THE SUNDAY. OREGON! AN PORTLAND, APRIL 28,. 1907. 23 BUSINESS CHANCES. ROOMING-HOUSE HEADQ.U ARTERS. ELLIS, YORK A CO., Rooms go and 21, Cambridge Bldg., Morrison at., S. V. cor. Third st, IP YOU WANT ' TO BUY A ROOMING-HOL'SR, call at the above address. We have them, all sizes, ail styles, all prices, Irora $300 to $12,O0. All the desirable ones In the city for sale are on our list. Terms may be arranged on any. ONE OF THE BEST. 40 ROOMS Location first-class, furniture high grade and new 2 years ago; steam heat, hot and cold running water In rooms; profits $200 a month. Price $3600 or sell half interest; 1200 down. BETTER TAKE IT NOW. 33 ROOMS In best business location, new modem building; Ft earn heat; one of the finest furnished houees in the city; present owner has cleared above all expenses $1K a month for the past two yean. Wants to sell now and offers it for about half of form er price; $2500 cash, balance SlOO a month. BB6T ON THE MARKET FOB THE PRICE. 30 ROOMS In heart of oily, best central location; furniture and carpets extra good, lonj S years: one of th" very bent tran sient houses, and pay you ' above all expenses. Price $2700. ' BETTER SEF3 THIS. 25 ROOMS on beat street, furniture (rood, iron beds, Moquette and Brusoels car pets; r-nt only SHHi with lease; clears S123 above expense. Price $2000, half cash. LONG LEASH. 27 ROOMS All one floor, a blocks of this office, corner brick; lease for 5 years Is alone worth price asked; only $1150. SNAP FOR $275. 8 ROOMS 4 housekeeping suites, rent $30; receipts, $,."; cost present owner $060; must leave city and wants $150 cash. A SNAP 12 ROOMS. Near Tenth and "Washington, rent $N, furniture good; fine pla-ce for small board ing-house. Price $750. IIOl-iSHKREPINO NO WORE. 12 ROOMS In fine residence location, 12th st., furniture worth the money; 6 suites, Income $100. Price $600. LITTLE BRICK." 16 ROOMS Business district, all one floor, iron beds, income $115, rent $40, with lease. Price $425. FINE BUY FOR 30. 17 ROOMS Within 2 blocks of Portland Hotel, rent only $r5; the furniture is worth the money and the place will pay you $&0 a month. CALL BEFORE YOU BUY And see what we have in PRIVATE ROOMING AND BOARDINO-HOI'SES, KURljPBAN AND FAMILY HOTELS. APARTMENT HOUSES and cheap LOIXJ 1 N G-HOUSErf. Some of the best are not advertised. DO IT NOW. CONFECTIONERY AND ICE CREAM. Just the place for man and wife, location can't be beaten, 5 nice large living rooms; place will clear $IfWX this 'Summer; long lease; Investigate this. RESTAURANT. Finest location on Washington street and place easily worth $2i00; sickness compels ale; -place doing a daily business of $05; muwt sell and no reasonable offer refund; would consider terms from responsible party. THE VETERAN LAND CO., 105 Third Street. HOTELS OUR SPECIALTY. If your hotel is for sale. In or ont of the city, bring It to us and we will pro cure a purchaser without publicity. Refer ence Hotel Men's Association. . P. L." AUSTEN & CO.. Original Hotel Brokers, Suite 122 to 12. Ablngton bids. Phone Main 24S& FOR RENT 8-ROOM HOUSE, NEAR WASH ington st. Standard Investment Co., cor. Fifth and Salmon sts. GOOD BUSINESS LOCATION. $2.'i0O Ulnar, confectionerv and fruit stand. oM-establlBhed busine, having an average monthly trade of $lMXt; present owner must retire on account of rheumatism; 2-year irao-, nunn hi least ou per cent; win guar, antee $150 month net profit; new develop ments in vicinity will Increase, business. Phone Main 1042. CASH paid for mining and Industrial stocks ana Donos or merit, high-class mineral pros pects bought or developed; consult me for investments returning- 1000 per cent profit or better. Large or small Investments accept ed. Prompt attention given out of town orders. Member Portland Stock Exchange. W. J. Curtis, 216 Commercial Block. FOR SALE AT SEASIDE. OR. FURNI ture of an 8-room house: -first-clans nlace for boarders; right at beach; also an Ice cream parlor, complete; tents to rent for light housekeeping; all In connection with the house; rent reasonable; a bargain If mKPn at once. Address oregonlan Agency. CHARTERS FOR COMPANIES, ONLY $10 una pin mi expenses; best in united States, by return mail; guarantee of stocks and nonus inrougti strong Eastern bank fur nlshed free to our customers; stocks and Donns sold; no advance lees. Brokers' Agency, Guthrie, Okla. 32 ROOMS. ONLY 2 BLOCKS FROM P. O.I clears $70 over expenses; $000 takes It. Standard Investment Co., 5th and Salmon. FOR r $.'W0 popcorn crisn outilt comnlete. con slating of 1 buahel corn popper, 1 patent . i i imp macnine. t xurnace. Kettle, tanks, ' etc.; Just the thing for excursions, picnics, etc.; price complete, $100. -Address R 63. vregonian. COAL LAND! COAT..! Valuable coal Imul for nl imarv CViiintv Utah; will sell 2.W acres of patented coal land M ay 25, 107 ; splend Id q us 1 1 ty coal. For Information address Mark Tuttle. Coun ty iiera, L-astie uaie. Emery County, Utah. FOR SALE: GENERAL MERCHANDISE? store, postoffice and express office in con nect tfn; at railway station; one acre of icruuna, store buwuing, house and. barn; plenty of fruit; fine location. Christopher v a uuug, oprmgurUDK, ur. FOR SALE) 2000 CORDS WOOD. CORNELL road, two miles west from Portland; 30,000 cords, Cornell road, seven miles west; 12,000 cnoice plies ana poles: some sawmill timber. jonn lY.osierman, residence 61 N. 21st at. i'uice 4 iiamiuon Diag. REMOVAL NOTICE. Diets-Mueller Co., located at 22ft Lum ber Lxchange, will be at their new home in rooms Nos. 503-4-5, Swetland bldg., 6th and Washington. Mondav. Aprtl 29. DIETSS-Ml'KLLEU CO. FOR SALE FITRNITrRK AVF. T P.1SE1 hotel 35 rooms, all f urn fehed complete, do- ing hlg business, 5 years leas at $60 per iiu'mn; jiw" taxes it; investigate; a snap. Inquire J. W. Coraer, Dallas Hotel, Dallas, FOR SALE CHICKEN YARD ON BASE Line road, V mile east of Montavllla ear, opposite store; incubators, brooder, net ting, etc. ; all blooded birds; $125 takes it; rent s. per montn. K. ea, Oregonlan, Bakery for sale, fixtures. $ouo. stock at Invoice, growing trade, purely personal reasons for selling. A very good opening ior me ngnt man; sauu casn, bai a lice to suit. 2lO Allsky bldg. FOR SALE SMALL GROCERY AND OON- jectionery with ice cream parlor and wait ing room end of Montavllla car line; liv ing rooms in connection. Address O. H. commons, Aioniavuta, ur. BY OWNER SNAP. BRICK CORNER. 