50 of the articles; others sell in the UNCOVERED VEGETABLE COFFEE CUPS AND SAUCERS, same proportion. DISHES, regularly worth $1.10, regularly $5.90 the dozen, spe- DINNER SETS, 60 pieces; regu epecisd, each 64 cial $3.75 larly $21.90; special. . .$13.15 New Undermuslins Special Fine ' French hand-made or 'domestic manufacture ; some of the finest goods ever brought to Portland put on very special sale for this week. It's the sort that we've made our reputation on. You know the qualities well. Here are the prices: WOMEN'S CORSET COVERS Made of fine nainsook, with yoke of three rows of Val. lace insertion, three rows of beading and draw ribbon; trimmed with lace edg ing at neck and armholes. Splen- CC, did values at 75c each; special. . "C WOMEN'S NIGHT GOWNS Fine quality muslin, with V-shaped neck; yoke of two rows fine embroidery insertion, between ten clusters of fine tucks; finished with embroidery edging at neck and sleeves Regular $1,50 value ; now on OTO sale at this special price WOMEN'S DRAWERS Of fine cambric, trimmed with two clusters of fine tucks, and embroidery edging. Reg- 0f OO ular $1.75 value; special..... P WOMEN'S CHEMISE Genuine French hand-embroidered, with low V-shaped neck ; exquisitely dainty and artistic Worth $1.50 and $1.75 each; d1 1Q special this week P f WOMEN'S CHEMISE Of nain sook; made with low neck, trim med with two rows of beading and embroidery insertion. Regu lar value $1.50 ; spe cial sale price. J1.18 WOMEN'S PETTICOATS Of fine cambric, with 18-inch double flounce; trimmed with clusters of six ' fine tucks, and 8-inch em broidery edging; $5 j0 AQ value, special at. . . O Correct Millinery Here The Millinery stylo salons, show the most advanced and most au thentic styles and fads of the season. Prices here are less for the same splendid modes and materials than in other stores. Come to investigate and know this for yourself. IMPORTED MODEL HATS NOVELTY DRESS HATS NEW YORK TRIMMED HATS ' STREET AND OUTING HATS SMART TAILORED HATS NEW STRAW SAILORS SAILORS, 75c TO ?2.50 EACH TRI-CORNE SHAPES, $2.60 to $4. i J DC