59 rooms; fine furniture. Brussels carpets ; ntw'y renovated, electricity, gas. bath ; 2 years- tease; reasonaDie; part cash. .301 WASHINGTON ST.. CLOSE IN: 4 YEARS' lease, worth what Is asked for stock fixtures and business; rare opportunity for the buy Dullness oi asningioa St. A none M 142, 34 Ainngton mag. StiSO. 9 roams In housekeeping suites. Furni ture and carpets the best. Terms, CROWN BUSINESS EXCHANGE. 3S Raleigh bldg., 0th and Washington. MAN OR WOIaN WITH ENERGY CAN make big money selline Spanton Invest ments. Liberal commission, besides fine premium. See Richards of the Spanton Co., if to btark st. flOitO AND SERVICES TO INVEST IN legitimate business; references exchanged, answer treated confidentially. O 6A Ore gonian. FOR SALK FIRST-CLAS;? CARPENTER hop. rully equipped with machinerv, plenty of work. Address O 00, Oregonlan. 85-ROOM ROOMING HOUSE; LEASE large, light rooms; brick; $500. Room 7, IKI ls 1st St. f BARBER SHOPS 2 MODERN ESTAB lislimeuts. 405 Lumber Exchange. BUSINESS CHANCES. ROOMING-HOUSE HEADQUARTERS. DIETZ-MUELLER CO.. B0-V4-5 Swetland bldg., 5th and Wash sts. Below ls a partial list of rooming nouses that are Al buys and can be han dled on very easy terms. If you do not see what you want come in and look over our lift, as we have all the good, places that are on the market. SOMETHING ELEGANT. . 26 rooms, beautifully furnished, steam Tieat, hot and cold water In rooms, very low rent : good straight lease and the swellest location la the city; absolutely clearing above all expenses S150 per month; nothing nicer in the city than this; very easy term Price $4500. WASHINGTON ST. 20 rooms, very nicely furnished, splen did money maker; rent only SlOO per month; 3-year lease. Now, if you want a money maker and a genuine bargain be sure and tee this, for It will not last long at the price. $2500. bio "money maker. 40 rooms, corner brick, on Morrison st., 11-year lease; rent for 5 years $200 per month, 6 years at $250. This Is undoubt edly the best buy in Portland. Price $5500. LOOK AT THIS. 10 nice large sunny rooms, newly fur nished. Rent $45; income $75; beautiful ltiwn. lots of roses and elegant location on 12th st., and the price is only $750. NEVER LISTED BEFORE. 22 rooms, mostly housekeeping, nicely furnished, located on 5th st, clears about $100 per month; this is a good buy and can be handled on small amount of money. Don't fall to see it. Price $2000. SOMETHING EXTRA NICE. 15 rooms, extra well furnished, rent $75, lease, on West Park st., near Taylor. You can rent either as a rooming or boarding house. Modern house, beautiful lawn, large veranda and a splendid buy at the price, $1500. Terms. SURE WINNER. 45 rooms, brick, steam heat,' 4 years lease, low rent ; hot and cold water in every room; private baths, elevator; ele gantly furnished; this Is the moBt modern house In the city and Is absolutely clear ing $250 per month above all expenses, and the price Ss very low $6500. JUST ELEGANT. 40 rooms, new corner brick, eteam heat, hot and cold water In every room; all Axmlmter carpets, golden oak and birds eye maple furniture; a regular - little beauty; rent only $250; 3-year lease; ab solutely clearing above all expenses $300 per month; price $7600. The above list Is just as represented and will stand the closest Investigation. We have several large hotel propositions that we are not at liberty to advertise. Call and look over our list. DIETZ-MUELLER CO., Rooms 603-4-5 Swetland bldg.. Tel. M. 150, Nice buy IT rooms, price $1400; rent $36; $1000 cash. s 20 rooms, part furnished. 20 rooms, fine apartment house; new fur ttiture; part cash. 12 fine rooms, elegant furniture. 28 rooms, money-maker; cheap rent; leaf; central. Houses alt prices: see me before buvinsr. I have exclusive right to handle many houses. 23 years in Portland. LILLIAN DB K EATER, 425 Taylor. ICE CREAM AND CIGAR STORE. The only first-class, up-to-date Ice cream parlor, confectionery and cigar store in the most centrally located, progressive town in Willamette Valley. This place is clearing $250 monthly net; rent only $20 per month, with 3 years' lease; located in modern brick building. Price $3000. DEVLIN A FIREBAUOH, 608-509 Swetland bldg., cor. Sth and Wah. MONEY DO YOU NEED IT? WB ARE IN a position to furnish capital for any meri torious enterprises. We can sell your stocks ana Don as quicaiy on commission oa sis. Money advanced on good securities; charters procured in any state; do not fail 'to confer with us; It will be to your Inter est. R. Kaats Ac Co., bankers, Tacoma bldg., Chicago. THE AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY HAS inside information regarding business open ings in this territory ; their correspondents keep them posted on all desirable offering a Merchants looking for location la this city or in country towns are Invited to call. Information of this kind free. The Ames Mercantile Agency, A b In g ton bldg. AN ESTABLISHED BUSINESS THAT WILL net you over flftO per month, will sell at invoice ; $500 wl 11 handle same ; owner has other Interests and is leaving the city; will teach you the business and tart you be- xore leaving ; Wl ii bear the closest in veeti. gat Ion; give phone number, particulars) by interview only, t, tin, care uregoman. FOR SALE AND RENT LOCATED IN one of the best towns ta eastern w aen- . lngton; stock of drygoods, clothing, Bhoes, etc. : also stock of errocerles and Queens- w are; stock Inventorying about $30,000; will rent building for term of years. Ap ply or address A. B. Salmon, care Ad vance .inresner lo. ATTENTION. Furniture of a good 14-room rooming "hoUHe on West Park near Taylor to trade for furniture of 5 or 8-room cottage or fiat; house full of good steady roomers. DIETZ-MUELLER CO., 603r4-5 Swetland bldg. CEMENT BUSINESS OWNER IS BUSY with the men at work and wants reliable Tartner to tead office, collect. Day the leiD, etc. , and he will guarantee you $200 a month; $1000 required. Call 248 Stark at. A REAL ESTATE MAN WILL TAKE A partner without experience to show custom em his own properties and will guarantee bo 1vs than $150 a month; $460 required. Call 268 Btark street, room zi. nrrrTr.T. in RRST TOWN ON O. R. A N. line; 30 rooms, 3 years lease; must be sold, owing to sickness; may consider part trade; price $2500. Goldschmldt's Agency, 253)6 wasningtoo, our. ou. SI-ROOM BOARDING AND ROOMINO house with 25 boarders; good house, good furniture and a good location. A bargain to the right party. 8 07. uregoman. WORKINGMAN'S HOTEL, 3 ROOMS, MUST be sold Monday; any reasonable offer takes tt: this) place will pay no lees than $160 a month. Call early. zB stars; st., room zi. city; small amount of money will handle any OI mem. inquire icr-j v.u w. MAvrfTifTT-RTNO BUSINESS FOR 15500. Owner guarantees you he is clearing $500 a month over all expenses. Experience aot necessary. Call 248 Btark at. 4-CHAIR BARBER SHOP STRICTLY UP TO date, baths in conjunction, old established place; good reason for selling. Address 478 Commercial street, Aeiona, wciTf i.mT OPPORTUNITY HALF IN- Vrest in -an established grocery doing $75 to $K0 per dRr: clean stock; ww ear investi gation. W 73, Oregonlan. LIGHT MANUFACTURING PARTNER wanted witn srco; ounce . Must be satisfied to start at $20 a week. Call 24$ Stark s. FOR SALE ICE CREAM PLANT. ELEC- tric motor, l norse power, iJ era. pulleys, brackets, belts, all complete. Inquire im rxoni u - well lurnispeu. on: must sell on account of stcHneM. 4 71, ureiconi(.ii. bit ppir.viTTmit nv D-ROOM house, house for rent, new, modern. On. location, full of boaraera. Bars-am. v, o Oregonlan. FIRST-CLASS GROCERY STOCK. CIXSB In (rood corner, clean .wtn; uwnu wagon. $1700. Call 1st and Alder, room. , ana o. nnrruT WITH TJVIXO ROOMS FOR $600. Owner guarantees you he ia clearing $100 a month over ail ew-. v... .-7, 6tark st. FOR SALE $1500 WILL. BUT A GOOD manufacturing business; will trad, for real estate. Adareaa w w. rpu- ATTENTION IF YOU WAST TO 8FXL, your business (julck for cah. or If you want a good partner, can - 81LOON uuuu lAA-niiwii. . good reason, for .elllng. Address W S3, uregoniau. nnrx-ERY STORE WITH LIV- Ing rooms, aot to exewd (1300. Writ. E 04, Oregonlan. .X10 CASH PMALL GROCERY ON CAR line: suitable for woman. AddreM D 87, Oregonlan. solldated: lowest caan price. O 61. Ore gonlan. FOR SAI.B ABOUT 40 ROOMS. CENTRAL, fine, lease, mooern one. t mjtw. . oo.o- TWO 7-ROOM HOUSES FOR RENT. 69, Rodney avenue. .1 BCSIMESS CHANCES. ROOMING-HOUSFJ BARGAINS. DEVLIN A FIRBBAUGH, 1 606-6U9 Swetland bldg. j If yon want to buy a rooming-house or have one for sale, you will find It worth your while to call on us. Below we call your attention to a Xew of the places .listed .with us. BOARDINO-HOUSB. 12 rooms, very well furnished; good loca tion, near City Hall; rooms always full and doing a good business; owner leaving town and will sell at a bargain. .Price $650; part cash. AN ELBGANT PLACE. 45 rooms, best location In city, elegantly furnished; best of iron and brass beds In all rooms; steam heat and hot and cold run Dlngr water in every room; location and other special reasons make this place the best money-maker in the city ; good long lease; rent, Including steam heat, hot and cold water, $350. Price $9000. HERB IS YOUR OPT OR TUN ITT. 80 rooms, right down town, on Washing--ton st.; newly refurnished. This ia one of the best places for the money In the city. The lease, location and rent -xe all that could be asked for. This place ls making 200 per month. Price 3000. THIS IS A NEW ONR 67 rooms, all extra well furnished through out; on busiest street in the city; hot and cold water in rooms, steam heat, up-to-date in all respects and clearins over $.t0O per month; rent $260. with lease. Price 9O00. THIS IS STRICTLY MODERN. 42 rooms, modem brick bulldins, furniohed Blvejy; rent, including steam heat, hot and cold water, electric lights in halls and jani tor service, only $250, with 3 years lease; unusually well-arranged house; part house keeping; all outside, sunny rooms; beauti ful location; never on market before: clear ing $200 monthly. Price $4500. 11-ROOM SNAP. II -room bouse, beautiful corner location, large yard and a nice neighborhood; this house is well furnished throughout and ls In first-class condition; all outside, sunny rooms; owing- to sickness owner ls forced to leave town; will sell at a big- sacrtftce; rent 45; this place clears over $40 per month and owner occupies 3 best rooms. Price for quick sale $000. BIO MONEY-MAKER. 14 rooms in the heart of the city; low rent, with good long lease; nicely furnished and a big money-maker; this place will easily clear $lo per month. Price S1250 sac DEVLIN & FIRBBAUGH, O08-50O Swetland bldg., cor. &ta and Wash. BOLLAM. GRUSSr HIGLEY. 128 8B ST. t,s Business cnancesv sooo Best retail grocery store la the city, guaranteed to be making money. $1600 34 rooms furnished for housekeep ing on a paying basis, fine brick corner. $4000 Saloon, right down town; a swell place and a money makers cheap rent and $10,000 A good partner country hotel and ) - b rouna in a umvins jsast Oregon town; half cash. BOLLAM, GRUSfl HIGLEY. 12S Third Street Phone Main 6:. READ 1HIS CAREFULLY. Just on the market for the first time the best-paying confectionery, cigar and Ice cream store In the city; 11 furnished rooms In connection more than pay the rent. This place will net ycu $400 a month all Summer; closest investigation solicited; price, including all the furniture, stock, fixtures, etc, only $1500. .. DEVLIN & FIREBAUGH, 608-509 Swetland bldg., cor. 5th and Wash. BARGAINS IN ROOMING HOTTSVEfl. Can Bave Buyers Money. Real Estate. Grocery Stores, lunchrooms). ' 2.1 Years In Portland. Will Locate You Right. Houses, All Sizes, All Prices. LILLIAN DE KEATER, 425 Taylor st. HALF INTEREST CAN BE SECURED IN an established wholesale and retail farm Implement house doing a good business in Oregon, Washington and Idaho for $10,000. One who has had some experience in buy ing preferred. Bank reference given and expected. No money paid until thorough ly satisfied. Principals only. Address P 0$, Oregonlan. PRINTING AND PUBLISHING BUSINESS In Portland, established ten years; reli able equipment; abundant supply of latest material; good line of contract work and transient business. Owner compelled to ' leave because of 11 bealth. Will sell half Interest. $2000 casta will handle. Write Q 67, Oregonlan. - ONS OF THE MOST POPULAR 76-ROOM hotels In Portland on account of sick ness, for sale, or would take good city property or good farm; will prove that the place clears over $300 every month. F. Fuchs. 221 H Morrison st. AN EXCEPTIONAL BARGAIN. A worklngman's hotel, .dining-room and kltcen outfit complete, furniture of 35 rooms In good order, $800 takes it all. Owner must leave in two days. Room 12, Ablngton bldg. HERB IS A SNAP A 24-ROOM HOUSE, hot and cold water in every room, ele gantly furnished, good lease, $500. We have some very fine bargains In country hotels, p. L, Austin c Co., 125-126 Ablng ton bldg. ONLY RESTAURANT IN TOWN OF 24O0 population. 2-year lease on building; to bacco, cigars, canned goods, plenty of fuel and ice box and all fixtures. A snap at $425. Owner, Box 388, Forest Grove, Or. GOOD SUBURBAN GROCERY. Doing good business, fine fresh stock of goods, cheap rent, lease; price $2600 Includ ing horses, wagons, etc, or will Invoice. 270i Washington St., room 3. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE GOOD PAY lng worklngmen's rooming-house of 50 Tooms, for smaller place. Three-fourths filled with permanent roomers. Call Hull, 257H Madison St.. near 3d. FOR REftJT ONE YEAR COMPLETELY furnished confectionery store, central lo cation, stock at Invoice, about $1500; will take same amount at expiration lease. Ad dress A 7L Oregonlan. PARTNER WANTED IN A SOLID MANU facturtng business to do office work; salary $150 a month besides profits; must Invest a email amount of capital. Particulars 268 Stark street, room 21. REGULAR SNAP. Ten rooms, nicely furnished; rent $45; Income $75; modern house and a fine home; price $750. Inquire at 305 12th st. GOOD FURNITURE STORE IN ONE OF THE best towns in Oregon, with a fine surround ing country; price 4000, or half interest for $2000. Address G 67, care Oregonlan. CONFECTIONERY AND ICE CREAM $1350, first-class location, good lease, a money-maker and will stand your closest Investigation. X 160, Oregonlan. FOR SALE HALF INTEREST IN BEST , pacing grocery in the city. Centrally lo cated, large established cash business. P 71. Oregonian. ONE OR TWO PARTIES WITH $3000 CAN make an Investment paying 75 per cent; strictly business. Call Monday morning, 62 6th st. GOOD-PAYING RESTAURANT FOR 8 ALB chep; parties leaving town. Call at 355 Salmon, residence between 2 and 5 o'clock afternoon. FOR RENT 80 ROOMS. THE BEAT LOCA tion in the city for workmen's lodglng tiouse. Apply Covsll's Furniture store, 186 1st st. SEE OUR ROOMING-HOUSES BEFORE buying; fine locations, reasonable prices, easy terms. 803 Washington. Room T. FOR SALIS CONFECTIONERY AND CI- gar store at one of the principal transfer points in Portland. M 68, Oregonlan. DELICATESSEN AND HOME BAKERY good corner, cheap rent, a splendid chance for man and wife. M 69, Ore g an ion. $1000 FOR SALE, FLOUR AND FEED Busi ness, groceries can be added ; splendid chance. Address A 63, Oregonlan. pNLY $1100 BUYS GOOD PAYING LUNCH counter In business center: lease; low rent. Call 221 H Morrison st. Room 9. SMALL RESTAURANT AND LUNCH counter; will sell cheap; good-paying place; lease. 274 Taylor st FOR SALE ONE OF THE BEST CIGAR stores In the city. Long lease, low rent. A bargain. C 75. Oregonlan. WILL BUY SMALL ROOMING-HOUSE IF reasonable and within 6 blocks. White Temple. O 69. Oregonlan. FOR RENT 60-ROOM HOTEL. PARTLY furnished. Including saloon, two store rooms. B 74, - Oregonlan. FOR SALE A SACRIFICE, THB BEST GON fectionery store in this city; A-l location. W 68. Oregonlan. $350 DOWN FOR BUSINESS PAYING SlOO per month clear; must sell; Investigate. Q 6U, Oregonlan. BUSINESS CHANCES. HERE ARE MONEY MAKERS. Resturant on Seventh street, between Washington and. Morrison; -an all-night place and cafe, making between $4tK and $500 a month and expenses about 3; let us tell you. Hotel on Third street that le jnaklng all kinds of money; 32 rooms on one floor; receipts more than twice expenses. Here Is a chance to pick up a big bunch of money ; rent only $15 and receipts be tween $400 nd $500 a month; price $7500. which Includes the building lease on the ground and furniture. H. V. LEMCKE CO.; -Main BOO 6th and Washington Sts. RESTAURANT. Hest-paylng centrally located restaurant and crtoDhouse in the city, seating ,011 per sons and clearing $200 monthly, with over 5 years lease at $95 per month ; owner retiring from business; this is an Al buy at the price asked, $i5ov. DEVLIN & FIREBAUGH, SOS-509 Swetland bldg., cor. Sth and Wash. NEW GROCERY STORE. ALL NEW FIX tures. new stock, new wagon and harness, new store building, doing business of $5 to $30 per day; all for $200O; pay you to investigate, hi 00, oregonlan. LOST AND FOUND. LOST BET. 2D AND FRONT STS. OR Caruthers and Arthur sts., Thursday even ing. Ivory-handled whalebone whip, with tip broken. Finder address Dr. Woodle, ciacitomaa, ur, Koute 1, dox 10. -tte ward. LOST WATCH CHAIN AND LOCKET, with monoeram "F. E. H." on back: sis ter's picture in locket; please return to Frank E. Hester, 3o3 12th St., near Mar ket; liberal reward. Phone Main SToa- COLLIE DOG, TED. 7 YEARS OLD, LARGE white collar, feet. lees, tip of tall white, sides yellow, dark back. Liberal reward for information. 545 Morrison st,, port land. Or. FOUND A PLACE TO HAVE HAIR MAT tresses renovated and returned same day. 228 Front st. Main 474. Portland Curled Hair Factory. H. Metzger. proprietor. LOST A GOLD PURSB IN OLDS. WORT man & King's store; owner's name engraved Inside. Finder will please leave at the desk and receive rewara. LOST MALE POINTER DOG; LICENSE No. 123: name on tag. Return 000 wor cester bldg. and. receive reward. Phone Main 1307. LOST LIGHT JERSEY COW ON PORT land Heights. Telephone Pacific 1318, or call at 2o2 Yamhill st. Reward. LOST SUNDAY.- ON WASHINGTON OR 11th st a lady's brown Eton jacket. Re turn to oau baimon st. ; rewara. LOST 2-YEAR-OLD SORREL MARE; white feet; harness on; reward.. J. R. ' Hickman. Oregon City. LOST DIAMOND AND EMERALD BAR pin. Finder will receive reward by calling at 38H Montgomery st. LOST ON FRIDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL 2H. -a lady's brown fur; finder please phone East 4U26. LOST EASTERN STAR PIN ATTACHED to bar. Call phone Wood lawn 1100. Reward. FOUND A PLACE TO HAVE CURTAINS laundered. 2o6 14th st., cor. Madison. LOST A BLACK COCKER SPANIEL DOG, license tag 3W3. Call Main who. PERSONAL. LOST VITALITY IS QUICKLl RESTORED by the use of Sexlne Pills. $1 a box, 8 boxes go. with full guarantee. Address or call, J. . A. Clemenson, druggist, corner 2d and lam mil sts., Portland, or. Dress suits for rent, all sixes $1 month . keeps your clothes cleaned, pressed, but tons sewed on. rips sewed. Prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailoring Cow, Soft Btark street. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR. MOLES. ETC.." RE moved by electric needle; established 18&4; T'hyslcians' references, lady operator. Par ore 170U 10th st., near Morrison. Phone Main 6267. Manly vigor restored by Dr. Roberts Nerve Globules. One month's treatment, f2; 3 months, so. went securely seaiea oy maiL Agents, Woodard. Clarke A Co.. Portland. Mme. Courtrlght. skm ant. scalp treatments pimples, moles, warts, hair, wrinkles remov ed; facial deformities corrected; plastic sur gery. 225 Flledner bldg. Phone Main 5042. Ladles, try our parlors, 364 Morrison for face, ecalo. bust and all beauty culture: exDer- ienced lady, direct from London, at your service. Phone Pacific 1SS3. Mrs. Gordon, LOST POWERS RESTORED BY TH great Dr. Lorenx Nerve Tonic Tablets; 25c a box. write or call at Eiyssers Pharmacy, 22 1 Morrison St., between 1st ana 2d. MARRY WEALTH AND BEAUTY; MAR- nage cmectory tree; pay wnen married; en tirely new plan; send no money. Address H. a. Horton, uept. 01, ietonsca, Mich. LADIES DR. K ETC HUM, GRADUATE) and registered, treats any and all your complaints with skiu and success. 170 1 3d, corner x amnm. .racinc PRIVATE DETECTIVE. COMPETENT, R Ed itable, services reasonable, satisfaction guar anteed; communications strictly confiden tial. Address P. O. box 435. GERMAN. FRENCH. SPANISH AND OTHER Foreign Dictionaries, lext iiooks and Litera ture. (German books a specialty), A. W. Schmale Co., 229 JTlrst st. YOUNG WIDOWER, AGED 33, OWNING own home, is desirous or meeting laay be tween the ages of 23 and 40. Object matri mony. F 60. oregonlan. T LARK VINSON COME AT ONCE) TO Johnstown. Fa,, mother venr sick. Mrs. J. C. He LIKE TO GET ACQUAINTED WITH HON est. good woman, matrimonially Inclined, 38 to 44 years of age: weight not over 120 pounds, v b7. trregonian. MARRIAGE PAPER HIGHEST CHARAC ter; incorporates litn year; 3000 members; paper sealed; send 10 cent. R, E. Love, Wox low, uenver, coio. WANTED TO MEET HONORABLE LA dies and gentlemen of responsible age, view to matrimony, o o, uregoman. MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous . hair removed. No charge to talk it over. Mrs. m. d. Hill, room ow r ueaner Diog. .racinc lao. SCIENTIFIC CHIROPODY AND MANICUR- ing, facial and scalp treatments. 145H 6th, coraer Atoer, room o. GENTLEMAN 48, WELL ABLB TO SUPPORT wife, would marry; conndentlaL W. E. Box 35, Toledo, Ohio.' AMELIA R. BROWN. ELECTRO-MAG netlo healer, roonx 2, Hotel Ohio, Madison and b roni. GENTLEMAN FROW IOWA, STRANGER, aesires 10. meet rennea iaay, su. c 67 Ore gonian. RECENTLY OPENED MANICURING PAR- lors removed from soiH to 343 Morrison. .room x. DR. AT WOOD, female diseases: maternity cases; private nospiLiu. 0 jcwls Drag. f. 1754. MANICURING AND CHIROPODY PAR Ion; scalp and facial massage. 201 Sd st. BALM OF FIGS FOR ALL FEMALE Dis eases. 626 E. Belmont. Phone East 4034. YOUNG LADY GIVES ELECTRIC: TREAT ments; ladies only, 353 Yamhill; room 3. TURKISH BATH9. 800 Oregonian bldg.; ladles a ays, gentlemen mgnts. .rhone Main lkkiS. Bust and neck developed. Oriental method; re- uil Buuiunoea. aov r ueaaer Diag. rac. xao. TAPEWORM REMOVED WITHOUT FAIL. Ernest A. wilhelm. 470 BurnsJde st. Mrs. Stevens, reliable palmist and spiritual iire-reaner. 3-3r 1 amntii, corner 7 to. MANICURING PARLORS. 2S U. MORRL3ON su, room 14; iaai&s ana gentlemen. PERSONAL. LADIES, ONE WORD WITH YOU 23 years of successful practice in Portland in. the treatment of diseases peculiar to wom en should be sufficient guarantee to those seeking the aid of an experienced phy sician and surgeon. I have assisted hun dreds of anxious and suffering women. I can assist you. If In trouble, no matter from what cause, call on old Dr. J. D. Gnv: th old reliahl specialist: no charge - for consultation or advice, 251 Alder at. corner $d., Portland, 4r.. Correspondence sacredly confidential. DR. MART LANE. Late superintendent of Chicago Women's Hospital, treats diseases of women exclu sively; ladles will consult their best Inter, ests by communicating with me; no fee for consultation; correspondence absolutely confidential; maternity cases given special attention. Sanitaxtum, and off loss, 2-3 Alder, corner 3d. Portland, Or. Pbone Main 2796. . FAT FOLKS. Your weight, double chin, busts, abdo men and hips reduced; have - lost 41 pounds; no starving, no wrinkles, guaran teed harmless. Call Wednesday or write for booklet free. Mrs. A. O. Byers. 1037 E, 27th North, Portland. Phone Woodlawn 207. SUITS PRESSED WHILE- TOU WAIT. 50c To visitors of Portland hotels and to puo lie at large: Suits pressed at OOo at Gil bert, the tailor's, 106 6th St., next to Quelle. Ladles' skirts pressed. 50c Fea thers and boas cleaned and curled. Phone PaclOc 208S. MADAME A. LUCKEY GIVES CABINET baths, magnetic and vibratory treatments for rheumatism and nervous diseases; tes timonials from her patients' show the marvelous cures that she has performed. For consultation call at 20f V 4th. Main MIDDLE-AGED FINE LOOKING BUSINESS man would like to meet lady with view to matrimony; his income is s 10,000 per year, enough for both; no objection poor maiden or widow. Address Mr. H., Room 746, Cey lon bldg., Chicago. WHEN YOU DON'T FEEL WELL AND don t know what ts the matter, then Bex- Ine Pills will cure you; $1 a box, 6 boxes $5; full guarantee. Address J. A. 'Clemen son, druggist, 2d and Yamhill sts., Port land, ur. BEAUTIFUL YOUNG LADY, WORTH $8000' cash, -will also Inherit $12,000 more, wls-nes ot meet young or middle-aged man with view to matrimony. (Poverty no objection). Address Miss Hart, Dept. 705, 54 Wabash, Chicago. DON'T BE DULL AND FORGETFUL. SEX- ine fills cure all forms of weakness; si a box, 6 for $5. with full guarantee. Ad dress .or call J. A. Clemenson, druggist. Zd and Yamhill sts., Portland. Or. YOUR FORTUNE FREE, Send 2c etamo and birth date. Love. business, marriage and health. Learn the future. The stars know. Prof. Ntcol Von Hood, E. S. Station, Bridgeport, Conn. PILES. ITCHING. BLEEDING. PROTRUD- ing; fissures, fistula and all rectal dis eases cu:-ed in 10 to 80 days without the knife or ligature. Call or write Dr. T. J. Pierce, 1S1 First St., Portland, Or. Swedish trained nurse. Helsingtors graduate. cures rneumatism. nervous a isomers, sprains. superfluous fat hand rubbing, eteam, sweat and tub baths. 7 East 11th street; take East Ankeny car. Phone East 20D. BE ATTRACTIVE ANY CASE OF PIM ples, blackheads, coarse pores or eczema on face or body positively cured or money refunded. Call or write Dr. T. J. Pierce, lbi "irst St., Portland. AMELIA R. BROWN. Cancers removed without pain or knife. rtoom is. Hotel Ohio 'Madison and -Tont. FINANCIAL. MONEY LOANED TO SALARIED PEOPLE just on your owi name; no other security necessary; oon't oorrow vntu you see me; my system ls the best lor railroad men. clerks, bookkeepers, streetcar men and all other employes; business strictly confiden tial, sr. a. Newton, oil ttucnanan iiog. MONEY TO LOAN. We bave $4000 to loan on good security. TOUSLEY & WEAVER, 11-12 Lafayette Bldg., 313 Washington St., Corner 6th. Phones, Main 6Wtil Home Phone, A2747. CAPITAL! CAPITAL! COMPANIES ORGAN IZED! Capital furnished for meritorious enter prises; entire issue stocks and bonds bought and sold. The i. J. r oils tJO., ftimneayoiio, Minn. MftKr-T A DVA NCED SALARIED PEOPLB and others upon their own names without security; cheapest rates, easiest payments; offices In 60 principal cities, save yourself money by getting our terms nrst. TOLMAN, 223 Ablngton bldg.. 106 Sd st. FAMOUS AND FERTILE PUYALLUP VAL- ley, between aeatue ajiu Atw:oiiii., nan. , good 7 and 8 per cent, 1, 2 and 3-year mort gages lor saje. .ruytmuy .mwmsm uu- pany, puyauup. vvaun. WANTED 'Notes, mortgages or contracts on orw if inrt nf real estate In Oregon or Wash ington: 2d mortgages purchased if well se- LOANS ON EASY PAYMENT PLAN TO salaried people ; lowest rates ; strictly confi dential. Employes' Loan Co.. room 716, The Dekum, Bd ana ween. main place good Coeur d'Alene stocks, can form proniaoie com.eci.ivii. auuicsh . It. Van vaieil, iliinauuia, muii"- v nJ tt. Y TO LOAN. REASONABLE RATES: real estate, chattel mortgage or personal security; notes bought. C W. Pallett, 304 Feuton DUliaing. TO LOAN $10,000 ONE BUM ON INSIDE business property; ,of on resiaence pruv erty. sums to suit. w . b. vvara, huuiucj, Allsky bldg. iiw I Furniture, etc.; confidential. 228 Flledner bldg., lvtn ana vvasn. r-acmc xi. RATES. WANTED $2000 FOR TWO YEARS AT 7 per cent; real estate security, inquire room 10. Laiayette omg., cor. oui ana vvasamg- ton. $5000 OR LESS IN BUMS TO SUIT ON real estate ; charges reasonable. Inquire J. H. Mid die ton, 617 Chamber Commerce. MONEY LOANED IN SMALL OR LARGS sums on Improved and unimproved real esrate. W. H. Nunn, 552 Sherlock block. $1000 TO glOO.OOO TO LOAN IN SUMS TO suit at 5 to 7 per cent on improved realty. M. G. Griffin, 266 Stark, opp. C. of Com. WANTED TO BORROW $1300 ON EAST Side property for three years at 7 per cent interest. Address E 70, Oregonian. IMMEDIATE LOANS FROM $5 TO $5000 on all securities. R. I. Eckerson & Co., room 5, Washington bldg. Phone Pac 1&3L MONEY LOANED IN SUMS OF $5 AND up on all kinds of security. W. A. Hatha way, room 10. Wash. bldg. Padflo 1832. LOANS ON FURNITURE. PIANOS AND other securities; lowest rates. S. W. King, room 45. Wash. bldg. Phone Main 6100. WANTED TO BORROW. $1000 ON EAttT Side place for three years at 7 per cent interest. , Address F 20, Oregonlan. MORTGAGE LOANS AT CURRENT RATES; no commission. Columbia Life A Trust Company, Lumber Exchange bldg. A PRIVATE PARTY HAS $7500 TO LOAN in sums to ml at 5 or 6 pvr cent on West Side real estate. T 61, Oregonian. WANTED, FROM PRINCIPALS DIRECT. $1000 loan on Improved real estate; title perfect. O 64, Oregonian. WILL SELL OR EXCHANGE STUDIO camera cn lot or for sewing machine. 1675 E. 13th St., Sellwood. WANTED TO BORROW. FROM PRIVATE parties, $500 on Improved city property. D 70. Oregonlan. - WANTED $1500 ON GOOD IMPROVED real estate security. 2 or 3 years. G 60, Oregonian. $ 1500 OF TRUST MONEY TO LOAN ON good city property, 6 per cent. H 65j Oregonlan. $1000 TO $4000 TO LOAN ON IMPROVED city property. No agents. Address P. O. Box 548. State funds loaned, 6 per of. W. E. Thomas, state sgx.v Multnomah Co., 409 C. of Com.. MONEY TO LOAN ON ALL KINDS OF S3, curlty.- Win. Ho 11, -rm. 9. Washington bldg. $500,000 TO LOAN AT 5 AND 6 PER CENT. Wm. G. Beck, room 812 Failing bldg. ON MORTGAGE $200 TO $3000. COST PA pers only. Ward, Lawyer. Alisky bldg. WILL LOAN $3000 OR LESS 6 PER CENT real estate. Farrington. 3ia Fenton bldg. A LOAN FOR THE ASKING SALARY OR chattel. The Loan Co.. 410 Dekum bldg. $8O0O TO LOAN for term of years; very low Interest. Room 9, Washington bldg. FINANCIAL. ?$$?$$$$$$$ SALARY LOANS $?$$$ $$$$$$$$;$$ ON PLAIN NOTES S.$i$$$$$ $10. $20, $30, 40, $oO, T$S $$$$$$$ $tH. $70. $100- $$$$ $&$$ Cheapest and best place to BORROW MONEY. "ABSOLUTELY NO Shil'lKU'I." Ixwest rates; easiest payments $ REBATE given if paid before due. $ $ , REMEMBER. . $ $ - If you work $ $ WE WILL LOAN YOU MONEY. $ $ Everything strictly confidential. $ $$$ WHAT MORE COULD YOU ASK? $$$ $$$$ Hours, 8 A- M. to 6 P. M. $f$ Sat. eve. till 8 o'clock. $$4$$$ STATE SECURITY CO. $??$$ 704 Dekum bldg. $9$.$$$$$$$$W$$f$$$$$ THERE ARE MANY PLANS. But It will pay you to leaxn ours When you ar In need of "Ready Cash." We can help you and wltaout publicity. Ton can get the mcney you need from as on your salary and repay in small payments suited to your own clrcumstancea It costs you nothing to call on us and we assure you of courteous treatment, whether yota borrow or not. Open Tuesday and (Satur day until 6 P. M. HUTTON CREDIT CO., 512 (Fifth Floor) Dekum Bldg. LOANS MADE TO SALARIED PBOPLg holding permanent positions and respon sible firms; easy payments and strictly confidential; also CHATTEL LOANS on personal property; rooming-bouses a specialty. ' NEW ERA LOAN TRUST COMPANY. 205 Ablngton Building. THE CRESCENT LOAN CO., 428 MOHAWK blag. Loans to salaried employes on note, without mortgage; easy payments. Month. IX -month. Week. $60 Repay to us.... $13.33 or $0.05 or $3.35 $25 Repay to us $ 6.25 or $3.50 or $165 $15 Repay to us $ 4.00 or $2.00 or $100 We meet any rate, time or terms. Main S04L THE STAR LOAN COMPANY. Any salaried employe, wage-earner, can ret on his note, without mortgage ( con fidential. Month. A -month. Week. $50 Repay to us.. $13.83 or $6.65 or $3.35 $25 Repay to us..$ 6.65 or $3.20 or $1.05 $15 Repay to us. $ 4.00 or $2.00 or $1.00 210 M KAY BLDG.. 102 THIRD. MONEY TO LOAN. On Improved city property or for build log purposes. ' for from S to 10 years time. with Drivtlege to reuay all or part of loan after two years. Loans approved from plans ana money aavancea as ouiiaing Fred H. SVong, financial agent, 42 Stark street. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accordion plaiting. MISs O. GOULD. 517 SWETLAND BLDG. Accordion and knife plaiting and pinking. Accountants. GEO. T. MUTTON, 818 CHAMBER COM merce. Phone Main 3681. General account ing and auditing business. Attorneys. A. H. TANNER. ATTORNEY AT LAW, room 609 Commercial block, 2d and Wash ington streets, rnone Main 1440. Aesayers and Analysts. GREENLEY & CRAWFORD. ANALYTICAL chemists, mining engineers. 204 Wash ington sr. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 186 MORRI son st. Best facilities. Prices reasonable. PAUL BAUMEL. ASSAYER AND ANALYST Gold dust bought. 207 Alder st. Carpenters and Builders. W. L. Buckner, office, store nxutree. general jooDing, contracting, tfu Mtara. aiaiu ooai. Carpet Cleaning. IONB RTRAM CARPET CLEANING CO. Mattresses and feathers renovated. 221 BJ. 2lst North, cor. Ho Had ay. Phone saatoou. PACIFIC COAST CARPET RENOVATORS e clean your carpets on the noor, removing grease spots, rnone Pacific - COOKING OR SERVING DINNERS. WED- dings or banquets. Phone East 5003. Chiropody and Manicuring. WM. DEVENY A ESTELLB DEVENY, THE only scientific chiropodists, parlors 203 Drew bldg.. 162 2d st. Phone Main iwi J. LIN DELL, expert chiropodist; all instru ments eternized. 702 Marquam. main 0200. Chiropody and Pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. H11L room 330 Flledner bldg. Phone Pacino lrfo- C leaning and Dyeing. THE MADISON STEAM CLEANING AND pressing parlors; all - work guaranteed; nromnt service: reoalrlne: French dry cleaning a specialty. 247 Madison bet. 2d and od. Phone pacino luia. Jonn w. Isaker, proprietor.. BERLIN DYE WORKS SPECIALTIES French dry cleaning, steam cleaning, dyeing to sample; reasonaoie prices; prompt serv ice. 347 Zd. Main 6417. Commission Merchants. HERMAN METZGER, PURCHASER OF hides, pelts, furs, wool, mohair, tallow and rubber ana 01a metal ana general commis sion merchants. Front st., near Main. Port land. Or. Cash advanced on consignments. TAYLOR. YOUNG A CO., SHIP BROKERS and commission merchants, bherlock bldg. Portland, Or. D. C. BURNS CO., GROCERS AND COM- mission merchants, 210 3d st. Dancing. DANCING LESSONS. 2 Cc. classes or nrtvate waltzing, two-step, three-step, etc.; stage dancing, buck and wing. clog. reeL skirt, Spanish. Highland fling, etc. Prof. Wal Wilson, Aiisxy biag., sa-Mornson. Woodward's Dancing School class. Moil, Tnur., eat. eves.; 0 assistants private les sens daily: social, fancy and sten danc ing taught. 2d and Morrison. Pacific 1630. PROF. RINQLER, MISS BUCKENMEYBR leading school dally ; new hail, best in city, urana ave. ana ej. Morrison, is 001 v. MATTINGLY ACADEMY OF DANCING, 269 14th, near jetrerson. rnon Main 8803. Dos; and Horse Hospital. Dr. C E. Brown. D. V. 8.. D C. M. Dor horse hospital. 106 N. 6th st Union Trans Co Gasoline Engines. GASOLINE ENGINES, ALL SIZES AND styles, at lowest prices; also repairing. Reierson Machinery Co 182-4-6 Morrison Hat Factories. PANAMA HATS BLEACHED. BLOCKED, for $1; hats made to order. 54 3d. nr. Pine. Harness and Saddles. THE GEORGE LAWRENCE CO.. WHOLE sale saddle, and harness mfs., leather and saddlery naraware. su-eo 1st. Main xzo. Junk, Hides and Felts. L. 8 HANK A CO., PURCHASERS OF hides, pelts, wool, furs, tallow, old rub bers, metais ana sacas. six Tont su Leather and Findings. ..LK.k.Jff IBKfi . Iatha, an4 n.ln.. IBUIlsUeU A uwu. & uu UUUlil.J , Stockton sole leather and cut stock; full CHAS. L. MASTICK A CO., FRONT AND scriptlon for all purposes; sols and tap .iiitara' flndlnrm Machinery. B. TRENKMAN A CO., MINING, SAWMILL, logging macninery, nyarauuc pipes, cast ings, ail ainas repairea. 104 p.. tn. Northwest Vlavt Company. Til ford bldg., 10th and Morrtsonsts. "Health Talks" to women Thursday at 2:80 P. M. Osteopathia Physicians. DR. R. B. NORTHRUP. 415-16-17 Dekum bldg. Third and Washington sts. Phone, office. Main 349. Residence. Mali; 1503. Residence, East 1028. DR. JAS. M. SMITH,- GRADUATE OSTEO pathic College, Klrksville, Mo.f specialist diseases of women; deafness, goitre, rheu- . mat Ism treated successfully. 513-14 Buchanan bldg., 9H wasa. st. -uuiie noma jl 1420. DR. ARNOLD LIND8A1, GRADUATE) OF the osteopamic inei 01 jvirs-sviiie. Mo., who is a specialist on rheumatism, atom. ach and all female diseases. Office 410 Failing Diag., cor. w vvasn. .racinc 1862. DR. L- B- SMITH. PIONEER OSTEOPATH of Oregon.- graduate Klrkvllle, Mo. 409 Oregonlan Diag. Mam 1.12; res. Mala 2732, BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Spiritualists. WITH THIS PAPER AD YOU WILL SAVE $4.00 A FEW DAYS ONLY. -A SPECIAL $5 READING FOR $L ALWAYS CONSULT THE BEST. i.. PROF. E. KHIMO, VZjRAL' DEAD TRANCE CLAIRVOT NO CHARGE IF NOT SATISFIED Jii READING 18 OVER YOU TO BB J L1 DG E, ir,DOHEREB SOLEMNLY AGRE18 GUARANTEE to make no charge If to-call you by name In full, names 01 your friends, enemies or rivals. I prom-KJ-i?!.111 Whether your husband, wife or to !?rt u tru or teU on h?w i... the l0Te ot the one you most de esXt .Ven thoeh miles away; how to sun. v!r .'n business, speculation, lawsuits; t T-Amarry the one of your choice; how m.riIn..youth- health and vitality. R KStf y" '"fluweea, cures drink habits. eurV- .fewures, mines and oil wUs t AJvl nervo" diseasea TO T;iLL DO ALL OTHERS ADVERTlSa u 0, AND A GREAT DEAL MORS- BTTARPETT EJTIRE WORLD HAS BEEN THP ttx-?D WIT THE POWERS OF TJfcSEEN FORCES X HAVE AT Ut w2hBf.AKE! I will prove It to yo without price by giving you a fcv FREE TEST FREE, i ti-? NAME TOLD (IN TOLI-V ;o.fT ?".HAT U CAME FOR, and gtvs, i ou advice absolutely FREE before yott v?J ra l hav a dlnn, WHO CAN OR cJhh DO MORE TO CONVINCE THB !K7,tC7 1)0 NOT MISS THIS OP 22TNITT' AS IT WILL NOT BB OF-; FERED YOU AGAIN. ' Oo not hesitate, delay Is danierottsl ome at once and find out: How can I marry well? . How can I have good luckf ow can I control any oneT How can I conquer my rival f How can I settle my quarrel? ow can I succeed in business T How can I conquer my enemies? How can I get a good position T ' Jow Can 1 keep my wife's love? gow can I make my home happy T How can I remove bad Influences? How can I make any one iove me? How can I hold my husband's love? How can I marry the one I chooeef , How can X make distant ones thlnlc o me? 1 HOURS 10 TO 8 DAILY AND SUNDAXij . PROF. S. KHIMO. , i Parlors No. S and 4 Grand Theater Bldg 8o2H Washington near Park st. Phons Main 1267. ! CONSULT THE BEST IT WILL PROVH CHEAPEST IN THE END. FREE TEST I FREE TEST! . Take this advertisement to PROF. D. NIBLO. w 80314 Washington st. .1 He will give you a test of his wonderful 1 CLAIRVOYANT POWERS by telling U your name in full, free of charge, and give you advice before you decide to have a reading, and then if you think he has the f lower to read your past, present and future Ife, he will give you hts wonderful DEEP PSYCHIC J5 READING FOR SI. This weeie only. He tells you who you are, where you come from, how many members there are In, your family, what your occupation ls, and what It should be; what your ailments are, -now to cure them, where you will be most successful and why; whit your health will be all through life; hov.- much wealth you will possess, if any; who it is that causes you trouble and how to overcome It; if your : mine contains ore, and to what extent; how to control those you love and admire; where your lost ones are; what you should invest In to be successful. In fact, no matter what you wish to know or what to do, he will ac-j compllsh it for you or charge nothing. Hours 0 A. M. to 9 P. M. 303 WASHINGTON 6T., '' Opposite Olds, Wort man A King. MME. ADWARD, SPIRITUALIST MEDIUM, j can he consulted 00 business, lawsuits, love, matrimony, unites the separated, no matter the die tan ce or cause; satisfaction guaran teed; reading 60 cents, dally and Sunday. Moved to the Lewis bldg., 350 Morrison, cor. Park st. Elevator second floor. Parlors 8 and 4. : JOHN SLATER THE MARVELOUS PLAT-' form test medium, will hold a grand test seance tonight at 8:15 sharp. Woodmen of World Hall. 11th and Alder. Mr. Slater will devote the entire evening to tests and messages, with full names, etc.; also will answer sealed written questions; corns early. MRS. WALLACE, 25 YEARS PORTLAND'S most reliable medium; all In trouble call and get her valuable advice on all affairs of' life, business, love troubles; absent friends a specialty. Room 72. Lewis bldg..1 860 H Morrison st. Hours & A. M. to g P. M. MRS. S. B. SE1P Psych ometrist. Prophetic Spiritual Life Reader, reliable in every de tail, 10 to 8, 8"2 Allsky bldg. Circles Tue.B Wed., Thur., Fri., 8 P. M., 20c Pac 28W. PAST PRESENT AND FUTURE RE vealed ; readings confidential ; satisfaction guaranteed; price 20o and up. Wanda, 229 6th st. PROF. WALLACE. Portland's oldest clairvoyant, palmist, me dium; readings 60c &41V Morrison, cor. 7th, MRS. C CORNELIUS, test medium; sittings dally. 843 hi Yamhill. Phone Pacific 19tf7. Mrs. Stevens, Portland's reliable palmist and MISS MAY ANDREWS, CARD READING, 25c. 235 6th st., corner Main. MRS. SHAVER. SPIRITUAL READER. 42a Burnslde St., corner 10th. Mining Brokers. PROSPECTOR OWNING RICH PLACER claims, also large mineralized dyke carrying; high copper and gold values, desires to hear from parties who would share in expense of further development for substantial Interest in same. Particulars EL A. Clem, 251 Aider st., Portland, Or. . COEUR D-ALENB AND NEVADA MININO stocks I am always in the market to buy . , or sell any first-class stocks or bonds. List your stocjks with me. Get my prices before buying or selling. Loans made on listed securities. T. P. Brown, 10 Wash. bldg. MusfcaL PROF. J. H. EVEREST. INSTRUCTOR OF violin, cornet and French horn ; orches tras furnished. Phone East 1625. Studio, Western Academy of Music, 2d and Mor rison sta PIANO LESSONS; TERMS, $5 A MONTH. 269 14th, near Jefferson. Tel. Main 3Wi Monuments. MONUMENTAL BRONZE CO. Most dur able grave headstones. Room 12, 266 Stark. Patent Lawyers. R. C. WRIGHT. DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN patents; infringement cases. 604 Dekum. Fainting and Papernanging. For reliable work, reasonable prices Sheehy Bros., 282 Yamhill, near 4th. Main 3071. Paints. Oils and Glass. RASMUSSEN A CO.. JOBBERS, paints, oils glass, sash and doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor F. E. Beach A Co., the Pioneer Paint Co W indow glass and glazing, 135 1st. M. 133? Rubber Stamps. ALSO SEALS, STENCILS. TEL SLUGS, BA checks, etc Coast Co.. 231 Stark, Tel. 140 P. C. STAMP WORKS, 249 Alder St. Rubber stamps, seals, stencils, checks, brass signs. Typewriters. New Typewriters, all makes, rented, sold and repaired. Coast Agency, 241 Stark st. TeL 1407. Sewing Machines. AH kinds sewing machines repaired, guar anteed. 6. Sams, S61 8d. Tel. Pacific 273.1. Bbowcases, Bank and 8 tor Fixtures. B, H. Birds all, designer; agent M. Winter Lumber Co., T Hamilton bldg. Main 5330. PORTLAND SHOWCASE A FIXTURE CO.. 848 1st st, near Market, Phone Pedflo 1620. THE LUTKE MANUFACTURING CO., COB. 6th and Hoyt. Phons Main 1408. Storage and Transfer. SAFES, PIANOS AND FURNITURE MOVED, packed ready for shipping and shipped; all work guaranteed; large 8-story brick fire proof warehouse for storage. Office 209 Oais st. C M- Olaen. Phone Main 547 C. O. PICK, OFFICE 88 1ST, BET. STARK and Oak. Phone 596- Pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipment; commodi ous brick warehouse, with separate iron rooms. Front and Clay sts. Safes. DIEBOLD Manganese and fireproof safes; lockouts opened; metal fixtures, vault and Jail work; jacks. J. E. Davis. 66 3d. Mai 1635. SECOND-HAND SAFES FOR SALE; GREAT bargain. 70 6th at.. tt. Oak and Pine. Sign Painting. 8IGNB ("That Attract.") Portland 61gn Co.. 287 Btark. Fad. 1594. Wholesale Grocers. Y, J ALLEN A LEWIS. WHOLESALE GROCERY, A oir. N. Front and Davis sts.. Portland